IRC log for #edev on 20081212

00:01.14CosmicPenguinI sort of like the Epoch clock on Thinkgeek
00:08.19joe_bleauLooks like a good DIY project.
00:08.59joe_bleauI'd go for one of these, had I room for more junk:
00:09.33joe_bleauMaybe do one with a analog face and hands, instead of text though.
01:28.06*** join/#edev JohnnyL (
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02:16.02*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
02:54.24g1powermac_PBthats neat
02:54.25*** join/#edev ccjoe (
02:54.25MonMothamost of the DIY projects aren't any fun for me
02:54.25MonMothatoo canned
02:54.25MonMothaunfortunately, building cool stuff from scratch is expensive
02:54.25MonMothaI guess I should get better with FPGAs.  I have an awesome dev board, and that's free to use
02:54.26ds2is that one that runs hot enough to cause burns?
02:54.27g1powermac_PBI got a cpld that'll do that
02:54.27g1powermac_PBactually, I got a laptop that you can fry an egg on its aluminum casing. . .
03:06.25*** join/#edev purl_ (
03:06.25*** topic/#edev is a channel for the discussion of embedded linux on small consumer electronic devices, mostly ARM based; Hammer Development boards as well as Nail Boards are now available at
03:06.45ds2most uses I can think of gets nix'ed cuz they need low power
03:06.56MonMothawell, there are some "low power" large FPGAs
03:07.01MonMothathough "low power" is relative
03:07.13MonMothathat is something you can usually do better with an ASIC than an FPGA, though
03:07.15ds2suitable for reasonable life with 2 or 4 AA's?
03:07.28MonMothacheck some of Alteras stuff.  They have some impressive offerings
03:07.35MonMothanow, 2 AAs is pretty limited
03:07.45MonMothayou also have to be careful with your design
03:08.19ds22 AA's is useable for some ARM designs
03:08.58MonMothaat moderate frequencies (~20MHz), some of Altera's FPGAs can hit ~500mW, depending on your design of course
03:09.15MonMothathat's comparable with a large-ish ARM in full power mode
03:09.55MonMothaa couple high-capacity Ni-MH AAs will run that for several hours
03:10.03ds2but C is easier then verilog/VHDL
03:10.22MonMothaI wouldn't say it's easier
03:10.27MonMothayou're describing a very different thing
03:10.38ds2things don't happen in parallel (typically) in C
03:10.46MonMothaC fundamentally is geared towards describing a set of instructions to happen in a linear fashion
03:11.07MonMothaVerilog is fundamentally geared towards describing hardware, where parallel execution is the name of the game
03:11.31ds2I know but that parallel thing can really trip you
03:11.43g1powermac_PBmeh, it isn't that bad
03:11.45MonMothaoh certainly
03:12.02g1powermac_PBthough I like playing with parallel processing stuff
03:12.09MonMothaif you approach it like you're trying to write computer software, it'll throw you for a loop
03:12.18MonMothayou have to remember that you aren't writing software.
03:12.58MonMothathe syntax may be similar, and the fact that it's "code" may want to make you think you are, but you're describing hardware
03:13.00ds2even if I approach it like I am wiring up 7400's or as a complex PAL, it still throws me for a loop
03:13.00MonMothait takes a different mindset
03:13.03MonMothabut once you have that mindset, you can do some pretty awesome things
03:13.17MonMothalike compute a SHA1 hash on a fixed size input in a single clock cycle
03:14.41MonMothaI really wish Xilinx would put a darned SERDES on a Spartan3E
03:14.57MonMothabeing able to do PCIe or SATA without an external PHY would be awesome
03:15.26ds2do any of these have fast ADC/DAC blocks?
