irclog2html for #elinux on 20030122

00:00.19*** join/#elinux as_ (
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00:15.48*** join/#elinux prpplague (
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00:20.33sievelater all
00:29.22*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
00:29.30CosmicPenguinhello, hello
00:30.28anderseeCosmicPenguin: evening
00:31.13prpplagueandersee: whats on the agenda todays work?
00:32.19sorphinprpplague: apparently monmotha was looking for you, dunno what about
00:32.36prpplaguesorphin: probably looking for webpal stuff
00:32.47prpplaguesorphin: btw, i went to work today...........
00:33.04prpplaguesorphin: and lo and behold what sits on my keyboard...........
00:33.57prpplaguesorphin: your ram and GPSFan stuff
00:34.12prpplaguesorphin: with a note "what are we suppose to do with this?"
00:35.09sorphin"ship it ya stupid bimbo"
00:39.18prpplaguesorphin: "come up here with the stuff and put on a sex show!"
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00:40.27CosmicPenguinhold on, networking going buhbye
00:41.56sorphinprpplague: um... right
00:44.12prpplaguesorphin: she'd probably do it for $20
00:45.20sorphinprpplague: i'd rather see the other chick
00:46.45prpplaguesorphin: probably couldn't get here for less than $20k but it would be worth it :)
00:48.16sorphinprpplague: hehe
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00:57.45prpplaguesorphin: man, the next few weeks are gonna be _very_ long
00:57.53prpplaguesorphin: this is what my wife has -
00:59.10CosmicPenguinprpplague: what stage is she in?
01:01.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just starting phase 2
01:01.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: phase 2 is suppose to last 3-10 weeks
01:02.07MonMothaprpplague: any work done on BLOB for the webpal yet?
01:02.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: is she on a resperator?
01:04.30prpplagueMonMotha: hmm, ya so far it boots and says "would you like to play a game of chess?"
01:04.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya for 9 days now
01:05.05kergothprpplague: what bootloader you thinking on for the connect board? just port blob? oughtta be easy enough
01:07.52prpplaguekergoth: ya thats what i would like to use
01:08.04sorphincpenguin_away: ironically i have a couple hundred feet of cat5 still, a crimper and 50 rj45s :P
01:08.19prpplaguekergoth: i've been reading on the net+arm trying to figure out what things will be different than a strongarm
01:08.47kergothprpplague: sorry to hear about your wife, that really sucks
01:08.58kergothprpplague: i was lookign at it as well, no time to do anything though
01:09.04prpplaguekergoth: i've had my laptop at the hospital looking over the pdf's blob code
01:09.49prpplaguekergoth: everyone likes me in the waiting room since i always bring my own remote for the tv :)
01:11.01prpplaguei was joking with my wife, told her that we needed to get another respirator since this one didn't run linux
01:11.13prpplaguegot a smile out of her
01:12.38CosmicPenguinheh... :)
01:12.56CosmicPenguinthat would scare the hell out of me
01:13.21prpplaguethe joke or having your wife on a respirator?
01:14.00CosmicPenguinthe joke
01:14.14prpplagueshe knows i'm a linux advocate
01:14.24CosmicPenguinbut the wife on a respirator isn't much fun either, I assume
01:14.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well, its just now starting get a little depressing/stressfull
01:15.12CosmicPenguinprpplague: how are the kids doing?
01:15.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i can handle pretty high stress for a couple weeks straigh, but its gonna go way beyond a couple of weeks
01:15.36CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, thats what I read on the web site
01:15.42*** join/#elinux levi (
01:16.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: son is fine, just a little concernced about where mom is
01:16.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: someone needs to teach the webmasters on that site about proper html
01:16.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: everytime i click on a link it opens like 4 new browser windows
01:16.57CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, well...  at least the info is out there... :)
01:17.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: right
01:17.04sjhillprpplague: porn site eh?
01:17.08CosmicPenguin10 years ago, you would've been so in the dark
01:17.28prpplaguesjhill: this is what my wife has -
01:17.38sorphin~fishslap sjhill
01:17.39ACTION slaps sjhill up side the head with a wet fish.
01:17.40prpplaguesjhill: no pr0n here
01:18.02prpplaguei could use some right about now though, lol
01:18.07sjhilli am soooo tired of fish
01:18.24prpplaguesjhill: hmm, witch slap?
