IRC log for #edev on 20120808

00:06.49*** join/#edev fire_ (~fire@unaffiliated/codingenesis)
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02:47.54*** join/#edev TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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08:31.03*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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10:38.35*** join/#edev g1powermac (
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11:14.54*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
11:39.45SpeedEvilidly wonders who SCO is at this point.
11:45.29*** join/#edev SpeedEvil_ (
12:29.16*** join/#edev Crofton (
12:30.18*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
12:37.38*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
12:40.29slashbeastlandley: Yo, how aboriginal going? How many release blockers?
12:49.00*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
12:59.26*** join/#edev Crofton (
13:22.45*** join/#edev bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-niibiwmkyfdxsczq)
13:51.31*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
14:25.02*** join/#edev prpplague (~danders@
14:46.58Crofton|workprpplague, I see you are trying to wind me up over how inept fox news is :)
14:47.14prpplagueCrofton|work: hehe
14:47.30prpplagueCrofton|work: yea i almost didn't post it because people have issues with fox reporting
14:47.41Crofton|workthey would never run an article saying "Green card application process slow, causing trouble for legel immigrants"
14:48.08Crofton|workwhich is what the article was about
14:48.21prpplagueCrofton|work: yea, my issue is that if her parents were illegal she could stay
14:48.28Crofton|workshe can stay anyway
14:48.38Crofton|workbut, that messes up her paperwork
14:48.43prpplagueCrofton|work: exactly
14:49.30Crofton|workanyway, I was amused at how the headline was crafted to wind people up
14:49.46Crofton|workand how it did not really relate to the actual story
14:50.34Crofton|workI guess legal immigration being broken is not a story that sells ad views
14:51.04prpplaguemost people who are going to read it are already wond up
14:51.43prpplaguepeople don't get the fact that if they'd fix legal immigration, 95% of illegal immigration would fix itself
14:53.25prpplagueidiots on both sides of the isles try to make these laws that are "good on face value" but when you start looking at the implementation it just makes the whole thing worse
14:54.19ohsixthat's the problem with laws :]
14:54.44ohsixif you are making a political statement, you aren't often thinking of how to write a law at the same time, even if that is what you are doing to make the same political statement
14:54.59ohsixthere's all sorts of legal rigour that will get in the way!
14:56.22prpplaguecase in point -
14:56.39prpplaguevery well intentioned law, but they didn't think through the implications
14:57.02ohsixlegal immigration being broken gives you all sorts of ways to take advantage of people
14:57.24ohsixthere's a reason you can't just fix it, even if you could
15:00.41prpplagueohsix: it can be fixed, but it takes common sense, and practicality, neither of which are in abundence currently in washington
15:01.14ohsixthat assumes everyone is acting in good faith, or even accept government as a principle
15:01.31ohsixyou don't need either of those to be an actual elected official
15:02.01prpplaguehas a responsible plan for solving all the immigration issues for about 5 years
15:02.41ohsixthere are second order effects that keep even reasonably disinterested parties from agreeing with acting on it
15:06.12landleyslashbeast: the release blockers are 1) the arm versatile stuff, 2) the fedora bug.
15:06.26landleyI got sh4 fixed, and powerpc turns out to be the fedora bug manifesting  a second way.
15:06.40landleyI'm about halfway through debugging the fedora bug. I'll probably revert the arm patch for now to get a release out.
15:07.30landleyslashbeast: the arm bug
15:08.08landleyHe's under the assumption that I have an actual versatile board, or would care how it worked it if I did...
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15:40.25*** join/#edev orbarron1 (~a0271968@nat/ti/x-qpcnlrslcdvvlisz)
16:03.51landleyohsix: there's actually a marvelous article that explains _why_ washington's so screwed up.  Wandered by recently...
16:04.10landleyKinda have to understand some basic economics, though.
16:05.52ohsixyou'd probably have a disfunctional airline if you had pilots that weren't actually interested in flying, too
16:07.24ohsixthey don't believe in planes, and they're invested in rail
16:11.33ohsixget your dirty hands off my medicare. i don't believe in government, elect me! same thread runs through all of it
16:12.33landleyohsix: or you could read the article I linked to. Up to you.