03:15.45MonMothamost FPGAs tend to stick to the digital side, maybe delving into some dedicated DSP hardware
03:15.54MonMothahowever, there are plenty of dev boards with fast ADC/DAC
03:16.24MonMothamy board has a high-speed DAC (intended for video, but usable for other things), and an add-on module is available with a video ADC
03:17.15ds2I could use a VGA/NTSC to DVI-D converter... should be simple enough to be a usable trainer project
03:18.09MonMothawell, you can actually do that without anything more than an 8-bit MCU to configure things
03:18.44MonMothajust hook up a DVI-D transmitter PHY to a NTSC/VGA video ADC
03:18.59MonMothanow, if you want to scale, then you could use an FPGA for that
03:19.22ds2I know; but that's why it is a FPGA trainer project
03:27.19*** join/#edev EtepYYC (i=peter@
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03:27.46MonMothads2: I'd suggest getting a dev board to start
03:28.00MonMothayou can probably find one with a good mix of external "stuff" that'll let you play around
03:41.49*** join/#edev purl (
03:41.49*** topic/#edev is a channel for the discussion of embedded linux on small consumer electronic devices, mostly ARM based; Hammer Development boards as well as Nail Boards are now available at
04:40.51*** join/#edev DrZimmerman (
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11:13.12keesjif you like Major pain, c++ is an excellent choice
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11:56.51T0mWlot less dust gets into the computer with hardwood floors than does carpeting..
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14:32.52*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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14:39.02prpplagueGPSFan: greetings
14:39.38GPSFanprpplague: morning..
14:40.12prpplagueGPSFan: whats cookin?
14:42.13GPSFanprpplague: tringing to get out from under some late fall ('cause of the nice weather) early winter work. get my new NAS so it will backup my dev machine, and find time to get down to the brewery to have some beer...
14:44.07*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (
14:51.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey bud, so you secured a new job?
14:59.41prpplaguechouimat: greetings
14:59.51prpplaguechouimat: played any with your hammer kits stuff?
15:01.15chouimatprpplague: not much ... too much stuff to do at work ... deadline is next friday and since there is a nice bus drivers strike here, I'm way too tired when I get home to do anything
15:02.30chouimatis working from home today ... missed his ride to work this morning
15:03.47*** join/#edev kergoth (n=kergoth@
15:04.04prpplaguechouimat: i can;t even imagin taking a bus to work
15:04.22chouimatprpplague: I have no choice I have no car and I don't want to get one ...
15:04.34prpplaguechouimat: i can't imagin that either
15:06.40prpplaguesolar: ping
15:08.33chouimatprpplague: no car, no girlfriend, no kids == more $$$ for beers and toys ;)
15:09.28chouimatprpplague: latest joke from my project manager: What figure is like a a lost parrot? A polygon.
15:10.47*** join/#edev samrobb (
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15:16.32kergothchouimat: heh, i thought about ditching my car, but taking the bus is so time consuming, especially when work is a ways away..  when my car was in the shop, it took a good hour to get to work one way, normally 10 mins..
15:17.17chouimatkergoth: for me it's 35 minutes on bus ... and about 25/30 in car ... well because of the strike it's between 1 hour to 2 hours now
15:17.29kergothah, thats not too bad
15:17.45chouimatkergoth: and I just have to take 1 bus
15:17.55kergothwhat i like about the bus is exercise and being around people.  easy to get in your own little world going from home to car to work to car to home..
15:18.35chouimatkergoth: or continue to sleep on the bus :)
15:33.28kergothpicked up a $250 hp rebranded machine from the other day, cause he didn't feel like replacing the motherboard on his old machine.. swapped in his old ps, video card, and audigy 2 zs, and picked up 4gb of ddr2.. should be a decent dev machine
15:33.36kergothgave up on making his Mac OS X laptop a primary dev box
15:34.27kergothcourse, its running windows right now.  figured if i'm gonna learn c#, might as well use visual studio and follow the steps in this book one by one
15:34.43chouimatkergoth: must be painful :)
15:35.04kergothgotta say, all the refactoring capabilities and stuff in visual studio, especially with resharper or coderush devexpress are crazy
15:35.06prpplaguekergoth: i feel your pain, learing VS and platform builder now
15:35.11kergothcould be a real time saver, i see why people like ides :P
15:35.36prpplaguekergoth: yea
15:35.38kergothnow i want a capable multiplatform multiple language ide.. </pipe dream>
15:35.40agaffneyIDEs can be quite nice
15:35.45agaffneyand VS is one of the nicer ones
15:35.52kergoth(that isnt eclipse, cause eclipse can bite me)
15:35.58agaffneyI haven't used VS since the VB6 days, though
15:36.09chouimatagaffney: VS debugger is great
15:36.10agaffneynever used eclipse myself
15:36.39chouimatkergoth: eclipse with more of 8GB of ram start to be useable :)
15:37.05chouimatI tried it once with 768MB and it was a pain
15:37.09kergothanyone know why i'd only see 3.5gb of ram in this box? even the bios ram test seems to show 3.5.  wonder if i need a bios update
15:37.45agaffneyI was going to blame windows, but if the BIOS shows it too...