01:18.49sjhilli mean at least nuke me or something...put me out of my misery
01:18.52sorphinlike the mipsbitch he is
01:19.15prpplaguehmm, i think i will torture the other ppl in my office tomorrow
01:19.17sorphinspeaking of snukes
01:19.35sorphinsaw some crap on CNN about an EMP gun or something
01:19.46sorphinibot: guinness prpplague
01:19.51ACTION pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to prpplague
01:20.49sjhillwell i see debian has managed to fsck up abiword installing at all
01:22.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: well i can look on the bright side of things, atleast i'm not getting up a 4am to take her to dialysis right now......
01:23.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: true
01:23.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hope you made you woman take a physical before you tie the knot, lol
01:24.39CosmicPenguinprpplague: ahh, I'll take her anyway...
01:24.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: but if truth be told, she should worry about me mor
01:25.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well mental problems don't count
01:26.23CosmicPenguinWell, I'm adopted, so we have absolutely no idea what sort of family medical history I have
01:29.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not an open adoption?
01:29.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: my son is adopted, but it was open
01:29.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: his birth mother has never come and visited
01:29.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: not in 1975
01:33.15MonMothaprpplague: no, let's play Globalthermoneuclearwar :)
01:34.01prpplagueMonMotha: lol
01:34.37MonMothaprpplague: well, I'm working on a webpal right now (putting the serial header on)
01:34.47MonMothadon't have a power brick yet though (tomorrow possibly)
01:35.05prpplagueMonMotha: desoldering braid or desoldering iron?
01:36.36sorphinlater i may work on the adapter for my 2nd webpal
01:36.43sorphinand do the ram mods
01:36.53MonMothaprpplague: for what purpose?
01:36.57sorphinnow comes the decision
01:40.08sorphini just love the responsiveness in here ;p
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01:41.00sjhilloh joy
01:42.09sorphinsjhill: go play w/ irix :P
01:43.11sjhillprobably more vtun...i blew 3 hours playing alpha centauri
01:43.29sjhilli am so undisciplined
01:49.55prpplaguesjhill: don't feel bad, i wasted an hour today making rude comment lines in all my code to make the programming department manager mad, lol
01:50.40MonMothaprpplague: what's the desoldering gear for?
01:51.17prpplagueMonMotha: the units i got have the header via's soldered closed
01:51.45prpplagueMonMotha: i needed to remove the solder to insert idc header
01:51.57MonMothaheh, I have just pins :)
01:52.08prpplagueMonMotha: i bet your soldering directly and not installing the header
01:52.15MonMothaI'm so cheap I ripped the pins off an old IDC header off a mobo
01:52.24MonMothano, I have pins, from an old header (so no plastic piece)
01:52.36sorphingot my headers off an old MB
01:52.38MonMothawhich means I can put them in one at a time, heating the pre-existing solder to insert the pin
01:53.30prpplagueMonMotha: ahh so your doing them one at a time?
01:53.30prpplaguei used to be cheap like that, but i figure, my time is better spend learning than salaving parts
01:53.51prpplagueMonMotha / sorphin : not to say your time isn't valuable
01:53.54MonMothaprpplague: this literally took me 60 seconds to rip them off
01:54.10MonMothaless time than going to MAI (about a 20min drive, one way) to pick them up
01:54.19MonMothaand cheaper too
01:54.37sorphinfurther for me
01:54.40MonMothaheck, I already had my 30W iron plugged in and heated up (I normally use a smaller, grounded tipped 15W)
01:54.48prpplagueMonMotha: i took mine out of the cabinet drawer, lol
01:55.00MonMothaI don't have that kind of inventory :)
01:55.53prpplagueMonMotha: i didn't either until a few months ago :)
02:15.58*** join/#elinux signal11_ (
02:17.00*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:01.06*** part/#elinux sjhill (
03:05.26CosmicPenguinWhats the windoze console command that shows the IP configuration?
03:05.36kergothCosmicPenguin: ipconfig
03:05.54CosmicPenguinkergoth: duh...
03:06.01CosmicPenguinibot: hit cosmicpenguin with the cluebat
03:06.02CosmicPenguin: i haven't a clue
03:06.09CosmicPenguinibot: cluebat CosmicPenguin
03:06.11ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps CosmicPenguin.
03:22.32sorphinTCP/IPenguin ?
