IRC log for #edev on 20101113

00:20.27*** join/#edev RobotGuy (
00:44.01*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
00:50.50*** join/#edev djerome (
01:41.21*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
02:14.06*** join/#edev kergoth (
03:53.06*** join/#edev sn9 (~danielg4@
03:54.35sn9anyone awake?
03:55.28sn9i seem to be in an unfortunate timezone for finding people awake
04:02.05kergothit's getting late in the US (e.g. 9pm mountain), and still early in europe (e.g. 4am UTC)
04:02.22sn9it's 8pm here
04:03.16sn9i don't suppose you have any experience flashing a bootloader on when jtag is not exposed...
04:06.48sn9kergoth: ever needed to do that?
04:08.04kergothfraid not.  its possible you could via the mtd from linux, assuming that flash is unlocked, but it'd be awfully dangerous, I'd guess.  but it's been a while since i've had to touch any hardware, stuck in buildsystem land nowadays
04:08.26sn9linux requires a working bootloader
04:08.34kergothoh, it's not functional?
04:08.49kergothheh, no idea
04:09.00sn9that's why i need to flash the bootloader on; i wrote to the wrong mtd
04:10.49sn9i have attempted to get at the jtag signals from the back of the processor itself:
04:11.26kergothi'm sure there are guys in here that could help, hardware folk, but as you say, bad timing :\
04:11.27sn9i based it on this diagram:
04:12.04sn9the diagram turned out to contain a couple of mistakes
05:18.56solarbricks ;/
05:20.01sn9yeah, those
05:22.54sn9the setup in the pic was very precarious and did not survive redoing once i got the correct chip pinout. 4 of the 7 traces i need are damaged to the point where catching them would require microscopic contacts now
05:27.03sn9my question is: what's the least impossible way to put the bootloader on now?
05:42.01daliasdoes rob ever come around anymore?
06:41.20*** join/#edev destenson (
08:46.57davidc__sn9: oi; you soldered them to the top of the BGA package? that must have been... fun.
08:47.04davidc__I've never actually heard of someone doing that before.
08:47.24davidc__and I guess those testpoints right next to the BGA aren't connected to the jtag IOs?
08:56.17daliasanyone know why modern linux pre-maps 132k of stack?
08:56.36daliasit makes it really hard to measure bloat at a glance
08:57.18daliasbecause 128k or so of that 132k is probably untouched zero pages
08:58.30daliasfor instance i have a process that's 144k of vss, but 132k of that it stack, and only 8k is dirty (1 page of stack, 1 page of data)
08:59.50daliasand the real vss (minus 128k of useless stack mapping) is 16k
10:54.07*** join/#edev pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
11:22.57*** join/#edev Roland (~roland@
11:27.43SpeedEvilsn9: well - you could unsolder and flash the ROM
11:29.23SpeedEvilsn9: That is ... ingenious.
11:29.27SpeedEvil(the pic)
12:24.09sn9davidc__: no, i did not solder; look at the pic
12:26.40sn9and no, the jtag io's are not connected, at all
12:27.13sn9(and if they were, they wouldn't be now)
13:28.26*** join/#edev pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
13:52.48*** join/#edev GPSFan (~kenm@
13:52.48*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
14:40.15sn9SpeedEvil: so, is removing the flash chip really the easiest way now?
15:13.38SpeedEvilPossibly, yes.
15:14.11SpeedEvilIf you can't expose the JTAG bus, or get it to cooperate and load over some other interface, or get a new one on ebay.
15:22.55sn9other interface?
15:23.29sn9SpeedEvil: like what?
16:04.45SpeedEvilFor example, if the CPU supports a serial bootloader.
16:05.01SpeedEvilOr if the firmware tries to load over tftp
16:09.11*** join/#edev prpplague (~danders@nat/ti/x-buqcqdyhkezubzzv)
16:17.28sn9SpeedEvil: those are functions of the bootloader, which is what i want to put on
16:21.15SpeedEvilNot always
16:21.34SpeedEvilfor example, the stm32 has a hardware serial bootloader activated by pulling one line high
16:23.55sn9failing that, what are the chances of still using jtag, after all that? like maybe with the help of a conductive ink pen?
16:32.14*** join/#edev pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
16:47.51SpeedEvilI diddn't see exactly the damage you did
16:49.02sn9i'd need a very high-rez camera to show that
16:49.21sn9use your imagination
18:54.54*** join/#edev sndcrb (
19:54.55*** join/#edev flo_lap (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:08.20*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
20:24.31*** join/#edev NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
20:29.50*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
22:03.56*** join/#edev Crofton (
22:50.12*** join/#edev djerome (
23:11.21*** join/#edev JViz (
23:32.01*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)

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