irclog2html for #elinux on 20030106

00:08.01*** join/#elinux file (
00:24.58*** join/#elinux prpplague (
00:25.31prpplagueevening all
00:25.33*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
00:26.11filehi prpplague
00:30.19prpplagueis the tuxscreen wiki totally fux0red
00:31.16fileprpplague: it always has been... and always will be... dead
00:32.32GPSFanfile: not true, this time last year the wiki worked very well.
00:32.41fileGPSFan: that was a joke
00:32.51GPSFank, ;>)
00:32.55fileprpplague: it's working fine for me - I can view pages...
00:33.21fileor atleast a second ago I could
00:33.36filecan't now
00:33.38prpplagueya i mean just not functioning well
00:33.52prpplaguehow hard is it to set up a wiki any way?
00:34.01GPSFanyea, so can I sometimes, other times they just hang my browser (IE 5.0)
00:34.01fileit reminds me of something spawning processes and looping...
00:34.02prpplaguei'd like to have one on my site
00:34.08fileprpplague: not too hard
00:34.12fileprpplague: even I could do it
00:34.26prpplaguei wish i had someone to help with my site
00:34.34prpplaguefile: i'm html challenged
00:34.49fileprpplague: mmm... phpnuke!
00:36.45GPSFanlike now, I went to the recent changes page, cliked on a page, it loaded fine, I ckiked back, now the browser is hung with 100% cpu usage. this is the typical failure I see on the Tuxscreen wiki, it is said to be related to SF.
00:37.06TheMasterMind1are you insane?!
00:37.41fileTheMasterMind1: yes, yes I am
00:38.00fileTheMasterMind1: then send me some SIMMs
00:38.27file32MB silver plated SIMms
00:38.32fileer SIMMs
00:47.02MonMothaprpplague: btw, I got the schematics, thx
00:49.22*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
00:49.22*** mode/#eLinux [+o ChanServ] by
00:58.52prpplagueMonMotha: say what?
01:02.51prpplagueTomW_coding: ping
01:05.14prpplagueanyone know which uart on the tux is the external rs-232 port connected to?
01:07.19prpplaguenm found it
02:29.03TomWprpplague: pong
02:49.28prpplagueTomW: i was looking at your tuxscreen dev board
02:49.39prpplaguei don't see a max 232 chip on the main board
02:49.59TomWyeah, well don't look too hard at it, it probably has mistakes in it.
02:53.13prpplagueahh ok
02:53.25TomWheh, guess the most obvious thing I didn't put on the schematic, eh?
02:53.29prpplagueTomW: been working on my board this evening
02:54.16TomWI am doing paperwork tonite.  :(
02:58.33TomWtrying to make sense of this paperwork.  Decided that instead of having heaps of envelopes tied with elastic bands for the bank statements, utility bills, etc., that I should just pull them out, staple them together, and file them into manilla folders in the filing cabinet.
02:58.58prpplagueTomW: eww
02:59.08TomWprpplague: imagine that, I found a use for the "extra" space in the filing cabinet.  :/
02:59.13prpplagueTomW: lol
03:00.00TomWWhat is going to shock the shit out of my accountant is when I hand him the books over for 2002 _before_ October 15th for him to do the Taxes.
03:00.22prpplagueTomW: hey on j600 601 did you actualy ground every one of the pins that were listed to ground?
03:00.36TomWMaybe I shouldn't do that, I haven't filed before Oct 15th in 7 years, maybe the IRS will flag me if I file this year in April?
03:00.53prpplagueTomW: red flag city
03:01.15TomWprpplague: yup, they were grounded all together.
03:01.25prpplagueTomW: ok just checking
03:01.34TomWprpplague: I just "wandered" some bus wire between the pins.
03:02.33prpplagueTomW: ya i'm re-doing my frankin-tux
03:03.13TomWprpplague: well, I am out of manilla envelopes, so, I guess the rest of this crap will have to be filed later.
03:03.32prpplagueTomW: file it in the paper schreder
03:03.52prpplagueTomW: do the worldcom/enron dance
03:03.56TomWno!  The guys at the IRS might want to see some of this stuff!
03:04.18TomWI can afford the accountant, but not a Tax Attourney
03:04.54TomWI don't make enough money to be able to cheat the IRS.
03:05.10prpplaguelol, me either
03:07.23prpplaguethats the best think about working for someone else, i can go to h&r block to get my taxes done
03:07.53*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:09.05TomWprpplague: I have the schematic for the CLPS-7500FE EVB and I just dragged it out (that is why I had to do paperwork, so I had room for the binder).
03:09.26prpplaguesorphin: IMHO, thats like saying you can fsck yourself
03:09.30TomWprpplague: looks like the a lot of the webpal was lifted directly out of the EVB design.
03:09.42sorphinprpplague: umm... why's that?
03:09.43prpplagueTomW: surprise
03:10.03TomWsame 37C665 I/O combo chip, etc.
03:10.18sorphinprpplague: i've figured my taxes, and i've had them done, exact same result.. the only diff is that i wasted the $ paying someone :P
03:11.24prpplaguesorphin: ya well, i can work on code for 48 hours straight if i have to, 10 minutes of the 1040ez and i'm ready to go postal on the idiots that designed the tax system
03:11.36cpenguin_homehey people again
03:11.41sorphinprpplague: i've never had that problem
03:11.43TomWprpplague: Cirrus used a CH7003 video generator and WebPal used the CH7001.
03:11.49sorphinprpplague: 1st off, i can't file 1040ez :P
03:11.54sorphincpenguin_home: re
03:12.01TomWcpenguin_home: ?  You were expecting Vampires?
03:12.02prpplaguecpenguin_home: lo
03:12.24prpplagueTomW: how hard does it look to attach lcd to the 7500FE?
03:12.25sorphinprpplague: and 2nd, my taxes are easy to do, the deductions i have, aren't even enough to override the standard deduction
03:12.47prpplaguesorphin: even with that, i get frustrated with the questions
03:13.18sorphin'like what?
03:13.21sorphin'Name ? :P
03:13.31prpplaguesorphin: 1040ez-plague -   pay_tax=( _how_you_made_this_year_  * .1 );
03:14.05prpplaguesorphin: thats my idea of taxes
03:14.12sorphinmaybe because i'm single it's easier, i dunno
03:14.19prpplaguesorphin: no
03:14.20sorphini can do my taxes in a couple mins
03:14.34prpplaguesorphin: i don't keep those forms around, they just make me mad
03:14.57sorphin'the only times i've had to have someone do them
03:15.04sorphin'is split residency
03:15.55sorphini don't get much back on my taxes so i'm not too worried about it
03:16.08TomWprpplague: basically, all the LCD signal pins attach directly to pins on the CPU, with the exception of a clock line that comes off the system clock generator (external clock source).
03:16.11sorphini'd rather have the $ now
03:16.32sorphinTomW: basically why it can't do higher res atm ?
03:17.44*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
03:18.16TomWprpplague: both boards use the Chrontel CH9294 clock generator to drive the video clocks.
