irclog2html for #elinux on 20021212

00:04.43CosmicPenguinsorphin: have you been looking for larger memory chips for the webpal?
00:50.28*** join/#elinux andersee (
00:50.28*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
01:24.25*** join/#elinux TomW (
01:24.50TomWdoesn't look like any schematics exist for the webpal.  I am still looking...
01:25.24sorphinMonMotha: ups tracking #'s take a lil to appear
01:25.35sorphinTomW: they don't ;p
01:28.31TomWyeah, my webpals have fallen off the face of the earth into the UPS Ground system.  Amazing, they disappear for 4..5 days, and suddenly, they reappear again in the tracking system. spooky!
01:29.59TomWI wonder if UPS even knows where the packages are while in transit, or more likely, it is like the US Postal Service, people keep finding shit and tossing it into different outbound baskets until your local postman gets it.
01:30.07TomWwilly-nilly delivery
01:30.15sorphini can tell you
01:30.19sorphinsince i WORKED for ups
01:30.28TomWyou were a postal employee?
01:30.34sorphinUPS not USPS
01:30.54sorphinit gets scanned quite frequently
01:31.03TomWdon't want to have to dive for cover each time I see you (fear of you going postal).
01:31.06sorphinjust not everything shows on the website
01:31.30TomWsorphin: yeah, they don't want the customers to see how badly they operate?
01:31.30sorphinall the website shows is arrival and departure at each hub
01:31.44sorphinit's just unnecessary
01:31.57sorphinit scans when a sorter gets it
01:32.07sorphinit scans several otehr times along the way
01:32.14sorphinit scans when it arrives and departs
01:32.55TomWin their opinion, I would rather enjoy watching the anticapted package worm it's way through the system.  Kind of like watching CSCO on the NASDAQ.
01:33.13sorphinit's not meant for that
01:33.31sorphinyou wouldn't wanna see how its put on/taken off the truck tho ;)
01:33.39TomWyeah.  I got 16Meg FPM DRAMs ready for it.
01:33.54TomWsorphin: I've seen some of the results.
01:34.05sorphinsee the prob is
01:34.09sorphinw/ the volume UPS does
01:34.29sorphinyou can't take the time to be extra careful, you HAVE to put shit on the truck AS it comes to you (speed wise)
01:34.38sorphinso sometimes small shit ends up on the bottom
01:34.42sorphinthat's why you pack well
01:35.02TomWsorphin: and, in large boxes.
01:35.08sorphinthat too ;)
01:35.22TomWnot in small ones, yeah, I know that one.  Fill the box with "air".
01:36.39TomWI learned how to pack stuff for shipment while working my first job in electronics.  Part of my job was to help the shipping clerk pack boxes in the afternoon:  Electronics Bench Tester for Monroe Calculator Company.
01:55.13sorphinstupid fscking post office
01:55.26sorphinas usual DIDN'T leave my fscking package
01:55.38sorphinso now i have to have mom go pick it up tomorrow
01:55.48sorphinlooks like i need to waver w/ them too
01:55.53TomWyou got a yellow slip, eh?
01:56.45TomWI hate that crap, if I get a certified letter, I always have to go pick it up, the carrier doesn't even bother trying, they just write the slip out.
01:57.16TomWhmmm, time for an ice-cream sandwich.
02:06.14*** join/#elinux as_ (
02:08.09sorphinas_: freenet really needs better naming
02:09.36sorphinwhatever they call themselves now
02:09.50as_Oh, theyve always been freeserve.
02:10.10sorphinthat too
02:10.11sorphineither way
02:10.52as_Free probably refers to the phonecall.
02:13.33as_I thought Id solved a problem today, but its not fast enough.  Bugger.
02:15.05*** join/#elinux levi__ (
02:22.07MonMothawell, I hope I packaged this hdd well enough (I'm RMAing a dead drive under warranty)
02:22.39MonMotharetail HDD box (with the foam cut to surround it), then a bigger box filled with packing peanuts and those bags filled with air
02:23.45as_Just a tad.
02:24.07fileMonMotha: I think it's fine, unless you sending USPS
02:29.17MonMothafile: nope, UPS
02:29.35MonMothaI've actually had better luck shipping things USPS Priority than UPS Ground in terms of breakage
02:40.30bhimamon: *laugh* not surprising.
02:40.32bhimaUPS sucks.
02:40.48bhimajust went back to the kernel. and now it say " d"
02:41.20bhimawhat' the difference between "make zImage" and "make bzImage"?
02:42.47filebig and small.
02:44.02bhimainteresting. and, err. what makes the big one, err, big?
02:45.13bhimalinux on the arm is little normally, correct?
02:45.43as_Umm.  ARM is normally big I think.
02:51.45Lethalbhima, bzImage is a big zImage, mostly only x86 needs it for large zImages. most other architectures don't implement it.
02:51.45LethalARM can be either endian
02:52.59bhimayeah. I knew it was bi-endian. the newton is big-endian.
02:54.02as_bi-endian?  How does it switch?
02:54.15MonMothaI know iPaqs and Zauruses are little endian
02:54.21MonMothathough yes, ARM can be either
02:54.42bhima"Little endian hate we" -  VirtualPC about dialog.
02:55.02bhimaas: processor registers? :)
02:57.53as_A different processor mode maybe, but I'm unsure how they would make that compatable with previos CPUs.
03:01.19anderseebhima: "In Soviet Russia all machines were PDP endian"
03:04.20bhimawhat did the PDP do?
03:04.57anderseebhima: see /usr/include/endian.h
03:05.04andersee#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
03:05.04andersee#define __BIG_ENDIAN    4321
03:05.04andersee#define __PDP_ENDIAN    3412
03:05.37bhimaahh, it was 16 bit little endian? :)
03:06.02anderseebhima: seems
03:06.36as_Its a bit in the control register aparently.
03:15.13bhimaany suggestions as to where to look to find out why my kernel won't work? is there a moderaly up to date document describing building a tux kernel anywhere?
03:16.57MonMotha#define __ODDBALL_ENDIAN 1239
03:17.25*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
03:18.46sorphinoh goodie
03:20.31filecomputer backpack... mmm
03:21.11fileor Terrapin Nylon Mini Laptop and Drive Carrying case
03:22.57cpenguin_homefile: I've got one of those - fun and useful too
03:23.20filecpenguin_home: ...what?
03:33.22*** join/#elinux prpplague (
03:33.32cpenguin_homecomputer backpack
03:33.44fileI was tempted by it too
03:33.49cpenguin_homefile: 0oh, thanks for reminding me
03:33.52fileit looks nicer
03:33.55filewhat did I remind you?
