IRC log for #edev on 20100204

00:06.10*** join/#edev roxfan (
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00:34.24prpplague~seen marex
00:34.25purlmarex <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openezx, 8d 8h 34m 55s ago, saying: 'ok'.
01:07.19*** join/#edev landley (
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01:07.34landleyFor a definition of morning that doesn't really have to do with morning at all, really.
01:07.41landleyAnd yet.
01:08.14prpplaguelandley greetings earthling
01:08.39landleyHi prpplague.  How goes?
01:10.41roxfanmorning is when i wake up
01:11.50prpplaguelandley it's gooing
01:12.10prpplaguelandley got more work than i can handle, just pissy about slow payers
01:12.54prpplaguelandley finishing up a design for a spring loaded interface for jtag and uart to some cell phones
01:15.54SpeedEvilis pondering working out one of those for sale for hte n900
01:15.57SpeedEvilwith shapeways
01:16.12SpeedEvilOr bitofwoodandglueways
01:24.38landleyspring loaded uart...?
01:24.50landleygoes to pick up a pizza.
01:25.02SpeedEvilspring loaded pins to contact UART pads on the board
01:38.01*** join/#edev MonMotha (
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02:00.37prpplaguelandley yea, the pins are spring loaded so you press them against the pads on the back of the phone
02:01.17prpplaguelandley pretty common in production systems
02:11.51*** join/#edev groovy77 (
02:23.17prpplaguedoh, i guess the pizza got the better of landley
02:30.03*** join/#edev MonMotha (
02:35.39*** join/#edev landley (
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02:36.25landleyAnd I've been accepted to CELF, to give the developing with qemu talk from Ohio LinuxFest.
02:36.50landleyThat's in April.  And apparently I'm speaking at Flourish (in Chicago) next month too.
02:37.08landleyPossibly I should tell the Google recruiter my dance card's filling up...
02:37.17landleyHe's only had SEVEN MONTHS TO THINK ABOUT IT...
02:38.05landleyEh, I'll wait until the contract's signed to tell him about the rockwell thing.  Don't hatchet your counts before they chicken, and all that.
02:43.58prpplaguelandley hehe
02:44.04prpplaguelandley that's what i've been doing
02:44.19landleyprpplague: not telling people about the rockwell thing?  Wise.
02:44.21prpplaguelandley don't count on any one item, work on the ones that people commit to
03:14.40Mirelllandley: Sent you the thing
03:23.32landleyMirell: woot.  Thanks.
03:28.19MirellI require $25 whenever you get paid to register this awesome billing/invoice app I found.
03:28.34landleyMirell: agreed.
03:28.56landleyWe can expense it when we run the check through Impact, if this actually turns into real money.  (Fingers crossed.)
03:33.01*** join/#edev krushia (
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04:17.20*** join/#edev PuffTheMagic_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/puffthemagic)
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04:51.39neel97330hi can someone help me with bitbake?
04:59.29landleyneel97330 what do you need it to do?
05:00.56neel97330i am getting this error when i try to run bitbake NameError: global name 'os' is not defined
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05:01.41neel97330im using ubuntu 9.10
05:01.48*** part/#edev xcomp (
05:04.50neel97330followed the instructions at
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05:13.17landleyneel97330 it sounds like it's written in Python, and the python standard libraries aren't installed.
05:13.29landleyThe "os" package is a standard Python import.
05:14.09landleyTry making a quick little "#!/usr/bin/python" script that just does "import os,sys" and see what that says when you run it.
05:19.48*** join/#edev MonMotha (
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11:10.03*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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13:12.18landley(For once, it actually _is_ morning.  Go figure.)
13:29.51*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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15:05.18prpplaguelandley: already?
15:05.34landleyprpplague: haven't been to bed yet. :)
15:06.02landleyFigured out why armv6 was triggering the OOM killer, though.  Bad qemu snapshot.
15:06.18prpplaguehas a ton of work to do
15:06.20landleyGotta try current -git and see if it fixed it, but after sleeping a bit, I think...
15:06.35prpplaguejtag is giving me grief this morning
15:06.39landleyI need to get the nightly builds working again, with the git bisect automated as part of that.
15:06.50landleyTesting qemu snapshots was one of the five builds we were originally doing.
15:07.18landley(the FWL scripts themselves, linux-git, uClibc-git, busybox-git, and the running the result with qemu snapshot.)
15:11.51chouimatprpplague: hey
15:12.21prpplaguechouimat: hey
15:13.16kergothautomated bisect with nightly builds would be handy for most things
15:13.56chouimatnot again ... brb
15:17.23chouimatthis is starting to drive me nuts
15:21.12*** join/#edev miknix (~miknix@gentoo/developer/miknix)
15:25.47prpplague~seen marex
15:25.50purlmarex is currently on #htc-linux (32m 1s) #handhelds (32m 1s) #oe (32m 1s) #openezx (32m 1s) #opie (32m 1s), last said: 'ok'.
15:28.42*** join/#edev cbx (~cbx__@unaffiliated/cbx)
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15:35.45*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (
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16:17.09MirellExcluding the two most critical components?
