irclog2html for #elinux on 20021216

00:12.18prpplagueanything new on the webpals?
00:18.59*** join/#elinux sjhill (
00:20.24filehi sjhill
00:22.48sjhillhi file
00:23.07filehow goeth it?
00:23.28sjhillpreparing for trip to Denver, CO tomorrow for an interview
00:23.38filego visit scanline
00:23.43fileoh wait
00:23.45filehe's in Boulder
00:23.58*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:24.26filescanline: comparative geekness?
00:25.01filesjhill: mmm yeah
00:25.46filesjhill: you could always impress him with your color Nino!
00:25.51sjhilltrue true
00:26.02fileand then steal some pepsi
00:26.36filegoing to lay down and let this virusscan go
00:27.27sjhillhey sorphin
00:29.28prpplaguesorphin: of course he is deranged, he's a teenage geek living in canada, who wouldn't be?
00:31.07Lethalprpplague, gotta start somewhere ;P
00:34.20sorphinprpplague: actuallly i was more refering to his weird obsession w/ sjhill's nino, and talking about crap like stealing pepsi.. wtf..
00:34.40sorphinprpplague: i know other canadian geeks and none (thankfully) are that weird
00:36.03prpplaguesjhill: are they flying you out first class? lol
00:36.19sorphinprpplague: no, they're making him fly in the cargo hold ;)
00:36.49prpplaguesjhill: AA group #13 ?
00:37.17sorphinas macgyver said at one time... "economy class"
00:43.47sjhillyup, i'm flying coach...i expect nothing more from Echostar...they're the cheapest company i've ever seen
00:44.28filesjhill: ic
00:46.00Lethalsjhill, they're doing mips now? I thought they were still using those idiot geode boards ;P
00:56.14sjhillLethal: nope...Broadcom parts....well, they might have done a geode board, but they're moving to MIPS
00:57.42Lethalcool. thats quite a bit better then natsemi x86 ;P
01:00.19sorphinsjhill: ahh so they want you for your previous Int Prop knowledge ;)
01:00.56prpplagueLethal: around the office we just call them national-disgrace
01:02.47Lethalprpplague, fitting.
01:02.47Lethalprpplague, 'round here we call them glorified paperweights :P
01:04.12sjhillsorphin: nah, they already have all the IP knowledge
02:18.34*** join/#elinux TomW (
02:19.16TomWThat site for the webpal linux source is still down.
02:31.57sorphinTomW: btw.. seems i was too cheap
02:37.35TomWsorphin: why is that?
02:39.38sorphinit took work just getting through a pencil and barely made a dent in a screw.. and yet that thing's supposed to cut a nail?
02:40.38TomWWell, they didn't say how long it would take to cut through the nail...
02:40.58TomWThey may have used an Aluminum nail.
02:42.25TomWOne thing, if you use the carbide cut-off wheels, make sure you use eye protection!  If those discs disintegrate, they shower peices at pretty good velocity in unknown directions.
02:42.56TomWIt doesn't take much to bust one of those carbide disks.
02:54.47sorphinwell, it's going back
03:00.28kergothBZFlag: hey tim
03:03.09TomWsorphin: Time for a Dremel?
03:03.35sorphinTomW: mebbe
03:04.00sorphinBZFlag: some people are still voiced over there ;p
03:04.31TomWonce that comes back online, I am going to suck his site dry with wget.  The put the linux source into my cvs.  
03:04.40TomWHe has been down for over two days now.
03:04.58sorphinweb prolly overloaded him ;)
03:05.04sorphinwas prolly running ON a webpal ;p
03:05.13TomWI wonder if he knows.  I see a posting on that BBS where he was down earlier this month as well.
03:06.59TomWNo rest for the weary.  A customer called to say that the DAT tape drive on his windoze NT box died about a month ago and he just found out about it today.  He has been doing daily backups and when he attempted to restore some stuff yesterday, he found that the tapes were all blank.
03:07.25TomWNo error messages from NT that anything was wrong.
03:08.08TomWThat's okay though, I have a new Linux workstation that is to replace that NT box.  The NT stuff will be running under VMware so he can run his apps.
03:08.57TomWsorphin: I picked up a 9mm 4Gig notebook drive at the computer show today for the WebPal.
03:09.01*** join/#elinux MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:618:424:2:0:0:0:2)
03:09.15TomWsorphin: it works ok, I partitioned it and tried it out.
03:09.42TomWhmmm, wonder if I still have 2mm connectors, I know I have 2mm cable.
03:11.28TomWyup, got 2mm cable, headers and connectors.
03:11.51TomWno freaking software though.
03:33.17sorphinfor wha?
