irclog2html for #elinux on 20030114

00:17.05CosmicPenguinTime to go.......
00:29.47Lethalsorphin, you get your linux smp working yet?
00:30.10sorphinLethal: haven't messed w/ it, busy w/ other things
00:30.32Lethalwell, fyi:
00:30.33Lethal206 processes: 184 sleeping, 17 running, 0 zombie, 5 stopped
00:30.33LethalCPU0 states:  95.3% user   4.2% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle
00:30.33LethalCPU1 states:  96.0% user   3.4% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle
00:30.39Lethalit works fine for me :P
00:31.12sorphinthat's nice
00:31.31LethalI guess. I just haven't seen the issue with having work distributed like you have.
00:31.43Lethalso I'm not sure whats up with your kernel
00:31.48kergothwhat issue?
00:32.52sorphinkergoth: hey, ready for my OZ question? :P
00:33.17sorphinmentions no SD support
00:33.26sorphinthat just mean the SD part of an SD card, right ?
00:33.40sorphini.e. i can still use an SD as a normal MMC?
00:34.03kergothsd isnt used as mmc, its used as sd without security
00:34.10kergothbut yes, both sd and mmc are supported in OZ just fine
00:35.40sorphinkergoth: k
00:36.13sorphinall i'd meant was since MMC's are hard to grab atm, and SD's arent', and since i don't give a rats about the SD part of the SD card, i just need an "MMC" card... etc
00:36.44kergothSD support is up in the air going forward
00:36.55kergothwhether it'll work on the 2.4.19-rmk4-cl1 kernel, that is
00:37.12kergothcourse then, so is MMC, since sharp wont give me the specs on the SPI registers on their fucking proprietary chip
00:37.38prpplagueman i just went to 4 of the bigest book chains in our area
00:37.45sorphinprpplague: for...
00:37.52prpplaguenot one had and electronics mag or book
00:37.56sorphinprpplague: how to start your own nudiebar ?
00:38.14sorphinprpplague: heh, what's the prob ?
00:38.16prpplaguesorphin: thats called free beer night
00:38.39prpplaguesorphin: problem is that american ppl are stupid
00:39.14sorphinprpplague: nono, i meant your lectronics prob :P
00:39.23prpplaguesorphin: lack of education
00:39.39sorphinknow ohm's law ?
00:39.55prpplaguesorphin: ya i know all the basics, just no hands on
00:40.42prpplaguesorphin: i've got three years of EE college classes, but not one of them explained how to use a bypass cap
00:41.35prpplaguesorphin: sometimes i think i pissed all that college away, i should have found someone like TomW and payed him to apprentice with him
00:41.44filekergoth: would you like some source code for SD and MMC?
00:42.12fileoh sorry - misread
00:42.41sorphinheh, i know i pissed mine away, i'm a degree'd EE, and i rarely use it
00:43.36kergothfile: source code for SD? last i checked you ahve to pay like 10 grand and sign an NDA to become a member of the group to get the necessary information without being sued. but then I'm in the US :)
00:43.54kergothI should get a degree.
00:45.20filekergoth: well for accessing Secure Digital...
00:45.25filelet me see where I put it..
00:45.47filereading it...
00:46.29filekergoth: what's your e-mail address?
00:47.40sorphinnah, not worth it ;)
00:49.05*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
00:49.10fontenotanyone messed with the viewsonic "smart displays" ?
00:49.17prpplaguekergoth: your alread have a degree in madness with maintaining OZ and work at Digi at the same time
00:49.22fontenotthey have xscale, 128/64
00:49.27fileibot: kergoth?
00:49.28i guess kergoth is at, or that openzaurus guy
00:49.40prpplaguefontenot: url?
00:50.13filekergoth: e-mail sent
00:50.39fontenotprpplague: I have only seen various vendors like compusa's info - I havent looked at the viewsonic site yet - let me check
00:52.15kergothfile: thanks
00:52.24filekergoth: tell me if it's useful...
00:52.45filekergoth: it's C++... and it gives CRC stuff... determining card type, returning manufacturer data
00:52.55fontenotalso the 10 inch model:
00:56.19filekergoth: might be neat to have an app that displays card information and such...
00:57.16kergothfile: indeed it would, thats cool
00:57.23Russ|werkhmm..when I saw "sed, ash, and LINENO"
00:57.32kergothfile: like cardctl ident/info, only for sdmmc :)
00:57.37Russ|werkI immediately thought, "what does lineo have to do with sed and ash?"
00:57.56filekergoth: have you looked at it yet?
00:58.14kergothfile: nah not yet, i'm analyzing an oops to determine the source of a panic atm
00:58.21filekergoth: k
00:58.43kergothRuss|werk: we added a slight tweak or two to backlight, stores the power status in a static var at suspend time and sets it again on wakeup. heh
00:59.11Russ|werkkergoth: ah, thanks
00:59.40kergothtiny thing, but i got tired of my backlight coming on on resume regardless ;)
00:59.49kergothcan send you the .. 5 line patch ;)
01:00.08filekergoth: be aware this code is tied into a proprietary OS... okay I'm done talking
01:00.11kergothbacklight works quite well, thanks for it
01:00.13kergothfile: thanks
01:00.24Russ|werkya, send it along, I'll add it in
01:00.32filekergoth: and please oh please tell me what you think and if it's useful
01:00.36kergothfile: will do
01:29.34jacquesit would be so cool to get linux running on one of those smart displays
01:29.42jacquestho they are somewhat overpriced I think
01:29.50jacquesunless you compare them to a pda...
01:30.28jacquesthey are speced like a supersices pda with bigger display, more RAM and builtin wireless
01:34.27CosmicPenguinjacques: they are pretty fun.  We played with a couple back when Century thought they were in the embedded business
01:44.14jacquesCosmicPenguin: i think they would rock with linux
01:44.26jacquesjust need a bootldr...
01:48.26CosmicPenguinjacques: doesn't everything just need a bootldr?
01:48.52CosmicPenguin"Yeah, I could get Linux running on the space shuttle, if I had a bootloader..."
01:49.43fileCosmicPenguin: not unless Linux is the boot loader... and the BIOS...
01:52.51jacquesCosmicPenguin: good point   :-\
02:03.08jacquesi wonder if anyone is working on getting linux to run on them
02:03.33jacquesthey are pretty useless as is because they only suppotr windows xp
02:25.37*** join/#elinux sjhill (
02:26.46sjhillsorphin: yo' whipping boy
02:28.02filesjhill: Hi Mister MIPS.