03:34.10*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
03:34.31fileI've got a 3Com Etherlink III TP :)
03:34.45fileit's... b0rken I think, nothing a good Linux rewrite of it's EEPROM can't fix
03:37.43Lethalandersee, PDP-8 was middle, VAX FPU followed the same convention ;P
03:37.57prpplagueoh no......#elinux has been de-file'd
03:38.44fileprpplague: I'm going to sleep... so feel free to sling mud
03:38.55prpplaguefile: no mud, just jesting
03:39.07prpplaguefile: i was a teenage geek too
03:39.10fileprpplague: fine fine
03:39.34prpplaguefile: i was banned from a few bbs's in my day
03:39.50kergothprpplague: hah, i miss bbs'ing
03:40.07fileMay your 2.4.20-ac1 kernel crash less often!
03:40.09prpplaguekergoth: ya me too
03:40.16fileor perhaps not at all
03:43.15anderseeLethal: :-)
03:45.57cpenguin_home3com 3c509
03:46.45cpenguin_homeFrom back when network cards worked hard - this bad boy has a rj45, a BNC connector, and a 21 pin connector of some sort
03:47.11kergothcpenguin_home: AUI i'd say
03:47.52LethalAUI rules. cables make good weapons.
03:48.00kergothtrue that
03:48.48LethalI think I liked arcnet better though
03:49.19cpenguin_homeI remember arcnet, but I never encountered AUI
03:51.44prpplagueTomW: hey dude
03:52.11TomWjust finished gorging myself with ice cream.
03:53.01kergothice cream sounds really good, and i have none
03:53.19TomWalways a way to fix that problem.
03:53.59TomWWe had an ice storm today, stuff is melting off now, soooo.  I made a quick trip to the local gas & grocery.
03:54.09MonMothaAUI connectors are 15 pins
03:54.12Lethalthings were better with webvan .. none of that getting off your ass hype.
03:54.15MonMothanever seen a 21 pin one...
03:54.22TomWThen watched the hacker stuff on TLC for a while.
03:54.58cpenguin_homebbias - gotta install the new nvidia drivers
03:56.51TomWanyone here ever work for Sun Microsystems?
03:57.15prpplaguenot knowingly :)
03:57.35TomWLooks like the Programmers Guild is doing some kind of lawsuit against Sun & the H1-B visa stuff.
03:58.22prpplagueTomW: what they promised to sponsor them and didn't?
03:58.23TomWI was talking with a local programmer / AIX admin, he was telling me about the shit that has been happening due to H1-B.
03:59.08TomWAmerican software people losing jobs to H1-B workers, then not being able to get work as companies are hiring H1-B's instead.
04:00.44*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
04:01.16prpplaguehowdy cpenguin_home --mode nvidia
04:01.30TomWhis company just fired a Pakistani software guy for lying about his AIX experience.  They also hire a lot of Canadian workers 'cause they're cheaper to pay.
04:02.29TomWI've got a friend that admins at a local InTel subsiduary and he tells me about the H1-B stuff that is going on at that place.
04:03.39prpplagueTomW: ya well, techies in my area are also at the mercy of the employers
04:03.53TomWhow so?
04:04.09TomWcpenguin_home: about what?
04:05.08prpplagueTomW: because east texas isn't a "tech center", if you want a tech job here, you take what they pay, and since there aren't that many jobs here, most ppl accept because they don't want to move
04:05.18*** join/#elinux as2 (
04:05.52TomWyeah, guess that would be a problem.  Unless you live in a techie area, you have to take what there is.
04:06.54TomWFortunately, I live next to New Jersey and the Allentown, PA has a good software industry going on.  There is a lot of activity down in the Philadelphia area, about 70 miles south of me.
04:06.57prpplagueTomW: yep, problem is, a sysadmin job that would pay 75-100k in austin or dallas only is about 25k here
04:07.43TomWwe need another information technology boom so the demand goes up again.
04:09.03prpplagueTomW: fun thing is, you can get a job here in east texas and get alot of experience that you couldn't get in a big city
04:09.21cpenguin_homeprpplague: like sheep?  :-)
04:09.44TomWtrue, I always found that small companies are more apt to let you learn to do the job.
04:09.54prpplagueTomW: green sysadmins are often responsible for setting up lots of network stuff like frame relay and dds circuits that only senior sysadmins would get to do
04:10.15prpplaguecpenguin_home: sheep are a extra benifit :)
04:10.50TomWprpplague: yeah, 'cause the employer is too cheap to pay for experienced people.  The upside is that they allow the newbie to screw up while figuring it out.
04:11.00prpplagueTomW: exactly
04:11.18prpplaguebrb, need more beeeeeer
04:13.05TomWhmm, some story on Ziff Davis about Nvidia taking a shine to Linux.  Didn't I see another story someplace recently where Linux people were bitchin' about the poor quality of the stuff Nvidia has been giving them?
04:13.40prpplagueTomW: ya they've started keepin the drivers uptodate
04:13.53prpplagueTomW: still closed source kernel module
04:13.54TomWI think that I'll move that Ziff Davis bookmark from my magazine folder over to the entertainment folder.
04:14.39prpplagueisn't ZD now part of IDG?
04:15.54cpenguin_homeprpplague: I will take a closed source driver any day over no driver at all
04:16.01prpplaguecpenguin_home: agreed
04:16.35TomWcpenguin_home: what's the velcro for?
04:16.53prpplaguei was planning to get a booth at the up comming LinuxWorld in NY
04:17.06cpenguin_homeTomW: use your imagination... :)
04:17.08TomWcool, maybe then I'll go.
04:17.24prpplaguewhen i called to get the forms i needed, the guy got my email address and said he would mail them
04:17.40TomWprpplague: expensive?
04:17.42cpenguin_homeprpplague: Are you going to send your closest developers a free plane ticket then?  :-)
04:17.42prpplague(btw, linuxworld is run by IDG)
04:18.08prpplaguewell i got the forms, and it was sent via outlook express, and the forms were word docs
04:18.23TomWnow you got to decode them.
04:18.47prpplagueof course i have openoffice, but i called the guy and asked if he understood that this was for a _linux_ show
04:19.05prpplaguehe said "sure i do, get with the rest of the world and load ms-office"
04:19.07TomWheh, and he said "so?"
04:19.15prpplaguepissed me off something fierce
04:19.33prpplaguei'll never got to another IDG event again
04:20.42prpplagueTomW: this is the same asshole that spamed about 1800 ppl with a highlight of the linuxworld 2001 in SF with a powerpoint presentation
04:21.15prpplagueTomW: the "to:" line had 1800 ppl on it
04:21.18TomWbet that went over well.
04:21.29prpplagueTomW: and the file was 23mb
04:21.41prpplagueTomW: ya like a lead balooon
04:21.51TomWheh, wonder how many quota bounces he got back?
04:22.38TomWprolly scratched himself and wondered why they didn't all have HotMail accounts.
04:22.41prpplagueTomW: not as many as return flame mail, iirc the entire IDG network was down the next morning
04:23.46prpplaguei just don't understand ppl not gearing their marketing to their target audience
04:24.16Lethalprpplague, screw LWE. OLS at least has intelligent submission policies.
