irclog2html for #elinux on 20021210

04:17.36*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:52.03*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:03.54*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:07.54*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ([
09:31.45*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
09:31.46*** mode/#eLinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
19:17.43*** join/#elinux jvc (
19:23.03jvcAre you a detergent representative salesman?
19:25.12jvcOnly monosyllabes!? Anybody speaking about Linux cross compilers?
19:25.38CosmicPenguinsure - what do you want to talk about?
19:27.10jvcI'm a beginner. I've experience with OS-9. Now I tried to get gcc for MC68360.
19:27.43CosmicPenguinWhat type of processor is that?
19:28.24jvcMotorola 32/16 bit microcontroller for embedded systems.
19:30.49jvcHave you tried Linux embeded kernels?
19:32.28CosmicPenguinWhat instruction set does that processor use?
19:32.47jvcMotorola 680XX
19:33.13CosmicPenguinOk - Yeah, I know that processor
19:34.02CosmicPenguinwell, the compiler is 68k-gcc....
19:34.07jvcSix comm ports integrated comm processor. Very versatile and low consum
19:34.24CosmicPenguinYou can proably download it from several places, or you can always build it yourself from the source
19:34.47jvcI tried to compile gcc for 68k-coff. Ufff!
19:34.52CosmicPenguinDidn't work?
19:36.14jvcI compiled It from source. Compilation was very buggy, Installation even more.
19:37.17jvcI found some hacks in the net, bu I think coff is very hard.
19:38.21jvcCan you recommend a kernel/libraries for gcc?
20:09.07*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
20:11.59*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
20:34.06prpplagueBZFlag: does lineo distribute the ARM ARM with their dev kit
21:05.04BZFlagdon't think so, no.
21:05.12BZFlagI've got a PDF though. ;-)
21:05.55prpplagueBZFlag: ya as i do i, but i was just thinking about my new board
22:57.28*** join/#elinux levi (
22:58.52*** join/#elinux TomW (
22:59.28TomWWhat was that "voice" stuff about?
22:59.34CosmicPenguinI dunno..... :)
22:59.39BZFlagheh. just /me being obnoxious
23:00.09TomWI want my webpal toy, NOW!  Waaahhh!
23:00.24CosmicPenguinTomW: its gonna be a while... :)
23:00.24Lethaltlb flushing on mmuless sh rocks ;P
23:00.28BZFlagI figure since we talk about much more that the tuxscreen these says, it's time for a more generic channel name.
23:00.40BZFlaganyone know ho many they have left?
23:00.41TomWI cleaned this place out 3 months ago, so I have room for more junk.
23:00.48CosmicPenguinTomW: first we need to make those serial adapters
23:00.57*** join/#elinux Russ|werk (
23:00.57*** mode/#eLinux [+o Russ|werk] by ChanServ
23:01.54kergothwebpal? somebody url me
23:01.55TomWCosmicPenguin: I have 100 RS232 --> RS485 blank PCBs.  They use the SOP version of the MAX232A chip, we don't need to mount the RS485 chips to use them with TTL.
23:02.25CosmicPenguinTomW: what does that mean in english?
23:02.53LethalCosmicPenguin, its shiny?
23:02.56methinks webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see
23:03.06TomWCosmicPenguin: the boards measure 35mm x 30mm and are meant to be soldered onto DB25 connectors.
23:03.24Russ| more #tuxscreen/
23:03.45BZFlagRuss|werk: well, just a migration. feel free to talk tuxscreen stuff here too.
23:03.52TomWCosmicPenguin: I already have RS232 boards that we can use.  I over ordered PCBs on a recent project, we can use those.
23:04.09CosmicPenguinTomW: how many?
23:04.43TomWCosmicPenguin: The MAX232A chip can be hand soldered onto the PCB with a little care, no big deal.  I didn't use the TSSOP (really fine leads) when I did the board.
23:04.57TomWCosmicPenguin: I have over 100 left that won't be needed.
