irclog2html for #elinux on 20021220

00:20.03jacquesyeah I heard that
00:28.59MonMothahum, I can reliably segfault mozilla
00:29.10MonMothanow if only I had a build with any sort of debugging :)
00:29.23MonMothajacques: get your iptables things fixed up?
00:32.38*** join/#elinux kergoth (
00:44.04jacquesMonMotha: yes I sure did :-)
00:44.27jacquesMonMotha: I'm not an expert yet or anything, but it's actually starting to make a little sense
00:47.42jacquesMonMotha: I think I could learn a lot from your fw script though
00:49.27sjhilljacques: learn from that
00:53.40sorphinsjhill: k
00:56.09jacquessjhill: thanks :-)
00:56.28sorphinjacques: go get webpals yet? or been rained on? :P
00:56.52jacquessorphin: yeah the weather has been terrible - I havent gone yet
00:56.59filejacques: that place is local to you?
00:56.59sjhillsorphin: if you could, just throw little pieces of paper in each case with the CDR...i'm so anal about labeling my CDRs
00:57.11jacquesfile: yes it's a few miles from me
00:57.18filejacques: wow
00:57.21sorphinsjhill: um.. how bout i just write on them w/ my marker like i normally do? :P
00:57.36filejacques: I'm mighty tempted to send you the money for me...
00:57.41fileer for one for me
00:58.09sjhillsorphin: must....resist....being....anal.....*puf* *puf*...sure, go ahead :)
00:58.10filebut, I must restrain myself
00:58.27sorphinsjhill: freak
00:58.53jacquesfile: you don't want to order from them ?
00:59.09sjhillsorphin: i put an extra CDR in there just in case
00:59.11filejacques: I'm Canadian - they won't ship to me
00:59.30jacquesfile: aah I understand  :-)
00:59.37sorphinsjhill: ah
00:59.54sorphinjacques: don't ship anything to file
00:59.56sorphinjacques: ever
01:00.31jacquessorphin: why not? are we boycotting him?
01:01.05sorphinjacques: well, i suppose you could ship him something, but i'm sure prpplague would have some advice on that subject ;)
01:01.12sjhilljacques: nah, sorphin just likes torturing him
01:01.40sorphinsjhill: file reminds me of someone who goes by warewolf, used to be in the tivo channels..
01:01.52sorphinannoying, and never contributed anything
01:02.00sorphinjust... hung around.. and talked in unix commands :P
01:02.08sorphin-c food &
01:02.13fileI don't even know of a TiVo channel...
01:02.44filesorphin: your thinking of someone else
01:02.54sjhillfor future reference, Echostar's benefits are 3x what every other company has to offer
01:03.03sjhillas in 3x more expensive
01:03.31sorphinwcom's bennis suck ass now
01:03.41filesjhill: still jobless?
01:03.45sorphinwhen i started we had united health care, and single ppl didn't have to pay
01:03.54sjhill$290/month for family medical and $64/month for dental
01:03.55sorphinand i didn't need a primary care doc, etc
01:04.04sorphini'm on cigna
01:04.14sjhillyup, Echostar uses cigna too
01:04.32sjhilland they pay bad...
01:05.00sorphinsjhill: "welcome to mcdonalds, would you like fries w/ that?" :P
01:05.02sjhill"Oh, we have profit sharing." "Really? How much was it in past years?" "Ummm, I think about $1000." "Oh."
01:05.20sjhillbig whoop
01:06.26sorphinsjhill: so what brand/color are these coasters^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hcd-rs?
01:07.08sjhillsorphin: White Memorex with 48x write speed
01:07.35*** join/#elinux file[bed] (
01:08.48sorphinwhen i say color
01:08.51sorphini mean the dye
01:09.39file[bed]the last Survivor episode is on, and if you can survive watching it - your the true winner
01:19.04sjhillsorphin: silver/clear on the write side, white with purple lettering on label side
01:27.55MonMothajacques: I try to keep my script well commented, in fact I think there may be more comments than code
01:27.57sjhillsweet, my new batteries for my Indigo's arrived...looks like we'll be soldering tonight
01:29.21sorphinjust don't toast the eeprom unless you have a burner ;)
01:29.30MonMothahum, maybe I should actually hook my shanip mod up to my tux
01:30.06sorphinsjhill: i'm serious :P
01:30.18sorphinyou know how fun recovering that crap is :P
01:30.32sjhillsorphin: i'm going to need to assign a new MAC address to my Indigo machines...any chance you can give me the MAC addresses from a couple of your SGI boxen so i have a reference?
01:31.11sorphin1 mo
01:31.19sorphinyou know the serial # is the mac
01:31.23sorphinand it's on teh back of the machine
01:31.36sjhillsorphin: ah, i did not know
01:32.07sorphinone of the interesting things sgi did
01:36.20*** part/#elinux sjhill (
01:44.38MonMothasorphin: sun kinda does that IIRC
01:44.55MonMothathey have a prefix that isn't their MAC prefix, but everything after that is the vendor-assigned part of the MAC
01:45.12MonMothathe prefix in the S/Ns is thing like machine type and such
01:45.21sorphinnever paid attention to that on an sun
01:49.08sorphinsgi, i only did because for obvious reasons.. it uses it to get info from sgi, and needed to find what was what
01:51.23MonMothaibot seen BZFlag
01:51.30bzflag <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 5h 8m 34s ago, saying: '~colortest'.
01:53.59jacquesooooh aaaah
02:00.51MonMothaok, exactly what clock speed is the ARM in the tuxscreen?
02:01.08MonMothaI've seen 103, 133, 191.7, 206, etc
02:01.43sorphin133 if i recall
02:01.50sorphintho it can be pushed up to 206 easily
02:02.10MonMothak, thank you :)
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02:09.46sorphinallo mr J
02:12.56cpenguin_homeI got the only USB based CF reader at the store.  THis better work
02:13.23cpenguin_homeIt says it works for "mac", so thats good news, right?
02:13.57cpenguin_homeBut those SanDisk POS things have a IC in them that pretends its a FAT filesystem
02:16.15file[bed]cpenguin_home: test it, and see.
