irclog2html for #elinux on 20030210

01:15.34*** join/#elinux andersee (
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01:16.53sorphinandersee: allo erik
01:19.34anderseesorphin: "Did you say 'hello'?"  "No, I said 'allo', but thats close enough"
01:20.15filesorphin: just like you do with everyone?
01:21.14sorphin2 diff types of ne2k cards
01:21.25sorphinboth give the same errors
01:21.43sorphintons of timeout waiting for TX RDC, Hw. address read/write mismap and mismatched read page pointers # vs #
01:39.02MonMothaanyone know if linksys sells replacement antennas for their APs?
01:39.21collordsomeone makes much better replacements
01:39.44collord5 dbi
01:40.08MonMothawell, I'd just like to replace the one that my cat just put a bunch of holes in
01:40.14MonMothapreferably withotu spending tons of money
02:01.25MonMothaoddly enough, my onboard sound doesn't suck...very good SNR
02:02.10fileMonMotha: but... that's against the laws of nature
02:03.58MonMothafile: it's actually a separate device, just happens to be onboard
02:04.07MonMothait's basically a creative labs Sound Blaster 128
02:04.11fileahhhh ic
02:04.18MonMotha00:10.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 04)
02:04.31MonMothaI have an authentic (non Vibra) SB16
02:04.39filewhat's the difference?
02:04.42MonMothathe original, complete with jumpers and onboard IDE/SB CD
02:04.59MonMothait's not Plug-n-Pray, among other things
02:05.10fileoh ic
02:05.12filethe Vibra is...
02:07.41MonMothayes, especially the Pray part
02:07.51fileit's nice :)
02:08.06filea simple "modprobe sb" and I have sound
02:08.38MonMothayou didn't have the pleasure of getting it to work on 2.2 kernels with the isapnp utils
02:08.44MonMothayou just have kernel isapnp suppot
02:16.01sorphinguess i get to build a flash programmer
02:24.23sorphinstupid piece of crap
03:19.35*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
03:40.55*** join/#elinux Tigren (
03:44.16Tigrenanyone home?
03:44.53file[laptop]I am at home.
03:45.49MonMothasorphin: yes, JTAG would be nice
03:46.01MonMothasorphin: do you have a design for a flash programmer?
03:46.06Tigrenwhat is the least amount of resources i need to run a small CLI?
03:46.21MonMothaI have one that could be modded to do 16 bit wide ROMs (just add a few octal flip-flops in to make a shift register)
03:46.29MonMothaTigren: define resources
03:46.41MonMothanon volitile storage, RAM, processing power, etc
03:46.47Tigrenwell, i have a cassiopeia a-11
03:46.59Tigrenisnt too powerful
03:48.29MonMothawhat specs tho?
03:48.47MonMothaand I assume your objective is to run uClinux on it (I'm guessing it lacks an MMU)
03:48.55TigrenYa, ofcourse
03:49.10TigrenOS version: Handheld PC ~ WinCE 1.0
03:49.10TigrenCPU: Hitachi SH3 @ 40MHz
03:49.10TigrenRAM / ROM: 4MB / 4MB
03:49.10TigrenSize & Weight: 7.09 x 3.54 x 0.79 inches, 13.4oz
03:49.10Tigren180 x 90 x 20 mm, 380g
03:49.11TigrenDisplay: FSTN, 480 x 240, 4 greyscales
03:49.13TigrenCommunications: Serial cable
03:49.17TigrenIrDA @ 115.2Kb
03:49.19TigrenAudio: Mono Speaker
03:49.21TigrenInput: Touch screen
03:49.23TigrenPower: 2x AA, 25 hours
03:49.25TigrenExpansions: PC Card Type II
03:49.26MonMothaI thought SH had an MMU
03:49.30Tigrennot sure
03:49.34Tigrendont no anything about it
03:49.36Tigrenit is real old
03:49.37MonMothaneedless to say that's plenty
03:49.46Tigrenpicked it up for 10 bux at a garage sale
03:50.19MonMothathe 4MB RAM might be cutting it a bit close, so you'll have to be careful
03:50.27MonMothathe biggest issue is that it's probably a mask rom
03:50.36MonMothaso no way to load another OS onto it without replacing the chip
03:50.44Tigrenreplacing the chip?
03:51.09sorphinMonMotha: heh
03:51.11MonMothaunless it's programmable, which it probably isn't in that kind of deice
03:51.11Tigrenit also has a pcmcia slot, so you can put stuff on a cf card perhaps
03:51.18MonMothastill have to be able to boot it
03:51.39MonMothayou might be able to hack together a program to bootstrap from the built in OS
03:51.44sorphinMonMotha: might get anotehr webpal and boot it into the gdb trick, swap the simm and flash that way, then i know i can get away with howswap
03:51.46sorphinhotswap even
03:51.51sorphinsince the programmer is in memory
03:52.22MonMothasorphin: well, I'll be building a ROM programmer soon (gunna be etching the boards myself probably)
03:52.31MonMothaI might be able to run you off one once I get it done
03:52.31sorphinMonMotha: define soon ;p
03:52.40MonMothasoon == within a couple months :)
03:52.57MonMothaI've got the hardware design almost done, haven't started on the board but it's pretty simple
03:53.02sorphinwell, won't help me right atm, but sure, i'll take a board when they're ready
03:53.05MonMothauses PC pport in EPP mode
03:53.13MonMothaI'll need som ehelp writing the software tho
03:53.16TigrenMonMotha: so the possibility of getting linux running on this device is slim to none without actually puttiong in a new chip?