04:24.47prpplagueTomW: i'm gonna make a few voltage regulator boards this weekend from eagle
04:25.02prpplagueLethal: agreed, last year was my first trip to OLS, it rocks
04:25.13prpplagueTomW: ya
04:25.39prpplagueTomW: i'm using dip packages and gonna use a socket
04:25.43TomWyou'll probably need some to power the IDE drive in your webpal.  
04:26.03prpplagueTomW: there is a 5v source on the power supply
04:26.10TomWI saw on some site that the webpal draws about 750ma on the 5 volt supply.
04:26.16Lethalprpplague, LWE is a glorified /. refugee gathering place. last years was horrible ;P
04:26.42TomWa 4200rpm notebook drive is rated for 600ma 2
04:26.43prpplagueLethal: ya when i went to LWE sf it was a big dis-appointment
04:26.48TomW@ 5v
04:26.53cpenguin_homeprpplague: I keep telling you, you want a Geode for that... :)
04:27.04cpenguin_homeprpplague: unless you need a hand warmer, and then the ARM can help you with that
04:27.08prpplagueTomW: ahh, so we are gonna have to soup uo the ps?
04:27.17TomWyeah, Geode, I like those moon rooks myself.
04:27.30cpenguin_homeEveryone laughs, but thats because they don't know
04:27.35TomWprpplague: probably
04:27.38Lethalprpplague, the only redeeming aspect of LWE is parties afterwards. the Sistina one last year was cool ;P
04:28.06prpplagueLethal: ya well i really miss the linux expo sponsored by redhat in NC
04:28.14prpplagueLethal: that was a great expo
04:28.39prpplagueTomW: ought to be a good learning process
04:28.44prpplagueTomW: for me atleast
04:28.55LethalESC/ELEC were fun as well
04:29.28Lethalat least in SF
04:30.19LethalALS supposedly didn't suck as well, but I never got to one
04:30.27prpplagueme either
04:30.56prpplagueLethal: you ever hear of the great kanasas city disaster?
04:31.01Lethalmy only problem with ESC is everyone seems to have a common theme every year.. :P
04:31.08Lethalprpplague, nope
04:31.41TomWprpplague: I had a fellow programmer mention that his company was looking for a linux sysadmin...
04:31.55prpplagueLethal: it was aweful, some convention promoter who knew nothing of linux tried to put on a conference
04:32.17prpplagueLethal: it was nightmare, caldera, suse and redhat pulled out the day before the show
04:32.36Lethalah, I think I recall hearing about that
04:32.51prpplagueLethal: in most of the linux geek circle its just refered to as the kanassas city disaster, lol
04:33.18prpplagueTomW: yes?
04:33.29TomWlol, "the kanassas city disaster", good one!
04:33.36LethalI was at an equally bad one in toronto a couple of years ago. about 5-6 vendors actually popped up.. though bob young and some idiot from oracle did talks, which were equally poorly attended. even the coffee sucked :P
04:34.06prpplagueshit, if the coffee sucks, time to leave
04:34.08TomWprpplague: dunno, I turned it down at first, but still thinking about it.  Do I want a 7am..6pm job again?
04:34.39Lethalprpplague, indeed. which is precisely what happened, oddly enough, being stuck in traffic for an hour afterwards was more thought provoking ;P
04:34.46prpplagueTomW: hey if you need to $$, i some times wonder if i would be happer spending more time on my own projects
04:35.08prpplagueLethal: insights into kernel scheduling?
04:35.12TomWprpplague: $$ would be nice for a few years.
04:35.44prpplagueTomW: ya but before long you start to feel like a dirty slut :)
04:35.45Lethalprpplague, depends on your application. I'm not a fan of general purpose scheduling where one algorithm fits all.
04:36.22TomWprpplague: mmmm, wonder if they will do it as a contract work and I can ssh to work?
04:36.27TomWprpplague: ;)
04:36.41prpplagueLethal: ohh i was just kidding, "being stuf in traffic for an hour afterwars was more thought proviking" = thinking about kernel process scheduling?
04:37.12Lethalprpplague, ah. no, I don't remember at all what the subject of thought was at the time. couldn't have been overly meaningful ;P
04:38.32prpplagueTomW: well as long as you feel you enjoy the work or getting some education its a good thing, when you wake up one morning and say to your self " i really really don't want to go into work" , time to move on
04:38.43TomWprpplague: check this site out, talk about being clueless:
04:39.37TomWthey want you to create an account just to see what they might have.  No thanks, I look at and see how Linux jobs are doing in my area.
04:39.42Lethalspeaking of scheduling.. sched_find_first_bit() needs to be rewritten for SH
04:40.12TomWLethal: a little asm programming in your future, eh?
04:40.20prpplagueLethal: SH? hitachi processor?
04:40.22LethalTomW, past, present, and future, more like it ;P
04:40.28Lethalprpplague, yeah
04:40.53TomWLethal: yeah, IIRC, most of that bit stuff in the kernel is asm optimized.  
04:41.15prpplagueLethal: ahh, i tinkered around with some SH stuff in preperation for the PLW device project, but it never got off the ground
04:41.36TomWI always end up scratchin' my head over the Input, Output, Local asm crap of the gcc.
04:41.59prpplagueTomW: better than your ass
04:42.09Lethalprpplague, SH is a pretty cool processor.. SH-4 is definitely more fun then SH-3.. though presently I'm stuck in SH-2 hell ;P
04:42.58LethalTomW, inline assembly in gcc is pretty simplistic. my only complaint with gcc/binutils is when they try to get intelligent with optimizations by reordering instructions. on mips and such it does okay on o32, but on n32 it breaks everything.
04:43.15prpplagueLethal: i can relate, my employer has me working on integrating some imaging functions into their DB, boring as hell
04:43.23Lethalthey just have no concept of delay slots, its really annoying
04:43.32TomWprpplague: maybe I'll just put my resume in at my friend's place, take an interview and see how many single babes they have working there.
04:43.46prpplagueTomW: sounds like a plan
04:43.56Lethalprpplague, *ick*
04:44.07prpplagueTomW: go in, show them how good your are, then ask for a raise or your walking
04:44.10TomWprpplague: yeah, do something different for a diversion, goto an interview.
04:44.23TomWbut, I only have a Grey suit, no Blue one.
04:44.35Lethalprpplague, well, one nice thing about SH-2 .. no MMU really simplifies the tlb flushing ;P
04:44.35prpplagueTomW: grey is good
04:44.38TomWso, they cannot call me back for a followup.  :D
04:45.04prpplagueTomW: just pick up a nice "power" tie
04:45.28prpplagueLethal: i'm non-MMU challenged
04:45.42Lethalprpplague, first time for me ;P
04:45.44TomWWhy don't I just wear a length of hemp around my neck.
04:45.49prpplagueLethal: hows the lcd support on the sh series
04:45.55Lethalprpplague, also doing SMP on it ;P
04:46.01prpplagueTomW: hey it works for woody harelson
04:46.08TomWprpplague: non-mmu stuff ain't that hard.  uClinux.