02:26.51sorphinkergoth: yo
02:28.34sorphinthis damn thing only has LA and NY for Us timeszones.. wtf
03:16.22sorphinoh brother
03:16.33sorphinnow amazon wants the 2 click shopping cart patent
03:17.21Lethalsorphin, now someone just needs to get the 3 click, and wait for the time they can sue amazon :P
03:25.22cpenguin_homeI want the N clicks + 1 patent
03:36.19*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
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03:37.29MonMothaBZFlag: is there anything that can be done about the wiki on not working 50% of the time?
03:42.34cpenguin_homebrb - new kernel
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03:58.23cpenguin_homeHeh - it works
04:00.40cpenguin_homepny USB CF adapter
04:08.47cpenguin_home19.99 at worst buy
04:10.26cpenguin_homeI also picked up a PCMCIA adapter
04:10.50cpenguin_homeCan't have enough CF toys, thats what I always say... :)
04:22.05sorphinkergoth: allo
04:27.09kergothsorphin: hows the Z?
04:27.51sorphinapparently the liion battery charges quick, but the damn nicad takes atleast 24-30 hours
04:28.01sorphintheir timezone crap is stupid
04:28.16kergothyea it is
04:29.10sorphinheh, lovely
04:29.16sorphinhave to have a cf card to flash the thing
04:30.56kergothunless you're font of dd'ing the os out from underneith it over a network or serial connection :P
04:31.09kergothconsidering theres no way to interface with the angel
04:32.22sorphinthat didn't make much sense ;)
04:33.42sorphindding the os out from under it?
04:35.25*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:42.58sorphinkergoth: i did note there's a dim spot in the upper right because of the end of the light (damn flourecent bulbs :P )
04:43.03kergothsorphin: yes. you can use dd to overwrite the flash with new software.  the mtd driver used by default is read only, you'd have to dd to /dev/mem at the right address directly.. therefore writing the operating system out from under itself.
04:43.08sorphinduno why they didn't use a diff setup
04:43.41kergothsorphin: course you'd likely want to copy dd and libc and any other dependent libs onto a ramdisk and run it from there, then itd probably be safe
04:45.41sorphinkergoth: is yours like mine w/ the dim in the upper right corner bit ?
04:46.22kergothsorphin: yeah, the light isnt lit equally across the display, its just the flourescent on the one side..
04:47.04cpenguin_homedammit - where is that mkext2 code with the device table support
04:47.06sorphinthe bulb isn't "long" enough.. w/ all the new stuff out.. still dunno why they'd use this
04:47.21sorphinkergoth: hope it lasts longer than most florecents ;)
04:48.36cpenguin_homeuhh.... what happend to genext2fs?
04:49.11sorphinkergoth: any way to xfer stuff to it w/o windows ?
04:49.24kergothibot: howtos
04:49.26howtos is, like, at
04:49.30kergothsorphin: rtfm
04:50.28sorphin~fishslap kergoth for being a rtfm digiwhore
04:50.33ACTION slaps kergoth up side the head with a wet fish for being a rtfm digiwhore
04:50.36kergothibot: emulate kergoth
04:50.38ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
04:50.51cpenguin_homenothing wrong with that
04:52.48cpenguin_homeibot: genext2fs
04:52.50bugger all, i dunno, cpenguin_home
04:52.58cpenguin_homeibot: bastards!
04:53.00cpenguin_home: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
04:56.46sorphineesh microdrives are pricey
05:21.42sorphinkergoth: btw.. is having some sort of DB error now
05:21.58sorphinwhen it redirects to news
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05:48.06MonMothaibot webpal
05:48.08i heard webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or
06:08.05cpenguin_homeandersee: you around?
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06:18.23cpenguin_homesorphin: you here
06:22.56cpenguin_homefigured it out
06:23.09cpenguin_homelater bed now
06:26.58BZFlagMonMotha: replace it with one like or
06:27.21BZFlagI've had SF look into it and they did not help much.
06:27.50BZFlagI don't know what the issue is. it started flaking out last summer when SF did an upgrade on the servers.
06:28.11BZFlagI've installed the same code locally, but not seen the problem.
06:28.34MonMothaBZFlag: odd
06:32.04BZFlagMonMotha: truely.
06:32.14MonMothaThis sfWiki's database has returned an error, " 2003: ( Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql' (111)Guessing database down or misconfigured. ".
06:32.19MonMothawell, that's a problem I've not seen before
06:32.24BZFlagYou like the wiki?
06:32.25MonMothanormally I just get partial pages
06:32.41MonMothahaven't used it much
06:32.51MonMothaI've used phpWiki quite a bit and can get along with it quite nicelyu
06:33.06BZFlagI just got the entry page from
06:33.22BZFlagwhat does php use fo ra backend?
06:33.32MonMothaI think text files...
06:33.33MonMothanot sure
06:33.43MonMothaI didn't set it up
06:33.57BZFlagmoinmoin (elinux) uses files. I run a cronjob to back them up to a group writable file.
06:34.26MonMothagood god...
06:34.28BZFlagevery now and then some fool runs a "rm -rf /" cgi script on SF and wipes out the whole wiki.
06:34.31MonMothasourceforge is down AGAIN?
06:34.55MonMothathat has got to be the most unreliable web site I've *ever* seen
06:35.02MonMotha(sure makes me want to buy their product...)
06:36.13MonMothaall I wanted to do was look at the mailing list archives :)
06:37.18BZFlaggoogle cache perhaps?
06:38.06MonMothaor doesn't someone else also archive the mailing lists?
06:38.40MonMothaer geocrawler
06:39.20BZFlaggeocrawler used to, not sure if it happens anymore. I think SF wanted to own all that.
06:40.34BZFlagI really hate geocrawler's web interface.
06:41.02BZFlagno next or next-thread interface? ugh.
06:42.51MonMothayeah, it's really bad
06:42.57MonMothaand they don't have any archives from december
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07:03.03jacquesBZFlag: i totally agree on geocrawler's interface
07:03.05jacquesi HATE it
07:03.23jacquesit's designed to display the most ad impressions per visit
07:03.35jacquesusability was not a consideration
07:14.54jacqueslol, reading backlog - don't get me started on SF
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15:02.54TomWmorning all.
15:05.14TomWjust doing my exercises on the net, limbering up the fingers for the day.  ;)
15:05.31TomWgetting the old wrist moving with the mouse.
15:05.34prpplagueTomW: lo
15:05.55TomWprpplague: one more machine to go, then I can tinker with webpal.
