IRC log for #edev on 20111116

00:43.56*** join/#edev prpplague (
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01:32.26g1powermacanyone know of a cheap hackable tablet with some kind of expansion slot so as to allow me to install a xbee module?
01:33.32SpeedEvilMany cheap tablets can so USB host
01:33.58prpplagueg1powermac: tons of chinesse stuff
01:34.04g1powermacwould like to have it inside the tablet though
01:34.13prpplagueg1powermac: archos tablet with an omap44xx is a pretty good choice
01:34.18prpplagueg1powermac: firmware is open
01:34.31prpplagueg1powermac: iirc it is in the $350 range
01:34.37SpeedEvilI recently got some birthday goodies.
01:34.42g1powermacwas looking at that opensourcemid
01:35.03SpeedEvilDS1820s, hot-tweezers, and an android tablet - the wopad i7.
01:35.10SpeedEvilIt's surprisingly usable.
01:35.12prpplagueSpeedEvil: nice
01:35.15g1powermacthe opensourcemid has a mini pci express slot
01:35.27prpplagueg1powermac: the archos tablet is a pretty darn good choice
01:35.32g1powermacwas wondering if there is anything cheaper
01:35.50SpeedEvilYou need to ideally find something with a large community round it.
01:35.57prpplagueg1powermac: as you get cheaper, the hackable portions get a little nasty
01:36.02SpeedEvilAnd that hopefully won't get cancelled.
01:36.16g1powermacprpplague, ahh
01:36.27prpplagueg1powermac: archos tablet is a good trade off
01:36.31prpplagueg1powermac: good community
01:36.34prpplagueg1powermac: good support
01:36.35SpeedEvilIn some cases, not as cheap, but more hackable can be a reasonable trade.
01:36.39prpplagueg1powermac: quality product
01:36.47SpeedEvilFor example, going to beagle or pandaboard and an external LCD.
01:36.47prpplagueSpeedEvil: exactly
01:37.02g1powermacprpplague, what kind of expansion ability does it have?
01:37.08prpplagueSpeedEvil: the archos tablet is basically a pandaboard with lcd
01:37.32prpplagueg1powermac: they dont doc it, but there is a pretty good amount, like i said to SpeedEvil , it is basically a pandaboard
01:37.49SpeedEvilAlso - you can cheat.
01:37.56SpeedEvilxbee is serial isn't it?
01:37.59prpplagueg1powermac: full source for the archos is available
01:38.05SpeedEvil$10 bluetooth->serial thingy.
01:38.15SpeedEvilAnd you're there, on any tablet with bluetooth.
01:38.23SpeedEvilThen it's a simple matter of programming.
01:38.40g1powermacSpeedEvil, true, but really would like it inside
01:38.51SpeedEvilInside is a problem.
01:39.03SpeedEvilSimply as for obvious reasons in most tablets, there is almost no volume.
01:39.12g1powermacprpplague, thats cool
01:39.12SpeedEvilUnless you go x86.
01:39.30g1powermacSpeedEvil, yea, thats why I was wondering if it had internal expansion ability
01:39.33SpeedEvilAnd for example take an older thinkpad tablet, swap out the hard drive for a stubby SSD, and do something internal.
01:39.38g1powermaclike the opensourcemid
01:41.57prpplagueg1powermac: on the other end you can get something like a flytouch3 from china and hack away, but you are going to spend a lot of time tinkering
01:43.18prpplagueyou can pick one up for about $89 USD
01:43.51g1powermacnow thats cheap
01:44.07SpeedEvilHow much is your time worth?
01:44.26g1powermacscarily not much more than the xbee plus atmel chip with batteries for the sensor readers
01:44.33SpeedEvilIf you're gonna spend a hundred hours hacking it, ...
01:44.43g1powermacSpeedEvil, I agree
01:45.46prpplagueSpeedEvil: well you have to weight it against what you want to learn of course
01:46.02prpplaguehas spent years on some $20USD gadgets
01:46.16SpeedEvilSpending a hundred hours hacking it can be fun.