03:19.24TomWprpplague: I wonder if the 2 Meg Flash SIMMs for the Cirrus EVB would work in the WebPal?
03:20.44prpplagueTomW: sounds like a knock off
03:20.47*** part/#elinux sorphin (
03:21.03prpplagueTomW: of course i'm using the assabet board for the hackkit
03:21.27TomWprpplague: No IDE connector on the Cirrus board, but it does have two ISA slots.
03:21.54prpplagueTomW: that means the irq's are directly to the isa?
03:22.10TomWmust be...
03:24.52TomWprpplague: ISA IRQ lines go into a PAL (16V8), then are pollable via an Octal Buffer (suppose they get an INT, then look to see what line is "set").
03:25.36TomWprpplague: IRQs are probably combined within the PAL and initiate a single INT request to the CPU.
03:34.09TomWprpplague: no connections on the WebPal for the LCD controller signal lines.
03:34.27prpplagueTomW: darn
03:34.27TomWprpplague: WYSIWYG
03:35.17TomWprpplague: 'tis ok for me though, I have decided to layout a board for the 7500FE chips that I have here, I can add that missing connector.
03:35.53prpplagueTomW: fun
03:36.15TomWprpplague: probably stick 16/32Meg of DRAM + 32K boot prom + a CF socket on the board.
03:36.15prpplagueTomW: got any estimates on totaly price on your board yet?
03:36.46TomWprpplague: naw, still tinkering with the signal lines stuff, what gets hooked to what.
03:37.21prpplagueTomW: are you gonna have control of sales of the board?
03:38.39TomWyes and no, I will sell the design to the customer, but that would be a dedicated system for them to use in their application.  I would keep a more specialized form of the design for me.  Like adding / deleting hardware.
03:38.59TomWs/the design/a design/
03:39.12TomWs/the design/a design/g
03:40.38TomWprpplague: hmmm, I could save myself some trouble, perhaps, and cost, by robbing parts off a webpal to use on my protos.  Like the CH9294 clock generator.
03:40.51TomWprpplague: ... and maybe some xtals.
03:41.56prpplagueTomW: i was just thinking, if you get something produced you could sell it on my along with the hack kit
03:42.38TomWprpplague: not much else applies to what I need.  The 7500FE board will have an LCD interface on it, plus some General Purpose I/O lines, and a total of 6 serial ports (2 RS232 and 4 that are switchable between RS485 or RS232).
03:43.31TomWprpplague: bring some signals out to a header / edge connector for ISA compatability / expansion.
03:48.37prpplaguedead zone rocls
03:48.48TomWprpplague: brb, got to restart X.
03:49.50*** join/#elinux TomW (
03:50.00TomWprpplague: kde was acting weird.
03:56.19prpplagueTomW: i'm gonna get this hardware bit down if it kills me
03:57.25TomWprpplague: interesting, the PS/2 mouse and keyboard attach directly to the CPU pins.
03:57.47prpplagueTomW: ya i was reading that chip is wired for ps/2 support
03:58.17prpplagueTomW: seems the 7500 was geared towards replacing x86 thin clients
03:59.24prpplagueTomW: or atleast towards moving ppl who would normaly use a x86 chip to use an arm core
03:59.51TomWprpplague: the CS4333 sound output device (two channel) is same as webpal.
03:59.58*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
04:00.00*** mode/#eLinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
04:00.29TomWprpplague: I've got to fire up Eagle and start documenting some more pins...
04:00.47prpplagueya well i gotta go read some digital electronics
04:01.27prpplaguelearn learn learn
04:01.39prpplaguelater everyone
04:02.28*** join/#elinux Russ (
04:03.10TheMasterMind1wb Russ
04:03.13TomWis a 100nf cap the same as a 0.1uf?  I can never remember that crap.
04:03.41TomWdarned Euro designations anyway.
04:06.42*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
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04:09.00*** join/#elinux sumeet_p (
04:13.47MonMothaTomW: that would be the problem with being a USian...I know all the prefixes, but can't "feel" them
04:13.57*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
04:56.34*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
05:37.30TomWHmm, maximum DRAM for the WebPal is a 32Meg 2K refresh Double Sided SIMM.
05:42.15Russunless you connect the other address line
06:24.51TomWRuss: yeah, I looked at that.  It is not the task of soldering a wire to the un-connected pin as it is routing the wire to the bottom of the board.  The PCB is solid without any drilled holes in the interior.  I suppose I could attempt a "best guess" and drill a hole, hoping I don't break internal layer connections...
06:38.25*** join/#elinux Russ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:38.26*** join/#elinux Lethal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:07.40*** join/#elinux sorphin (
09:37.36*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
09:37.46ade|deskmorning all
09:43.17ade|deskhows the world these days ?
09:43.39sorphinwell, just had to reboot giga, because the usb drives weren't cooperating and the load was at 7 ;)
09:44.55sorphinseems to be working this time (crosses fingers)
09:46.11sorphinor not
09:47.04sorphinscrew this
09:52.17ade|deskwho or what is giga
09:52.27sorphinmy athlon box
09:52.57ade|deskgoing to have to get me one of them soon
09:54.20ade|desk500MHz celery sticks just dont give me enough calories these days, i'm a big boy and need 2500 calories a day
10:21.06ade|desksorphin: what time is it at your location ?
10:26.24ade|deskbugger ...
10:26.32ade|desknot sleeping tonight?
10:26.52sorphinam shortly
11:14.24*** join/#elinux ade (
12:15.25*** join/#elinux andersee (
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14:29.42*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:59.49*** join/#elinux signal11 (
15:21.16*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
15:21.50sievelo all
15:26.14*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
15:27.11sorphinsie :lo
15:27.24sorphinsieve: lo even.. stupid keyboard
15:28.14prpplaguesorphin: or was there an electrical short between the keyboard and the chair?
15:28.35sorphinprpplague: no this stupid ibm keyboard is useless
15:48.54*** join/#elinux levi_ (
16:02.35*** join/#elinux ade|desk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:03.23CosmicPenguinGood morning world!
16:03.54prpplaguemerry frekin monday
16:05.34kergothprpplague: dont remind me
16:05.36kergothhey all
16:10.47sorphinlo chris, jordo
16:14.20CosmicPenguinhey ho
16:23.15*** join/#elinux as_ (
16:23.23as_Evnin all.
16:37.08prpplagueas_: lo
16:40.28prpplagueibot: hackkit
16:40.30extra, extra, read all about it, hackkit is
16:44.25*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
16:46.42GPSFanwb prpplague: how goes the hack-kit?
16:47.17prpplagueGPSFan: good
16:47.34prpplagueGPSFan: i'm building some prototype cards using the tuxscreen right now
16:48.24GPSFan;>) proto cards as in the cpu part or as in the daughter cards?
16:48.52prpplaguedaughter cards
16:49.15GPSFancool, sound, ethernet, pcmcia,..... all come to mind.
