irclog2html for #elinux on 20030112

00:15.02cpenguin_homemp3 rsync still going... :)
00:15.32cpenguin_homeinto the ps
00:25.23*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:41.10*** join/#elinux dunno (
00:43.12*** join/#elinux stud3nt (
01:12.03cpenguin_homeanyone know how I can get rsync to *not* try to chown() a file/directory on the recieving side?
01:12.20cpenguin_homeBecuase as everyone knows, chown() doesn't really work on fat fs
01:14.43sorphinif he were online atm, i'd say /m tridge
01:17.25sorphinsince he did write it ;)
01:20.06cpenguin_homeperfect.  The football game goes into over time, and of course my fiance wants me to go someplace
01:23.05sorphincpenguin_home: this is why you need a tivo ;)
01:23.51cpenguin_homesorphin: nah - I like to watch it live
01:24.15sorphin'i meant for when you can't :P
01:24.49cpenguin_homewow - what a game.  overtime, the titans kicker misses the kick, and then a steeler hits him
01:36.53cpenguin_homehmm....  rsync just doesn't cut it for that operation.  I guess I'll do a little script
01:40.57sorphinor mod the code :P
02:17.58*** join/#elinux TomW (
02:41.17sorphinTomW: evening
02:43.30GPSFanhey sorphin; what's up?
02:43.55sorphinhey ken.. not much
02:44.54GPSFansorphin: your max233 went out yesterday hope it gets there before maxims.
02:46.18sorphin;grins.. it prolly will :P
02:46.50GPSFandid you get a confirming e-mail from them after you did the samples request?
02:53.03sorphinw/ my order #
02:55.47GPSFanoh, well,win some lose some. ;>(
02:56.14filemaybe they denied the request for samples?
02:57.23GPSFanhi file: not usually to people who have sampled befor. but you never know...
02:58.18sorphinGPSFan: what's he whining about ?
02:59.15GPSFansorphin: just a comment on the possibility that maxim denied your samples.
02:59.27sorphini think if they did, they'd let you know :P
03:00.20sorphinif they didn't want me sampling, i doubt they'd constantly send me brochures, data sheets, w/ sample request forms :P
03:01.10GPSFanyea, it probably costs them more to "deny" someone's samples than to just let them go through, I think that the whole system is automated, it's worked well (for me) for years and years.
03:01.30sorphinapparently not very quick tho ;)
03:03.04GPSFanquick seems to be related to what they have in "sample stock". when i ordered my last sample set I hav 4 items sampled, I've only received 2 so far. I've also had it take a month or more to get some iButton samples.
03:04.58filethis is neat - my printer is approved by UPS for printing labels
03:14.13fileGPSFan: iButoon samples? neat
03:14.16fileer Button
03:21.37*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
03:21.47sorphinTimRiker: evening mr bzflag
04:46.09MonMothawow my feet hurt
05:33.54TomWsorphin: hello
05:47.36MonMothahum, Fairchild's not too bad regarding samples either, though they don't have many of their products available for sampling
05:48.34MonMothafile: I've never had Maxim deny samples...and I've passed off some pretty lame reasons for requesting them before (then again, I wasn't asking for anything big)
05:55.29*** join/#elinux andersee (
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06:10.11anderseecpenguin_home: around?
06:13.13MonMothahasn't spoken in a while
06:13.51anderseeah well
08:32.05sorphinidle 6 hours 55 mins
09:51.32*** join/#elinux fontenot (
09:51.59fontenothas anyone heard of anyone hacking the new viewsonic "smart displays" ?
09:52.16fontenotthey have a 400MHz xscale and 128MB RAM/64MB ROM
09:52.49fontenotbuiltin wireless, 8x6 and 10x7 touchscreens, etc
12:22.22*** join/#elinux scanline (
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15:04.46*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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17:45.55*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:58.00*** join/#elinux anotherScanline (
18:40.07*** join/#elinux prpplague (
18:42.15prpplagueibot: seen TomW
18:42.22tomw <> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 13h 8m 28s ago, saying: 'sorphin: hello'.
