irclog2html for #elinux on 20030203

01:05.41Russsorphin: ya, there was an issue with a fan clutch
04:33.09*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
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15:39.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: morning
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15:52.19CosmicPenguinsnow finally fell this weekend
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16:21.26pattiejamorning kergoth
16:21.42pattiejaanybody seen these new Toshiba Magnia SG20 Servers? is selling them for $294.99; Micro/Data Warehouse is selling them (on their website) for $299
16:22.29pattieja$399.95 on the front of their magazines
16:24.23TangentMirrored disks... pretty damned good for $294
16:24.55pattiejaTangent: but why is it so cheap? is comparing it at and average of $1300.00 from everywhere else
16:26.52TangentI've got the urge to spend lots of money I don't have...
16:27.02Tangentmust resist....
16:27.59kergothhmm, thats tempting
16:29.22TangentI've been making a list for 18 months of all the things I'd buy once I'd paid my huge tax bill.... I've now paid the bill and as such have no money right now... but toys budget is just around the corner once again :)
16:29.42TangentI've been browsing for 'products I might like to purchase'... There's lots of them
16:29.43*** join/#elinux Rocinante ([
16:30.03RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Hola...
16:30.11sorphinTangent: whoa, they let you out huh? ;)
16:30.36Tangentsorphin: Nah.. Someone smuggled a wlan card in ;)
16:31.05sorphinTangent: hey, whatever works ;)
16:31.57CosmicPenguinRocinante: hola back to ya!  Redstar taken already?
16:33.34TangentWhat the current state of play on the tuxscreens? I want basically want NFS and X
16:33.52TangentMy homeautomation application's basically ready for the tux now
16:34.51pattiejaTangent: just found the SG10, a lighterweight version of the SG20.  Only 64MB RAM, a K6-2E 350MHz processor, and a 20GB 4200RPM drive (yes, 4200RPM)
16:35.03pattiejaotherwise the same except for no PCMCIA slot
16:35.09pattieja$199.99 on
16:35.11Tangentpattieja: 4200rpm = 2.5 inch
16:35.23pattiejahmm... laptop components?
16:35.30pattiejaI think the SG20 had 7200RPM drives
16:35.34TangentSounds like it
16:37.51sorphinpattieja: thought laptop drives were 4400?
16:38.58pattiejaouch!  Toshiba's selling the SG20 for $1,399.00 and up
16:39.32sorphinpattieja: what is it ?
16:39.53*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
16:40.31sorphinGPSFan: morning ken
16:41.01GPSFansorphin: Hi dan.
16:41.08sorphinGPSFan: sup ?
16:41.43GPSFansorphin: : not much, bad weekend. still somewhat in shock.
16:42.37sorphinGPSFan: oh ?
16:42.58sorphinoh lord
16:43.02pattiejawow that's a huge URL
16:43.07sorphin4 lines ;p
16:43.45RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Yeag....That's too bad, I like redstar better
16:43.52kergothpattieja: hm, i needed a new firewall, i think i'll pick one of those up
16:44.25pattiejakergoth: if you could, find out why they are selling so cheap
16:44.42pattiejakergoth: Toshiba's selling them for $1399 up to around $1700
16:44.50pattiejabased on what's on them
16:45.12pattiejait seems very suspicious to me why they would be selling them for $200 and $300
16:45.15GPSFansorphin: : Columbia disaster... I did some work for NASA in the past, the astronauts are really fine people. Very close community.
16:45.23sorphinGPSFan: ah
16:45.41sorphinGPSFan: i see it as nasa dropped the ball again, they saw something fall off, and let them go anyways
16:47.10GPSFansorphin: the NASA management left (and still leaves) a lot to be desired. Many different versions of "catch-22" too.
16:47.48pattiejasorphin: what fell off?
