IRC log for #edev on 20120404

00:03.56calculusxml how? parsing, structure, schemas, xslt, integration with language x
00:04.27prpplaguemore schemas and structure
00:04.49prpplaguei think they are doing some xml based content management
00:06.29calculussorry, I have mainly done parsing
00:07.01calculusthe structure tends to be <tagname attribute="attribute-value">stuff</tagname>
00:07.29calculusand only one root tag per xml file
00:07.51calculusand comments are <!-- comment -->
00:08.23prpplaguecalculus: it was a long shot, just wanted to recommend something to a friend
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03:25.30MonMothaso, thoughts on preferred Linux distro for "I do development but I don't want to mess with things unnecessarily" users?
03:57.38calculusMonMotha: that reminds me, linux tycoon
03:58.27MonMothacalculus: hah
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08:31.31av500prpplague: what kind of puny fence was that anyway?
08:33.07MonMothaav500: the "HOA appeasing" one
08:33.17MonMothaaka the "As cheap as I can get away with and get them to leave me alone" model
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14:36.29sledgesgot some freescale imx53 kicking around with fried PMICs (all Ripleys) - has anybody tried to replace/repair them? would it be easy to get a PMIC as spare, and refit it with a heat-gun ?
14:37.30sledgesfried from overvoltage presumably (the board looks still alive (FLT and 5V come up, but flash, as it tries to draw >2A of current somewhere...)
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17:14.59sjhillprpplague: ping
17:15.13sjhillprpplague: non-TI questions
17:15.33prpplaguesjhill: okie dokie
17:15.58sjhilldo you know of any sdcard switches?
17:16.07sjhillremote switchable
17:16.30sjhillso essentially
17:16.41sjhilli plug the switch into the sdcard slot of an embedded board
17:16.43av500use a go-fer
17:16.50sjhillthen 2 sdcards into the other side
17:17.04sjhilland be able to switch what sdcard i want remotely
17:17.32prpplaguesjhill: i just finished with the first rev of the design for linaro
17:17.33sjhilli'm not concerned about the switching mechanism as much as trace lengths
17:17.41prpplaguesjhill: it's off to the board shop now
17:17.51sjhillprpplague: no way, seriously!?
17:17.51av500put the relay close
17:18.20sjhillprpplague: how many sdcards does it take?
17:18.25prpplaguesjhill: basically it is a variation on this
17:18.40prpplaguesjhill: i have two designs actually
17:19.29prpplaguesjhill: the first one has one side that plugs into the device(i.e. like panda), and the other side plugs into a sdcard reader
17:19.37prpplaguesjhill: with a sd slot in the middle
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17:19.53prpplaguesjhill: this way you can reprogram the sd card without having to do any swaping
17:20.05prpplaguesjhill: the other is a two to one sd slot
17:20.16prpplaguesjhill: with usb controls
17:20.26av500no network interface?
17:20.28calculusI think what sjhill really wants is one of these except for sd cards,
17:20.42prpplagueav500: trying to keep the first revs simple
17:21.06prpplaguecalculus: hehe
17:21.08av500this sir, is genius!
17:21.38sjhillthat's fantastic
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17:22.11sjhillsome archealogist is going to find that and really be confused
17:23.26av500which reminds me of the PC that I once had with 3 of these installed:
17:23.41av500load it with 18 CDs and make MP3s over night
17:24.09sjhillslick even
17:24.21av500I should have kept one, the mechanics inside were marvelous
17:24.34av5006cds in a stand size CDROM
17:24.51sjhillprpplague: are those designs owned by you then?
17:25.16prpplaguesjhill: but we will open them up under a open source license
17:25.18av500he will fight tooth and nail-paint over them
17:25.21sjhillprpplague: i'll by a couple from you then, hell, i'll give you a cash advance now
17:25.29prpplaguesjhill: hehe no worries
17:26.01sjhillprpplague: seriously, let me know as soon as they're ready after debug
17:26.02av500wonders where to install his cluster of dishwashers
17:26.04prpplaguesjhill: which one are you interested in? the linaro are more interested in the one for use with sd card reader
17:26.13prpplagueav500: yea just reading that
17:27.01sjhillprpplague: (2) linaro design, (1) 2-1 switcher
17:27.34prpplaguesjhill: dandy
17:28.18sjhillprpplague: thx
17:33.11av500prpplague: why not make a networked sd card simulator?
17:33.55prpplagueav500: could do that, just wanted to get the concepts tested and see if there is any demand
17:34.51av500one that can simulate shitty class 1 cards with read errors too :)
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17:50.56av500udev should rename itself into udevdecorator
17:51.35ohsixit's basically just to get rid of a circular dependency
17:52.32mnemocmdev+devtmpfs works quite nice... but devtmpfs "misplaces" some important nodes like /dev/input/uinput :<
17:54.26ohsixthey dont' exactly solve the same problems, but it's good some people can get by with it, and it can enable some uses
17:58.09slashbeastlandley: do you plan to include mdev in toybox?