03:53.30MonMothaTigren: your only hope would be to bootstrap from within the built in OS
03:53.38MonMothawhich is sometimes possible, especially if the OS doesn't use the MMU
03:54.04MonMothaso basically, you turn it on, upload a prog to it using the sync software, run that, then it loads linux from somwhere (like a CF card)
03:54.25Tigrenright right
03:54.41sorphinMonMotha: sucks they had to use such a stupid setup
03:55.29sorphinMonMotha: i dunno how this thing even bricked, wasn't even touching the bootloader part of the flash this time
03:57.27MonMothasorphin: well, at least they socketed it
03:57.40MonMothait's more cirrus's fault for not including somethign like JTAG
03:57.55MonMothaI would have liked them to bring BYTE out to a pin though
03:58.00MonMothaso an 8 bit programmer couldbe used
03:58.29sorphinMonMotha: nod
03:58.44sorphinMonMotha: well, socketing doesn't mean much when it uses a funky pinout anyways :P
03:59.13MonMothasorphin: yeah, I'm going to have to put a custom SIMM socket on the board
03:59.21MonMothaof course it will have standard DIP and such too
03:59.30MonMothaas well as some of the other socketable things
03:59.38MonMothaI might make it able to burn the atmel chip too
04:00.24sorphintoo bad my cisco simm won't work..
04:00.29file[laptop]goodnight everyone
04:03.27MonMothasorphin: the problem is this flash programmer has like $50 worth of 74 series glue logic on it (when bought in small quantities, <10)
04:03.31MonMothathat's a lot of glue logic
04:03.44MonMothapartly because it's designed to burn just about anything, flash, EPROM, etc
04:04.21sorphinonly need to get it so i can flash 1 back to original, so i can do the GDB trick
04:04.26sorphinthen i can flash the other
04:04.37MonMothasorphin: I can send you my current design, feel free to suggest improvements (me having little experience in this field, I'm sure you have some ideas to simplify it)
04:05.12sorphinMonMotha: is it as hard to read as the last thing you sent me? ;)
04:05.39MonMothasorphin: yep, probably the same thing in fact
04:05.49MonMothajust with some improvements, and a couple logic flaws fixed
04:06.47sorphinor if i had something else w/ flash that i could write to a simm temporarily
04:07.35MonMothabtw, is there a limit on the size of what you can upload with the rdp?
04:08.46sorphini dunno
04:13.35MonMothaI ask because I tried just uploading a kernel image (kernel on clps7500 can self boot, ala x86) and it eventually came back with an error during upload
04:28.15MonMothasorphin: this version should be a dream to program compared to my old design (EPP, only thing the app has to do is worry about timing as the device acks immediately, ebfore the rom is actually going to be done)
04:28.22MonMothahowever, of course the hardware is a lot more complex
04:56.32*** part/#elinux Tigren (
05:21.38sorphinMonMotha: nod
05:21.57sorphinthis one bricked just liek teh last one.. doing an upload and suddenly starts checksum erroring
05:23.20MonMothawell, I'll try to get this design done by the end of the week
05:24.41sorphinleast they coulda done is used a normal DIP flash :P
05:24.46sorphinlike any self respecting motherboard ;p
05:25.21sorphinor atleast used a cpu w/ jtag ;p
05:27.23sorphinstill thinking of maybe wiring some other sort of flash device if i can
05:28.37MonMothawell, if they had put in two flash chips, one DIP socketed one (for the boot area) and then a SMT one (for most of the data)
05:28.48MonMothabasically, enough to allow yout o remove the boot flash and program it with a bootloader
05:28.57MonMothathese things weren't meant to be hacked on at all though
05:29.35sorphinif we could atleast have made the boot area protectable like on the tux
05:29.52MonMothahum, do these chips have protection?
05:29.54MonMothathey might
05:30.30MonMothayes they do
05:30.38MonMothaI will have to include that in my BLOB port
05:31.16MonMothabtw, what is the difference between flash and EEPROM?
05:31.53sorphini'm still a bit pissed about blob :P
05:31.55sorphinstupid xmodem
05:32.04MonMothawhat's wrong with xmodem?
05:32.21sorphindoesn't work over telnet like ymodem and zmodem do, but of course that's what's in blob :P
05:32.41MonMothahum, I'll see if I can borrow some ymodem code from the OHH loader
05:32.48MonMothait even supports ymodem-g
05:33.01sorphinas for your question
05:33.08sorphineeprom has a size limit for one thing :P
05:33.14sorphinthe structure too
05:34.31sorphinMonMotha: look at the diskonchip
05:34.39sorphinit's flash, but it's made to emulate an eeprom
05:34.52sorphinpin wise, etc
05:36.42MonMothahum, nm
05:36.48MonMothacan't do protections on the flash in this sucker
05:36.52MonMothaneeds 12V on OE and A9
05:37.18MonMothayou'd have to protect it in special hardware since those pins aren't brought out to anywhere (and they're directly connected to the proc outputs, which probably wouldn't like having 12V applied to them)
05:37.54MonMothawe could draw up some special SIMMs I guess...but you'd still have to protect the proc
05:39.30sorphinthought about wiring in reverse to get one of em flashed too
05:39.40sorphinsince i have plenty of non simm flashable devices
05:40.04sorphin'don't have a simm socket tho
05:40.19MonMothawell, I'll see what I can do about getting this flash programmer made
05:40.48MonMothashall I make it handle 32 bit ROMs for completeness's sake (and to burn the rare/upgraded 2MB webpal simms)?