03:29.17CosmicPenguinanyone have a favorite samba admin tool?
03:46.44MonMothawell yes, a good text editor is handy too
03:58.11CosmicPenguinI hate Windows so very much
04:06.49CosmicPenguinAlright, so the mother lovin shares don't appear in the network neighborhood, but I found it in search
04:22.06MonMothaCosmicPenguin: SMB browsing is very unreliable
04:22.09MonMothaas is name resolution
04:22.22MonMothathere have been times where I finally resorted to \\
04:23.00kergothyeah, occasionally need a WINS server, particularly when crossing subnets
04:23.25MonMothathis was two comps hooked up by a crossover in the same subnet
04:23.46*** join/#elinux Russ (
04:24.29MonMothaRuss: I have an update to my wheaties patch, fixes the "oh shit, I forgot to kfree" problem in case you didn't work it out in your spare time :)
04:25.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:53.58*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
05:13.14*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
05:14.41prpplaguemighty quite tonight
05:29.56*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:58.38CosmicPenguinjust gotta pass the nameserver across to the DCHP clients, and I think we're good to go
07:02.35*** join/#elinux chrisb (chrisb@
08:19.27*** join/#elinux ctr (~chris@
08:36.03*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
08:36.45*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
10:29.05*** join/#elinux mallum (
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12:07.10*** join/#elinux prh (
12:19.36*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
12:23.12*** join/#elinux julie_ (
14:25.53*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:26.55*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:43.03*** join/#elinux cpenguin_away ([
15:43.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: lo
15:49.43CosmicPenguinsorphin: what up?
15:50.48CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm finally a member of the wireless / samba community... it only took me 6 years to sign on
15:51.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: bout a 11-12 hour day, that's whats up
15:51.26CosmicPenguin11-12 hour day?  What, did you finally get your Viagra prescription?
15:51.46sorphinapp switchover tonight at 7pm
15:51.52sorphinwhen production is low
15:54.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: i did think about getting some viagra tho, just to see if there's any diff for when visiting sarah
15:54.37sorphinnot like it costs that much
15:58.55*** join/#elinux levi (
16:07.11*** join/#elinux levi__ (
16:10.00CosmicPenguinsorphin: nobody at work uses it?
16:10.15CosmicPenguinsorphin: the latest editon of Maxim had some kind words about it
16:10.26sorphinno idea, i don't ask, and i don't get shagged by management
16:10.30sorphinor shafted either
16:10.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: the latest issue of Maxim has about 50 diff enlarging pills too :P
16:11.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: at least they're in there and not in my inbox... :)
16:12.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: that's fixable
16:18.08*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
16:18.18sorphinsieve: lo
16:18.50sievesorphin: morning
16:27.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: are you here, or just logged in
16:28.04sorphini doubt he's concious yet
16:35.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, he has a good amount of stress going on these days
16:38.13*** join/#elinux sjhill (
16:38.40sorphinsince he doesn't like fish anymore *snicker*
16:38.53sorphinwhich i'm sure disappoints the fiancee :P
16:39.35sjhilli just realized that it was 2 months yesterday that i have been laid off
16:44.58filehello sjhill
16:45.38Lethaljesus, people are still trying rpc.statd exploits. give it up already.
16:45.48sorphinLethal: wow, you're still alive :P
16:46.02Lethalsorphin, I guess
16:46.12sorphinLethal: heh, i had someone try that last month or 2 ago, so i turned it off :P
16:46.18sorphinone of the boxes slipped by me
16:46.48LethalI usually have it blocked off, but I don't particularly care anymore. people have way too much free time :P
16:48.40Lethalsjhill, you like toolchains, make it suck less :P
16:49.05sjhillLethal: only if i'm paid :)
16:49.27Lethalsjhill, will talk to manas ;P
16:50.36sorphinLethal: he's a mipswhore, so he won't do it unless he makes $ from it, hence the whoring
16:51.42Lethalsorphin, mips whoring is fine. you silly non-mips folk wouldn't understand :P
16:51.58sorphinnon-mips eh?
16:52.03Lethalsorphin, exactly
16:52.10sorphinso bite me
16:52.21Lethalsorphin, using them for anything other then decoration and/or glorified footrest? :P
16:52.35Lethalwow :P
16:52.50sorphinone of em is my series 2 tivo :P
16:53.01sorphinthe other is my I2
16:53.10Lethalrunning irix?
