irclog2html for #elinux on 20030118

00:08.53CosmicPenguinlater folks
00:22.35sievelater all
01:01.19TimRikerSmithMatt: run "make wireless-tools ; make"
01:01.20TimRikerthe last make will rebuild the jffs2 image from whatever is in root. is broken in buildroot-tux
01:04.21mastermndCFLAGS="-Os -g" "-fPIC"
01:17.05*** join/#elinux kergoth (
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01:27.05sorphinah yes, nice stable freenode
01:40.34*** join/#elinux Jag (
01:44.13TimRikerwe could always move to oftc ;-)
01:44.25mastermndoftc? where #blob and #kernelnewbies have gone.
01:45.22sorphinthen i'd have to dual home :P
01:46.22mastermndTim, after the difficulty you had moving the conversation from #tuxscreen to #elinux, do you really think everyones going to want to move servers too?
01:46.45TimRikerhehe, perhaps you're right. ;-)
01:47.14sorphinpeople are still in tuxscreen ;p
01:47.51sorphinthe fact that people still join tuxscreen :P
01:47.58JagOld channels never die
01:48.12sorphinunless you force them to
01:48.13JagUnless you get the op to auto transfer people
01:48.26JagOr get rid of the server
01:57.27mastermndhmm, talk about freudian slip:
01:57.28mastermndbuildroot-tux/build$ arm -r root
02:00.42sorphinum... ok
02:05.25sorphinmaxim sent me the wrong max225s
02:06.41Jagmastermnd: Building an ARM kernel or something?
02:07.11from memory, buildroot is a cool system for building embedded root file systems and can be found at or a heavily modified version used by the OpenZaurus project, or see oz buildroot
02:07.57mastermndit's basically the whole os for the tuxscreen wrapped into one Makefile, and the tux is an arm system.
02:11.34JagNever actually seen a TuxScreen except on slashdot
02:11.41mastermndLTSP stuff?
02:12.14JagWorking with a IBM NetVista N2800 thin client
02:12.21JagDoing a custom distro for it
02:12.45JagIt might work with LTSP but LTSP is a little limited on stand alone usage and requires NFS.
02:13.03JagI'm doing pure PXE boots into memory and in the N2800 case I want it all running from flash
02:13.38JagEventually I'd like to have a thin client that can run from
02:13.46mastermndthe local lug is playing with LTSP Monday, that's why I asked.
02:13.47JagPXE, CF, or CD
02:13.57JagLTSP is pretty cool
02:14.22mastermndper someone elses suggestion I'm going to bring a tuxscreen to try and set that up as one of our clients at the meeting.
02:15.44JagIsn't a tux screen fairly limied on screen?
02:15.56JagThought those were like 640x480
02:16.11mastermndit is
02:16.30mastermnddoing it just for play.
02:28.56*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
02:31.45sorphinGPSFan: evening ken
02:34.56TimRikeryep 640x480x8
02:41.53mastermndI don't understand: This works fine when I do it from the command prompt, but doesn't work in the Makefile.
02:42.03mastermnd(cd /home/mastermnd/tuxscreen/buildroot-tux/build/gcc-3.2.1; set -e; export LIST=`grep -lr -- "-dynamic-linker.*\.so[\.0-9]*" *`;\
02:42.03mastermndexport: 1: gcc/FSFChangeLog.11: bad variable name
03:02.24*** join/#elinux MattSmith (
03:02.50MattSmithhas anybody done cvs snapshots yet?
03:03.30prpplaguehowdy all
03:03.37sorphinprpplague: guess what actually showed up todya
03:03.45prpplaguesorphin: what?
03:03.49sorphin'my maxim samples ;p
03:03.56MattSmithI made the mistake of doing make clean or dirclean maybe... so now I'm missing tuxphone again.
03:04.00prpplaguethats what i was about to say
03:04.11sorphinprpplague: sent me the wrong crap tho
03:04.22sorphin'sent 233s (fine) and 225s instead of 235s
03:04.36prpplagueMattSmith: hey how many lcd's have you got for the tuxscreen?
