irclog2html for #elinux on 20030125

00:04.13*** join/#elinux SmithMatt (
00:30.46*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
00:32.56*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
00:51.32MonMothais there any particular reason the input to the webpal is 8VAC?
00:51.49MonMothaI would have expected something like 5VDC, something normal digital parts use :)
00:52.02MonMothainstead they feed it 8VAC then immediately knock it down to DC
00:54.06CosmicPenguinMonMotha: probably for the video drivers
00:54.17CosmicPenguinMonMotha: The TV encoder needs strange voltages
00:54.24MonMothahum, good point
00:59.25MonMothahum, looks like it just needs 5V
01:02.34CosmicPenguinMonMotha: there is something about regulating the drop in voltage or anything... I
01:02.49CosmicPenguinI am sure somebody who knows what the hell they are talking about can tell you
01:05.30MonMothalots of stuff that wants internal regulation just takes like 6-9V as input, runs it through a simple linear regulator, and gets 5V off the other side...who knows
01:05.52MonMothaI will say that video encoder gets damn hot tho...
01:07.28MonMothaI really do dislike the fact that my webpal came with like no screws in it
01:07.40MonMothaI don't mind right now, but eventually I'm going to want to put it back together!
01:35.56*** join/#elinux SmithMatt (
01:50.35*** join/#elinux file (
02:19.41*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
02:54.25MonMothaibot seen prpplague
02:54.25prpplague <> was last seen on IRC in channel #picogui, 2d 21h 3m 27s ago, saying: 'i wish i had more to work on the oz buildroot, just tooooooo many irons in the fire'.
03:28.00sorphinMonMotha: don't expect to see him around for a while
03:39.19sorphinbecause of his wife? :P
04:00.35*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
04:20.14kergothhey dan, russ
04:32.50*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:35.40*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
05:09.50kergothwhats goin on russ
05:21.02Russthe apartment router box died
05:21.16Russfsck goes though ok, but there are files I cannot change the permissions for, remove, etc
05:36.44*** join/#elinux SmithMatt (
05:36.44*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:36.44*** join/#elinux levi (
05:36.47*** mode/#eLinux [-o TimRikerOut] by ChanServ
05:41.46*** join/#elinux gatofisch ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:07.01*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
06:11.36*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
06:21.44*** join/#elinux markl (
06:21.54*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
06:22.08*** join/#elinux TimRikerOut (
06:27.37*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
06:44.15*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
07:51.59*** join/#elinux anotherScanline (~micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
08:16.29*** join/#elinux ThomasFromParis2 (
08:17.34*** part/#elinux ThomasFromParis2 (
08:23.04anderseeTimRiker: evening.  just updated the tuxscreen buildroot a bit...  Rebuilding w uClibc 0.9.17...
08:23.49TimRikerlocales yet?
08:24.17TimRikerm$ SQL 2000 worm taking over the net as we speak.
08:24.58anderseeTimRiker: yup
08:25.09TimRikeryup to which?
08:25.24anderseeTimRiker: enable locale support, and it'll add full locale support for ~350 locales.  Adds just 250k.
08:25.51TimRikersweet. is that code complete now? or still in progress?
08:26.09anderseeTimRiker: configuration for locale support sucks -- isn't merged into the config system so you have to hand edit a file
08:26.44TimRikerah. k.
08:27.07anderseeTimRiker: Well, there are a few todo items.  mostly features, optimizations, enhanced c++ support, etc.  It is quite complete as is though.
08:28.03anderseeTimRiker: One nice thing, is if you enable WCHAR but not LOCALES, you get quite complete stub locale support... :)
08:28.27TimRikercool. that sounds useful.
08:28.34anderseeTimRiker: The stub is complete enought to build the whole debian base system with.... :)
08:30.04anderseeI also posted updated devel environments about an hour ago, with uClibc 0.9.17.
08:30.53anderseeNot extensively tested, but I can chroot into them and build dynamicly linked hello.c with both gcc and g++ on x86, arm, and powerpc.
08:31.43anderseeI need to fire up phoenix and try out mips as well
08:36.16anderseeTimRiker: btw, I've been using nail (the powerpc box) a _lot_ recently for building and testing.
08:37.32TimRikersweet. I "aquired" another similar box. ;-) I need to get it setup. glad it's helping.
08:40.15TimRikergot a bzflag server up on the fragfarm at xm.
08:41.01TimRikerwas running 20 players constant last week. xm says "uh, you're using more than a t1 of bandwidth..."
08:41.41TimRikerthey setup a dedicated box for me and I limited players to 12, it's still sending like 350kbs outgoing.
08:41.56TimRikerguess I'll be working on net code again. ;-)
08:44.35anderseeTimRiker: wow, I had no idea it used that much bandwidth
08:45.32anderseetuxscreen boots and runs with uClibc 0.9.17
08:45.37anderseeGuess its time to ship
08:45.51TimRikerme neither. outgoing bandwidth is n*n though. need to merge packets better.
08:45.55anderseetoo bad I don't have any gold cds
08:46.50TimRikeryou can do a tux release, but you have to build/test x on it. ;-) or any other gui that you like, but I think they are all broken save X.
08:51.13TimRikerbuilding x is easy. and it's nice to run mozilla remotely. ;-)
09:40.19anderseeI dunno if my touchscreen is working or not.
09:40.32anderseePerhaps I should add gpm
09:44.50*** join/#elinux markl (
09:49.56*** join/#elinux signal11 (
10:12.10*** join/#elinux mallum (
12:54.04*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:56.08*** join/#elinux SmithMatt ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:08.20*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:43.07fileandersee: congrats
15:43.45anderseeWith any luck, it'll even work...  :)
15:44.19anderseeI've tested x86, arm, powerpc, and mips for this release.  Everyone else is on their own.
