irclog2html for #elinux on 20030111

00:07.20*** join/#elinux prpplague (
00:07.53prpplagueho ho ho, merry frekin friday
00:08.06fileer prpplague
00:09.23prpplaguefarscape returns!
00:11.39fileprpplague: great
00:11.49fileprpplague: what the frell were they thinking to begin with?!?!?!?!?
00:13.12jacquesthey were thinking that they wanted to save money
00:13.16prpplaguefile:  who knows
00:13.22jacquesand make more total shit like Dreagon Hunter
00:13.36filevery dumb plan.
00:13.42prpplaguescifi crap for the masses
00:14.01prpplaguescifi en mass just doesn't work
00:14.11jacqueswhat are the good shows on scifi ?
00:14.16jacquesx-files re-runs
00:14.23prpplaguejacques: nothing lately
00:14.32prpplaguejacques: they've killed everything that was good
00:14.42jacquesyeah it made me very disgusted
00:14.46prpplaguejacques: farscape, lexx, sliders, babylon5
00:14.54MonMothahello again prpplague
00:14.59fileLexx was filmed near my hometown
00:15.00prpplagueMonMotha: howdie
00:15.06MonMothawhat guage wire you say you used for soldering to an LQFP?
00:15.16prpplaguefile: figures, thats why your fscked up, lol
00:15.22fileprpplague: :p
00:15.31jacquesis lexx still filming ? sliders and babylon5 are both over right ?
00:15.32prpplagueMonMotha: i've been using 30g
00:15.54MonMothaalso, you know where I might be able to happen upon a printed copy of the SA-1110 Datasheet/HW Ref Guide
00:15.56prpplaguejacques: scifi was filming both sliders and babylon5
00:16.12jacquesand only babylon5 is in the same class as farscape out of those IMHO
00:16.21prpplaguejacques: they pissed of the principles of both shows
00:16.32prpplaguejacques: so they got canceled
00:16.36jacquesprpplague: probably by paying them crap
00:16.38fileI miss Babylon 5
00:16.58prpplaguejacques: mainly over script changes
00:17.06prpplaguejacques: like when they bought sg-1
00:17.32prpplaguejacques: they changed the scripts so much that the guy playing daniel jackson no longer felt it was worth while
00:18.24prpplaguejacques: the black guy on sliders was the only one left from the original sliders crew by the time it got canceled
00:18.57prpplaguejacques: all goes to show that the marketing gurus at scifi have no idea about their audience
00:19.20prpplaguejacques: IMHO the tnn guys who play the trek:TNG have a much better idea
00:19.27prpplaguejacques: love their commercials
00:19.42prpplaguejacques: i.e. the one about "doing it" with the klingon woman
00:20.02prpplaguejacques: btw, hello, long time no chat
00:20.08prpplaguejacques: got a webpal yet?
00:23.26jacquesprpplague: sorry someone was asking me a linux Q on AIM
00:23.58jacquesprpplague: not yet - I went to surpluscomputers on sunday but they were out - the guy said he thought they were getting more - I will try again tomorrow or sunday
00:24.17filejacques: should call ahead next time :)
00:26.04filethat's what I usually do - then get them to pull the stuff I want and have it put at the counter for easy pickup
00:26.12jacquesfile: yeah I should. I wanted to see the place before - was out drviving around on a nice day
00:26.27filejacques: ic
00:27.10Russ|werkprpplague: was it you that needed to come up with the signiture network thingy?
00:27.28prpplagueRuss|werk: ya
00:27.47prpplagueRuss|werk: i've got a hacked up version of netcat doing so stuff right now
00:27.49Russ|werkhave you looked at gnet?
00:27.55prpplagueRuss|werk: negative
00:28.11Russ|werkit integrates with glib2.0
00:28.16Russ|werkor glib1.2
00:28.49Russ|werkit has data packing functions too
00:28.51prpplagueRuss|werk: thanks, i'll have a look
00:28.57prpplagueRuss|werk: any encryption?
