irclog2html for #elinux on 20030102

00:18.06*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
01:31.44*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
01:39.52*** join/#elinux scanline (
01:40.43*** join/#elinux sjhill (
01:40.53sorphinsjhill: yo
01:41.15sjhillsorphin: dude
01:41.30sorphinsjhill: got burned cds next to me
01:41.32sjhillsorphin: happy new year
01:41.39sorphinsjhill: 3 of em are iso9660 (the 6.5.17 stuff)
01:41.44sorphinsjhill: you too
01:41.50sorphin'so hopefully that'll work
01:41.59sorphinsgi has out .18 but i can't even access it
01:42.01sjhillcool, thx
01:42.15sjhillbummer (on .18)
01:42.18sorphinsjhill: wasn't sure if iso9660 would be ok
01:42.28sjhillshould be fine
01:42.34sorphinjs: yeah, they've locked down .17 too.. so w/o a contract you can't even get maintenace release
01:42.44sorphinobviously that was for you
01:42.51sjhillsgi...M$ of the UNIX world
01:43.11sorphinthey used to allow maint releases (just not feature) for free
01:43.47sorphinsjhill: will ship asap.. (as soon as i can get to the damn PO)
01:43.51sorphinwhen they're open
01:44.25sjhillmuch appreciated
01:45.15sorphinno worries
01:45.34sorphinthe switch on this kvm for keyboard reset, is so... loose, you barely have to touch it for it to reset..
01:46.00sorphinthe 1st one i got from legodude
01:46.10sorphinhad a flaw in one of the x11 packages
01:46.15sorphinon the original iso
01:46.23sorphinso he dug up a slightly older..
01:46.26sorphinor something
01:46.30sorphinworks well enough tho
01:47.23*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
01:47.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: evening jc
01:48.05CosmicPenguinsame to you mr S
01:48.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: sup ?
01:50.10sjhilli've been needing to do that for a long time
01:50.33sjhillDebian is so much more intuitive
01:53.11sjhillgood...parents just called and got safely in...although one bag got left in Chicago...oh well
01:53.32sjhilland the airlines wonder why their having problems...geesh
01:54.00sjhillsorphin: working on the webpal?
01:54.54sorphinsjhill: not atm, no... prpplague/gpsfan/tomw have been
01:55.00sorphini will be when my maxim samples show up
01:55.48sjhilldoes maxim still give free samples?
01:57.03sjhillcool...i still like them then
01:57.12sorphinthey send 2 of whatever, of 8 things per request
01:59.46anderseeCosmicPenguin: evening
02:01.40sorphinlo erik
02:02.43sjhillsorphin: do me a favor, send me a test email to make sure things are working like i think
02:02.46CosmicPenguinandersee: evening to you
02:03.05CosmicPenguinwheres the crazy Texan this evening?
02:03.15sorphinsjhill: what kinda email?
02:03.30sjhillsorphin: just put 'test' in the body or something
02:03.36anderseeCosmicPenguin: Probably still hung over
02:03.47sorphinsjhill: ah, ok, wasn't sure if you meant pgp/gpg'd or not..
02:04.09sorphinsjhill: sent
02:04.36sorphinit's at your box now
02:06.20sorphinCosmicPenguin: which one is it ?
02:07.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: its something from a company called Classic, its a Circuit City knock off of an Arcos
02:08.01sorphinspecs ?
02:08.08CosmicPenguinThe best part, is that I saw a sign that said it was on sale for $190 with a $50 dollar rebate, but the bastards forgot to change the sign
02:08.22CosmicPenguinand the rebate had expired, but for that, they gave me $50 bucks off instantly
02:08.35CosmicPenguinsorphin: 10Gig, USB, usual blah, blah...
02:08.56sorphinsame proc ?