16:17.21MirellUm...I'd ask them about their chairs.
16:17.33MirellI still miss my Aeron chair.
16:19.07kergothi signed this job offer letter, and then my current position went apeshit and matched everything and added some on top.. but the work at both jobs is exactly the same :)
16:20.26prpplaguekergoth: they added some on top?
16:21.03prpplaguekergoth: the only issue with taking up on counter offers, you have to wonder, are they keeping me around until they can find other people to take over?
16:21.07kergothwell, only in the form of rsus currently, but my boss says if i want more salary to ask and he'll talk to the ceo
16:21.47kergothbut, I'm sure i can negotiate a similar amount at the other place, either now or at the first performance review, so I'm not to concerned about the financials
16:22.08kergoththat's true, except that experts on OE aren't exactly a dime a dozen
16:22.55kergothis leaning toward the other offer at this point, was just curious about perspectives on evaluating/comparing offers in general
16:23.03prpplaguewell, if it were me, and i'm no expert on these matters, i would look to get some benefits that aren't salary, such as commitements to pay for conferences and time to do "projects of interest"
16:23.22kergothhmm, that's a good point, i hadn't considered things like that
16:23.27kergothconferences can be expensive
16:24.16kergoththey just keep screwing with my head.. i had decided on the other offer, then these guys are like, here, talk to the CEO and CFO a while.. and here, would you like some more money? .. uh.. :)
16:24.43prpplaguekergoth: CosmicPenguin  might be a more informed person to ask, he is much more up on finances and job negotiations than i
16:24.54kergothCosmicPenguin: boo
16:25.24kergothit's difficult to judge when the differences are minor rather than particularly compelling
16:26.14prpplaguekergoth: indeed
16:27.16prpplaguekergoth: things like conferences and hardware items (i.e. company laptop, eval boards) to me state more about the companies willingness to keep you happy beyond $$
16:27.51CosmicPenguinYeah, that is good advice
16:28.10CosmicPenguinWhich place would make you happiest (excluding the grass on the other side factor)
16:28.45kergothits hard to say.  both jobs are working on OE based commercial products with a UI on top of it, both allow pushing the code to open source
16:28.50kergothscratches head
16:29.25kergoththanks for the tips, i'll have to keep conferences and hardware and the like in mind in the future, hadn't thought about that
16:29.31CosmicPenguinWhich company would have sent you to FOSDEM? :)
16:29.38kergothheh :) good question
16:29.54kergothi doubt mv/cavium would have, they don't seem apt to spend much on travel
16:30.00MirellI'm leary of places that try to do a huge increase in salary to keep you from leaving.
16:30.02kergothcourse, nobody has much lately
16:30.06prpplaguekergoth: trust me, that says alot
16:30.14MirellBecause then you're the first to go when money's tight.
16:30.28CosmicPenguinAll the more reason to get paid now
16:30.32kergothalso, MV has had multiple layoffs, the other place made it through the economic situation only with reduced expendatures
16:31.17chouimatkergoth: it's hard to tell ... personnaly I would go with the company that seems healthier
16:31.43CosmicPenguinkergoth is imminently hirable
16:31.54CosmicPenguinAs most of us are
16:32.37kergothwell, Linux expertise is already a subset of the regular coders, then embedded Linux is a smaller field within that, it does seem we're in a certain amount of demand
16:32.43chouimatCosmicPenguin: thanks I know that I'm not ;)
16:33.33MirellIt's sad. Just knowing what "open source" or "gcc" is in some shops sets you head or shoulders above others
16:34.15kergothMirell: the salary thing is a good point, but its hard to say whether they were just cheap, or if i was just stupid and willing to take less than i should have.  i moved from a pure bugfixing role into one of the primary developers on the integration platform for their new flagship product, and didn't ask for a raise.. i was a moron :)
16:34.51prpplaguewell the thing i'm finding is that HR and recruiters don't understand that Android uses a linux kernel
16:35.02Mirellkergoth: It happens to all of us. I'm still learning.
16:35.04kergoththat's not too surprising, considering how its being marketed
16:35.15Mirellprpplague: It uses a Linux kernel with out-of-tree patches
16:35.33Mirellprpplague: So yes, it's Linux, with some special mojo-jojo APIs that is not maintained in the vanilla kernel
16:35.38prpplagueMirell: yes, however, the HR people are asking for people with experience with android kernel development
16:35.50chouimathopes to have news about yesterday interview soon
16:35.54Mirellprpplague: Which is a specific subset of kernel development..
16:35.59kergothMirell: its difficult to judge, especially in a fairly small field.  you can't just look at sites like payscale and expect to get a useful set of numbers for your value, when those numbers are for software engineers in general, not the particular niche you specialize in, you know
16:36.13Mirellkergoth: Oh, definitely.
16:36.59prpplagueMirell: yes i understand your point in that, but they are looking for people to do basic kernel drivers, not nessarilly specific items for android
16:37.17prpplagueMirell: or atleast that's what i've gotten called about in the last 30-60 days
16:37.44prpplagueMirell: i.e. battery/power management, touchscreen drivers, usb work
16:38.10chouimatkergoth: one of my most important criteria is how the people at that place seems to be interacting with each others ... I'm mean are they chatting about anything all the time or they look at each other like they want to stab everyone ...