00:28.59MonMothawell, I have on the way the SA-1110 dev manual and all spec updates, and the SA-1111 dev manual and all spec updates, in dead-tree copy
00:29.03MonMothacost to me: $0 :)
00:29.15fileMonMotha: good going little grasshopper :)
00:29.39MonMothaheh, I swear these people lose so much on me :)
00:29.43MonMothahopefully they'll make it back some time though
00:29.50Russ|werksomething about md5 and sha
00:29.57MonMothaI think Maxim has spent like $120 on me by now in samples and shipping
00:30.18fileMonMotha: do they ship to Canada?
00:31.03MonMothafile: not sure
00:31.09fileMonMotha: mmm
00:31.22MonMothathey're very easy to get samples from though...they've scored major points with me
00:31.35filehow? :)
00:31.43MonMothaheh, I to their site when I need a part for somethign, get a "sample" of that part, and then get 7 others :)
00:31.54MonMothafree samples, very nice
00:32.41MonMothathe 1-wire stuff is kinda neat, and of course they have tons of line drivers, display controllers, etc
00:32.46prpplaguethe free samples are nice if you've never used the chip before or its hard to find, but....., i'd just as soon spend the cash and get it here in a couple of days
00:33.13fileMonMotha: point me to something fun/useful :)
00:33.21MonMothaprpplague: the problem I have is that nobody wants to sell you one or's easier and quicker sometimes to just order a sample
00:33.25MonMothafile: hang on
00:33.41MonMothanow if only I could get free samples like that from intel :)
00:34.18MonMothaMAX6954s are fun
00:34.34prpplagueMonMotha: what are those?
00:34.39MonMothaI need to build an ISA card to get an SPI bus outof my dev box
00:34.51MonMothaprpplague: SPI interfaced LED display controllers, 104 char ASCII
00:35.02prpplagueMonMotha: nice
00:35.32MonMothathey have tons of stuff like that
00:35.34Russ|werkMonMotha: I easily built a isa card with a jtag bus
00:35.39Russ|werkMonMotha: you want schematics?
00:35.40filesweet they'll ship here
00:35.59Russ|werkno special components required
00:36.01filewhat's standard shipping?
00:36.02MonMothaoh, and their A/V stuff is nice, but kinda hard to use for tinkering, and in unfriendly packages (lots of BGAs, TSOPs, and SSOPs)
00:36.06MonMothafile: UPS ground
00:36.26MonMothaRuss|werk: sure, maybe I'll make an "devel box" card, I2C, SPI, JTAG, etc
00:36.40fileMonMotha: I'm going shopping there
00:36.40MonMothaI keep forgettign I'm on IPv4 so DCC works :0
00:36.49prpplagueRuss|werk: you use those isa dev cards?
00:36.51MonMothafile: oh yeah, it's like a kid in a candy store for me :)
00:36.53Russ|werkwriting makes the clock tick
00:37.00Russ|werkreading doesn't effect the clock
00:37.11Russ|werkprpplague: no, its much simplier than that
00:37.23MonMothaI remember when radio shack sold ISA proto boards...I should have picked up a few
00:38.31Russ|werkI don't remember where i bought my 8 bit one
00:38.38fileMonMotha: any LCDs on there?
00:39.00MonMothafile: sure, they have LCD controllers too, but lots of LCD displays come with an ASCII output decoder built in
00:39.10filepoint me there! PLEASE!
00:39.25MonMothahum, maybe you'd be interested in a SPI UART with built in RS-232 line drivers? :)
00:40.55MonMothabtw, some of those LED drivers are HUGE chips, you might want to get SO-ICs if you can deal with that packaging (not too difficult to hand solder, but no proto boards) as they're a lot smalelr
00:41.20prpplaguefile: you can get a nice lcd from allelectronics for $19 that you can hook up to your lpt port
00:41.27fileprpplague: no thanks
00:41.51prpplaguefile: hmm why not?
00:42.07MonMothahe wants to do it the hard way L(
00:42.46MonMothaMAX3110E is kinda the mother of all SPI UARTs
00:43.00MonMothahandy to hook up to a uC you may have to talk to your LED controllers :)
00:43.08MonMotha(if your uC doesn't have it's own UART that is)
00:43.39fileMonMotha: what else is fun?