15:06.01prpplague~tomw#/bin/rm -rf *
15:06.13TomWprpplague: format C:
15:06.16prpplagueTomW: thank kind of practice?
15:06.27TomWwindoze N(ot) T(oday)
15:06.44prpplaguewinblows Xtra Poop
15:06.49sorphinprpplague: "you have been infecting with the filePOS virus, your HDD is now being melted"
15:07.42sorphinyes, i intentionally said infecting (gotta slip some engrish in since most come from that side of the world :P well, atleast all the codered crap i get does, as well as the ftp hits, etc
15:07.57TomWRight now, I am struggling with getting WinNT to authenticate into samba so the WinNT username/password pair can be used to access network shares on the Linux box.  
15:08.28prpplagueTomW: ohh fun
15:08.33TomWSo far, the sucker gives the username, but no password when authenticating into samba.
15:09.18TomWI don't know if I need samba to be a "domain controller" or "WINS", since I have no fscking clue as to what those thingys are.
15:10.08TomWMaybe, I should look into having samba be the password server for the WinNT box (gina?).
15:11.02TomWThat is what a "domain controller" does, isn't it?  Control the authentication of users for WinNT domains?
15:11.57TomWdon't all answer once!  heh
15:12.11TomWwho cares, right?
15:12.32TomWprpplague: anyway, that is today's "brick wall".
15:13.26TomWprpplague: sorphin says that you have been playing with adding 32/128 Meg DRAM to the webpal?
15:23.23prpplagueTomW: ya tinkering
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15:49.19prpplagueTomW: i've got some 32 and 64's that seem to work on the board, however i've not gotten a chance to load linux so i have no idea what size is being read
15:51.59CosmicPenguinGood morning everybody!
15:52.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
15:54.53TomWprpplague: I would expect that the 32M devices will work okay, if they are 4K refresh (12x10 organization), if they are 8K refresh then they won't work unless the electronics are modified.
15:56.18TomWprpplague: we could use larger devices (64M, 128M) as long as they are 4K refresh and some mods to the electronics are performed to make the additional memeory appear on another bank (use another RAS line to drive the additional bank).
15:58.00prpplagueTomW: ya all the ones i have a 4k refresh
15:58.09prpplagueTomW: (according to datasheets)
15:59.01prpplagueTomW: the 32mb sims are dual sided 16mb sims
16:00.02TomWprpplague: I wasn't aware that 64M / 128M devices were available in the 72 pin simm?
16:01.24TomWprpplague: I see that has some FPM 64M devices available, that is the max ramsize that the PS7500FE will accept per bank.
16:02.11TomW$71 for two simms
16:02.24TomWthey don't specify the refresh rate.
16:02.33sorphini think 32 will be fine
16:02.46sorphinand it can use double bank like prpplague has
16:03.09prpplagueTomW: according to the datasheet on this simm it is a 16x32 chip and i have single and double sided versions of the simm
16:03.23sorphinTomW: need you to doublecheck my "work" on which pins make A12 so we can use 4k
16:03.43prpplagueTomW: there were some better deals on pulls
16:03.47TomWOh, there you go: 64Meg 4K refresh FPM SIMM for $11, $14.75 with shipping.
16:03.48prpplagueTomW: i'll get the url
16:04.02TomWprpplague: no, the pulls were more expensive!
16:04.16TomW64Meg 4K refresh FPM SIMM for $11, $14.75 with shipping.
16:04.27prpplagueTomW: ohh? i thought that was pulls
16:04.50TomWprpplague: no, look at the "not exactly new" link. Those are pulls.
16:05.14prpplagueTomW: ahh, i was doing a google search
16:05.25sorphini don't care what's new as long as it works :P
16:05.34TomWsorphin: :)
16:05.54sorphinTomW: need a pointer to the jedec 72 pin sheet?
16:05.57prpplaguesorphin: sounds like my attitude towards women these days
16:05.59TomWsorphin: trust in you to get to the real meat of the problem.
16:06.12TomWprpplague: ditto
16:06.44TomWprpplague: waitress, whatever, "get to work, honey"
16:07.16TomWsorphin: what is file doing sleeping on this channel?
16:07.26sorphinTomW: i dunno.. i ignore file
16:07.45file[bed]I'm watching "The Sum of All Fears"
16:08.19prpplaguefile[bed]: seeing martha stewart in a thong, aka "the sum of all fears" ?
16:08.29file[bed]prpplague: oh no... UGH
16:09.00TomWfile: reminds me that I have to get to a book shop today and pick up a Clancy novel for a friend.  He didn't know that Tom Clancy wrote novels, he thought that he was only some screenwriter.  :-/
16:09.12file[bed]TomW: hehe
16:09.19TomWfile: really
16:09.53TomWfile: he is ex-military and an avid reader, I don't understand how he could have missed Clancy.
16:10.27prpplagueTomW: ya asked a friend if he'd seen any of michael chritons movies, "i thought he just wrote for ER"
16:10.30TomWfile: I just finished "The Bear and the Dragon", good read!
16:10.39TomWprpplague: LOL
16:11.01ade|deskany good places to get ram for tuxs ?
16:11.07TomWoh, ye of little vision...
16:11.38TomWade|desk: Coast-to-Coast Memory
16:12.04TomWade|desk: specify you want 4k refresh, it is a special order for them, else they will give you 8K refresh.
16:13.37ade|deskok ta
16:15.06ade|deskoh bugger that .. international orders are a right faff
16:15.27file[bed]ade|desk: curse those filthy Americans eh?
16:15.31TomWade|desk: where you located?
16:16.01TomWade|desk: 'tis ok, we like those English'ers.
16:16.29TomWade|desk: we haven't had a war with them in ... over a hundred years, mate.  :D
16:17.38ade|deskwell the last time we lost a war on home ground was back in 1066.
16:17.42TomWade|desk: I really don't know why we don't already have some kind of free trade agreement with the UK, do you have to pay Custom Duties on stuff from the U.S.?
16:18.19ade|deskit cost me 19 squids just to get the tux into the uk
16:18.37ade|deski swear why make it up for each item as they go
16:18.39prpplaguesquids or quid?