16:49.35prpplagueGPSFan: i actually plugged the tuxscreen into my ms.pacman cocktail table last night
16:49.50GPSFanno smoke I hope.;>)
16:52.07GPSFanprpplague: so what you made will be called ms.hackman
16:55.51prpplagueGPSFan: lol, no smoke, no i think it would be cool to be able to dump 10 or 12 roms on you hackit and replace the z80 board
16:58.14GPSFanprobably not, <pester> remind the shipping bimbo to use the correct address for the cf adapters </pester>
16:58.53prpplagueGPSFan: ya already checked this morning
16:59.09prpplagueGPSFan: probably not?
16:59.21GPSFantnx...sorry mis read your last msg.
17:04.07GPSFanprpplague: some one traced out the power-down pin for the crontel 7001 on the WP and found out how to turn it off in software. might be nice not to have to unsolder the SMD inductors.
17:08.01sorphinGPSFan: no wonder they need such a big regulator :P
17:08.19GPSFansorphin: that sort of interesting info should "pop" out of the schematic that TomW is doing.
17:08.41sorphinGPSFan: you saw tom's comment about how it's mostly pulled from the reference board ?
17:08.51GPSFansorphin: yeah, it runs a lot cooler without the crontel powered.
17:09.48GPSFansorphin: I had come to the same conclusion as tom did after looking at the Cirrus doc's, just haden't got the energy to reverse engineer the schematic.
17:10.24sorphinHad to cut JP1 Had to cut JP1 (modified 0 times) newell
17:10.25sorphinOne of my webpals didn't want to run reliably in gdb or comm with wpflash. Cut the trace bridging JP1 and everything is fine. Suspect that the micro's port pin is not tristated, so it's conflicting with the console serial port input (J11-3).
17:10.47prpplague<hint>ya i'm looking for someone to help get my site running so we can get a wiki going</hint>
17:11.00sorphinprpplague: *g*
17:12.01sorphinprpplague: when the "big $ paying customers are out of the way" i could use those simms :)
17:12.12prpplaguesorphin: ya thats the first thing i've been doing, is cutting the traces
17:12.26prpplaguesorphin: they are suppose to be shipped today
17:12.36prpplaguesorphin: they are down with the bimbo now
17:13.44sorphinprpplague: and assuming she doesn't think they're a new accessory or something
17:14.05sorphinprpplague: i still feel bad for ashley
17:14.18prpplaguesorphin: getting married? oh ya
17:14.30prpplaguesorphin: she's a sweety
17:14.48sorphinprpplague: well, marrying a complete loser
17:15.14*** join/#elinux TomW (
17:15.20sorphinif i copy stuff from usb drive to usb drive
17:15.21prpplagueTomW: lo
17:15.29sorphinthe usb crap hangs and i have no choice but to reboot
17:15.33TomWprpplague: max RAM on the WebPal is 32M.
17:15.37sorphinbut i can access both invidivually
17:15.40sorphinTomW: righto
17:15.50sorphinTomW: look on linux-hacker
17:15.58sorphinTomW: a post about the powerdown pin on the crontel
17:15.59TomWprpplague: you have to use 2K refresh _only_, no 4K refresh devices.
17:16.14sorphinTomW: what about w/ the mod ?
17:16.22prpplagueTomW: hey, quick question, on the tuxscreen schematic there are two buffers on the incomming lines of the rs-232, are those really nessary with a max3232 ?
17:16.23TomWsorphin: mod?
17:16.32prpplagueTomW: right i have 2k refresh
17:16.38prpplagueTomW: adding the a12 line
17:16.43sorphinTomW: yeah, the one i pinned out here too :P the 101 -> pin on the ram socket
17:16.56TomWyou mean the RA11 line.
17:17.08sorphinwell, he calls it A12
17:17.10sorphinubt yes that
17:18.03TomWsorphin: sure, if you can figure out how to get the wire from the top of the PCB down to the bottom to where you can solder it to the pin.  Then you could have 64Meg.
17:18.13sorphinTomW: ummm
17:18.17sorphintomw :someone else did it
17:18.25sorphinyou drill a hole in the open area :P
17:18.29TomWthere is no place to pass a wire from the topside of the board to the bottom.
17:18.35sorphinyes there is :P
17:18.44prpplagueTomW: some models of the board have a hole
17:18.50sorphinprpplague: ;)
17:18.58prpplagueTomW: only 3 of the ones i have, have holes
17:19.05sorphinprpplague: drill bit? what drill bit? ;)
17:19.09TomWsorphin: uhhuh, let me know where you found an "open spot" on a multilayer PCB, ok?
17:19.21prpplagueTomW: lol
17:19.29sorphinTomW: ask the guy who did the mod :P
17:19.35prpplagueTomW: i was planning to look more detailed about the mod tonight
17:19.45sorphinthere's a page showing it
17:20.47TomWYou could actually increase the RAM to 128M by adding the RA11 + RAS1 + RAS3 lines (three wires) and use a 4K refresh device.
17:21.27TomWproblem is not soldering the wires to the CPU (you need steady hands + microscope), but passing the wire to the bottom of the PCB.
17:21.39sorphinTomW: ummm
17:21.50sorphinTomW: this guy that did the mod drilled w/ no probs :P
17:21.53sorphinand shows where
17:22.00sorphinif i could find the damn url (ken showed me it)
17:22.07sorphinbut phoenix seems to not be keeping bookmarks
17:22.08TomWprpplague: " two buffers on the incomming lines"?
17:22.48prpplagueTomW: ya let me grab the schematic
17:23.17TomWsorphin: agreed, it would be possible to "find" an area of the board that you could drill, I thought of that too, it still could be done.  You could drill over next to the LM323 heatsink area of the PCB.
17:23.42prpplagueTomW: doesn't the length affect timing?
17:23.43sorphinhe did on the area between the cpu and the simm slots
17:23.50sorphinthat open area to the left
17:24.36prpplagueTomW: 74LVC125
17:24.57TomWprpplague: yes, but you can adjust the DRAM timing within the ARM, I haven't looked at it on the 7500FE, but the SA1100 used a bit string to wiggle the RAS + CAS lines.
17:25.16prpplagueTomW: ahh
17:26.38prpplagueTomW: ya i'm showing two 74LVC125's before the max202e chip
17:29.50TomWprpplague: they are using the 74LVC125's as voltage level shifters.  The output of the MAX202 is 0..+5v, the SA1100 processor is a 3.3v processor, it's input signal levels are spec'ed at 0..+3.3v, the 74LVC125 does that voltage conversion for you.
17:30.44TomWprpplague: you may damage the SA1100 by driving one of it's input pins at TTL levels.
17:31.19prpplagueTomW: ahh, ok i see, the the max202 is a 5v tolerant chip, i'm using the max3232 which is 3.3v tolerant so i don't need the 74LVC125's
17:31.44TomWprpplague: _not_ 5volt tolerant, it _is_ a TTL device.
17:32.43TomWprpplague: the term "tolerant" means that it will operate outside of the normal VDD supply range (3.3v) and accept (tolerate) a higher voltage at it's pins.
17:33.09TomWprpplague: the MAX3232 is a 3.3v device.
17:33.16TomWprpplague: ok?