19:36.11*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
19:48.38MonMothawhat do people reccomend for making PCBs?
20:18.04prpplagueMonMotha: i'm new to it, but TomW turned me onto eagle
20:18.09prpplagueMonMotha: eagle rocks
20:18.29MonMothaI've been debating a USB mod for the tuxscreen
20:18.41MonMothathe hardware's darn simple...the software however...
20:19.15prpplaguefun fun
20:19.15MonMothafortunately I have a couple sources to steal from (Zaurus and iPAQ both have USB support GPLed)
20:19.32prpplagueMonMotha: ought to wait for the hack kit :)
20:19.52MonMothabah, I can just port my work to that
20:20.19prpplagueMonMotha: thats what i'm doing, i'm using the tuxscreen core to test stuff
20:20.42MonMothait's a cool little CPU board
20:20.46MonMothafairly general purpose
20:22.44MonMotha(just in case you're wondering, SA-1100 UDC pins are brought out to that oddball header on the CPU board on the tux)
20:23.41prpplagueMonMotha: lol, ya, well i'm been working on a daughter board for the tuxscreen core all weekend
20:23.51prpplagueMonMotha: got the core to boot yesterday
20:25.32MonMothaprpplague: you know if radio shack sells AWG30 wire? (to hit the pins on the webpal CPU)?
20:25.52prpplagueMonMotha: ya they sell it as wire wrapping and board repair wire
20:29.43MonMothaI'll pick some up this week
20:29.51MonMothaneed to get this year's catalog too
20:30.17MonMothaI love the 2002 one has CueCat barcodes all over the place :)
20:32.36MonMothaany experience etching boards?
20:36.19prpplaguedid a few by hand a few weeks ago
20:36.22prpplaguenot fun
20:36.31prpplaguepcbexpress seems to be the place of choice
20:40.46sorphinre: the wirewrapping spools
20:40.56sorphincareful, some of their stores are stopping carrying that kinda stuff
20:41.02sorphinas i found out the hard way
20:41.07sorphinmall stores are going to stop
20:41.07prpplaguesorphin: right
20:41.21prpplaguesorphin: where did you here that?
20:41.29sorphinfrom the stores themselves
20:41.42sorphinout of 4 i went to
20:41.53sorphinonly 1 had any
20:41.54prpplaguesorphin: when?
20:41.56sorphinand it was non mall
20:42.00sorphin2 days ago?
20:43.05prpplaguesorphin: hmm, about a week ago the one at our local mall said they had gotten a memo telling them to make more room for components
20:43.39sorphinwell, they're putting in drawers
20:43.58sorphinmall stores don't have as much space for that stuff as non mall stores, so..
20:44.21sorphinand this was 4 stores, all telling me the same thing.. only 1 store still had any wire and was gonna
20:44.31sorphinwirewrap wire != component
20:45.25sorphini wish they'd quit reorganizing the damn stores every 2 weeks :P
20:45.31sorphinmakes it impossible to find a damn thing
20:50.21MonMothamy local radio shack is a non-mall (they're in a strip mall, but they still have "the back section" where they keep all their pieces parts)
20:57.09prpplagueits a shame that the american ppl have slipped so far back in the electronics hobbyist area
21:03.21sorphinMonMotha: one of the stripmalls stopped carrying it
21:03.52MonMothasorphin: well, this one still carries all this stuff
21:04.12sorphinjust cuz they have them now doesn't mean they'll keep carrying it.. he told me once stuff runs out, it's gone
21:06.18MonMothathey've restocked after I've bought them out before
21:06.30MonMothaI bought them out of 74573s and they restocked (carrying 3)
21:06.53MonMothaand if they stop, I still have MAI
21:07.00MonMothajust a bit more out of the way for em
21:09.15prpplagueMonMotha: ya, i seriously would like to live somewhere that had a good electronics store
21:09.33MonMothaprpplague: MAI's pretty decent, though they seem to cater more to the analog folks than the digital people
21:09.42MonMothaI think it might be a holdover from the big HAM days
21:11.07MonMothathey have a lot of VCR parts, TV parts, etc too
21:11.21MonMothathough I'll give them credit, he has had most of my simple logic gates I've asked for
21:11.22fileMonMotha: mmm do you have any mobos around that you could sell me?