00:43.41MonMothahaving fun file? :)
00:44.11fileI even called a friend and told him
00:44.16MonMothathe 1-wire stuff is cool...designed for security and such
00:44.29MonMothathey have serial number things that do md5 with a secret
00:45.29MonMothaDallas (part of maxim, so you can get free stuff from them too) also makes lots of non-volitile static rams
00:45.43prpplagueMonMotha: know any max chip for i2s stuff?
00:46.00sorphinprpplague: mean i2c ?
00:46.44MonMothaprpplague: yeah, there are also LED drivers and stuff for i2c
00:46.53fileI just want a simple LCD display...
00:46.55MonMothaI just recently got a bunch of LED controllers from them
00:47.00MonMothaI think they have some LCD ones too
00:47.11MonMothaif you prefer i2c, SPI's a little easier to work with
00:47.17MonMothaneeds mroe lines tho
00:48.05sorphincute, someone tried to virus my fysh mail account
00:48.21sorphinsending a file called: Movie_0074.mpeg.pif
00:48.26MonMothawell, with a few shift registers, you can slap a parallel access device on an SPI bus...i2c you have to handle addressing and such
00:48.31MonMothasorphin: oh, I see those all the time
00:48.49filewhat else...
00:49.42MonMothaMAX6900 is apparently an i2c interfaced RTC
00:49.57sorphinMonMotha: wish maxim would hurry the fluck up
00:50.43MonMothasorphin: my last order of samples probably took a month to get them all
00:50.44fileMonMotha: any more sites with free samples?
00:51.01MonMothafile: fairchild has a small portion of their stuff available for free samples
00:51.07sorphinlast time i did it, didn't take THAT long
00:51.19MonMothasorphin: well, a couple were out of stock and backordered
00:51.30MonMothaand I doubt that the FREE samples get a high priority on backorder :)
00:52.06prpplaguebbiaf, frascape
00:53.13MonMothafile: give me some hints here as to what you're interested in :)
00:54.38MonMothaat one point they had like 256MB (yes, that's megabytes) of static ram available for a sample
00:54.41MonMothalike a $500 part
00:54.52fileMonMotha: I dunno...
00:54.58filefun stuff, like LCD displays... LED displays...
00:55.55MonMothaMAX1608 and MAX1609 look fun
00:57.10MonMothaooooh, BLUE LED displays
00:57.28MonMothadigikey has some, but they're numeric only
00:57.32MonMothanot cheap either
00:57.39fileoh... thought they were free samples... oh well
00:57.42MonMothabut that would look SO AWESOME on an aluminum case
00:57.47MonMothayeah, that's not maxim :
00:58.07MonMothaI need to find an optoelectronics place that offers free samples, fairchild makes some but they don't offer samples of their LEDs
00:58.51MonMothano blue ones either
01:00.11fileMonMotha: still looking...
01:00.21MonMothathis CD is obviously designed to be unrippable
01:00.34MonMothait ripped, but not the last track, and track 10 skips like mad
01:00.47MonMothaI guess I'll return it as defective ;)
01:00.56MonMothafor another oen
01:01.08MonMothaover and over again until the cows come home (or the fat lady sings, whichever comes first)
01:01.30fileMonMotha: do they send a tracking number?
01:02.01filethat bites
01:02.12MonMothayeah, they just kinda show up on your doorstep
01:03.16MonMothayou know, I hate DVDs that make you watch all the publisher info
01:03.21MonMothathe FBI warning is bad enough
01:04.06fileMonMotha: I need more stuff!!!
01:05.03MonMothayou prefer i2c, not SPI?
01:05.16fileI don't even know what those are :)
01:06.27MonMothajust browse around, Maxim's site is surprisingly easy to navigate
01:07.23MonMothaoh yeah, but the external components will get you awfully quick...not to mention look at the packaging
01:07.26MonMothanot very hobbiest friendly
01:08.09fileI already ordered that 900MHz transceiver ;)
01:08.25filefor no reason really
01:08.38*** join/#elinux scanline (
01:10.14MonMothasee, I try to get stuff I may one day use
01:10.22filebut never do?
