IRC log for #edev on 20091206

00:01.09Mirelllandley: Not getting a hotel?
00:13.53solarso whats the word. Are you moving to Dublin?
01:16.02landleysolar: at the moment I'd be happy to get back to Austin.  Stuck in the SJC airport overnight.
01:16.08landleyMirell: maybe?
01:16.29landleyNext morning's flight is another red-eye, a bit worried that if I leave the airport something'll happen and I'll _miss_ it again.
01:17.25Mirelllandley: There's probably the airport hotel
01:17.32landleysolar: apparently the feedback from interviews is reviewed on Wednesdays, and the first guy who showed me the interview room put the likelihood that the engineers interviewing me would get their reviews in by then at around 50%.  So most likely _next_ week.
01:18.18landleyMirell: Also trying to figure out if my comfort is worth $50+.  On long drives I usually just drive through.
01:18.27landleyMirell: and you're underestimating my black belt in getting lost.
01:18.45landleyMy value judgements are a bit warped by it at times.
01:18.58Mirelllandley: My fear of sleeping at an airport is not getting to sleep until two hours before the flight, and oversleeping the boarding thing.
01:19.09landleyTraveling long distances, no problem.  Traveling short hops in short amounts of time, there's a heisenberg uncertainty thing that creeps in...
01:19.17landleyMirell: nah, I'm not worried about that.
01:19.27landleyAnd I'm not really expecting to get to sleep, either.  Not until maybe I'm on the plane.
01:19.39landleyI have laptop.  I have 2/3 of a tin of penguin mints.
01:20.07Mirelllandley: So an equivalent to a full cup of coffee almost.
01:20.34landleyI have an interesting little bug where ./ grabs a new file but the old one's still there until the cleanup_oldfiles call at the end, and then the --extract option to grabs the first one alphabetically to extract...
01:21.03landleySo I might have to tell to call ./ and ./ --extract separately, which is ugly.
01:21.17landleyMirell: it's 3 mints per cup of coffee.
01:22.36landleyAh, sorry, three per can of coke.
01:22.38MirellYou're thinking per soda.
01:23.30landleyIt says 1755 would be lethal for me.
01:23.45MirellDon't eat the pallet then
01:25.25landleyAn espresso is 11 mints.  There are 75 per tin.  So one tin is equivalent to a septuple espresso.
01:25.52MirellI drink the equivalent to 4-5 espresso in the morning..
01:26.05MirellThat's why Penguin mints don't do much for me
01:26.13landleyI've been trying not to let my tolerance get that high.  I do the cold turkey thing every year or two to reset it.
01:26.27landleyI do admit I tend to eat penguin mints in threes...
01:26.39landleyThe tin was full when I left Austin.  (Picked a fresh one for the trip.)
01:26.56MirellOnly time I've had really to do the cold turkey thing, was the last few months, and I was too stressed to try and do that.
01:28.01landleyWell, it's kind a like saying "Oh no an american beer won't get you drunk, I knock back half a bottle of vodka before breakfast".  Personal tolerances vary widely...
01:28.09*** join/#edev user947 (i=5413b85a@gateway/web/freenode/x-ezgjnjvaxpetoixm)
01:28.34SpeedEvilhas cut down on coffee lots. Though mostly as a result of the diet.
01:28.38landleyA red bull is roughly 9 penguin mints.
01:29.16user947i'm looking for the most compact toolchain i can use to compile a kernel
01:29.20landleyMy "rockstar juiced" are 23 penguin mints.
01:29.30user947if there is anything smaller than buildroot...
01:29.36landleyuser947: I'm partial to mine.
01:29.50landleyI've got prebuilt binaries for most major target architectures.
01:30.11landleyAnd system images you can boot under qemu and build natively with, if you like.
01:30.21landleyuser947: that help?
01:30.28SpeedEviluser947: - though probably not actually useful, it doesn't get much compacter
01:30.42landleySpeedEvil: tcc can't build a kernel.
01:30.49landleyEven tccboot used a modified subset of the linux kernel.
01:30.50user947yeah. let me wade though all of that
01:30.55landleyAnd that was 2.4.