16:12.57ohsixall these letters betray my lack of interest
16:13.51landleyYes. I'm just amused that you believe your lack of interest will engender interest in others reading what you have to say _about_ your lack of interest.
16:13.51ohsixmore often than not people are proffering libertarian screeds anyways, let me look
16:14.17ohsixmaybe i'm not motivated by personal interest, but just typing
16:16.31landleyI found the "liberatarian titanic" analogy a good explanation of why rich people are perpetually terrified of not being rich enough.
16:16.55landleyThat was the new bit in the article, the rest either flows from there or is a repeat of what you get if you read the sane macroeconomists' blogs.
16:18.01landley(I _am_ interested in figuring out how the world actually works. Even when large sections of it are actively unpleasant.)
16:18.35landley("Oh those guys are deluded/evil/crazy write them off" does not explain _why_.)
16:30.51ohsixit's well stated, not sure what i was reading it for :p (i just interjected when prpplague was talking, i wasn't reading the buffer)
16:31.32ohsixand it would be cool to know why a crazy person is crazy or whatever, but there are biological reasons that you may never know, even if you assume they don't exist and there are motivations behind acts
16:33.09landleyIf my house has termites I try to understand termites. Doesn't mean I envy them.
16:33.26ohsixpersonal experience says if not for mental defect, they work very hard to insulate their beliefs from all scrutiny for whatever reason, so it's turned into some sort of battle in their own head and they _are_ being persecuted by then
16:33.35landleyIf lots of people behave the same way, and form large groups to do so, "crazy" is not a sufficient level of detail.
16:34.08landleyYou can't poison termites if you don't know what they like.
16:34.24landleyAnd you can't be sure you got the queen if you don't know they have a queen.
16:34.33*** join/#edev gandhijee_ (~akp@
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16:35.00ohsixi don't think crazy is supposed to describe anything, just give you some idea of the attention you might want to pay to them on a particular subject, it might not describe motivations but it can describe what may be involved dealing with the subject in any way with them
16:35.30ohsixif you can find a crazy person infestation to investigate, be my guest, you might find an AM radio queen even
16:36.04ohsixwith the termite example you can go right to biological reasons for everything they do, there's no force of will
16:36.30*** join/#edev stereohead-away (
16:36.49ohsixa termite doesn't decide he doesn't eat wood for some reason you can't discern based on characterizing their biological function
16:37.02landleyOh the current screwiness is just the baby boomers still being a disproportionate demographic influence.
16:37.17landleyWe had the 60's when they were teenagers, now they're in their 60's.
16:37.44landleyThese were the guys who said "never trust anyone over 30", so I assume they knew what they were talking about at least when describing themselves.
16:38.05landleyThey'll start dying off in another decade or so.
16:40.59*** join/#edev NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:45.10*** join/#edev gandhijee_ (~akp@
16:48.31*** join/#edev stereohead-away (
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17:36.16*** part/#edev orbarron1 (~a0271968@nat/ti/x-qpcnlrslcdvvlisz)
17:51.16*** join/#edev Crofton|work (
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18:00.53*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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21:10.45*** join/#edev strnx (strnx@
21:11.24*** join/#edev Umeaboy (
21:19.24*** join/#edev GPSFan (~kenm@
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22:01.28Mirelllooks at the channel name
22:01.55MirellEmbedded DEVELOPMENT, not Political Ideology.
22:19.01landleyOh, somebody was asking about consulting rates.
22:19.14landleyMirell: :P
22:19.50landleyMy embedded development discussion's actually been over in #musl recently.
22:20.36SpeedEvilmusl ?
22:20.49SpeedEvilstupid predictive text.
22:23.01calculusanother libc
22:24.22landleyBSD licensed.
22:24.29landleySmaller and simpler than uClibc.
22:24.40landleyNot stagnant for half a decade like uCLibc's been.
22:24.56*** join/#edev mrcan (~mrcan@unaffiliated/mrcan)
22:24.59landleySo far it only supports x86, x86-64, and arm though.