23:05.14BZFlagI have a hw question. anyone know where to order tsop-56 sockets? I have a device here with one on it and another customer that's interested in ordering 10 or so.
23:05.17TomWI needed 100 boards and ordered 240 by mistake. can make the schematic from the URL for $99 bucks a board (4 per board)
23:05.38prpplaguehmm, isn't there an already made ttl-to-232 board available?
23:05.43CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: am I right about saying that?
23:05.56TomWBZFlag: that(!) will be EXPENSIVE!!!  Figure on a few hundred dollars for a TSSOP ZIF socket.
23:06.58TomWBZFlag: I had a similar interest, TQFP  ZIFF, but changed my mind when I saw the price.  IIRC, Digikey had some.
23:07.39BZFlagshould not be an issue, this is just to bootstrap the first few boards.
23:08.03BZFlagoh, digikey... /me goes to look
23:08.25Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: ?
23:08.31Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: make the schematic from the URL?
23:08.40CosmicPenguinThose boards from will be about $99 bucks a piece, right?
23:09.02*** join/#elinux TomW (
23:09.05Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: for a 10x14 panel, it would be $33 from what I can tell
23:09.17*** join/#elinux TomW (
23:09.17Russ|werkCosmicPenguin: if I want them to score them, it would be an additional $50 from what I can tell
23:09.39CosmicPenguinRuss|werk: oh, yeah... thats right - I figured $99 for 3 boards x 4 per board
23:10.09TomWRuss|werk: I just got an order from where I had the boards scored into panels of 16 boards.  I was very pleased with how it came out!
23:10.19Russ|werkoh no, a 10x14 panel will mean *alot* of board
23:10.26Russ|werkTomW: how much did it cost to do the scoring?
23:10.58TomWRuss|werk: $100 for 16 panels.
23:11.16Russ|werkwait, I'm confused
23:11.24Russ|werkyou did 16 panels, and each panel had 16 boards?
23:11.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: is the board pretty standard ttl-2-232?
23:11.35TomWtotal of 224 boards on the order
23:12.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: I dunno.....  heres the URL:
23:12.18Russ|werkTomW: and each panel cost? and the scoring of all the panels, they charged you $100
23:12.24TomWwhat was that ... 14 panels each having 16 boards per panel, it was 224 board for the order, plus one panel as overage
23:12.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: damit, i can't find my bookmark, i had bookmarked a page with just this item already made for like $15
23:14.17BZFlagTomW: can't find a tsop56 version. they have the one on the needham programmer board, but I'm looking for a bare socket. hopefully a cheaper version.
23:14.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: the other one has 10 pins, this one has 6 pins... is there any difference?
23:14.43*** join/#elinux jacques (
23:14.59TomWRuss|werk: I did have these boards done as "production" boards, not as protos so I would have the UL cert on the material.  240 boards cost a total of $702, delivered.
23:15.03jacquesall the stuff I'm interested in
23:15.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably for addition control lines
23:15.06TomWjacques: hi
23:15.11jacqueshi TomW :-)
23:15.19prpplagueTomW: did you look at that rs-1 unit?
23:16.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: Well, if the prices that Russ|werk got are right, we can make the schematics for way cheap, and the components are only about 3 dollars or so
23:16.30TomWRuss|werk: cost breakdown: 240 boards (35mm x 30mm) == $463.20, NRE tooling == $199.00, Shipping == $40.00
23:16.49TomWprpplague: rs-1?
23:18.19TomWprpplague: looks okay, I already have a TTL --> RS232 solution that I can toss together quickly.
23:18.52CosmicPenguinTomW: so, how much?
23:18.52prpplagueTomW: is that assembled?
23:19.04TomWRuss|werk: you pay shipping (paypal) and I'll send a few.
23:19.25TomWprpplague: nope, ya gots to solder something on it.
23:21.10TomWprpplague: MAX232ACSE, digikey part number: MAX232ACSE-ND, plus 5 0.1uf caps in the 1206 SMT package (the big ones).