01:31.21user947so what are those binaries?
01:31.28landleySpeedEvil: one of my projects once was expanding tinycc to build the kernel, but the original project came back from the dead so I abandoned it.
01:31.49landleyuser947: grab a "cross-compiler-$ARCH.tar.bz2" binary, extract it, and add its "bin" subdirectory to your $PATH.
01:32.01landleyThen use $ARCH-cc as your compiler.
01:32.07landleyi686-cc, armv4tl-cc, etc.
01:32.19landleyThe tools are prefixed so they can live in the same $PATH as an unprefixed host compiler.
01:32.20user947and what were the firmware ones?
01:32.38landleyuser947: what do you mean?  Firmware Linux is the name of the project.
01:33.04landleyIt produces compilers and system images to run firmware on various embedded devices and/or qemu.
01:33.12landleysorry, to run Linux on...
02:18.51*** join/#edev purl (
02:18.51*** topic/#edev is A channel for the discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Firmware Linux Discussion : Busybox and Buildroot Discussion : Gold 1218.00 : Silver 18.75
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05:44.06*** topic/#edev is A channel for the discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Firmware Linux Discussion : Busybox and Buildroot Discussion : Gold 1218.00 : Silver 18.75
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07:37.55*** topic/#edev is A channel for the discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Firmware Linux Discussion : Busybox and Buildroot Discussion : Gold 1218.00 : Silver 18.75
07:38.16monkey_sup landley
07:38.48monkey_for that duff's device, i just wrote it in C, and dissassebmled it
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08:02.28*** topic/#edev is A channel for the discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Firmware Linux Discussion : Busybox and Buildroot Discussion : Gold 1218.00 : Silver 18.75
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11:19.37*** topic/#edev is A channel for the discussion of embedded systems (Hardware/Software/Linux/WinCE/Commercial Device Repurposing) : Firmware Linux Discussion : Busybox and Buildroot Discussion : Gold 1218.00 : Silver 18.75
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11:24.14*** join/#edev landley (n=landley@
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11:24.31landleyI am _stunned_ by how totally pants the tty code is.
11:24.38landleyThis stuff is horrible.
11:28.50solarin what? kernel? bb? other?
11:32.30landleyI'm reading through the kernel tty layer.
11:32.50landleyWhile massively sleep deprived stuck at the SJC airport until the plane I got bumped to leaves at 8:55 am.
11:33.20landleyIt's possible that some of the bugs I was seeing were due to my sleep-deprived state, though.
11:33.59solarbummer on missing sleep
11:34.05landleyEh, happens.
11:34.14Zoiahlandley: if you're seeing actual flies and moths in the code, I'd recommend sleep.
11:34.43SpeedEvilIt's also possible to not realise how bad you are until the unexpected comes up.
11:35.08SpeedEvilI was coding happily, until I typoed 'ddate' once - and it took me a good 10 seconds trying to parse it.
11:39.33landleyZoiah: I'd love to sleep.  I'm stuck in an airport until my plane leaves.
11:39.44landley5 more hours.
11:39.56landleyFood court opens in 1.5 hours, so I can get a soda.
11:40.23landleySpeedEvil: That also happens. :)
11:40.43landleyI, however, know entirely how fried I am.  But I wanna get this darn bug FIXED.
11:41.05landleyI know which patch it is, the powerpc list has been ignoring it for 2 months, and it's not blocking my release.
11:42.39landleyAh, it doesn't parse the \n escapes.
11:42.49landleyThis one can't kick purl by triggering the rate limiter. :)
11:43.04landleyWell I had wondered...
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20:15.16davidc__yo MonMotha: finished that placement-assistant app. let me know if you want to get your hands on the code
20:16.32davidc__It uses opengl for drawing all the graphics, so it's snappy even on 500+ part boards
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21:07.07prpplague~seen landley
21:07.09purllandley <n=landley@> was last seen on IRC in channel #edev, 9h 24m 5s ago, saying: 'Well I had wondered...'.
21:13.16*** join/#edev SpeedEvil1 (n=user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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