irclog2html for #elinux on 20030109

00:10.50*** join/#elinux signal11 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:14.58*** join/#elinux Morn (
00:16.40*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
00:18.45*** join/#elinux ben (
00:19.14benis the J11 serial port on the webpal 0x2F8
00:24.02*** join/#elinux TomW ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:25.00Russ|werkben: dunno, but whichever it is, it needs level conversion
00:30.56sorphinben: ummm
00:31.01sorphin0x278 is peecee thinking
00:31.13*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
00:31.15sorphinnon peecees don't work like that
00:31.26cpenguin_homeMine does.. :-)
00:31.48sorphincpenguin_home: um.. you don't even know what i was talking about ;)
00:32.00cpenguin_homesorphin: that was part of the joke...
00:32.02cpenguin_homeI think
00:32.07benwell is it /dev/ttyS0
00:32.18benand should I be able to echo stuff to it
00:32.24benand see it in minicom on my desktop
00:32.26sorphinben: heh
00:32.56sorphintype dmesg
00:33.03bengood plan
00:33.10sorphinso you can see that the port was even detected right
00:33.58benttyS00 at 0x2f8
00:34.01beni guess thats it
00:34.03bencause its the only one
00:34.23benso how come i can't see nothing when I echo to it
00:34.29sorphin1st time i've ever seen a non peecee use a type of addr like that
00:34.52cpenguin_homesorphin: what platform is that?
00:34.57sorphincpenguin_home: webpal
00:35.12cpenguin_homesorphin: odd
00:35.49ben/proc/something/or/othere said it detected some stuff up at 0x80400something
00:36.00benboy that was pretty specific
00:36.18*** join/#elinux stud3nt (
00:36.26sorphinben: erm.. make up your mind :P
00:36.33MonMothait has a PC type SuperIO chip providing the serial ports, pport, and floppy
00:36.43MonMothaprobably why it's at PeeCee like IOs
00:36.53sorphinMonMotha: hmm.. good point
00:36.59sorphinforgot about that
00:37.10MonMothasorphin: see, and I don't even have one yet
00:37.11benyea it has three "unkown uarts"
00:37.43benat ports 0x804002f8,3f8,2e8,3e8
00:37.46benmy bad
00:37.53benim using a 5" LCD for my webpal
00:37.53MonMothathere's two serial ports, one has raw IR data, the other is hooked up to the atmel uC which decodes IR keyboard and smart card
00:37.59benhard to read from across the room
00:38.05MonMothaare there maybe two serial ports that aren't brought out to headers
00:38.22MonMothaibot webpal
00:38.23from memory, webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or
00:38.27MonMothaibot webpal schematics
00:38.28MonMotha: wish i knew
00:38.43benwell I cut JP1
00:38.49MonMothaibot webpal schematics are at
00:38.50MonMotha: okay
00:38.51benso one serial port should be hooked to my serial intrface
00:38.53benand nothing else
00:41.41benThe web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information.
00:41.42benAccess to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later.
00:42.09benhow big is that pdf
00:42.16benmaybe I can mirror it
00:42.25sorphinthat's the color one btw
00:42.32sorphinthe b&w one remove the c
00:47.41bencan somebody mail me a copy or something
00:47.45*** join/#elinux file (
00:47.54benor DCC one
00:48.10sorphini looked at work
00:49.21MonMothait's 1.4MB
00:49.28MonMothaben: email?
00:50.28MonMothawhat is the bandwidth quota on geocities these days?
00:51.01sorphinMonMotha: umm
00:51.10sorphinMonMotha: they've always sucked
00:53.43MonMothasorphin: not nearly as bad as they do now
00:55.12MonMothais there JTAG on the webpal?
00:55.38sorphinMonMotha: this has been covered :P
00:55.51sorphinyou use gdb to hit the cirrus debug stuff in the chip :P
00:55.53MonMothasorphin: ah, didn't see that :)
00:56.03sorphinthat was weeks ago ;p
00:56.11MonMothaah, that works even if there's nothing for the chip to do?
00:56.15MonMotha(as in, blank flash)?
00:56.30sorphintaht's how you flash it
00:56.38sorphinrather it's a way to flash it
00:56.38benwell, I tanked my flash, it acted blank anyways, and I couldnt get gdb to work
00:56.44benI had to reflash mine
00:56.58benwith another webpal
00:57.05benhotswap the Flash after boot
00:57.34sorphinthat's why you don't brick it ;)
00:58.07MonMothaah, so if you do bork your flash you do have to program the flash using some other means?
00:59.01benwell the way I did anyways
00:59.05benI don't know if thats always the case
00:59.11benI don't intend to research it ;=)
00:59.41sorphinMonMotha: on one of the pages, is how to flash w/ gdb
00:59.55benthe main bigbrd site
00:59.55MonMothasorphin: yeah, I saw that
00:59.56benhas that
01:00.08bendoes anybody know how much time halted takes to ship NICs
01:00.12benI ordered a bunch yesterday
01:00.12MonMothaI just though that was handled by the existing bootloader (they don't come blank, do they?), rather than the chip itself
01:01.33sorphinMonMotha: ummm
01:01.40sorphinMonMotha: you replace the bootloader :P
01:02.04sorphinthe cirrus has gdb interfacablity (just like the ceiva)
01:02.15MonMothak, that was my question
01:02.33MonMothaI thought gdb was speaking with the old bootloader
01:02.39MonMothaala inferno on the tux
01:03.15MonMothak, that makes more sense then
01:03.19MonMothamore handy than jtag too
01:07.34*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
01:08.33benMonMotha: you send the pdf?