21:11.29MonMothaI think he tries to stock 74 series logic
21:11.32MonMothafile: hang on
21:13.00sorphinMonMotha: chips != wirewrap wire, as i said before
21:13.15MonMothasorphin: oh certainly, but I know they have wirewrap tools...
21:13.21prpplagueMonMotha: ya, the 74 series isn't that expensive to stock
21:13.40prpplagueMonMotha: i was planning to order a stock kit from jameco on the 74 stuff
21:15.58MonMothaprpplague: digikey has .38c 74AC86s (quad 2 input XOR gates) for $0.158 when you buy 25
21:16.21MonMothaI just ordered 25 AND gates, 25 OR gates (both $0.384 each for 25), and 25 XOR gates
21:16.28MonMothafigured I'd stock myself up :P
21:16.33MonMothafile: I have the following:
21:17.09MonMothafile: Soyo SY-5EHM (Socket 7, Via [ETEQ] Chipset).  Seems to have a problem with the ISA bus, but otherwise works
21:17.40fileunless I get another case for this mobo and use it as my house server
21:18.12MonMothafile: Soyo SY-5EH5 (Identical to above, 512k cache instead of 1MB).  Misteriously stopped working, but I think it was a victim of the capacitor scam thing that was going on (two caps by the CPU blew up)
21:18.18MonMothafile: no warranties on any of these BTW
21:18.38fileMonMotha: PSST, ATX boards would be nifty
21:18.47MonMothayeah, those are both AT
21:18.50MonMothathis is an ATX
21:19.09MonMothaUnknown Manufacturer: Model P2-112A, Via Chipset, Slot 1
21:19.17MonMothaI think this one works, but untested
21:19.30MonMotha2 ISA slots, 5 PCI slots (one shared), 1 AGP slot
21:19.31fileit's an Epox
21:20.02MonMothaSocket 3 Zeos motherboard...TONS of ISA slots, no PCI bus
21:20.09MonMothaonboard SCSI if you can find the controller chip
21:20.20filethe Epox one is tempting - but I've got no Slot 1 stuff
21:20.22MonMothafor the 486er in you
21:20.33sorphinwhat's the point?
21:20.37fileMonMotha: I've got 2 486's in my corner
21:21.16MonMothaSocket 7 Acer, 4 PCI, 4 ISA (one shared).  It's AT but it should fit in an ATX case.  I think this one may have been hit by the chernoble virus
21:22.28MonMothaAOpen AP53, Socket 7, 4 PCI, 3 ISA (none shared)
21:22.31MonMothaNo BIOS chip
21:22.36MonMothaso you'll have to find and burn a flash rom
21:22.53MonMothaI don't know if it works or not, but the person who gave it to me said it did
21:23.09prpplaguei gotta run guys, bbl
21:23.12MonMothaI can even throw a P75 or P100 in with these socket 7s if you'd like
21:23.14fileprpplague: ttyl
21:23.23MonMothathe AP53 is an AT
21:23.26fileMonMotha: nah the Slot 1 is what I'm interested in
21:23.26MonMothaprpplague: later
21:24.00MonMothaand then the mother of all boards: it's a 286
21:24.04MonMothaI'll even throw in the CPU :)
21:24.50MonMothait has an ISA bus
21:24.58MonMothaI have a PII-266 for the slot 1 one
21:25.14MonMothaif you'd like
21:25.18MonMothaactually, it might be a 233
21:25.20fileoh sweet
21:25.27MonMothastill, it's a PII
21:26.08fileoh wait - I have no DIMMs
21:26.35scanlinesomeone should take all the text file's said in here, randomize it, and make a crossword puzzle.. then make file solve it
21:26.48filescanline: that would hurt my head...