17:33.41prpplagueTomW: gotcha, my bad on terminology, meaning one thing, typing another
17:34.04TomWprpplague: it is always a matter of props & levels (propagation times + voltage levels for HIGH & LOW states).
17:34.22sorphinTomW: digging through ibots logs for that url
17:34.31prpplagueTomW: so the max202 is a TTL device, i.e it operates on a 0 to +5v levels
17:35.07prpplagueTomW: so what do you call something that is a 3.3v device?
17:35.26TomWprpplague: the switching times (rise / fall times) are sometimes critical as well, they add to the inherent time that it would take a signal to be "passed" from the input of a device to the output.
17:35.45TomWprpplague: a 3.3v device.  :)
17:35.50prpplagueTomW: lol
17:36.16prpplagueTomW: the delay being refered to as the "propogation time" ?
17:37.34prpplagueTomW: so, are the 74LVC125's an acceptable device to keep around for conversion of 3.3v levels to TTL?
17:38.00TomWprpplague: prop delays are the amount of time it takes for a signal to "pass" through (or activate) a device from the input to cause an output to change state.
17:38.51TomWprpplague: one of them, the LVC family is inherently a 3volt device family specifically designed for 5volt tolerant operation.
17:39.33prpplagueTomW: ok thanks for the info
17:39.35TomWprpplague: rise time on an output is also sometimes referred to the "slew rate" of output.
17:39.40sorphinTomW: it's here
17:39.49sorphinhe did the mod, drilled, etc..
17:39.58prpplagueTomW: ahh i've seen that in the maxim docs
17:40.01sorphinthat's where i confirmed i was right about which pins to use
17:40.30prpplagueTomW: you know i was serious about setting up an account with you
17:40.53prpplagueTomW: it'd be well worth the money to pester you with some question now and then :)
17:41.24TomWprpplague: your rise, or slew, can be calculated if you know that Timing constant of the circuit.  For example, your output (driving device) has a specific output resistance, usually expressed as "output drive current" and the input of the succeeding stage has an input capacitance.
17:41.52TomWprpplague: most logic has a 4K output resistance.
17:42.59TomWprpplague: you effectively have a series circuit of a resistor and a cap, when you apply voltage to the circuit (or ground it to 0v), you have a specific time that it will take to "charge" the capacitor.
17:43.25prpplagueTomW: basically your calculating a resistor/cap charge/discharge time
17:43.32TomWprpplague: correct!
17:44.02prpplagueTomW: ahh, much clearer
17:44.42TomWprpplague: now keep in mind that that circuit is actually a more complex one: a resistor (source current supply) a cap (the input of the succeeding stage) and an inductor (wire trace between the input & output).
17:45.36TomWprpplague: even though you are "digital" a lot of AC theory applies as your signals are switching at high speeds (frequency).
17:46.25TomWprpplague: so, you not only have impedance (resistance + capacitance), but you have reactance (the AC equivilant).
17:46.35sorphinTomW: specifically, here's the pic w/ the hole if you don't wanna look at the page :P
17:48.05prpplagueTomW: ok so even small traces can have a inductive resistance to the change in state
17:48.07TomWsorphin: thanks!  that is helpfull, I have it bookmarked.
17:48.37TomWprpplague: actually the thinner the trace, the higher the series resistance of that trace.  
17:49.20TomWprpplague: Now, think on this: do you know what a wave guide (RF transmission line) is?
17:50.03prpplagueTomW: yes i think i know it more of the military name, but go ahead
17:52.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: how long were you in the army?
17:52.40TomWprpplague: well, a trace on a circuit board actually _is_ / _becomes_ an RF wave guide and exhibits an inherent impedance.  The signals switching through that wire are fast, you can estimate the frequency of operation by looking at (or calculating) the rise / fall times of the signal itself (remember that a sine wave has a periodic rate at which it runs, thus a digital signal also has a periodic rate, hence a frequency of operation).
17:53.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: 4 years, airbourne
17:53.22TomWprpplague: a peice of coaxial cable is a wave guide / transmission line.
17:53.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: one of our HW partners used to be a frogman
17:53.41CosmicPenguinIt seems like a wierd jump from demolitions guy to hardware designer, but heck, I'll go with it... :)
17:54.04TomWprpplague: you ever own a CB / Ham radio?
17:55.01prpplagueTomW: lol, no, but worked on lots of military including singars
17:55.24TomWprpplague: do you know about SWR (Standing Wave Ratio)?
17:55.53TomWprpplague: how about the "Maximum Power Transfer Thereom"?
17:56.17TomWone of Kirchoff's Laws of electricity.
17:56.19prpplagueTomW: right the ratio at which the reflected wave produces a standing wave
17:56.45prpplagueTomW: right i know _about_ that stuff, just never gotten any hands on to understand it
17:56.54TomW"maximum power transfer occurs when the source impedance is equal to the load impedance"
17:57.04prpplagueTomW: i'm missing the practical end of things
17:57.36TomWSo, what do you think happens when a 4K source (digital output) is driving a 40K load (input of a gate)?
17:58.23prpplagueTomW: you gonna get a power "reflections"
17:58.51prpplagueTomW: and depending on the connections between the device get some rf noise out?
17:58.55TomWprpplague: _that_ is why you see RS485 circuits placing a 300 ohm resistor across the inputs to the receiver.
17:59.05sorphinTomW: just send him a damn EE fundamentals book ;)
17:59.39prpplaguesorphin: i've already read several, i don't learn well that way
17:59.39TomWprpplague: also, that is how "active bus termination" works, you are minimizing the impedance mismatch, thus reducing the "reflection" and resulting distortion.
17:59.40sorphinTomW: re traces vs rf
17:59.44prpplaguesorphin: i like lectures/interaction
18:00.00prpplagueTomW: i.e. scsi and esdi bus's
18:00.04sorphinTomW: it only becomes a major factor when you really get into higher frequencies and it causes stray capacitance
18:00.19TomWsorphin: a digital circuit is more RF like, your correct.
18:01.13sorphinTomW: it's why i stay away from designing high speed circuits ;)
18:01.27TomWsorphin: ahh!  Look at the rise times of the signals you are switching on the digital lines, they are running at several hundred megahertz! Even on a lowly 8051 you can have switching times reaching up into 100MHz.
18:01.33sorphinTomW: figuring that crap out to avoid interference gets on my damn nerves
18:01.47sorphinTomW: i'm thikning starting at 1ghz
18:02.20sorphinTomW: i have a microwave motion detector that the talk about that in the book for it, they run the traces a certain way, because the damn thing operates at 2ghz
18:02.34TomWsorphin: no, you don't have to figure it out, just respect it and accept that it is there.  Design your boards to avoid those problems, develop an appreciation for the AC effects.
18:02.49sorphinTomW: that's what i mean, figure how to avoid it
18:03.15TomWI look at a circuit board as being like a living thing, it "breathes".
18:03.30prpplagueTomW: and farts
18:03.42TomWgood one!
18:03.45sorphinprpplague: not a beer one hopefully
18:04.08TomWit also can get the "hiccups".