01:08.38MonMothaben: need address
01:08.58benI will mirror on my school account
01:09.04benput our shiny new DS3 to use
01:09.30TheMasterMind1might as well mirror all those pdfs too
01:09.33TheMasterMind1just in case
01:09.37TheMasterMind1put wget to use
01:09.45MonMothabah, I could put it on my UH shell
01:09.48MonMothadual OC3s I think
01:10.21benwell do it then!
01:10.46MonMothaI'd have to ask first :)
01:11.05MonMothathey've offered to host if we want them to tho
01:11.13TheMasterMind1ben: you should as one of the sysadmins before too
01:11.20TheMasterMind1like yourself, or me :)
01:11.38benas = ask
01:11.44TheMasterMind1err, yes
01:11.50benBen, is it ok to host the webpal stuff?
01:13.30benthe nic had a loose cao
01:13.33benand I soldered it
01:13.37benand it GOT DETECCTED
01:14.41TheMasterMind1ben: wha?!
01:14.43TheMasterMind1which one
01:16.22benthrowing errors like mad though
01:16.51benmismatched read page pointers
01:16.57benkeeps comin up
01:17.40benand timeout waiting for Tx RDC
01:19.20TheMasterMind1that sucks
01:20.27benits using IRQ 9
01:20.30benI thought only 3 worked
01:20.35benwhen I specify 3 on the modprobe
01:20.38benit doesnt work
01:20.44benwhen I don't specify irq
01:20.47benit puts it on 9
01:23.19MonMothahardware IRQ3 maps to IRQ9 in linux on the webpal iirc
01:23.43MonMotha"...make sure it is set to use IRQ3 since that's the only interrupt line wired to the ISA bus slot.    This maps to interrupt #9 in ARM linux."
01:24.10TheMasterMind1hmm. with this lirc code, it gets data 91 each time
01:24.23MonMothawas anyone working on BLOB for the webpal?
01:24.44TheMasterMind1MonMotha: yes, prpplauge said he was but didn't have mch time to work on it
01:24.59*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
01:26.02TheMasterMind1hmm, the way the lirc sir driver works is it records the time the signals come in and has this add_event function.. so i guess its taking the ir and making a 0100111 binary string using that add function. so i need to basically do the same thing until i get one thing of data which i then use. so what is one "packet"? 8 bits?
01:26.08TheMasterMind1do i make any sense at all?
01:30.35*** join/#elinux TomW (
01:30.53fileTheMasterMind1: most of the time yes
01:37.05benso IRQ 9 makes sense then
01:39.17benwebpal schematic is now available at
01:42.17sorphinben: tell ibot
01:42.32TheMasterMind1file: ok
01:42.35TheMasterMind1ibot you suck
01:42.37sorphinben: i.e. webpal schematic is also....
01:42.39TheMasterMind1ibot die
01:42.40ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
01:42.40TheMasterMind1ibot TheMasterMind1
01:42.41i heard themastermind1 is a 16 year old OZ Developer and can be reached at
01:42.42sorphinTheMasterMind1: umm
01:42.49TheMasterMind1sorphin: heh
01:42.53sorphinTheMasterMind1: enough
01:43.04TheMasterMind1sorphin: yea, i know
01:45.51benibot: the webpal schematic is also available at
01:45.53okay, ben
01:46.00benibot: webpal
01:46.01it has been said that webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or
01:46.07benibot: webpal schematic
01:46.08webpal schematic is probably available at
01:46.25benwhat do you mean probably?
01:47.06TheMasterMind1you told it probabaly
01:47.16TheMasterMind1~lart TheMasterMind1
01:50.55TomWTheMasterMind1: you got webspace somewhere for Alex's stuff?
01:54.08TheMasterMind1i can put it on my server, or on
01:54.18TheMasterMind1i was thinking wiki would be a much better place
01:54.22TheMasterMind1wiki's are good for this sort of thing
01:54.29*** part/#elinux sorphin (
01:54.31TheMasterMind1or a wiki on my server or on in my account
01:55.07TomWYeah, maybe wiki it at elinux, then point links to your favorite web storage spot.
01:55.31TomWI am about to put another server up on a fractional T1, so I will have space / bandwidth.
01:55.40benThe AC adapter is fused
01:55.45benmy fuse is blown
01:56.02TomWben: this is a good thing though, only the fuse was toasted.
01:56.08benthis is true
01:56.23TomWof course, the question is now, why the fuse?
01:57.25TheMasterMind1bah, i hate IRDA
01:57.40TomWyeah, like a scrap of 30ga wire clippings wedged between some pine...
01:58.20TomWwonder how hard it would be to get blob running on the webpal.
01:58.45TheMasterMind1prpplauge and MonMotha are both working on it i think
02:00.02benshould I replace a 5A fuse with a 2A fuse
02:00.07benI don't think im drawing 2A anyway
02:00.54benheres a 5
02:01.01TheMasterMind1hm, so this lirc_sir driver. it is recieving data 5b from the register. basically, it keeps reading until the end of the data stream (reading in the 0c5b each time) and its counting how many times it went through the read loop. thats set to n. then erehe's some add function that takes that n and does some funky stuff with the time to make pulses and spaces that the rest of lirc understands. but what i want is to convert this number
02:01.01TheMasterMind1erial data and get 8 bits and see what that number is
02:01.03filemmm...  Family Guy]
02:01.24TheMasterMind1i dont' make much sense, as usual
02:02.22jacqueshi TomW
02:04.54TomWjacques: finally got your nose out of that source file, eh?
