IRC log for #edev on 20091218

00:01.44pingbatis the open pandora actually open?
00:02.05pingbatcan't find any detailed hardware info
00:06.30MonMothaI have not used kicad
00:06.59MonMothathe only ECAD packages I have used to any real extent are gEDA/pcb, OrCAD, PADS, and Altium Designer/DXP
00:07.08MonMothaoh, and I guess Eagle
00:07.50MonMothaI played around a little in Allegro, but never enough to really figure out how to do much of anything.  The interface seemed even weirder than PADS
00:08.27pingbati would imagine that weird could be good given time
00:10.28MonMothaI consider PADS "weird", and I've never managed to find it "good" even though I used it for several months
00:11.28pingbatit's an odd activity
00:12.07MonMothaone thing I like about the Altium product is that everything is available both via menus and short hotkey sequences that correspond to the menus
00:12.21MonMothamakes it easy to find something you don't use often or that is new to you, but the hotkey sequence is then immediately obvious
00:12.49MonMothaPADS has this "modeless command" dialog that is rather intimidating and difficult to "explore"
00:14.03pingbatdo you mean that the hotkey sequence is next to the menu option ala OSX
00:14.49MonMothabasically it's like the standard windows "alt+X" to get to a menu option with hotkey "X", but they've removed the requirement for alt
00:14.58MonMothaand the hotkeys tend to be something you can remember
00:15.02MonMothap for place, then p for part
00:15.07MonMothaj for jump, l for location
00:15.12MonMothaj for jump, c for component
00:15.16MonMothathings like that
00:15.46pingbati saw another layout editor that was an alternative to PCB, open source, 'innovative' human interface design
00:15.53pingbatthat sounds good
00:15.53MonMothaanything on what would be the current context menu is a single key, then you can go deeper if you want (and it actually displays the menu to you)
00:16.32MonMothathe old CAD software often has a lot of idioms that make no sense on modern UIs.  Designer tends to be mostly what you'd expect.
00:17.02MonMothaDesigner is what was known as Protel DXP back in ~2002-2003.  DXP was a complete rewrite of Protel 99SE with some stuff borrowed from P-CAD, so it's fairly "new".
00:17.11MonMothaOrCAD and PADS haven't seen major changes since the mid-90s
00:17.30MonMothaI can get OrCAD to bring up a Win3.1 style file picker dialog :)
00:26.54*** join/#edev prpplague^2 (
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00:34.43betanullanyone familiar with exactly which packages are required to be able to compile a kernel from source?
00:42.31*** part/#edev pingbat (
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00:48.01davidc__MonMotha: I think I'm gonna buy me one of those "gamer" keyboards
00:48.09davidc__MonMotha: that have like 20 keys all reachable without moving one hand
00:48.16davidc__MonMotha: and can be programmed with key macros
00:52.31pingbatlike an Optimus Maximus keyboard?
00:52.50davidc__pingbat: heh, not that fancy
00:53.31pingbatyou can dream though...
00:53.45prpplague^2ho ho hum
00:53.49prpplague^2davidc__ hows biz?
00:54.08davidc__prpplague: keepin busy
00:54.19prpplague^2davidc__ dandy
00:54.22davidc__prpplague^2: Moving my design environment to altium
00:54.33prpplague^2davidc__ OH
00:54.40prpplague^2davidc__ you purchase a copy?
00:54.52davidc__prpplague^2: going to be in a few days
00:54.57prpplague^2davidc__ we have a new channel
00:55.05prpplague^2davidc__ ##AltiumDesigner
00:55.06davidc__prpplague^2: just evaluating it right now, but it certainly beats the pants of eagle
00:55.16prpplague^2davidc__ ahh you get the 30 day eval?
00:55.27davidc__prpplague^2: yeah, I got sold on it in 2 days :P
00:55.33prpplague^2i've got it just have installed it yet
00:55.50davidc__haha, you bought a $5k piece of software but haven't installed it? :P
00:56.03prpplague^2naw the 30 day eval
00:57.07davidc__ah. It seems pretty awesome, especially since I'm coming from eagle
00:57.22davidc__I have a 3-BGA design coming up
00:57.24davidc__with tons of diff pairs all over the place
00:57.28davidc__and I really don't feel like dealing with eagle for it
00:58.12prpplague^2i'm really interested in the annotation features
01:00.14davidc__prpplague^2: what cad environment are you coming from?