02:28.11sjhillhi file
02:28.20filehow are you/what's up?
02:28.28sjhillfile: will be releasing a 2.4.20 nino kernel soon with busybox
02:28.38sjhillfile: then i can get back to touchscreen support
02:29.03filesjhill: then PicoGUI?
02:29.05MonMothanot easy
02:29.45sjhillMonMotha: you have more balls than me...those freaking quad flat packs....grrr
02:30.07MonMothasjhill: I was practicing on a board I don't care about
02:30.22MonMothaI have one of those magnifying glass on an arm things that you clip on to the table and has a light on it
02:30.35MonMothathen I got out a magnifying glass too...I still can't see where I bridged the pins
02:30.36fileMonMotha: for that mobo+CPU+RAM if I get some money from these auctions you can bill it to my UPS Account..
02:30.40MonMothaI can see the joint clearly
02:30.57MonMothafile: you know I don't have any commercial shipping accounts
02:31.06MonMothaI ship from mail boxes etc. I can't do anything fancy
02:31.33filewill make... difficult...
02:31.53sjhillMonMotha: yup, i have one of those  nice light+magnifying glass lamps....$10 at the recycling store
02:32.00MonMothasjhill: oh, very useful
02:32.04MonMothabut I need more magnification
02:32.16MonMothasmaller wire might be useful too...30 guage is barely small enough
02:32.16fileMonMotha: even with USPS you'd have to go to a post office
02:32.20MonMothaand I don't have very good flux
02:32.34MonMothafile: yeah, I have a post office around too...but for UPS and FedEx I ship through MBE
02:32.42MonMothathey're the closes FedEx/UPS place
02:33.00fileMonMotha: oh that's fine - my copy of Xandros was sent MBE
02:33.10fileI thought you meant you drop the stuff in mail boxes
02:33.15MonMothano no
02:33.24MonMothait's a shipping place :)
02:33.31MonMothaI do my own packing so I don't have to pay them
02:33.57MonMothathough almost all my packaging is recycled, except boxes sometimes
02:34.08MonMothapacking peanuts, padded mailers, etc...all reused from old things
02:34.17fileI do the same
02:34.27MonMothasaves a lot on packaging materials
02:34.37fileI'm shipping a CPU/Heatsink/Fan in the thing that my MMC came in
02:34.56MonMothasjhill: any other suggesstions for hitting a pin on a QFP?  or CosmicPenguin?
02:35.35MonMothaor prpplague
02:35.40MonMothaor anyone for that matter ;)
02:38.10fileMonMotha: got any faster Slot 1 CPUs I can buy?
02:38.24MonMotha266 is as fast as I have laying around
02:40.29fileoh neat - 5 cents interest
02:41.31jacquesI made 55 cents on my checking account last month
02:41.39fileMonMotha: I'll see how Xandros performs on my system, and if it's really bad - I'll.. want it...
02:41.50prpplagueMonMotha: whats the question?
02:42.01MonMothaprpplague: any more suggesstions for soldering to QFP pins?
02:42.11filejacques: they only just started giving me interests - it wasn't giving me interest for about 5 years :p
02:42.14MonMothaI thought I managed to do it, but I bridged two pins (and I can't even see the bridge)
02:42.16fileer interest
02:42.29fileMonMotha: your not interested in reading/writing to MMC or SD cards are you?
02:42.33prpplagueMonMotha: make sure you have a nice fine tip, clean, and that the wire has already been tin'd
02:42.48MonMothafile: not really
02:42.55fileMonMotha: okay
02:43.03MonMothaprpplague: well, I've got as fine/clean of a tip as I can get, and I've tinned the wire
02:43.09MonMotha30 guage is about as big as the pins themselves tho
02:43.12prpplagueMonMotha: add a little flux on the pin, or if you have some extra fine solder, try melting just a drop
02:43.44prpplagueMonMotha: did any look at the schematic and see if there was another pad for that wire somewhere?
02:43.46MonMothaprpplague: done both...
02:43.53MonMothaprpplague: hum, I guess I could do that
02:44.05MonMothaI'm not actually doing it on a webpal (practicing on an old mobo that doesn't work)
02:45.20MonMothaI don't even have my webpals yet
02:45.23MonMothaexpected on wed
02:45.38prpplagueanyone got the url for the memory mod?
02:46.57MonMothaprpplague: let me look it up again
02:47.23fileMonMotha: put it in ibot this time for easy access
02:47.25MonMothaibot webpal schematics
02:47.30webpal schematics are at
02:47.34MonMothait's linked from that page a coupel layers deep :)
02:48.16MonMothaibot webpal memory mod is at
02:48.17MonMotha: okay
02:48.45MonMothaprpplague: the pic is bad, but it looks like that pin may be floating right at the chip, no trace even
02:49.12MonMothaprpplague: you actually have one, so you may be able to see it (there's a glare in the pic)
02:53.27vosquedidn't know about these webpal things
02:53.35MonMothaibot webpal
02:53.35from memory, webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or
02:53.46MonMothaibot welbal is also only $13 + shipping!
02:53.47MonMotha: okay
02:53.55MonMothaibot forget welbal
02:53.55MonMotha: i forgot welbal
02:54.03MonMothaibot webpal is also only $13 + shipping!
02:54.04okay, MonMotha
02:54.08prpplagueMonMotha: looks like there is a trace under the board to the other side of the board
02:54.08MonMothaibot webpal
02:54.09somebody said webpal was a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!
02:54.19MonMothaprpplague: so maybe an easier place to solder to?
02:54.36MonMothayou might be able to get a wire in the little hole that runs the trace from one side to the other
02:54.49prpplagueMonMotha: let me count again
02:55.02MonMothaprpplague: ohmmeters are your friend ;)
02:55.44prpplagueMonMotha: so is a desoldering iron :)
02:55.54MonMothaprpplague: heh
02:55.54vosqueis there a place that summarizes development on the webpal?
02:56.01MonMothaI don't have one of those...just a desolder braid
02:56.03vosquelike, what people've got running?
02:57.08prpplagueMonMotha: i gotta run, i'll recheck when i get back
02:57.15MonMothaprpplague: k
02:57.31vosquefound the bbs.
03:03.09prpplagueMonMotha: pin101 is totally non-connected
03:03.13prpplagueMonMotha: no trace
03:04.43MonMothaprpplague: that's what I thought
03:04.56MonMothaprpplague: does cirrus logic even have a hw ref guide for this thing?