05:41.21sorphinup to you, depends on how much more it would add
05:42.10MonMothawell, since I'm etching the boards, board realestate isn't a big deal...and the parts will probably consist of 2 more 74574s and a couple more 74244s
05:42.24MonMothahowever, I can only etch boards so big
05:42.32MonMothaand all the extra traces may pose a problem
05:42.40MonMothathing is, it has to handle 16 bit anyway
05:42.51MonMotha8bit is easiest, but BYTE isn't brought out on the webpal simms
05:42.59MonMotha(tied high to force 16 bit operation)
05:58.17MonMothathey don't happen to make bi-directional octal flip-flops, do they (ala 74245)? :)
05:58.46sorphinyou ask that and mention the 74245 like it is one, make up your mind :P
05:59.29MonMothaoh, sorry
05:59.36MonMothathe 245 is a bidirectional buffer
05:59.43MonMothathe webpal has a couple
05:59.58MonMotha(remember, I'm making this damned flash burner using entirely 74 series logic)
06:00.24sorphinheh, atleast they used the 'standard pinout' amd chip and not the reverse one :P
06:00.38MonMothamine has a fujitsu chip
06:00.45sorphinsame thing
06:00.57sorphinmine's a fujitsu too
06:01.04sorphinbut the chip is the same
06:01.11sorphinfujitsu vs amd
06:01.18MonMothahum, time to think of a better way to do this
06:01.22MonMotha8 buffers is a few too many
06:01.34sorphingee. ya think? :P
06:01.47MonMothawell, my original idea would have needed like 16
06:02.01MonMothaplus 4 flip flops
06:02.01sorphinno wonder it was so cluttered :P
06:02.09MonMothaI took out some crap that wasn't needed
06:02.12sorphinnow where's ken/tomw when you need them :P
06:02.27MonMothait's much nicer now, and more usable (you can write only one byte of the address, speeding up sequential writes/reads)
06:02.33MonMothalets, see here
06:02.37MonMothaI can just use 8 flip flops
06:02.58MonMothathe problem is that the data bus is bidirectional (of course)
06:03.15MonMothaand most 74 series parts aren't (245 being an exception)
06:03.44MonMothayes, you write the software :)
06:03.52MonMothaI thought you were a EE, you should know this crap :)_
06:04.13sorphini'm an EE that doesn't to much EE these days :P
06:04.21sorphinfor the tivo crap
06:04.41sorphinworks w/ atmel and SST PLCC chips
06:04.45MonMothalet me guess, you work in management now
06:05.02sorphinno, app support and sys admin
06:05.10sorphinand severely underpaid
06:05.22MonMothaa EE working as a sysadmin
06:05.28sorphinnot really
06:05.35sorphinsince i prefer doing sysadmin shit ;p
06:05.36MonMothadepends on what you do as a sysadmin I geuss
06:05.41MonMothaah, that works too
06:05.44sorphinall unix ;p
06:06.33sorphinman their programming table sucks
06:07.27MonMothabtw, whatever you do when making software for this thing I'm building
06:07.32MonMothado NOT try to do an address read :)
06:08.02MonMothait's like crossing the streams
06:08.03MonMothadon't do it :)
06:08.38MonMotha(there are times it won't break anything, though it won't return anything useful EVER)
06:09.02sorphinthe tivo flash is 3.3v..
06:09.06MonMothaif you have it set up to do a data read (data from the rom) and you try an address read, you'll end up with two things contending for the bus I do believe
06:09.10sorphinthere goes using it's capability to flash this thing
06:09.18MonMothaif you build this with 3.3v tolerant parts and use 3.3V vcc it will work
06:10.01MonMothaHCT can directly drive both TTL/LS and CMOS, right?
06:14.04sorphinthought it was only 1
06:16.17MonMothaHCTs are CMOS devices with TTL drive capability
06:16.20MonMothalet me check the datasheet
06:17.38MonMothadamn NFS
06:18.24sorphinthe webpals didn't like either ne2k card i had
06:18.29sorphindunno why
06:19.36MonMothacheck the IRQ?
06:20.17sorphinit detects it
06:20.58sorphintons of timeout waiting for TX RDC, Hw. address read/write mismap and mismatched read page pointers # vs #   <---- as i've said a few times now
06:23.09MonMothahum, dunno
06:26.43sorphinjus figured out
06:27.22sorphinmy sparc classic had (i never did rung the memconf script on it to find the layout), it had 48M (which i knew).. just found out it was 2x16 and 4x4
06:28.09sorphinso just picked up 2 16M 72 pinners now
06:34.36MonMothaactually, you know what I need
06:34.41MonMothaI need a 32 to 8 multiplexer
06:35.25MonMothaunforunately, that doesn't exist in 74 series logic...4000 maybe?
06:35.45MonMothaprobably not
06:36.02sorphini dunno, search?
06:37.18sorphinthis thing has too many addr lines :P
06:37.22MonMothaattempting to
06:37.30sorphinit's the same size as the xbox bios too
06:37.36sorphinkergoth: wow, you're awake
06:38.04kergothbeen awake plenty, just avoid computer shit on the weekends
06:38.15MonMothaaddress lines?  it's the damn data lines that's the problem
06:38.23sorphinMonMotha: 19 addr lines :P
06:38.37sorphinkergoth: heh, bricked my 2nd webpal, while trying to sort out ethernet issues :P
06:39.13MonMothasorphin: 32 data lines!