04:46.28prpplagueTomW: ya just haven't dove into that pool yet
04:46.38TomWprpplague: isn't he the guy the CA cops picked up driving around aimlessly in his auto?
04:46.48Lethalprpplague, there's nothing integrated into the SH directly. you can get companion chips from HIT that have integrated LCD controllers.
04:47.04cpenguin_homeMan, there is nothing I hate more than libtool
04:47.08prpplagueTomW: thats what i thought but its been a while
04:47.16prpplagueoops that was for Lethal
04:47.18Lethalcpenguin_home, hack the bfd backend in binutils yet? ;P
04:47.25prpplagueLethal: the PLW used an epson controler
04:47.30TomWcpenguin_home: so, write a better one?
04:47.39cpenguin_homeLethal: eh?
04:47.44prpplagueTomW: you know the guy that played "woody" on cheers
04:47.55Lethalcpenguin_home, I'll gauruntee you'd have that more then libtool ;P
04:48.06Lethallibtool sucks
04:48.06cpenguin_homeTomW: I've got a better idea - non Linux users are SOL.
04:48.08Lethalbut its no bfd
04:48.10prpplagueTomW: hey always goes on jay leno only wearing products made from hemp
04:48.46TomWprpplague: he makes more money than I do, he can do what he wants to.
04:48.50prpplagueTomW: funny thing is that up until around 1910, more fabricts were made from hemp that cotton
04:48.57Lethalprpplague, 7751 also has PCI, so you can always just drop in something more standard ;P
04:49.04LethalSH-5 too
04:49.07prpplagueLethal: nice
04:49.16TomWprpplague: hmmm, guess if you get bored, you can smoke your clothing?
04:49.38bhimahmm. interesting. my office fridge is old. still uses R12.
04:49.42Lethalmy only complaint about it is that everything is VIPT
04:49.48prpplagueTomW: almost no content of the chemicals that most ppl associate with marajuana
04:49.56Lethalso aliasing issues are abundant
04:49.58prpplagueTomW: different bread really
04:50.00Lethaleven on write-through
04:50.11cpenguin_homeTomW: hemp is a very useful fiber
04:50.17Lethalbut then again, at least its not ARM.. ;P
04:50.21prpplagueTomW: kinda like the differences in mushrooms
04:50.24cpenguin_homeTomW: the first paper money in the US was made of hemp
04:50.44cpenguin_homeTomW: if you tried to smoke production quality hemp, it would just give you a ripping headache
04:51.25prpplaguethere is also a beer sold in california made from hemp
04:51.31TomWcpenguin_home: yeah, I know, once I tried that.  Was very young at the time...
04:52.32prpplagueTomW: nothing impressive on the beer side of things
04:52.49Lethalmaybe ARM6 will have real caches ;P
04:54.11Lethalknowing intel.. probably not :P
04:54.15as2Real caches?
04:54.27Lethalas2, yeah, as in not all VIVT :P
04:54.48Lethalas2, virtually indexed / virtually tagged
04:55.07as2Ive no idea what that means.
04:56.06Lethalthe only real win with VIVT is that you can store context info per-line. but at the same time, if you're running multi-threaded, you can end up having the entire dcache being one giant alias.
04:56.19Lethaland you have to flush all the time
04:56.22prpplaguewell i'm off to do some reading, 25/75........25% arm arm, 75% the two towers, :)
04:56.32cpenguin_homeprpplague: my webpal is in town
04:56.33prpplaguelater guys
04:56.33Lethaland its pretty much impossible to be coherent
04:56.34cpenguin_homeArrived, SLC
04:56.42prpplaguemine are in mesquite
04:56.59prpplaguenight all
04:58.39as2Historically ARMs usually dont include the memory controller, maybe that has something to do with it.
04:59.13Lethalas2, its an architecture design. in the case of ARM, the L1 uses virtual addresses for indexes/tags.
04:59.28as2But then they wernt intended to use premptive multitaking either.
04:59.36as2Ahh, rather than physical addresses?
04:59.52Lethalif your PIPT, you don't really have a whole lot to do
05:00.13Lethalif its VIPT, you have some aliasing issues to work out .. but you can have cache coherency and thus avoid a lot of useless flushing
05:00.19as2That would be why.  The MEMC has those, and its only recently ARM has had that on die.
05:00.26Lethalon VIVT you can't really be coherent
05:00.40Lethalso if you do multi-threaded, you can alias the entire cache
05:00.51Lethalwhich utterly kills any resemblance of what might be performance ;P
05:01.02as2That rather depends if you context switch.
05:01.20as2Which it was never intended for.
05:01.35Lethalyeah, but people are still trying to use it as such
05:01.37cpenguin_homeheh - jelly belly makes champagne flavored jelly beans
05:02.09Lethallike those morons who started shipping an XScale workstation
05:02.09as2If your trying to use methods the CPU was never designed for, then you should expect loss of performance.
05:02.40cpenguin_homenetwork go buhbye for 3 seconds
05:02.40as2RISCOS was a fabulous OS.
05:03.41LethalI don't have anything against arm really, but xscale needs work. the early revs were broken beyond belief.
05:04.07Lethalwhen I got my first dev board from intel, the errata exceeded the users manual in size :/
05:04.09as2Ive never heard of xscale.
05:04.39Lethalxscale is intel's successor to StrongARM. ARM 5 derived.
05:04.59Lethalutterly and hopelessly broken. just recently started becoming useable.
05:05.07as2Did intels own brand low power cpu die?
05:05.44LethalI'm not sure what the other ARMs run at, as far as power consumption
05:05.53LethalStrongARM and XScale aren't too impressive on that front though
05:06.14as2Under a watt for 200MHz IIRC.
05:06.18Lethalthey're relatively piggy, at least in comparison to SH and a good chunk of non-toshiba MIPS
05:06.40as2Which considering how old the CPU is is pretty damn good.
05:06.47LethalI have a 350MHz MIPS that's at 250mW
05:06.57Lethalwith the 20kc, they're aiming for GHz < 1 watt
05:07.15as2Yes, but they are in much later fab processes.
05:07.51as2Strongarm must be 6 years old.
05:08.13TomWcpenguin_home: radio shack
05:08.21LethalXScale isn't much better then StrongARM
05:08.28Lethalat least not from a power consumption stand point
05:08.33LethalI think it uses a little less
05:08.49Lethalbut with all the performance hits you take, who cares ;P
05:08.52TomWLethal: how far along is the SH support under Linux?
05:08.55as2If intel is doing it, its a lost cause.
05:09.40cpenguin_homeTomW: its pretty far along, from what I hear.  Montavista has all the usual stuff ported alredy
05:09.55LethalTomW, reasonably well along. currently does SH-3/4 on a good variety of boards. I just recently pushed in some stuff for caches that aren't direct-mapped, so that gets the new sh-4 stuff in. and I'm presently hacking in the mmuless and smp backends in place for it.. after which I have 64-bit stuff to drag in for the port ;P
05:10.45TomWLethal: yeah, the only thing about the mmu-less stuff is the memory fragmentation problem.