01:12.20MonMothaI've actually used a few things I have from them
01:12.26MonMothaand have serious plans to use some others
01:13.45MonMothaI ordered a MAX3232 and some NV RTC SRAM chip (for my IPX) that I've used :)
01:13.58MonMothathe MAX3232 is happily at home in my tuxscreen driving my 2nd serial port
01:22.52*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
01:24.40MonMothaoh come on...these people are documenting the "color" output of their LED displays in nanometers
01:26.09cpenguin_homeMonMotha: its all about the nanometers, didn't you know that?
01:26.40MonMothaI thought it was all about the Pentiums
01:26.47filewhat application am I requesting samples for?
01:26.55MonMothamake something up
01:27.10fileI'm out of ideas
01:27.11MonMothaI've passed off "Familiarization with 1-wire" and "System Info Display" before :)
01:29.07filewhat are these journals?
01:29.32fileMaxim Engineering Journals
02:03.38*** join/#elinux anotherScanline (
02:03.57TomWGPSFan: thanks, I got the schematic & Libs for the WebPal.  I see that he must have done it using the Freeware version of Eagle CAD as he did it all on one sheet.  Not a problem, just noteworthy.
02:06.29GPSFanTomW: yea, I figured that too, since it came into my Eagle 4.08 without a complaint. nice job though.
02:07.13TomWoh yes!  He did a first rate job on the schematics, didn't he?
02:07.48TomWeven down to details such as documenting the clock settings for the CH9294 on the sheet.
02:09.23prpplagueTomW: lo
02:09.28GPSFanTomW: my only complaint is that on the color version the green text is awefully hard to read on a printed copy, but that's probably an eagle issue.
02:09.35prpplagueMonMotha: hey you still around?
02:09.36TomWprpplague: hey
02:10.09TomWGPSFan: yeah, that is a problem with Eagle, the default colors aren't that contrast-y
02:10.34prpplagueTomW: hey tom
02:10.36TomWcan't bitch about having the fruit of another's labors handed to you to save you some work though
02:10.46GPSFanTomW: might look better on B-size.
02:10.52prpplagueTomW: going round two on my tuxscreen life support system
02:11.35TomWGPSFan: aww, I always do my schematics so that they will fit on a standard A4 Letter, that way I can print the stuff out here on my InkJet.
02:11.56TomWprpplague: your "life support system"?  :)
02:13.27prpplagueTomW: dev board
02:13.34TomWprpplague: heh
02:13.48prpplagueTomW: i.e. nothing but the head
02:16.03TomWprpplague: now that I got most of those RS485 boards assembled and delivered, I have some play-time coming to me.  I'll talk with my boss and demand some time off!
02:16.27TomWkergoth: lo
02:17.17prpplagueTomW: lol
02:17.31prpplaguex-303 sg-1 ship is just plain ugly
02:18.42prpplagueTomW: hey, on your dev board did you use some some inductors on the lcd interface?
02:18.55TomWprpplague: no
02:19.25prpplagueTomW: did you get any emi problems?
02:20.08TomWprpplague: not that I noticed, but I wasn't concerned with that.  The LCD looked "clean" and that was all that mattered, the network card still worked okay.
02:20.44prpplagueTomW: what about bypass caps. did you do that to any extend?
02:22.16TomWprpplague: yeah, well, I always sprinkle a few 0.1uf caps around, I also sprinkle a few 1uf Tantalum caps onto the boards as well.  IIRC, there is only 3-4 0.1uf and one Tant cap.
02:23.24prpplagueTomW: could i seriously impose on you a cap 101, when should i use tants/monos/ceramics ?
02:23.48TomWprpplague: I used 16ga bus wire to run the 3.3volt & 5volt feeds & Ground around the perf board.  Then used 24ga bus wire to hook those supplies onto the pins that went through the box header to the CPU board.
02:25.42TomWprpplague: it really depends on how much current a section is using, if you have a bus driver of some kind (74ACT245, 74125, etc) that are driving a heavy load (> 10ma) then I will have a 1uf tantalum in the vicinity for every two driver chips.  Also, every driver chip would have a 0.1 next to it.
02:26.16TomWprpplague: on "normal" areas of the board, I usually use a single 0.1uf for every two chips.
02:26.42prpplagueTomW: of which types?
