IRC log for #edev on 20120416

02:56.09*** join/#edev prpplague (
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07:41.21MirellWhat's a good RFID reader to buy these days...
07:43.30*** join/#edev clio (~andrej@
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10:29.55ohsixanyone here have a wikireader? how does it handle equations in articles with math notation? i really wanna get one, but that's basically what i'd use it for
10:36.34ohsixoh sweet, they added them spring 2010; too bad all the press fell off, you can get one for 15$ now
10:51.13av500wikireader is the followup project of the openmoko guys
13:11.12*** join/#edev T0mW (
13:11.25T0mWMorning gents
13:13.33MirellSo, RFID reader, anyone played around with one that's good?
13:19.23prpplagueT0mW: hey ol' bud
13:19.32prpplagueT0mW: you burried yet?
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13:37.29T0mWprp^2: naw, still ticking.
13:37.57prp^2T0mW: sorry i meant married
13:38.24T0mWprp^2: almost, only $356 left on lay-away.
13:39.29prp^2T0mW: didn't know they had lay-away for wives
13:39.48T0mWprp^2: LOL!  Goto Nevada and say that.
13:40.06T0mWprp^2: don't they still have mail-order there?
13:41.07T0mWprp^2: I was playing around with the table saw yesterday.  Built a jig to cut stiles and rails for making cabinet doors.
13:41.19prp^2heads to the office, bbiab
13:41.27T0mWprp^2: cul
14:09.51g1powermacT0mW, nice, I need to get a table saw that could do that, right now, the one I have is good if the blade turns ;-)
14:13.59T0mWg1powermac: yeah, I bought a used saw cheap, $60.   The guy showed my his new saw, big wide iron top, etc.  After using this saw for a year, I'm now trying to do fine work with it and can see why he got rid of it.
14:14.58T0mWg1powermac: little things, like the rail for the miter guage is an odd size, and it is too far away from the throat to use for a tenon jig...
14:15.50T0mWg1powermac: you cannot make a zero clearance insert for the throat because there is no ledge on the one side to accept a 1/4" insert.
14:18.19T0mWg1powermac: I built a jig yesterday from these plans, simple and it does work:
14:20.46*** join/#edev NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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14:37.16av500T0mW: I do everything with a biscuit joiner :)
14:40.15av500but that jig looks nice
14:46.24T0mWav500: my joiner is from harbor frieght, wouldn't want to demand too much from it.  heh.
14:48.08av500T0mW: mine was cheap too, I doubled the price by bying a proper saw blade for it
14:48.11T0mWI used a 4" clamp instead of the quick release thing.  Modified it somewhat as I needed to use 24" long melamine shelving for the peice that slides against the fence.
14:48.52T0mWtable is a bit small for that jig they show.
14:49.16av500there is always for you
14:49.48T0mW:P  yeah
14:50.33av500my wife is a cabinet maker, but she let's me do all the woodworking
14:51.40T0mW2 months before I met my gf, she sold a bunch of nice woodworking stuff from previous marriage.  <sigh>  Nice saw, 6" jointer, surface plane...
14:52.34T0mWHer ex had all nice tools and couldn't do anything with them.  Me, I got junk and build cabinets.
14:52.42T0mWgo figure.
14:53.57av500for saw I have a festo+guide rails
14:54.03av500festool these days
14:58.00T0mWI got a 10" skillsaw, basically it is a contractor saw.  Then I got the folding table stand which gives me a decent fence and a 26" wide cutoff.
14:59.07T0mWI've got to put together an outfeed table to hang on it. Cutting out panels is clumsy without it and I've base cabinets yet to build.
15:00.30*** join/#edev purl (
15:00.30*** topic/#edev is Discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Busybox and Buildroot :
15:15.51*** join/#edev landley (~landley@
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15:16.04g1powermacT0mW, yea, the one I have was a $99 lowe's special, the entire body of it is plastic, minus the top cutting surface
15:16.09*** join/#edev prpplague (~danders@
15:22.26av500T0mW: I found I can do most of the panels by a mix of ordering the cuts at the wood seller for a small fee and the small stuff with the guide rail
15:22.54av500and I dont do fancy stuff like tenons :)
15:31.09g1powermacprefers to do large projects rather than fine woodworking
15:31.34g1powermacbuilt a larger 4'x6' arbor the other day to grow grape vines
15:38.30*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
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16:15.37*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
16:16.37*** join/#edev NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:24.48*** join/#edev sunrunner20 (
16:35.20sunrunner20System drive on my desktop is failing. Its just as expensive to buy a new HDD than to upgrade to a SSD
16:36.56av500neww HDD is $100 for 1TB
16:39.48sunrunner20ah, found a 100  tb
16:43.47*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
16:45.07av500I'm buying the 24/7 rated 1TB seagates for ~100€ here
16:45.11*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
16:45.21av500of course that did not stop one of them of failing after a year...