01:46.35SpeedEvilBut if you need to get on with your project, and can't, because you diddn't get it working even after that, ...
01:46.45prpplagueSpeedEvil: eggxactly
01:46.48g1powermacthat is true
01:46.56g1powermacrather make the hacking easy
01:48.11SpeedEvilOh for a world where everything had to come with schematics.
01:48.26prpplagueSpeedEvil: hehe
01:48.26g1powermacthat'd be awesome
01:48.29prpplagueSpeedEvil: no fun in that
01:48.33g1powermacthat and open firmware
01:48.49SpeedEvilI want to hack everything, and it frustrates me.
01:48.59SpeedEvilMy breadmaker, microwave, ...
01:49.47prpplagueSpeedEvil: so do i, but i made a promise to myself decades ago not to get side tracked with projects that don't further my career
01:50.16g1powermachmm, tablet with zigbee installed:
01:50.52SpeedEvilThen there is the fun question of what APIs does the software expose.
01:51.02prpplagueg1powermac: no no no, you want omap4, hehe
01:51.25prpplagueg1powermac: if you seriously want to do some hacking, i'll get you a board to start hacking on
01:51.46g1powermacprpplague, you find me some way to get zigbee on one, I'll use one :-)
01:52.13prpplagueg1powermac: which zigbee module are you looking at?
01:52.42g1powermacright now the series 1 xbee
01:53.56g1powermacthey're not *technically* zigbee
01:54.09g1powermacits a simplified zigbee
01:54.27g1powermacto allow basically wireless serial comm
01:55.14prpplagueg1powermac: i'll get you a pandaboard , xbee pro, and some level shifters, but you have to document the ENTIRE process on
01:55.40g1powermacyou sure?
01:56.06g1powermacthough I'm not using the pro modules
01:56.14prpplagueyou should ask yourself if you are sure....
01:57.11g1powermacI'm not using that one, they cost too much per unit
01:57.20g1powermacand yea, I'd love to document it
01:57.26g1powermacit may take me 6 months though
01:57.36g1powermacbut this is the slow season for me
01:57.48prpplagueg1powermac: just as long as there are regular updates
01:57.55prpplagueg1powermac: you got soldering tools?
01:58.09g1powermacpacked away, but got lots of goodies
01:58.31g1powermacwould you mind if I document the sensor dev part too on the same site?
01:59.28prpplagueg1powermac: of course! send me an email to with your complete proposal and i'll make the arragements
01:59.46g1powermack, I'll write something up in the morning
01:59.52g1powermacthank you very much
02:00.33g1powermacbtw, thats one wild address :-)
02:00.53g1powermacand I guess you now work for TI?
02:01.00prpplagueg1powermac: contracting for TI
02:01.22prpplagueg1powermac: they have some procedure to setup an alias for your email address, but i have never gotten around to doing that
02:01.29g1powermaclast time I was around you were still working at that handheld company
02:02.27prpplagueg1powermac: yea, they got hit hard by the recession
02:04.00g1powermacI'm glad our shoe store has held pretty well during the recession
02:04.43g1powermacthough I have to tell you all a warning, expect major price increases on everything in the next 6 months
02:05.05g1powermacour vendors have been increasing prices by wide margins
02:05.16g1powermacfor new coming products
02:05.23prpplagueg1powermac: yea
02:05.30prpplagueg1powermac: thats what i hear all over the place
02:05.41g1powermacits shocking
02:06.10prpplagueg1powermac: most of the people who aren't dealing with the business end of things aren't seeing it right now
02:06.29g1powermacyup, it takes about 6 months before it hits the shelves directly
02:08.18g1powermacthe hard part for us smaller retailers is that the large ones can hold off increasing retail prices longer than we can
02:14.25g1powermacanyway, I'm off, thank you again prpplague
03:55.05MirellI need to learn Sanskrit...
03:55.23prpplagueMirell: hehe
03:56.22MirellI do!