06:39.20MonMothathought I guess it really only has 16 that I need to worry about
06:39.32MonMothathe address lines are fine since they're not bidirectional
06:39.36MonMothaa simple shift register takes care of them
06:40.18MonMothathere is a 74604, 16 to 8 multiplexer
06:40.40MonMothaI'd still need a counter or something to make it behave like a shift register
06:40.46MonMotha(such a counter, 1 bit :)
06:41.04MonMothaok, so I could use a single flip flop :)
06:41.13sorphinMonMotha: the reason i bitched about the addr lines
06:41.20sorphinis everything else i have that uses flash
06:41.22sorphinis smaller
06:41.38MonMotha19 address lines isn't too bad
06:41.40sorphinso i can't very well hook up addr lines that don't exist
06:42.10MonMothathere shouldn't be only 19
06:42.20MonMothathere should be fewer than 19
06:42.21sorphinthere are
06:42.30sorphinit's an 8 mbit chip
06:42.47MonMothayes, but it has a 16 bit wide data bus
06:42.59MonMothaso you only need to address 1M locations
06:43.02sorphinok, i dunno where i got 19
06:43.06MonMothaer 512k
06:43.25MonMothathat's 17
06:43.36sorphineither or :P
06:43.52sorphinthe atmel uses A0-A16 too
06:44.06MonMothamy burner can handle 24 address lines tho
06:44.24MonMothaand you can keep slapping flip flops on to get insane things like 64 bit address busses :)
06:44.32sorphinnot enough
06:44.35MonMothait's the data bus that's the problem since it's bidirectional
06:45.10sorphinthere goes using a tivo
06:45.20sorphinonly 1/2 the needed data lines
06:45.25MonMothaln(1024^2/16)/ln(2) == 16
06:45.30MonMothasee, it works :)
06:45.44MonMothaif it were 8 bits wide, it would be easy
06:45.47MonMothaas the pport is 8 bits
06:45.59MonMothaif they had brought the damn BYTE line out to the header
06:46.09sorphinso bring it out yourself :P
06:46.11MonMothacould ahve even been a no connect on the board (just put a pull up on it)
06:46.14MonMothaI've thought about it
06:46.22MonMothawould make it a lot easier, just need another address line
06:46.27MonMotha(which I've got 21)
06:46.29MonMothaer 24
06:47.05sorphinthis cisco flash simm is 4M
06:47.10sorphinw/ 4 chips
06:47.15sorphini can't find the damn pinouts for the chips tho
06:47.17sorphinstupid intel
06:52.35sorphinthink i found it
06:54.14sorphindamn thing is only 40 pins tho
06:55.25sorphinand different of course
06:55.52*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
06:56.13sorphinand there's mr picogui/pong
06:58.50MonMothaI wonder if anyone makes 74604s
06:58.54MonMothaseems like no
06:59.53MonMothaI'm trying to keep my chip count the data bus part below 10 :)
07:00.18MonMothaif they made bidirectional flip flops (74574 but bidirectional), it would be easy (would take 4 chips)
07:02.03MonMothaactually nm
07:02.06MonMothaeven that wouldn't do it
07:02.14MonMothawell, I guess it woudl
07:09.00MonMothaactually no it wouldn't :)
07:32.36*** join/#elinux TimRiker (timr@
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15:04.11CosmicPenguinmorning folks
15:04.14CosmicPenguinandersee: you awake?
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15:16.33sievemorning all
15:20.23CosmicPenguinmorning sieve
15:22.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: what up?
15:25.07sorphinnot me nor my webpals
15:29.26CosmicPenguinsorphin: damn
15:29.36CosmicPenguinsorphin: my local electronics shop didn't have the damn RS232 chip
15:29.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: now you know why i maxim sampled :P
15:29.54CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah
15:29.55sorphinstill got one left
15:29.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: I gotta order them today
15:30.05sorphinneed a 3rd webpal tho :P
15:30.11sorphinboth to recover the other 2
15:30.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: luckly (or sadly, depending on your point of view), I am too damn busy to play
15:30.16sorphinand to use this 3rd chip ;p
15:30.33sorphinwell, both my webpals are now bricked, and i'm sick ;p
15:30.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: bad day, eh?
15:31.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: it's monday ;p
15:32.15*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
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15:32.35sorphinand speak of the POS devil
15:32.37sorphinand he appears
15:32.42CosmicPenguinThere is the man, the myth the legend himself
15:32.52CosmicPenguinIts prpplague the white!
15:32.57prpplagueho ho freakin ho
15:33.04sorphinprpplague: yo
15:33.10sorphinprpplague: guess what i did this weekend?
15:33.56prpplaguesorphin: lost your virginity?
15:33.57sorphinprpplague: bricked both webpals :P
15:34.11sorphinstupid checksum error
15:34.11prpplaguesorphin: how?
15:34.24sorphinwasn't even touching the bootloader on the 2nd one when it did it
15:34.36prpplaguesorphin: need me to ship you an extra flash sim?
15:35.11pattiejaanybody hacked the new Intel Internet appliance I just found on
15:35.26pattiejait's called the Intel dot Station
15:35.27sorphinpattieja: prolly not since you haven't told us what it is ;)
15:35.27prpplaguepattieja: url?
15:35.49pattiejaanyway, only $199.99
15:36.47CosmicPenguinheh - its already been hacked.. ;)
15:36.59sorphinprpplague: actually was gonna see if you'd gotten your pallet in yet and/or invented your flasher yet, but a simm would do.. tho.. the *only* way i can think of to recover it w/ a spare flashed simm, is the gdb trick and hot swapping..
15:37.14pattiejaCosmicPenguin: cool!
15:37.32pattiejaI didn't think it would be that difficult, as it is already running Linux (or at least KDE 3)
15:37.36pattiejawhich I would assume means Linux
15:38.00prpplaguesorphin: negative no pallet yet, they still hacen't charged my cc
15:38.08prpplaguesorphin: i think they are jerkin me around
15:38.20pattiejaCosmicPenguin: is it available on bbs site?