16:47.25slashbeastlandley: Yo, any news?
16:52.59landleyslashbeast: I'm trying to get the new uCLibc to build, on the theory that might fix it since buildroot worked for you.
16:53.16landleyAlas, it's triggering a bug in busybox having to do with tar option parsing.  Reported to the list this morning.
16:53.58slashbeastlandley: I found a solution to the patch's issue File name too long
16:54.02landleyOnce my package versions are up to date, if the problem persists then I'll try digging into the specifics.
16:54.05landleyslashbeast: oh?
16:54.09landleyis all ears...
16:54.11slashbeastlandley: after appending TMP and TMPDIR to TEMP variable (anti-sanitize) it seems to work
16:54.19slashbeastmine /tmp is noexec, maybe thats the issue
16:54.37landleyTMP _and_ TMPDIR?
16:54.47slashbeasthm now it just works
16:54.52slashbeastno idea what I did, wait.
16:55.00landleybuild/host is in your $PATH.
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16:55.13landleyONce you've built host-tools it uses them.
16:55.22landleyAnd the busybox patch won't have this problem.
16:56.07sunrunner20av500: i've had good luck with WD's FALS model
16:56.22landleyslashbeast: try deleting sources/patches/busybox-patch.patch (which you shouldn't need to build the base system).
16:56.45landleyIf "rm -rf build && ./ i686" then works otherwise unmodified, that might be a fix.
17:13.29slashbeastlandley: I tried on fresh 1.1.1 from tarball, after I added TMPDIR to TEMP in sources/ the patch applies cleanly
17:14.26slashbeastlandley: but now even if I remove it it works, maybe the build script do something one-time.
17:14.45slashbeastlandley: rm -rf build make the proper apear again
17:15.40slashbeastlandley: 100% reproducable.
17:17.06slashbeastmore fun, grsec: denied untrusted exec (due to file in world-writable directory) of /home/piotr/src/aboriginal/aboriginal-1.1.1/build/host-temp/distcc/configure
17:17.13slashbeastrunning paranoid-configured system is fun every day.
17:30.36*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
17:55.21landleyslashbeast: the build script populates build/host with busybox and a few other things, and then if that exists sources/ changes the $PATH to point to that instead of the old $PATH before doing anything else.
17:55.37landleySo to reproduce the problem, rm -rf build before re-running your build.
17:56.11landleyslashbeast: I switch selinux and friends off.
17:56.37*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
17:57.17landleyI can add a thing to chmod 700 each temp directory if you really think it'll help, but is grsec saying that the dir is world-writeable, or that the path to the dir is world writeable?
17:57.28landleyBecause a world writeable subdir in a 700 directory isn't world writeable...
17:58.07landleyI _think_ if you chmod before creating the subdirectory it won't even let you "cd dir; wait; cd newsubdir".
17:58.23landleyBut I'd have to look a lot closer to say anything definitive about that.
17:58.31landleyThere's a reason I made it so the build does not run as root, ever.
17:59.54slashbeastlandley: the busybox host failing on patching it if I do not put TMPDIR in TEMP variable. Dont worry about the grsec, I can turn it off runtime
18:01.04landleyslashbeast: if you remove the patch _to_busybox_, it should then be able to build busybox and use busybox patch from there on.
18:01.21landleyIt's TMPDIR specifically that needs to be passed through?  Not TMP?
18:01.31landleyIf it's just one additional variable, easy thing to do is probably add it to the list.
18:01.41slashbeastlandley: indeed TMPDIR
18:02.45landleyOk, I made a note about tmpdir.  I"ll try to fix it when I get home.
18:28.08*** join/#edev Mephisto (~Mephisto@
18:29.25Mephistohello! I'm looking for some help on qt-embedded, if anyone uses its QWS I need some tips
18:31.26*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
18:39.15slashbeastanyone know if there would be a good idea to autologin root on /dev/tty1? In the LXC enviroment. I wonder if you can from system somehow do soething nasty because there is root on tty1 already, like pipe something there?
18:39.30slashbeastdont like login: prompt after lxc-console.
18:57.25*** join/#edev UnsignedCode (~UnsignedC@
18:58.34landleyslashbeast: you mean attach a root shell to /dev/tty1? Assuming your tty isn't snoopable and your host isn't compromised, it shouldn't hurt anything.