02:09.51CosmicPenguinI dunno - maybe I should pop this bad boy open
02:10.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: man, you're slacking if you haven't already ;)
02:11.03CosmicPenguinsorphin: I didn't know if it would be USB storage or not, I didn't was to fsck it up if I was going to return it
02:58.19*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
05:02.42*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
05:32.09*** join/#elinux danguer (
08:15.50*** join/#elinux TomW (
08:16.44sorphinTomW: evening
08:17.16TomWyeah, something like that.  Couldn't get much sleep, so I thought that I would bang keys for a while.
12:11.31*** join/#elinux noverlak (noverlak@
13:41.37*** join/#elinux file (
13:42.09*** part/#elinux noverlak (noverlak@
14:08.42*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:42.37*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:08.24*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
15:16.03sievelo everyone
15:16.48filehello sieve
15:32.41sieveGot my webpal to boot last night with a little help from prpplague...  major victory for an embedded noob, no?
15:34.49filesieve: congrats
15:47.59sieveHas anybody done the 4k refresh memory mod to the webpal yet?
15:48.30sorphini'm going to
15:48.40sorphinjust haven't yet
15:48.43sorphinit's only 1 wire
15:49.23*** join/#elinux signal11 (
15:52.55fileAustin Powers is on Pay Per View - I'm going to watch it, bbl
15:56.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: lo
16:11.37CosmicPenguinandersee: you awake?
16:12.42anderseeCosmicPenguin: nope
16:13.02CosmicPenguinandersee: did you try out that genext2fs patch from the BB mailing list?
16:13.09CosmicPenguinandersee: is it the answer to our prayers?
16:13.44anderseeCosmicPenguin: havn't yet
16:15.14CosmicPenguinandersee: I'll try it out some time this weekend
16:15.39CosmicPenguinBut I still need to get cramfs inserted into my buildroot
16:16.11anderseeCosmicPenguin: I have that all done and working...
16:16.26anderseeCosmicPenguin: Want me to add it to buildroot-tux for you?
16:21.51CosmicPenguinandersee: cramfs or genextfs?
16:21.58CosmicPenguinDo you have the .mk file?
16:23.34anderseeCosmicPenguin: I just checked it into buildroot-tux for you
16:23.48anderseeCosmicPenguin: Along with the patch
16:23.57CosmicPenguinandersee: sweet... that will save me a bit of work
16:24.16CosmicPenguinandersee: unfortunately, my buildroot is somewhat different than yours, but I'm trying to merge the two concepts and send you a patch or three
16:25.30anderseeCosmicPenguin: Well, I'm sure the basic concepts are the same anyways
16:40.31CosmicPenguinandersee: just got finished reading the LKML - you really gonna write a new Nvidia driver in 2 weeks?  :-)
16:41.40anderseeCuz they arn't going to relase their specs, which means I'm not gonna buy an nvidia card...
16:42.02sorphinwhat are you gonna use then ? :P
16:42.13sorphinati still isn't very open
16:42.32CosmicPenguinBah - what do I care?  Even if they did release their specs, I doubt that it would make a whole lot of difference
16:42.56anderseesorphin: I've got an ATI Radeon card and it works fine for me, and I have an open source driver for it.
16:43.20CosmicPenguinThey're in a crappy market anyway - they have a GPU that has the same performance as a $200 pentium chip, yet they are forced to produce it at a cost of about $50 bucks
16:43.25sorphinandersee: which radeon, and how well do the gfx drivers work on #d, etc ?
16:43.49sorphin3d even
16:44.05anderseesorphin: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon VE QY
16:44.22sorphinthe ONLY thing from ati i've been even remotely impressed w/ so far, is on my thinkpad (the Rage 128 mobility)
16:44.22CosmicPenguinHeh - the GPE people don't think that uclibc is "mature" enough for them
16:44.33anderseesorphin: some cheap one I picked up for like $40
16:44.40sorphinandersee: nod
16:45.04kergothmorning all
16:45.13anderseeCosmicPenguin: whats a GPE?
16:45.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: GPE we bring poor things to life ?