15:37.54kergothcourse its hp rebranded, wish me luck trying to find a fucking bios update
15:37.54agaffneydoesn't 32-bit windows limit you to 3GB?
15:37.59kergothyeah, running x64
15:38.05agaffneygood idea
15:38.12agaffneygood luck finding drivers for anything ;)
15:38.33kergothgot drivers for everything actually.. had to dig up some apps to show detailed hardware info to figure out all the chipsets
15:38.37kergothwell, everything but the smbus
15:38.54kergotheven the cheap $20 usb wifi adapter i got from newegg works great
15:38.57agaffneyis smbus even used for anything other than temp sensors and such?
15:39.00kergothwas surprised
15:39.03kergothdont think so
15:40.20*** join/#edev dijenerate (n=dijenera@
16:02.09*** join/#edev g1powermac_PB (n=g1powerm@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
16:11.51gustavozagaffney: smbus == basically i2c and yet it can be used for gpio
16:11.55gustavoz*yes even
16:12.24kergothi2c i know.  always kind of liked it
16:12.26gustavozlike ex-philips (NXP) pcf devices
16:12.49*** join/#edev dijenerate (n=dijenera@
16:13.35MonMothakergoth: I2C is great if you don't have multiple I/O voltages in your system
16:13.48MonMothaI kinda prefer a SPI bus with addressing approach
16:14.20MonMothatakes 4 I/O lines instead of 2, but it is more easily dealt with otherwise
16:14.43gustavoza lot faster too
16:15.53MonMothayeah, there are some serious limits to how fast you can clock I2C busses.  Of course, for most uses of I2C, that doesn't matter much
16:17.22gustavozi2c is good for basic stuff, temperature/whatnot sensors, simple gpio (leds, some toggle switch) and stuff like that
16:17.43gustavozanyway serious led drivers use SPI for speed reasons and daisychaining
16:19.49prpplagueanyone know what language is used on this page?
16:20.29agaffneygustavoz: heh, where did you come from? :P
16:20.47MonMothaprpplague: looks to be some form of Chinese
16:20.48gustavozagaffney: submitting patches to buildroot lately and thought i'd hang around
16:21.14gustavozagaffney: also i've got my own ARM cards :P
16:21.23prpplagueMonMotha: can't exactly tell, but it looks as though you have to register to download the file
16:21.40MonMothaprpplague: that is the case with most of those Chinese file hosts
16:21.44MonMothamany are in fact pay sites
16:22.32MonMothaprpplague: they'll give you the first and last chunk of the files, and for many files that's the whole thing
16:22.40MonMothabut you have to grab each file separately
16:29.52*** join/#edev miknix (n=miknix@gentoo/developer/miknix)
16:56.24*** join/#edev sjhill (
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17:03.02prpplaguesjhill: holy cow
17:03.07prpplaguesjhill: long time no see
17:04.21sjhillprpplague: howdy
17:04.27sjhillprpplague: yeah, life's been crazy
17:04.40sjhillprpplague: we moved, getting settled in
17:04.55sjhillprpplague: work's great, got another huge bonus and raise
17:04.57sjhillprpplague: life's great
17:04.59sjhillprpplague: just busy
17:05.00prpplaguesjhill: moved?