02:06.28TomWjacques: just planning on what needs to be done to finish up some boards I have to deliver this Friday.  I need to solder on some grounding leads, drill the enclosures and put them together.  I hope to have 82 of them ready for Friday.  
02:12.02beni cant get the adapter closed back up again
02:12.07benthe fuse I put in is much bigger
02:12.09benoh well
02:12.13beni will buy a small one tomrorow
02:12.48jacquesTomW: 82 boards? what sord of boards?
02:13.17TomWjacques: RS232 --> RS485 interface modules.  I build them inside an RS232 Hood.
02:13.46cpenguin_homeTomW: I didn't know you put them in the hood.  Thats a cool hack
02:15.13TomWit was a bitch to find RS232 hoods.  Most of them are phenolic (sp?), I finally found some plastic ones that snap together, DB25 at both ends.
02:17.10TomWCosmicPenguin: boards are only 1" x 1.2" in size.
02:26.53TheMasterMind1hey..wheres that site with the sejin protocol
03:18.37*** join/#elinux Jag (
03:19.10JagGreets, anyone know how if there's a clean way to hardcode the kernel arguments?
03:22.14cpenguin_homeJag: depends... what kernel are you using?
03:23.14Jagcpenguin_home: 2.4.18
03:23.49cpenguin_homewhat platform?
03:24.08Jagcpenguin_home: x86 into an IBM 8364 (NetVista N2800) thin client.
03:25.00Jagcpenguin_home: I attached the initrd to the back end of the kernel and it seems to recognize it.
03:25.46Jagcpenguin_home: I just need to speficy the ramdisk size (easily configured at compile time if nessesary), root device (not so easy) and a few other more optional parameters.
03:35.43JagBoyah, I think I got it
03:45.43cpenguin_homeJag: glad I could help... :-)
03:48.50*** join/#elinux Mattster9 (
03:48.59JagWell, I got the arguments in there.
03:49.17JagJust a crude memcopy hack in arch/i386/kernel/setup.c
03:49.31JagBut now I need to get it to actually use the initrd
03:49.37JagWhich, I think is too big.
03:50.01Mattster9Can somebody point me towards some links or a howto on making a tuxscreen into a wireless AP?
03:50.54JagWish they hadn't designed this stupid thing to use an NFS root.
03:51.04JagMay have to give it a shot on compact flash
04:00.08JagI hope it'll read the kernel off an ext2 CF on it's own.
04:00.16JagNo idea what it's boot loader expects.
04:07.43JagCool, it's good with ext2
04:08.08JagGuess I'll load from there with no initrd.
04:08.17JagEasy on main mem anyway.
04:23.01MonMothaTheMasterMind1: I'm no currently working on BLOB for the webpal, but if I get them and there's still no blob, I may join in the effort as I like blob :) (personally, I like the CRL/OHH loader better, but BLOB is alright)
04:24.50JagHeh, CF to IDE adapter in this thing.
04:27.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:28.19MonMothayeah, I need to get myself a few of those
04:31.40JagWhich is writing its little but off.
04:32.57MonMothawell, the IDE ones aren't hot swappable (at least I haven't seen any that are)
04:33.14MonMothait's probably better to get yourself some PCMCIA slots for your desktop and use a CF->PCMCIA adapter
04:35.43JagThe USB ones work sweet
04:35.53JagParticualy the Imation FlashGo!
04:57.48*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
05:22.29*** part/#elinux sjhill (
05:30.12*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
09:33.15*** join/#elinux vosque (
11:18.03*** join/#elinux theDevil- (
11:18.38theDevil-hey wicked
11:18.42theDevil-an embedded linux chan
12:08.46*** join/#elinux scanline (
14:25.10*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:30.19GPSFanmorning CosmicPenguin:
16:20.32*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
16:22.58anderseeAnybody want an x86 uClibc only development system?
16:25.12Lethalpeople still use x86? :P
16:25.51*** join/#elinux ynk (
16:48.23anderseeLethal: a few
16:48.31anderseeLethal: Mostly wierdos though
16:50.14*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
16:51.04sievelo all
17:08.45*** join/#elinux sorphin (
17:26.21CosmicPenguinandersee: me, me!
17:26.33CosmicPenguinandersee: I just got a new mother board I can stick it on... .:)
17:42.11anderseeCosmicPenguin: Feel free to grab it.
17:42.32anderseeCosmicPenguin: linked to from
17:42.43CosmicPenguinandersee: I saw it
17:42.49CosmicPenguinandersee: thats some kewl stuff
17:42.56anderseeCosmicPenguin: looks like gdb is busted.  Checking what the deal is.
17:43.23CosmicPenguinandersee: I assume the C++ is still static for the momemt
17:43.59anderseelemme look
17:45.52anderseeyup, seems to
17:46.02anderseeGuess I need to fix that
17:49.29anderseeCheck out this typo in gcc-3.2.1/libstdc++-v3
17:50.09sorphintypo? looks intentional
17:50.45anderseemaybe.  Still funny.
17:50.55anderseeProbably takes an extra month to compile too
17:50.57sorphinprolly appropriate ;)
17:54.31*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
17:55.49kergothhey prpplague
17:56.00kergothprpplague: whats up with the digi connect stuff? i havent had time to look at it myself
17:56.29prpplaguekergoth: nothing, its been on hold
17:56.36kergothprpplague: figured
17:56.41Lethalandersee, cool, got the elf2flt stuff fixed
17:56.43prpplaguekergoth: i've had two other projects i'm working on
17:56.52prpplaguekergoth: signature capture and some imaging stuff
17:57.06prpplaguekergoth: the board is sitting here waiting on dev time
17:57.14kergothprpplague: cool cool. I'll probably be looking into it again soon, might just fucking port blob. easy enough
17:57.21kergothprpplague: well keep me posted on it
17:57.36prpplaguekergoth: we are still a go on the project, just gotta clean up existing projects first
17:57.53kergothprpplague: k
17:58.03anderseeLethal: oh, what was the deal?