03:34.10sjhillyeah, they back the NVRAM which holds the clock and the MAC address...if the battery dies, you can't boot IRIX
03:34.16sjhillshoot, you can't boot anything
03:35.01sorphinreminds me
03:35.08sorphinstill gotta get rid of this stupid I2
03:35.16sjhillship it to me
03:35.28sorphinit's a teal ;p
03:35.39sjhillthat's the color of mine too
03:36.19sjhillweighs in at about 50lbs.
03:36.47sorphinsomethin liek that, yeah
03:37.07sorphinspeaking of irix
03:37.13sorphinsend me blanks and i'll burn it
03:37.19sjhillmental note, taco bell plastic bowls do NOT reheat well in the microwave
03:37.47sjhill18 right/
03:38.14sorphinfor the base, if you want the .17 "upgrade" too, it's a few more
03:38.46sorphin3 more
03:39.30sjhillso 21 total then
03:39.39sorphinactually, i just counted
03:39.44sorphinincluding upgrades
03:39.46sorphinit's 16
03:40.08sjhillhow fast is your burner?
03:40.10sorphin.17 is 3 cds and base 6.5.14 is 13
03:40.49sorphini took back the 48x i had bought, cuz it's kinda stupid, i don't need to burn something in 2.5 mins, when this thing doesn't that THAT long anyways
03:40.53sorphini'm not that impatient
03:42.23sorphinmy name's not jordan crouse ;)
03:42.43sorphinas for this I2
03:43.01sorphinshipping was $40 to get it to me about.. and i paid $40 for it
04:02.57*** join/#elinux sieve (
04:12.37ade|outgetting rid of an i2 .. are you mad ?
04:19.03*** join/#elinux sieve (
05:27.19sorphinGPSFan: yo
05:27.30GPSFanhi sorphin: what's up?
05:27.42sorphinwell, since my zaurus will be arriving this week
05:27.52sorphinlooking through the cf gps devices
05:28.14sorphinmain one i came across is the pretec
05:28.25sorphinany experience w/ it?
05:28.50GPSFanah, some of the cf cards have sensitivity problems, or soI've read on gpspassion.
05:34.29GPSFansorphin: there seem to be a lot mor cf GPS's than when I last looked, they mostly have ugly bumps on the top though.
05:36.18GPSFansorphin: the does look nice though, Trimble chipset.
05:37.40kergoth`zzz.wubdiw 12
05:37.44kergoth`zzzgod i cant type
05:37.54sorphinGPSFan: heh
05:38.03sorphinCurrently only compatible with Pocket PCs running the ARM and XScale processors (such as iPaq 3600-3900 Series, HP Jornada 560 Series, Casio E-200, Toshiba e540, etc.)
05:38.18sorphinzGPS might be able to work w/ it tho
05:38.20kergoth`zzznote to self: kernel development when drinking is not as productive as kernel development when sober
05:38.33sorphinkergoth`zzz: never stops prpplague
05:38.44kergoth`zzzsorphin: lol
05:38.53GPSFansorphin: probably because they are using Trimble binary protocol.
05:39.09sorphinonly 8 sats
05:39.41GPSFansorphin: this one has a smaller "bump"
05:41.36GPSFanthe antenna lookd like it is from Sarantel.
05:42.52sorphinyou could use that antenna on the pretec LP
05:43.21sorphincuz it has an mmcx connector
05:43.57GPSFansorphin: as long as the power out the antenna connector is compatible.
05:46.03sorphinsaw my comment about the LP only having 8 channels ?
05:46.23sorphinwhereas the non LP has 12
05:47.23sorphingpspassion gives the LP a D
05:47.46GPSFanyep, that was sop, a few years ago, after moving up from 1, then 2, then 5. 12 is now commonplace with a few at 16.
05:48.42GPSFanwhen I said nice, I meant from a power drain point of view. Trimble has been in the GPS business a long time, and make some great survey instruments.
05:50.32sorphinthe holux GM-270 gets an A and uses the SiRF IIe/LIP chipset
05:57.52GPSFanyep, lots of SiRF devices out there, time for Zzzzz nite all...
05:58.19*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
11:58.56*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
12:18.58*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
13:32.17*** join/#elinux Morn (
14:22.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:17.07*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([
15:26.11*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
15:38.05CosmicPenguinsieve: where is your partner in crime?
15:40.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: speaking of crime, hello mr criminal ;)
15:41.22CosmicPenguinyou talkin' to me?
15:43.16sieveCosmicPenguin:  He's here I assure you.  :)
15:47.47*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
15:52.55sorphinspeak of the devil
15:52.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
15:52.57sorphinand he appears ;)
15:53.14sorphinprpplague: mornin satan
15:53.33prpplagueand he has a sucibus set aside for you!