16:18.56ade|desksquids == quid == pounds sterling
16:19.09prpplagueahh, learn somethine new everday
16:19.27prpplagueade|desk: not heard squids before
16:19.40ade|deskwhere you ffrom ?
16:19.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: they've got more names for their money then we do
16:19.47TomWade|desk: that is quite a Custom charge, what, 20% ?
16:20.05TomWade|desk: I'm in Pennsylvania (U.S.)
16:20.20prpplagueade|desk: hows the job market in the UK for IT stuff?
16:20.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you see that?
16:20.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: sounds like a call for the hack kit
16:21.04ade|deskshort term contracts are all there is , and few of them atm
16:21.19ade|deskbloody US economy
16:21.36prpplagueade|desk: now now, no swearing, lol
16:21.52ade|desksort it out please
16:21.55TomWprpplague: C++ is now considered a "High Level Language"?
16:22.02prpplagueade|desk: jk
16:22.56prpplagueTomW: hmm, i would consider it a reasonably high level
16:23.07ade|deskwould someone in US hit bush/ Fed Res guys into shape please
16:23.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: that sounds exactly like a call for the hackkit
16:23.38prpplagueTomW: you dis-agree?
16:23.51TomWade|desk: naw, cannot do that, we have too many "greedy bastards" raping cash out of large corporations right now... :(
16:23.53CosmicPenguinprpplague: its time to take over the world
16:23.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm gonna get an email writen up to this guy, see if i can get in with him
16:24.05CosmicPenguinprpplague: good call
16:24.20prpplagueTomW: i.e. the company i work for?
16:24.22TomWprpplague: never was a favorite of mine, I do extremely little (none) C++ programming.
16:24.32ade|deskTomW :lol
16:24.46TomWprpplague: If I had to, I could muddle through it, with a book.
16:25.10prpplagueTomW: agreed C++(other than FLTK) is not my favorite to use
16:25.37TomWade|desk: isn't that the new American Way?  If you can't make the money, steal it!
16:25.55ade|deskor go to war
16:26.00CosmicPenguinThe problem is, people try to shoehorn  C++ everywhere (like they do with most languages)
16:26.11CosmicPenguinIMHO, its C++ that makes FLTK the superior solution
16:26.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm getting pretty excited about the kit, lots of good press going on right now
16:26.26CosmicPenguinBut I wouldn't write Microwindows in C++, for example
16:26.28CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats awesome
16:26.38TomWade|desk: I don't know if you read the Dilbert comic strip, but that strip is right on the mark when describing the Corporate Mentality.
16:26.46*** join/#elinux sjhill (
16:26.52CosmicPenguinprpplague: Any time I can help, I'm ready, willing and able (and pixilated!)
16:26.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm hoping after the first 100 i can place a larger order and drop the cost much more
16:28.14ade|desksjhill: whats up ?
16:28.35ade|deski or i2 ?
16:29.05sjhillade|desk: i
16:29.05sjhilli have 3 of them
16:29.14ade|desksjhill :r3k ?
16:29.22sjhillade|desk: yes, (1) r3k and (2) r4k
16:29.38sjhillthe r3k was fine, both r4k's needed new batteries
16:30.01ade|desksjhill: do you use a EB machine to compile EL bits?
16:30.12ade|deskif so how ?
16:30.29sjhillnope, haven't done that
16:30.34sjhillshouldn't be difficult though
16:30.40sjhilldidn't i give you the toolchain stuff?
16:31.03ade|deskis it on your ftp ?
16:31.29ade|deskok ta will go get it .. what connection do you have ?
16:31.39ade|deskdont want to rape it
16:31.49sjhilli have dual T1's
16:31.55sjhillgo for it
16:32.04sjhilluse the uclibc ones
16:32.08sjhillmy glibc ones are out of date
16:34.41sorphinade|desk: damn pommies ;)
16:35.00ade|desktypical cant connect to the only uni machine that allows ftp thru firewall ..grrr
16:35.16ade|deskits lost the home mounts
16:35.36CosmicPenguinsorphin: I thought you said damn pornies.... I was wondering what you had against pr0n.. :)
16:35.38sorphinade|desk: you expected better at exeter? ;)
16:35.51ade|desksorphin: haven't been called a pomm in years
16:35.56ade|desksorphin: yes
16:35.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: nope.. pommies
16:36.12sorphinade|desk: ;)
16:36.33ade|deskcd /clustertmp/scratch/
16:36.42ade|deskwhoops wrong window
16:37.48prpplaguekergoth: ha one of our SCO boxes got r00t'd
16:37.57sorphinprpplague: serves it right
16:37.57prpplaguekergoth: came through the calendar server
16:38.36kergothprpplague: haha, doh
16:38.46sorphincoo actually used fedex gnd.. rock on
16:39.11sorphinand it'll show up monday
16:39.32sorphinorder yesterday, get it monday.. not bad for xmas rush
16:44.09CosmicPenguinFedex is on the ball... :)
16:47.17ade| support -->
16:47.26ade|desk(16:50:09) dave: what do you think has happened?
16:47.26ade|desk(16:50:46) ade: disk has gone out to lunch with bob  geldorf
16:47.26ade|desk(16:51:12) dave: or to be more exact?. . .
16:47.26ade|desk(16:51:17) ade: its gone
16:47.26ade|desk(16:51:38) ade: UX:ls: ERROR: Cannot access .: I/O error
16:47.27ade|desk(16:51:40) dave: do you know what was on it? (I don't know much about hebe)
16:47.29ade|desk(16:51:54) ade: everyone user idr
16:47.31ade|desk(16:51:58) dave: ahha
16:47.33ade|desk(16:51:59) ade: dir even
16:47.34ade|desk(16:52:11) dave: brb - going to the server room to check it's raid array. . .
16:48.00fileade: lol
16:48.28ade|desk(16:54:23) dave: it's not looking good
16:48.28ade|desk(16:54:34) dave: the raid controler has a red light...
16:48.54prpplagueade|desk: loud buzzing noise? lol
16:49.11kergothprpplague: i *hate* that sound
16:49.18kergothprpplague: the raid controller "oh shit!" sound
16:49.36fileI like my old CD-Rom drive, whenever it would read certain CDs it would make a loud screeching sound
16:49.36ade|desk(16:54:34) dave: the raid controler has a red light...
16:49.36ade|desk(16:54:34) ade: whats happend?