01:01.27davidc__prpplague^2: ah. I was considering going eagle->gEDA, but it looks like I can do everything I want with altium, and the PCB design tools are really awesome
01:01.53prpplague^2thats the big thing
01:02.03prpplague^2trying to decide on the money
01:03.15davidc__yeah, its expensive
01:03.22davidc__but I figure it makes me productive enough to be worth it
01:03.35davidc__prpplague^2: what did you do the hammer in?
01:04.05prpplague^2davidc__ rusty and i did it in orcad+pads
01:04.34davidc__ah. I'd be interested in hearing how the altium PCB layout tools compare to PADS
01:04.34prpplague^2davidc__ i'm really a newbie in alot ways on the hardware side
01:04.56prpplague^2davidc__ yea i soon finished with this project, so i'll have time to tinker
01:05.22prpplague^2davidc__ i'm interested in how they import existing orcad and pads projects
01:06.04prpplague^2davidc__ advanced circuits has been pushing their new project app
01:07.17prpplague^2one sec, let me get the url
01:07.22davidc__oh, their PCB artist thing?
01:08.05prpplague^2they've taken gEDA and had a design firm working on it for about 18 months
01:08.39prpplague^2davidc__ they have a free trial
01:09.07prpplague^2i almost felt like doing a comprehensive article on the leading eda stuff
01:09.21davidc__erm, if they took geda, then why isn't it open source :P
01:10.04pingbatisn't geda GPL
01:10.08davidc__it is.
01:10.21prpplague^2iirc there was dual license item for the core bits ages ago
01:10.29prpplague^2before it went full gpl
01:10.40prpplague^2not 100% i had planned to look at it
01:14.07pingbati dual screen support a feature?
01:14.22davidc__prpplague^2: one good thing I found in altium is that you can save every doc type to an ascii based format
01:14.30davidc__[the format is pretty obvious]
01:16.11davidc__yeah, thats a huge one for me
01:16.21davidc__It also can connect to any OLE in-house component database
01:16.28davidc__and version the component libraries by git.
01:16.31prpplague^2that is nice
01:19.24prpplague^2davidc__ so much to learn so little time
01:19.39davidc__erm, version the component libraries by SVN
01:19.40davidc__not git
01:19.45davidc__I was gonna say I wish it could do git
01:19.48*** part/#edev pingbat (
01:22.17prpplague^2davidc__ yea i'd love to have so good means of revision control with the projects
01:23.02*** join/#edev pingbat (
01:26.18prpplague^2davidc__ actually if you have time, i'd love to get your feedback on some my latest work
01:31.57davidc__prpplague^2: oh, certainly
01:31.59davidc__prpplague^2: link?
01:32.55prpplague^2i'll have to prep the files at the office and forward them to you
01:33.07pingbatare there many realtime people here
01:33.15davidc__prpplague^2: sure.
01:33.16prpplague^2pingbat not too manyh
01:33.27prpplague^2davidc__ orcard project files or you want pdfs?
01:33.43davidc__prpplague^2: I have nothing to open orcad stuff, though altium might import it. PDFs would be better
01:34.07prpplague^2good deal
01:34.21prpplague^2davidc__ i'll prep them and get them to you tomorrow
01:34.35davidc__kk, I should be on
01:34.42prpplague^2davidc__ just remeber i'm a software guy turned hardware
01:35.10prpplague^2davidc__ actually if you are going to be on for a few more, i'll run to the office
01:35.21davidc__prpplague^2: I'm on for at least 3 hours
01:35.26davidc__prpplague^2: but no rush
01:35.26prpplague^2ahh dandy
01:35.36davidc__I'll be on tomorrow too :)
01:35.44prpplague^2checks with the _real_ boss
01:36.32prpplague^2is under house arrest
01:36.46prpplague^2davidc__ i'll get you the pdf's tomorrow
01:37.45calculusheh, _real_ boss... I know who that is
01:38.08davidc__heh, no worries
01:38.11davidc__I'll be on tomorrow too
01:38.12pingbatnight all
01:38.31prpplague^2if anyone is interested, you can see a history of my wife's family coming to barbados -
01:39.39*** part/#edev pingbat (
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01:44.55prpplague^2let me tell ya, 300 years ain't done nothing to smooth out that scotish temper and drinking tendensies
01:46.19wmatprpplague^2: my wife would agree
01:46.49prpplague^2wmat hehe
01:47.07prpplague^2wmat which one of you are from scotland?