21:27.07MonMothaI can sell you a DIMM too
21:27.15fileMonMotha: total cost?
21:27.22MonMothalet me check my RAM pile
21:27.30MonMothaI also have a AB-LX6 ATX Slot 1 board
21:27.37MonMothaunknown status
21:27.46MonMothaI think it may have been chernyobalified
21:28.01fileoh ic...
21:28.02MonMothait has a 440LX chipset
21:28.21fileI'm just interested in the Epox one for now
21:28.33fileif it's not too expensive...
21:28.51MonMothawhat you willing to offer?
21:28.56MonMothalet me check my RAM pile
21:29.08MonMothais PC66 OK?
21:29.12fileanything is fine
21:29.14MonMothasince the 233 is only 66MHz FSB
21:29.16filewhatever costs less
21:29.46fileI've got something coming this week that I'll have to pay customs on so I dunno how much I'll have after that...
21:30.14sorphinMonMotha: having some sort of peecee flashback or something? :P
21:30.44MonMothasorphin: file's wanting to buy a mobo/cpu/ram from me
21:30.51fileI've got... 2 486 mobos I could include... SIMMs... a 64mb Multimedia card...
21:31.07MonMothaI've got 32MB PC100 and 64MB PC100
21:31.13MonMothaI need to stock my RAM pile again...jeesh
21:31.18fileinteresting AMD 5x86-p75 CPU...
21:31.25filefried 210MB seagate hardrive...
21:31.38MonMothaI have 2 75MHz Pentiums
21:32.01filewell I was offered a 1.3GHz Duron mobo+CPU for $130...
21:32.01sorphinMonMotha: i have one, and they're not even worth $5 :P
21:32.19MonMothassssh...don't tell file :)
21:32.34fileI don't know how much to offer you...
21:33.30sorphinMonMotha: anything to stop the screen scrolling :P
21:34.33MonMothafile: you want mobo+cpu+ram?
21:34.44fileMonMotha: yes
21:34.48fileMonMotha: does it have onboard video/sound?
21:35.20MonMothaI can throw in sound and video too
21:35.25fileI have those cards :p
21:35.36fileI've got an original ISA Soundblaster 16 and a S3 Trio64 PCI vid card
21:35.43MonMothahow much ram, 32, 64, or 96?
21:36.04file96 would be nice... but cost more, 64 would be my minimum
21:36.08fileI'm going to be running KDE 2 on it
21:36.31fileSooooooooo 64mb
21:36.41MonMothahow bout you pay for my digikey order here? :)
21:36.50filewhat's digikey?
21:36.52filehow much...
21:37.00MonMothait'll probably be $40-$50 once i'm done
21:37.13fileoh my
21:37.31filenot including shipping?
21:37.36MonMothaI'll pay shipping :)
21:37.41MonMothaon the order :)
21:37.45MonMothayou pay shipping on your stuff
21:37.52MonMothahow about we say $35+shipping?
21:38.43*** join/#elinux sjhill (
21:38.49filehi sjhill
21:39.06fileMonMotha: set it aside and I'll tell you when I have the $$$
21:39.22sjhillhi file
21:39.25sjhilllo' MonMotha
21:39.29sorphinand there's the mipsbitch
21:40.09MonMotharemember, no warranty on any of this
21:40.13sorphinMonMotha: ;)
21:40.19sorphinMonMotha: better put that in writing
21:40.22MonMothathat mobo is completely untested by my (though the person I got it from said it worked)
21:40.25fileMonMotha: my current setup has no warranty either
21:40.26sorphinMonMotha: or he'll nag you
21:40.31sjhillsorphin: hey webpal slut
21:40.35fileMonMotha: how about an extra $2 and you test it? :p
21:40.42sorphinMonMotha: tho he'll nag you about if it shipped, etc
21:40.52MonMothasorphin: I'll send him the tracking number
21:43.00fileMonMotha: how much for the 96MB?