18:04.39prpplagueTomW: ya well my z80 ms.pacman board is being just plain bitchy
18:04.56prpplagueTomW: the ps transformer when out and smoke some of the chips
18:05.09sorphinprpplague: um.. that'd be because it's a bitch (it's MS pacman after all)
18:05.17TomWprpplague: too bad you cannot put the smoke back in...
18:05.24prpplagueTomW: no pcb damage so i'm hoping that replacing the stuff will be ok
18:05.54prpplagueTomW: lots of 74LS161's and 74LS174's
18:06.03sorphinTomW: you think it would be worth doing anymore than the a12 line ?
18:06.34prpplagueTomW: thanks for the info, gotta run, bbl
18:06.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: flamewar? where ?
18:06.56TomWthe RA11 mod would be a worthy mod to do, 64 meg with only one wire is pretty inviting mod to do...
18:07.20sorphinTomW: and 4k refresh at that
18:07.21TomWwhere? where?  I wanna go see too!
18:08.19sorphinTomW: i dunno if that guy knows how to count tho
18:08.23sorphin20 pins up isn't 101
18:08.46sorphinleast not from how i learned to count
18:09.05TomWRA11 needs to be attached to pin 29 of the RAM SIMM socket.
18:09.11sorphini know
18:09.20sorphini meant on the cpu
18:09.41sorphin"Now, put the wire thru hole and cut it so it will reach about the middle of CPU chip. Clean the wire tip and solder it to pin 101 of the CPU. That'll be 20th pin if counted up from lower left CPU corner on the photo above"
18:10.02TomWinteresting bit of manual dexterity testing in getting that wire soldered to the cpu pin, eh?
18:10.18sorphinnot really, 30g wire will work great
18:10.26sorphini just gotta find mine, else hit RS
18:10.58sorphinTomW: soldering a wire to the chip will be cake for me.. now... if i had to solder down the damn chip...
18:11.01sorphinthat's anotehr story
18:11.09TomWI'm more interested in reverse engineering the electronics to the point of building my own 7500FE based PCB.
18:11.47sorphintowm: well, you said it was quite a bit pulled from the reference design, no ?
18:12.44TomWsorphin: right.  What I am mainly concerned with is looking at the Clock & POR & RESET circuits to see how they did them on the WebPal compared against the EVB.
18:13.35TomWthe reset (POR) logic of the 7500FE reads like crap in the manual, apparently there is a number of ways to "reset" the chip.
18:13.49sorphinone mod i'm definately doing via HW or SW, however, is powering down the crontel.. that shit does get hot
18:14.15sorphinTomW: like toggle the power :P
18:14.44TomWhadn't noticed, but then, I have not looked at a running board.  I have been staring at one I pulled to buzz out.
18:15.22sorphinnot that the arm stays very cool that i recall, but still
18:15.45sorphinw/o the crontel, you could prolly get away w/ a much smaller regulator, cuz the arm shouldn't pull that much
18:15.54sorphinnothing near what the reg can deliver
18:18.00TomWsorphin: that regulator is a joke!  Who uses a series regulator now days to supply an AMP or more of current anyway.  Didn't they know about switching regulators?
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18:18.13ynkhello :)
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18:19.23TomWthe WP was probably designed by a "digital" engineer with no experience with switchers, he took the easy way out.
18:19.48TomWbut, easy to be critical of someone else's design, isn't it?
18:20.02sorphintowm: apparently not, tho the webpal is from 1997 atleast ;)
18:20.59TomWyeah, you're right, the switchers of that "era" were only running at 85% efficency, not enough to justify their use.  :P
18:21.42TomWsorphin: I just type "so" then hit tab in xchat.
18:21.59sorphini'm using BX from 30 miles away from where the session is :P
18:22.32TomWI think I tried BX once, too many screen colors for me to deal with.
18:23.04TomWB&W works for me.
18:23.17sorphini don't have many colors that i see :P
18:23.21sorphinw/ bx
18:23.29TomWyou color blind?
18:23.43sorphinbx just doesn't put out that many here ;)
18:23.55sorphinhighlights the useof my name, bout it
18:23.56TomWmaybe is was another client that I tried then.
18:24.18TomWthat is the trouble with linux, too much choice.
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18:26.10TomWanyway, I have to deliver that new Linux workstation to the customer today.  It took me 14 hours to figure out how to pull NT off the IDE drive and get it working, again, in VMware.  _this time_ I backed it up on tape!
18:26.27sorphinit's a pita
18:26.32sorphinsame w/ 2k
18:26.35sorphinthe hw changes
18:26.38sorphinand it wigs out
18:27.00TomWhe's not going to like this, I won't give him the root password on this system.  He is getting dangerous, he does a lot of "brute force" shit when he is root.
18:28.48TomWhe trashed the other vmware installation of NT because he was trying to install sound drivers into the NT.  It blue screened on him at boot, and it was hammered!  The damned NT was in an NTFS partition and you cannot fix that thing when it is in NTFS!  Micro$oft really fscked up on that one!
18:29.36sorphini know
18:29.53TomWI could mount the drive under another VMware machine, but I couldn't get at the registry to fix it.
18:30.10sorphinof course, i have to fscking xfer from that drive to giga's maine drive then to another ext2 drive
18:30.32sorphinwhy? because fat32 decides lower and upper case are ==
18:30.55sorphinso it ignores the difference, and mkisofs DOESN'T make video_ts.ifo 1st in the image
18:31.01sorphinbecause it's not alphabetically
18:31.16sorphinfsking thing is looking for UPPERCASE which it can't be on fat32
18:31.21sorphinstupid windows crap
18:31.36TomWthat fscks up even PDF's that they generate on Windoze platforms. I had that problem, some clueless fool generated a PDF on windoze then I had to make it work on linux.
18:32.32TomWsorphin: had to look into the PDFs themselves to see what capitalization to change the filenames to .
18:33.39TomWHe does have the Adobe PDF creation tools, I understand that you can use those to edit PDFs directly.  But, I am so used to ps2pdf that it just goes against my grain to have to learn another freakin' tool.
18:34.05sorphincuz ps2pdf was a pain
18:34.11sorphinand PStill for linux wouldn't run
18:34.18sorphincuz it is linked to shite libs
18:35.31TomWThis customer is a software whore, if it glitters, he buys it and loads it into his NT box!  :(  You cannot do that to NT, it chokes when you load too much shit into it.
18:36.07sorphinnt isn't meant for anything fancy
18:37.10TomWAh well, I shouldn't bitch too much, his actions do give me reason to charge to keep his stuff running and it pays the rent.  Funny how that works, windoze is a peice of crap O/S, but it is such an income generator.  It is the O/S that you just love to hate
18:37.42sorphinnow if maxim will just get me my samples
18:37.51TomWwhat are those?
18:37.57CosmicPenguinWow, this has been one noisy room today
18:38.05sorphinTomW: 233's and 235s
18:38.08CosmicPenguinI look away for 2 seconds, and bam...  I'm lost
18:38.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: we're doing it just to lose you ;)
18:39.25TomWCosmicPenguin: you have to be either "on the bus or off the bus" buddy.