16:49.36ade|desk(16:54:43) ade: oh shit
16:49.56ade|desk(16:56:11) dave: I don't know exactly, I'm kinda drunk after an its staff party, so you're going to be lucky to get it up before monday, and if it doesn't happen by then, it'll be out till the 2nd
16:50.25fileade|desk: wow... lol
16:51.28CosmicPenguinWhats that reference?
16:52.16ade|deski always take the piss using his name .. sorry
16:53.02CosmicPenguinOh, I thought it was an obscure movie reference - I like obscure movie references
16:53.21ade|deskno sorry
16:53.57ade|deskoh christ the admin doesn't even know what ef0 is
16:54.42sjhillQueens of the Stone Age
16:54.53sjhilla cross between ac/dc and punk
16:59.08ade|deskone of the O200 has gone tits up
17:04.30prpplagueade|desk: and they probably make 5x more money :(
17:05.21ade|desksince i am a non working student : ITS staff earn way way way way more than me
17:05.41CosmicPenguinThats alot of ways... :)
17:06.17ade|deskguess i should have put an infinite amount of ways in really
17:06.23prpplagueade|desk: just send them an invoice afterwards, if they pay it, good, if not, your not out anything
17:06.43ade|desklol not a bad idea
17:07.33ade|deskand the ITS response to the problem ...
17:07.36ade|desk(17:13:14) dave: oh well I'm off home now - c ya in the new year :-)
17:08.59ade|deskmy fscking final project is on that machine ... how the hell do i right it up over christmas if the machine is dead as a dodo
17:10.08prpplagueade|desk: doh
17:10.27ade|desk> cd
17:10.27ade|deskcd: Can't change to home directory.
17:10.27ade|desk> pwd
17:10.27ade|deskUX:pwd: ERROR: Cannot determine current directory
17:11.05fileade|desk: go to their location and demand access to fix it?
17:11.25ade|deskall gone home for xmas
17:11.43filebreak your way in
17:11.48ade|deskand no way i'm i going to break in ... too many cameras
17:12.44prpplaguesjhill: no longer smokin crack eh?
17:12.51sjhillheh, nope :)
17:13.13sjhillthe best i ever did was to score the password file for 500 accounts
17:13.17sorphinall a buncha crack whores (female cracks that is ;) )
17:13.22prpplaguesjhill: is that before or after you worked at broadcom?
17:13.45sjhilli called up the isp and explained to them what i did and how to lock things down
17:13.57prpplaguesjhill: ahh well i'm still cursing broadcom, we can get those damm 802.11b cards sent back
17:14.06sjhilli did it from an anonymous location....the admin was pissed, but it was his own fault
17:14.32sjhillprpplague: yeah, that major sucks
17:14.52prpplaguesjhill: i sniffed the local home depot's 802.11b about a year ago
17:14.58prpplaguesjhill: that was pretty fun
17:15.15fileprpplague: what'cha find?
17:15.35prpplaguei'll never tell
17:15.51fileprpplague: ahhhhhhh
17:16.22prpplaguekergoth: did you get an email from deb about her being out of the office?
17:16.31kergothprpplague: yeah
17:16.59prpplaguekergoth: i sent her back - "no, never, get back to work digi slave!"
17:18.25sorphindamn digi employees, all of em
17:19.21sorphinkergoth: that Z keyboard is cute, but will take some adapting
17:20.34kergothsorphin: yeah, it does. the thumb typing takes a bit of getting used to. works nice though
17:21.00prpplaguei actually find it very comfortable
17:21.13prpplaguethe only i don't like is the shift isn't sticky
17:21.15sorphinprpplague: well, we heard you're used to small things
17:21.24sorphintake it to the nudie bar
17:21.24prpplaguesorphin: ha ha fun
17:21.30sorphinit'll be sticky after that
17:21.37prpplaguesorphin: doh
17:22.00prpplaguekergoth: are they planning any changes for the shift key?
17:22.21sorphingo look at the 5600 :P
17:22.36prpplaguekergoth: you did say you are working on moving to input layer for the keyboard right?
17:22.53prpplaguesorphin: i'm familiar with the 5600 as well as the c700
17:24.00sorphini dunno if i like how the 5600 will be set up
17:24.08prpplaguesorphin: ?
17:24.14sorphinless ram
17:24.21sorphinmore flash, but totally protected
17:24.25prpplaguesorphin: ohh
17:25.04sorphin96MB Total
17:25.04sorphin32MB SDRAM
17:25.05sorphin64MB Protected Flash - secure memory for storing PIM info and applications.
17:26.28sorphinor is that actually better than current? (i.e. if the "backup battery" goes on the 5500, do you lose everything not in the original rom, or..  trying to figure the diff
17:27.45prpplaguesorphin: depends on which rom version you are using
17:27.53prpplaguesorphin: sharp yes, OZ no
17:28.31prpplaguesorphin: the OZ build is far superior than the base sharp rom
17:28.37sorphinso if i'm using the sharp rom, i lose anything not in flash.. OZ i don't
17:28.42prpplaguesorphin: the flexibility is great
17:28.48prpplaguesorphin: yep
17:29.13sorphindo you -lose- anything from the sharp rom worthwhile? (other than things that are still todo)
17:29.20prpplaguesorphin: we wonder on a daily basis why sharp doesn't snatch up kergoth to head their software team
17:29.36kergothprpplague: yeah i'm just about done with the new keyboard driver here
17:29.40sorphinprpplague: they don't want a digiwhore?
17:30.00CosmicPenguinprpplague: that would be Lineo though... :)
17:30.04CosmicPenguinkergoth: wanna move to Provo, Utah?
17:30.29levi_Would anyone really /want/ to move there?
17:30.31kergothCosmicPenguin: whats in utah?
17:30.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you mean motorola, lol
17:30.38sorphinlevi: you said it before me ;)
17:30.46CosmicPenguinkergoth: The company formally known as Lineo
17:31.18sorphinkergoth: bending over in front of the boss?
17:31.30CosmicPenguinNot to say anything bad about BZFlag and all, but Lineo *is* the company that thought it would be a good idea to lay off andersee
17:31.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya, that was bright
17:31.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: and andersee is glad they did in the long run
17:32.15sorphinbig biz does stupid things
17:32.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, but what kind of intellegent company fires Einstein?