05:11.06LethalTomW, 2.5 has uclinux merged already, so its mostly a non-issue outside of arch-specific hooks.
05:11.14TomWLethal: unless DavidM or Gerg did some work on that lately.
05:11.18as2Actually, Lethal, do you have a good mips dissasembler?
05:11.44Lethalas2, not really. mips/mipsel-linux-objdump is what I typically use. green hills has some okay stuff too.
05:12.07as2Ive been using IDA, but its broken.
05:12.48as2Correcting its mistakes has become too time consuming.
05:13.10Lethalcpenguin_home, we had basic solution engine stuff working at MV when I was there and working on it, and I haven't seen anything else from jeremy since :P
05:14.50as2Do you do much low level mips?
05:15.49as2I'm currently having a hard time liberating a MIPS based box from part of its native software.
05:16.01cpenguin_homeLethal: don't tell me, they fired my company when my boss was hanging out in their competitors booth at Comdex a few years ago... :)
05:16.11TomWLethal: yeah, except that running 2.5 is an issue in and of itself.  :/
05:16.56TomWlater guys, time to become a pumpkin.
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05:21.47Lethalas2, software yes, hardware no ;P
05:22.26as2At the moment any help would be a massive improvement.
05:22.39Lethalwhats the processor/board and issue?
05:23.43as2VR4111, Yes and Yes in that order.
05:23.52Lethalah, vr4111 is fun
05:24.01as2You know it?
05:24.05Lethalno where near as fucked as 4122 and 4131
05:24.22LethalI did the vr4131 port for nec
05:25.10cpenguin_homeLethal: who did you work with at NEC?  Know a guy named Fred Finster?
05:25.14as2Very cool.  NEC wont give me any info for the chip that CPU is part of.  I'm starting to really not like NEC.
05:25.36Lethalcpenguin_home, yeah, I know him. grant brians was my primary contact though.
05:25.57Lethalcpenguin_home, I still have their internal kernel tree sitting around somewhere, utterly horrible mess ;P
05:25.59cpenguin_homeLethal: we made a Microwindows demo for the Harrier reference platform
05:26.15Lethalharrier isn't bad
05:26.28cpenguin_homeLethal: it was a nightmare board - the bootloader alone will drive you insane
05:26.33Lethalas2, what docs do you need?
05:26.54Lethalcpenguin_home, what loader did you have on it? all my shit I get from NEC has PMON on it.
05:27.13as2In a perfect world, anything regrading 'EMMA', the upd61030.
05:27.26cpenguin_homeLethal: we had some Windows CE loader... It was 2 years ago, so I don't remember the details, but I do remember it was touchy at best to use
05:27.37LethalEMMA stuff isn't easy to get at, I have a friend who did all the linux stuff for it
05:27.47cpenguin_homeLethal: if it helps as a reference, I thought the original Ipaq bootloader was much easier to use... :-)
05:27.59Lethalcpenguin_home, cyace? or something official? ;P
05:28.14as2All done under nondisclosure agreements?
05:28.16cpenguin_homeLethal: cyace
05:28.19Lethalas2, yeah
05:28.38Lethalas2, I have all the vr41xx and vrc41xx docs though, if you need any of those ;P
05:29.02Lethalcpenguin_home, cyace isn't too painful ;P
05:29.12as2They wont even consider me, told me they have to evaluate my project to determine if its suitable, and under my circumstances I wouldnt qualify.  Freindly people.
05:29.46Lethalas2, sounds typical. feasibility is directly proportional to the number of tens of thousands of units you wish to purchase ;P
05:30.02as2I think you hit the nail on the head.
05:30.12as2I have the VR4111 datasheet from the net, public info only.
05:30.30Lethalvr4111 isn't too much of an issue
05:30.36as2I have the MIPS programmers docs, but there seems to be errors.
05:30.45Lethalvr4122 and vr4131 there's a lot of internal errata stuff to watch out for that the docs don't even hint at
05:30.53Lethalas far as fucked caches and such go
05:31.18as2Do you happen to know anything about debugging by JTAG?
05:31.33LethalMIPS doesn't use JTAG typically though, it uses EJTAG instead ;P
05:31.49as2Yeah, but NEC dont seem to like EJTAG.
05:32.05as2This system isnt conforming to the mips EJTAG spec.
05:32.05Lethalno, but toshiba does ;P
05:32.18Lethalits about the only thing toshiba likes to conform with
05:32.31Lethalcrazy fuckers are trying to do smp r3k
05:32.36as2What are toshiba making?
05:32.50Lethalthey have a pretty wide family of fucked processors
05:33.06as2Damning with faint praise.
05:33.13Lethalthe tx39/tx49 are the entry level. r5900/tx79 is where shit gets weirder.
05:33.19Lethaltx39 is pretty cool
05:33.25Lethaltx49 I can't think of one good thing to say about it
05:33.30cpenguin_homeLethal: hardly - that processor is a beast
05:33.39Lethalmy tx49 reference board attempted to set fire to my desk
05:33.46cpenguin_homeTHe 3912 to be exact
05:34.04Lethalcpenguin_home, still entry level in comparison to tx49/tx79 ;P
05:34.21cpenguin_homeLethal: its an annoying processor, whatever its level
05:34.24Lethalcpenguin_home, its just stock r3k + ll/sc. which is why they're trying to push it as an SMP solution ;P
05:34.31as2Do you happen to know how the MIPS16 version of jalx is encoded, the doc I got from seems to be in error.
05:34.46Lethalcpenguin_home, of course. in our kernel at work I forcibly set CONFIG_FUCKED_CACHES if CONFIG_TOSHIBA_BOARDS is set.
05:35.12Lethalas2, no idea about mips16. never touched the stuff.
05:35.12cpenguin_homeLethal: cursing is always an option in that situation
05:35.18as2Oh, that reminds me, Where is the bootstrap on VR4111's?
05:35.54Lethalas2, you mean the entry point?
05:36.02Lethalas2, that's consistent across mips
05:36.05as2I normally expect a CPU to look a few bytes from the top of its address space to find the bootstrap pointer....  But in this system its nowhere neer the actual bootcode.
05:37.10as2What should it be?  And is everything normally screwed by address mapping?
05:37.12Lethalgenerally you'll always start at bfc00000. some people push it a bit higher then others. EJTAG entry for example is usually bfc00480
05:37.58Lethalwhich incidentally is also your reset vector
05:38.49as2The memory in this system seems to be from 9fc00000 to 9fdFFFFF, does that make any sense?
05:39.01Lethalthat seems broken
05:40.32as2I have a lot of what seem to be direct address references to 9fcxxxxx, and they corrispond to the start of text in the firmware.
05:40.42cpenguin_homelots of fun stuff to do
05:40.53as2L8r cp.