16:45.21CosmicPenguinandersee: yeah, the GNU Palmtop Environment - basically a bloated GTK based set of PIMS
16:45.24sorphinkergoth: lo chris
16:45.42CosmicPenguinandersee: they only good thing they have done thus far is write a pretty cool sqlite deamon
16:46.01anderseeCosmicPenguin: Their real problem is that glib and friends won't cross-compile...  :)
16:46.26CosmicPenguinandersee: really?  Why not?
16:47.02anderseeCosmicPenguin: You have to be compiling on the target arch cuz it tries to run tons of configure tests (sizeof(short), etc)
16:47.26kergothSo supply test results in a config.cache for the target arch
16:47.33anderseeYou can compile vs uClibc only if target CPU = host CPU
16:47.44anderseekergoth: too lazy
16:48.00sorphinfor anyone that would care
16:48.02sorphinon Tom's Hardware
16:48.04sorphinReview: XScale vs. StrongARM PDA
16:48.14CosmicPenguinandersee: ahh - I get it.  I've had that problem before with lots of stupid dependancies we used to have for various Microwindows toys
16:50.46sorphinspecifically at:
17:10.54*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
17:11.03kergothmorning dave
17:11.28prpplaguehey hey, plague in the house!
17:11.30prpplaguekergoth: morning
17:11.59prpplaguekergoth: <grin>hope you morning digi has started off like mine here!<\grin>
17:12.04prpplaguesorphin: lo
17:13.53sorphinprpplague: sup purple bitch
17:19.52prpplaguesorphin: first day of work in 2003 and its already a fsckin nut house
17:20.26sorphinprpplague: been there, know that
17:20.44sorphin;ended up w/ vending machine breakfast, pissed off, snow outside, roads are shite, etc..
17:39.35*** join/#elinux Morn (
17:39.40sorphinMorn: re
17:39.52MornI'm upgrading gnome on the solaris box
17:39.56MornI could be in and out
17:42.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: that much snow, huh?
17:42.15sorphinwill total out about 9"
17:42.32sorphinroads are crap, work is pissing me off anyways, my boss isn't even here
17:42.45sorphinnor is the other mgr who went home "not feeling well" nor is the sr mgr
17:42.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats average around here - but I'll bet its a bit more concerning for the St. Louis area... :)
17:56.42Russ|werknope, no snow, must be some type of local flucuation you are experiencing
17:58.37sorphinRuss|werk: it is
18:14.01*** join/#elinux file (
19:39.07*** join/#elinux signal11 (
19:40.05CosmicPenguindamn....  isn't it a bad feeling when you start working on a driver, and you discover that somebody else has already done it?
19:40.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: it's the same thing w/ anything (to me anyways)
19:40.49LethalCosmicPenguin, depends if their code sucks or not ;P
19:42.41CosmicPenguinWell, I guess I could still get the video part working, but damn....
19:52.31*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
19:52.32*** mode/#eLinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
19:52.50sorphinBZFlag: afternoon mr flag
19:58.57CosmicPenguinWow... thats impressive
19:59.06CosmicPenguinThat guy love hanging his ass out where people can sue it, eh?
19:59.21fileLindows is evil on dialup
19:59.37LethalCosmicPenguin, my thoughts exactly :P
20:00.24*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:00.31prpplagueGPSFan: lo
20:00.49LethalCosmicPenguin, I wonder what he hopes to gain from any of it
20:00.54GPSFanhi prpplague:
20:01.57sorphinGPSFan: afternoon ken
20:02.19Lethalthough I guess if you have 200k to blow on that kind of stupidity, you can afford a lawsuit or two :P
20:02.39GPSFanHowdy sorphin: I here you are almost snowed in. ;>)
20:03.20sorphinGPSFan: bite me :P
20:04.05sorphinGPSFan: you're welcome to it
21:17.46sorphinBZFlag: been there
21:17.48sorphinBZFlag: done that
21:24.38*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
21:34.11sorphinRuss|werk: that's any windows puter
21:36.32kergothbah, explorer. use litestep/blackbox for windows + mozilla :D
21:37.32Russ|werkwindows doesn't run without explorer
21:37.41Russ|werker, true, I suppose I could try replacing the shell
21:38.04Russ|werkI don't think the customer would appreciate it
21:38.33kergoth'here sir, this is blackbox.' .. '?'