02:27.29TomWprpplague: basically a "rule of thumb".  Once you get the prototype done, you have to scope out the power feeds in different areas of the board and see how much localized noise there is, then do any adjustment of the cap values / count empirically.
02:27.39prpplagueTomW: that explains why the the ms.pacman board has a longterm problem
02:27.54prpplagueTomW: ahh, logical
02:28.07TomWprpplague: types == low current devices, such as LS logic (1ma drive).
02:28.48TomWprpplague: I know that there must be formulas and design rules covering this stuff someplace else, but, I never bothered with learning that stuff.
02:28.56prpplagueTomW: the ms.pacmam board doesn't bypass the driver chip anywhere enough
02:29.15prpplaguemore than one chip
02:29.20TomWibot: ms.pacman
02:29.22TomW: no idea
02:29.31TomWibot: neither do I.
02:29.33no idea, TomW
02:29.35prpplagueTomW: the ms.pacman video game unit
02:29.47prpplaguez80 baefd
02:29.59TomWprpplague: I don't play games with computers.  My games are writing code on them, I enjoy that.
02:30.16filesweet - got tracking on my copy of Xandros :)
02:33.04TomWprpplague: I recall talking with a fellow that worked in engineering for a company that marketed a digital communications device (AX25 Ham Radio Packet controller).  He spec'ed a number of bypass caps for the circuit board, then gave the schematic to drafting.  Weeks later he got the populated boards back and they ran like shit.  Drafting had taken all the bypass caps and stuck them in one corner of the board, near the power supply.
02:35.56prpplagueTomW: lol, ahh so you were the one with that story
02:36.26prpplagueTomW: i remember someone told me about that but i could not remember who
02:37.21TomWprpplague: no, that is the first I have told that one on IRC, must be an epidemic of "dumb" going around in the corporate world.
02:38.37TomWprpplague: last place I worked at, we had a great gal in drafting.  She did a wonderfull job on the boards,  she took instruction well and did the boards so they looked "pretty" to her.  Whatever it was that "pretty" meant to her, she did a bangup job when she laid a board out.
02:39.33TomWprpplague: not too many electronics draftsman I have met that are willing to take instruction from a design engineer.  Most seem to be too arrogant to ask questions.
02:41.04TomWprpplague: I had one idiot turn the autorouter loose on a 5Amp switching suppy I designed.  They had the freaking board layed out, and prototyped before I knew they did it.  Needless to say, they learned about something called "ground shift".
02:41.44TomWprpplague: they also learned that those "slanted lines" on the schematic where kelvan notation.
02:46.36prpplagueTomW: that must be a common occurence
02:47.31fileI wish UPS had terms describing each activity...
02:47.51fileterms, er descriptions
02:48.03TomWprpplague: well, it seems that if they had an appreciation for the complexities of electronic design, they would be doing it instead of laying out boards then, eh?
02:48.48TomWfile: yeah, ups tracking does suck.  Your package disappears into the "maw" of ups and magically gets disgorged at it's destination.
02:49.07MonMothaTomW: I've noticed that
02:49.43TomWsux, I wish that I could see the package as it moves along in their internal system.
02:49.46fileTomW: I've got a pickup scan - but nothing else yet
02:49.58MonMothaI have a pickup and a routing scan in sunnyvale
02:50.11filejust Eureka for me :)
02:50.31filedoesn't even say it's weight or what service it's going
02:50.42TomWlike you get a package shipped via ups ground from california, it disappears at their long distance depot, then days go by until it shows up again at the local depot near me.
02:51.13filethat happened with the Xandros shipment to Eureka
02:51.23prpplagueTomW: good point
02:51.30fileit appeared in Richmond and then a few days later it appeared in Eureka saying it's out to be delivered
02:51.37filenothing inbetween
02:51.59TomWwhat happens if they lose the package? do you simply wait several days past the expected delivery date than bitch that you don't have it?  
02:52.27filewho knows...
02:52.50fileand those pesky Internal codes
02:53.39MonMothathat happened to my hard drive
02:53.49fileMonMotha: what happened?