16:53.23Lethalwell. at least 4dwm and cycles kicks ass :P
16:54.12LethalI run irix on my i2 and linux on the rest of my non sgi mips.
16:54.31sorphinwhat other mips you got ?
16:54.38sorphinnino's don't count ;p
16:55.34Lethalps1/ps2, be300 pda, ddb4131, rbhma4200, cobalt nasraq, a prismiq settop box, and a bunch of other misc stuff.
16:55.55Lethaloh, and some other vr4111/vr4122 stuff
16:55.57sorphinah, in other words
16:56.00sorphinnothing interesting :P
16:56.11sjhill~fishslap sorphin
16:56.12ACTION slaps sorphin up side the head with a wet fish.
16:56.17Lethalthe rbhma4200 sucks ass
16:56.25Lethalfucking toshiba mips
16:56.40sorphin~lart sjhill
16:56.45Lethaland EMMA sucks too :P
16:56.55sorphinthe poor vaxen
16:57.03sorphinbeing wasted on a mipswhore ;p
16:57.17Lethalbah. vax assembly wishes it were as cute as mips ;P
16:57.29sorphinLethal: i don't care about vax asm
16:57.35sorphinthe boxes were nice ;p
16:57.41Lethalsorphin, yes, but that's because your odd :P
16:58.04sorphinLethal: um.. no, i don't eat sleep and breathe cpu manuals, like you
16:58.44sorphinlethal doesn't read the morning paper, he reads the next 20 pages of X cpu design reference guide
16:59.07Lethalsorphin, erm.. die :P
16:59.15sorphin~lart lethal
16:59.20sorphinyou 1st
17:00.20Lethalthis sucks, I have to spend the rest of the day optimizing sh context switches :P
17:00.25Lethalstupid customers :P
17:01.03sorphin<simpsons nelson voice> HA! HA! </simpsons nelson voice>
17:01.21Lethalno kidding
17:02.31Lethalthats not too bad, depending on when you got in :P
17:02.36sorphin2 hours ago
17:04.01Lethaloh, well, then it sucks to be you.
17:04.17sorphinproduction switchover tonight
17:13.20sorphinfinally, a banner i agree with :P
17:25.59sievesweet!  we got the CF to IDE cards in today
18:08.51*** join/#elinux file[bed] (
18:28.07*** join/#elinux Aelhaz (
18:36.19CosmicPenguinwonder if Tim worked with that one
18:38.59sorphinall i'll say is "cute"
18:39.44scanlineooh.. FPGA
18:39.56scanlinereally tiny one.. but still a step in the right direction
18:43.46CosmicPenguinWho wants to pretend to be an arm guru today?
18:45.30CosmicPenguinmmm... it has a TCPA chip too... that would be fun to play with
18:47.12sorphin<theDevil-> hehe
18:55.02Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: I play one on TV
18:55.34sorphinRuss|werk: must not pay much
19:05.27CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: oh, good.. you're here.  I've got a fun one for ya... flood coming in query
19:09.36*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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19:11.22sorphinTimRiker: allo
19:12.19kergothhey TimRiker
19:18.14*** join/#elinux Brimstone (
19:18.25*** part/#elinux Brimstone (
19:32.52sorphinjust noticed on the screen of that ibm pda
19:33.17sorphindamn Z only has an app included for mpeg1 ;p
19:38.13*** mode/#eLinux [+o Russ|werk] by ChanServ
19:42.20CosmicPenguinMPEG4 in hardware?
19:43.50sorphinno, an app :P
19:57.53kergothsorphin: op2 supports mpeg4 :)
20:02.33sjhillrock on
20:02.41kergothsjhill: congrats
20:02.45sjhillmovin' to Pittsburgh
20:02.48sjhillkergoth: thx
20:06.00CosmicPenguinmmm... real time
20:07.12sjhillCosmicPenguin: oh yeah....monotonic rate analysis etc. etc.