03:04.41sorphinheh, 225's cost $2.00 more, draw 2ma more, and are SOICs only
03:04.54prpplaguesorphin: fun
03:04.59MattSmithprpplague: 2
03:05.09prpplaguesorphin: my pcb prototype stuff showed up today
03:05.19prpplagueMattSmith: not using them for anything?
03:05.28sorphinprpplague: cool
03:05.29prpplagueMattSmith: they are very sa friendlt
03:05.41MattSmithsa friendly?
03:06.20MattSmithwell, I've just got the two tuxscreens - nothing else to attach to them.. unless you've got some ideas..  Maybe a display for in-car or something
03:06.42prpplagueMattSmith: did you got headless?
03:06.43MattSmithI may get rid of the whole lot if I can't figure this stuff out..
03:06.44MonMothasorphin: they sent me a chip in SSOP even though I specifically requested DIP...I can't work with SSOPs...SOICs maybe (solder small wire right onto the pins), but not SSOPTs
03:06.58prpplagueMattSmith: whats up?
03:07.22sorphinMonMotha: 14 pins
03:07.34MattSmithprpplague: headless?  I'm trying to add wireless-tools to the tuxscreen image - I'm not having much luck.  I'm trying to turn them into ap's...
03:07.45sorphinMonMotha: better spacing than the arm ;)
03:07.58MonMothasorphin: true...though still tough to work with
03:07.59MattSmiththe phone part got hit by lightning, so it's either get this working, or get rid of them.
03:08.08sorphinMonMotha: these aren't bad
03:08.26MonMothaI just hope they don't send me a uCSP (chip scale) package
03:08.47MonMothawhich are basically ungodly small BGAs
03:09.04sorphinMonMotha: better warm up that toaster oven ;)
03:09.31prpplagueMattSmith: please give me an email if you decide to get ride of the core
03:09.49MonMothasorphin: I don't think I could manage a uCSP in a toaster oven
03:12.59prpplaguefarscape frell'n rocks
03:14.09prpplaguesorphin: ya ya
03:14.37prpplaguesorphin: ya ya
03:15.23prpplaguethis evening epi was awesome
03:16.43MattSmithSo, no cvs snapshots anybody?
03:17.18prpplagueibot: tell MattSmith about prpplague
03:17.47prpplagueMattSmith: let me know if you need some help
03:19.17MattSmithprpplague: I could use a little direction on what is required for a .mk file... and I need the tuxphone package source.. but anon cvs is down...
03:19.59prpplagueMattSmith: you can read the info about the .mk from the buildroot info
03:20.08prpplagueibot: buildroot
03:20.09somebody said buildroot was a cool system for building embedded root file systems and can be found at or a heavily modified version used by the OpenZaurus project, or see oz buildroot
03:20.24prpplaguelet me check about the buildroot
03:20.53sorphinprpplague: sf cvs is disabled now, so..
03:21.08prpplagueMattSmith: you can get a base tar ball from
03:21.55prpplagueMattSmith: that can get you started
03:22.04prpplaguesorphin: whats up with sf?
03:22.39sorphinprpplague: from what russ said, too much load
03:22.47prpplaguesorphin: i think i'm with ac about sf, we are putting tooooooo much confidencience and dependence with sf
03:23.09sorphinac ?
03:23.39prpplaguealan cox
03:24.45mastermndMattSmith: I can send a current buildroot
03:24.49MattSmithprpplague: I'm a little past started...  I've builtroot successfully - I'm not seeing any .mk file info in the buildroot area
03:25.18mastermndlook in buildrook/make
03:26.22MattSmiththere's a bunch of .mk files - is there one in particular that is well commented or something?
03:27.32mastermnddon't think so, pick the one that's most similar to what your doing as an example, or the simplest looking one.