17:05.07prpplaguesjhill: wow
17:05.11sjhillyeah, in town
17:05.17sjhillcloser to my in-laws
17:05.18prpplaguesjhill: i wish i could say the same about work
17:05.21prpplaguesjhill: ahh
17:05.36sjhillmy Mom's health is failing
17:05.40sjhillshe's got maybe 2 years left
17:05.54prpplaguesjhill: ahh, my father is terminal, only has a few months
17:06.05sjhillsorry man
17:06.51prpplaguesjhill: good to hear you finally settled in somewhere, after broadcom and such
17:07.21sjhillprpplague: well, i've been with Rockwell Collins for almost 5 years now
17:07.31sjhillprpplague: we just moved from out of town to in
17:07.41sjhillknocked my commute by 70%
17:07.52sjhilli can also bike to work now when it gets warm
17:07.58prpplaguesjhill: still doing alot of linux dev or is embedded dev in general?
17:07.58sjhillgoing to save major gas
17:08.11sjhillembedded general right now
17:08.19sjhillwas pure linux for a while
17:08.30sjhillnow doing rtos flight critical stuff DO-178 Level A
17:08.49sjhillmore stuff for the 160th
17:09.45sjhillprpplague: how's about you?
17:12.02miknixhello prpplague
17:12.21miknixhello, all
17:14.47*** join/#edev JoeLlama (n=snork@unaffiliated/joellama)
17:18.15prpplaguesjhill: things aren't too dandy at AML
17:18.38prpplaguesjhill: the EEdiot really destroyed the engineering department, they fired him, but the damage was done
17:19.06prpplaguesjhill: AML is slowly moving to wince
17:19.20prpplaguesjhill: and probably outsourcing dev eventually
17:20.34sjhillprpplague: $!$#!@
17:20.36sjhillthat sucks
17:21.39prpplaguesjhill: so i'm kind of just waiting around and keeping my eye out for something else
17:22.48mnemocoh :(
17:28.35miknixprpplague, "AML is slowly moving to wince" ?
17:28.44prpplaguemiknix: yea
17:28.58miknixthey didnt like the userspace?
17:29.50prpplaguemiknix: has nothing to do with your work or solars, marketing/sales is having trouble marketing the OSS stuff
17:30.11miknix: ( I'm sorry for hearing that
17:31.19prpplaguemiknix: its been a long time coming, not like it was surprise
17:36.56miknixdid you try the latest updates to the gpe image?
17:37.38miknixbla. stupid git, it just freezed during a recursive merge
17:40.33solarmiknix: All the base-files/ changes for for xorg we still probably need to merge back
17:40.40solarfor the aml branch
17:41.48prpplaguemiknix: no i've not tried the lastest builds solar has
17:42.20*** join/#edev lyakh (
17:43.45miknixsolar, hello, btw
17:44.20miknixoh, ok. We can see that later on if you want
18:07.08prpplaguewonders if landley cooled down last night
18:09.07kergothheh, saw his angry post on the cisco/linksys/fsf stuff
18:10.22prpplaguekergoth: yea, like i told landley, SFLC didn't leave me feeling warm and fuzzy
18:24.33MadsyIs FSF suing Linksys as the smaller section of Cisco, or the whole company?
18:25.10MadsyIIRC, FSF have had a dialogue with Linksys even before the merger.
18:25.59prpplagueMadsy: cisco and linksys together
18:34.41kergothanyone know any good books on coding in general, as a discipline, for someone who's had some basic exposure to a language in school, but is missing the general principles and practices, why you code for simplicity, clarity, maintainability, testability..