15:38.24CosmicPenguinpattieja: thats what I mean....  if its running KDE 3, it been hacked
15:38.36prpplaguesorphin: you can boot the webpal with a good sim and then remove the sim and put another in
15:38.38CosmicPenguinpattieja: what are you going to do, put something less on it?
15:38.38nelsonpattieja: ouch.  70 pounds.  That's gonna cost $25 shipping at least.
15:38.41pattiejaCosmicPenguin: the specs say it runs KDE 3
15:38.46CosmicPenguinpattieja: your point
15:39.02pattiejais it worth getting one?
15:39.09sorphinprpplague: i tried that, it doesn't work if you boot into the Ctrl-A programmer and then swap, it never connects to the programmer after taht point
15:39.13CosmicPenguinNot in my opinion, but I'm not a good source
15:39.26CosmicPenguinpattieja: save your money for the hackkit instead
15:39.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: that thing looks like a portable tv w/ a keyboard ;p
15:39.34prpplaguesorphin: right, thats why you use the user level app
15:40.01sorphinprpplague: which you can't do if a) it rejects both types of your ne2k cards
15:40.15sorphinb) the rootfs on the flash has a b0rked busybox
15:40.29sorphinc) have nothing else for a r00t ;)
15:40.54sorphindid read someone using a simm extender and the gdb trick tho
15:41.28sorphini was trying to flash a kernel possibly allowing ethernet to work :P
15:41.49sorphintried 2 diff brand ne2ks...
15:42.38sorphinprpplague: tons of timeout waiting for TX RDC, Hw. address read/write mismap and mismatched read page pointers # vs #   <---- as i've said a few times now ;)
15:42.48sorphinall the cards work fine elsewhere
15:42.52sorphinno dma
15:42.56sorphinProgrammed IO
15:43.10sorphin(as opposed to Shared Mem mode)
15:51.05pattiejaCosmicPenguin: what's the hackkit?
15:51.31prpplagueibot: hackkit
15:51.32from memory, hackkit is
15:51.41prpplaguepattieja: a board i'm having made
15:52.01sorphinprpplague: a much anticipated board ;)
16:00.14sorphinprpplague: any insight ?
16:00.42prpplaguesorphin: negative, i'm a little swamped at the momement
16:03.10nelsonargh.  how do I turn off the stupid message/New Call light on my tuxscreen?
16:04.00sorphinnelson: sledgehammer ;)
16:04.19CosmicPenguinnelson: answer your voice mail, and pick up the phone line again
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16:05.01nelsonhmmm...  hackkit sounds an awful lot like a skiff.
16:05.12sorphina skiff?
16:05.18nelsonCosmicPenguin: ahhhhh, I see!  It gets set because of a stutter ring.
16:05.23CosmicPenguinnelson: yeah
16:05.38nelsonsorphin: it's a small SA board that Compaq CRL made.
16:05.49CosmicPenguinnelson: I would like to change that timing, but since the line needs to be picked up to detect the stutter or not, there really is no way around it
16:06.07CosmicPenguinnelson: the skiff was the proof of concept for the Ipaq, right?
16:06.11nelsonCosmicPenguin: I have two distinctive rings, and it's responding to the ring RIIIIIIIIING ring
16:06.34nelsonCosmicPenguin: I don't think so.  The way I heard it, the CRL folks heard about the iPAQ as it was going into production test.
16:07.08CosmicPenguinnelson: I would actually prefer not to have that bad boy turn on...  what say we hack tuxphone to allow for a configuration file so we can turn that junk off
16:07.13nelsonCosmicPenguin: so my question remains ... how do I turn it off under programmatic control?  Can tuxphone do it?
16:07.49CosmicPenguinnelson: yeah, its just a configuration to the DSP.  A quick 2 second hack
16:08.23nelsonSo how come the 20020507 image doesn't come with 'wheaties'?
16:08.36nelsonCouldn't I turn it off using wheaties?
16:09.25CosmicPenguinnelson: you mean the wheaties.o driver?
16:19.58nelsonCosmicPenguin: Isn't there a program named 'wheaties' which sends bytes over to the DSP and prints the response packet?
16:20.43sorphinnelson: i've only ever seen wheaties.o
16:22.17CosmicPenguinnelson: there may have been such an app long ago, but it probably has been deprecated
16:22.51CosmicPenguinnelson: because of the nature of the DSP, the daemon is the best way to handle all the phone activity
16:23.12nelsonCosmicPenguin: ahhhhh.  So tuxphone should be doing it, then.
16:23.19nelsonFor all values of 'it'.
16:26.35sorphinnelson: basically
16:27.21CosmicPenguinsignal11: you around?
16:27.40CosmicPenguinnelson: exactly.  Its the glue that actually makes everything work
16:28.32signal11CosmicPenguin: whats up
16:29.00CosmicPenguinsignal11: do me a huge favor?  Pretend that I am way too lazy to setup spamassasin for myself....
16:29.10CosmicPenguinCould you give me a leg up and send me the config files that you use?
16:30.35sorphinkergoth: morning digiboy
16:31.01kergothhey dan, everyone else
16:52.21sievekergoth: morning
16:53.57sorphinsieve: ah, it's the other abcsinc victim
17:10.11Russandersee: why move udhcpc to /sbin?
17:38.00CosmicPenguindoes anyone else who uses apt-get from RPM know of a Ximian repository?