03:05.34prpplagueMonMotha: for the processor? or the board?
03:05.44MonMothaprpplague: the proc of course, they didn't make the board :)
03:06.06prpplagueMonMotha: lol, ya they do
03:06.12prpplagueMonMotha: ref that is
03:06.29MonMothaprpplague: I sure can't find it
03:06.33prpplagueMonMotha: according to TomW the webpal is almost identical to the cl reference board
03:06.35MonMothadead-tree copy would be nice too
03:06.41prpplagueMonMotha: lol, its hidden
03:06.42MonMothaprpplague: heh, go figure
03:06.51MonMothayeah, a documentation search shows nothign
03:06.57prpplaguelet me see if i can get the url
03:07.48MonMothawow, you're right
03:08.14sorphinwell, ken was right and he beat maxim (he sent me a 233)
03:09.16prpplagueibot: cl-ps7500fe is
03:09.17okay, prpplague
03:09.47prpplaguetell MonMotha about cl-ps7500fe
03:11.01prpplaguesorphin: samples from maxim are good if there are hard to find, else i just order them :)
03:11.35sorphinprpplague: i dunno what their deal is this time, last time i sampled from them was no prob
03:11.55prpplagueMonMotha: btw, there are two spacing sizes for qfp's
03:12.08MonMothasorphin: I have some maxim samples coming, as well as a couple from fairchild
03:12.12prpplagueMonMotha: iirc the 7500 is .5mm so be sure and practice on a .5 not a .8
03:12.21MonMothaprpplague: yeah, the cirrus chip here appears to be the smaller of the two
03:12.25MonMothathis one looks darned small
03:12.33MonMothaany smaller and I couldn't possibly do it without some insane magnification
03:12.39prpplaguegotta run, bbl
03:12.45MonMothathe SIMM pin was easy tho :)
03:12.48MonMothalater prpplague
03:13.32MonMothadoes cirrus give free dead tree copies of manuals like intel?
03:17.32MonMothaI know I called up intel since their website was borked and they were happy to send me free copies of the StrongARM stuff, even paid shipping
03:42.38*** join/#elinux Russ (
03:59.26*** join/#elinux kergoth (
03:59.38*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
04:01.35sorphinre chris
04:06.59kergothhey dan, whats goin on tonight
04:10.55sorphinnada, may solder up the serial board before bed, dunno
04:11.34kergothah cool. just analyzing oopses myself
04:13.00sorphinthe kernel seems to like those lately ;p
04:13.58sorphinibot needs to be able to index/search it's facts
04:13.59sorphin: I give up, what is it?
04:14.06sorphinibot: rs-232
04:14.07hmm... rs-232 is (Recommended Standard 232) This is the de facto standard for communication through PC serial ports. It can refer to cables and ports that support the RS-232 standard. "Hey, Jimmy! Why don't you take your RS-232 cable and stick it right up your RS-232 port!"
04:15.49sorphinibot: webpal
04:15.50somebody said webpal was a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!
04:26.53prpplaguesorphin: what do you need?
04:27.02prpplaguesorphin: the url for the ttl adapter board?
04:30.33sorphinone other than bigbrds
04:33.43sorphinprpplague: like kens or toms, etc
04:33.51prpplaguesorphin: ahh
04:35.53sorphinor even yours
04:36.04MonMothaholy shit...TI ships samples next day air!?
04:37.06sorphinno wonder they keep so quiet, they burn all their # on sample shipping ;)
04:37.33jacqueswhoo 9kB/s from rpmfind
04:39.02MonMothasorphin: well, TI does claim to have "the fastest IC samples in the world"
04:39.07sorphinprpplague: any links? :P
04:39.11sorphinMonMotha: heh
04:39.11MonMothaI just put the order in and they're predicting I'll have them tomorrow
04:39.22MonMothaI didn't really want/need them until the weekend
04:39.47sorphini can see it now
04:39.49sorphinin  a week
04:39.58sorphin"So, how many would you like to order?"
04:40.04MonMothaTI's better than Maxim on having hobbiest friendly packaging too (lots of DIPs, not tons of tiny BGAs)
04:40.09MonMothasorphin: I said Less than 1000 :)
04:40.18MonMothaand that I do my purchasing through a distributer
04:40.20sorphinMonMotha: i meant them calling you
04:40.32MonMothayeah, good luck getting a hold of me during business hours
04:40.37MonMothaI gave them my home phone :)
04:40.49MonMothawhich I never answer anyway
04:41.48MonMothaI do actually plan on doing something with these though, just not anything that woudl result in volume much greater than the samples they're shipping me :)
04:42.05MonMothamaybe 20-25 chips :)
04:43.22sorphinya know
04:43.26sorphini'll never understand people
04:43.34sorphinan item still has 4 days left
04:43.43sorphinand people race to bid right now to jack up the price
04:43.59sorphin23 bids on something that ends in *4* days
04:44.18jacquesi think a lot is phantom bidders
04:44.29jacquesso much scamming these days
04:44.50sorphintis pathetic
04:45.18jacquesyeah sad
04:45.20sorphinprpplague: wake up you soon to be Dell POS supporter
04:46.11jacquesI'm trying to get gtk 2.2.0 working on rh 7.2 and rh 7.3
04:46.23jacquestons and tons of dependencies
04:46.49jacquesso far no luck - I built everything on my 7.3 box but all gtk2 apps (including the demos) fail with an X error
04:54.28prpplaguesorphin: what?
04:54.46sorphinprpplague: any of the other serial board images
04:55.15prpplaguesorphin: images? such as schematics?
04:55.51sorphinor assembled board
04:56.47prpplaguesorphin: you wanting a pic?
04:56.57prpplaguesorphin: of the board?
04:57.19sorphineasier to just reference against a pic tonight :P
04:57.55prpplaguesorphin: can
04:58.32prpplaguesorphin: can't tell much from the pics available
04:58.32prpplaguesorphin: are you building this on perf board?
04:58.43sorphinthat RS board
04:59.05prpplaguesorphin: did you order one?
04:59.16sorphinorder one ?
04:59.48prpplaguesorphin: ohhh Radio Shack perf board
04:59.56sorphinwhy would i order it
05:00.02prpplaguesorphin: i was thinking you got a RS-1 board
05:00.28sorphin276-159B :P
05:01.17prpplaguesorphin: one sec
05:02.35prpplaguesorphin: ohh, your gonna solder directly to the header?