15:56.44sievemmmmmmmmmm.... sucibus....  if only I were so lucky to have one..
15:57.58*** join/#elinux levi (
16:03.37sorphinprpplague: sup bitch
16:03.48prpplaguesorphin: sup lackey
16:04.13sorphineh.. my dvds showed up that i bought off ebay.. (no, not girls gone wild :P )
16:04.28sorphinother than that. nothing.. the webpals should be at home waiting for me when i get home
16:09.20sorphinprpplague: so when hte hell you opening the nudie bar bitch? :P
16:10.37prpplaguesorphin: sooooon i hope
16:11.42sorphinwe'll all come down for the opening ;)
16:16.14sorphinprpplague: just for you
16:16.15sorphinwhere you can look at a thigh
16:16.15sorphinand blacken an eye
16:16.15sorphinat the nudie bar
16:16.16sorphinwhere they show you their butt
16:16.18sorphinand their trap stays shut
16:16.20sorphinat the nudie bar
16:16.24sorphinwhere you can't touch a breast
16:16.26sorphinbut you can cave in a chest,
16:16.28sorphinat the nudie bar
16:16.46prpplaguesorphin: naw, no fighting at the nudie bar
16:17.01sorphinok, then it guess it's only
16:17.07prpplaguesorphin: thats the bar down the street, its called "Mom's Place"
16:17.10sorphinwhere the girlies dance
16:17.10sorphinin their underpants
16:17.11sorphinat the nudie bar
16:17.34sorphinso that one and hte 2nd one
16:23.24sorphinprpplague: at the nudie bar, where the breasts are all fake, but boy do they shake, the nudie bar
16:24.03prpplaguesorphin: lol, ya well, IMHO the real thing is better
16:24.46sorphini know, me too
16:24.54sorphintwas just another Al quote
16:25.03sorphinfor me, if they ain't real, i won't even mess w/ em
16:29.14*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:29.14*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
16:29.15*** join/#elinux sorphin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:31.46prpplaguere guys
16:33.19prpplaguecan anyone else get /.?
16:41.02CosmicPenguinOk, question - if I try to run getty on a serial port: /sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100
16:41.14CosmicPenguinAnd getty is running, but I get no output on the serial port, what did I foul up?
16:41.55prpplaguewhat is the -L for?
16:42.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i don't see that as a documented flag
16:45.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: its a force local flag, so we don't do carrier detect
16:46.17CosmicPenguinI've always just done it
16:47.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, you must be using a different getty than i
16:47.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: usually that is in the terminal definition file
16:47.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: are you using a /etc/gettydefs file?
16:48.15CosmicPenguinprpplague: its tinylogin
16:48.22CosmicPenguinprpplague: so the answer is no
16:48.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh, i've not used tinylogin as a getty before
16:49.09CosmicPenguinprpplague: except on the tuxscreen, of course... :)
16:49.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: naw, i still use a custom buildroot of my own nightmare making
16:49.54CosmicPenguinprpplague: ouch
16:50.18CosmicPenguinWell, anyway, getty is running (in a D state, I might add), and nothing appears on the ol' serial port
16:50.35CosmicPenguinAnd the serial port works, because we get output from the kernel
16:50.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, checked to make sure you got correct "polarity" on your rx/tx lines
16:52.34CosmicPenguinprpplague: if its good for the kernel, it should be good for userland, right?
16:55.22sorphinkergoth: you? sane? riiiiight
16:56.18kergothsorphin: hey ya never know, had to check
16:56.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: is this an arm plateform?
17:02.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: x86
17:02.53prpplaguekergoth: you debugging?
17:03.12kergothprpplague: working on a newer Z kernel atm. havent even started on the NET+50 stuff yet
17:03.16kergothprpplague: but yeah
17:03.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok, from the examples i have no -L usage and no termtype argument
17:03.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: are you using bb init?
17:04.08prpplaguekergoth: ya printascii is a life savor
17:04.35prpplaguekergoth: funny thing is, no-one every tells the newbies its around :|
17:04.45kergothprpplague: i only happened by it when searching list archives
17:04.59prpplaguekergoth: lol, on my notes page i have it documented
17:05.24kergothprpplague: i know, i didnt know about it then :)
17:05.40prpplaguekergoth: i'm planning to get back to writing docs soon :)
17:06.14prpplaguekergoth: ya i found it in the list archives as well
17:07.15prpplaguehmm webpals should be here :)
17:07.33kergothprpplague: should note somewhere in your notes that it occasionally helps to edit printk.c and change the console loglevel from 7 to 9 to see KERN_DEBUG :)
17:11.25prpplaguekergoth: well, if you get in a bind, i ordered a large number
17:12.17prpplaguekergoth: doesn't the loglevel change to 9 when you compile with the kernel debug turned on it the kernel?