18:58.45landleyIf your tty is snoopable, you're kinda screwed anyway.  Same with a compromised host.
18:58.53landleyThat said, lxc's security isn't entirely cooked yet...
18:59.07landleymeans to write an lxc variant for toybox, but probably not before the 1.0 release.
18:59.28landleyI've got "unshare", but it needs tty and init behavior...
18:59.31slashbeastlandley: well I consider lxc as a nice way to isolate network interface (like apps listen on and cant touch apps iisten on it in other containers)
19:00.07slashbeastso I will replace agetty with auto-logged root, so lxc-console will hurt less
19:00.11slashbeastlandley: thanks
19:00.13landleyAlthought technically I think that's just unshare NET_NS.
19:00.47landleyI've always treated containers as "chroot on steroids".
19:00.47landleyIt's a pity lxc was designed by mainframe card whallopers.
19:00.51slashbeastbecause, in fact, it is chroot
19:01.16slashbeastsadly lxc does not seem to be ever able replace openvz
19:01.29landleyWhat's missing?
19:02.08slashbeastlandley: the root is root on the host thus you remove caps like net_admin or sys_mount
19:02.17slashbeastlandley: because non-limited container can access host'
19:02.24slashbeasts block devices etc
19:02.37landleyAre you on the containers mailing list?
19:02.47slashbeastNope, there is any?
19:03.23slashbeastatm my containers running on grsecurity, which have nice addons like limiting uevent_helper (from /sys) and sysrq_trigger (from /proc) to sys_admin so container can no longer exploit it
19:03.41slashbeastfuther more, I run all the contianers *without* /sys even mounted.
19:04.29landleyWhen I was following it there was work queued up for selective hardware visiblity.
19:04.38landleyPixar wanted that, I believe.
19:04.43slashbeastlandley: maybe you can anser me, do mailman support a something to force it to send me all the mails, before I was subscribed to list?
19:04.59landleyThey have a render job in each container, and each one has access to a PCIe video card to borrow its' GPU.
19:05.01slashbeastlandley: there is, via cgroups, you can select which device nodes can be accessed/crated
19:05.17landleyslashbeast: it does not, but you can sometimes download an mbox file with the historical stuff.
19:06.30slashbeastI should unsubscirbe from some list I never really read, my workflow is like: select -> mark as read, done.
19:07.14landleyHeh.  The Linux FOundation's insane mailman is gzipping each month's mbox file _twice_.
19:07.35landleyslashbeast: I just leave them in their folders with thousands of messages marked unread.
19:07.51landleyI'm 144,500 messages behind on linux-kernel.
19:08.19*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
19:09.05slashbeastlandley: whats your editor of choice? If it is vim, can you show me your vimrc?
19:14.03landleyslashbeast: I tend to use vim out of habit.
19:14.31landleyOn ubuntu 10.04 I mostly just ln -sf vimrc /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny
19:14.39landleyI used to customize it more, but it was too much of a pain...
19:14.50landleyNow I just undo Ubuntu's intentional sabotage.
19:15.17landleyHonestly, "can't cursor around in insert mode" can only be described as intentional sabotage.
19:15.29landleyIt worked in the 2008 release, stopped working later on.  Guys: that's a regression.
19:15.48landley(Ubuntu is one of those bondage-and-discipline things that keeps trying to teach its users to do things its way.
19:15.50slashbeastdid you saw the byobu in the ubuntu? A eye-fucking screen mutation
19:15.52landleyDon't type vi, type vim.
19:15.55slashbeastenabled by default.
19:15.58landleyI _fix_ it.
19:16.07slashbeastby disable-byobu?
19:16.10landleyNo, I use xubuntu.
19:16.15landleyGnome is an abomination.
19:16.20landleyAnd kde died in 2008.
19:16.39landley(I liked kde3. Linus Torvalds left KDE rather than move to KDE 4.  They should have taken that as a _hint_.)
19:16.40slashbeastthe byobu is enabled by default in server variant which I am using on ec2
19:16.49landleyI have no idea what that is.
19:16.58slashbeastI never understood the kde hype
19:16.59landleyA linux version of bonzi buddy?
19:17.10landleyslashbeast: kde was nice about 7 years ago.
19:17.11landleyNow it's not.
19:17.15slashbeastI was a long fluxbox user, now I use openbox and I am the happiest abuser on the planet.
19:18.01landleyxfce is reasonable.
19:18.07*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
19:19.01slashbeastwell I reither use .xinitrc to setup some things than wonder why my mouse acceleration is so big or what happen to my keyboard rate
19:19.32slashbeastI used xfce4 few months, but with rox instaed of xfdesktp and thunar.
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