21:43.14sjhillhi kergoth
21:43.28MonMothafile: $40+shipping
21:43.35filethat's an extra $5
21:43.44fileMonMotha: got any DIMM DDR?
21:43.48MonMothaI do indeed
21:43.58MonMotha256MB ECC PC1200, 512MB ECC Registered PC2100
21:43.59fileMonMotha: 266?
21:44.03sjhillMonMotha: this stuff is ho isn't it? go on, admit it
21:44.07MonMothathat's PC2100
21:44.21filehow much?
21:44.27filemy friend has a new mobo and wants some RAM...
21:44.29MonMothafile: let me go look some stuff up
21:45.03filehe's got a 1.7GHz system... everything onboard...
21:45.03MonMothaI sell them at pricewatch price usually (since you always end up paying more)
21:45.08MonMothais that OK?
21:45.21fileuh he's gonna call me back...
21:45.24filebut probably
21:45.34MonMothathat's $72 for the 512, $30 for the 256 currently
21:45.44sjhillanyone want to buy a AMD XP2000 CPU?
21:45.48fileMonMotha: this mobo supports Pentium III and Celerons
21:45.51MonMothasjhill: how much?
21:45.55file100MHz max FSB...
21:46.02MonMothawhich mobo?
21:46.09sjhillMonMotha: pricewatch has them at $71....give me your best offer
21:46.17filethe one I want, the Epox P2-112A
21:46.21MonMothafile: ok...
21:46.31filethere's specs
21:46.34MonMothawould you consider a trade for a 1.2 tbird + some $$$?
21:47.03sjhillMonMotha: hmmm, i have no use for a tbird
21:47.12MonMothatherein lies the problem :)
21:47.18fileMonMotha: is your price really a bargain?
21:47.23sjhillMonMotha: how about $45 that includes $5 for s&h
21:47.27sorphinxp2k is too slow for what i'd be shooting for if i did upgrade
21:47.39MonMothasjhill: I can probably go for that...I'll get back with you after my deal with file
21:47.57MonMothafile: well, basically I'm probably giving you the ram for free
21:48.07fileMonMotha: oh nice
21:48.17MonMothaI consider any mobo slot1 or newer to be at least $20, and any proc pentium II or newer at least $15
21:48.32sorphinMonMotha: whine whine whine
21:48.36fileMonMotha: k
21:49.02MonMothaah yes, these are in USD
21:49.30fileMonMotha: wow - MUCH cheaper than what we have to buy locally
21:49.49MonMothaI can believe it
21:50.00MonMothamost places can't make a profit at $15 for a PII :)
21:50.06fileno - I mean the RAM
21:50.19MonMothawell yeah, free is hard to beat
21:50.24MonMothaor the DDR?
21:50.25fileNOOOOOO LOL
21:50.27filethe DDR
21:50.34filesilly you...
21:50.34MonMothaas I said, that's pricewatch price
21:50.45MonMothalet me make sure those numbers aren't artificially low
21:50.56MonMothayaeh, the 512 one is
21:50.59MonMothait'll be $83
21:51.05MonMothaer $84
21:51.13MonMothathere's one place that's $13 cheaper than everyone else
21:51.44filebut the other isn't?
21:52.02MonMothathe other is too
21:52.19MonMothait'll be $41, not $30
21:52.55MonMothaso $84 for the 512, though it's registered so I may not go for pricewatch on that one (as that is certainly non-registered), but I'm ok with $41 for the 256
21:53.28MonMothaI believe they're both cl2.5
21:53.29fileyou wouldn't happen to have a backplate somewhere for the mobo?