17:14.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: yes on the bb init
17:14.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: and all of my working serial ports use -L and the termtype argument
17:14.44CosmicPenguinprpplague: one more thing, echo "" doesn't seem to work
17:15.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: interesting
17:18.25*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:18.25*** join/#elinux scanline (~micah@aden2-142-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
17:18.25*** join/#elinux sorphin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:19.46CosmicPenguinWow - is the net under attack today?  
17:19.58CosmicPenguinSlashdot seems to be down, can't stay up
17:20.20CosmicPenguinDogs, cats living together.  Mass hysteria!
17:20.28sorphinnext thing you know
17:20.38sorphineverything will be running microwindows instead of windows :P
17:20.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats almost as smart as running a major portion of the internet backbone on FDDI
17:22.49CosmicPenguinheh - I just got some Italian pr0n spam
17:25.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya something is going on
17:25.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we are see tons of traffic trying to hit some of our firewalls
17:27.18sorphinall i'm seeing web wise is my usual influx of nimda/codered
17:27.52sorphinkergoth: :)
17:28.08sorphini just wish it wouldn't accidentially flag stuff as spam that isn't
17:28.19kergothkernel panic dumps almost always get hit
17:28.22sorphinelse i could dump to /dev/null instead of caughtspam
17:28.23kergothhad to tweak my config
17:30.18CosmicPenguinkergoth: I use spamassain as well, but recently I've been examinng all of my spam to see what makes it all tick
17:30.44kergothCosmicPenguin: dont try to understand it :)
17:32.18CosmicPenguinkergoth: I like to see if I can send crap to the "unsubscribe" url
17:32.41CosmicPenguinlike http://dirty.rotten.spammer?op=unsubscribe&email=kissmyass
17:39.33CosmicPenguinSo, whats the news with our webpal friends?
17:39.49sorphinmine shall be at home waiting for me tonight
17:40.05prpplaguemine is suppose to be here in an hour or so
17:43.22CosmicPenguinany word on the RS232 stuff?
18:19.24sorphinallo russ
18:19.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: there's the man that would know ;)
18:21.49Russ|werkI haven't started any design yet, should I lay out a panel?
18:24.02sorphinRuss|werk: prolly cp's gettign impatient, and we can't do anything w/ these w/o the boards
18:26.07Russ|werkk, I'll put together a panel then
19:08.41prpplagueRuss|werk: got your stuff yet?
19:09.51prpplaguei have webpals!
19:11.00kergothprpplague: spiffy
19:13.41Russ|werkI have mine
19:13.54prpplagueRuss|werk: was the keyboard in a different box?
19:14.03prpplagueahh ok
19:14.06Russ|werkall the batteries leaked though
19:14.10prpplagueRuss|werk: eww
19:14.16prpplagueRuss|werk: what about the stuff i sent?
19:14.25Russ|werknot yet, that is due wednsday
19:16.34sorphini had leaked batteries w/ a tivo i bought one time.. fscking sucked
19:19.54Russ|werkmy gf had fun reading the battery package though, since it was in korean
19:20.13Russ|werkso the batteries weren't a total loss
19:20.48sorphinshe just speaks korean or is korean?
19:21.42Russ|werkboth, but not as her first language
19:21.43prpplaguehmm, i wonder if an isa pcmcia slot would work in the webpal
19:21.56sorphinprolly would work ok
19:21.57Russ|werkprpplague: it'd be hell to setup in the kernel, but probably
19:22.00sorphinjust no DMA
19:22.11Russ|werkand only one irq line is tied in
19:22.24kergothprpplague: how much flash/ram is on this thing, do you know?
19:22.26sorphinwell, i can set the irq to use on my card
19:22.31Russ|werk1M flash
19:22.38kergothnah ot
19:22.40sorphinRuss|werk: or if you're lucky, 2
19:22.46kergothprpplague: (re the sdk digi's sending you, not hte webpals)
19:22.47kergothprpplague: ;)
19:23.25sorphinRuss|werk: wait a sec, she's korean but he 1st lang isn't korean?
19:23.30prpplaguekergoth: i was told 4meg flash and 8meg ram
19:24.09prpplaguesorphin: what was the story on upgrading the ram?
19:24.15sorphinquit crossing topics here :P
19:24.25sorphin</digi sdk> :P
19:24.30prpplaguesorphin: i've got a ton of 72pin sims
19:24.38sorphinprpplague: that should be fine
19:24.53sorphinit's edo, from my understanding
19:25.04sorphinyou can put in more than 32M, but it won't use it
19:26.33kergothprpplague: k
19:28.38prpplaguekergoth: is that what you got?
