irclog2html for #elinux on 20030124

00:29.40*** join/#elinux file (
00:37.29*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
00:37.40cpenguin_homeHello again
00:37.48kergothhey cpenguin_home
00:37.55sorphincp_: evening jordan
00:38.04Russ|werkdid the weasel actually not get out this time?
00:39.22sorphinRuss|werk: i thought i unplugged you yesterday :P
00:39.49Russ|werkya, well I guess I must be wireless now
00:41.56sorphinor something liek that
00:47.45cpenguin_homeRuss|werk: nah, the weasel is doing fine.  In fact, he has been so well behaved I might need to find another /away message
00:48.00cpenguin_homesorphin: things getting better?
00:48.15sorphincpenguin_home: yes and no
00:52.23cpenguin_homesorphin: then I am happy and sad for you.. :)
00:52.40sorphinshould get everything fixed tonight
00:52.48sorphinhowever, i'm already on OT again
00:53.01sorphinand my only meal today
00:53.06sorphina cheese danish and a sprite
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01:22.12*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
01:24.42*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
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01:32.18jacqueshow do I get onto efnet?
01:32.21jacquesdamn xchat
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02:08.25*** join/#elinux anotherScanline (~micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
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07:14.01*** join/#elinux levi (
08:18.15*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
08:40.57*** join/#elinux ibot (
08:40.57*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc.
08:40.57*** mode/#eLinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
10:00.22*** join/#elinux mallum (
10:07.22*** mode/#eLinux [-o kergoth`zzz] by ChanServ
10:24.24theDevil-is montevistas library optimizer tool updated beyond that on sourceforge CVS?
10:46.29TimRikernot that I've seen. you might also try the debian boot floppies script.
10:47.34TimRikerandersee: so it looks like Metrowerks is cutting the other 3 contractors this week. nice stability. ;-)
10:52.28anderseeTimRiker: Who are the other 3?
10:53.05anderseeTimRiker: did they spend a lot to buy Lineo?  They seemed determined to obliterate it....
11:02.21theDevil-TimRiker: thanks
11:02.41theDevil-nice tip
11:03.52anderseetheDevil-: specifically, try and is no longer maintained...
11:04.03anderseeerr.  s/and/as/
11:06.38TimRikerandersee: duck, bart and jimg
11:08.29anderseeTimRiker: nah.
11:08.51anderseeTimRiker: People have been warned I won't be trying to retain binary compat till the 1.0 release...
11:08.53TimRikerare there no deployed platforms that will care?
11:09.08TimRikeryeah, but when will that be? ;-)
11:09.27anderseeTimRiker: dunno.  Perhaps.  But _I_ don't care, and I've given folks ample warning....
11:09.50TimRikerbut Doc, it hurts when I do "this".
11:10.05anderseeTimRiker: I had to make a change to struct stat, to fix a bug that showed up with GNU tar (while getting dpkg to work)
11:10.45anderseeTimRiker: dpkg has been good to me -- found _two_ subtle uClibc bugs in two days
11:13.05anderseeFortunately, things are _awfully close.  And I have buildroot building my whole uClibc devel world.
11:13.55anderseeNow all I need to a quad P-IV 3 Ghz with 2 Gigs of ram to speed up my compiles...
11:14.54TimRikerwell, talk to those friends of yours, one of them should come through.
11:15.16TimRikerwhy only 2G ram? ;-)
11:15.53anderseeI suppose when wishing, wish big... :)
11:16.10TimRikerI liked my netfinity with 6G at Caldera.
11:17.43anderseeI bet they arn't even using it now.
11:18.02anderseewe should sneak over there and boost it one night.  ;-)
11:18.21TimRikerif I only knew where "there" would be now. ;-)
11:18.42anderseeTimRiker: they moved?
11:19.35TimRikerthey are over by Lineo, I never worked in that office.
11:20.10TimRikercourse that's SCO that's over by Metrowerks, but you knew what I meant.
11:20.44anderseetougher to track then hillbilly geneology
11:44.43*** join/#elinux file (
14:06.04*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:13.11CosmicPenguinandersee: you here?
15:13.21*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:14.08anderseeCosmicPenguin: yup
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21:22.45*** join/#elinux scan[ibook] (~micah@stad235-155-dhcp.Colorado.EDU)
21:24.05scan[ibook]CosmicPenguin: this is quite twisted... my latest nugget of joy from Bob Smith included "Our partner was very involved in the Agenda device" when I asked how they came to know about PicoGUI. I asked to make sure, but that's got to be Shane Nay
21:24.47scan[ibook]Last I heard from Shane Nay he was consulting for Valourtech, who's doing a linux-distro-thingy that supposedly includes PicoGUI
21:27.15MonMothahum, is there a way to get the webpal to just throw something on the serial console?
21:27.42CosmicPenguinscan[ibook]: so he's got the PicoGUI skill then?
21:27.51scan[ibook]CosmicPenguin: who knows?