17:59.03Lethalandersee, looks like the toolchain installation got a bit confused, rebuilding and adding in elf2flt patches fixed it though
17:59.52Lethalso its doing DIR32/REL32 relocations fine, now its just a matter of merging in binfmt_flat
18:00.06anderseeLethal: cool
18:03.20Lethalit still built an i386-uclibc-ldd though
18:03.24Lethalno idea where that came from
18:04.24anderseeThats part of the uclibc build.
18:04.36Lethalwhy doesn't it build an sh-uclibc-ldd?
18:05.03anderseeCosmicPenguin: Looks like removing --disable-shared from the gcc build in is sufficient to fix it.
18:05.31sorphinandersee: i usually have to disable shared to fix somethings.. heh
18:05.33anderseeLethal: that is for your host system.  It'll build one for the target if you tell it to.
18:05.37sorphinw/ glibc even
18:06.34anderseeLethal: There is a makefile target for that.  make install_target_utils
18:12.53anderseekernel update...  brb...
18:16.28sorphinfinally.. man that was slow
18:16.59*** join/#elinux andersee (
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18:17.03sorphinandersee: re
18:18.49CosmicPenguinandersee: wasn't that what I asked yesterday?
18:19.00anderseeCosmicPenguin: yeah.
18:19.03*** join/#elinux TomW (
18:19.09anderseeCosmicPenguin: I checked gcc, not libstdc++
18:20.34sorphinandersee: doh
18:20.47CosmicPenguinandersee: thats ok, but file was mocking me for getting everything wrong, so lets just blame it on him
18:20.52sorphin. o O ( damn daemons *grin* )
18:21.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: everything wrong is file's fault, didn't you know ?
18:23.54CosmicPenguinandersee: remove --disable-shared in both passes of the compiler?
18:24.35anderseeCosmicPenguin: For just the seconds pass, change disable to enable
18:24.45anderseeerr.  second
18:24.52anderseeThe first is fine as is
18:25.20CosmicPenguinandersee: change it specifically to --enable-shared or just remove the --disable-shared?
18:25.30CosmicPenguinandersee: I ask because I removed --disable-shared, and it still didn't work
18:28.20anderseeI rebuilt it here and it worked for me...
18:28.52andersee$ ls /mnt/usr/lib/*++*
18:28.53andersee/mnt/usr/lib/libstdc++.a    /mnt/usr/lib/      /mnt/usr/lib/*
18:28.53andersee/mnt/usr/lib/*  /mnt/usr/lib/*
18:28.53andersee/mnt/usr/lib/  /mnt/usr/lib/libsupc++.a
18:29.57anderseeLooks like it linked libstdc++ vs glibc
18:31.13sorphinno such thing
18:32.56CosmicPenguinThats not good
18:33.05CosmicPenguinSo what you are saying is to not enable-shared?
18:35.27anderseeCosmicPenguin: what I'm saying is to hang on for a bit while I sort this stuff out
18:35.39Lethalandersee, any idea why R_ARM_PC24 doesn't set relocation_needed in elf2flt? sym_addr is still adjusted
18:35.47ade|beddamn mobo wont be here till the 21st :( damn shipping from .tw
18:36.12anderseeLethal: no idea
18:37.57anderseesorphin: Well, AMD should get off their collective butt and make one for me
18:38.03CosmicPenguinandersee: no worries... :)
18:38.14CosmicPenguinandersee: At least i get to test all the transistors in my CPU
18:40.29Lethaloh, I get it
18:40.36LethalPC rel doesn't need the reloc
18:40.54sorphinandersee: well, the ratings are supposed to be faily close to P4s
18:42.10Lethalthat makes sense
18:42.35LethalP4s are useless w/o HT
18:43.42sorphinhe likes it
18:44.22Lethalreal SMP is still arguably more fun though
18:44.41anderseeI'd like a dual 3 GHz system, though the heat would probably roast me to death in my little office
18:44.41sorphinLethal: SMP that doesn't require the damn kernel to do the work :P
18:45.01sorphinandersee: erik, my damn Sparc 20 would roast you in your office
18:45.07sorphinhell it heats my basement area :P
18:45.24Lethalsorphin, if you want to make useful use of HT, you still have to do work in the kernel for it. I think Ingo has some O(1) hacks for HT which boost performance a bit.
18:45.51sorphinLethal: well, when i was talking SMP, i was refering to say my dual PPros
18:45.52Lethalyou still have a runqueue per logical processor, even in HT
18:46.09Lethalyeah, but smp ppro sucks :P
18:46.28sorphindon't you have some SH3s to play w/? :P
18:46.36Lethalnot at the moment :P
18:46.48sorphin~lart lethal
18:47.01Lethalhad a 6-way PPro. now _that_ was useless.
18:47.09sorphini wanna know who the hell made ibot kinky
18:47.40sorphinLethal: my dual is nice, but since it's not true SMP, it's the kernel's job to offload to whatever processor and it does it poortly
18:48.20Lethalwhat's not true SMP about it?