03:56.43prpplaguewants to learn hindi
04:31.44wmatmandarin would be more prudent
04:32.09prpplaguewmat: hehe
04:32.50wmatprpplague: you dropped out of the MV channel; I was about to mock you ;)
04:33.18prpplaguewmat: what? someone mocking me?
04:33.29prpplaguewmat: that is just unheard of
04:33.47wmati usually just mock myself
04:34.10prpplaguewmat: hehe
04:34.27prpplaguewmat: hehe, you hear what my wife said about my presentation?
04:34.54wmatno, what?
04:35.16prpplague"that guy in the front row was a real jerk, why were you so nice to him?"
04:35.23prpplaguehehe it was av500
04:35.49wmatav500 is awesome
04:38.10wmathe wasn't that bad was he (/me hasn't watched it yet)
04:40.05*** join/#edev mbuf (user@nat/redhat/x-ymbqzwtahapwwcnm)
04:42.21prpplaguewmat: watch the last 2 minutes
04:42.52wmatfires up X
04:47.07wmatyou owned him
04:51.29*** join/#edev Thorn (~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
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12:29.04*** join/#edev g1powermac (~g1powerma@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
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12:39.16g1powermacthat panda board is something. . .didn't get a chance to look at the specs of it last night
12:42.26g1powermacgonna need some kind of lcd+touchscreen with it though
13:00.53g1powermacprpplague, email sent
13:48.23*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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14:40.35*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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16:07.24*** join/#edev landley (~landley@
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16:07.42landleyThere are a surprising number of random stabs at BSD licensed busyboxoids.
16:08.18landleyI've been pointed at 44 commands and 700k.  Uh-huh.
16:08.32landleysbase doesn't appear to have a web page.
16:09.09landleycrunchgen busyboxifies arbitrary programs via build magic.  That's gonna be small and efficient, oh yeah.
16:09.22kergothinteresting, hadn't heard of beastiebox. neat
16:09.37landleykergoth: it gives me another "low hanging fruit" command list.
16:10.46landleyBut their ps is unlikely to work on linux, they seem to have inclucded vi and tar verbatim, ping requires root access and is thus generally suid and I'd be surprised if they have suid permissions handling infrastructur...
16:11.22landleyInteresting, but the question asked on the new toybox list was whether I'd want to copy code from any of them.  So far, probably not, but it's worth a closer look...
16:11.35kergothHeh, I wouldn't be surprised if some people still use tinylogin, just to avoid the suid busybox stuff
16:15.02landleyI need to add a "make suidconfig" and "make nosuidconfig" to toybox.
16:15.08landleySo you can do them as two separate binaries if you want to.
16:15.30*** join/#edev prpplague (~danders@nat/ti/x-rxygmzahaosdsvqw)
16:15.36landleyReally the suid dropping logic is if you have commands that require it and commands that shouldn't have it in the same selection set.  Not impossible to autodetect...
16:15.42landleyHiya prpplague.  I'm ruminating about toybox.
16:15.51landleyDid you catch the new mailing list? :)
16:16.20prpplaguelandley: sorry no, url?
16:16.29landleyI haven't updated the news feed on but the mailing list link on the left is updated.
16:16.34landleyAs is the license page. :)
16:18.48prpplaguelandley: dandy
16:18.57*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
16:19.33g1powermachey prpplague
16:19.44prpplagueg1powermac: greetings
16:20.06g1powermacsent the email this morning
16:20.31prpplagueg1powermac: yep got it
16:22.23g1powermacis it enough info?
16:25.54*** join/#edev avinashhm (~avinash-h@
16:28.07g1powermacthat pandaboard has some amazing specs to it
16:44.33*** join/#edev SterNiX (~LessIsMor@unaffiliated/nu253r/x-0655220)
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17:51.52g1powermacanyone know what it would take to charge a nimh battery with a solar panel?
