irclog2html for #elinux on 20030208

00:22.06MonMothagrrr...can't load an initial console on this box (kernel problem) boots, but then hangs (no panic)
00:22.40MonMothait's glibc
00:22.53MonMothalooks like a kernel problem, but it's right at the point where the handoff to init occurs
00:23.32MonMothaso odd...I have everything in /dev (that was my first problem)
00:23.49CosmicPenguinhmm.... thats the same problem I was seeing on the Tuxscreen yesterday
00:24.08MonMothaI know the cause of it
00:24.13MonMothait usually occurs when you lack /dev/console
00:24.17MonMothahowever, I have /dev/console
00:24.52MonMothachar major 5 minor 1
00:24.52CosmicPenguinWhat is /dev/console tied to?
00:25.12MonMothait's a char device
00:25.13MonMothaas it should be
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09:52.14sorphincoo.. my 2nd serial adapter works
10:06.13sorphinheh, just bricked i think :P
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10:53.08*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
10:56.01sorphinscanline: re
10:58.09sorphinwhats up?
10:58.48scanlineate dinner with friends, watched "After the Fox" and some Babylon 5.. about to do some hacking on this pong game thingy
10:58.57scanlineI'm in no mood to do productive work ;)
10:59.19scanlinedo they have JTAG?
10:59.20sorphinwas flashing the 2nd one, gave checksum errors
10:59.26sorphinand that was it
10:59.32scanlinethat sucks
10:59.39scanlineat least they're cheap :)
10:59.40sorphinall they have is the RDP crap, but it's apparently all software
11:00.02sorphinwell, i could swear someone unbricked swapping simms, but i can't seem to do it now :P
11:00.03scanlineI haven't looked at the webpal hardware much...
11:00.06sorphinand everyone else is asleep
11:00.26scanlinedoes it have a YUV video overlay thingy? :)
11:00.29sorphinif i had a rootfs on this one atm, i could prolly recover it
11:00.43sorphinheh, i forget :P
11:02.18scanlineright now I'm just a poor student.. spent almost all my money either on wacky hardware or on tuition :)
11:02.52scanlinethough between Microchip and Maxim, I seem to be able to get the most expensive parts I need as free samples
11:04.22scanlinealmost have a playable Pong game :)
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11:23.25scanlinemaybe you should stop throwing the cards at each other
11:24.25sorphinyou know that's not what i mean :P
11:29.25scanlinestupid x86 and it's tiny number of interrupts..
11:30.30sorphinwell, it's not so much that
11:30.39sorphinit's they wire shit up poorly
11:31.14sorphinyou have to play musical slot, so as to not have 2 cards sharing the same IRQ that don't like eachother
11:31.37scanlineI think my system is currently in the only card layout that works properly
11:32.54sorphinwell, it seems to vary depending on the motherboard.. giga's is fairly picky unfortunately
11:34.40sorphinhmm.. ok, maybe it's not a collision after all..
11:35.06sorphincuz after a power cycle, its back to being tempermental w/ no other cards than the video.. stupid geforce
11:36.00scanlinefriend of mine and I are now planning on building an IR to USB interface that can support a number of wireless controllers... we'll have transmitters for the NES, SNES, and Atari controllers, plus probably a custom controller built with these electric field sensors :)
11:36.13scanlinewe want to use it with the NES light gun :)
11:39.32sorphinhmm.. interesting.. i clear the cmos, it comes right up..
11:39.41sorphinheh, that's scary
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21:21.11MonMothaanyone attempted to use RH 8.0's stock gcc 3.2 based toolchain?
21:21.35MonMothait throws parse errors aroung on pthread.h in glibc 2.2.5; I've never had such problems and the code looks fine...very odd
21:21.36fileI wish I could have a shopping spree on Compgeeks
21:21.42filejust for like 3 items...
22:17.03*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
22:19.42sorphinMonMotha: yo
22:19.59MonMothadamn redhat sucks
22:20.22sorphindo you remember a few weeks ago, that guy was in here, w/ something bricked, he salvaged it from a spare.. wasn't that a webpal or was it a tux ?
22:20.32MonMothaI don't remember
22:20.41MonMothaibot should log the channel
22:20.42MonMotha: i don't know
22:20.44MonMothaibot logs
22:20.48<channelname>/, or stats<channelname>.html.gz
22:20.48MonMothaibot shut the hell up
22:20.49you shut up, monmotha
22:21.23MonMothathat bot needs to be punished
22:21.41sorphinMonMotha: heh, i've done that before and it's a bitch to search :P tim needs to add something to search them :P
22:22.08MonMothagoogle doesn't index them?
22:22.22sorphindoubtful even
22:22.47sorphinsince any time i search for webpal, it rarely even finds the right pages mentioning webpal
22:22.49MonMothayeah, looks like since they're gzipped it won't pay any attention
22:23.02sorphinit finds one mentioning or people who want a 'web pal' :P
22:23.41sorphinMonMotha: i ask anyways because one of mine bricked las night
22:23.50sorphinstupid checksum error while writing
22:24.11MonMothayou'll probably have to re program the flash simm with a flash programmer
22:24.24sorphinthen it'll never happen :P
22:24.32MonMothathe roms do have an 8 bit mode which you might find usful for that, but I don't know if the pin is brought out to the connector
22:24.47sorphincoulda sworn i saw mention of hot swapping the simm
22:24.49sorphinwhich i tried
22:25.06sorphinbut it's almost like when it contacts the programmer it doesn't do it in memory
22:25.12sorphinand i don't have a rootfs atm
22:25.17sorphinso i can't do it that way yet
22:26.34MonMothanope, tied to ground
22:27.12MonMothaI've been meaning to draw up a new flash simm for the webpal
22:27.22MonMothafor easier prgramability
22:27.32MonMothabring the pins out to standard IDC header connectors
22:27.47sorphinwell, least this kernel sees the ethernet card
22:28.01sorphinmaybe once it's booted into linux i can hot swap and reprogram :P
22:28.05MonMothaI'd be porting blob to it right now if redhat's toolchain was usable
22:28.08MonMothait can't even compile glicb
22:28.22sorphinwhy are you using theirs?