18:48.44sorphinyup.. everything runs on 1 proc, true symetric would split the load between the 2 processors
18:48.47sorphinlinux smp doesn't
18:49.24Lethalas long as you use per processor runqueues, its not an issue
18:49.59sorphini have yet to ever find anything in linux to allow me to offload to one proc or the other
18:50.11sorphineverything usually stays on 1 proc so it becomes useless
18:50.14Lethallinux has been able to do that for years :P
18:50.32sorphinLethal: sure hasn't looked like it to me :P
18:50.33Lethalmore recently the cpu affinity stuff takes care of that implicitly
18:50.45Lethalwell, most of that fun stuff is 2.5 bound
18:51.21sorphini'm about at the point of downgrading :P
18:51.25LethalI've been running x86 smp for years and its always worked fine, though i've got quite a few local hacks in, but that's unrelated.
18:51.26sorphinaway from 2.4.20
18:52.13sorphini talked to a friend last night
18:52.28sorphinhas hte same USB stuff setup that i was messing w/
18:52.30sorphinsame card
18:52.31sorphinsame drives
18:52.36sorphinhis works flawlessly w/ 2.4.18
18:52.50sorphinw/ .20, mine deadlocks very very frequently
18:53.22LethalI'm still on 2.4.18 on one box
18:53.32Lethalno reason to use .20
18:54.10LethalI still have a box on 2.3 that will probably move to 2.5 soon
18:54.14anderseesorphin: ther've been a lot of usb update post 2.4.20...
18:54.16Lethal2.4 just gets in the way :P
18:55.34sorphinLethal: esp w/ the junky VM
18:55.56Lethalsorphin, vm was mostly cleaned by the end of 2.3, linus just fucked it for -prerelease :P
18:56.03sorphinandersee: well, they're not on a "stable" 2.4.21 yet.. and i'm not running a pre on this box ;)
18:56.17sorphinseeing as i just recovered the damn thing
18:56.19Lethalbut I still have a box on 2.1.121 due to VM suckage :P
18:56.21sorphinLethal: umm...
18:56.44sorphinLethal: 2.2's vm was fine, 2.4's sucked, so they changed it, and made it equally bad as the one htey removed
18:57.07Lethalsorphin, 2.3's was fine as well, linus fucked it up in the 2.4 -prerelease
18:57.20sorphinor it'll constantly kill thigns doing big writes
18:57.36sorphincuz it won't deallocate any of it's "cache" for other processes
18:58.23sorphinLethal: so 2.4's had 2 bad vms.. i hope they chucked em both in 2.5 :P
18:59.09Lethal2.5 is a lot cleaner for a lot of things
18:59.19LethalO(1) is nice too
18:59.52sorphinO(1) ?
19:00.55Lethalthere's a runqueue per processor, and each one of those has a queue for each priority
19:01.18Lethalso finding the next runnable task is really quick
19:01.24Lethalvxworks does the same thing
19:01.26sorphinLethal: heh, so, genius, how do i get the kernel to offload ?
19:01.53LethalI don't have to do anything special to load both processors
19:01.54sorphinit's why i won't do smp again till i *see* it's working
19:02.12Lethalthough I guess my machine isn't doing anything at the moment
19:02.13LethalCPU0 states:  0.3% user,  0.5% system,  0.0% nice, 98.2% idle
19:02.13LethalCPU1 states:  0.1% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 99.4% idle
19:02.17Lethalso that's a bad example
19:02.20sorphini have to beat the living hell outta proc 1 before proc2 even picks anything up :P
19:02.34sorphinhow the hell did you get that ?
19:02.57sorphinmy top don't show 2 cpus
19:03.00Lethalif you only have a single CPU line, update your procps :P
19:03.18sorphinCPU states:   0.5% user,   0.4% system,   0.0% nice,  99.1% idle
19:03.26Lethalthats old procps
19:03.28Lethalupdate to a newer one
19:03.36LethalI'm running 2.0.7
19:03.46sorphinii  procps         2.0.7-3        The /proc file system utilities.
19:03.58sorphinnext? :P
19:04.56Lethalhum, might be a RHAT patch or something
19:05.21sorphinseeing as i don't go near RH w/ a 10 lightyear pole..
19:05.24sorphinwouldn't surprise me
19:06.06Lethalor it might be your lame debian version :P
19:06.38sorphinit's 2.0.7 :P so....
19:07.03*** join/#elinux levi (
19:07.04LethalI'm getting stock 3.1.5 now
19:07.10Lethalwill see if that works here
19:07.43Lethaljesus, this thing gives more compile warnings then gcc :P
19:08.07sorphini've seen lots from the kernel before :P
19:08.20sorphinyou wanna see strict compiling :P
19:08.25Lethalabout as intelligent before
19:08.28Lethaler, as well
19:08.34Lethal./top: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
19:08.43Lethalbut if you make install it fixes it
19:08.56Lethalthis thing wouldn't know a real build system if it jumped up and bit it on the ass :P
19:09.11sorphinone of the programs i have here, has -0- warnings w/ -O2 -pipe -Wall -ansi -posix -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes \
19:09.31sorphinwhich isn't too shabby
19:09.46LethalI always build the kernel with -Wall -Werror
19:10.06Lethalit used to have -Werror in it all the time, but then linus removed it
19:10.13sorphinwell, i'm not gonna clean up after lazy kernel maintainers ;p
19:10.23LethalI think in part because people were loading softfpu stuff into the kernel and there was no hope in hell of any of that building without warnings ;P
19:10.43Lethalthis new top sucks
19:11.23Lethalits bot the current running task in bold
19:11.26Lethalfuck thats ugly
19:15.38Lethal2.0.11 works
19:15.41Lethalbut its a bit confused
19:16.30Lethalother then that it looks fine
19:16.43Lethal108 processes: 99 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 8 stopped
19:16.43LethalCPU0 states:   0.1% user   0.1% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait  99.3% idle
19:16.43LethalCPU1 states:   0.3% user   1.0% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait  98.1% idle
19:16.43LethalMem:   190828k av,  178672k used,   12156k free,       0k shrd,    7528k buff
19:16.47LethalSwap:  265064k av,   54884k used,  210180k free                  120916k cached
19:16.49Lethaltry it out and see if it works for you
19:32.21sorphinnever seen that process before
19:33.05Russ|werksorphin: chkrootkit?