19:29.18kergothprpplague: hell if i know, all i have is docs on the fucking software and OS
19:43.56*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
19:44.04sorphinGPSFan: afternoon
19:44.22kergothits a monday, and i'm 1) productive, 2) awake, and 3) nothing is exploding
19:44.25kergothI'm scared.
19:44.33sorphinkergoth: i'll fix that
19:44.39kergoth~lart sorphin
19:44.59sorphin~fishslap kergoth for being a digibitch
19:45.03ACTION slaps kergoth up side the head with a wet fish for being a digibitch
19:48.22kergothibot: botsnack
19:48.22thanks kergoth :)
19:54.51sorphinthis is someone's sig on the car forum i'm on
19:54.55sorphin" Twas the night before exam week and all thru the dorms, not a student was studying, this was the usual norm. Kegs in the kitchen, jello shots in the hall, thanks to the liquor, it was a late night for all. Passed out all around, the kids all slept tight. When they woke up the next day, they thought, "Man, whatta night! We're too hungover to study!" they shouted with cheer. "So to hell with exams, just bring on the beer!!""
19:56.20kergothsorphin: lol
19:56.29kergothsorphin: i need to put that in my fortunes db
19:56.38sorphinkergoth: sounds like a prpplague college story ;)
19:57.02kergothi was trying to drink a lot of cognac and still kernel develop last night
19:57.07kergothboy was *that* a bad idea
19:57.14sorphini saw
19:57.29prpplaguesorphin: ha, naw, i was a real geek, didn't get invited anywhere
19:57.34kergoththankfully i fell asleep before doing any real damage
19:58.00prpplaguesorphin: i didn't start drinking till i joined the army......or maybe it was when i got married, can't remember
19:58.09sorphinprolly when you got buried
19:58.12sorphinwhich means
19:58.19sorphinjordan's turn is next ;)
19:59.00*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
20:08.17CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm having no problem drinking now
20:09.55*** join/#elinux hexamonnexus (~thistledo@
20:11.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: we meant you'll drink far more ;)
20:11.42CosmicPenguinsorphin: I've had my share....
20:12.11prpplagueafter the pink floyd some "comfortably numb" is not about drugs, but rather having to deal with a wife :)
20:12.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: prolly not compared to prpplague tho ;)
20:14.58*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
20:14.58*** mode/#eLinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
20:15.13sorphinBZFlag: allo tim
20:15.22prpplagueBZFlag: hail to the CTO
20:15.43sorphinprpplague: Chief Trashcollecting Officer? ;)
20:15.48prpplagueBZFlag: or is it CTho
20:23.03Russ|werkcheif tho?
20:23.11Russ|werkwouldn't that be a chick?
20:23.50prpplagueRuss|werk: Chief Tech Ho
20:24.26prpplagueRuss|werk: because the ppl in charge of the technology usually get screwed :)
20:29.08sorphinprpplague: like everyone here ;)
20:29.41prpplagueanyone know if the vga out on the webpal is working under linux?
20:29.54*** join/#elinux TomW (
20:30.00sorphinTomW: lo tom
20:30.22sorphin1Z 5E9 966 03 5193 864 6
20:30.41prpplagueTomW: as has mine
20:30.45TomWWebpals made it to Horsham, PA. About 70 miles south of here.
20:31.15sorphinhtey left it on the front steps
20:31.15TomWStill no software though, the site is still down.
20:31.29sorphinLocation:    FS
20:31.29sorphinDelivered to:   US
20:31.35sorphinFS = front steps :)
20:32.29sorphinnow as long as it's still there when i get home ;)
20:33.12TomWmust be a pretty large box. That should be, what, 22 lbs?
20:33.22sorphinmine is, yeah
20:33.24TomWtempting container, eh?
20:33.28sorphin2 webpals and a firewire card
20:34.35TomWI won't be here when mine get in, I have a whole lot of work to do on preping some linux workstations and a linux server tonite.  Then I have to run one of the workstations back up to the site and finish the install there.
20:34.59sorphinTomW: we won't be able to do anything w/ them tho anyways till we get the serial boards
20:35.03sorphinis my understanding
20:35.20TomWat least they aren't windoze boxes. But, then, if they were windoze boxes it wouldn't be me that is working on them.
20:35.48TomWsorphin: I have MAX232 chips here to make the serial boards for my units.
20:36.04TomWsorphin: remember, I'm the guy that can solder?   :D
20:36.10sorphinso can i
20:36.12prpplaguei'm just gonna order some boards
20:36.25sorphinprpplague: you mean soon as russ makes the layout? ;)
20:36.26TomWprpplague: weenie
20:36.34prpplaguesorphin: no
20:36.53sorphinTomW: i'll solder the damn thing myself
20:37.09sorphini just need a fscking board to solder to
20:37.17prpplaguesorphin: you can order just the board
20:37.53sorphinpins the same on the non db end ?