23:21.27TomWprpplague: easy to do and parts are at DigiKey.
23:22.35*** join/#elinux TomW (
23:22.43TomWam i back?
23:22.54prpplagueTomW: yep
23:23.03BZFlag <- that's the large one like on the emp30
23:23.09prpplagueTomW: is that a dip package for the max chip?
23:23.15TomWok, I see that if I connect to TuxScreen, I lose everthing.
23:23.18CosmicPenguin5 dollars?
23:24.00TomWprpplague: naw, it is not the 0.100" package, it is the 0.050" package.  BUT, it is not the TSSOP which is the 0.020 package.
23:24.20Russ|werkTomW: don't know where I'd use them
23:24.26prpplagueTomW: ahh
23:24.51TomWCosmicPenguin: You know, for $5, I should really send them 1st class mail.
23:25.05CosmicPenguinIs that the same IC?
23:25.14CosmicPenguinTomW: I meant, the IC was 5 bucks at Digikey
23:26.15prpplagueTomW: you use 4pcb alot?
23:26.40TomWprpplague: exclusively, they do really nice work!
23:27.33TomWCosmicPenguin: $5.51 at DigiKey.
23:28.01prpplagueTomW: you use linux pcb tools?
23:28.07CosmicPenguinThat Jameco one seems to be the same (or damn similar)
23:28.52BZFlagTomW: ok, I stopped being mean. ;-)
23:29.01TomWCosmicPenguin: No, that JameCo chip is the one that needs the 1ufd caps, it is not the 'A' version which uses the 0.1ufd caps.  It could be used though, if you substitude the cap values.  They do have 1ufd caps in the 1206 package.
23:29.17TomWprpplague: Eagle under Linux.
23:29.32prpplagueTomW: wine or vms?
23:29.42TomWprpplague: native
23:30.01prpplagueTomW: oh ya? i didn't know that eagle was available for linux
23:30.09TomWEagle runs as a native Linux app, no VMware, wine, or other emulator needed.
23:30.39TomWprpplague: that is why I purchased Eagle, well, it is considerably cheaper than OrCad...
23:30.43*** join/#elinux andersee (
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23:31.03TomWsssh!  Erik is here.
23:31.30prpplagueTomW: professional version i assume?
23:31.39CosmicPenguinTomW: I'm stupid for all this stuff.... I'm the kind of person that needs a definate shoping list and complete instructions to do even the least of hardware work
23:32.25anderseeCosmicPenguin: Thats ok.  I use an acetylene torch when soldering.
23:32.37TomWprpplague: I paid $400 per module: schematic, layout and an autorouter.  You can do without the autorouter.
23:32.48TomWandersee: ow!
23:55.56*** join/#elinux ibot (
23:55.56*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc.
23:55.57kergothsome ass
23:55.57*** mode/#eLinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
23:56.02kergothcalls me 10 minutes before we close
23:56.12kergothwith this scsi terminal server in fucking IRIX problem
23:57.01sorphinyou can find it on the right side of the page
23:57.03sorphindown a ways
23:57.18sorphinyou might not get it before xmas now ;p
23:57.24ade|Zzzanyone want to buy me 2 and then ship to UK ?
23:57.33sorphinordered after after 3pm PST
23:57.40sorphinisn't guaranteed before xmas
23:57.51sorphinade|Zzz: i think kergoth is the only remaining orderer
23:57.56kergothgot him off the phone
23:58.04Russ|werk$94 for a 20G 15krpm scsi drive
23:58.15ade|Zzzkergoth can you add 2 to your order ?
23:58.54kergothoh this place?
23:59.01kergoththis is the place i was going to buy those beasts from
23:59.14ade|deskwill paypal the money to you asap
23:59.37sorphinkergoth: yup
23:59.42sorphinkergoth: same place
23:59.49sorphinand they still hve those beasts ;)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.