22:25.06landleymips and powerpc are currently in development.
22:25.11SpeedEvilI keep predicting Linux in qfp.
22:25.26SpeedEvilsomething like this would be handy.
22:26.31landleyYup. The maintainer's dalias (Rich Felker).
22:27.13landleyNote that the repo only goes back to february 2011, so it's come a longish way in a year and change.
22:27.15SpeedEvilLinux with single digit Meg of Ram is coming back.
22:27.40landleyOoh, mips got merged.  (Currently static linking only.)
22:28.03landley(Reading the WHATSNEW file. My checkout was a week old...)
22:28.23daliaslandley, mips "works" but has a few bugs still
22:28.33landleyHeh. You are on here.
22:28.33daliasdynamic linker is in git
22:28.38SpeedEvilit's nice when a project is that active.
22:28.41landleyTelling 'em about your cool thing.
22:28.51landleyI'm adding musl to aboriginal after this release.
22:29.00landleyLong-term migrating the libc to that the same way I'm swapping out busybox for toybox.
22:29.06landleyHave fun...
22:29.06roxfandid you have fun with tls yet?
22:29.19SpeedEvilcool indeed.
22:29.19landleyI think musl's threading was always tls.
22:29.37landleyIt doesn't have backwards compatability stuff for 2.4, it's a fresh implementation based on posix-2008 and the current kernel.
22:30.51landleySorry, was nptl I mean.
22:30.59landleynptl requires tls.
22:32.32*** join/#edev GeorgeH (
22:40.25calculushmm... there was a linux distribution based on busybox and uclibc with a fairly complete X environment (xfce, maybe?)... a-something
22:41.36landleycalculus: um, I made one at some point?
22:41.49landleyUsing the beyond linux from scratch instructions, fvwm, and... rxvt I think it was?
22:41.51SpeedEvilremembers making a Linux floppy with X,kernel, networking, xterm, browser.
22:42.02landleyI'd do it again if I had _time_.
22:42.17SpeedEvilit was some time ago.
22:42.41SpeedEvilI ripped bloat out of lynx to make it fit.
22:42.50calculusah, found it,
22:42.51landleyGetting x working isn't that hard, if you just slap it on top of framebuffer or vnc.
22:43.00landleycalculus: natanael copa's thing, yeah.
22:43.10landleyx86 only, last I checked.
22:43.18SpeedEvilneat perl tool to track down dependancoes on every file.
22:43.33landleyncopa did the posix binding library for lua.
22:43.40landleyIf that shipped by default, lua would be a whooole lot more interesting.
22:54.40UmeaboyI could use some help in fixing this error when I attempt to copy a device-block from a tablet to a computer using SSH-remote:
23:24.32landleyUmeaboy: what happens if you ssh to get a shell, and then do the cat?
23:24.43landleyIf you cat the block device to /dev/null do you still get a segfault?
23:26.19Umeaboylandley: I'll check.
23:37.22*** join/#edev prpplague (
23:37.40Umeaboylandley: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I can't boot it now. Screen went bersoik when I booted into recovery.
23:37.58UmeaboyColours over the entire surface.
23:37.59daliaslandley, musl's threading is a completely new implementation
23:38.05daliasnot based on any old stuff
23:38.13daliasand unlike nptl it actually attempts to conform to posix
23:41.43Umeaboylandley: I do get into download mode thou.
23:44.18prpplagueho ho ho
23:44.24prpplaguemerry freakin wednesday
23:44.43landleyUmeaboy: hard to diagnose the problem if you can't reproduce it.
23:44.55prpplaguelandley: what;s cookin boss man?
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23:45.51landleydalias: as long as it runs then I"m out of test cases. :)
23:45.53Umeaboylandley: Yes.
23:46.08landleyThat's my big "make the threading implementation actually _do_ something, and confirm that it did it" test case.
23:46.10UmeaboyI could use a firmware-package to flash to reset it.
23:46.25landleyYou'd be amazed how many threading variants that _breaks_, by the way...
23:46.29Umeaboysamfirmware gives me no such option since Sweden isn't in the list.

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