20:38.15sorphinif so, we don't need russ to make anything
20:38.25prpplaguesame order? probably not, but that doesn't matter, as long as the signals can be matched
20:38.32TomWsorphin: maybe you'd better keep that dremel-lookalike until you get the boards.  Just so you have something to cut the plastic case with to mount your DB9?
20:38.46sorphinTomW: nah
20:39.02sorphinTomW: i used a drill bit to cut the aread out i used for my jtag connector
20:39.11TomWI used to "cut" plastic using my sodering iron, that is messy!  
20:39.18sorphinand a razor blade
20:39.26sorphinTomW: and very smelly
20:39.29prpplagueTomW: ya i remember those days
20:39.45CosmicPenguinwhen somebody makes a decision about the serial cards, they'll let me know, right?
20:39.47sorphini did that to cut the opening in the project box for my VFD display
20:39.49TomWmesses the tinning on the tip up something fierce.
20:39.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: just buy that thing prpplague posted ;p
20:40.08Russ|werksorphin: I can make a 10x14 pcb with rs232 boards and shanip2 boards, and maybe some jtag stuff
20:40.18Russ|werksorphin: a nice potporri
20:40.37sorphinshanip2 ? which is the one most usd now? 3 or 2?
20:40.47Russ|werkI wasn't aware of a shanip3
20:41.39CosmicPenguinsorphin: Cables will be very important because of the way the damn case is made
20:43.46sorphinok dammit
20:44.34sorphini coulda sworn there was a shanip3
20:44.39sorphinbut now of course
20:44.45sorphinfinding anything in the damn wiki
20:45.19anderseeRuss|werk: If you make some shanip boards, I'll buy 2
20:46.41sorphinyup, i knew there was one
20:46.56sorphin> Will one of the IP mod boards
20:46.56sorphin> (1,2 or 3) accomplish this or will a more complex board be needed?
20:46.56sorphinOne of these boards will be needed to record/playback audio from the
20:46.56sorphintuxscreen's speakerphone or handset. They all are supposed to do the
20:46.56sorphinsame thing, but they are different designs. The ShanIP 2 gives you the
20:46.56sorphinbest audio quality, and the ShanIP 3 uses the fewest components. ShanIP
20:46.58sorphin1 is the original Lucent design, but the external op-amp is unnecessary,
20:47.00sorphinamong other problems. Basically, use ShanIP2 unless you want to tinker
20:47.02sorphinwith the design of ShanIP3 to make it work better.
20:50.44sorphinthere it is
20:50.59sorphintis experimental, but it's on the schematics page
21:02.12Russ|werkshould I do both?
21:02.20Russ|werkbecause I need to make the panel not look panelized
21:02.52sorphinwell, i dunno how well if atall 3 works
21:14.16sorphinTomW: wake up solderboy
21:16.00TomWsorphin: naw, others did the Tux schematics.  I only worked from them and found some mistakes.
21:16.51prpplagueRuss|werk: i was wondering how you were gonna get away with doing more than one board.......
21:17.10Russ|werkmix them up, connect them with traces
21:17.25Russ|werkput a few interfaces along the edge of the board that look complex
21:17.55Russ|werkmake it look like a large io board
21:17.59prpplagueRuss|werk: how do you keep the traces from peeling when you cut them apart?
21:18.34Russ|werkconnect them to a 0805 footprint
21:19.12prpplagueRuss|werk: 0805?
21:19.31Russ|werkits a surface mount for a resistor or capacitor
21:19.49Russ|werk1205, 0805, 0603, 0402, etc
21:20.00TomWI like the 1206 package, you can hand solder those on, the 0805 is so tiny.
21:20.13Russ|werkthe 0805 is very hand solderable
21:20.24Russ|werkthe 0603 isn't (for me at least)
21:20.29prpplagueahh gotcha
21:37.40sorphini've done 0603 no prob
21:38.18sorphinonly thing that annoys me
21:38.32sorphinare the 208+ pin plccs
21:38.43sorphinor whatever the hell they are
21:48.10prpplaguedid anyone find the jtag on the webpals?
21:49.23sorphinonly person here so far that's even gotten to look at theirs yet is jordan
21:50.21prpplagueand me
21:52.41CosmicPenguinprpplague: I didn't see any JT
21:52.47CosmicPenguinDid somebody say they had one?
21:53.02sorphinhe was just guessing i think
21:53.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the chip is suppose to have a jtag IIRC
21:54.00CosmicPenguinprpplague: ah, the chip.  But not so much the board?