16:48.01pattiejaI heard about the insulation, but I could never see it on the videos
16:48.18pattiejathey put this contrast circle on the screen, but I never saw anything
16:48.21pattiejamust be blink
16:48.26pattiejablind, that is
16:48.41sorphinthat's the thing i was talking about
16:51.14CosmicPenguinRocinante: Sam was disappointed that you didn't say goodbye to him... :)
16:51.52CosmicPenguinsorphin: its not like they could have aborted the flight or not allowed the shuttle to return to earth
16:55.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: still
16:55.25*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
16:55.26*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
16:55.29sorphinprpplague: lo
16:56.01prpplaguehowdy howdy
16:56.04GPSFanprpplague: Hi..
16:56.16prpplaguewhats cookin today?
16:57.09GPSFanprpplague: we got 3-4" snow last night :-)
16:57.10sorphinprpplague: blaming nasa
16:57.19prpplagueGPSFan: fun
16:57.29prpplagueGPSFan: its 73F outside today
16:57.36CosmicPenguinprpplague: you were right in the thick of things on Saturday?
16:57.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yep, piece feel a couple miles from the house
16:58.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: damn
16:58.25GPSFanprpplague: it was 60 on Sat and 24 now.
16:59.34CosmicPenguinGPSFan: same in Utah - 60 degrees on Friday and 4 inches of snow on Sunday
17:00.20GPSFanCosmicPenguin: we are glad to have the moisture, still in bad drought here.
17:05.55CosmicPenguinGPSFan: same here
17:06.10CosmicPenguinGPSFan: critical is a better word for it
17:07.25RocinanteCosmicPenguin:  Send him my love....I really wasn't in the mood to make the rounds on Friday :-)
17:08.26sorphinprpplague: so what was the piece that fell by your place ?
17:08.37pattiejakergoth: are you really going to buy one of those Toshiba servers?
17:08.58kergothpattieja: yep
17:09.42pattiejaok.  cause I was about to get on the phone to see why they're so cheap.  We were thinking of using them to replace a different solution for our clients, but if they are going away or something...
17:09.52pattiejaor if they aren't staying at that price point...
17:10.23kergothgotcha. I only need a few for myself. let me know what you find out though
17:10.26kergothbrb, real work
17:11.53CosmicPenguinRocinante: of course
17:12.21pattiejakergoth: they're running RedHat 7.0
17:14.25RocinanteCosmicPenguin:  Troy is sending me a devkit for the dallas semi  Secure processor
17:14.59CosmicPenguinRocinante: no way....  does Dave know?
17:14.59sorphinRocinante: if only atmel was that cooperative :P
17:15.29RocinanteCosmicPenguin: No not yet...
17:15.31CosmicPenguinRocinante: time to start learning 8051 then?
17:15.57RocinanteCosmicPenguin: What else will i be doing...
17:16.17Rocinantesorphin:  It really wasn't that easy ... it's taken a while
17:16.27sorphinRocinante: even still
17:16.43Rocinantesorphin: true...
17:17.01sorphinRocinante: prying info out of atmel w/o a 50000+ quantity *order* on some chips is near impossible
17:18.34Rocinantesorphin: I haven't seen it yet :-)
17:18.56sorphinRocinante: true, but you atleast have reason ot believe it's coming ;p
17:20.39CosmicPenguinsorphin: with that particular vendor, Rocinante has learned not to believe anything until it shows up on his doorstep
17:20.49Rocinantesorphin: yeah, but the time frame of receiving it isn't for sure
17:28.50lerxstRocinante: whats up
17:29.00Rocinantelerxst: Nice nick.....
17:29.16lerxstyeah i used to use it on bbs's in the 80's
17:29.32Rocinantelerxst:  Thanks for the links via Cosmic
17:29.32lerxstjordan should have just forwarded an email to you
17:29.53lerxstlet me know how they turn out, i was planning on contacting them one of these days
17:30.01lerxstjust out of curiosity
17:30.22CosmicPenguinAll I want is a damn HDTV PCI card - is that too much to ask?
17:30.34Rocinantelerxst:  I'll check those out and let you know....