17:43.53CosmicPenguinI found one - but I am not sure if I dare upgrade to gnome2 or not
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17:54.05prpplaguesjhill: lo
17:55.26sjhillhi prpplague
17:55.49sjhilllo' sorphin
17:55.57sjhillhi TomW
18:11.24nelsonprpplague: if hackkit is "cheap", how cheap?
18:11.49prpplaguenelson: normaly cost for the entire dev kit will be $450
18:15.38nelsonprpplague: yow.  Not something one would casually purchase as a toy, then.
18:18.19CosmicPenguinnelson: depends on your priorities... :)
18:19.28nelsonCosmicPenguin: for that price, if I wanted to play, I'd make meself a development board for the iPAQ.  Why should CRL have all the fun??
18:20.00kergothheh, i doubt that'd be as useful as the hackkit
18:20.36CosmicPenguinnelson: Since my hardware abilities are non-existent, I'll pay the price
18:21.08kergothyeah, I need one as a learning tool as well
18:21.22TomWsjhill: hello
18:22.02prpplaguenelson: shopped around for an arm dev board lately?
18:22.04nelsonNot being a reader of German, I didn't appreciate the specs document.  What does it have on it that any other PC-104 CPU board doesn't have?
18:22.32prpplaguenelson: the hackkit will be over 50% cheaper than anything like it
18:22.37nelsonprpplague: can't say that I have.  On the other hand, depending on what you want to do, an iPAQ might make a better dev board.
18:22.55nelsonprpplague: is there a feature list in English?
18:22.59prpplaguenelson: oh ya? soldered anything to an ipaq board lately?
18:23.17prpplaguenelson: specs in english are in the works
18:24.02nelsonprpplague: I thought that soldering was passe'?  And that anything interesting came in a package so small you had no hope of hand-soldering it.
18:24.51prpplaguenelson: how do you learn the hardware if you can;t hook things together?
18:25.09prpplaguenelson: the hackkit is designed with .1" spaced headers
18:25.24prpplaguenelson: you'll be able to buy off the shelf perf board and experiment
18:25.32prpplaguenelson: no expensive equipment needed
18:26.20prpplaguenelson: not one of the currenty available dev boards can do that
18:29.10nelsonprpplague: I'll bet not.
18:31.52*** part/#elinux vosque (vavlqtii47@
18:37.51anderseeRuss: That seems to be where it is installed by the debian package, and is where it is installed on the tuxscreen
18:38.16anderseeRuss: As was, ifupdown.c would try to execute /sbin/udhcpc and would therefore fail
18:55.28prpplaguewell frell, redhat's installation program doesn't detect existing reiserfs partitions
19:04.44*** join/#elinux da-ve (~dave@
19:05.55CosmicPenguinandersee: whats up?
19:10.42anderseeCosmicPenguin: not too much
19:10.52anderseeCosmicPenguin: just kindof getting going for the day
19:14.06anderseeCosmicPenguin: you?
19:15.28prpplagueany python experts here?
19:16.43CosmicPenguinandersee: workin' hard
19:16.57CosmicPenguinandersee: whats up with uclibc?  Still sick?
19:20.11anderseeCosmicPenguin: dunno.  I fixed debugging arm binaries on friday I think it was.  I'm looking in earnest now at finding anything else that may be broken.
19:23.21CosmicPenguinandersee: the tuxscreen wouldn't boot on Friday - had to revert clear back to .14
19:23.57CosmicPenguinandersee: and several of my clients have reported problems - init seems to boot but thats the extent of it
19:25.08anderseeCosmicPenguin: the current most likely suspects are getdents* and readdir*
19:27.59CosmicPenguinandersee: anything I can do to help?
19:29.14anderseeWell, I need to see the error happening in a way I can both reproduce and debug it...
19:29.37CosmicPenguinboot the tuxscreen... :(
19:29.42anderseeCosmicPenguin: I've just finished building buildroot-tux and nfs mounted it on my phone.
19:30.10anderseeCosmicPenguin: I've got my tuxscreen boot using the snapshot from 15 January at the moment...
19:30.14CosmicPenguinandersee: debug messages show going into init, but not back out
19:39.25CosmicPenguinandersee: I'll see if I can recreate it in an x86 environment - maybe that will be easier for us to work with
19:40.19anderseeCosmicPenguin: I rebuilt the dev images on over the weekend
19:40.40anderseeCosmicPenguin: If the problem is present on x86, it should show up in there
19:40.52CosmicPenguinandersee: sweet.  I've got an extra mobo here, if I can track down a hard drive, I'll bring up my very own uclibc environment
19:41.39CosmicPenguinandersee: I do have some other jobs though, so if you find the problem, don't wait for me... :)
19:43.16anderseeCosmicPenguin: that would be cool though.  It has gcc, gdb, etc.  So that should work nicely for tracking things if I don;t find it first
19:45.05CosmicPenguinandersee: how big is the x86 distro?
19:46.23anderseeIt is a 100 MB ext2 filesystem.  compressed with bzip2 of course on
19:47.14anderseeCosmicPenguin: I took the thing, dd'd it to a spare 120 GB drive, then ran fsck and resize2fs on it to make it fill the drive
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19:47.46anderseeCosmicPenguin: The I chrooted into it and bagan compiling/testing stuff
19:50.55CosmicPenguinandersee: I see
19:54.19anderseeCosmicPenguin: I think I may have found something....
20:05.02CosmicPenguinandersee: I'm in the x86 environment right now, and nothing is amiss
20:05.05CosmicPenguinbusybox works as normal
20:05.13CosmicPenguinandersee: what did you find?