22:28.31MonMothanot cross chain
22:28.33MonMothathe native one
22:28.44sorphinwhy are you using theirs? :P
22:28.56MonMothaand they patch the hell out of it so much that if you change it to the stock one, you'll pretty much break everything
22:29.03MonMothayou either run redhat, or you run somethign else
22:29.09sorphinthat's why i don't do redhat :P
22:29.11MonMothayou don't try to run redhat and use standard *will* break
22:29.15sorphin5.0 turned me off to them
22:29.17MonMothayes, I'm going to reininstall the instant I fix my IDE
22:30.06MonMothathe webpal flash simms are only two layers, right?
22:30.25sorphinmeaning top and bottom ?
22:30.32sorphinthink so
22:30.37sorphinno reason they'd need to be more
22:30.40MonMothathat's what it looks lik
22:30.49MonMothajust making sure there wasn't anythign hidden under the ground planes
22:31.23sorphinmost/all of those vias
22:31.33sorphinare just for trace jumping
22:31.41MonMothathat's what it looks like, yeah
22:32.43MonMothathe flash simm pinouts don't seem to make sense (from the schematics), either that or I'm counting pins wrong
22:33.42sorphini use the flash simm pinouts from the other listing
22:33.45sorphinnot from the schematic
22:33.47MonMothathere's 72 pins per side, right?
22:33.52MonMothawhat other listing?
22:35.15MonMothaare the pins on each side different?
22:36.21sorphini'm not sure if it's one side per chip or what
22:36.26MonMothahat distro do you use btw sorphin?
22:36.38sorphinkinda spinoff of debian
22:36.43MonMothawell, apparently if you have two chips (for 2MB), it's 32 bits wide
22:36.57MonMothaso it just populates the upper half data bus and shares address pins
22:37.44sorphinso i can NFS root this bitch and try hot swapping
22:37.47sorphinthat way
22:38.30MonMothahum, is the LA and D bus on that thing tristate?
22:38.40MonMothaif so, it might help to suspend the proc (or whatever tristates it) first
22:39.30sorphinknow even
22:39.55MonMothaactually byte on it is tied high
22:40.08MonMothathe top of the flash simm's plane is vcc, the bottom is ground
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22:41.31MonMothayes, looks like adding the other chip (to get 2MB) definately gives you a 32bit wide ROM space
22:41.35MonMothasharing the address
22:46.06sorphini'd add the chip if they were easily found :P
22:52.42MonMothaI would too, but then I don't have the gear to solder TSSOPs
22:54.43sorphinsharp pencil tip
22:54.49sorphinthin solder
22:58.09MonMothaeh, I can barely manage to solder a single wire onto a QFP without making bridges
22:58.18MonMothalet alone solder all the pins of a TSSOP down
22:59.10sorphintack soldering :P
22:59.42fileFedex never ceases to amaze me
23:00.01fileI tracking says they sent my Intel manuals back to Memphis after 1 delivery attempt
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23:06.35sorphinso much for nfsroot
23:07.33sorphinduh, guess it would help to have an ether cable attached :P
23:10.24sorphinoh goodie
23:10.26sorphina flood of
23:10.40sorphineth0: interrupt from stopped card
23:27.39sorphinMonMotha: you tried ether in your webpal yet ?
23:30.06MonMothasorphin: no, been attempting to port BLOB to it
23:30.22MonMothaI need to find someone who can recover from brickage to test for me once I get some stuff done
23:30.42MonMothafile: intel sends tracking info?
23:31.12sorphinMonMotha: uh.. prpplague? :P
23:31.26MonMothaoh, I thought you just randomly said "dave"
23:31.34MonMothalike you were asking to talk to dave
23:31.43sorphini was pointing out he could prolly unbrick :P
23:31.45MonMothagunna say, I didn't seem him on here
23:33.49MonMothahum...know a good editor with syntax higlighting for assembly
23:35.15MonMothaneed to write some startup routines for the clps7500 for BLOB
23:35.23MonMothawhich of course have to be done in assembly
23:35.37MonMothaor I guess I could just get a hex editor out and code machine code :)
23:37.07MonMothaI'm partial to nedit, but it doens't higlight for asm
23:37.18MonMothasince I run X
23:38.02MonMothagosh, even vim won't hilight asm very well
23:38.19fileMonMotha: no, they tried to deliver (Fedex) and left the number
23:38.28sorphinya know
23:38.35sorphini can't find anything useful about these ether errors
23:38.42MonMothafor console editors I use vim (if I'm doing anything complex) or pico/nano if I'm doing simple edits (with -w of course)
23:39.09fileMonMotha: the latest tracking says it ended up in Memphis
23:39.40sorphintons of timeout waiting for TX RDC, Hw. address read/write mismap and mismatched read page pointers # vs #

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