21:53.39MonMothaoh yeah, that'll be $1.50
21:53.57MonMothaoh wait, that 256 is also ECC
21:55.33MonMothathe 512 stick will be $144 (512MB PC2100 DDR ECC Registered)
21:56.35filewhat about 256?
21:56.39MonMothathe 256MB I'll say $50, $66 is for registered ECC, but this isn't registered
21:58.09fileMonMotha: you may now talk to sjhill about... the cpu
21:58.20MonMothaeh, I'm done dealing for the day
21:58.24MonMothaI have my 1.2 tbird, it works :)
21:58.30MonMothaI'm holding on for the hammers
21:59.38fileI'd sell my Philips Nino but I gave that to my step-dad
22:00.19sjhillfile: and here you are bugging me about the Linux port and you're selling the thing
22:00.32sorphinsjhill: i dunno why you deal with him :P
22:00.54fileMonMotha: who is the maker of the RAM?
22:01.13sjhillsorphin: :-P
22:01.15filesjhill: it's still in the house!
22:01.20MonMothafile: which module?
22:01.30fileMonMotha: both.
22:01.32sjhillfile: if you go to sell it, i want that modem back
22:01.46filesjhill: I gave the modem to him too
22:01.55MonMothafile: the 512 is DataRAM
22:01.59MonMothathe 256 I'm not sure
22:02.07sjhillfile: grrrrrr
22:02.21filesjhill: I won't sell it!
22:03.00filesjhill: I use it for transferring the photos for my EBay auctions
22:07.02fileMonMotha: I will have the money... soon
22:09.02*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
22:09.08fileMonMotha: I think.
22:09.22sjhillhi cpenguin_home
22:10.22sorphinlo mr pixil
22:10.24cpenguin_homesjhill: how are things goin?
22:10.45cpenguin_homesorphin: hey
22:11.05sjhillcpenguin_home: okay, hanging in's a rollercoaster when you're unemployed
22:14.11fileMonMotha: cost of shipping?
22:16.43cpenguin_homesjhill: I'm almost there myself... :(
22:18.25sjhillcpenguin_home: i looked at my calendar....10 years ago when i was finishing up my undergrad, the market sucked like dad is an electrical/mechanical engineer (been one for 30 years)...the engineering market goes in 10 year cycles from what he has seen....i believe it too
22:18.53sjhillso come 2012/2013, be prepared :)
22:19.04sjhillthe engineering oracle has so spoken
22:19.19MonMothasomeone tell sorphin that I'm done selling stuff to file
22:20.35sorphin~fishslap sjhill for claiming to be an oracle when he's really just a mipswhore
22:20.42ACTION slaps sjhill up side the head with a wet fish for claiming to be an oracle when he's really just a mipswhore
22:21.16sjhill*sigh* i'm REALLY get tired of fish these days
22:21.37sorphinsjhill: does your fiancee know this? *duck*
22:22.23sjhillsorphin: dude, she would kick your hindquarters for that :)
22:23.03sorphinsjhill: hey, YOU are the one that said you were tired of fish :P
22:23.18MonMothaibot tell sorphin that monmotha is done selling stuff to file
22:23.31MonMothaibot you suck
22:23.50MonMothaibot botmail for sorphin that monmotha is done selling stuff to file
22:23.54sorphinibot: botsnack
22:24.13MonMothaibot botsmack
22:24.15sure, wanna snort some with me?
22:24.25cpenguin_homewow - ibot is dealing?
22:25.12sjhillibot: cocaine?
22:25.14sjhill: I don't know, could you explain it?
22:25.26sjhillgeez, he doesn't even know the good stuff
22:29.57fileMonMotha: what's up?
22:42.31fileMonMotha: I guess nothing...
22:45.32*** join/#elinux TomW (
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22:50.01filewb prpplague
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23:44.54*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@

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