02:53.58MonMothawent to Indianapolis, then Austin, TX then to it's destination (McAllen)
02:54.04MonMothaIndianapolis is the regional hub
02:55.45filethis is the way it goes for me:
02:55.58fileactually I forget how it goes
02:56.20fileeh it eventually shows up :)
02:59.20filegoodnight everyone
03:37.45prpplaguenight guys, i've already smoke a ucb1200 tonight, time for the triple B
03:37.55prpplagueaka beer, butt , bed
03:46.12*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
05:05.45jacquesebay is starting to piss me off a lot
05:06.03jacquestheir new ad campaign offends me
05:17.28cpenguin_homejacques: you a Sinatra fan?
05:26.59jacquescpenguin_home: I am referring to the ad campaign where they get people to put sensational stuff on their site and then send out press releases to all the media
05:27.15cpenguin_homejacques: ahh... haven't seen that one yet
05:27.22jacquesthe town, the island, and now the family
05:27.31jacquesexvery media outlet runs the story
05:27.37cpenguin_homeahhh..... I understand now
05:27.44cpenguin_homeyou think its all a publicity stunt?
05:27.47jacqueswhen they should be running stories about the rampant fraud that ebay does nothing about
05:28.07jacquescpenguin_home: yes I think it's a very cynical PR campaign
05:28.28jacquesdesigned to redirect attention from the fraud problems
05:28.39jacqueswhat next I wonder
05:29.07cpenguin_homejust wait until ebay puts itself up for auction... :)
05:29.24jacquesseems like a conflict of interest
05:30.04cpenguin_home3 days ago, we had a 59 car pile up in foggy conditions here in SLC
05:30.16cpenguin_homeand now a medical helicopter has crashed in foggy conditions
05:30.33cpenguin_homeThats unusual for a freeking desert
05:31.10jacqueswow  :-(
05:31.28jacquesSLC ?
09:37.02*** join/#elinux levi_ (
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16:56.31cpenguin_homehowdy prpplague -- good to see that you are not at work
16:58.36fileI need more power bars
17:03.24*** join/#elinux file (
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17:22.09filegot any pizza?
17:23.17cpenguin_homefile: sorry
17:32.05prpplaguecpenguin_home: ya glad i'm not there either
18:03.10prpplaguew00t, my tuxscreen daughter board is alive!
18:03.55filealive... ALIVE!
18:07.11cpenguin_homeprpplague: sweet!
18:12.27prpplagueanyone got a good kernel and rootfs for testing?
18:15.25cpenguin_homeprpplague: I don't know if my kernel/rootfs is stable or not
18:18.10prpplaguecpenguin_home: hmm, grabbed one from the site
18:18.47sorphinaftermorning you 2
18:20.00cpenguin_homesorphin: almostnoon to you too
18:21.15prpplaguecpenguin_home: loading the kernel now......i hope this works
18:22.02cpenguin_homeprpplague: me too
18:22.04anderseeprpplague: whats your daughterboard do?
18:22.42cpenguin_homeIf you don't have my daughterboard home by 10, there will be hell to pay!
18:24.29filecpenguin_home: but I like her soooo much
18:32.24prpplagueandersee: replaces the dsp board
18:32.52prpplagueandersee: and basically i'm just using the main board and connecting via the header
18:33.02prpplagueandersee: the main goal is to make this portable
18:33.48anderseeprpplague: replaces the dsp board with what?  For what purpose?
18:34.00prpplagueandersee: really using it as a test bed to learn about arm peripherals such as lcd, ts, audio , and pcmcia
18:34.27prpplagueandersee: the main board just has the ram, flash, processor and pcmcia
18:34.50prpplagueandersee: works nicely for learn how to get things going
18:34.57anderseeprpplague: Ahh
18:35.04anderseeprpplague: So what're you gonna hook up?
18:36.58anderseeIDE drives?  redundant fiber channel scsi raid array?  toaster?
18:37.19prpplagueandersee: try several different lcd panels, a 4x4 keypad matrix, a ucb1200
18:37.59prpplagueandersee: also work on learning about portable power supplies
18:38.29prpplagueha, booted and got a login
18:41.03anderseeprpplague: So what does your eviscerated phone look like now?  just the CPU board plugged into some power?