18:39.39CosmicPenguinsorphin: you' won't lose me that easily, this room is the only social interact I seem to be getting lately
18:39.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: sounds like a personal problem ;)
18:41.04TomWCosmicPenguin: hehee
18:41.33sorphinTomW: gonna use the 233s for now, and maybe later on if i decide to do both ports, i'll just use the 235s
18:41.53TomWsorphin: digikey has that stuff.
18:42.05sorphinbut that costs $ ;)
18:42.11TomWbut, then, you don't want to pay.
18:42.13sorphinthese were free :P
18:42.17TomWsheesh, leech!
18:42.29sorphinmaxim sends me crap every month
18:42.33sorphintelling me i can get samples
18:42.38sorphinand sending me data sheets and crap
18:42.50sorphinso if they're gonna offer
18:42.51ade|deskyeah i love em
18:42.53sorphini'm gonna use :P
18:42.59TomWyou have to take 'em up on it so they continue to offer it to you.
18:43.29TomWI don't know how they make money with all the samples they seem to give away.
18:43.29ade|deskyears ago they sent me a shit load of 16bit dac/adc :)
18:43.45sorphinTomW: all i could think of to get was hte 233/235s
18:43.52sorphini dunno what they make now that i could use
18:43.59sorphindon't need any dallas time clocks ;p
18:44.08TomWsamples are like getting presents under tree when you were a kid...
18:44.27sorphinheh, atmel sent me 6 flash samples before
18:44.36sorphinsst was more of a pain
18:44.40sorphinhence why i went w/ atmel
18:44.49sorphintoo bad atmel is annoying w/ specs sheets
18:44.49TomWsorphin: yeah, but most processors don't have any notion of what time / date it really is.
18:45.21sorphinTomW: yet i still see boards w/ dallas chips
18:45.51TomWsorphin: the stuff I design is autonomous and is not connected to an ntp server.  It has to know the correct date / time when it powers up.
18:46.45TomWbesides, you cannot have all the files dated "jan 1,1970" can you?  :D
18:47.11Russ|werkmine aren't
18:47.13Russ|werkI'm in AZ
18:47.20Russ|werkso they are date dec 31, 1969
18:47.50sorphinRuss: i knew AZ was fscked, but i didn't know it was that bad ;)
18:48.10TomWthey are in their own little world out there.
18:48.24sorphinTomW: just as long as they stay there ;)
18:48.56Russ|werkso, epoch came to AZ on dec 31, 1969 17:00
18:49.33TomWyeah, that may be true as the computers didn't have to use ZULU time back then.
18:49.47sorphinwell, i'm in -0600 :P
18:49.58sorphinand mine all say Jan 1, 1970 :P
18:50.24Russ|werkTomW: what I mean is on a system with no clock, but has the TZ set in the environment, ls shows the file dates as dec 31, 1969
18:50.41Russ|werkunless you are east of GMT, then it has jan 1, 1970
18:50.43TomWI think that Russ deliberately inits the linux clock in his controllers to -1.
18:51.07Russ|werkTomW: could go all the way to -0x80000000
18:51.56sorphincan't wait till 2039 gets here ;)
18:52.04TomWyeah, you hear the story about Dennis Richie being asked bout the 32bit overflow of the unix clock, he didn't care, he'd be dead by then.
18:53.07Russ|werksorphin: luckily, its time_t, and time_t is unsigned long
18:53.17Russ|werkso all we have to do is buy some 64 bit machines
18:53.21TomWok, playtime is over, time for me to get to work.  Time to get the ohm meter out and buzz the webpal out some more.
18:53.30sorphinRuss: well, i will, when the Opteron is out :P
19:19.30*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
19:19.52sorphinTimRiker: allo tim
19:20.58prpplagueTimRiker: yo! ex-CThO
19:21.24sorphinprpplague: i'm starting to wonder, he's not incognitoing as bzflag now..
19:24.00anderseeTimRiker: G'day Tim.  Hows the new job (full time dad) going?
19:24.50sorphinandersee: you're up early ;)
19:26.24Russ|werkI had no clue was so much more than a library
19:27.24sorphinok, whoever's a way, i need a quick way to rename all these files to uppercase.. suggestions ?
19:27.36Russ|werkdoesn't work for uclibc though
19:27.57sorphins/a way/awake/
19:28.02sorphin(something i'm not0
19:28.34Russ|werksorphin: if you know sed, you can use rename
19:28.45sorphini know sed, somewhat
19:29.07sorphini was thinking s/[a-z]/[A-Z]/.. but i dunno
19:29.11Russ|werkrename <regexp> <files>
19:29.15Russ|werkthat doesn't work
19:29.42sorphinright, so what would be a working way? ;)
19:29.46Russ|werkTo translate uppercase names to lower, you⤠use
19:30.03sorphinlinenoise? ;)
19:30.07Russ|werkits actually a perl expression
19:30.48Russ|werkhmm...the man page lies
19:31.06sorphinthey do that sometimes
19:32.55TimRikerno job update. expecting one later today though.
19:33.05sorphinTimRiker: good luck
19:33.07TimRikerprpplague: CThO?
19:33.24sorphinTimRiker: don't mind him, he's smoking crack again
19:33.58prpplagueplay on letters CThO= CT Whore
19:35.51Lethalsorphin, use tr
19:36.16sorphinLethal: gimme an example :P i'm workin off 2 hours sleep
19:37.09Lethalsorphin, if you want to move everything in a dir, do something like .. for file in *; do mv $file `echo $file | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`; done
19:38.04sorphinLethal: ta. worked
19:38.52TimRikerprpplague: ahh.
19:41.04sorphinTimRiker: hehe
19:41.15sorphinTimRiker: got a hardware store nearby ?
19:41.31TimRikerjust RS, and I'm lazy.
19:41.37sorphinTimRiker: bah
19:41.50sorphinyou need to get a #8 screw
19:42.04sorphininplace of the xbox one where that chip is going :P
19:42.17TimRiker#8 torx right? /me looks.... got  T8 here.
19:42.40sorphinwhen i say #8 i mean size, not T8
19:42.46TimRikerI thought the Matrix kits included a screw now? I'm I on crack?
19:42.51sorphini think the board screws are T10s
19:42.55sorphinnope no screw
19:43.01sorphinjust a spacer/lock washer
19:43.11sorphinmaybe it does, i dunno
19:43.14sorphindidn't when i got it
19:43.18sorphinif it does
19:43.22sorphinyou're lucky ;)
19:43.38TimRikerah. hmmm. well I've not opened the box yet, I'll run to the hw store if need be after it shows up.
19:43.41prpplagueok, i need some to help me a stupid question, what is the difference between a CCFT and CCFL lcd panel, and don't same the T and L!
19:43.55sorphinprpplague: the T and the L :P
19:44.14sorphinactually, i dunno.. never heard of either
19:44.29prpplagueibot: ~fishslap sorphin
19:44.31parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, prpplague
19:44.35prpplague~fishslap sorphin
19:44.43ACTION slaps sorphin up side the head with a wet fish.