05:40.54Lethalthat definitely looks off, but it could be the case for your board
05:41.32as2Is it possible it boots at bfc and then alters its memory to 9fc?
05:41.58as2Hmm, on the other hand it may not matter.
05:42.15as2This CPU is missing a lot of address lines.
05:42.32Lethalwell, if its 9fcxxxxx then you're still under KSEG0
05:42.41Lethalwhich is a rather odd place to start out
05:43.06as2Ok, I have no idea what that means.  Whats kseg0?
05:43.13Lethalunless you have a full blown loader that starts out in KSEG1, sets up the caches and such, and then hops to KSEG0
05:43.25LethalKSEG0 is your cached kernel segment. KSEG1 is uncached.
05:44.06as2This only has 2M of flash operating at any one time, Id expect everything to be cached.
05:44.15Lethalusually when you're bringing up a MIPS, you run out of KSEG1 so you can deal with setting up things like sp/gp and the caches .. then after doing an initial flush switching over to KSEG0 and getting a performance boost.
05:44.29Lethalyou'll be mapped in both at once, but its wherever you do the access that determines if its cached or not
05:44.49as2This wont be bootloader code then.  This will be application code.
05:45.04as2Would this make sense for application code?
05:45.11Lethalapplication as far as a kernel, or some idiot userspace thing?
05:45.56Lethalwell, if you already have a loader in place, then it makes sense to be running in KSEG0, yes.
05:46.06as2Let me level with you about the whole problem.
05:46.33as2This is a satellite box a little similar to a directivo.
05:46.56as2But rather than run linux, it runs some gowaweful closed OS.
05:47.50as2I want to modify it to remove some of the software 'features' that are currently making life hell for me atm.
05:49.42as2I spent time hacking a different box, and got a hang of the software, but this box uses a completely different CPU to the old ones (They used ST20/Transputer CPUS) so I'm having to relearn everything from scratch.
05:50.12as2Any general suggestions?
05:51.07as2The main goal is to modify the box so I can transfer recorded MPEG to a PC.
05:51.22LethalI think I'm missing what you want to do? you have firmware loaded at 9fcxxxxx and you want to load your own stuff over top of it?
05:51.58as2I'm in the 'I dont have a clue how anything works' stage currently.
05:52.37as2I'm after understanding how parts of the firmware work before I worry about altering anything.
05:52.41Lethalstep 1: run to a book store and pick up see mips run ;P
05:53.03Lethaldefinitely a necessity for anyone wanting to do anything with mips
05:53.45LethalST20 -- that SH-2?
05:53.49as2I'm farmiliar with a few asm syntaxes, I dont think it will take me more than 2 or 3 months to be able to read the asm reasonably well.
05:54.00as2ST20 is insane.
05:54.25Lethalmips assembly is wonderfully clean and easy to read/write
05:54.31Lethalalpha assembly is almost identical
05:54.31as2IT has 3 32bit registers, and they are arranged as a stack.
05:54.44Lethalah, thats not SH-2 thing. sounds fucked.
05:55.07as2Be afraid of ST20, avoid unless you want to take a really bad trip.
05:55.22LethalI think the bad trip is likely what induced it in the first place ;P
05:55.37as2Claims to be 'RISC' has 8 bit instructions.
05:55.50as24 bits opcode, 4 bits data.
05:56.12as2And subinstructions are build on top with extensions.
05:56.48as2Its very very weird.
05:57.05Lethalsounds.. pretty damned useless
05:57.25as2Ever heard of transputers?
05:57.30Lethalnot that I recall
05:57.42as2Ahh, big buzz word in the mid 90's.
05:58.16as2Each transputer has 4 20Mbit links, and you wire them together for vast multi CPU processing.
05:58.31as2Ever heard of OCCAM?
05:59.48as2I'll take that as a no.  Anyway, it was a pretty radical idea at the time, and INMOS was eaten by STM, and the ST20 is basically the embedded version of a transputer.
05:59.59Lethaloccam's razor, sure, occam, no ;P
06:01.05as2Currently this box though is eating HDs.
06:01.13LethalST isn't too creative with their naming conventions
06:01.18LethalST40 is SH4 and ST50 is SH5
06:01.38as2I cant backup any of the data, so when Ive recorded stuff I dont want to delete I have to buy a new HD.
06:02.17as2If I could store to a PC, I could backup to CDR or DVDR when I get one.
06:02.59as2I know this can be done with tivos, but this is the next generation of console, and theyve learned all the security holes they needed to close.
06:05.16Lethaltivo wasn't overly smart
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06:05.30Lethalthe ide unlocking was a bit of a pain on them tho
06:05.38Lethalat least on the later ones that were locked
06:05.40Lethalearly ones weren't
06:05.41as_On tivos?
06:06.03Lethalthankfully they also dumped that god-awful ppc garbage for a mips solution ;P
06:06.03as_I'm in the UK, so I dont know a lot about tivos.
06:06.17as_Interesting, what MIPS?
06:06.31Lethaldon't recall, some r5k derived thing.
06:06.57as_The directivos Ive seen pictures of have ST20s in them as well.
06:07.12as_sti55xx chips.
06:07.47as_What should I be looking out for in a bootloader?
06:08.24Lethalin terms of .. ?
06:09.02as_Usual methods, structures....
06:09.38as_How are jumptables normally done?
06:09.45Lethalyou want to write a loader?
06:10.21Lethalactually, lets continue this discussion tomorrow. I should get to sleep.
06:10.37as_I want to understand this loader.
06:11.04as_I will look for it.
06:11.10Lethalits the closest thing to a mips bible you'll find ;P
06:11.42Lethalanyways, I'm out. later.
06:11.50as_I'm still scrabbling around atm, hopefully when part of this starts to make sense I'll calm down.
06:11.54as_Ok, L8r.
08:43.11BZFlaglooks like yopy now includes an open source mmc driver as well as the hh tree.
08:51.32*** join/#elinux as_ (
08:52.19anderseeBZFlag: is an mmc driver different from the ide CF driver?
10:26.09BZFlagmmc is a serial device.
10:26.26BZFlagsd can be a a nibble device
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15:26.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lo
15:26.45sorphinya know
15:26.49*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
15:26.53sorphini knew today was gonna suck as soon as i woke up
15:27.23prpplaguesorphin: ya well i knew why my son woke up a 4 am crying and won't go back to sleep
15:36.37sorphinwhys that?
15:37.40prpplaguesorphin: had a bad dream
15:41.51*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
15:43.23CosmicPenguinWhats the good word?  
15:43.48CosmicPenguinI'm going out of town tommorrow, that means I might not get my WebPal until Monday... :(
15:44.31CosmicPenguinAnd for us hardware-impared folks, whats the word on the TTL to RS232 converters?
15:50.33sorphinprpplague: heh, i live a bad dream :P
15:52.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: why out of town?