01:53.18wmati'm 1st generation born in canada, but my parents and half of my siblings were born in scotland
01:53.43wmatmy wife's about 4th generation canadian, but of scotch decent
02:02.48prpplague^2ahh dandy
02:02.56prpplague^2wmat you'll love that documentary then
02:04.11prpplague^2pingbat ??
02:04.25pingbatpingbat: pp
02:04.46pingbatwrong chan
02:05.30wmatprpplague^2: watching it now
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02:29.09betanullanyone familiar with exactly which packages are required to be able to compile a kernel from source?
02:29.26betanulli'm tyring to create a toolchain capable of compiling a kernel from source
03:02.43betanulli'm trying to create a toolchain that is capable of compiling a kernel from source. i've seen the work landley did on impact linux but does anyone know exactly which packages are required to get a kernel compiled?
03:11.24wmatbetanull: the README in the source tree is your best resource though, I think
03:17.07betanullok. thx
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05:30.14MirellNot looking forward to the cleanup I'll have to do tomorrow...
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06:01.25davidc__yo MonMotha - you mentioned some weird Pascal interface for altium?
06:06.53MonMothadavidc__: yeah, there's a scripting/programming API for it that IIRC has Pascal bindings
06:07.29MonMothaheh, I think Altium should give me a free copy for all the sales I seem to have gotten them here
06:08.01davidc__MonMotha: found it - DelphiScript
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06:08.10davidc__MonMotha: btw, how do you do ultra-high-pincount schematic symbols?
06:08.14davidc__MonMotha: just create it by hand?
06:08.48MonMothadavidc__: currently yes, but I've been attempting to automate it somehow
06:09.03MonMothait is at least nice enough to increment pin number and Xn for you
06:09.11davidc__MonMotha: we should talk then; I'm going to be automating it sometime
06:09.35MonMothajust creating all the pins in some reasonable order so that I can place them on the symbol blocks would be nice
06:09.35davidc__Ive got a 700ball BGA that I'm not looking forward to doing by hand
06:09.41MonMothayeah, I wouldn't either
06:10.02MonMothaI did a 144QFP by hand, and I wasn't overly happy to do it
06:10.09davidc__looks like I can do it from within the scripting language, either that or I'll figure out how to generate one of formats that I can import
06:10.18MonMothaI did a 384BGA at my old job.  Took like 2 hours.
06:11.09MonMothathe scripting language looks pretty powerful
06:11.09davidc__it does; and they talk about some Altium API or something, but its in beta and you need a beta login
06:11.13MonMothaI see
06:11.16MonMothaprobably C/C++ bindings
06:11.19MonMothaor maybe .NET
06:11.30davidc__eh, I could deal with either
06:11.48MonMothaI never really looked into the scripting stuff.  I've always been more hardware oriented
06:12.00MonMothaso I don't usually have the expertise to quickly bang out a script
06:12.11MonMothadepends on what I'm doing
06:12.28MonMothaI wrote a big BOM management/procurement system at my old job.  It was ugly (code wise), but it worked
06:12.46davidc__heh, well I'll trade you; you keep feeding me shortcuts + tips in altium, and I'll make sure my script works in your environment
06:13.05MonMothawill do
06:13.17MonMothaI used it for like 2 years, so I know it pretty well
06:13.39davidc__MonMotha: used, as in you stopped using it?
06:13.45davidc__Oh right, you left that job; right right
06:13.45MonMothaI lost the job I used it at :)
06:13.58MonMothajob I had in the interim used OrCAD+PADS, but I didn't do CAD work
06:14.02davidc__I'm just on the lookout for caveats
06:14.09davidc__given that its a hefty chunk of change
06:14.18MonMothayeah, it's not "cheap", but it's at least not "expensive"
06:14.39MonMothaat least as far as ECAD packages go
06:14.52davidc__yeah. I figure for what I'll get, it won't be that bad
06:15.09davidc__eh; if this first design I'm doing sells 200 copies, I can write off most of the price
06:15.34MonMothaI'd like to get a copy for myself, but work is offering to buy it, and I'd like to not spend that kind of cash right now, so I'll let them
06:16.17davidc__completely understandable
06:16.32davidc__I work for myself, so my attempts to get work to buy it are somewhat recursive
06:18.02MonMothaheh, indeed
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22:44.21zoobab_does anybody has experience with urjtag here?