17:32.49sorphinandersee != einstein :P
17:33.12sorphinandersee == busyboxboy/ulibcmaker tho
17:33.39CosmicPenguinsorphin: andersee is one of the top embedded engineers in the world, at this point though
17:34.39sorphinand he chooses to work for himself
17:34.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: that he does
17:41.30ade|deskmust say that was weird of lineo
17:43.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: saw TTT last night, was absolutly incredible
17:47.42*** join/#elinux as_ (
17:47.49as_Evnin all.
17:48.14as_prp :]
17:48.17as_How goes?
17:48.59prpplague#dd if=/tmp/yesterday of=/dev/today
17:50.17as_And unfortuntly very similar with linux.
17:50.17prpplagueas_: sorry geek joke, "same stuff, different day"
17:50.46as_I guessed at 'same as everyother day'.
17:57.27as_I still dont get the /tmp/ bit though, nm.
18:29.08CosmicPenguinandersee: wb
18:29.28anderseeCosmicPenguin: morning
18:29.30CosmicPenguinandersee: question - does genext2fs handle > 8MB file systems yet?
18:29.45anderseeCosmicPenguin: nope.  And IMHO it never will.
18:30.02CosmicPenguinandersee: damn
18:30.14CosmicPenguinandersee: I really hate being root to do an ext2 buildroot.  Really, really bad
18:30.38anderseeCosmicPenguin: I plan to write a new tool (hopefully over christmas) to replace it using the libext2fs library
18:30.50CosmicPenguinandersee: how can I help?
18:30.52Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: is cramfs instead :)
18:31.26anderseeCosmicPenguin: You can _already_ do most everything needed using mke2fs and debugfs...
18:31.31CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: yeah, I guess....  its for a CF though, and I would much rather have a filesystem I can traverse on my development system as well
18:31.51Russ|werkyou can mount cramfs anywhere
18:31.53Russ|werkeven loopback
18:32.12CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: yeah, I know... but you know what I mean, right? :-)
18:32.26Russ|werkyou mean make changes to?
18:33.23CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: yeah, ocassionaly, I would want to do remote update or something fun like that.  Also, I'm not sure if GRUB can handle cramfs
18:33.46Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: it can with my patch
18:33.47anderseeRuss|werk: BTW, did you ever send your cramfs patch upstream?
18:34.01Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: you get a crc too
18:34.10Russ|werkandersee: yes, but the gnu people don't really care
18:34.14CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: I might be interested in that.....  send it to me?
18:34.16CosmicPenguinibot: CosmicPenguin
18:34.22methinks cosmicpenguin is Jordan Crouse or, or "Man - If I had a dollar for every time somebody said the word "assload" while discussing my computer skills, I would be home free... "
18:34.46Russ|werkibot: Russ|werk
18:34.49i heard russ|werk is chained to this nick, so you don't need to worry about that
18:34.54Russ|werkibot: Russ
18:34.56it has been said that russ is on crack
18:35.03Russ|werkgeee, thanks
18:35.25anderseeibot: andersee
18:35.27you are, like, Erik Andersen (
18:35.42sorphinibot: andersee is also on crack
18:35.44okay, sorphin
18:35.50sorphinibot: andersee
18:35.52i guess andersee is Erik Andersen (, or on crack
18:36.21sorphinibot: sorphin
18:36.23sorphin is sorphin.
18:36.29andersee~lart sorphin
18:36.29sorphinibot: botsnack
18:37.24sorphin~fishslap andersee for being a busyboy
18:37.28ACTION slaps andersee up side the head with a wet fish for being a busyboy
18:38.15Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: its really nice having the crc, I always check the crc in my flashing program before flashing
18:38.41CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: did you mess with mkcramfs, or just blob?
18:38.50andersee~lart sorphin
18:38.58Russ|werkmkcramfs adds a crc
18:39.12Russ|werkmy application on my device that receives and flashes the image checks the crc
18:39.23Russ|werk(not blob)
18:40.16CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: what if I want to use blob?
18:40.22CosmicPenguinAs a boot loader
18:40.36Russ|werkblob has cramfs support as well
18:40.52CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: I did not know that...  now I have absolutely no reason not to use cramfs
18:41.08Russ|werkyou don't like compression maybe?
18:41.25CosmicPenguinAnd for persistant storage, a seperate ext2 partition, which I hate doing, but what are you going to do?
18:41.53CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: ok, send me your patches (or at least the URLs) and I'll play with it
18:42.07CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: oh, yeah - I'm assuming that mkcramfs knows all about devices.txt?
18:42.17Russ|werkI don't have patches :(
18:42.34CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: URLS then?
18:42.35Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: I've sent the devices.txt stuff upstream, but I don't know if its applied yet
18:42.46Russ|werkthe automake stuff in grub *really* sucks
18:42.52Russ|werkthey put as much stuff on a line as possible
18:43.18Russ|werkso making any changes, makes a substantial diff, and tons of conflicts even a few days later
18:43.54CosmicPenguinYour search - mkcramfs devices.txt Russ - did not match any documents.
18:44.40Russ|werkI'm sending an email though
18:47.21Russ|werkto make diffing grub worse, they include autogenerate files in CVS
18:53.13anderseeCosmicPenguin: http:///
18:54.22CosmicPenguinandersee: sweet
18:56.37anderseeCosmicPenguin: Russ did most of the work.  I worked it over somewhat further.
18:57.11Russ|werkandersee: what did you change?
18:57.25anderseeI'm not sure that is right
18:57.50anderseeCosmicPenguin: argh
18:57.55anderseeCosmicPenguin: Don't use that one
19:00.02Russ|werkandersee: you wouldn't mind just telling me rather than me diffing diffs
19:01.23anderseeRuss|werk: I'm trying to remember.  That diff I just posted was my first attempt -- doesn't work properly
19:01.34anderseeRuss|werk: Ahh.  Found the right one.
19:01.59anderseeRuss|werk: I updated the device table parsing code, per current mkfs.jffs2
19:02.22anderseeRuss|werk: mainly just merging updates I'd added to the mtd tree
19:05.58Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: you should have an email with 3 attachments, and some info on what to change
19:15.40prpplagueRuss|werk: your boards showup ok?