21:54.01sorphinprpplague: doesn't mean they brought it out tho ;)
21:55.53prpplaguehmm, no, i'm not seeing any reference to jtag on the chip either
21:56.23Russ|werkI looked at mine, I didn't pull up the pinout of the cirrus though
21:56.41Russ|werkprpplague: that would make sense, given that the flash is on a module
21:57.39Russ|werkI might be able to attempt a dimm socket<->ide interface
21:58.19sorphinwhy when we already have ide ?
21:58.33prpplaguesorphin: for reprogramming bricked sims
21:58.58sorphinheh, can't the bitch boot from the ide w/o flash? :P
21:59.13Russ|werknope...just like any board
22:00.14CosmicPenguinprpplague: they have scematics for a SIM burner on that website
22:00.37Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: can you give me a quick link?
22:00.57sorphinisn't that hte site htat's down? :P
22:01.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
22:01.27CosmicPenguinyeah, its down
22:01.30prpplagueya it looks like there are few lines that aren't use that could be played with
22:01.36Russ|werkosrphin: si htat a ofrm fo ipg altin?
22:02.33CosmicPenguinibot: rot13  osrphin: si htat a ofrm fo ipg altin?
22:02.33bfecuva: fv ugng n bsez sb vct nygva?
22:03.04sorphini typoed :P get over it
22:03.05prpplagueibot: rot13 wtf?
22:03.27sorphin~kill prpplague
22:03.31sorphinoh wait
22:03.35sorphinhe's already buried ;p
22:05.18prpplaguei kinda like this swapable flash
22:05.19sorphinyou killed ibot
22:05.25sorphinprpplague: here's an idea
22:05.33Russ|werkhe made a board to program it, but its complex
22:05.56sorphini'm gonna see if any of my cisco flash fits :P
22:07.17Russ|werkI always thought there were more than three address lines on ide
22:07.54sorphini thought there were
22:08.25Russ|werkguess not
22:08.35sorphinguess not
22:09.07sorphin15 data lines, 3 addr and other signals
22:09.21Russ|werkI guess I'll have to make a latch if I want to use IDE
22:09.42Russ|werkadr 0x0 = data adr 0x1 = addr latch
22:10.33Russ|werkhmm...people may prefer parallel port though
22:11.05sorphinRuss|werk: when i get to look at mine in person when i get home, i may have some thoughts
22:11.23CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: you don't like the flash concept then?
22:11.35Russ|werkwhich flash concept?
22:13.11sorphinRuss|werk: prolly CF
22:14.10CosmicPenguinon the webpal, why would you want to convert flash to use ide?
22:14.26Russ|werkif you brick the flash simm
22:14.41Russ|werkan easy way to eletrically connect it to a computer, would be IDE
22:17.38sorphini just love when every page google fines
22:17.44sorphinisn't english
22:19.49CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: fair enough
22:20.42Russ|werkide would require one ic, and a module
22:20.48Russ|werksocket thingy
22:21.15CosmicPenguinanyone have a tuxscreen handy?
22:21.30sorphinnope, mine are at home
22:21.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: same here
22:23.19CosmicPenguinI wanted a cat of /proc/devices
22:23.26CosmicPenguinBut I'll do it tonight when I get home
22:24.04CosmicPenguinHey, I finally got .MOV support built into mplayer
22:24.07CosmicPenguinpretty freeking cool
22:24.13Russ|werkactually, I could probably do parallel with 2 bit shifting ic's and maybe one more for logic
22:26.25Russ|werkhis setup uses a pic prototype board
22:34.12*** join/#elinux levi (
22:56.15prpplaguethis may sound like a stupid question, but..... why can't you connect the flash directly to a cf slot?
22:58.05prpplaguei wonder if you could use a disk-on-module core for the flash
23:00.30prpplagueRuss|werk: the lenght of the traces to the flash are pretty critical right?
23:01.29MonMothaCosmicPenguin: still want /proc/devices?
23:03.54Russ|werkprpplague: no
23:04.05Russ|werkprpplague: you can usually clock it at whatever rate you want
23:04.21Russ|werkcf slot plugs are expensive I think, and difficult to solder
23:05.28prpplagueRuss|werk: the connections won't be a problem i have some cf prototype stuff
23:05.49prpplaguei'm just wondering electicall what would be different
23:06.18Russ|werkcf would probably a pretty good fit, but there might not be enough address lines
23:06.40prpplagueon the cf or on the flash module?
23:07.27CosmicPenguinMonMotha: yeah, lay it on me
23:07.46MonMothaCosmicPenguin: one sec
23:07.54CosmicPenguinMonMotha: priv it to me, will ya?