18:43.30prpplagueandersee: something like this -
18:43.45prpplagueandersee: but my board is closer to the size of the main board
18:44.08prpplagueandersee: thats TomW's design
18:44.36prpplagueandersee: mine is directed towards making a pda out of the tuxscreen core
18:44.42sorphinprpplague: <dr frankenstein> It's alive! aliiiiiiiiiiiiive! </dr frankenstein>
18:47.08prpplagueandersee: granted, a _big_ pda, but all the right stuff for a pda
18:47.53cpenguin_homeprpplague: so more of a web pad, if you will
19:00.52prpplaguenow to get tuxscreen buildroot installed so i can do some dev
20:35.07*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
21:02.37filewb prpplague
21:03.56anderseeprpplague: hospital?
21:04.16prpplagueandersee: my wife is diabetic with "end stage" kidney failure
21:04.47prpplagueandersee: pretty nasty stuff
21:05.03anderseeprpplague: oh no, I'm sorry to hear that.  :(
21:05.53prpplagueandersee: we've been living with it for awhile, its just lately in the last year gotten really bad
21:06.53prpplagueandersee: its the reason i drink about 90% of the beer that i do :)
21:07.45anderseeprpplague: heh
21:10.08prpplagueanyone want to guess whether 1/4 inch differences in lcd data lines will create a timming issue?
21:24.28prpplaguecpenguin_home: lo
21:24.53cpenguin_homeprpplague: hey... sorry to see your wife is back in the hospital
21:26.27cpenguin_homemmm.... football and programming
21:34.30prpplaguecpenguin_home: mmm.... grove salad and soldering!
21:43.03cpenguin_homeprpplague: good stuff.. :)
22:09.38*** join/#elinux sjhill (
22:19.13prpplaguesjhill: yo! whats up?
22:20.13filehi sjhill
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22:23.36sjhillhi prpplague
22:23.37sjhilllo' file
22:23.45sjhillprpplague: doing linux vpn's today
22:23.55filesjhill: got any parts for me?
22:24.35sjhillfile: parts? parts of what?
22:24.50filesjhill: parts... I dunno
22:25.03prpplaguesjhill: hopes there's $$ involved
22:25.10fileoh there is
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22:26.05fileif you got anything useful
22:27.06prpplaguefile: some string
22:27.33filecpenguin_home: muahahahahaha
22:27.49prpplaguecpenguin_home: it'd be like those ppl on B5 that start building themselves into all the ship's parts
22:28.49fileI could go for an ISA card (anything'll work) and something to fill a drive bay
22:30.40prpplaguefile: isa mfm controller?
22:31.01fileprpplague: sure
22:31.13fileI could go for a new PCI video card to replace my S3 Trio64
22:32.48sjhillfile: permedia 3d agp card?
22:32.56sjhillfile: that's about all i have
22:33.46fileI have no AGP slot
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22:38.59cpenguin_homewho gave sorpin op status?  
22:39.03cpenguin_homeDid Tim lose his mind?
22:40.10file-25 farenheit with windchill
22:42.09cpenguin_homemmmm.... balmy
22:45.30sorphincpenguin_home: um.. be nice now :P
22:45.35*** mode/#eLinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
22:49.26cpenguin_homeHmm....  I'll predict about an hour for this one
22:50.49sjhilli must be the only person who has not bought a mp3 player
22:52.07cpenguin_homesjhill: what are you waiting for? :)
22:53.09sjhillcpenguin_home: an ogg player
22:53.56sorphinsjhill: you'll be waiting till someone like you makes one :P
22:55.17sjhillsorphin: shows some promise
22:56.08sorphinsjhill: is it mips based? *grin*
22:56.58sjhillsorphin: heh, no, he used a custom 8-bit controller...everything is in the Xilinx FPGA
22:57.18sorphinsjhill: ah.. then why would you want it? i thought you were a mipswhore :P
22:57.41sjhilli would be interested inthe VHDL for the audio data processing
22:59.10cpenguin_homeThats the best way to do it, IMHO
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22:59.46cpenguin_homeNot nessesarly VHDL, but definately a downloadable firmware for a off processor chip of some sort
22:59.54cpenguin_homeAnd an open firmware, too.. :)

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