05:02.54sorphinwires to it
05:03.03sorphinbut the chip fits perfect on this board
05:04.43prpplagueok so your gonna wire from the board to the webpal serial header?
05:05.08MonMothaI built my tuxscreen one on a larger board (the big experimenter board with 5 pins for each DIP pin, like 50 holes long)
05:05.15MonMothaI had to cut the board to fit it in though
05:05.26MonMothaon the upside I still have plenty of room to build a shanip
05:05.38sorphinif you have the link to ken's pics :P
05:05.47sorphini can work from that as far as the board itself
05:05.51sorphinsince we're both using 233s
05:06.13*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
05:06.49prpplaguesorphin: are you using the 233?
05:07.01sorphinprpplague: yes
05:07.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what?
05:07.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: should be pretty easy then
05:07.36prpplaguesorphin: should be pretty easy then
05:08.06sorphinprpplague: heh, :P i know, but i'd like to reference his pic, since my brain can't handle a datasheet atm :P
05:09.50prpplaguesorphin: his pics wasn't enough to do the entire unit
05:10.28sorphinprpplague: it was enough to see the cross wiring on the board :P
05:10.47sorphintho i think i saved local the pin #'s.. assuming giga didn't eat them
05:13.21prpplaguesorphin: i'd take schematic over a pic any day
05:17.41prpplaguesorphin: when with something close to the unit on bigbrd page
05:20.00prpplaguesorphin: man, i'm beat
05:20.09prpplaguesorphin: i went with something close to the unit on bigbrd page
05:35.44GPSFanhey sorphin: still awake?
05:42.58sorphinGPSFan: yeah
05:43.24GPSFansorphin: take a look at: whe w() refer to the webpal j11 pin # and the DE-() are the serial connector pins.
05:43.49GPSFansorphin: of course the DE9-5 goes to ground.
05:44.19GPSFansorphin: that's the diagram I used to wire my adapter up.
05:45.36sorphinok, i get DE9-2 and -7
05:45.48sorphinbut 8 & 3 are another xmit and receive
05:47.45GPSFan2 is rxd, 7 is rts, 8 is cts, 3 is txd, 5 is gnd.
05:50.32sorphinyou sure this is the one you ment to show me? it has 2,7,8,3 for DE9's
05:53.04GPSFanI think so, what seems to be wrong? it's late maybe I screwed up.
05:53.14sorphinpull up that image
05:53.23jacquesah interesting. I built the glib/atk/pango/gtk 2.2.0 stuff from source and it works on 7.2 - unlike the source rpms...
05:56.00sorphinsee what i was talking about ?
05:56.30GPSFannot really, must be dense :p
05:57.14sorphinyou only have labeled DE9-2, DE9-7, DE9-8, DE9-3
05:58.02GPSFanok, and de9-5 is gnd, that's all that's connected to the 233.
05:58.47GPSFanbigbrd had pins 1,6,& 4 tied together too.
05:59.21sorphinok, so where DE9-2,7,8,3 & 5 are on the serial port header (the 9 pin)
06:00.01GPSFanah, the DE-() refer to the serial connector not the header.
06:00.40GPSFanI wired the chip up directly to the connector.
06:00.57sorphinwhen i said header i meant 9 pin connector
06:02.07GPSFansorphin: do you have this schematic:
06:02.41sorphindo now
06:04.02GPSFank, that's for a MAX232, I substituted a 233 and eliminated the connector between the 232 and the DE9
06:05.13GPSFando you need the pin numbering sequence for the DE9?
06:06.43GPSFan1-dcd, 2-rxd, 3-txd, 4-dtr, 5-gnd, 6-dsr, 7-rts, 8-cts, 9-ri
06:08.37GPSFanin bigbrds diagram, you are looking at the front of the DE9 connector
06:09.00sorphinmy brain's just tired atm..
06:09.42GPSFanme too, just got back from the movies, and saw you & prpplague talking about how to wire up the serial port.
06:10.14prpplagueGPSFan: which movie?
06:10.28GPSFandie another day
06:11.23sorphinGPSFan: basically the 233 will be the same except no caps other than the one, and all the xover wires
06:11.54CosmicPenguinlater folks
06:12.00GPSFansorphin: correct except for the pin numbering on the 233
06:12.13GPSFanand the 232 are different.
06:12.28sorphinright, i know, but the names are the same
06:12.39sorphinT1 in, T2 in
06:12.55GPSFancorrect, I tried to keep the maxim pin names the same for sanity sake. ;>)
06:13.20prpplaguelater folks
06:13.26GPSFannite prpplague
06:21.24GPSFansorphin: things ok now?
06:23.01sorphinyeah, i'll get it
06:23.17sorphinso there's only 3 xover wires
06:24.28GPSFanand the 2 gnd pins connected together, I guess there are 4 bolue crossover wires in my photo.
06:25.53GPSFani'm off to zz land, g'nite...
06:26.12sorphinthnx btw
06:26.40GPSFannp, good luck...
06:26.43*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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06:47.03jacquesman, could be any slower?
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15:41.40sorphinGPSFan_: mornin ken
15:41.42sorphinsive: lo
15:41.47sorphinsieve: lo even
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15:43.12sorphinprpplague: and there's the other happy go lucky abcsinc employee
15:44.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: bit cold there now? :P
15:44.18CosmicPenguinsorphin: nah, actually unseasonably warm, but its cold in my office for some reason
15:44.31sorphinCosmicPenguin: too much AC
15:44.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they stopped heating to save money
15:45.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: besides, if they keep it cold, the programmers brains won't rot
15:45.42sorphinprpplague: too late for that
15:45.52prpplaguesieve: whats happening at the office?
15:46.07GPSFan_hi sorphin: how did you make out with the serial adapter?
15:46.23prpplaguesorphin: ya how did you?
15:46.39sorphinGPSFan_: figured out how it should be, and went to bed :P
15:46.53sorphini'll break out the iron tonight
15:46.57GPSFan_good move! sleep is always good...
15:47.13sorphinGPSFan_: .1 uF fine ?
15:48.56prpplaguei always plan one night, do the next, and double check/test the following
15:48.57sorphinwow, someone selling stuff on ebay that's even back to prpplague's time
15:49.12prpplaguets-1000 ?