20:11.39anderseeOnly relates to large file support stuff
20:19.31CosmicPenguinandersee: ran a quick test on readdir - seems happy to me
20:25.45anderseeCosmicPenguin: yup.  As near as I can tell, x86 seems fine
20:26.31CosmicPenguinandersee: unless its something specific to init
20:30.39anderseeCosmicPenguin: are you seeing x86 unable to boot?
20:32.39CosmicPenguinandersee: I don't have anything to boot it with at the moment
20:33.06CosmicPenguinandersee: but you said that NFS mounted arm works, but ARM doesn't seem to want to boot for me
20:33.31anderseeCosmicPenguin: I've got an idea I'm checking on now.
20:33.48CosmicPenguinandersee: k
20:39.32Rocinantemsg CosmicPenguin I've sent you the Hawaiiwave RFI
20:45.53prpplagueargh, i can't believe redhat's attitude towards reiserfs
20:47.56CosmicPenguinprpplague: didn't their boys help a ton with ext3?
20:48.20file[laptop]my workstation is now capable of handling 4 more ATA or ATAPI devices
20:48.23pattiejaprpplague: what's their attitude?
20:55.58anderseeCosmicPenguin: definately wierdness on arm
20:56.02anderseeCosmicPenguin: getdents(5, 0xbfffde3c, 4294967295)     = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)                                          
20:56.18anderseeThat was trying to read the entries in "/"
21:00.47TangentWhat's the deal with madplay on the tux? It tells me... output: cannot resample 44100 Hz to 46800 Hz... and then exits.. I 'm sure that used to work months and months ago
21:02.43CosmicPenguinandersee: damn
21:02.49CosmicPenguinandersee: that would do it, I would guess
21:04.57anderseeCosmicPenguin: ok, I think I've found the problem
21:05.09anderseerebuilding the tuxscreen world to check
21:05.36anderseeCosmicPenguin: but a couple of static test binaries now work properly
21:06.09CosmicPenguinandersee: kewl
21:07.21prpplaguepattieja: hang on a sec
21:08.35prpplaguepattieja: straight from the install program -
21:09.51Lethalprpplague, thats not surprising. probably retribution for hans whining at redhat constantly during 2.4-test
21:11.05prpplagueLethal: ya well, i've started digging more into rhat stuff, the less happy i am with it
21:11.39pattiejaprpplague: yep.  we made our own distro based on RH 7.3 and removed all that junk.  our distro now supports reiserfs in the installer without having to provide that option and detects and upgrades reiserfs RAID arrays
21:11.48Lethalprpplague, thats probably true too. but reiserfs has a whole slew of its own problems :P
21:12.49Lethalprpplague, last time I was hacking on it, reiserfsck decided that the proper behavior for dealing with dirty inodes was to implicitly truncate them to 0 size. it would also randomly flag inodes as dirty. I don't think i've ever had it do anything other then produce an unuseable fs.
21:14.03Lethalit also had fun features like a reentrant commit thread which would instantly corrupt the journal if you had both processors step in it :P
21:14.36prpplaguepattieja: ahh so you fixed the anaconda script issues?
21:15.17pattiejawe haven't hosted it yet, though, so it's not accessible
21:15.35prpplaguepattieja: cool, can it be applied to the standard rhat as an update?
21:16.07pattiejanot really
21:16.17pattiejathat would be like applying an update to the ISO
21:16.30prpplagueLethal: we've been using reiserfs for about 6 months, and the only thing we've had problems with is some of the older vm stuff caused problems
21:16.50prpplaguepattieja: so you didn't just fix the script, you created new ones?
21:17.05pattiejawe have to remove all references to RH in all packages, which is requiring us to rebuild all RPMs from source
21:17.33pattiejaso, basically, we're creating a "new" distro of Linux
21:17.35prpplagueso did you guys do it in python too?
21:17.49pattiejaof course, it has all the updates to RH 7.3
21:18.27pattiejaprpplague: my brother's the one who did all the work on that.  basically, he just took RedHat's build environment for their ISOs, and modified the anaconda installer to do exactly what we need
21:18.30prpplaguepattieja: darn, i was hopin i could use what you had to fix this
21:18.50pattiejahe added entirely new sections too for new computer types in the installer
21:18.56pattiejaprpplague: you should be able to
21:19.07pattiejabut you would probably end up needing to install our version of stuff
21:19.22prpplaguepattieja: ya, i probably couldn't get approval on that
21:19.41Lethalprpplague, last time I hacked on it was around 2.4-test and 2.2 :P
21:19.50prpplagueLethal: ahh
21:20.17Lethalprpplague, we were trying to use it on a cluster, but its inability to run on smp was a major nuisance. eventually after hacking on it for awhile, we just tossed it out and hacked on ext3 instead :P
21:20.20prpplaguepattieja: could i get a copy of the .py files he is using?
21:20.34Lethalprpplague, plus I'm not a huge fan of hans' business practices :P
21:21.17prpplagueLethal: understood
21:22.37pattiejaprpplague: are you trying to use the dynamic update feature of the installer to change the installation process?
21:23.17prpplaguepattieja: ya i can fix problems on the install using the update procedure, however, i've yet to locate this reiserfs problem
21:23.30pattiejawhat's your problem?
21:24.14prpplaguepattieja: the rhat install stuff has no method of detecting pre-existing reiserfs partitions and marks them as swap
21:24.41prpplaguepattieja: this is a problem when upgrading to a new version of rhat because we have to re-format all drives
21:24.46Lethalprpplague, can't you manually tag them as reiserfs in fdisk? or do you have to use the inept disk druid thingy?
21:24.58prpplaguepattieja: and when you have 5 180gb raid cabinets thats not easy
21:25.18pattiejasoftware or hardware?