17:31.41lerxstthis one looks dry now but i've seen c++/unix postions show up here:
17:31.52lerxsti imagine they have nice bandwidth benefits
17:32.21CosmicPenguinlerxst: tread lightly, thats a Canopy group company... :)
17:32.27CosmicPenguinNo offense to levi, of course... :-)
17:32.38Rocinantelerxst:  Yeah, I've  some people I know at fatpipe...
17:33.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah (on your vendor comment)
17:34.38anderseeCosmicPenguin: morning
17:34.49CosmicPenguinandersee: morning...  wireless freedom is on the truck, I see.. :)
17:35.12anderseeCosmicPenguin: cool.  Anything new at censoft?
17:36.18CosmicPenguinandersee: sadly we lost a few folks on Friday....
17:37.19anderseeI thought there already was just 3 of you left -- Greg, Jason, and you...
17:39.12CosmicPenguinandersee: we have a few sales and tech support folks hanging around
17:42.05anderseeCosmicPenguin: Ahh
17:42.24anderseeCosmicPenguin: So are you the last developer standing?
17:42.24lerxsthey what about me
17:43.21prpplaguesorphin: not sure what it was
17:43.23CosmicPenguinandersee: oh, yeah - we've got our faithful IT guy too... :)
17:43.47CosmicPenguinandersee: unfortunately they kept the worst engineer...
17:44.21anderseeCosmicPenguin: By that do you mean Jason, Greg, or yourself ;-)?
17:44.24TangentCool... got one of my Tuxscreens up and running agian :)
17:44.44anderseeTangent: btw, I updated the tuxscreen kernel last night
17:44.44CosmicPenguinandersee: me...  apparently Greg isn't ready to quit abusing me yet... :)
17:45.36CosmicPenguinOk, this is BS....  librsvg says that they are "The leading free SVG renderer for Unix", but the API is written specifically for GTK
17:46.50lerxstCosmicPenguin: remember, if it doesn't link with libpango, it's worthless.
17:47.19sorphinlerxst: name switcher :P
17:47.25Tangentandersee: I'm not even going near that right now... last time I did that it took me until now to get it working again...
17:47.48Tangent(6 months)
17:48.36signal11sorry, had to have a matching Rush nick there
17:49.14anderseeTangent: :-)
17:50.58TangentI've still not got around to flashing my second tux
17:51.15TangentNow I've finally got the first one using NFS properly again, I wanna try to get X working...
17:51.39Rocinantelerxst: Other than 2 songs...Rocinante is mythology baby
17:54.48signal11boy the code on my tux screen is ancient
17:55.07signal11it's basically just an xdm client
17:55.54CosmicPenguinsignal11: its still running?
17:56.09signal11CosmicPenguin: i'll bet it would run if i plugged it in, it's been on a shelf for awhile
17:56.23signal11i was getting that gorilla arm syndrome from using a stylus instead of a track ball
17:57.52signal11is it usable as a phone these days?
17:57.59signal11i have been out of touch for awhile
17:58.03TangentI'd be perfectly happy for my tux to be an xdm client
17:58.07Tangent(well.. one of them at least)
17:58.18sorphinsignal11: um.. has been for ages far as i know ;p
17:58.31CosmicPenguinsignal11: its the phone on my desk at home
17:58.31signal11sorphin: cool
17:58.40CosmicPenguinsignal11: it freaks my cats out when I use the speaker phone
17:59.08TangentI have one screwed to the wall in my server room, and one in my office
17:59.33TangentNever really been put to much use... firewall statistics displays etc
17:59.35signal11Tangent: i hope you don't have to rebuild x to do it, they might not include xdmcp just to save space
18:00.01CosmicPenguinsignal11: eventually I will have enough time and gumption to update Microwindows on it... maybe even a little Pixil action.. :)
18:00.11Tangentsignal11: I have no X... I haven't had X in about 2 years... It used to work a long time ago... then they changed the touchscreen driver...