19:33.23Lethalinstalled by netwatch
19:33.42sorphinRuss|werk: nope
19:34.25sorphinLethal: it's dead now :P
19:34.39Lethalwhat a lame app
19:34.49Lethalgreat, colors
19:35.11sorphindunno wtf caused it to start tho
19:35.12Lethalor I could just use ifconfig :P
19:35.24Lethalsorphin, a startup script, maybe? :P
19:35.33sorphinw/in the past 5 mins?
19:35.47Lethaldid you reboot in the past 5 minutes? :P
19:35.53sorphinno dork
19:36.08Lethalhow about runlevel switching? :P
19:36.16sorphinuh.. why would i do that ?
19:36.24Lethalto start netresolv? :P
19:36.31sorphinno dork
19:36.37sorphinwhy would i be runlevel switching :P
19:37.00sorphinnever any others other than the rare singleuser
19:37.49sorphinand it started from the same pts i'm on atm..
19:38.34Lethalmaybe you just suck? :P
19:38.40sorphinoh btw
19:38.44sorphinusing 2.0.11
19:38.45sorphinCPU states:   0.3% user,   0.1% system,   0.0% nice,  99.6% idle
19:38.56sorphinok hold on
19:38.58sorphinwrong box
19:39.33sorphinwell, i don't have a compiler on the smp box now :P
19:39.54Lethalthen wtf is the point of smp? :P
19:40.01sorphini USED to :P
19:40.06sorphinbut when i got the athlon
19:40.11sorphini moved everything to it :P
19:40.22sorphinsince the smp box wasn't smp'ing faster than a damn athlon :P
19:41.04Lethalthat depends. I can do IPI and context switching faster then your athlon on an sh7604, but the athlon will kick its ass in performance exponentially :P
19:41.30sorphinapples vs. oranges
19:41.40Lethalsmp vs smp :P
19:41.45sorphinyou can't compare an non x86 to an x86 on this case
19:41.52sorphinsmp vs. non-smp
19:41.56sorphinthe athlon isn't smp :P
19:42.03Lethalsure I can, I'm not arguing processor semantics, just smp semantics ;P
19:42.12LethalI tthought you said you had a dual athlon
19:42.21sorphinthis thing predates XPs :P
19:42.23Lethalwell, fuck you then :P
19:42.31*** mode/#eLinux [+o sorphin] by ChanServ
19:42.35Lethalcan you smp on XPs?
19:42.37sorphinLethal: say that again? ;)
19:42.40LethalI thought you need MPs?
19:42.51Lethalor whatever their marketing trash of the week is now
19:43.00sorphinLethal: MPs are XPs w/ a jumper set ;p
19:43.13*** mode/#eLinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
19:43.17Lethalthats pretty.. lame
19:43.27sorphinLethal: so are you, so what's your point?
19:43.38Lethalsorphin, exactly
19:46.49sorphini love when -static decides to mean nothing
19:46.54sorphin~lart cp
19:47.22Lethalstatic onlyworks if you have .a's of what your linking against
19:48.05sorphinthis is cute
19:48.11sorphin[root@mewp ~]# ./top  
19:48.12sorphinsu: ./top: No such file or directory
19:48.12sorphin[root@mewp ~]# ldd ./top
19:48.22sorphinand it's right in the dir :P
19:49.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: uclibc?
19:49.20CosmicPenguinsorphin: do you have uclibc on the box?
19:49.47CosmicPenguinsorphin: the uclibc-ldd is lots more cross-complier friendly than the regular ldd
19:50.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: if you get a copy, you can see why the file is angry
19:50.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah yeah
19:51.27CosmicPenguinibot: slashdot
19:51.42CosmicPenguinibot: that is old, how often do you update?
19:51.42CosmicPenguin: what are you talking about?
19:51.55sorphinit's not old
19:51.58CosmicPenguin~lart myself
19:52.15CosmicPenguinAMI Introduces 'Trusted Computing' BIOS
19:52.15Russ|werkthat'd be:
19:52.15sorphintho i did hear about the amd+ibm last night from someone
19:52.20CosmicPenguinTop story
19:52.21Russ|werk~lart itself
19:52.38sorphinibot: die
19:52.38ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
19:55.42prpplagueTomW: hey
19:55.47prpplagueTomW: you alive today
19:56.12TomWYeah, soldering wires to boards. :(
19:56.38sorphinTomW: maxim seems to be in slacker mode
19:57.15prpplagueTomW: fun
19:57.30prpplagueTomW: my tuxscreen life support board is comming along nicely
19:57.34TomWprpplague: once I get these boards together, and delivered tomorrow, I can then play with the WebPal!!!!  :D
19:57.48prpplagueTomW: which TS controler do you guys use with your dragon board?
19:58.51prpplaguebtw, if anyone cares, i got an apology letter from jameco for shipping the wrong max232 chip and replacements caps for the model they sent
20:01.00TomWprpplague: ADS7846, it is a Harris Semi part.