18:34.53kergothi'm thinking practice of programming wouldnt be a bad bet, or code complete
18:35.12kergothbut he's young, i dunno if he'd manage to read through a huge book on his own time, he'd probably get distracted :\
18:35.41CosmicPenguinI've always found that learning code through a book is ineffective
18:36.18kergothheh, true
18:36.27CosmicPenguinBut that might just be me
18:36.43kergothi've told him to try coding something simple, an app he'd want to accomplish something he wants done, but he's having trouble coming up with anything
18:36.50kergothitd probably help to have him try to dive into a foreign codebase
18:36.57kergothright now he doesn't really grasp what makes code maintainable
18:37.29kergothhe doesn't grasp why its good to break things up into individual testable functions/methods/classes rather than one big pile, though i just talked to him about unit testing and tdd as an example
18:37.33kergothits my younger brother
18:37.37kergothhe's 17
18:37.43CosmicPenguinheh - we've all been there
18:37.48prpplaguekergoth: one sec, let me get you the two books i recommend
18:38.36CosmicPenguinI remember an otherwise forgettable math teacher in the 6th grade who taught me the value of a small main() function
18:38.44kergothCosmicPenguin: yea... i'm trying to think of how i learned, but i think you're right, very few books were involved, at least not until i already had the principles and wanted to xpand my knowledge
18:40.23kergothheh, i never did read code complete cover to cover.. my to read list is huge
18:40.34prpplaguekergoth: ISBN-13: 978-0201615869   and  ISBN-13: 978-0201657883 , i consider both of those to be invaluable in understanding good methods
18:40.55kergothi read k&r and practice of programming, and Linux device drivers, and parts of stroustrup, then some other Linux kernel books, but thats most of it
18:41.25prpplaguekergoth: did you try programming pearls ?
18:41.38kergothheard it was good, haven't read it yet
18:41.52prpplaguei really like it, i keep it on the shelf for reference
18:42.06kergothi should really set aside X hours a week at a certain time for non-fiction reading
18:42.20kergothotherwise i find myself not doing it
18:43.16kergothcourse, it didnt help that nearly all of my coding books are in minnesota
18:43.30kergothmy copy of AoCP, intro to algorithms, code complete, etc are all there
18:49.10prpplaguegoes home
19:03.33das_plagueho ho hum
19:03.39das_plaguearrives at home
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19:13.50CosmicPenguinseriously, how did mankind survive before online banking?
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19:29.23kergothbill pay is the best thing sinced sliced bread
19:29.35CosmicPenguinno joke
19:29.36kergothscratch that, i have a knife, its better than sliced bread
19:30.14g1powermac_PBscratch that, I got an electric knife ;-)
19:31.07kergothCosmicPenguin: i have ... 2 bills i pay with bill pay but aren't ebill/automatic, and 2 that i pay manually (hand the check to the landlord, western union the mortgage payment due to the payment plan) right now, everything else is ebill, automatically paid
19:31.12kergothlazy man's dream
19:32.44*** join/#edev EI5GTB (
19:32.58CosmicPenguinAll my regular payments are electronically paid now
19:33.07CosmicPenguin++ to Wells Fargo who will send a check to anyone
19:33.50das_plagueCosmicPenguin: while you are logged in, please be so kind as to transfer me about $2500USD, thanks
19:34.19CosmicPenguinIts in the mail
19:34.26das_plagueokie dokie thanks
19:34.35g1powermac_PBgives das_plague a mattress
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20:58.39T0mWdas_plague: when you get that bundle of cash, just remember to send me my cut?
20:59.33CosmicPenguinAnd what have you done to deserve it?
21:01.00*** join/#edev Ian_Daniher|XO (n=it@
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22:21.19L_DeluxeOk; not exactly an embedded question, but it does sort of relate to OpenOCD, which makes it tangentially related...  I'm trying to support a "new" JTAG adapter, and I've got the code to where I can build it by hand.  I'm a bit clueless with automake/autoconf, though.  Any automake wizards here?  Is there a better place to ask?
22:22.37L_DeluxeOh, and if anybody's waiting for OpenOCD support for the STM32 Primer, that's what this is about.
22:32.49roxfan this is for windows but afaik the procedure is about the same on unixes
22:35.48roxfanL_Deluxe: i'm also working on a cortex-m3 device for openocd (it's sort of supported but there are some issues), let me know if you need help
22:36.32L_DeluxeOh, I can build it.  I could even add the new driver by copying what's been done for the jlink driver.  My driver has blobs that have to be loaded into the adapter for each speed, though, and I need to get those built and installed.