15:45.41fileandersee: evil, evil
15:46.16anderseeI suppose I could have tested SH on my dreamcast.  But I didn't.
16:33.29TheMasterMind1andersee: nice
16:33.45TheMasterMind1andersee: does uclibc break binary compatibility with programs compiled with libc?
16:46.12anderseeTheMasterMind1: I'm not sure I understand the question
16:46.27anderseeTheMasterMind1: uClibc has _never_ been binary compatible with glibc
16:46.39TheMasterMind1andersee: alright, that answers my question
16:48.13anderseeTheMasterMind1: ideally, everything that is sanely written and compiles vs glibc should also compile without changes using uClibc
16:48.58TheMasterMind1ah, cool
16:58.32Russ|werkactually no, he broke it
16:58.47Russ|werkanything compiled with 0.9.16 needs to be recompiled
16:59.11Russ|werksomething about stat64 and comparing ints to longs
17:00.05Russ|werkanyway, I just stopped by to pick a couple things up
17:00.08Russ|werkcongrats andersee
17:03.59*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
17:04.51*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:11.26anderseeRuss|werk: thx
17:19.57anderseeCosmicPenguin: morning
17:20.53CosmicPenguinandersee: another beautiful winter day, eh?
17:22.11anderseeCosmicPenguin: hehe
17:22.20filemy I-Opener is supposedly going to be sent out today
17:22.21anderseeCosmicPenguin: dunno, havn't looked outside yet
17:22.43anderseeCosmicPenguin: was up all night getting a uClibc release out
17:22.50CosmicPenguinandersee: cool... is it out?
17:23.05anderseeCosmicPenguin: yup.
17:23.48anderseeCosmicPenguin: I also updated the devel system images -- x86, powerpc, and arm
17:23.51CosmicPenguinNo way... full locale support?
17:24.02anderseeCosmicPenguin: full locale support
17:24.14anderseeCosmicPenguin: though I have it disabled in the devel images
17:24.26CosmicPenguin<monetary.h> and evdrything?
17:25.05anderseeCosmicPenguin: nope.  No monetary.h yet
17:26.09anderseeCosmicPenguin: but shared libstdc++ is working properly now...
17:26.23fileandersee: you amaze me again, although I don't use uClibc...
17:26.25Russwait, its supposed to be winter?
17:26.58CosmicPenguinandersee: thats good news
17:26.58TheMasterMind1Russ: depends, where are you located
17:27.05fileRuss: well... it is here
17:27.09fileit's cold out, and snow is everywhere
17:29.17CosmicPenguinAll I know is that its 20 degrees in Orlando, and 45 degrees in Salt Lake CIty
17:29.28Russits a lot warmer here
17:31.16CosmicPenguinandersee: where are you hiding the toolchain only buildroots?
17:32.57anderseeCosmicPenguin: you mean this?
17:33.14anderseeCosmicPenguin: or this?
17:33.27CosmicPenguinno, the toolchain.  I thought you had a tarball for it>?
17:33.28anderseeCosmicPenguin: or this?
17:33.56anderseeGo to the link above and click on "Download tarball"
17:34.16anderseeIt'll generate a snapshot from cvs on-the-fly
17:34.42CosmicPenguinWell, now, isn't that cool
17:35.29anderseeI got tired of keeping up to date tarballs
17:47.26CosmicPenguinanyone know of a good way to calculate the day of the week for a date before 1/1/1970?
18:05.15*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
18:10.40*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:38.06*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
19:11.51*** join/#elinux anotherScanline (~micah@aden2-13-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
19:31.12*** join/#elinux TomW (
19:51.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:04.53CosmicPenguinibot: webpal
20:04.53from memory, webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!
20:27.21TomWCosmicPenguin: Another good resource for the WebPal is:
20:34.27*** join/#elinux legodude (
20:34.46legodudequick question, any way to get linux on webpal without building serial board?
20:35.12legodudeI just realized I have 232s but no capacitors for them
20:37.03TomWlegodude: isn't radio shack open today?
20:37.25legodudeI'll do that if I have to
20:37.33legodudejust curious if there was another way though
20:38.32*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
20:39.00TomWNaw, you could do some nasty stuff using a 2N7000 FET or 7407, but, I wouldn't rely on that unless you have an o'scope and doing low speed stuff.
20:39.48legodudeI'll just drive out to rat shack
20:40.39TomWibot: webpal
20:40.39somebody said webpal was a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!
20:41.56TomWibot: webpal is also schematics are available from:
20:41.57TomW: okay
20:42.04TomWibot: webpal
20:42.05i guess webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!, or schematics are available from:
21:04.30*** join/#elinux file (
21:13.37MonMothaibot webpal schematics
21:13.37methinks webpal schematics is at
21:13.41MonMothait already knows :)
21:52.54*** join/#elinux mallum (
21:53.35*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
22:02.11*** join/#elinux legodude_ (
22:06.31sjhillhi file
22:06.38filehow are you? about you
22:06.56filegood good
22:07.05filewaiting for someone to come online to give me a UPS Tracking Number :)
22:07.18fileI'm running out of desk space
22:08.46TomWMonMotha: ok, just didn't think to qualify the query
22:19.50*** join/#elinux legodude_ (
22:49.17*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
22:54.27*** join/#elinux MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:768:1818:a101:0:0:0:2)
23:30.52*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.