20:01.19prpplagueTomW: work well?
20:01.44prpplagueTomW: i was looking at the tsc2046 which is same pin out as the 7846
20:01.45TomWprpplague: one thing I learned about TS stuff, the damned backlight is noisy as hell.  It really buggers up the readings on the TS.
20:02.13Russ|werkthat network vulernability might be mine...
20:02.43TomWprpplague: I used a seperate LCD and mounted a touch glass over it.  I often wonder if an integrated LCD + TS would be quieter.
20:02.51Russ|werkabout a month back, I was tracking down a problem in a cgi stript, and I noticed irc nics in the reply's
20:02.59Russ|werkso I emailed one of the netfilter people
20:04.10prpplagueTomW: this is what i'm thinking about using -
20:06.20TomWprpplague: signal to noise ratio is impressive!
20:06.27TomWprpplague: 98db
20:08.34TomWprpplague: the 4 x 4 matrix keypad seems useless, eh?
20:08.46TomWprpplague: perfect for a cell phone though.
20:09.05prpplagueTomW: naw, will be adding a 4x4 keypad
20:09.17prpplagueTomW: good for inventory devices
20:09.31prpplagueTomW: or even a game device
20:09.38prpplagueTomW: or car mp3 player
20:10.05prpplagueTomW: no current linux device driver :(
20:10.11prpplagueTomW: i'll have to write one
20:10.51TomWprpplague: IMO, the weakest part of a touch screen system is the amount of noise being induced into the TS panel by the LCD column / row driver electronics and the backlight.  
20:11.36TomWprpplague: I did a touchscreen test design (EZ328SIMM) using a simple 10bit ADC, the experience was similar (noise).
20:11.47prpplagueTomW: fun
20:11.50prpplaguelots to learn
20:12.12prpplagueTomW: very difficult to desolder a qfp package?
20:14.29TomWprpplague: if you want to salvage it, it is.
20:16.05TomWprpplague: problem with a chip like that is getting it off the board without bending the leads.
20:17.33TomWprpplague: a TSSOP is a lot easier to salvage as you can usually slip an X-Acto knife under the chip and lift one side gently, while stroking the leads with an iron.  Solderwick out any solder on the pads first.
20:19.00prpplagueTomW: ya this is pretty small, 48-pin, i was thinking about taking a dremel a cutting the pcb out around the board to make it wasier
20:21.23*** join/#elinux levi_ (
20:22.11TomWprpplague: 48 pin?  Is it a "J" lead device?
20:22.34sorphinTomW: the flash chips the tivo uses are J lead
20:22.52prpplagueTomW: its the ucb1200 chip on the daughter board for the tuxscreen
20:31.44CosmicPenguinsorphin: you're good at finding deals on the web - where do you sppose I could find a Linksys AP for cheap?
20:32.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'd recommend something other than linksys to be honest
20:32.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: i have a friend that i work on tivo stuff w/... he's to the point he won't ever get another linksys ap or router again
20:33.15CosmicPenguinsorphin: our linksys works like a million bucks
20:33.20CosmicPenguinsorphin: but what would you recommend?
20:33.50sorphindunno about their APs.. but i've had good luck w/ dlink cards
20:34.17CosmicPenguinwhat I really need is an AP / PCMCIA bonus pack
20:34.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: you know
20:35.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: don't get a linksys 802.11 ap
20:35.09sorphinyou can just do adhock w/ the card in her laptop (i'm assuming that's where you're going w/ this)
20:35.17sorphinprpplague: ;)
20:35.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: get a dlink
20:35.35sorphindo i hear an echo? ;)
20:35.53prpplaguesorphin: ya ya, i'm slow, but i wanted my $.02 in there
20:36.11sorphinprpplague: you mean your $.005 after taxes ;)
20:36.44prpplaguethat too
20:38.59CosmicPenguinsorphin: nah - adhoc isn't worth it - might as well get the whole house lit up if I am going to buy anything at all
20:39.38Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: don't forget the ipsec
20:39.54fileNobody's gonna believe that computers are intelligent until they start coming in late and lying about it.
20:40.24sorphinsince WEP is useless ;)
20:42.44CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: Thats why I'm not buying an wireless router - I want my desktop to be always up to date with the latest security crap
20:42.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: what model do you use?
20:43.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, don't recall the actual model, just know its a dlink
20:44.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: which we never have a problem with
20:48.12CosmicPenguinlook familiar?
20:52.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya
21:11.48filemmm... chinese food
21:12.05prpplaguemmmm chinese food made from cats
21:14.44sorphinMandated Regulation/Certification for Computer Repair?
21:15.33prpplaguesorphin: ya, its called, "don't hire and idiot"
21:16.40kergoththats why you let your employer pay for the certs for you
21:16.46sorphinkergoth: ummm
21:16.50sorphinkergoth: won't happen here
21:17.18kergothcheap bastards eh?
21:17.28sorphinyou forget where i work ?
21:17.41kergothpoint taken
21:18.05sorphinplus the fact that a minimum of CCNA is required to work out on the floor, why would the company wanna pay for it? :P
21:19.20sorphinnow HERE's the truth :P
21:19.21sorphin"As one who fixes his own car, _EVERY TIME_ someone else works on it, they mess something up. If I didnt fix my own computer, I am sure I would see the same.
21:19.22sorphinA certificate is just a piece of paper that reflects a persons reputation. It does not reflect knowledge or skill.