19:44.43sorphinTimRiker: if you have to go, take the xbox screw w/ you
19:44.43sorphinto match against
19:44.57sorphinit's i think 1/2 " long
19:45.03sorphin#8 in diameter is what you need
19:45.37sorphinTimRiker: since i used that screw, i've not had it budge at all, unlike some complaints from lusers using the stock screw
19:46.09TimRikerCold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp or Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube
19:46.25sorphinlearn something new every day
19:46.32TimRiker~ccfl is Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
19:46.34TimRiker: okay
19:46.52TimRiker~ccft is Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube a type of LCD panel
19:46.54okay, TimRiker
19:47.04TimRiker~ccfl is also a type of LCD panel
19:47.06okay, TimRiker
19:47.29hmm... ccfl is Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp, or a type of LCD panel
19:47.33prpplagueTimRiker: so whats the difference between a tube and a lamp?
19:48.22Russ|werkmaybe a lamp can be a tube, not neccessarily?
19:48.47TimRikersounds likely to me.
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19:52.12TimRikerfrom what I can read, it's just the light type on the panel. the panel interface would presumably be the same. It sounds like a ccft is a ccfl but that there might be other "lights" other than tubes. Can't think of a current practical one for color, but the green lights on bw panels might qualify?
19:56.37prpplagueTimRiker: well it looks like both the CCFT and CCFL
19:56.44prpplagueTimRiker: need an inverter
20:05.18TomW_goneprpplague: prelim schematic stuff on that page.
20:05.23TomW_gonesorphin: prelim schematic stuff on that page.
20:06.04prpplaguehmmmmm, pretty!
20:06.27TomW_gonelots of signals missing on the ISA connector.
20:06.52TomW_gonesignal names are those from the Cirrus 7500FE user manual.
20:07.14TomW_gonegot to deliver a machine, cul.
20:28.03Russ|werk'the statements you read in the manual might not 1OO% match the newly arrived motherboard you have on your hand'
20:28.33sorphinthat's why they should have included an eratta
20:28.46Russ|werkthat is the eratta sheet
20:28.57Russ|werk- AOPen Technical Service Department
20:52.49CosmicPenguinmmm... usb
20:55.27Russ|werkI just hate non-compliant usb devices
20:55.49sorphinmore like ick
20:55.59sorphinthis usb/device/card is supported... however
20:56.09sorphinwell, it keeps doing it if i go from drive to drive, it was fine from drive to ide HD
20:58.36Russ|werkdoing it?
20:59.54Russ|werklike, it hops on the good foot and does the bad thing?
21:00.08*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
21:02.43sorphinRuss: it keeps hanging the usb bus, and in turn creapting a 'D' (uninterriptible sleep) process
21:03.36sorphinprolly the damn ISD300 :P
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21:07.07sorphinas_: lo git
21:19.20*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
21:39.05prpplagueanyone know the url for the page about the phone support guy that writes the un-inteligable case records?
21:49.58prpplagueMonMotha: lots better eh?
21:50.15prpplagueman i wish could find that site again
21:50.46MonMothaprpplague: haven't installed the PCMCIA slot card yet
21:50.55MonMothait's an old ISA board, not even sure if it's Linux compatible
21:51.08sorphinMonMotha: prolly is
21:51.14sorphinboth mine are
21:51.54MonMothalooks like a devel board of some kind actually
21:52.00MonMothabrings the entire ISA bus out to headers
21:52.19prpplagueMonMotha: most of the isa boards are pretty compatible, however if its a pci chipset thats been masked down to a isa slot, you'll have re-compile your pcmcia stuff
21:52.38MonMothaprpplague: I have a feeling that this thing predates PCI :)
21:53.24MonMothaunfortunately the slots aren't in a drive bay, so I'll have to mess around at the back of the comp to swap cards
21:53.30MonMothabut for $15, why not
21:53.48sorphini prefer not using a drive slot for that crap ;p
21:54.07MonMothamore convenient than messing around in a dark corner on the back of your comp
21:54.28sorphini never have that problem
21:54.50MonMotha~ when did the PCI bus become popular?
21:54.58prpplagueargh, doesn't anyone remember that url being posted on #tuxscreen?
21:55.06MonMothaprpplague: regarding what?
21:55.11Russ|werkprpplague: I have channel logs
21:56.05sorphinit just locked up AGAIN
21:57.04prpplagueRuss|werk: it was a web page about a sysadmin in houston that had some crazy guy at the help desk opening cases that were funny/bizarre
21:58.17Russ|werkprpplague: want to give me some strings to grep for?
21:59.23prpplagueRuss|werk: hmm, see thats just it, the page was a guys name
21:59.36Russ|werkyou happen to know who "said" the link?
22:00.18prpplagueRuss|werk: i'm afraid not, it was over a year ago
22:00.26Russ|werkso 2001
22:00.48Russ| year in the timestamps
22:02.40prpplagueRuss|werk: it had a reference to "all your bases"
22:04.25Russ|werkI don't see anything
22:05.17prpplaguedarn completion
22:09.08prpplagueneed to grep my brain
22:09.25prpplaguei wonder if i have it on a book mark on my old hd
22:14.05TimRikeribot@phoenix:~/web/tuxscreen$ zgrep -i "your bases" *
22:14.25TheMasterMind1your base
22:14.32TheMasterMind1not bases
22:14.41TimRikergood point... again....
22:15.22TimRiker20020705.html.gz:<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><td><tt>00:47:46</tt></td><td><font color="#b15db1"><tt>prpplague</tt></font></td><td width="100%"><tt>slumpy: i never got into the mario thing, i'm more of the "are your bases" kinda guy</tt></td></tr>
22:15.23TimRiker20020705.html.gz:<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><td><tt>00:48:17</tt></td><td><font color="#42427e"><tt>scanline</tt></font></td><td width="100%"><tt>prpplague: my case mod cycles through some random quotes on the LCD when it's not in use, one of them is "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US"</tt></td></tr>
22:20.34TimRikerfeel free to wget the logs and grep them yourselves.
22:21.15prpplagueTimRiker: thanks
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22:22.53*** join/#elinux Aelhaz (
22:30.52*** join/#elinux Morn (
22:30.55CosmicPenguinscary - the quotes of the past come back to haunt us
22:38.35CosmicPenguinTimRiker feel free to wget the logs and grep them yourselves.
22:38.47CosmicPenguinOops, stupid xchat
22:39.01CosmicPenguins/TimRiker/< TimRiker >/
22:42.11prpplaguehmm still no luck
22:42.20MonMotha(as usual)
22:43.02TimRikerprpplague: start with the right date ranges, grep out all the http: references, sort them, then browse that list?
22:43.30prpplagueTimRiker: ya i greped all http refs and went through them
22:44.56TimRikerah well
22:50.06AelhazTimRiker: hey! How's life under the batwings?
23:10.08TimRikerAelhaz: I'll tell ya if/when I get offered a contract I'll accept.