20:11.23kergothopieplayer2, a media player for qtopia/opie
20:11.25kergothibot: op2
20:11.25extra, extra, read all about it, op2 is a media player which is currently in beta stage, which will be able to play streaming mp3, ogg, and MPEG4 (DivX/XviD) movies, and other formats. The backend uses the xine libs. search for it in the oz3 feed for install help. ..., or a more recent version of op2 can be found in the official unstable feed of openzaurus
20:11.35Aelhazsjhill: Timesys called me right after i lost my job at lineo, and gave me a really bad vibe. I wish i hadn't freaked out at them, now, 9 months later, with no freakin job
20:12.08Aelhazsjhill: it worried me that they contacted me out of the blue and wanted me to produce pay stubs and signed performance evaluations from my former employer
20:12.56Aelhazand made threatening statements about their intention of double-checking everything i told them
20:13.27Aelhazthe tone of the letter was something along the lines of "Come work for us . . . YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT! no, really."
20:14.36sorphinsjhill: congrats, what's the fiancee think of moving ?
20:17.16AelhazI didn't want to move. I had this illusion that I'd be out of work for a couple months and pick up somewhere else in town.
20:17.35Aelhaz9 months later, I've been interviewed twice. once by a tech support outsourcing firm, who didn't hire me, at $9/hr.
20:17.44sorphinAelhaz: s/illusion/delusion/
20:18.23Aelhazsorphin: eh, same difference
20:20.17CosmicPenguinAelhaz: sadly, its Utah
20:20.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: utah sucks ;)
20:20.59CosmicPenguinAelhaz:  I don't know a single engineer that has gotten a new job in the valley - even guys with 20 years of experience
20:21.24AelhazCosmicPenguin: This afternoon I'm gonna go down to the DishNetwork repair/installation dock in south provo and beg for a job. I hear those guys get $12/hr
20:21.59Aelhazbeats the living shit out of $9/hr so that people can yell at me all day because *they don't understand, and being restricted from telling them what they need to know.
20:22.53Aelhazmy former co-qa-engineer just took a job at a cabinet shop. making cabinets.
20:24.53AelhazCosmicPenguin: My brother tells me i could get a job in chicago, but frankly I think he's fulla shit.
20:25.07AelhazI check the listings in chicago. I don't see much.
20:29.47Aelhazthat was the other interview i had - he had his company interview me, they hired someone else
20:31.35AelhazThe first couple rejection letters i got were depressing. I haven't recieved a formal rejection in about 6 weeks.
20:32.23TimRikerAelhaz: were you looking for me? I'm home now.
20:33.12AelhazTimRiker: Oh, yeah, kinda.
20:33.19TimRikerDan's making cabinets now?
20:33.38AelhazTimRiker: Weird thing happened today - Flipdog emailed me a job listing where it said Lineo was looking for a QA engineer, but when i hit the link it said the listing had been deleted
20:34.00AelhazI talked to duck already, but he says he doesn't know anything about that, and anyone who would is in austin
20:34.20AelhazTimRiker: Yeah, I forget which shop. He just started today
20:35.29TimRikerI don't know anything about that either. at least duck is still on contract with them. I'm done now.
20:35.45AelhazReally, they axed you?
20:35.53AelhazDuck was saying he's not sure he's going to be around much longer
20:36.01Aelhazsaid they sent his last project to bejing
20:36.24TimRikeroffered me contract but we could not agree on terms. they wanted me to work for less and on short term contracts.
20:36.45Aelhazand they keep reminding him that they can get five programmers in china for what he costs
20:37.04TimRikeryeah, I get the feeling they want to become a US front for India/China engineering.
20:37.16Aelhazmillion monkeys on a million terminals . . .
20:37.52TimRikersomeday customers will understand that PS work on Linux is a dead end if it's not integrated with the mainstream kernel.
20:37.55Aelhazre-reading what flipdog said, there was something about cellular and RF technology
20:38.08Aelhazso i guess i wouldn't have qualified anyway
20:38.24Aelhazprobably a misprint or something
20:38.25TimRikeryou've used cell phones haven't you? ;-)
20:38.37AelhazYeah, and CB radio
20:38.44Aelhazand 802.11b too
20:38.53TimRikersounds to me like you might be overqualified. ;-)
20:39.10sorphinibot: cluebat TimRiker
20:39.11ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps TimRiker.
20:39.21scanlineRidgerun had a pretty cool product
20:39.26AelhazI suspect i didn't get the job doing pre-sales cisco support because I know too much and used to make too much money
20:39.31TimRiker~fishslap sorphin for getting cocky
20:39.32ACTION slaps sorphin up side the head with a wet fish for getting cocky
20:39.38sorphinTimRiker: getting ?