21:25.35prpplagueLethal: after you tag them in fdisk, the disk druid needs to be run to set the mount points and thats where it fails to identify
21:25.44prpplaguepattieja: hardware raid
21:26.07Lethalprpplague, it can't just ignore it and let you manually fixup the fstab later?
21:26.24pattiejaprpplague: e-mail address?
21:26.31prpplagueLethal: negative, it tries to format the partition as a swap partition
21:26.39prpplagueibot: prpplague
21:26.40from memory, prpplague is or Dave Anders
21:26.41Lethalwhat a piece of shit
21:26.58Lethalprpplague, 4.2 never did that :P
21:27.15prpplagueLethal: ya, anaconda has its share of problems
21:27.58prpplaguekergoth: lol, already there at home
21:28.17prpplaguekergoth: i'm just lucky i got them off of sco
21:28.29kergothyep, definately an improvement
21:28.58Lethalso would be just turning them off
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21:32.39pattiejaprpplague: on the way...
21:32.51prpplaguepattieja: cool thanks
21:33.27prpplagueLethal: you don't have to turn them off, just leave those SCO boxes running for a week to 10 days, they'll just kp
21:34.21MonMothaprpplague: do you have a way to recover from bricked webpals?
21:34.52Lethalprpplague, heh
21:36.13prpplagueMonMotha: i've just swapped my sims out, i.e. boot on a good one, then when linux is running, swap out the sim and use the userland app to flash the boot loader
21:36.39MonMothaprpplague: hum, k
21:36.44MonMothaI was building a flash burner
21:36.49MonMothafigured I might as well throw a SIMM socket on
21:36.59prpplagueMonMotha: that that will work too
21:37.09MonMothafigured that always works
21:37.21prpplagueMonMotha: i was gonna add a slot on a daughter board for the hackkit
21:37.25MonMothaand then you don't have problems with the fact that your swapping stuff directly connceted to the proc's local bus :)
21:37.31MonMothaprpplague: as was I
21:38.08MonMothaprpplague: you may find useful for your hackkit
21:38.11MonMothaif you want USB host
21:44.45MonMothaI really need to get a xinerama setup
21:57.12MonMothahum, any board etchers here?  how difficult is it to use surface mount components (SO-IC, no smaller) with etched boards?  Is it precise enough?
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22:12.49prpplagueMonMotha: TomW is the guru
22:14.15vosqueIs there a relatively recent jffs2 image for the tuxscreen with X on it, or is there just buildroot?
22:14.56MonMothayou can have my image if you'd like
22:15.04MonMothait was done with buildroot tho
22:15.13vosqueoo.. That would be neat.
22:15.17vosqueThat's fine.
22:15.26vosqueI'm having a devil of the time making it go on my Gentoo box.
22:15.38MonMothahang on, let me upload it to somewhere
22:17.17MonMothagive me 3 minutes
22:17.25vosqueokee, thanks!
22:17.37prpplaguepattieja: hmm, still having the same problem
22:22.47vosquewow.  11MB.
22:23.03vosquewhat's on it?
22:23.14MonMothahum, that can't be right
22:23.29MonMothanm, must be broken
22:23.33MonMothaobviously it doesn't fit ont he tux
22:23.38vosqueI was wondering.
22:24.36anderseeCosmicPenguin: I think I've got it fixed.  Reflashing my tuxscreen to check...
22:25.01anderseeCosmicPenguin: If this indeed fixes it, I think i'll cut a new uClibc release...
22:31.12MonMothavosque: eh, I don't know why it's so big
22:31.26MonMothaif you happen to have jffs loopback capabilities (I don't atm), moutn it loopback and see what you can do
22:31.59anderseeMonMotha: use jffs2reader
22:32.20anderseeMonMotha: Then you can look at it w/o loop mounting
22:32.41MonMothaandersee: but can you modify it
22:32.54anderseeMonMotha: nope.
22:33.06anderseeMonMotha: just list the contents
22:33.51anderseeCosmicPenguin: ok, looks like that fixed it.
22:34.49CosmicPenguinandersee: woohoo
22:35.04CosmicPenguinandersee: let me know when the new version is down
22:35.37anderseeMonMotha: I just manually updated the daily snapshot.
22:35.48anderseeCosmicPenguin: I just manually updated the daily snapshot.
22:36.25anderseeCosmicPenguin: The only thing is that pcmcia doesn't work properly with linux-2.4.19-rmk6-tux1
22:36.57anderseeCosmicPenguin: I'm gonna revert my phone to 2.4.18-rmk6-tux1
22:37.17anderseeCosmicPenguin: I'll also set that as the default for buildroot
22:39.36MonMothadid my patch ever get put in a tux patch?
22:39.51anderseeMonMotha: what patch?
22:40.21MonMothaandersee: the segfault in the wheaties.c SPI interrupt handler setup
22:40.32MonMothaset up the interrupt handler before it kmallocs
22:40.51MonMotha(of course, I then forgot the kfree if the IRQ handler setup failed, so make sur eyou fix that, that's easy)
22:51.28CosmicPenguinandersee: so, it was only ARM that was borked?
22:52.12anderseeCosmicPenguin: nope.  All archs.  But was most prominently broken on arm
22:54.08CosmicPenguinandersee: so why did my x86 test app work then?
22:54.25CosmicPenguinandersee: anyway, thank goodness for the Netwinder, huh?  :)
22:55.30anderseeCosmicPenguin: The problem only shows up when building app with large file support...
22:56.04CosmicPenguinandersee: I see...
23:37.20CosmicPenguinandersee: the buildroot has been updated then?
23:48.55*** join/#elinux mallum (

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