17:59.24ohsixbtw, udevadm being part of udev notwithstanding, you can always write a too like it; it has a known output format and can listen for the netlink events, there's no need for a dispatcher even; you can run different program applets, or just respond to them with a script (bonus if you write a libnl binding for your scripting language of choice)
17:59.27landleyslashbeast: yup.  It's already there, just skeletal, missing stuff, and way out of date. :)
17:59.43landleyReally it needs to be redesigned to work on top of devtmpfs.
18:00.23slashbeastas far as I understand devtmpfs will take care of nodes creating, right?
18:00.38landleyAssuming devices show up belonging to root:root chmod 700 (which I think is what devtmpfs does), then mdev can just do the permission changes, drop symlinks to alternate names, and deal with firmware loading.  (And deleting nodes that go away.)
18:00.56ohsixnot without racing though :]
18:01.02landleyslashbeast: yup. But doesn't get permissions or ownership right, and doesn't handle firmware loading.
18:01.16landleyohsix: the race is only for root.
18:01.37landleyIf you're already root, doesn't matter that you can access you maybe shouldn't. :)
18:01.56landleymdev would grant _extra_ permissions on some nodes after they showed up.
18:02.08landleyFor /dev/hda, chmod 700 root:root is pretty much right anyway. :)
18:02.23ohsixit's still a race, there's a window before the rename, and before the permissions are set; that only root can do it usually isn't a practical concern
18:03.06ohsixand probably more clever ways to do something with it than i can think of
18:06.57landleyohsix: why would I rename any of them? The kernel suggests a name, if I want another name I create a symlink.
18:07.35landleyohsix: if you mount a tmpfs somewhere, and just leave it alone, nobody but root should ever be able to access anything that shows up in it.
18:07.41landleyIf you can manage to exploit that, we've already lost.
18:07.46landleySo what race are you talking about?
18:08.21ohsixyou don't always have an exploit that gets you a root shell
18:08.33ohsixoften you have to take a detour to take advantage of something clever someone overlooked
18:08.33landleyohsix: define "exploit".
18:08.52ohsixi thought i was expounding on your use of the word
18:09.02landleyFiles you can't access show up.  You can pretty much list their names, but you can already cat /proc/modules and look at sysfs and such anyway.
18:09.08landleyNo, you said "not without racing though".
18:09.49landleyHow does mdev on top of devtmpfs coming along afterwards and adding permissions and extra names to files (and doing firmware loading for devices that show up that _didn't_ create a /dev entry yet) have interesting races?
18:09.52ohsixthat was a red herring, not in the sense that i stated it; but that it's circumstantial and i'm not clever enough to speculate, but they are always opportunities
18:10.07landleyohsix: not in this instance, captain.
18:10.13av500pmi, what is in devtmpfs that was not in devfs?
18:10.33ohsixdo you know how to ask git for just recent renames?
18:10.35landleyav500: wrong way around.
18:10.46landleydevtmpfs does a small, sane set of things.
18:11.00landleydevfs did a giant unbounded blob of horrible crap that should never have been in the kernel.
18:11.22ohsixi take it you weren't in on the great bikeshed naming event, or were indifferent
18:11.33landleyThe _fundamental_ problem with devfs was it tried to figure out what user and group each device should belong to, which meant the kernel had to know what was in /etc/passwd to know what users there were, which is NOT THE KERNEL'S JOB.
18:12.06av500/etc/passwd migtt not even exist
18:12.12landleyBeyond that it tried to provide solaris-style names for things, which were ugly and broke stuff and had subdirectories (and creating/removing subdirectories and their contents is racy).
18:12.20ohsixpeople might take issue at where you draw the line on what the kernel is supposed to do, but in that case you are correct; the other side of the debate with devtempfs was the naming policy period
18:12.45landleyav500: the kernel knows about uid and gid.  To the kernel, each is just a number, and the interesting thing is whether or not they match.
18:12.51landleyTHe only special one is uid 0: root.
18:13.20landleyBut devfs had to figure out who each thing belonged to, which is something the kernel is fundamentally ill-equipped to do because what users this system has is policy.  NOt the kernel's job.
18:13.38landleyohsix: naming policy is inherent to sysfs.
18:13.57landleyEach device has its own subdirectory in sysfs.  Those directory names have to be unique.
18:14.03ohsixis it? they're properties of what's actually in the system, and their relations
18:14.18landleyAll devtmpfs did was use those existing directory names as the device names.  (Same as mdev started doing in 2005.)
18:14.20ohsixthey have to be unique, but you aren't typically picking them in a driver you write
18:14.32landleyohsix: modules need unique names too.
18:14.40landleyAnd yes, you are picking them in the driver you write.
18:14.57landleyThe driver exports named resources.