21:19.22sorphinif you screw up, you can loose your certificate, but its too late for those who trusted that it had value in the first place. "
21:21.29sorphin"I think it's a double edged sword.. Being Certified doesn't mean you can do it. I once had an MCSE ask me what port Telnet ran on. Not Being Certified doesn't mean you're an idiot. I've seen people blow away cert's and not have a single cert themselves"
21:22.02kergothyep. its just a piece of paper
21:22.09sorphini'm not certified, but no a lot of routing stuff even the certified guys here don't know
21:23.25sorphinspeaking of being certified
21:23.41TomWprpplague: that ucb1200 chip on the tux board is tempting, but...  Good Luck.
21:24.24filefor computer technical support.
21:25.54kergothyou dont want to do tech support
21:25.55kergothtrust me
21:26.20filekergoth: I tried to get introductory electronics, but they stuck me in technical support as my grade 11 elective
21:26.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: For only 10 bucks, I'll give you the prestigous IDKS certification
21:26.40kergothfile: ah
21:26.59filekergoth: you get the oppurtunity to get certified - so why not?
21:27.11kergothfile: yep, wont hurt
21:27.21filewhat certification I don't know
21:27.25filename some for me...
21:27.48filestarts with M I think...
21:28.34fileeh I give up
21:31.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: IDKS ?
21:46.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: I Don't Know Shit
21:47.07sorphincuz i do know shit :P
21:47.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: and so do you, you know how to talk about that Pixil vaporware ;)
21:47.41CosmicPenguinsorphin: hah vaporware
21:47.54sorphinwell, it's not released
21:47.57CosmicPenguinfree software is never vaporware, its just not released yet
21:49.57Lethalor broken to a point where shipping it becomes futile :P
21:50.24Lethaldoesn't seem to stop gcc people tho :P
21:52.17prpplagueibot: buildroot
21:52.18i heard buildroot is a cool system for building embedded root file systems and can be found at or a heavily modified version used by the OpenZaurus project, or see oz buildroot
21:55.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i vote for a new ware catagory, stupidware, where managment forces you to release something that isn't ready
21:57.10prpplague"yes sir, given the right conditions this program could cause permanet data loss" "ok then we need to see often it happens, go ahead and start putting on it on customers machines!"
21:59.13CosmicPenguin"Put it in the FAQ"
22:17.47*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
22:19.40anderseeTimRiker: g'morning
22:25.59prpplagueTimRiker: lo
22:27.06fileTimRiker: hi
22:29.58MonMothaprpplague: you were working on BLOB for webpal?
22:31.02prpplagueMonMotha: just tinkering with it right now, nothing solid
22:31.17prpplagueMonMotha: erikm got a webpal and said he'd start working on it next
22:31.32prpplagueMonMotha: erikm aka primary author of blob
22:33.21sorphinprpplague: i need to bug him to shove something other than xmodem in there :P since that only works w/ a local term program, and some of use terminal servers to attach to things (so we use things like ztelnet), but ztelnet only handles Y/Z effectively, something's quirky about Xmodem :P
22:33.47MonMothaprpplague: ah, cool
22:33.53MonMothaI can possible help
22:33.56MonMothaonce I get mine
22:34.16prpplagueerikm is on vacation in NY, and will be back next week
22:38.58*** join/#elinux sjhill (
22:39.05sorphinsjhill: sup bitch
22:39.15prpplaguesjhill: hey hey, mr.broadcom expert
22:39.26sjhillsorphin: whore
22:39.29sjhillprpplague: howdy
22:40.09sorphinsjhill: use those cds yet? *grin*
22:42.09sjhillon phone 'sec
22:42.24kergothhey sjhill
22:42.31sjhillhi kergoth
22:42.44sjhillsorphin: not yet, i'm waiting for my external Indigo SCSI cdrom to arrive
22:43.06sjhillsorphin: unless i can do a nfs install with multiple cd's which would be disgusting
22:43.22sorphinit was easy for me
22:43.28sorphintho i have the iso images to loop mount :P
22:43.39sjhilli can make the iso image
22:43.39sorphinor extract
22:43.47sjhilldd should work
22:43.49prpplaguesjhill: moving to colorado?
22:43.53sorphini take that back
22:43.55sjhillprpplague: nope
22:44.03sorphinsjhill: sgi.. is.... sad
22:44.06sorphinthey use rlogin
22:44.10sjhillprpplague: just got a call for a position in Reno though, a company is going to build slot machines running linux
22:44.16prpplaguesjhill: moving to columbia to work for a drug lords?
22:44.25sjhillsorphin: ewww
22:44.49sorphinsjhill: yup
22:44.53sorphinit doesn't use tftp
22:44.55prpplaguesjhill: cool, gonna put a broadcom 802.11 in it so we can sniff?
22:44.57sorphinit uses rlgoin
22:45.11sorphinno idea why
22:45.19sjhillprpplague: heh, i think a man named Guido would come knockin'
22:45.43sorphinsjhill: wussy
22:46.06prpplaguesjhill: guess i'll have to settle for home depot and bestbuy
22:46.18sorphinprpplague: and some airports
23:19.53*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:48.32MonMothaanyone know a good source (read: inexpensive) of CF->IDE adapters?
23:49.42sorphinMonMotha: prpplague ;)
23:50.12MonMothawas looking for a retailer? :)
23:51.02sorphinhell if i know then, check pricewatch :P
23:53.53CosmicPenguinibot: cf->ide
23:53.54no idea, CosmicPenguin
23:54.16CosmicPenguinI dunno, it was some wierd name
23:54.39sorphinmmmm cotton candy
23:58.57Russ|werki2c bus

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