21:39.18sorphinkergoth: better than a digibox :P
21:39.42sorphinType: server said: Idle Timeout (30 seconds): closing control connection.
21:49.59prpplagueRuss|werk: actually there is a program out there run can to seperate IE out of windows
21:50.16sorphinprpplague: yup
21:50.16prpplagueRuss|werk: the program was demostrated at the M$ anti-trust case
21:50.29sorphindidn't need it for 2k tho
21:50.40sorphinIE never bothers me now
21:50.55prpplagueme either since i don't use winblows :)
21:51.18prpplagueinstead i have fun with moz
21:51.19sorphinprpplague: at work i have to have 2 machines, and one is windows
21:51.30sorphinand i don't use IE
21:51.57prpplaguesorphin: it was a condition of my emplyment was that i didn't have to use a winblows box
21:52.17sorphini wasn't hired into where i am right now :P
21:52.25sorphinand it doesn't really bother me anyways
21:53.50prpplagueit would bother me :)
21:55.16sorphinprpplague: you're a delusional texan tho
21:55.17sorphini' mnot
21:55.46Russ|werkprpplague: when you open control panel, what displays it
21:56.16LethalRuss|werk, probably a blue screen :P
21:56.33prpplagueRuss|werk: the seperation program?
21:56.43sorphinLethal: he said what displays it, not what does it display
21:56.45prpplagueRuss|werk: if thats what your asking, you have to dl it from somewhere
21:57.00sorphinLethal: don't you have a cpu manual to memorize?
21:57.01Russ|werkhmm..I'm trying to get the dll's, but ftp won't work caus zonealarm aparently fscked everything up
21:57.07Lethalsorphin, bah, same difference :P
21:57.15Lethalsorphin, uhm.. no.. *hides acroread*
21:57.29sorphinLethal: loser
21:57.42Lethalsorphin, whats your point?
21:57.48prpplaguesorphin: delusional? you think "choosing" not to use winblows is delusional?
21:58.16sorphinprpplague: no, you're delusional regardless of what you run, dave ;)
21:58.33sorphinprpplague: btw, you're now being reminded about those simms *grin*
21:58.57prpplaguedamit someone broke my chair over the holidays
21:59.14prpplaguesorphin: ya ya crack baby
21:59.17prpplaguesorphin: to late today
21:59.48sorphinprpplague: not my fault people *have* to remind you of things, gramps
22:00.16prpplaguesorphin: no because i'm old, just got too many things to remember
22:00.39sorphinprpplague: uh huh
22:01.05sorphinprpplague: whatever dave, all you have to remember is what beer to drink and what pr0n to watch, and when to be at the nudie bar
22:01.27prpplaguesorphin: i wish
22:01.38prpplaguesorphin: thats the way it will be when i retire
22:01.52sorphinprpplague: that'll never happen
22:02.20*** join/#elinux file (
22:02.29sorphinprpplague: you have the curse of POS, even when you're 80, you'll be working on signature capture devices and another annoyances, AND file will still bug you, even then ;)
22:03.10Lethalthere's something to look forward to :P
22:04.02prpplaguesorphin: no, by then i'll be working on a POS that you jack into and transfer credits stored in your brain
22:04.16sorphinprpplague: but you'll still have file ;)
22:04.48sorphinbut by then, he'll be file[puttingteethinglass]
22:04.58sorphinprpplague: um.. no
22:05.22fileor file[spittingonsorphinsgrave]
22:09.30sorphinworse than fscking netscape
22:13.32Lethalnetscape 3.0 was fine
22:13.45Lethalits just those crazy newfangled versions that have issues.
