IRC log for #edev on 20100723

00:00.03*** part/#edev bgamari (
00:12.19*** join/#edev djerome (
00:52.58*** join/#edev prpplague (
01:27.28*** join/#edev krushia (
01:30.14*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
02:21.53*** join/#edev krushia (
03:29.57rue_shopooh its not elinux
03:30.02rue_shopor is it
03:30.08rue_shopwhere am I in the wrong channel
03:30.27rue_shopprpplague, you awake?
03:31.04*** join/#edev rue_shop3 (~rue_mohr@
03:34.10solarI have not seen him talk in 9 or so hours
03:34.36solaror halfish of that :)
03:35.33rue_shopdo you know?
03:39.02wmatrue_shop: there is a #elinux now
03:39.17wmatbut prpplague is in both
03:40.52rue_shopyea I'm not sure of the diff
03:44.09kergothelinux existed long before edev ever did :)
03:50.23solarrue_shop: anyway. what are you trying to solve now?
03:50.50*** join/#edev cbx (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
03:52.45rue_shopI have to install bison
03:53.56rue_shophaha I have to upgrade 83 packages to install bison
03:54.15rue_shopooo includes libc6, man I'm glad this is just a workstation
04:18.15*** join/#edev mbuf (~user@
05:05.05*** join/#edev chouimat (
05:05.06*** join/#edev chouimat (~mathieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
05:06.30*** join/#edev Crofton (
06:42.24*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
07:29.21*** join/#edev cbx_ (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
07:34.12*** join/#edev cbx (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
08:03.33*** join/#edev miltonm (~miltonm@
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08:57.09*** join/#edev cbx (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
09:21.02*** join/#edev cbx_ (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
09:37.00*** join/#edev cbx (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
09:47.14*** join/#edev devilsadvocate (~devilsadv@
09:48.51*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
09:51.15*** join/#edev jnd (~jenda@unaffiliated/jnd)
10:16.42*** join/#edev pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
10:17.15*** join/#edev cbx_ (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
11:06.22*** join/#edev pirho (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/pirho)
11:37.46*** join/#edev JoeLlama (~snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
12:06.36*** join/#edev gustavoz (
12:28.08*** join/#edev calculus (~calculus@gentoo/user/calculus)
13:14.51*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
14:25.35*** join/#edev cbx (~cbx___@unaffiliated/cbx)
14:49.59*** join/#edev kergoth_ (
15:38.35*** join/#edev purl (
15:38.35*** topic/#edev is Discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Aboriginal Linux (formerly FWL) : Busybox and Buildroot :
16:02.52*** join/#edev flo_lap (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
16:21.14*** join/#edev dijenerate (~dijenerat@
16:22.07*** join/#edev mbuf (~user@
16:29.18*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (
16:29.18*** mode/#edev [+o CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
16:36.01CosmicPenguinScotch!  There is a solution....
16:42.47MirellYah, I was scared trying to upgrade Subversion on a production machine, and it wanted to upgrade libc6.
16:48.44*** part/#edev dfarnsworth (~dfarnswor@nat/montavista/x-inydgbhgxihrympt)
16:51.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: greetings
16:51.44prpplagueMirell: greetings
16:58.49prpplaguechouimat: hey frenchy
16:59.31prpplaguewhy is it when you _have_ work that a ton of people want to hire you, and when you _don't_ have work you can't get anyone to return your phone calls
17:06.16*** join/#edev devilsadvocate (~devilsadv@
17:11.23prpplaguedijenerate: ping
17:17.37*** join/#edev n900evil (~Speedevil@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
17:21.28chouimatprpplague: I'm wondering the same thing too ...
17:21.34Crofton|workprpplague, karma
17:21.44chouimatcould be
18:27.35*** join/#edev NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
18:33.30*** join/#edev n900evil (~Speedevil@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
19:02.56rektideanyone use mobile-oriented mcu's w/ onboard dsp?
19:03.08rektidei wanna do some audio beamforming experiments for fun
19:03.18rektidenot sure what mcu's to look at
19:05.06Sphereit has to be very power efficient?