15:49.19sorphinprpplague: laserdisc bay-bee
15:49.21prpplaguelove those babies
15:49.36prpplaguethe ts-1000, not the laserdisc
15:49.48prpplaguesorphin: and yes i have one
15:49.54prpplaguesorphin: lastedisc
15:50.10sievemorning all
15:50.57prpplaguesorphin: thanks
15:51.21prpplaguesorphin: just got back from the doctor, had some mole's cut off, still a little grogy
15:51.25sorphinprpplague: here ya go, the laserdisc you love, and a youngin to boot ;)
15:51.29sorphinprpplague: Katie Holmes in Disturbing Behavior laserdisc  
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16:28.40prpplagueade|bed: hey, i placed an order for 40 webpals yesterday
16:28.51prpplagueade|bed: i should know when they are coming in today
16:29.04sorphinprpplague: you're just sick ;)
16:29.27prpplaguesorphin: it was cheaper
16:29.37prpplaguesorphin: i ordered from
16:29.44sorphinoh, the $200 minimum place
16:30.28TheMasterMind1prpplague: 40?!
16:30.38TheMasterMind1what will you do with so many
16:30.47sorphinTheMasterMind1: he's mentally ill, don't mind him ;)
16:31.29prpplagueTheMasterMind1: send them to ppl overseas that can;t get them
16:31.39TheMasterMind1ah cool
16:31.46TheMasterMind1prpplague: you get those cf->ide things?
16:31.48sorphinand that
16:31.58prpplagueTheMasterMind1: ya they came in yesterday
16:32.06prpplagueTheMasterMind1: but i've not been into the office
16:32.19TheMasterMind1ah ok
16:32.22TheMasterMind1send me some :)
16:32.23prpplagueTheMasterMind1: try to get them up for sale by friday
16:32.31TheMasterMind1sounds good
16:33.39sorphinibot: guinness prpplague
16:33.39i haven't a clue, sorphin
16:33.54sorphinprpplague: you coulda atleast set it to allow giving to others :P
16:33.57prpplagueibot: guinness
16:33.58ACTION pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to prpplague
16:34.37sorphinaww.. ibot doesn't like quick repears
16:34.43sorphin[ibot(] Someone already said that 1 seconds ago
16:36.54prpplaguesorphin: i'm not sure how to do the args for ibot
16:37.26prpplagueTimRiker: hey dude
16:37.30sorphinwell, there's the man to ask
16:37.34sorphinTimRiker: morning
16:37.44prpplaguesorphin: no, its called RTFM
16:37.48prpplaguesorphin: lol
16:37.58sorphinhe'd prolly know right off hand tho :P
16:38.06sorphinquicker than rtfm'ing
16:38.09sorphinkergoth`bbl: morning chris
16:38.19*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
16:38.28prpplaguei think i'm gonna have this ucb1200 chip made into a ring, lol
16:38.31sorphin2 kergoths, greeeeat
16:39.42prpplaguedouble please, double your fun, double kergoth and you might get your OZ done!
16:40.12sorphinhe calls him.. minime ?
16:40.25prpplaguesorphin: mini-digi
16:40.32sorphineven worse
16:42.19prpplaguewell, off to check on my webpals, bbl
16:48.12*** join/#elinux Morn (
16:48.47sorphinMorn: morning
16:54.47Mornjust doing some work for my handful of paying web clients
16:55.08sorphinget to call them yesterday about your non showing blanks ?
16:55.29Mornthey said they were backordered for a bit but I should receive them today
16:55.39sorphinwell, see i guess
17:06.43*** join/#elinux sjhill (
17:07.01sorphinsjhill: morning mipswhore
17:07.42sjhillsorphin: yo'
17:07.52sjhilli may be droppig in and out as i'm playing with ipsec
17:16.51ade|bedprpplague: great news (webpals) , many thanks
17:17.02CosmicPenguinmallum: you around?
17:17.59sorphinade|desk: nice to see you finally got outta bed *grin*
17:19.10ade|desknever changed the nick from last night , was in labs all day .. soon will be ade|bed again ;)
17:32.23TimRikerprpplague: what "args" are you looking for? like this?
17:32.40TimRiker~fishslap prpplague for not knowing how to do this.
17:32.43ACTION slaps prpplague up side the head with a wet fish for not knowing how to do this.
17:37.44Mornsjhill: cool on ipsec
17:37.47mallumCosmicPenguin: yeperdy deperdy
17:37.49MornI failed to get freeswan to work
17:38.37sjhillMorn: yeah, this should take most of day
17:39.02sorphin~fishslap timriker for being an imposter bzflag
17:39.05ACTION slaps timriker up side the head with a wet fish for being an imposter bzflag
17:39.40sorphintom: so how *do* you do it? :P
17:39.47sorphintoi: so how *do* you do it? :P
17:39.56sorphinTimRiker: ...
17:39.58TimRikerwhat exactly do you want to do?
17:40.00Mornsjhill: if you figure it out you can help me :-)
17:40.07sjhillMorn: sure
17:40.08TimRikera factoid with args?
17:40.32sorphinTimRiker: aye, i.e. to control who ibot gives the guiness to
17:40.53TimRiker~literal guiness
17:41.03TimRikeribot: literal guiness
17:41.05wish i knew, TimRiker
17:41.10sorphinok i can't spell :P
17:41.12TimRikerstupid bot.
17:41.15sorphin~literal guinness
17:41.16guinness is <action> pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to $nick
17:41.46TimRiker~guinness $who is <action> pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to $who
17:41.47okay, TimRiker
17:41.58TimRiker~guinness sorphin
17:42.02ACTION pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to sorphin
17:42.34sorphinTimRiker: so how's things on your end ?
17:42.43kergoth~make $target is <reply> make: *** No rule to make target `$target'. Stop.
17:42.44okay, kergoth
17:42.49kergoth~make world
17:42.52make: *** No rule to make target `world'. Stop.
17:42.52TimRikerunemployed, lokin' 'round.
17:43.02sorphin~make digi
17:43.06make: *** No rule to make target `digi'. Stop.
17:43.21TimRikerfun fun. ;-)
17:43.24sorphinTimRiker: your matrix show yet?
17:43.30TimRikermake sorphin go away
17:43.34TimRiker~make sorphin go away
17:43.37make: *** No rule to make target `sorphin go away'. Stop.
17:43.50TimRikersorphin: not yet, nope.
17:43.57TimRikersorphin: jk. ;-)
17:44.23sorphinTimRiker: took me about a week to get mine, from whe nthey shipped it (it ships from canada)
17:44.58TimRikercan you check the order status online? /me looks for the saved invoice...
17:45.13sorphini think so
17:46.32TimRikeryep. shipped on the 10th.