03:27.58mastermndthey're just like Makefiles
03:28.32prpplagueMattSmith: one of the best to look at is the tinyx build
03:28.57prpplagueMattSmith: the thing to remember is that all function needs to be seperated with a ;
03:29.10prpplagueMattSmith: you can use alot of shell script functionality
03:29.12MattSmithmastermnd: except different
03:29.37prpplagueMattSmith: what kinda project are you working on?
03:29.59prpplagueMattSmith: btw, most every one is every familiar with what every one else is working on
03:30.11MattSmithum.... wireless access point..
03:30.19prpplagueMattSmith: makes it easier to get to the person that knows the most about the topic
03:30.32prpplagueMattSmith: oops you already told me that
03:31.11prpplagueMattSmith: commercial product research or just education?
03:31.29MattSmithturning my blown up tuxscreen boards into ap's.. for personal use
03:33.43MattSmithI've done the 5v mod, got the driver loaded and working, I just can't modify the wireless cards settings without the wireless toolkit
03:34.44prpplagueMattSmith: ahh, you've got the hard part done, its patience time
03:34.54prpplagueMattSmith: little here,little there
03:34.58prpplagueMattSmith: it'll work
03:35.18prpplagueMattSmith: don't get too impatiencent
03:35.37MattSmithit'll never work if I can't download the source code because CVS is down.
03:35.43MattSmith...for tuxphone
03:35.49prpplagueMattSmith: agreed
03:36.39MattSmithunless there's a way to make it not look for tuxphone..  
03:41.06*** join/#elinux sjhill (
03:41.12MattSmithdoes anybody have a cvs login that can get the tuxphone package?
03:42.02prpplagueMattSmith: TimRiker would be the guru on all access
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04:09.05sorphinkergoth: re ya dupe
04:09.26kergothyo dan, whatre you up to tonight
04:09.29sorphinany invasion of the digifreaks
04:09.57sorphineh, had to help mom w/ some puter shit *grumble* was watching Black Hole and talking to the gf
04:10.10kergothack, i hate helping family
04:10.18kergothwith computer shit
04:11.00sorphinwishing i'd never given her the damn thing, she retains little
04:13.07sorphinkergoth: in other news, my maxim parts showed, but one of the samples is wrong (225 SOICs instead of 235 dips), and the Z is still sleeping in the cradle ;p
04:16.51MonMothasorphin: how well do you think a USB mod for the tuxscreen would be received? think it's worth the hack value or should I not bother?
04:16.54prpplagueha, dextor's libretto is on
04:17.04MonMothathe hardware appears to be rather simple, but SA-1100 (and 1110) UDC is a pain to work with in software
04:17.15sorphinMonMotha: hmm
04:17.28sorphinMonMotha: i'd see what daveyboy thinks and/or tim
04:18.00MonMothaI can do some work on it (and we can steal from the ipaq people's usbf driver as I know it's GPL or maybe the zaurus one)
04:18.34kergothword is the USBD stack from Lineo is a better design than usb-ether, but either would certainly do the job.
04:18.40MonMothaI'm looking at the fairchild USB1T11A line transceiver for hardware...should be pretty much direct connect to the SA-1100 UDC pins (though I need to confirm that)
04:18.40prpplagueMonMotha: i'd love one for the hack kit, and the core module for the tuxscreen should be pretty close
04:18.51MonMothaprpplague: yeah, it should carry over fairly nicely
04:19.08sorphinMonMotha: :)
04:19.41MonMothaI should have asked Intel for a SA-1100 dev manual when I asked for the SA-1110 dev manuals
04:20.23MonMothaprpplague: well, once I get my SA-1110 manual I'll get started
04:20.43MonMotha497 (or whatever it is) PDFs are a little inconvenient to read so I asked for it in dead tree form
04:21.12prpplagueahh, i have an old hp duplex printer for that purpose
04:21.36MonMothawell, they're just have to wait for them to be shipped
04:21.41MonMothaand then you get nice binding and all
04:21.51MonMothathey don't ship them fast...UPS ground I think
04:22.04MonMothaI'm amazed at TI and fairchild with samples and shipping
04:22.14MonMothaTI ships UPS next day air, fairchild FedEx next day air
04:22.36prpplagueMonMotha: hell, i got some crystal samples send fedex overnight red...