19:06.20rektidepower efficiency would be a huge perk, but i'm ok with this experimental system sucking down 2, maybe 3 watts of power
19:07.13Spheretake a look at, lots of horsepower in a reasonable power package
19:07.27SpeedEvilhow many beams
19:10.04rektidegood q SpeedEvil
19:10.22SpeedEvilAnd what sort of frequency
19:10.57SpeedEvilThe complexity goes all the way from something you can do on a PIC, all the way up to something requiring a FFT per beam.
19:11.57rektidei was looking to see what kind of integrated DSP i could get
19:12.12rektidebefore starting to build those concrete system requirements
19:16.39SpeedEvilHow many of these are you building?
19:25.00rektidedunno, will probably spin a dozen boards
19:29.14Spheredo you need fixed point?
19:29.28rektidei could do fp
19:29.44rektideerr floating point
19:30.00rektideseems to be more common for dsp's
19:30.06rektideand would probably give me better results
19:30.10rektidebut fixed is ok
19:30.10Spherethere aren't many out there doing floating point
19:30.29rektidehmm ok, i may have had my perspective polluted by high end dsp's i briefly scoped out
19:32.09SpeedEvilI suppose beagleboard is out?
19:34.33rektidehonestly CPU is starting to appear tempting
19:34.56rektidehavent checked out the NEON instruction set
19:35.25rektideto see what kind of MAC operations there are
19:35.49penguinecerektide, neon is sexy. 128 bit registers for parallel ops
19:36.29rektidei'm sure neon is sexy, just not sure if its the sexy i need yet
19:37.23penguineceit speeds up FFTs, if thats the sexy you need.
19:37.34rektideit is
19:38.51Spherewith an xmos quadcore chip you can run 32 threads at 50MIPS or 16 at 100MIPS and it has a MAC, but no FP, power consumption is bout 2 Watt max
19:39.05rektideCortex-M4 has an optional DSP
19:39.27rektidegiven that all i really need is raw FFT number crunching any little else (Besides a big enough pipe to keep the dsp fed)
19:39.39rektidei should at least see what dsp performance is out there
19:39.53rektidei just havent found many impls yet, and no real numbers
19:39.55rektidestill searching
19:40.47rektidemay be a little ahead of the curve here on the M4 actually being here.  and i dont know what other mcu's might be worthy of investigation.
19:44.00*** join/#edev lulinha (
19:44.01*** part/#edev lulinha (
19:46.54SpeedEvilAre you trying to do arbitrary sound beaming, or just tone?
19:55.11rektideuh inverse of arbitrary bean forming
19:55.20rektidephase detection
19:55.35SpeedEvilI pondered doing beanforming.
19:55.36rektidephase alignment detection
19:55.44SpeedEvilBut I planted raspberries instead.
19:56.02rektidethats a euphemism for small-scale explosives, isnt it?
19:56.02SpeedEvilso basically a steered mic?
19:56.24SpeedEvilIt's raspberries. The red conicalish cellular fruit.
19:56.40SpeedEvilI've been picking today - another 3Kg for a total of about 10Kg so far
19:57.20MirellI want a pad thai garden.
19:58.05SpeedEvilI think I'm going toend up with an embarresment of soft fruit this year.
19:58.36SpeedEvilLots of gooseberries, raspberries, blaccurrants, redcurrants, though most is raspberries. Apples are looking good too
19:58.41*** join/#edev lulinha (
19:58.41*** part/#edev lulinha (
20:01.18*** join/#edev lulinha (
20:01.18*** part/#edev lulinha (
20:41.54*** join/#edev miknix (~miknix@gentoo/developer/miknix)
20:45.46*** join/#edev kergoth_ (
21:05.54rektidewin 6
21:06.04rektidei need a *stop being a moron* irssi filter
21:08.16SpeedEvilAt least it's better than typing out your password
21:27.38calculusrektide: have you looked at the hawkbaord, it has an arm9+dsp (not sure of the dsp details)?
22:18.00*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
22:21.10*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
22:32.37*** join/#edev miltonm (~miltonm@
23:26.13*** join/#edev purl (
23:26.13*** topic/#edev is Discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Aboriginal Linux (formerly FWL) : Busybox and Buildroot :

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