15:53.36CosmicPenguinsorphin: we are going to surprise my fiance's aunt on her birthday
15:53.36CosmicPenguinand when I say we, I mean her whole damn family, some 20 people or so
15:53.39sorphinwhen did your fiance tell you about this?
15:53.47CosmicPenguinsorphin: months ago, why?
15:54.00sorphinyou seemed like it caught you off guard
15:54.46CosmicPenguinsorphin: no, its just that UPS sucks, and I doubt I'll make it to the office tommrrow, so I'll have to call and have them hold it till Monday
15:55.17*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
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15:55.19CosmicPenguinStupid company, why couldn't they bother to have a shipping address?
15:55.28kergothBZFlag: hey tim
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16:09.35sorphinallo mr flag *grin*
16:16.33prpplagueBZFlag: bum, we expect individual "heys" :)
16:18.30kergothBZFlag: much better :P
16:19.02kergothhey scanline
16:19.35scanlinehi kergoth
16:21.39prpplagueBZFlag: much better, that'll get you a round of beer at OLS :)
16:21.40*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
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16:23.44prpplaguebtw, everyone, sieve is a co-worker here in the POS hell
16:24.50kergothhey sieve
16:25.00sievedammit,  prpplague...  Why can't you just let me lurk?
16:25.07sievehello kergoth
16:26.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: you owe so many people beer....  Someday we're all going to collect, you know... :)
16:28.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: attend OLS and i will, BZFlag can vouch i pay up
16:29.39sorphinprpplague: riiight
16:29.52sorphinnone of that guiness shit tho ;)
16:32.48prpplaguesorphin: you have whatever you want, "the cellar" has over 200 beers available
16:36.22CosmicPenguinprpplague: When is OLS?
16:36.28prpplagueibot: ols
16:36.32ols is, like, Ottawa Linux Symposium or
16:36.43prpplaguejuly 23-26th iirc
16:37.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: I should be there - I'll have to pay my own way, but thats the way it goes, I guess
16:38.30CosmicPenguinSend CosmicPenguin to OLS so he can drink lots of beer
16:38.35sorphinsince i know htis far in advance
16:38.39sorphini might show up ;p
16:39.23sorphinTim O'Reilly Says Piracy is Progressive Taxation
16:39.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well the weekend before OLS last years was the Ottawa internation beer festival :)
16:40.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'll be the one wearing the Microwindows t-shirt
16:40.55sorphini bet
16:41.32CosmicPenguinMaybe I can get National Semicondutor to send me some Geode swag... :)
16:41.32sorphinand prpplague will be the one drunk before we get there ;)
16:41.50prpplaguescanline: the ones that say "picogui, its not just another salsa!"
16:42.09CosmicPenguinprpplague: lol
16:43.46scanlinewell, time for a nap
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16:43.57sorphingee.. that as fun
16:44.35CosmicPenguinHmm..... I want to propose a Microwindows presentation - I know I could do a better job than Greg
16:44.43CosmicPenguinscanline: wanna do a debate at OLS?  :-)
16:47.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that sound fun
16:47.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: however i'd be more interest in hearing about intelligent widget sets
16:48.56CosmicPenguinprpplague: like scriptable GUIs?
16:51.37*** join/#elinux ashu (
16:51.58sorphinan IBM employee ;)
16:52.28sorphinprpplague: you brining more POS people in? ;)
16:53.27prpplagueashu: ha, which building are you in?
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16:54.55CosmicPenguinsorphin: don't knock the POSes man, they're a money maker
16:55.17sorphina money taker ;)
16:55.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: what do you think - is the POS market a lucritive one?
16:56.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: har, har
16:56.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh hell ya
16:56.37sorphinprpplague POS enterprises ;p
16:56.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: where else can you take a group of componets that normally would cost around $400 and change the name fro pc to pos and then sell it for $4000
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16:58.09CosmicPenguinprpplague: other than home media servers? :-)
17:00.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: good point
17:02.41CosmicPenguinprpplague: you have some of those AML M7100 units on site, right?
17:02.54CosmicPenguinprpplague: how easy is it to swap out the kernel with a home brew?
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17:05.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its a pretty standard implementation
17:05.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you could put blob on it easy
17:05.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we are testing with the pre-load stuff right now
17:05.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: however i plan on getting a home brew loaded later
17:05.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i want to loan one to scanline to get picogui running on it
17:06.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the only special stuff is the lcd resolution 160x160 and the barcode scanner interface
17:07.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the core of the unit is a sim board similiar to the trizeps
17:08.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the lcd is standard off-the-shelf, the scanner enginer is also, the battery is the type used in alot of camcorders special the sony
17:09.11CosmicPenguinprpplague: how much storage?
17:09.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i have had problems getting source from AML
17:10.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: 16mb ram/ 4 flash
17:10.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they are using compressed ramdisk
17:10.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: $1800 is a little expensive though
17:12.20CosmicPenguinprpplague: high margins for a low selling device
17:12.31CosmicPenguinHow many colors on the LCD?  Probably 4?
17:12.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well, we buy it for $1800 and sell it $3200
17:13.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we are shipping 22 tomorrow
17:13.29prpplagueour sales ppl are evil
17:13.46prpplaguei feel like i need to take a shower after dealing with them
17:13.56prpplaguewash off the slim
17:14.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you ever use hylafax?
17:14.40CosmicPenguinprpplague: nope - details?
17:14.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: fax application for linux, it has a flag where you can forward faxes as an email
17:15.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: our sales ppl charge $10k to turn on the flag
17:16.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: line item sale "Custom program for fax-2-email services"
17:16.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: can you believe that?
17:17.56prpplagueashu: i didn't know they had any embedded teams in austin....
17:20.28CosmicPenguinprpplague: nuts
17:21.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: I wonder what it feels like to sell your souls like that
17:21.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well, our customers seem to like having us "manage" everything
17:22.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its strange, but hey, as long as they keep signing my check and sponsoring open source dev
17:22.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats the spirit... :)
17:52.47prpplagueneeeeed webpal
17:53.37CosmicPenguinprpplague: mine is officially in UPS limbo by now
17:53.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: as is mine
17:53.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its been sitting in mequite for 2 days
17:54.54CosmicPenguinprpplague: mine is on the truck, but I have to go home for a few seconds right now, and I'll bet you $5 that there a "sorry we missed you" message on the door
18:10.28Russ|werkouch, ie+outlook png code excecution vulnerability
18:10.35Russ|werkthat'll be a new email virus
18:31.36Mornpng code ?
18:31.42Mornhow do you execute a png image?
18:32.40sorphinlast i looked
18:32.44sorphinIE can't even handle a png
18:33.09Mornif you load apples quicktime it can
18:33.33TomWpng is an executable format?!
18:33.33sorphini meant natively
18:33.49sorphini dunno what russ is on about
18:34.27Russ|werksorphin: yes it can, just not well
18:34.35Russ|werkthere is a heap overwrite thing
18:34.52Russ|werkso put executable code in your png, overwrite the heap, and then your code gets run
18:35.05TomWprobably not an exection vulnerability per se, but a stack / buffer exploit by sending IE an improperly formatted PNG?