04:23.04MonMothacode red is damn fast (I've seen times of under 8 hours for fedex red)
04:23.12sorphinMonMotha: and maxim, slowest 1st class i've ever seen
04:23.17MonMothasame day best thing to a courier
04:23.19MonMothasorphin: heh
04:23.23sorphinthey picked my samples on the 7th :P
04:23.48prpplagueMonMotha: you know its so strange that you can get chip samples free and quick, and you order an arm board and you have to pay >1k and wait forever
04:24.06sorphinprpplague: they're baiting you w/ the samples that's why
04:24.07MonMothaprpplague: yep :)
04:24.18sorphinprpplague: when they have your $ for the order, they make you wait
04:24.52MonMothagot some nice shift registers
04:24.55MonMothavery useful
04:25.07MonMothasucks that RS doesn't have them
04:26.50prpplagueRS is a shit hole these days
04:29.12prpplagueMonMotha: if you want to electronics these days you have to go all out and be a pure whore during the day to afford it
04:29.29MattSmithcan anybody recommend a good irc client (not gui) ?
04:29.57kergothirssi, bitchx
04:29.59prpplagueMonMotha: in the last 6 months i've never been closer to understanding the mentality of stripers
04:30.47MonMothaprpplague: ???
04:30.59kergothprpplague: lol
04:31.30prpplagueMonMotha: you see kergoth understands
04:33.02prpplagueMonMotha: i.e. prostitue yourself out during the day for money
04:33.37MonMothaprpplague: ah, I was thinking too deeply
04:33.41MonMothaI thought it was a metaphor of some kind
04:34.51prpplagueMonMotha: no metaphor, ppl like me and kergoth get fux0red on a regular basis to support our computer habbit
04:38.47MonMothaI see...
04:45.18MonMothaprpplague: I'll take a look at a possible USB mod for your hackkit once i get my dev manual, I also plan on slapping an ISA bus on the thing
04:56.35*** join/#elinux MattSmithx (
04:59.33MattSmithxBitchX - much better...
05:05.43MattSmithis there a trick to making files in /build/root actually appear in the image?
05:22.12*** join/#elinux Russ (
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15:05.51MattSmithgood morning
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15:31.31filehey sjhill
15:36.21sjhilllo' file
15:36.44filehow are you?
15:40.41sjhillgood...spending the day organizing and recovering from Pittsburgh trip
16:06.42prpplaguesjhill: pittsburgh?
16:06.53prpplaguesjhill: funny, i'm cleaning house as well
16:20.31sjhillprpplague: yeah, had an interview
16:21.12prpplaguesjhill: any luck?
16:23.46sjhillprpplague: know in about 2 weeks
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18:20.14mattsmithanybody around?
18:21.24mattsmithdo you know - is there a way to just rebuild a buildroot image so that files added to /build/root will appear in the image?  It's not happening for me..
18:22.12*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
18:22.36fileRequested information is not available.
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18:26.27CosmicPenguinmattsmith: when ever you run mkjffs, it should build everything in build/root
18:29.35mattsmithcan't seem to find mkjffs
18:30.11CosmicPenguinmattsmith: it has to be in the buildroot, otherwise nothing would work
18:32.55CosmicPenguinthats it
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19:21.57mattsmithcool.. now they're in the image, but when I try to run them, it says "No such file or directory"... am I missing something?
19:22.12CosmicPenguinyeah, your libc
19:22.24CosmicPenguinDid you build them with uclibc like the rest of the apps?
19:22.50mattsmithHmmm... probably not
19:23.15CosmicPenguinmattsmith: you really gotta insert your app into the buildroot - otherwise stuff like that will happen
19:23.27CosmicPenguinmattsmith: everyone needs to play the same, so thats why the buildroot comes in handy
19:42.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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19:50.15smjAnyone here used cramfs on a compact flash?
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22:04.13mastermndanyone with tuxscreen commit access here?