19:15.49Russ|werkgot it all assembled
19:16.23prpplagueRuss|werk: oky doky
19:16.36prpplagueRuss|werk: sorry for the long delay
19:16.53prpplagueRuss|werk: blonde bimbos in shipping
19:16.57Russ|werkthats ok, I have received them
19:17.04Russ|werkno blonde hairs on the package though
19:22.10anderseeRuss|werk: The above show my little changes
19:22.22anderseeRuss|werk: Nothing too major
19:22.50prpplagueRuss|werk: those boards look like what you wanted?
19:25.07prpplagueRuss|werk: ok good, glad some one could use them
19:29.21CosmicPenguinandersee: thanks
19:29.29anderseeRuss|werk: here is my diff vs yours
19:29.47file[bed]patch here, patch there, patch everywhere
19:31.08Russ|werkthanks andersee
19:32.30CosmicPenguinxmas party time... :)
19:35.37prpplagueRuss|werk: how hard is it to solder tssops by hand?
19:37.33prpplagueinteresting chip -
19:40.47sorphinprpplague: depends on the chip
19:40.52sorphinand the size of the tsop
19:41.28prpplaguesorphin: need to use special soldering equipment?
19:41.47sorphindon't *have* to
19:42.10sorphinbut you need a good pencil tip, flux, good eyes (magnification), and a steady hand
19:44.51Russ|werkprpplague: it depends...
19:44.56Russ|werkdo you know what you are doing?
19:45.04Russ|werkI've watch people do it in under 5 seconds
19:45.31Russ|werkflux, and a wide tip iron
19:45.41sorphinRuss|werk: um... wide tip?
19:45.55Russ|werkyou pour some flux on
19:45.59Russ|werkzip down one side
19:46.04Russ|werkzip down the other side
19:46.10sorphinzipping can be dangerous :P
19:47.03prpplagueRuss|werk: i'm pretty good with a nice fine tip soldering pencil
19:47.35prpplagueRuss|werk: PWM signal?
19:47.50Russ|werkprpplague: I don't solder well, but if I wanted to, I would know where to go and learn..just sit and watch
19:48.10Russ|werkprpplague: you mean 'Early warning power-fail interrupt'?
19:49.07prpplagueRuss|werk: i'm looking at some lcd bias chips that are digitally controled, it says the settings can be controled with a PWM signal....
19:50.04Russ|werkpulse width maybe?
19:50.18sorphinpulse width modulation
19:51.10prpplagueahh thats it
19:54.12Russ|werkthanks andersee
19:55.51prpplaguesooooo much to learn, so little time, so few brain cells left
19:56.18sorphinprpplague: need
19:56.20sorphinprpplague: more
19:56.26sorphinprpplague: beer
19:57.23sorphin<homer> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer... <homer's drooling sound> </homer>
19:57.58Russ|werk~/<homer> when I was 17, I bought my very first beer...
19:58.01sorphinkergoth: actually, i think it's "need more beer, and need less wife, amen"
19:58.07kergothsorphin: hah, good point
19:58.44sorphini wish there was some decent local places instead of just comp useless
19:58.52sorphini have having to ship everything
19:58.58sorphinand it taking 3 years to get here
19:59.10sorphinbecause it costs 3x as much local
19:59.34*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
20:01.35prpplague"dear God, we thank you so much, for on my plate is a juicy steer, we are greatfull, that we also have beer, amen"
20:01.52sorphinnoe drr
20:01.55sorphinnow see even
20:01.57sorphinthis sucks
20:02.11sorphincompuseless has a 256M CF card for $91
20:04.41prpplaguesorphin: with worldcom discount card $291
20:05.10sorphini prolly won't be associated w/ wcom after Jan
20:05.41prpplaguei'm probably electrocute myself with this lcd bias stuff
20:05.49prpplagueor let some magic smoke out
20:05.53sorphinserves you right :P
20:05.57Russ|werksorphin: you don't have a frys?
20:06.10sorphinRuss|werk: umm.. not in MO, no..
20:06.27Russ|werksorphin: or some nice local oem that nobody but computer stores know about?
20:06.45Russ|werksorphin: you ever order from or
20:06.58sorphinthat's where i got my athlon MB
20:07.06sorphinfrom newegg
20:07.10Russ|werkis it to cold in MO for computer stores to survive?
20:09.25kergothRuss|werk: throw a #include <linux/slab.h> in backlight_input.c
20:10.17prpplaguekergoth: still working on the bl/fl stuff
20:10.35kergothprpplague: working on other things atm actually
20:10.36prpplaguekergoth: i'm reading up on how to build the lcd powersupply stuff now
20:10.41kergothprpplague: ah cool
20:10.48Russ|werkprpplague: fun, maxim-ic documents?
20:11.23prpplagueRuss|werk: ya
20:12.04prpplagueRuss|werk: the lcd bias voltage seems pretty easy, but i'm having problems finding some info on ccfl backlight stuff
20:14.09prpplagueRuss|werk: there are some off the sheld inverters but all i can find is 12v inputs
20:14.17prpplagueRuss|werk: not good for portable
20:15.30Russ|werkI would think maxim would have that stuff
20:16.03prpplagueRuss|werk: they do, but the docs seem a little vague
20:16.18prpplagueRuss|werk: read - "i have no idea what they mean"
20:17.01prpplagueRuss|werk: i've got some of these
20:17.22prpplagueRuss|werk: as well as some of these
20:19.39Russ|werkthe PWM now makes sense
20:19.55prpplagueRuss|werk: ya after i started reading about it
20:20.04prpplagueRuss|werk: i like the DAC control better
20:20.15prpplagueRuss|werk: could hook that to a GPIO fairly easily
20:20.41Russ|werkyou could always follow the heard and copy assabet
20:21.54Russ|werkI like the typical operating circuit of the 749 better...
20:22.37prpplagueRuss|werk: agreed, but it doesn't do anything for the ccfl
20:23.23*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
20:23.54*** mode/#eLinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
20:25.19prpplagueBZFlag: yo! xCTO!
20:26.27sorphini hate credit cards
20:27.35file[bed]no new mail... oh joy
20:31.03Russ|werkinteresting... seems to respond to any connections with an auth attempt
20:33.03file[bed]Russ|werk: mmm Road Runner...
20:35.31Russ|werkinteresting music...