23:07.58MonMothalet me bring up another minicom (have the ipaq on ttyS0 and the tux on ttyS1 :)
23:09.03Russ|werkprpplague: the flash module would because a "cf module"
23:09.39Russ|werkprpplague: I think most people would prefer parallel though, even if it requires a couple ic's
23:10.12prpplagueRuss|werk: i agreed, i'm just thinking aloud, i need to tinker with some of this and see what i can blow up :)
23:12.28Russ|werkthe simm slot will be the most complex, expensive part on the board
23:12.46prpplaguei'm wondering if i could just add a second sim slot so i can use to sticks at once
23:12.48Russ|werk72 pin through hole component
23:13.04Russ|werkprpplague: heh, you can use a memory DIMM and get two banks (as apposed to SIMM)
23:14.37prpplagueRuss|werk: but i want to swap out boards, i.e. reprogram one
23:16.44prpplagueRuss|werk: why could you not get one of those old 72-pin sim multiplier boards and use that?
23:31.54Russ|werkprpplague: ?
23:32.15anderseeRuss|werk: What device are we discussing here?
23:32.18Russ|werkoh, right
23:32.19Russ|werkI see
23:32.26Russ|werkprpplague: there probably wouldn't be room
23:32.44Russ|werkandersee: webpal
23:34.06prpplagueandersee: you not get one?
23:34.17anderseeprpplague: nope
23:34.26prpplagueandersee: not want one?
23:35.10prpplagueRuss|werk: there is a second chip pad on the simm board
23:35.21Russ|werkprpplague: oh, that
23:35.29prpplagueRuss|werk: whats the probablity of putting another chip there and it work?
23:35.29Russ|werkprpplague: its aparently populated on some webpals
23:35.54Russ|werkprpplague: so a pretty good probablity
23:36.26Russ|werkprpplague: with the ide connector though, I really only care if there is enough room for a bootloader, and a kernel
23:36.51prpplagueRuss|werk: agreed, it just the first time i've had some cheap memory to play with
23:37.22prpplagueRuss|werk: i guess the second chip would be hardwired to a higher address right?
23:37.28Russ|werkyou may be able to construct a DOC or NAND replacement simm
23:37.48Russ|werkprpplague: no, the second chip would be D16-D31
23:38.05prpplagueRuss|werk: ahh gotcha
23:38.54CosmicPenguinandersee: can't have enough arms... :)
23:39.07prpplagueor legs or kidneys
23:39.09Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: especially at $12.95
23:40.52prpplagueRuss|werk: why do suppose the  DQ lines are duplicated?
23:41.17prpplagueRuss|werk: for the second chip?
23:41.23anderseeCosmicPenguin: $13 bucks eh?
23:41.42anderseeCosmicPenguin: How much ram can it take?  How fast?
23:41.52file[laptop]point me in the right direction somebody
23:42.31prpplagueandersee: probably not this one :(
23:43.05file[laptop]I want it
23:43.27CosmicPenguinandersee: tis slow
23:43.35prpplagueibot: tell file
23:43.40CosmicPenguinandersee: 30mhz Cirrus
23:43.49prpplagueibot: tell file[laptop]
23:43.49file[laptop]wait a bloody second - where.. is.. Canada shipping?
23:44.11CosmicPenguinSucks to be a canuck, apparently... :)
23:44.21file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: your very right
23:44.26file[laptop]considering I could afford the thing
23:44.40anderseeCosmicPenguin: yeah, I think I'll pass on this one.
23:44.51CosmicPenguinandersee: I got one just for the fun of it
23:44.53prpplaguehell with all the stuff customs has taken that was shipped to file, they probably have a cray built in the back room
23:45.03file[laptop]prpplague: they only took your thing!
23:45.13CosmicPenguinandersee: I'm not cool enough to have people spontanously send me stuff.. :)
23:45.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not true
23:45.30CosmicPenguinoh, yeah... except for prpplague
23:45.35anderseeCosmicPenguin: Sure.  Does look fun.  I've just got boxes of unopened fun already...
23:46.57prpplaguei'm out here guys
23:46.57file[laptop]darn it
23:47.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: later - have a good one
23:47.08prpplaguetime to go work out, so i can drink more beer!
23:47.35CosmicPenguinThats LOtR day
23:48.17file[laptop]an ISA slot too?
23:50.31kergothshit, i havent bought my tickets yet
23:52.00CosmicPenguin2:30 Wed here
23:52.28CosmicPenguinGotta watch FoTR tomorrow night
23:56.06BZFlagah, fellowship.
23:56.26Russ|werkI just figured l and f might be next to eachother on a qwerty keyboard
23:57.19BZFlagthe extended FotR dvd rox. ;-)

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