22:07.17MonMotha6mastermnd: certainly. why?
22:07.40MonMotha6I don't but I know Erik does, and some others too
22:08.33mastermndI've got a line to add to
22:08.55mastermnda clean buildroot wont make it past without this line:
22:09.05mastermnd$(BUSYBOX_DIR)/scripts/ busybox-unpack
22:09.14MonMotha6that would be erik
22:14.30CosmicPenguinmastermnd: send a patch to the Tuxscreen list
22:14.56CosmicPenguinI've got commit, but thats Erik's area of expertise
22:15.50mastermndok, what about  the way CFLAGS is defined it doesn't come out right.
22:16.34CosmicPenguinmastermnd: patches are always acceptable
22:23.25mastermnd"cvs diff -u <filename>" correct?
22:25.49*** join/#elinux file (
22:30.20CosmicPenguinNo, do a normal diff - CVS diffs have issues
22:30.27CosmicPenguindiff -urN <original> <new>
22:30.47CosmicPenguinOr rather, diff -urN --exclude CVS <orignal> <new>
22:30.49anderseemastermnd: take a look at the latest here
22:31.33anderseemastermnd: I've made a _lot_ of updates that I've not yet merged back into the tuxscreen buildroot
22:32.30MonMotha6andersee: does OpenSSL work now?
22:33.03anderseemastermnd: oops.  Looks like I forgot to update the zlib cflags
22:33.10anderseeMonMotha6: it works for me
22:33.23MonMotha6andersee: nice...I know the tuxscreen one didn't last I checked
22:35.44anderseeMonMotha6: Hmm.
22:37.39mastermndare the .mk files pretty much drop-in compatible between the buildroot and the tuxscreen one?
22:38.32anderseemastermnd: for most of them yes.
22:38.52anderseemastermnd: For a few specialized one, like, no
22:40.14anderseemastermnd: pcmcia is another one that would need a little bit of hand tuning.
22:41.42mastermndok, that's basically what I figured.
22:41.56anderseemastermnd: if you just grabbed buildroot from, you'll want to do a 'cvs up'.  I just checked in a few little fixes, including the zlib cflags fix
22:42.04*** join/#elinux mallum (
22:42.25anderseemastermnd: for most things though, they are totally interchangable
22:42.28filehi mallum
22:42.34mastermndI'm still just looking at cvsweb, I'll grab it in a bit.
22:43.17filemallum: moo moo?
22:44.30mastermndthe uclibc didn't help. I'm not sure if this is best fixed in or, but it's easiest to fix in
22:44.54mastermndmake: *** No rule to make target `/home/mastermnd/tuxscreen/buildroot-tux/build/busybox-0.60.5/scripts/', needed by `/home/mastermnd/tuxscreen/buildroot-tux/build/root/lib/modules/2.4.18-rmk6-tux1/modules.dep'.  Stop.
22:47.28anderseemastermnd: Lemme take a look at that one
22:48.01mallumflashdance is on
22:48.07mallumand Im being mde to watch it :(
22:51.13fileoh ic
22:54.46anderseemastermnd: I've merged most everything back into buildroot-tux
22:55.00anderseemastermnd: Lemme try to build it, then I'll commit the lot
22:55.30mastermndok, thanks.
22:55.45filetalk to me... like lovers do
22:55.49filewalk with me... like lovers do
23:13.13MonMotha6ok, I really should learn more about analog electronics...
23:13.55fileMonMotha6: hehe
23:15.27MonMotha6file: well, I have a situation that there has to be a solution to, but I don't know it
23:16.07MonMotha6I've got the output of a flip-flop cascaded to the input of another flip-flop to make a poor man's shift register, however I also have each set of outputs going to an address bus
23:16.32MonMotha6normally that bus is at 5V, but there is a situation where on pin has to be at 12V.  I can tri-state the latches outputs, but the inputs are a problem
23:16.41MonMotha612V is well outside the ratings on the inputs of these things
23:17.01MonMotha6starting over?