22:36.48L_DeluxeThose blobs are basically the problem.
22:37.17L_DeluxeEven if I embedded them in the driver (as array definitions), I'd still have to build those arrays from source code.
22:37.43roxfanthey already have a little stub for xscale, it's seems to be built manually and then just checked in as binary
22:38.16roxfanso that could be an interim solution for you too
22:38.26keesjL_Deluxe: FDDI based?
22:38.40L_DeluxeNope.  ST7.
22:39.21L_DeluxeST7 is like 6805 plus some.  And that some includes something called the DTC, which is undocumented.
22:39.30L_DeluxeSo it's been a bit of an adventure.
22:39.47*** join/#edev Ian_Daniher|XO (n=it@
22:40.33L_DeluxeI don't have access to the firmware in the ST7.  The blobs are all about loading microcode into the DTC.
22:41.37L_DeluxeThe DTC is sort of like if somebody lashed a very low-end PIC onto an AVR or ARM chip as a coprocessor to do bit-banging.
22:41.54CosmicPenguinI need to do something useful
22:42.56keesjTHe ones that do use apear to only support some form of block device management.
22:43.04keesjinteresting neverless
22:43.40L_Deluxeroxfan:  Ok, I see debug_handler.bin.  Now to see how they do what with that.  Looks like it involves  I can live with that.
22:44.58L_DeluxeWhat, the FTDI drivers?  Yeah.  That seems to be a good choice for designed JTAG adapters.  And a popular one.  I didn't have a choice in this case.  The JTAG adapter is already on the board.
22:47.01keesjthe amontec's UIPkey must also have nice feature :p
22:47.30keesjNew performance come, as continue 48Mbps JTAG, or data sampling up to 384 Mhz !
22:47.50keesjthats at least what the site is saying
22:48.32L_DeluxeSampling of what kind of data?  Like a logic analyzer?
22:49.31L_DeluxeOf course, super speed would be wasted on this particular device.  The USB block is only full speed, and there is a huge bottleneck with USB frames and the protocol to talk to the device.
22:49.43keesjprobably yes
22:50.32keesjI did only 200Hz with the flyswatter
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22:50.59keesjstill was fun
22:51.18L_DeluxeHz?  Must be bitbanging.
22:52.30keesjjust lamely using usb api to readout the value(no cache or buffer or anything)
22:53.21L_DeluxeThe earlier version of my/our (I'm working with a guy in NZ on it) driver bit-banged the TMS/TDI/TDO.  Slow, but it worked.  I've got it optimized over that quite a bit.  Still slow.  A cycle of loading up to 512 bytes of commands and reading back up to 64 bytes of data takes around 8ms.
22:53.36L_DeluxeGlacially slow, but it's what we have to work with.
22:53.51L_DeluxeAnd still better than doing it one bit at a time.
22:55.50L_DeluxeA scratch design would be more efficient.
22:57.18roxfan2scratch design?
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23:00.18L_Deluxeroxfan: So they just run manually to create debug_handler.bin and they list that among the data files to install?  I'm almost there.
23:00.44L_DeluxeDesign from scratch.  As opposed to trying to use somebody else's closed firmware.
23:01.53L_DeluxeI suppose I _could_ write replacement firmware for the ST7 core, but I'm trying to do this so that anybody can use this without having to flash their JTAG adapter.
23:03.03roxfan2looks like here's how they do it
23:05.57L_DeluxeYeah, that's what I found.  Of course, nobase_dist_pkglib_DATA is one of those magic filenames, the semantics of which I'm not familiar.  But I gather things listed there end up under  prefix/lib/openocd/.
23:06.35L_DeluxeAnd that they do so whether a given target is configured to be built or not.
23:07.17roxfani don't think you can choose targets to build yet
23:07.57L_DeluxeOh.  Ok.  I've been in the interfaces world, and I know you can choose which of those you want to build as arguments to ./configure.
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23:11.51L_DeluxeAnd by filenames, I meant variable names.
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