22:47.46roxfani tried to use it once, not sure if i can call that "experience"
22:47.58roxfanbut why don't you ask the actual question?
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23:02.51florianzoobab_: I have used it several times
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23:07.54florianhi pingbat
23:07.58pingbati'm having trouble with some interrupts
23:08.35pingbattrying to get an 8kHz interrupt btu it just isn't working
23:09.47pingbatis it common for interrupts not to trigger when then time between them is too short?
23:10.18pingbatif being driven by a timer match
23:10.33SpeedEvilno - strictly.
23:10.50SpeedEvilbut it won't trigger - usually - if you are still in the ISR
23:11.08SpeedEvilunless you've unmasked it - but then you need reentrant handlers
23:11.22SpeedEvilmight your ISR ever take more than 125us?
23:11.35pingbati guess it's possible
23:11.41pingbatis the memory is really slow
23:11.48pingbatbut i doubt it
23:12.50pingbatif it did, the match would still trigger a new interrupt and then reset the clock
23:12.54pingbatso ..
23:13.32SpeedEvilIt depends on the ISR
23:13.37SpeedEvilAdn the chip
23:13.45SpeedEviland how you reenable interrtups
23:13.51SpeedEvilwhat are you doing in the ISR?
23:14.30pingbatreading from the adc
23:14.42pingbatwriting to an array
23:15.29SpeedEvildo you have code viewable somewhere?
23:15.29pingbatand doing a check to make sure i am writing into the array
23:16.48pingbatbit of a mess
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23:21.57pingbatthe RAM could be slowing it down that much i guess but i think it's unlikely
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23:31.53SpeedEvilwhich timer is the voice?
23:35.50pingbatmain stops executing after i enable Timer0
23:36.08pingbathang on
23:36.14pingbatseems to be running now
23:36.18SpeedEvilsprintf can be _huge_
23:37.19pingbatyeah but not using it during the Timer0 ISR
23:37.49SpeedEvilthat code seems to simply print the time - not get any audio
23:38.24pingbatthe Timer0 ISR is what records and plays the audio
23:38.36pingbatby calling Play or Record
23:39.46MonMothawhat arch is this?
23:40.23pingbatumm, ARM7tdmi-s
23:41.57SpeedEvilyou don't need an explicit return from int after play or record?
23:43.15pingbatplaying and recording are int global variables that i set using JoystickISR
23:43.40SpeedEvilno - I mean you don't need an explicit return from the ISR
23:43.51pingbatno the ISR must return void
23:44.07pingbatand no return statement is needed
23:46.04pingbatare you familiar with the ARM7 VIC ?
23:47.17roxfanvic is not a standard feature of arm7
23:47.25roxfani guess you have an lpc
23:48.27pingbati got some Luminary LM3S9B95 in the post today
23:48.31pingbatquite exciting
23:49.24pingbatby switching the interrupt to IRQ (slow interrupt) from FIQ (fast interrupt) i have the thing running
23:49.45pingbatbut the ISR doesn't seem to be
23:50.00pingbatas in main executes
23:50.12pingbatbut the ISR doesn't
23:51.16roxfancheck your startup file, usually it sets up vic to handle only irqs
23:51.27roxfannot sure if it even supports fiq
23:51.45pingbatit's in the manual
23:52.49roxfanhmm indeed it does
23:53.40roxfanso you changed VICIntSelect setup?
23:55.53pingbatboth IRQ and FIQ versions of it seem to hang
23:56.17roxfanmaybe try turning on a led in the entry
23:56.24roxfanand another at the exit
23:56.35roxfanthen you can see where it's stuck at
23:57.10pingbatthanks to a brilliant piece of design,  I have to choose between LED or RAM
23:57.14pingbati nees the RAM
23:59.36pingbati wish debugging was set up on this board

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