18:35.25sorphinwon't affect me anyways
18:35.36TomWRuss|werk: figures, why does that _not_ surprise me?
18:35.41Russ|werktheir deflate implementation that they use for png is b0rked
18:36.15Russ|werkthe vunerable list starts with 'Internet Explorer 4.0'
18:37.57sorphin"Obviously Slashdot's parent's parent runs SourceForge, so insert whatever mental disclaimer and conspiracy theory you want here."   who fscking cares? he does that every story that even remotely ties to /.'s "parent" company.. big deal
18:47.13CosmicPenguinThere was indeed a "sorry we missed you" message, but apparently they left it with the neighbors
18:47.34sorphinalready? cool
18:48.00sorphinmine hasn't even updated tracking since it left california
18:48.21CosmicPenguinsorphin: you know that if they didn't, everyone would jump down their throats
18:48.30CosmicPenguinSlashdotters are such a picky group
18:48.51sorphinonly the trolls (granted that's 99% of the /. population
18:52.27CosmicPenguinHeh.... the preamble on that PNG advisory is hilarious
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18:53.57CosmicPenguinThey probably took more time writing that then Microsoft did writing the .PNG code... :)
18:59.59Russ|werkhow long was it between august and ie+sp1?
19:03.58CosmicPenguinA while
19:04.05CosmicPenguinDid SP1 come out in October?
19:22.58*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
19:31.44prpplagueok, i need to tele-comute so i can drink beer while i deal with these (l)users
19:34.44CosmicPenguinNot that any of us drink while on duty of course
19:38.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: suuuuuuuuuuuure
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19:39.45CosmicPenguinHave you guys seen Froogle?  
19:40.00CosmicPenguinThose crazy Google guys are at it again
19:41.02sorphinthe Froogle gourmet? :P
19:47.36CosmicPenguinprpplague: did you read the 6th entry down on that search?
19:52.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no, but i did now
19:53.06prpplaguehey feel like a train of bawdy boxcars barrelling out of a turd tunnel
19:53.22Russ|werkprpplague: I hate to be a pest, but you wouldn't happen to have a shipping number, do you?
19:53.35fileRuss|werk: you get used to being one
19:54.00prpplagueRuss|werk: no, but i'll head down in a sec
19:54.14BZFlag <- aw... ;-)
19:55.13BZFlag works though. ;-)
19:58.05CosmicPenguinZaurus does ok too
19:59.08sorphinok, kergothy gave me his opinion what about you 2? (on the zaurus)
19:59.19Russ|werk <- see: news
20:01.42CosmicPenguinThats a really useful utility
20:06.40BZFlagfroggle rox!
20:10.24sorphinBZFlag: *points at his zaurus comment* ;)
20:10.30sorphincuz i know you got one, you have everything ;)
20:13.13BZFlagsorphin: which comment?
20:13.50sorphinBZFlag: your opinion of it
20:14.02sorphinlooking at maybe picking one up
20:14.09prpplaguekergoth: just got off the phone with deb
20:14.24kergothprpplague: ah, and?
20:14.26prpplaguekergoth: looks like they are gonna quote a price on a print server
20:14.47prpplaguekergoth: 4meg flash 8megs ram with sdk kit
20:15.55kergothprpplague: nice
20:16.01sorphinprpplague: whats this about now ? :P
20:16.43CosmicPenguinheh - heres a fun one from the Google Labs:
20:16.49prpplaguekergoth: any idea what processor the digione embedded product is based on?
20:19.12prpplaguesorphin: we are pressuring our long time vendor digi into producing a print server that is unix/linux friendly
20:19.26prpplaguesorphin: possible even running linux
20:19.32sorphinwhy would you wanna buy anything from digi? they suck ;)
20:19.46prpplaguesorphin: well, they are willing, and no one else is
20:20.12prpplaguesorphin: if digi doesn't do it, we are going to go ahead with our own design
20:20.46sorphinbetter w/ your own design ;)
20:21.58prpplaguesorphin: ya well, we don't have the resources for keeping a good track of quality control
20:22.15prpplaguesorphin: we really don't want to design hardware, unless we have to
20:22.34Lethalcanon was working on one
20:23.00Lethalor at least they were the last time I talked to them
20:23.39prpplagueLethal: oh ya? we approached them about a year ago, and they laughed at us
20:23.58Lethalthis was a couple of months ago
20:24.10prpplagueLethal: i tried to explain using lynx or links to configure a printserver and they were total baffeled
20:24.23Lethalthey were using a vr4131 and were trying to get linux going on it, but were utterly clueless about its cache problems
20:25.05prpplagueLethal: vr4131? that would be nice
20:26.00Lethalthey were using the early revs, which were pretty heavily fucked
20:26.41Lethalessentially lacked coherency, Hit_Writeback_Inv_D didn't do the Right Thing(tm), etc.
20:26.51Lethaland it had aliasing issues
20:27.16Lethalif they bothered reading their errata they'd know these things ;P
20:27.42prpplagueLethal: hmm, seems digi already has a nice network module worked out, however its dual serial
20:27.57prpplagueLethal: we are looking at replacing one serial with a parallel port
20:29.56Lethalsounds like fun :P
20:36.31prpplagueLethal: i saw something on about sh8
20:36.45prpplagueLethal: did you every see the plw project?
20:38.11Lethalwhat's that expand to?
20:38.38prpplaguePortable Linix Workstation
20:38.55Lethalprpplague, there is no sh8, *looks at linuxdevices* .. you read H8S with some weird byte-swapping :P
20:39.09Lethalyeah, I remember seeing pics and stuff about that
20:39.25prpplagueLethal: doh, dyslexia
20:41.58LethalI love it when people do meaningful things like 'start_pfn = START_PFN;'
20:46.38Lethalthe preprocessor needs a damned stupidity flag
21:22.49CosmicPenguinHeh... absinc apparently just went off the air... :)
21:29.34BZFlagsorphin: if you want a linux based pda, zaurus keyboard a pricing beats ipaqs today.
21:29.40BZFlager and...
21:32.52*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
21:33.00prpplaguefreakin at&t
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21:39.07kergothprpplague: ill second that
21:55.36sorphinBZFlag: that also made no sense ;)
21:55.57sorphinprpplague: then stop using a POS for a router ;p
22:07.32MonMothahey, I have a POS that's a router
22:13.33CosmicPenguinPOS == Cisco
22:27.07prpplaguei hate imaging, i hate imaging, i hate imaging
22:30.37CosmicPenguindid CDDB go buh-bye?
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22:58.14as_Evnin all.
23:23.57MonMothaCosmicPenguin: I have an actual POS
23:24.02MonMothait's an old cash register
23:27.23CosmicPenguinMonMotha: it was a joke
23:28.10MonMothaCosmicPenguin: ah :)
23:49.38*** join/#elinux mastermnd (

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