18:14.58ohsixand they only have to be unique insofar that you wouldn't be looking for a nonpci part under the pci bus tree, but if you have a pci part you wouldn't even be talking to sysfs, it is done for you
18:15.22landleyLots of drivers do this.  i2c does this, network interfaces do this...
18:15.23ohsixthe kernel namespace is the kernels business
18:15.49landleyohsix: sysfs is just a view into the kobjects data structures.
18:15.55ohsixuserspace has little want or care, it's not resolving symbols from userspace in the kernel, and doing stuff with them
18:15.55landleyThere are OLS papers on this.
18:16.07ohsixi know that
18:16.17landleyohsix: the kernel namespace already has to be unique, and already needs names for these things.
18:16.24landleydevtmpfs just exports that kernel namespace where userspace can see it.
18:16.43ohsixyou aren't trying to satisfy the set of user + kernel uniqueness, that's just the kernel's namespace
18:16.50landleySome people flip out about this. I cordially invite them to launch themselves into deap space without an air tank.
18:16.55landleyTHey are not my problem.
18:17.04ohsixright, which is why i understand your position
18:17.09landleyohsix: usernames are a different namespace from device names.
18:17.16landleyYou can have a /dev/bin and a user named "bin" and those are different things.
18:17.19ohsixbut there are people with other ideas about it, and you can't cooperate with them
18:17.26landleyTHe kernel doesn't use usernames.  It uses user id's.
18:17.37landleyTHe problem is, other than root, the kernel doesn't know what any of those users DO.  Nor should it.
18:17.48ohsixare you arguing against devfs? i don't understand the digression
18:18.03landleyThe _other_ problem with devfs is we didn't have sysfs yet.  So when you plug in a USB device you haven't loaded a driver for yet... what do you do?
18:18.15av500yes, i threw devfs into the ring :)
18:18.16ohsixyou write udev
18:18.17landleydevfs was trying to notify people about hardware showing up before the driver was loaded, but the drivers are what create /dev nodes.
18:18.34landley/dev/zero does not correspond to specific hardware.  /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda3 are different views to the same piece of hardware.
18:18.45landleyohsix: I don't write udev, I wrote mdev.
18:18.53ohsixinformation from /sys isn't the only type of information udev stores about a device
18:18.56landleyudev is an overcomplicated pile of unnecessary complexity.
18:19.07ohsixi'm telling you what they did, you said "what do you do"
18:19.19landleyWhat "they" did was stupid, and I argued with them about it for years.
18:19.45landleyThere's a reason udev needed to be replaced every time you installed a new kernel for about 7 years there. They got the _design_ wrong.
18:20.02ohsixudev just applies rules to uevents, takes a little bit from /sys and what else it can get from its helpers, and allows userspace to enumerate those properties it added; and know when devices come around on a useful lifecycle
18:20.31ohsixdoes mdev use the output of the udev work? the kobject uevents and other facilities?
18:21.07landleyOf course not.  THat's like saying "does busybox grep use the output of gnu grep".
18:21.17landleymdev is a much simpler tool that does the interesting bits of what udev does.
18:21.29ohsixthen where does it source events to actually work
18:21.38landleyANd then devtmpfs came along and did about half of what mdev did, but it turns out to be the _interesting_ half for a lot of embedded systems.
18:22.02landleyohsix: sysfs with /sbin/hotplug notifications.
18:22.36ohsixdid it exist before there was a sysfs?
18:22.37mnemocand `mdev -s` is sloooooooooooow :)
18:22.44landleyecho "/sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug" to enable notifications.
18:22.51landleymnemoc: it didn't used to be.  Busybox has gotten bloated.
18:23.18landleyI was proud that mdev -s finished in under a second on my 200 mhz test system.
18:23.52ohsixwell i can't make the argument i would have based on the answer that isn't yet forthcoming, i have to go anyways
18:24.14ohsixbut if no, where did it get the information to work; and if yes, you benefitted from the work :]
18:26.46ohsixthanks, will check it out when i get home; i was under the impression some random terd was behind mdev btw; when it creeped up again not too long ago, i understand the use for it, but not proposing it as a replacement, or a better than udev type thing; they're not comparable at least as i know them now
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18:34.30landleyohsix: mdev happened after I wrote a shell script to scrape /sys and populate /dev with block and char devices.
18:34.52landleyI posted the shell script to linux-kernel (it was slow, but meant I didn't need a static /dev), and Frank Sorensen did a much much faster C version.
18:35.20landleyAnd then solar@gentoo and I started speculating about a config file format for it (to deal with ownership and permissions) on #uclibc channel...
18:36.21landleyohsix: Ha, the internet never forgets:
18:40.26landleyI note that mdev has changed a lot since I left busybox in 2006, and I haven't really paid close attention.
18:41.05landleyThe "mdev -s" without a config file behavior is basically what devtmpfs creates, and that's pretty much what I was using in my little embedded systems, so I haven't looked at what they've done recently.
18:41.10landleySlowed it way the heck down, from what I can tell...
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