23:10.25TimRikercurrently unemployed
23:13.01Aelhazit turns out that having tested embedded linux for a few years disqualifies me for every job in america. I'm gonna start looking for work delivering pizza soon.
23:13.30Aelhaztesting is now the exclusive domain of programmers who can't get a programming job to save their lives, aparantly. at least from the job requirements i keep seeing listed.
23:13.58Aelhazand nobody wants to hire a guy to do help desk who used to make as much money as i did
23:16.12AelhazI literally keep seeing QA positions advertised that require a CS degree and 2+ years programming experience
23:17.04Aelhazor worse yet, a CS degree and 4 years QA experience. I've never met anyone with a CS degree who'd have worked at QA for four years without deciding to give up and start a chicken farm or something
23:18.14Lethalonly people I know who have done QA for 4+ years are too incompetent to do anything else :P
23:18.34Lethalas an example, we had a QA guy at MV who locked himself in a rack over a weekend :P
23:19.37MonMothaLethal: you HAVE to be joking...
23:19.40AelhazQA at lineo wasn't your usual QA job
23:19.45LethalMonMotha, I wish I was
23:19.53MonMothanow THAT is pathetic
23:20.04Aelhazthere was a guy who was that dumb, but i figure it was the heroin more than anything else
23:20.25Aelhazthere's button pushers, and then there's people who find bugs in device drivers and board ports.
23:20.59Aelhazunfortunately these have the exact same job description, so it doesn't look any better on a resume
23:21.06Lethalthere's always good and bad QA. more bad then good from the looks of things.
23:21.09MonMothaanyone know a cheap source of (small) CF cards?
23:21.15MonMothain small quantities
23:21.32AelhazMonMotha: hasn't been bad in the past . . .
23:21.46MonMothaAelhaz: which reminds me, I need to put that kfree in my patch to wheaties.c
23:21.48Lethalthis requiring a CS degree thing is probably just a lame attempt to purge a large number of useless applicants. the drawback of course is that you take out some useful ones as well.
23:22.18AelhazLethal: I figure HR people are asking managers what they'd like to see in a candidate, and then putting it in the ad
23:22.36LethalAelhaz, that's probable too. I don't think I'd wand a coder as a QA person though ;P
23:22.49AelhazLethal: there's a city PD here that wants a network administrator with an associates degree in criminology, a background in social sciences, and the ability to lift 50 pounds regularly
23:22.56AelhazLethal: for $17/hr
23:23.33AelhazLethal: Well, the thing is, management always wants QA to do things that require new code
23:23.44AelhazLethal: and engineering will never, ever, under any circumstances, provide said code
23:24.22Aelhazso you find yourself wishing you could get a CS intern or something
23:24.22Aelhazbut it never happens
23:24.26LethalAelhaz, well, QA should have some rough idea of code, or at least be able to pump out testsuites or other usability things, but I don't think its useful past that.
23:25.11Aelhazright, and i used to do that. But once upon a time they wanted me to stress-test the double-buffering ability of a framebuffer driver for a low-rez LCD screen
23:25.18Lethalbut I can definitely see the problem with engineering providing code. I've had to help out QA a couple of times at work, and I _hate_ doing QA stuff. :P
23:25.20Aelhazhow in the heck was i going to do that?
23:26.03Aelhaznothing i can throw into a bash script is going to do squat to stress it
23:26.14prpplagueAelhaz: i was just looking for a url for this sysadmin who had a QA/help desk  person who was a nightmare
23:26.18Aelhazand my ability to grok c is extremely fuzzy
23:26.45AelhazI understand the syntax, I just can't follow the logic. It's not the way my brain works, I have other talents.
23:27.32prpplagueAelhaz: cooking pizza?
23:27.51Aelhazwhat, right now? no.
23:27.55Aelhazi should be so lucky.
23:28.33Aelhazactually, I make damn fine pizza, from scratch. but knowing how to cook is actually an excellent way to prevent yourself from being hired at a pizza joint.
23:28.54prpplagueAelhaz: when i open my nudiebar/english pub/electronics parts/software development/open source think tank, you can come work for me, i'm sure we will have alot of QA on the nudie bar side
23:28.58Aelhazthey don't want people who know how to go from a can of sauce, a block of cheese, and a bag of flour to product
23:29.02Aelhazthey want people they can train
23:29.19Aelhazprpplague: Wouldn't mind slinging pizza, either
23:30.38AelhazI used to make dough for pizzahut. Worst. Job. Ever.
23:30.43Aelhazeverybody hates the dough guy.
23:31.00Aelhazthe cooks hate the dough guy because there is either too much or too little
23:31.30Aelhazthe drivers hate the dough guy because sometimes dough sticks to the pans - even though technically that's their fault, since they grease the pans before they go home the night before
23:31.47MonMothaanyone know if a replacement for the CDP6402, AY-5-1015, or D36402R-9 UART was ever made?  The only UARTs I can find these days assume you have a uP to hook it up to
23:32.01prpplagueAelhaz: thats ok, you can have fun with the dough, lol
23:32.21Aelhazthe manager hates the dough guy because the dough guy needs a frigging key to the store if you expect him to show up at 5am
23:33.06Aelhazand the manager for some reason can't stand giving people keys, because they get lost, and then they have to get new keys made.
23:33.33AelhazI worked at three huts, and at each one i was expected to open the store in the morning without a key. I never figured out how that was supposed to work.
23:33.44LethalAelhaz, a rock
23:34.05Aelhazthey'd say, "You need to be here at 5 tomorrow"
23:34.14AelhazI'd say, "Sure thing, boss. I'll need a key"
23:34.20Aelhazthey'd say, "We don't have a key for you"
23:34.51AelhazI'd say, "Then I'll be here at 8, so you can unlock the door for me. Unless you want to come out at 5."
23:34.54Aelhazthey didn't like that.
23:36.09LethalAelhaz, so thats why you were at 3 different ones ;P
23:36.18AelhazThe phone people probably didn't hate me, I doubt they knew i existed
23:36.41AelhazLethal: oddly enough i was fired twice, and both times picked up work at another hut within hours
23:37.14AelhazUsually a matter of politics
23:37.21Aelhazthe first two times, I worked for unpopular bosses
23:37.30Aelhaz"So and so fired you? Man, it'd really piss her off if i hired you"
23:41.07Aelhazthe aparant reality is that pizza delivery units steal delivery territory from eachother every few years, so they all hate eachother
23:41.23Aelhazeven within sets that all belong to the same guy
23:42.18Aelhazthey don't really "steal" territory, they go to regional management and say, "If we had these 8 blocks, we'd be more profitable, and so-and-so can hardly deliver to that neighborhood anyway, so it will increase customer satisfaction"
23:54.32prpplagueargh, this is driving me insane!
23:54.40Aelhazwhat are you working on?
23:54.41prpplaguei hate losing url's
23:54.59sievenight all
23:55.04prpplagueAelhaz: i've lost this url for about the help desk moron
23:56.12prpplaguegotta run
23:56.18prpplaguelater folks

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