17:46.52sorphinyou should prolly have by weeks end
17:47.21sorphinthen we shall have BZ(XBox)Flag
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17:47.48sorphinandersee: should you be awake this late? ;)
17:47.57anderseesorphin: just getting started for the day
17:48.00TimRikerentered the US on the 13th according to
17:48.18sorphinTimRiker: yeah, and after that it's priority mail
17:48.23sorphinso 2-3 days
17:48.36sorphinandersee: um.. what'd you do w/ the REAL andersee? :P
17:48.53TimRikeryepper. well glx is not working on the xbox yet, so bz would be software only.
17:49.06TimRikershould be faster than TuxRacer's 2-3 fps though.
17:49.17sorphinTimRiker: better than nothing, no ?
17:53.10anderseesorphin: the real andersee's wife wanted him to spend a bit more time awake during daylight hours
17:53.19sorphinandersee: bah
17:53.34anderseesorphin: the real andersee decided that agreeing with his wife was the path of wisdom
17:53.38sorphinyou mean she's actually home? :P
17:53.42TimRikerwe must all be time shifted
17:53.47sorphinTimRiker: indeed
17:54.20sorphinTimRiker: i think we see who wears the pants in the andersen household ;)
17:55.04anderseeTimRiker: anyone tried the Utah GLX nvidia driver on the xbox?
17:55.35TimRikerandersee: don't know. once I get Linux up, I'll try it out. ;-)
17:55.49sorphinTimRiker: you outrank us all, so you're safe (for now :P )
17:56.04TimRikerI'm also looking at adding multiple "local" users for multiplayer support on the console.
17:56.45TimRiker2x or 4x split screen.
17:57.21sorphinTimRiker: made my own converter
17:57.32sorphinTimRiker: cheaper than liksang and not that hard
17:57.33TimRikeryeah, I'll make up at least one.
17:57.43sorphinjust get the xbox part of the breakaway
17:58.04TimRikerhuh? where?
17:58.24TimRikerI was planning to get an abox extension and a usb extension and hack them together.
17:58.45sorphinfor the xbox part of hte breakaawy
17:59.00sorphinliksang sells a usb->xbox cable
18:00.36sorphinsince i already had spare usb sockets (from a usb motherboard thing that goes into the pci slot spaces), i just bought the breakaway and made one that way
18:01.04sorphinthe xbox has been subverted by other projects
18:01.06TimRiker ?
18:01.39sorphinTimRiker: yes
18:01.57fontenotis someone here beeping ?
18:02.14sorphinTimRiker: sorta that.. mine was $5 and wasn't prorder
18:02.16sorphinpreorder even
18:03.05sorphinTimRiker: here
18:03.10sorphinand support the geeks ;)
18:03.17sorphinout of stock
18:03.22TimRikercool. I think I'll get an extension and do the mod I was planning. then I'll have a way to plug the controller into a PC as well.
18:03.28sorphinwas gonna say thinkgeek had it too, but they don't now..
18:04.06fontenoti also need a modchip
18:04.14TimRikerI want the "rumble" feedback when playing bzflag on a pc. ;-)
18:04.19fontenotmatrix is still only 256kB right ?
18:04.30sorphinfontenot: they're working on a 1M addon
18:04.36sorphintho, all you have to do is change the chip :P
18:04.44sorphinit's just a simple SST flash chip
18:04.46TimRikeryeah, but with the jumpers you can boot the internal or the mod bios.
18:05.00sorphinif you need bigger tha n256k
18:05.11sorphinget a damn 1M sample from SST/Atmel
18:05.33TimRikeryeah, but you should also add a new dip to select the page.
18:05.43TimRikerwell, 2 dips. ;-)
18:05.45sorphini think all their addon will do is bypass the 256k
18:06.01sorphinTimRiker: unless it's a 1M bios
18:06.08sorphinTimRiker: which is where xecuter is heading
18:06.12mallumhmm, how long does it take to fly from la/sf to hawaii ?
18:06.15sorphinin their snottyness
18:06.20TimRikeris the on board a 1M ?
18:06.36sorphinTimRiker: a 1 meg chip, yes, a 1 meg bios, no
18:06.43sorphinthey just dump the 256 4 times
18:06.47TimRikerah, a 4x 256M then?
18:07.17sorphinthe bioses xecuter is starting to work on now, if you actually need all their crap
18:07.33sorphinwill be approaching 1M
18:07.44fontenotbah why dont they just start making 1MB native - why have to buy 256 which wont be used with the addon?
18:08.05sorphinsince one of the people i removed from hte channel
18:08.11sorphinis a "site op"
18:08.35sorphinfontenot: i think the addon is for people that already have 256
18:08.38sorphinand don't wanna solder :P
18:08.52sorphinprolly will start doing 1M
18:09.05sorphinTimRiker: only reason i've ever went near oftc is Ahzz
18:09.07fontenotsorphin: ah ok, from their site it was not clear that they are going to be making native 1MB
18:09.34TimRiker#blob and #kernelnewbies moved over there. I hang in those often.
18:11.03sorphinone of our other better guys has went in there a few times.. they were.. well, not quite helpful (and he's no idiot, nor did he ask idiot questions)
18:11.41TimRikerheh, yeah. it's not always friendly. ;-)
18:11.54TimRikerkind of a mirror of lkml ;-)
18:12.57sorphinalan, gave me some advise on a dvd player issue
18:13.42sorphinit's a bit sad tho when linus has to stop working on a kernel tree for it to be STABLE :P
18:14.12TimRikerheh. well. back in a bit...
18:14.13sorphini NEVER used to be able to compile/run a vanilla kernel source (i.e. 2.4) when linus was heading it
18:14.25sorphinmarcelo took over, i can :P
18:14.36sorphinTimRiker: have fun dad *grin*
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19:55.25kergothno, i didnt have a chance to look at the email :)
19:55.56filegah :p
20:04.44*** join/#elinux Morn (
20:06.32sorphinTimRiker: any idea why ?
20:06.54TimRikernot yet.
20:07.30sorphingood luck
20:56.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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21:41.00CosmicPenguinhas mallum sowed up yet?
21:41.04MonMothaeveryone cross their fingers for me and hope I don't panic my kernel doign somethign stupid here
21:41.11MonMothaCosmicPenguin: no, he doesn't do that until spring
21:41.13fileMonMotha: good luck
21:41.16MonMothaoh, showed...not that I know of :)
21:41.28CosmicPenguinMonMotha: what, are you channeling sorphin all of a suddeN?