18:02.24*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
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18:17.47wmata sunny day ;)
18:36.14*** join/#edev risca (
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20:02.34*** join/#edev g1powermac (
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21:50.12MonMothag1powermac: Ni-MH batteries have a somewhat complicated charging cycle.  I'd recommend using a pre-made charge controller
21:51.01g1powermacMonMotha, I can't find one
21:51.16g1powermacI've been looking around for premade charge controller boards
21:51.30MonMothaI know there are lots of chips floating around that do it
21:51.36MonMothaI'm sure someone sells a pre-made module
21:52.03MonMothadoing it from a solar source in the most efficient manner possible is a little more complicated since you also want to track the MPP of the solar cell
21:52.50g1powermacI had found this:
21:52.56MonMothabut you can do it without that
21:53.06g1powermacbut now I wonder if they assume a different type of battery
21:53.37MonMothayech, that's an ugly (and perhaps even dangerous) way to do it
21:53.46MonMothayou'll probably destroy an Ni-MH pretty quickly that way
21:53.56g1powermacuh ha
21:54.23g1powermacok, so need to find something else then
21:54.51g1powermacdo you know of a pdip chip that can do this?
21:55.07MonMothalook through maxim's catalog
21:55.17g1powermacalready did
21:55.22g1powermacnothing specific for solar
21:55.36MonMothathey probably won't have anything that specific
21:55.51MonMothabut you can do this reasonably if you just have good end-of-charge detection
21:56.00MonMothaNi-MH are very sensitive to overcharge
21:56.32MonMothabut an ideal solution require several pieces
21:56.51MonMothayou need to know where on the charge curve you're at, so you know how to charge (or stop charging) the battery, and you need to track the MPP on the solar cell
21:57.15MonMothawhich may require a converter of some sort
21:57.23MonMothabut you can integrate that with the charger
21:58.11g1powermachmm, no pdip stuff from maxim for nimh batteries
21:58.35MonMothaDIP packaging is getting much less common
21:58.58MonMothacircuits are more complicated, the parasitics on those packages preclude high speed, and cheap 2-layer prototype PCBs can be had for lik e$50
21:59.31MonMothaand nobody's using them in production, anymore
22:00.33MonMothaI think they're mostly still made to help people prototype things, and due to the cheap PCBs, that's getting less of an issue
22:07.39MonMothafwiw, you can do this with a microcontroller and a few passives
22:07.54MonMothabut the firmware is complicated as it's a very real-time thing
22:08.34MonMothathe MPP tracking isn't required, but you won't get the highest possible efficiency during fast charge without it
22:09.02g1powermachmm, I have no need for fast charging
22:09.23MonMothawell, "fast charge" is relative
22:09.29g1powermacI just want it to trickle charge via solar panel
22:09.45MonMothawell, in that case, you just need reasonable end-of-charge indication
22:09.55MonMothathen cut off the solar power
22:10.05MonMothai.e. with a FET
22:10.16MonMothayou can probably use an off-the-shelf controller for that pretty easily
22:11.10g1powermacthese controllers are fairly complicated, at least the ones from maxim
22:11.18g1powermacwith temperature sensors and crap
22:11.50MonMothacharging Ni-MH is complicated :)
22:11.58MonMothabut if you just want to trickle, you probably don't need temp sensing
22:11.59g1powermacwhat about ni-cd?
22:12.14MonMothaNi-Cd is somewhat simpler, but just a sucky chemistry to begin with
22:12.29MonMothaoddly, Li-Ion is one of the simplest to charge, but it's also the most dangerous if you over charge it
22:12.40MonMothaand good old Lead Acid is just plain forgiving
22:12.57g1powermacdo they even make lead acid in AA format?
22:13.10MonMothaI don't think so
22:13.18MonMothait's not very amenable to small formfactors
22:13.23MonMothayou can get pretty small gel cells, thoug
22:14.47MonMothathe problem with Ni-MH is that it's hard to tell when it's done charging, and overcharging it is really bad
22:16.18MonMothadT/dt is one of the easiest ways to tell when it's done, but that does require temperature sensing, and it really only works well with "fast" charging
22:16.38g1powermacso how do you trickle charge these things?
22:17.27g1powermacand realistically, how much of a percent of the total mA capacity constitutes a trickle charge?
