IRC log for #edev on 20130308

00:10.41*** join/#edev prpplague (
00:31.16*** join/#edev CosmicPe- (~nobody@
00:39.13*** join/#edev _av500_ (
00:39.13*** join/#edev landley (
00:39.13*** join/#edev keesj (
00:39.13*** mode/#edev [+o landley] by
00:39.27*** join/#edev jackmitchell (~Thunderbi@
00:39.54*** join/#edev jackmitchell (~Thunderbi@
00:47.06*** join/#edev djerome (
01:03.01*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
02:42.48*** join/#edev landley_ (
03:36.51*** join/#edev fire (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
03:42.38*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
04:43.55*** join/#edev [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
05:56.24*** join/#edev fire (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
06:04.59*** join/#edev fire (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
06:17.52*** join/#edev fire (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
06:25.48*** join/#edev Shinda (~Loup@unaffiliated/toroop)
06:26.59*** join/#edev clio (~andrej@
06:44.14*** join/#edev fire (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
08:07.08*** join/#edev baba (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
08:24.56*** join/#edev clio (~andrej@
08:33.51*** join/#edev pvanhoof (
09:28.38*** join/#edev mbuf (user@nat/redhat/x-tyftmsfrjzahcagr)
09:33.03*** join/#edev Posterdati (
09:44.26*** join/#edev florian_kc (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
12:44.23*** join/#edev g1powermac (
12:44.24*** join/#edev g1powermac (~g1powerma@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
13:14.54*** join/#edev SpdNewone (~SpdNewone@
13:16.51SpdNewoneanybody with ubi skills?
13:17.36SpdNewonei have big problems with mounting ubifs image
13:17.40SpdNewonei can pay for help
13:23.55*** join/#edev fire (~fire@unaffiliated/security)
14:02.51*** join/#edev ikona_ (
14:03.07*** join/#edev orbarron (~orbarron@
14:10.24*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
14:28.01*** join/#edev GPSFan (~kenm@
14:28.02*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
15:03.14*** join/#edev gustavoz (~gustavoz@
15:13.11*** join/#edev rcw (~rwoolley@
15:25.39landleySpdNewone: Thomas Gleixner wrote that stuff and has a whole consulting company, Linutronix.
15:29.00T0mWlandley: jealous?
15:29.24T0mWI mean, if you cannot earn money, then print your own.
15:31.47T0mWDOH!  kgdb works betterer if you "set remotebaud 115200"
15:34.41landleyT0mW: no, I meant "if you want to pay somebody, that would be the guy".
15:35.09landleyI met him when Timesys subcontracted to him, I pointed Qualcomm at him for the hexagon when I was working on that.
15:35.19landleyHe's good, sending business his way is a worthwhile endeavour.
16:01.24*** join/#edev prpplague (
16:01.36*** join/#edev ikona (
16:28.38*** join/#edev sndcrb (
16:39.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ping
16:49.56*** join/#edev bsdfox (
16:49.57*** join/#edev bsdfox (~Bob@unaffiliated/bsdfox)
17:20.10*** join/#edev pvanhoof (
18:01.31*** join/#edev NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
18:19.40*** join/#edev flo_lap (
18:19.41*** join/#edev flo_lap (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
19:06.10*** join/#edev pvanhoof (
19:40.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: poing
19:41.04calculusa combination ping and pong
19:43.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey i was curious if you are using multi-display setup for your normal dev desktop
19:57.56*** part/#edev rcw (~rwoolley@
20:09.42*** join/#edev ikona (
20:31.39*** join/#edev _Lucretia_ (~munkee@pdpc/supporter/active/lucretia)
20:57.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: sorry got swamped
20:57.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: how many are you using 2 or 3? are they homogeneous?
21:01.34_av500_or humongous
21:07.26CosmicPenguinprpplague: 2 - they are homgeneous for the most part
21:07.33CosmicPenguinGnome gets it wrong
21:08.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i am concerned with using 2 since i normally like the display centered in front me
21:09.08CosmicPenguinYou would have to get over that
21:11.45_av500_prpplague: use 3 then
21:12.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: but you are able to code with that configuration without any issues?
21:37.27*** join/#edev gustavoz (
21:58.11*** join/#edev mrcan_ (~mrcan@unaffiliated/mrcan)
21:59.31calculusor two monitors arranged one on top of the other
22:05.36*** join/#edev prpplague (
22:12.59*** join/#edev christopher (
22:27.16*** join/#edev blueness (
22:27.18*** join/#edev blueness (~hnsctq40@gentoo/developer/blueness)
22:28.27*** join/#edev pvanhoof (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.