21:42.35mallumCosmicPenguin: MOOOOOOOOOOOO
21:45.23CosmicPenguinmallum: can you give me two hands in getting some menu scripts and whatnot written to marry Matchbox and Pixil?
21:45.55mallumCosmicPenguin: sure
21:46.56CosmicPenguinmallum: what do I need to get a menu / toolbar to come up with categories and links to all of the apps (about 5 or 6)
21:47.33mallumCosmicPenguin: okie you using mb 0.3.6 ?
21:48.47CosmicPenguinmallum: yep
21:49.18CosmicPenguinmallum: I've got three categories - PIM, Internet, and Utilities
21:49.35MonMothagod damn sourceforge
21:49.54MonMothasomething is ALWAYS down
21:50.05anderseeCosmicPenguin: progress in the pixil vs uClibc battle?
21:50.14MonMothaCVS appears to be down right now
21:50.42mallumCosmicPenguin: ok , do you have a debian system close by ?
21:50.50CosmicPenguinandersee: haven't tried, to tell you the truth.
21:51.00anderseejust wondering
21:51.01CosmicPenguinmallum: sorry no
21:51.13mallumCosmicPenguin: or an ipaq running familiar ?
21:51.26CosmicPenguinandersee: remember I told you what was and was not allowed to for this pixil release?    That falls very definately under the "not allowed"
21:51.50anderseesilly greg
21:51.54CosmicPenguinmallum: nothing running any packaging system that you are aiming for... :)
21:52.11mallumCosmicPenguin: ok np, see
21:52.15*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
21:52.15CosmicPenguinBut if you are talking about the sample menu in the ipkg distro, I know where that is... :)
21:52.25mallumCosmicPenguin: that will tell you how to create menu entrys
21:53.04mallumCosmicPenguin: the soon to be released 0.4 uses gnome/kde style .desktop files which are much nicer
21:53.29CosmicPenguinmallum: ok... so everything needs "X11" and all i need to do is have that menu, and mbmenu running?
21:54.02mallumCosmicPenguin: yeah just make some entrys in /usr/lib/menu and mbmenu will read em
21:54.19mallumCosmicPenguin: you can also put them in ~/.menu/ IIRC
21:56.29CosmicPenguinmallum: great
21:56.37mallumCosmicPenguin: so you have pixil and mb running togeather ?
21:57.06sorphinCosmicPenguin: i resemble that remark btw
21:57.16mallumCosmicPenguin: Ebony and Ivory, side by side on the piano , oh lord why cant we ?
21:57.25CosmicPenguinandersee: of course, thats not to say that I haven't had cross compiling and other issues in mind, and I am sure a like minded fellow developer can post the appropriate fixes quickly.. ;)
21:57.31mallumCosmicPenguin: damn forgot the harmony part
21:58.08CosmicPenguinmallum: yep, they seem to be pretty happy together.  I might even get a theme together so the window decorations look the same
21:58.27MonMothaI *HATE* USB now
21:58.29mallumCosmicPenguin: cool, is this under X ?
21:58.32MonMothathough that's these stupid drivers' fault
21:58.43sorphinMonMotha: usb storage by chance ?
21:58.47sorphinor usb2.0 even
21:58.47MonMothawhat kind of idiot makes a USB device driver that can't handle hot disconnect
21:58.53MonMothasorphin: nope, USB 1.1 802.11b adapter
21:58.59sorphinMonMotha: use usbmgr
21:59.07sorphinit works w/ hotplugging
21:59.09MonMothathe Atmel of the few intersil radio ones not supported by the stock wvlan stuff
21:59.16CosmicPenguinmallum: yep, all X based
21:59.17MonMothasorphin: no, it's the driver
21:59.26CosmicPenguinmallum: but don't tell anyone I said that.... :)
21:59.28sorphinMonMotha: irrelevant
21:59.31MonMothathe driver refuses to acknowledge that the device is no longer present (logs don't even show a USB disconnect)
21:59.40sorphinMonMotha: usbmgr will unload the driver
21:59.43anderseeCosmicPenguin: hehe
21:59.53MonMothasorphin: now you see why I hate USB
22:00.03sorphinMonMotha: it's specifically to allow you to disconnect when a driver sucks
22:00.07MonMothasorphin: what other stuff does that come with?
22:00.11MonMothaor is it a distro specific tool?
22:00.18sorphinMonMotha: um.. i hated usb last week when it hosed my drive
22:00.28sorphinMonMotha: it's just usbmgr, it's it's own thing
22:00.33MonMothasorphin: oh, it's already done that
22:00.36sorphinthere's debian, RH ,etc packages
22:00.39MonMothawhoopie, another thing gentoo doesn't have in portage
22:00.43MonMotha(btw, NEVER use gentoo)
22:00.58sorphinMonMotha: btw.. my usb is MUCH more stable now that i went back to 2.4.18
22:01.06MonMothathe people who make it are idiots on a power trip, and they break it every other day
22:01.09MonMothaI'm on 2.4.19-rc1
22:01.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: yes, you read that right, i went back to 2.4.18
22:01.17sorphinMonMotha: careful
22:01.27MonMothaI've been usiong this kernel for ages
22:01.36sorphinMonMotha: there's a usb thing that is mucked up as of one of the .19-pre's
22:01.46sorphinthat's what killed me
22:01.59sorphineither .18 or .21
22:02.08sorphinfor strong usb usage, avoid .19 and .20
22:02.17MonMothaI don't use USB storage usually
22:02.25MonMothaabout all I really use is my scanner and HID
22:02.42MonMothausbmgr appears to be for autoloading drivers and unloading drivers
22:02.43sorphinNail+coffin+transmeta+Transmeta to Incorporate DRM in TM5800 Processor = death
22:02.52MonMothaI can't unload this driver because it thinks the device is still connceted!
22:03.57MonMothahence it has a usage count of 1
22:04.23MonMotharmmod needs a -f option
22:05.34MonMothawell, I guess I'll have to reboot
22:05.59sorphinMonMotha: or do some tweaking to toggle usage
22:06.28sorphinMonMotha: what's really annoying is one of tivo's modules, never gets used by anything (another module) but they intentionally toggle usage up 1
22:07.32MonMothasorphin: tweaking?  I can't reload the module...
22:07.58sorphinMonMotha: in the module's code :P
22:08.16MonMothasorphin: exactly...what good does tweaking the code do if I can't reload it with the new code?