22:13.59sorphinthat of course are based on Bloatzilla
22:14.02prpplagueBZFlag: hmm, this article says all the staff except for some of the personell in japan will be kept from embedix, does that include you?
22:15.05Lethaleverything started going down hill once javascript popped up :P
22:17.49sorphinand CP uses pixil ;)
22:18.45Lethalyeah, but gopher is useful :P
22:20.38CosmicPenguinSee, now thats not the kind of stuff I like to hear
22:21.07CosmicPenguinI'm working my ass off over hear, and you guys just wanna bad mouth me?
22:22.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: only that cpu boy lethal is
22:26.55Lethali've not actually used pixil, so its possible its useful :P
22:30.08LethalCosmicPenguin, no, you need to impress closet XP users who function as paying customers ;P
22:30.11sorphinCosmicPenguin: make sure that's all pointd at lethal ;) i layed off about teasing you about pixil, cuz i think it might be neat
22:30.26sorphinLethal: he doesn't need to impress any XP users
22:31.22Russ|werkheh, the space alien cult is now saying they won't allow dna tests
22:31.29LethalCosmicPenguin, everyone hates automake, but it could be worse, it could be libtool  :P
22:31.47sorphinRuss|werk: i'm more feeling sorry for that russin kid now
22:32.02Russ|werkdid you read the article?
22:32.30sorphinand at the end of it
22:32.31sorphinSerebryany was charged under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, a law so powerful that until March 2002 only the most senior Justice Department officials in Washington could authorize prosecutors to wield it. Only about 35 criminal cases have been filed under the law.
22:32.32sorphinIt prohibits anyone from disclosing trade secrets for economic benefit, and carries penalties in this case up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Although investigators acknowledge that Serebryany apparently didn't profit from the disclosures, the law bars giving away secrets for anyone else's economic benefit.
22:32.41sorphineconimic benefit? whatever..
22:33.14Russ|werkthe plan is for others to benifit econically by not paying for directv
22:33.34Lethaldon't they have a patent on their stuff anyways?
22:33.50Russ|werkLethal: he didn't RE stuff
22:34.03Russ|werkLethal: he went in, took the trade secret documents, and then published them
22:34.05sorphinRuss|werk: not necessarily
22:34.14LethalRuss|werk, oh
22:34.23sorphinRuss|werk: directv jacks people on having locals
22:34.33sorphinby zipcode
22:34.39Russ|werksorphin: come again?
22:34.48sorphineven if you want to pay for locals
22:34.53sorphinif you're not in the right zipcode
22:34.58sorphinthey won't give em
22:35.05Russ|werkok, so?
22:35.28sorphinnever freakin mind
22:35.46Russ|werkI really respect the hacker community that RE's all the directv signal, and etc
22:36.00Russ|werkbut this guy didn't do any of that
22:36.05LethalI dunno, if you can't abide by an NDA or similar agreements, you shouldn't sign them in the first place. if you get screwed over for breaking them, its your own fault.
22:36.16sorphinwho says he signed one?
22:36.20sorphinmaybe the firm did
22:36.33sorphindoesn't mean he did
22:36.37Russ|werkeven if he didn't, its still theft of IP
22:37.03Russ|werkI was thinking of grabbing free directv, but its not anywhere near free
22:37.08Russ|werksets one back around $500
22:37.24sorphinhow's that ?
22:37.49fileRuss|werk: send me your card and I'll do it for $10 CAD :)
22:38.30Russ|werkI mean the recevier, dish, card, and electronic card
22:38.38fileuh huh
22:38.42fileshould have got in early
22:38.53Russ|werkya, where am I going to get a working H card now?
22:38.55filecould have gotten everything for cheap
22:38.55sorphincost me $99
22:39.00fileRuss|werk: HU.