20:41.01Russ| is the same way
20:50.32prpplaguecrap i can't seem to find a 5v inverter
20:59.04sorphindoh :P
21:02.40prpplagueRuss|werk: does the assabet ship with a lcd?
21:08.04BZFlagRuss|werk: try I think my tcpd is setup to try auth on connections.
21:09.40sorphinRuss|werk: destroying their phones even more?
21:10.35BZFlager not
21:23.42prpplagueRuss|werk: i don't see on the assabet schematics that a inverter is on the board
21:24.04prpplagueBZFlag: you a place to get 5v ccfl inverters?
21:24.12prpplagues/you/you know
21:40.00*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
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21:57.55sorphinugh, or maybe i won't
21:58.04sorphinthe damn CPU costs 699.95
21:59.42fontenotmore than a p4 3GHz
22:00.42sorphinyeah, and it's only 1ghz
22:04.26prpplaguesorphin: lack for howto's for newbies on lcd stuff is driving me nuts
22:04.47sorphinprpplague: didn't we just go through this a few weeks back?
22:05.05BZFlagwell, we hit it, but we didn't go through it. ;-)
22:05.44sorphin~fishslap bzflag for being a smartass
22:05.50ACTION slaps bzflag up side the head with a wet fish for being a smartass
22:06.46sorphinok you CF addicts
22:06.56sorphinwhat would you say is a good price for a 256M cf card
22:07.06prpplaguesorphin: ya well, just because i got one lcd working doesn't mean i totally understand it
22:07.17prpplaguesorphin: $5
22:07.18Russ|werksorphin: $67
22:07.33sorphinprpplague: ok you cheap ho
22:09.16sorphinany of you zaurus ppl bother w/ screen protectors?
22:09.19Russ|werksorphin: just realize, you can buy them *new* for $67
22:09.29sorphinRuss|werk: these are new
22:09.49sorphini generally buy new unless the price is overkill
22:10.01Russ|werkthey are also going for more than $67
22:10.15sorphinRuss|werk: umm.. not the ones i'm looking at
22:10.21sorphin256MB COMPACTFLASH 25X Compact Flash CARD *2
22:10.29sorphin256MB COMPACTFLASH 25X Compact Flash CARD *3
22:11.29sorphinprolly gonna buy a few.. 3 or 4
22:15.22Russ|werkwhere do you see these?
22:15.55sorphinfor example
22:16.00Russ|werkI see
22:16.03sorphinthat guy is selling al lthe ones i'm watching
22:16.09Russ|werkI would expect them to jump towards the end
22:16.19sorphinwe'll see i guess
22:16.29sorphini expected the zaurus to jump
22:16.33sorphinbut i got it
22:16.47Russ|werkbut how many people were bidding?
22:17.08sorphini sniped
22:19.06sorphinthe guy that i got my zaurus from, was selling 3, they all were jumpy, but i managed to sneak in and get mine at 275
22:19.29sorphinpast auctions is a good indicator, but can't always predict the future :)
22:19.53Russ|werkits a commodity
22:20.31sorphinso is some of the other stuff i've bought before
22:20.42Russ|werkat least the shipping is only $6.90
22:20.45sorphinjust gotta catch the right auction
22:23.34sorphinRuss|werk: newegg wants 81 for that same CF i'm watching
22:23.43BZFlagif you want non-ebay...
22:24.04sorphinBZFlag: all i want is cheap :) doesn't matter where
22:25.08sorphinwhats w/ the speed ratings? 8x-12x the ones i' mwatching are 24x.. sound like a damn cd/dvd drive :P
22:29.38BZFlag $68
22:30.15sorphinah yeah, digime.. i was looking at their usb pendrives the otehr day
22:30.18Russ|werksorphin: mwave wants $67
22:30.36BZFlagfree shipping?
22:32.15sorphinfree shipping is a Good Thing (tm)
22:37.29sorphinya know.. CF is an interesting thing in the sense.. things are called CF whatever cards, even if it's not flash.. heh
22:38.11sorphinok, easy Q here..
22:38.26sorphinCF or mmc prefered? (if you can do both, i.e. w/ the Z)
22:38.47prpplaguesorphin: technicaly all CF card are handled as memory devices
22:38.56Russ|werkI think smartmedia is nifty
22:39.28sorphinwait a sec
22:39.40BZFlagand the ones that are flash are called memory cards my most folk.
22:40.10sorphinso.... i could use the smartmedia cards i have floating around for my olympus ?
22:40.33Russ|werksorphin: use them for what?
22:40.41BZFlagsorphin: on the Z I'd recommend mmc cause it keeps the cf free for network cards etc.
22:40.55prpplaguesorphin: same here
22:41.23sorphinif i can use my smartmedia cards (i.e. they are "mmc"s), that's a good thing :)
22:42.31sorphinis a smartmedia card == an mmc card that can work in the Z ?
22:42.34sorphinyes or no
22:42.41Russ|werknot that I know of
22:42.55Russ|werkI just think they are nifty because they are so small
22:43.02sorphinRuss|werk: bah :P
22:45.26sorphinsure looks a lot like my smartmedia cards
22:46.00prpplagueRuss|werk: hey, i need to pick your brain on lcd stuff
22:46.21sorphinStep 1: Beer
22:46.31sorphinStep 2: More Beer
22:46.36prpplaguesorphin: eat dirt, you can't fault someone for trying to learn
22:46.46sorphinStep 3-12: Repeat steps 1 and 2
22:47.01sorphinand here i was making the program fun :P
22:47.16BZFlagno SM will not work on the Z
22:47.21sorphinand i was kidding for fscks sake
22:47.25sorphinBZFlag: k
22:47.26prpplaguesorphin: ya ya
22:47.37*** part/#elinux sorphin (
22:49.01prpplagueits all fun and games till someones feelings get hurt :(
22:50.43Russ|werkprpplague: what did you need?
22:50.54prpplagueRuss|werk: make sure i have this logic right
22:51.07prpplagueRuss|werk: Vdd=+5v
22:51.14prpplagueRuss|werk: Vss=0v
22:51.46prpplagueRuss|werk: Vdd-Vee=+15v
22:51.56prpplagueRuss|werk: so Vee=-10v right?
22:52.52prpplagueRuss|werk: ok, still learning
23:17.57*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:34.34prpplaguelater guys
23:34.40prpplaguebe back in tomorrow

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