22:09.24MonMothasorphin: the module is "stuck" at usage count 1, so I can't unload it
22:09.27MonMothathat's the whole problem
22:09.37sorphintweak code, compile, reboot, load module, unload module
22:09.46MonMothayes, either way I have to reboot
22:10.05sorphinyes, but if yo utweak, only once :P
22:10.14MonMothaapparently the driver doesn't work with usb-uhci (only uhci)
22:10.26MonMothaof course, some of my other drivers only work with usb-uhci (not uhci)
22:11.21MonMotha(and since they did, why can't people make it work with the driver everyone uses, which is usb-uhci?)
22:11.31sorphinMonMotha: same reason there's a pcilynx firewire driver and an OHCI one :P
22:11.50MonMothaUSB != IEEE1394
22:11.56sorphinand yet
22:12.02sorphini have to use the OHCI driver
22:12.03MonMothadifferent things...this is two drivers for the same harwdare
22:12.19sorphinMonMotha: i know
22:12.23sorphinso is what i'm talking about :P
22:12.32MonMotha(they did that with PCMCIA wifi card drivers too...I think there's three drivers for my card)
22:14.10sorphinMonMotha: you just can't win ;)
22:22.40sorphin-:- sjhill is now known as TheMipsBitch
22:33.08Mornsorphin: do you make any dvd's from mpg's you already have?
22:34.03sorphinnot yet
22:34.22MornI keep having audio sync issues with existing mpg's
22:34.28Mornthought maybe you had a solution
22:35.17MornI've tried 4 different methods of dvd creation and all of the get out of sync at different places
22:35.31sorphinwell, anything i do i won't be reencoding
22:35.56Mornmy new recordings are at the proper bitrate
22:36.02MornI got a Hauppauge PVR card
22:36.15MornI'm recording at 6kb/s 720x480
22:36.33sorphinunless it's a 350
22:36.39sorphini won't even touch it
22:36.39Mornit's the 250
22:36.45Mornthe 350 wasn't available yet
22:36.58sorphini dunno about any mpegs from that working
22:37.01Mornplus the only advantage I saw in the 350 was it also did decoding
22:37.11sorphinMorn: native linux drivers prolly :P
22:37.14Mornbut then only fullscreen output
22:37.24sorphinthat's a big advantage for someone like me
22:37.27Mornthere are some native drivers being worked on
22:37.34Mornfor both the 350 and the 250
22:37.47Mornbut I think they are nearly identical for encoding
22:37.53sorphini dunno
22:38.31MornThis one guy I met wrote a command line program for encoding from the 250
22:38.35Mornvery cool
22:38.41sorphinif i were you, i'd dig up an mpeg sample, at the right rates
22:38.44Morn(on windows)
22:38.46sorphinburn it to rw
22:38.49sorphinand try
22:39.10sorphini heard the 250 uses some funky FS setup while recording
22:39.35Mornthis command line recorder basically just dumps the mpeg 2 stream to disk
22:40.25Mornthe default profiles are VBR, and I created a CBR one
22:40.32Mornseems easier to edit CBR than VBR
22:41.11Mornwhat was the name of the program for creating a DVD iso with linux?
22:41.50sorphinyou make the iso w/ mkisofs of the right versioning
22:41.54sorphinthat supports -dvd-video
22:42.10sorphinburn w/ cdrecord-ProDVD
22:42.11Mornbut for creating the vobs?
22:42.30sorphina vob is just an mpeg stream w/ dvd bits in it
22:42.31MornI thought there was some basic program for that
22:42.38sorphinmplex will do that :P
22:42.56sorphinjulie, a .vob is just a .mpg w/ dvd markers
22:42.57MornI'm not real good at guessing how to create a vob and .ifo file
22:43.02sorphinas for the ifo
22:43.03MornI know what it is
22:43.10sorphinthere's a program called ifogen :P
22:43.14Mornbut you don't just rename a .mpg to .vob
22:43.32MornI thought you guys were talking about a linux program to create a simple play this when turned on dvd
22:43.38Mornsimple menu structure
22:43.48sorphinno menu
22:43.57sorphinthe menu stuff is what cp wants to write
22:44.08Mornok, I misunderstood
22:44.10sorphincurrently you just do your mpeg stuff
22:44.16sorphinifogen to make your .ifo
22:44.22Mornso in the end creating a dvd in linux is not a simple thing
22:44.40sorphinit is unless you want complex crap ;p
22:44.41Mornthat's not what I call easy
22:44.59Mornpoint at the mpg's to use and hit create
22:45.02sorphinonly if you like point
22:45.11Morngod, even using maestro is easier than that
22:45.28sorphinMorn: i'm not even doing menus, so this is trivial
22:45.36sorphini don't need "click" and it's done
22:46.08Mornif you want a 'professional' look you need menus
22:46.08MornI want to put 4 episodes of a tv program on one dvd
22:46.15Mornmenus are NEEDED
22:47.04Mornfor me a GUI to do all this is needed...
22:47.14Morncli is great of some things, but this in my mind isn't one of them
22:47.25sorphinmaybe he can make one out of pixil ;p
22:49.51sorphinbbl. heading home
22:51.05*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
22:53.31CosmicPenguinWho's talking about me?
22:53.43CosmicPenguinsomebody fill me in
23:00.39MornCosmicPenguin: we were talking about menus in dvd's with linux
23:00.41TheMasterMind1* sorphin points at CP
23:00.42TheMasterMind1<sorphin> maybe he can make one out of pixil ;p
23:00.42Mornyour name came up
23:13.26CosmicPenguinMorn: hmmm....  its possible, but tis difficult
23:13.50CosmicPenguinMorn: it involves hacking the NAV packets as part of the mpeg stream.  I want to do somethign like that ,but I need to recruit a much more intellegent MPEG hacker than myself
23:15.54MornI guess my point with sorphin was this is too difficult to really do with linux at the moment
23:20.29CosmicPenguinMorn: yesish... you could start off with libdvdnav, and go from there.  Its not technically impossible, just logistically complicated
23:20.51CosmicPenguinMorn: A better start would be a graphical IFO editor
23:21.17Mornsorphin was basically giving me grief for wanting a GUI for doing it
23:21.31Mornand I just felt this is something that needs a gui
23:22.08MornI know that a vob is just a mpg with some extras, but that doesn't help me create a vob from a mpg
23:22.31CosmicPenguinMorn: Yeah, an graphcal IFO editor would be nice for that.  But for now, the CLI is good enough for me... :)
23:47.45*** join/#elinux julie_ (

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