18:00.24TangentI don't want to build anything.. I just want some binaries
18:01.11TangentEvery time I try buildroot-tux it dies in some new creative ways
18:05.14CosmicPenguinwoo-hoo -- US women ski team took 2nd and 3rd this weekend at the World Cup
18:05.44sorphinum.. cool..
18:07.28RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Have you seen or heard from Uncle yet?
18:08.10CosmicPenguinRocinante: nope, but you will be the first to know
18:08.18CosmicPenguinRocinante: I'll try to give you play by play as soon as he comes in
18:09.16sorphinsome people are pathetic
18:09.20sorphin"EBay pulls shuttle debris listings"
18:10.07RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Gracias...I'm just curious, he offered to chat.....
18:11.21CosmicPenguinRocinante: offered to chat to you?
18:11.40RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Yeah...Pretty funny huh?
18:11.46CosmicPenguinRocinante: didn't take him up on it?
18:11.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: who is pathetic?  EBay or the people selling the debris?
18:12.06RocinanteCosmicPenguin: No....I just laughed
18:12.51*** join/#elinux Tangent (
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18:22.13CosmicPenguinIs there no XRender documentation around?
18:26.22CosmicPenguinThe Uncle is in the building
18:38.08prpplagueibot: seen TomW
18:38.09tomw <tom@> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 2d 14h 33m 47s ago, saying: 'Yeah, well.  I'd rather be coding linux on a new ARM board...  :/'.
18:49.43Tangentprpplague: Hi
19:01.21*** join/#elinux SmithMatt (
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19:10.03sorphinok, who's the master of LCD prices?
19:11.17*** join/#elinux SmithMatt (
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19:33.28sorphinfor anyone w/ a lil $
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19:50.49prpplagueTangent: hey old friend
19:51.02prpplagueTangent: what are you up to these days?
19:51.28prpplaguesorphin: what kinda lcd you lookin for?
19:52.03sorphineh.. just asw that one i pasted above, plus i actually just came across this too
19:52.48Tangentprpplague: Couple of days a week sysadmin work... rest of the time.. messing with my homeatuomation stuff and trying to find other work.
19:54.05prpplagueTangent: fun fun
19:54.47Tangentprpplague: The home-automation stuff is rather good now... I've started putting together a website for it... (not online yet)
19:55.36prpplagueTangent: replaced the kids and wife with a pic yet?
19:57.00Tangentprpplague: Selected body parts :D
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20:33.57Rocinantesignal11: I've sent some emails to both of those companies....I'll let you know what I hear back
20:38.55TimRiker~convert 180 mm to inches
20:39.19TimRiker~convert 118 mm to inches
20:39.24TimRiker~convert 40 mm to inches
20:39.54TimRikeranyone played with ?
20:40.16sorphinnever heard of it
20:40.23CosmicPenguinTimRiker: Geode... :)
20:40.42Russ|werkibot: convert 8 hogheads to miles
20:40.50CosmicPenguinWebsite tis borked right now, says I
20:41.45Russ|werk~convert 1 barrel to ml
20:42.05Tangentibot: convert 7 furlongs into inches
20:42.22Russ|werk~convert 7 furlongs into inches
20:42.31Russ|werk~convert 7 furlongs to inches
20:42.58TangentCool :)
20:44.14Tangentibot... A car is travelling at 37 furlongs per fortnight... for how many microseconds will it be able to travel if it has a range of 750 kilometers
20:44.22CosmicPenguinBack in my day, my car got six ramrods to the barrelhoop, and thats the way we liked it
20:44.49TangentOne of my physics teachers used to have a thing for furlongs per fortnight
20:45.03RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Have you heard much from Dave?
20:45.18CosmicPenguinRocinante: nope
20:45.22prpplaguei use the term fortnight alot
20:46.43TimRiker~convert 1 light year to furlongs
20:47.30Tangentprpplague: How did your arm board turn out? I might have picked up a bit of work hooking up a load of DACs and ADCs to an ARM.
20:48.23prpplagueTangent: good so far
20:48.32prpplagueTangent: the first 10 just got finished
20:48.37prpplagueTangent: we are testing them now
20:51.50Tangentprpplague: How're they testing out?