16:38.29kergothheh, downside to full telecommute and phone interviews, hard to judge that :)
16:38.39chouimatkergoth: true
16:41.10chouimatkergoth: yesterday interview I was on site, so I was able to get a glimpse of this and one important thing is they have individual cubicles ... way better imho than the 6x6 one of Xandros or the complete open space of my last job
16:41.46kergothheh, too many distractions when its that open, harder to really focus and get into the zone
16:42.48chouimatkergoth: yup and with a CEO that complain that most of spend our time listening to music instead of working and communication with each others ... we had an internal IRC server, but it wasn't enough for him
16:43.38*** join/#edev ercani (~ercani@
16:45.58Mirellchouimat: 6x6 cubicles?
16:48.57chouimatMirell: old call center
16:49.18chouimatMirell: sorry 2x3 :)
16:51.06*** join/#edev likewise (
16:55.16*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
17:01.54*** join/#edev flavioribeiro (~flavio@
17:17.23ercaniI have a question about win mobile or wince
17:17.39ercanior that may be a generic question
17:18.05ercanithere is an arm system and has touchscreen
17:18.31ercanithere is keypad on the screen
17:18.46ercaniI press the keys and type something..
17:19.42ercaniis there any way to type instead of touch screen ?
17:20.41prpplagueercani: i don't understand your question, are you asking if there is a way to use a physical keyboard instead of using the onscreen touch keyboard?
17:20.53ercanisay you have a gps device
17:20.59ercanithere is address bar
17:21.19ercaniI use keyboard that appear on the screen
17:21.30ercaniand software reads output
17:21.44ercanisay I dont want to use keyboard
17:21.55ercaniwhat can I do ?
17:22.15ercanican access there by using address ?
17:22.30ercanimemory address or anything else ?
17:22.45prpplagueercani: i am sorry, i am not understanding what you want to do
17:23.02prpplagueercani: are you wanting to enter the address from something other than the onscreen keyboard?
17:23.10ercaniu know gps device
17:23.18ercaniyou type street name
17:23.25prpplagueyes i understand that part
17:23.37ercanithere is a keyboard in the gps software
17:23.56ercaniafter you type the address then it passes to map
17:24.27ercaniI dont want to use keyboard
17:24.49ercanilet another software access keyboard
17:25.40prpplagueercani: if you are using the standard onscreen keyboard from windows CE, it acts just like any other keyboard by passing the data to the input layer
17:26.03prpplagueercani: if you want to place data on the input layer, just create a input driver
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17:26.39ercanithen I will be able to enter address in that software ?
17:27.03ercanigps software is looking for input layer, right ?
17:28.14prpplagueercani: it should be
17:41.55*** join/#edev bgamari (
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19:13.39chouimatCosmicPenguin: in a way ... they asked me if I would accept to be a contractor for 6 months, since the guy is really interested in having me ...
19:14.58chouimatCosmicPenguin: so this mean they don't have to pay me any insurances etc etc etc
19:35.39*** join/#edev Chocobo (~Ask@pdpc/supporter/student/chocobo)
19:37.11ChocoboWhat is the .rodata section... is that where constants are located?
19:38.13roxfanread-only data, yes
19:39.51Chocobointeresting.  Is there a way with objdump to get the size of it?  For some reason it doesn't show up with -h.
19:40.33Chocoboohh.  sorry, that is because I do not have an output section named rodata... I put it in my .text output section.
19:42.04Chocobocool. works great, thanks :)
19:48.25Mirellchouimat: Congrats
19:49.44chouimatMirell: still need to negociate my rates but thanks :)
19:49.59Mirellchouimat: Anything is better than $0
19:50.20chouimatMirell: currently it's 790CAD for 2 weeks ... Employment Insurance
19:51.37MirellYah unemployment insurance
19:51.41MirellYay, rather.
19:52.08prpplagueUS unemployment stuff is pretty much worthless
19:52.24chouimatMirell: they renamed it to Employment insurance here .... it's sound more positive
19:52.35MirellThat's just dumb.
19:52.45chouimatI know
19:52.56MirellDo I refer to fire insurance as not-on-fire insurance...
19:53.11MirellActually, that'd be pretty funnty
19:53.14MirellEr, funny.
19:55.28chouimatjust hope I will get it
20:07.34*** join/#edev florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:16.38calculusthat is like headache medicine fixes headaches, vs antiheadache
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20:33.33*** join/#edev SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
21:41.00chouimatMirell: wtf?
21:41.36CosmicPenguinThose are my 5 cents, you bastard!
21:47.47*** part/#edev ercani (~ercani@
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23:23.16rektideits sad how #openplug and the openplug wiki &all went from really active
23:23.21rektideto basically on life support
23:23.34rektideits a great platform
23:24.05rektidethen again, /my/ system runs.  what do i need a wiki for, its just a debian system now.

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