22:18.16MonMothathat's getting a bit outside my domain
22:18.33MonMothathere are other charge termination detection methods that would work better with dT/dt
22:18.41MonMothayou planning to put this inside or outside?
22:18.58MonMothasince using it outdoors can also mess with dT/dt
22:19.50MonMothayeah, that may also cause problems
22:21.41MonMothaI think you can use -deltaV termination on Ni-MH
22:21.59MonMothabasically, you watch the battery voltage and when it actually starts to decrease despite continued charging attempts, you know you're done
22:22.29MonMothaall this said, if you know your discharge rate, you can just set your charge rate to basically match it
22:22.38MonMothathen you don't need control
22:22.45MonMothanot the nicest thing ever, but it'll work
22:23.43MonMothaand you can watch the voltage at charge initiation; if it's unusually low, you can up the charge rate a little for that cycle
22:23.57MonMothathat works as long as your discharge rate is relatively constant, and you're looking at long term operation
22:24.16g1powermacthats alot of logic right there
22:24.37MonMothaeh, not too bad
22:24.38g1powermacI'm shocked really that sparkfun doesn't have anything for this
22:25.25MonMothawell, how much is it worth to you? :)
22:27.01g1powermacwait a sec, I found something:
22:27.46g1powermacnot sure why that didn't pop up on the maxim site
22:28.32MonMothait's obsolete
22:28.50MonMothawell, NRND at least
22:31.47*** join/#edev Nu^253r (~LessIsMor@unaffiliated/nu253r/x-0655220)
22:34.58g1powermacMonMotha, I wonder how those little led outdoor solar lights charge their batteries
22:35.30MonMothag1powermac: my guess would be just a fixed rate at ~1/2 the drawdown rate
22:35.39MonMothathey have some pretty lax requirements
22:35.50MonMothathey know the draw, and it's OK if the battery runs out before the night is over
22:35.59MonMothaso they can err on the side of undercharging the battery
22:38.27g1powermacI wonder how they charge sub 32F
22:38.54MonMothaNi-MH can be charged below freezing, IIRC
22:38.58MonMothathat's a Li-Ion problem
22:39.03g1powermacaccording to this one datasheet, the controller shuts off at 32f
22:39.49MonMothawell, they probably also use Ni-Cd (it's cheap)
22:39.58MonMothaand I'm pretty sure you can charge Ni-Cd below freezing
22:40.36MonMothaI know charging Li-Ion below freezing is a major no-no, but I didn't think it was a problem on Nickel chemistries
22:45.29*** join/#edev SterNiX (~LessIsMor@unaffiliated/nu253r/x-0655220)
23:07.04MirellYou blew something up?
23:07.06MirellWay to dgo!
23:10.14g1powermacMirell, not yet, but may shortly ;-)
23:11.18MirellGo Boom Go
23:11.38g1powermaclets hook some nimh cells to 120v AC woo!
23:13.55landleyMonMotha/g1powermac: there's a great video on how lithium ion batteries and supercapacitors work, by the way:
23:18.15g1powermacwoo, the guys at #sparkfun have been helpful
23:28.56g1powermacwell, this is a change of events
23:29.05g1powermacI have been told to buy a smart phone
23:29.15g1powermacany suggestions on the best hackable one?
23:43.03SpeedEvilI want to say the nokia n9.
23:43.05SpeedEvilBut I can't/.
23:43.11SpeedEvilhugs his n900.
23:44.04g1powermacwonders if prpplague were here he'd suggest the pandaboard with a gsm module attached ;-)
23:46.58landleyI was pretty happy with the Nexus One Google sold directly (although I got mine as a giveaway), but it was discontinued. :P
23:47.27landleyI do note that Hexagon support just went into the 3.1 kernel, so anything based on Qualcomm's snapdragon SOC has _two_ processors you can run Linux on now. :)
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23:54.41calculusg1powermac: I think the openmoko guys are trying that with omap4/pandaboard
23:55.14g1powermaccalculus, why doesn't that surprise me? :-)
23:55.35g1powermacthough if they pull it off, it will be pretty cool

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