IRC log for #edev on 20110214

10:13.23*** join/#edev purl (
10:13.23*** topic/#edev is Discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Busybox and Buildroot :
10:22.01*** join/#edev Roland (~roland@
11:14.45*** join/#edev heero__ (~heero@
12:30.43*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
12:30.54*** join/#edev SpeedEvil1 (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
12:37.38*** join/#edev heero__ (
12:57.32*** join/#edev jayabharath (~jayabhara@nat/ti/x-ckhglkhpqjmscfor)
13:36.16*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
13:52.51*** join/#edev TemporalBeing (~bmeyer@
14:13.02*** part/#edev TemporalBeing (~bmeyer@
14:24.04*** join/#edev heero_ (
14:39.58*** join/#edev kergoth_ (
15:09.43*** join/#edev miltonm (~miltonm@
15:16.40*** join/#edev Zygo (
15:23.08*** join/#edev madsy (
15:23.08*** join/#edev madsy (~madsy@fu/coder/madsy)
15:31.39*** join/#edev sjhill (
15:31.39*** mode/#edev [+o sjhill] by ChanServ
15:38.54*** join/#edev sjhill (
15:38.54*** mode/#edev [+o sjhill] by ChanServ
15:48.15*** join/#edev gandhijee (
15:55.48*** join/#edev jayabharath (~jayabhara@nat/ti/x-yojrzlxgpuwwlica)
15:57.21*** join/#edev wing0 (
16:10.04*** join/#edev prpplague (~danders@nat/ti/x-pncrototuqnvivpn)
16:15.14*** join/#edev sndcrb (
16:19.07*** join/#edev wing0 (~heero@
17:25.53prpplaguewmat: ping
17:30.01wmatprpplague: pong
17:30.35prpplaguewmat: hey , do you know who is on the team reviewing proposals for  ELC for april?
17:31.15*** join/#edev miltonm (~miltonm@
17:31.36wmatprpplague: no, but I can find out if you like.  Tim B. will be for sure.
17:32.17prpplaguewmat: well i was just curious, but i did hear on some of the other channels that in years past the list was posted , and this year it wasn't
17:33.25wmatprpplague: Tim B. asked for volunteers to review proposals about a month ago.  Maybe he didn't get any.  I'll ping him to post the list.
17:40.03wmatsent him and the celinux-dev list a note
18:19.42*** join/#edev kergoth_ (
19:42.55*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
19:44.14*** join/#edev miltonm (~miltonm@
19:46.30*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
20:24.20*** join/#edev NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
20:58.12*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
21:45.55*** join/#edev miltonm (~miltonm@
21:59.22prpplague~seen cosmicpenguin
21:59.22purlcosmicpenguin <> was last seen on IRC in channel #edev, 70d 32m 50s ago, saying: 'but the performance question was a new one for me'.
22:26.20*** join/#edev MonMotha (
22:29.23*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
22:48.48*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
23:13.13*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
23:28.20*** join/#edev rasker (

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