21:28.09scan[ibook]Shane's done some PicoGUI work before, but it would take a lot of work to get a usable web browser running
21:28.11CosmicPenguinscan[ibook]: the Agenda was FLTK based.   Did someone bring FLTK in the the picture?  We figured that if they had a browser, it might be ViewML
21:28.15scan[ibook]I asked whether they have screenshots
21:28.39scan[ibook]CosmicPenguin: I haven't heard of FLTK being used, and if it was it would take some really funky code to get PicoGUI and FLTK cooperating
21:29.12CosmicPenguinscan[ibook]: Its funky either way
21:29.30CosmicPenguinscan[ibook]: Did contact Shane Nay and ask him WTF?
21:29.32scan[ibook]I'm looking forward to a response, so I can see whether it really is Shane.. and whether they have screenshots
21:29.35scan[ibook]I should do that
21:32.11CosmicPenguinstupid internet - propagate DNS entries faster
21:32.42*** join/#elinux theDevil- (
21:33.22scan[ibook]Internet is indeed weird
21:33.44scan[ibook]Twice in the last few days I lost my connection to freenode, and couldn't reconnect unless I changed my IP
21:48.55*** join/#elinux file (
21:55.21*** join/#elinux mallum (
21:57.09filehi mallum
21:58.45mallumhey file
22:00.09MonMothahum, I cannot for the life of me get my comp talking to my webpal
22:00.23fileMonMotha: still having problems?
22:00.58MonMothaI know the RS-232 is working, at least when I loop back the TTL level lines it acts like a normal RS-232 loopback (as in I can see what I type)
22:01.03sorphinMonMotha: i have no probs having mine talk :P
22:01.16sorphinMonMotha: using a null modem adapter ?
22:01.38MonMothasorphin: it's a cisco rollover cable with two terminal adapters on it
22:01.42MonMothasame cable I use to talk to my tux
22:02.02MonMothais there a way to just get the thing to spit something out on the serial port that a terminal emulator would pick up
22:02.09sorphinMonMotha: and when you turn on the power, you hold down SW2 ?
22:02.20sorphinwhen do hold down SW2
22:02.25sorphinit'll print a banner on boot
22:02.40sorphinyes really
22:02.51CosmicPenguinMonMotha: sure you got the terminal settings correct?
22:02.52MonMotha9600 8N1, no flow control?
22:02.54sorphinhold down SW2, power on, release SW2
22:03.29sorphinwhat term prog ?
22:03.32MonMothawhich serial port?
22:03.46sorphinthe one on J11 :P
22:03.58MonMothaah, I was using J10
22:04.02sorphinoops :P
22:04.04MonMotha(which would be the FIRST serial port :)
22:04.05kergothhey sorphin, MonMotha, CosmicPenguin
22:04.13sorphinkergoth: allo digiboy
22:04.20filekergoth: Good day m'lord.
22:04.30kergothhey file
22:04.32MonMothahello kergoth
22:05.03MonMothayeah, works amazingly well when you use the right serial port :)
22:05.24MonMothaand this can be used even if the flash is blank or otherwise not bootable?
22:05.40sorphinnot if it's *blank*
22:07.12MonMothaso how the heck does one program the flash on this thing initially?  program before placing on board?
22:07.47sorphinyou make a flash programmer :P
22:07.53sorphinthat's why you don't blank your damn flash
22:09.16sorphinyou flash ON the board :P
22:09.34sorphinyou are simply replacing the programming already on there :P
22:10.15CosmicPenguinkergoth: ello
22:10.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: so.. no word from corporate yet?
22:21.12MonMothasorphin: well, my question is...are we replacing the thing providing the RDP when we install linux?
22:22.52sorphinthe RDP is provided by the CPU
22:23.11MonMothaok, which raises the question...why doesn't it work when the flash is blank? :)
22:23.27sorphincuz you need something to actually flash the flash? :P
22:23.36sorphinor put you into flashing mode i suppose
22:23.43sorphinask someone like tom or ken :P
22:24.15MonMothafrom the looks of it, you're uploading a program to program the flash then running it from the debugger
22:25.18MonMothawhich means you're providing it with said programmer
22:25.19sorphinpretty much
22:25.29MonMothabut yes, the RDP doesn't work with blank flash (well, no flash :)
22:25.43MonMothawhich to me suggests that the remote debugger is implemented in software?
22:25.50sorphinbut the rdp isn't in the flash tho
22:25.50MonMothaI guess I should go RTFM for the proc :)
22:26.02sorphinyou should ;p
22:38.00MonMothanow that's odd, now I can't get it to sync
22:38.18MonMothathere we go
22:46.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: word from corporate?  Other than "we might fire you next week?"
22:52.37TheMasterMind1on the webpal
22:52.44TheMasterMind1how do the pins count
22:52.48TheMasterMind1the one with the box is 1
22:52.49TheMasterMind1then what
23:35.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: pixil
23:35.53sorphinMonMotha: it's stubborn to sync sometimes
23:40.06CosmicPenguinsorphin: not a word
23:40.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: but I have ported 2 of the 4 apps to a SQL database
23:41.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: which database? :P (or just sql in general)
23:47.09sievenight all..  I'll drop by the channel a few times this weeked and let everyone know how dave is doing.
23:58.42CosmicPenguinI am otta here as well

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.