22:39.07Russ|werkthey have HU working now?
22:39.11sorphinand i don't have an H but i have a virgin HU
22:39.18fileRuss|werk: HU has been working for a long time
22:39.23sorphinand yeah, last i saw, they had it working
22:39.48filethat's my DirecTV card lol
22:40.09sorphinanyways, i'm out
22:40.24CosmicPenguindrive safely
22:40.26Russ|werkthe emulation software, will it run on arm?
22:40.40fileRuss|werk: I don't do emulation, I use bootstrap.
22:40.45fileso I wouldn't know
22:40.48Russ|werkwhat is bootstrap?
22:41.09fileRuss|werk: basically you reprogram the card's EEPROM
22:41.33fileRuss|werk: so it thinks it's a different card which has permission to see everything - and get certain local channels
22:41.54Russ|werkbut can't the receiver then rewrite that card?
22:42.11filewhat do you mean?
22:42.24Russ|werkthe receiver can do updates to the card
22:42.34Russ|werk(eeprom updates)
22:42.47fileit depends how DirecTV decides to attack
22:42.50Russ|werkthats what emulation is for
22:43.02filethey either blacklist the card, or send a signal to the receiver to mess up the card
22:43.07Russ|werkso the receiver does updates to the card, but the emulation says ok to all the channels
22:43.09fileeither way in 5 minutes I'm back up and running
22:43.27CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: thats the best way to do it - and the safest
22:43.31Russ|werkI'm just thinking, I have a webpal, it has a smartcard slot...
22:43.54filethe latest fix I've been using on my card has been up for a month now
22:44.12fileCosmicPenguin: yes
22:44.20CosmicPenguinI had a friend with a hacked box, it was zapped within a week
22:44.33CosmicPenguinTiming, I guess
22:44.34fileI've got 2 other fixes if this goes down :)
22:44.36Russ|werkI heard there was a program once sector
22:45.11fileit's pretty easy to do the programming
22:45.29fileyou can also modify what local channels you get, zip code, what PPV's you've ordered
22:45.36Russ|werkits mainly the cost of receiver, card, and dish that screws me up
22:47.04filemy programmer has a covering that reminds me of an old iMac
22:47.06fileit's scary
22:47.37CosmicPenguinheh - smart cards are so lame
22:47.56Russ|werkfile: its my understanding, that with an emulator, you don't need to do any programming
22:48.05fileRuss|werk: the emulator just emulates a card
22:48.17fileyou still have to have it hooked up to a computer too...
22:48.35Russ|werkbut there isn't any reprogramming
22:48.53fileI'll stick with my card thanks :)
22:53.37fileRuss|werk: if you ever decide to get into it - drop me a line
23:01.27Russ|werkI need to have my funds do a post holiday leveling off first
23:39.18BZFlagprpplague: nope. there are 4 of us that are no longer employees. We have been offered contract positions but I don't know that anyone has accepted them yet. I have turned down the initial offer. Don't know if there will be another, but I'm unemployed at present, so the article is incorrect and Baratta has lied cause he is aware of the current state.
23:40.16kergothBZFlag: ack. sorry to hear that
23:40.21prpplagueBZFlag: sorry to hear that
23:40.38prpplagueBZFlag: doesn't speak well for them in my book
23:40.46BZFlagnor mine either. ;-)
23:41.10prpplagueBZFlag: anything i can do let me know
23:41.31prpplagueBZFlag: short of "lilo style" donations :)
23:42.16BZFlaghehe, perhaps I should put up a paypal donations page? jk.
23:42.36BZFlagI'm not worried. I have a number of leads. more would always be appreciated though.
23:42.48prpplaguewell, i'm off to the gym, bbl
23:42.49BZFlag~spell appreciated
23:42.50'appreciated' may be spelled correctly
23:42.58prpplagueBZFlag: good to hear that
23:43.01prpplaguelater guys
23:44.07sievelater all

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.