23:18.11MonMotha6there's no easy way around the problem that if I use cascaded shift registers (as I will have to...they don't make 24 bit parallel in-parallel out shift registers that shift 8 bits at a time), the input of one will be on the A9 pin of this PROM
23:18.26MonMotha6and the A9 pin has to be able to be raised to 12V to get the manuf. ID
23:18.54fileI dunno
23:32.08ade|deskMonMotha6: best way to do 12V to ttl is just a straight invert buffer, most can cope with high inputs (~15V)
23:32.54ade|deskand invert the invert of course
23:32.56MonMotha6ade|desk: so basically just throw a buffer in between those two and let it handle the 12V?
23:33.12ade|deskshould work
23:33.20ade|desknot cmos though
23:33.52MonMotha6yeah, I may have to find a TTL one...fortunately all my parts are HCT so they can interface directly to a TTL part
23:35.04ade|deskHCT .. fast a useful ... but not here :/
23:35.26MonMotha6well, radio shack sells HCT parts
23:36.20ade|deskpoo my browser just stopped :(
23:36.38MonMotha6ade|desk: someone suggested jsut using a zener diode :)
23:38.13ade|deskthat would work
23:38.45ade|deskjust find one with correct break
23:38.54MonMotha65V, right?
23:39.02MonMotha6if it's over 5V, drop it to ground
23:39.24MonMotha6damn, I'm actually going to have to do some calculations here :)
23:40.22ade|deskbut (5~12)-->5V and below 3 -->0V yes ?
23:41.11MonMotha6nono, the input that I'm protecting doesn't care when the 12V will be coming
23:41.46MonMotha6what I have is an output hooked up to two inputs; one is a PROM, and the other is another flip-flop
23:42.10MonMotha6when the 12V is applied, I'm attempting to read the Manuf. ID fromthe PROM, so the flip-flops are all disabled anyway and will be put back into a known state before being used again
23:43.29MonMotha6I could just put a buffer on the A9 pin (the one getting hit with 12V)
23:43.47MonMotha6the inputs will be tri-state when the 12V is applied, and the input of the flip-flop will be behind the buffer
23:44.11ade|deskah right
23:44.40MonMotha6I should probably do that anyway to protect all the inputs
23:46.09JagAnyone here booted a cramfs off a falsh device?
23:46.11Jagflash even
23:46.41ade|deskwhy whats up ?
23:48.02JagCan't get this one to boot
23:48.16JagI'm trying it with Midori's cramfsboot bootloader
23:48.26JagIt doesn't seem to be co-operating
23:48.43JagI don't think grub supports loading the kernel from a cramfs partition.
23:48.49JagNor syslinux
23:49.28JagHmm.. Perhaps I could put the kernel on a never actually mounted ext2 filesystem, and just have it mount the cramfs root..
23:50.54MonMotha6Jag: or just throw it on a raw partition
23:51.07MonMotha6lots of stuff can boot that
23:51.28JagSo, just leave the kernel in a raw paritition 1, and dd the cramfs onto partition 2?
23:51.37JagAnd then load grub or something in as the boot laoder.
23:51.51JagHmm.. grubs a bad idea since it wants it's stage 1.5 off a file system
23:51.58Jagsyslinux would be the way to go I guess
23:52.13MonMotha6why use GRUB?  I'd think it would be darn simple to boot it at that point
23:52.23JagIt's accessed as an IDE device
23:52.30MonMotha6in fact, on some arch's the kernel can boot itself at that point
23:52.33MonMotha6like x86 on floppy
23:52.36MonMotha6dunno if it can do it off a hdd
23:52.44JagNot on a hd
23:52.57JagBut some minimal bootloader will do the trick
23:53.17MonMotha6basically the kernel just needs to be copied to RAM and jumped to, right?
23:53.19Jaglilo perhaps, it can run just in the boot sector
23:53.24MonMotha6there you go then
23:53.40JagI'll give it a shot. Thanks
23:56.26*** join/#elinux anotherScanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)

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