20:39.39Russ|werkAelhaz: try the public school district for an IT job
20:39.45TimRikersorphin: lol
20:39.50scanlinearchitecture to run things on both a CPU and DSP easily, an 'emulator' using UML...
20:40.04sorphinTimRiker: i'm the resident arse, didn't you know? ;)
20:40.05AelhazRuss: I've occasionally trolled those listings, haven't found much
20:40.22CosmicPenguinAelhaz: any netadmin jobs on
20:40.32TimRikerperhaps ibot needs a sus like his sud?
20:40.35shut up doug
20:40.39AelhazRuss: My dad's best friend is the network administrator for the city of orem and i didn't even get a rejection letter when i applied for their assistant admin position, I have no idea how that happened
20:41.06TimRikercall em back and find out.
20:41.17AelhazOh, that was six months ago
20:41.28sorphinTimRiker: got your matrix yet? :-P
20:42.27AelhazI feel like my work experience has actually disqualified me for every job in the state
20:43.13sorphinAelhaz: prolly has ;)
20:43.41AelhazIt turns out that in order to do tech support nowadays you have to be a complete dumbass
20:43.54file[laptop]did I hear my qualities?
20:44.14Aelhazthey got tired of smartalek geeks letting the cat out of the bag, and they prefer if tech support hands out the marketing-approved answers instead of the real answers
20:44.24sorphinAelhaz: hence why i won't do tech support :P what i do is already painful enough to my stress level :P
20:44.25Aelhazso knowing your shit disqualifies you
20:44.28Russ|werkAelhaz: you might try az, intel has a list of 8 positions available (slight sarcasm)
20:44.38TimRikersorphin: yes, actually. Have not put it in yet though.
20:44.46sorphinTimRiker: slacker ;)
20:44.57AelhazPlus they always ask for my salary history
20:45.13Aelhazand it probably breaks their little hearts when the notice that i used to make more than the supervisor on the support floor makes
20:45.17sorphinTimRiker: btw.. cp was curious if you worked on that ibm reference PDA at all when you were at lineo
20:45.50Aelhazwith so many programmers out of work, nearly every listing i see for QA requires programming experience
20:45.50TimRiker"ibm reference PDA" ? does not ring a bell.
20:46.06Aelhazibm made a ppc pda reference design
20:46.08TimRikerI know some IBM folks are testing the Zaurus which I am familiar with.
20:46.14sorphinTimRiker: <CosmicPenguin>
20:47.05TimRiker96M flash?
20:47.06AelhazIt's like Jim Croche said. I got those steadily depressing, low down, mind messing, prolly gonna end up working at the carwash blues.
20:47.21sorphinTimRiker: and an fpga
20:48.53TimRikersoftware stack includes MontaVista Linux Consumer Electronics Edition,
20:49.44sorphinwhatever that is :P
20:54.09Aelhazo/~ I tried to get myself an executive position, but no matter how smooth i talked, they wouldn't listen to the fact that i was genius, the man said 'we got all that we can use', now I got them steadily depressin, low down, mind messin, workin a the carwash blues o/~
20:54.34AelhazI got it all, except the job at the carwash. damn machines.
20:58.28AelhazWell, I'm gonna go take a shower and see if i can talk charlie ergen's local cronies into giving me an installer job. I just hope i don't accidentally spill the beans that i know way more about their technology than they'd prefer i did.
20:59.39CosmicPenguinI wonder if Totally Awesome Computers is hiring?
21:02.16TimRikerthat's it, Aelhaz in a TV commercial. ;-)
21:09.21sjhillsorphin: fiancee is parents are going over to look at a house this weekend for us
21:09.58sorphinsjhill: ah, they live in PA ?
21:10.40sjhillsorphin: Ohio, but they're right across the border....they can be downtown in about 1-1/2hrs
21:11.19sjhillmy dad has built houses in the past, so i know he'll be very critical
21:12.03sjhillsorphin: so much for me driving down to torture you
21:22.42MonMothawow, TI does follow up on their samples requests
21:25.01AelhazTAC . . . . . would i work for dell shanze? . . . . .
21:25.08Aelhaz. . . . . probably . . . .
21:25.19AelhazI'll just lie and tell him lineo paid me $10/hr
22:15.20*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
23:20.29Russ| seems *some* packets are making it through

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