20:52.23prpplagueTangent: good so far, we have linux and blob running
20:52.26TangentTimRiker: That's one nice bit of converting :)
20:52.39prpplagueTangent: next phase is to get some additional hardware working with the core
20:53.01TimRikerTangent: heh.
21:28.04*** join/#elinux MonMotha6 (
21:28.53Tangentprpplague: got the pic doing anything yet?
21:39.42prpplagueTangent: ?
21:42.53MonMothaprpplague: ?
21:48.06MonMothasorphin: you're supposed to put someone's nick followed by a single ?
21:48.44prpplagueMonMotha: don't bother, he works for worldcom he can't follow directions :)
21:49.23MonMothaprpplague: gotten any work done on porting BLOB to the webpal? or shall I try?
21:50.09prpplagueMonMotha: negative, my wife has been in the hospital for several weeks and i've 0 done on anything
21:50.14sorphinprpplague: go stand under some falling space debrie
21:50.24MonMothaprpplague: ah, that would explain it
21:50.38MonMothaI'll get started on it once these guys send me the devel book for this thing
22:02.20Tangentprpplague: pic = PIC = Programmable Interface Controller that you put on the board
22:02.59prpplagueTangent: ohh, i didn't include one directly on the board, it will be on a daughter board
22:03.42Tangentprpplague: Fair enough
22:03.43CosmicPenguinOk folks - this is CosmicPenguin@censoft signing off...  look for me at my new place of employment, stately Crouse manor
22:03.51Tangentprpplague: Got any pictures?
22:05.12prpplagueibot: hackkit
22:05.12well, hackkit is
22:06.35sorphini still think the hackkit is a vapor toy till i get my hands on one ;)
22:06.36Tangentprpplague: Oooh.. very pretty
22:06.46TangentSame here...
22:07.07sorphinbut i don't blame davey for that
22:08.07TangentLooks like some power supply hacking went on?
22:08.09prpplagueya well, i'm legally comitted to manufacturing atleast 100 units
22:08.36sorphinprpplague: hows that ?
22:08.42prpplagueTangent: that was a test unit, we did some testing on the ps before we powered it fully up
22:08.52prpplaguesorphin: i signed a po and a letter of intent
22:08.58sorphinprpplague: doh
22:09.02sorphinprpplague: mistake #1 ;)
22:09.45prpplaguesorphin: why? there were conditions, if they don't meet the schedule or QA, the deal is void
22:10.09sorphinand have they ?
22:11.24prpplaguesorphin: so far
22:14.28prpplaguesorphin: what?
22:21.21MonMothahum, I never got my Intel manuals either (SA-1110/1111)
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22:32.04sorphinprp: POS gar
22:58.16*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
23:01.06CosmicPenguinhello hello
23:18.22CosmicPenguinwhere did everyone go?
23:20.20TangentI went nowhere..
23:20.42pattiejame neither
23:20.49pattiejajust wasn't on IRC for awhile
23:22.10TangentCosmicPenguin: There's plenty of room at my house
23:22.26pattiejaunfortunately, not at mine  :( :(
23:22.36CosmicPenguinTangent: not those kind of toys
23:44.30*** join/#elinux Rocinante ([
23:49.57CosmicPenguinhey Rocinante
23:55.30RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Hola...
23:55.48CosmicPenguinRocinante: I'm having trouble finding room for all my toys.. :)
23:56.02CosmicPenguinRocinante: plus I need a USB hub, I think
23:56.09RocinanteCosmicPenguin: I hear you.....
23:56.29RocinanteCosmicPenguin: I bought a 4 port USB hub for $12
23:57.34*** join/#elinux sjhill (
23:57.36CosmicPenguinRocinante: you ready to kick ass and take names?
23:57.50RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Hell yes
23:58.12CosmicPenguinbtw - email Mark and he will reinstate your e-mail and .forward it anywhere you wnt
23:58.47Rocinantealright,  I'll send one now

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