IRC log for #edev on 20080722

01:10.43*** join/#edev g1powermac_PB (n=g1powerm@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
02:06.06prpplagueanyone know a good gtk+ channel?
02:12.01*** join/#edev dijenerate (n=dijenera@
02:29.12*** join/#edev Appleman1234 (n=Appleman@
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04:34.59*** join/#edev redb1ue (
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06:53.16*** join/#edev Appleman1234 (n=Appleman@
07:47.29*** join/#edev [AD]Turbo (
08:07.33*** join/#edev Appleman1234 (n=Appleman@
08:28.35*** join/#edev Jx_ (i=Jx_@
08:32.41*** join/#edev Mr_Bonga (n=Rui_Silv@
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12:12.03*** join/#edev g1powermac (n=g1powerm@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
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14:04.11*** join/#edev chouimat|work (n=dieu@
14:05.05*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (n=nobody@
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14:07.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: greetings
14:22.31prpplaguesomething is wrong with my drivers poll function
14:35.17prpplaguehmm my poll_wait() isn't waking up
14:40.34*** join/#edev T0mW (
14:43.07*** join/#edev MothaWork (
14:44.50wmatperhaps it's still tired, hahaha
15:01.29CosmicPenguinyou should be ashamed of yourself
15:01.52chouimat|workwhy I found it funny :)
15:02.02CosmicPenguinexhibit 2
15:07.42g1powermacchouimat|work, oh dear, that can't end well
15:08.15chouimat|workg1powermac it's the installer from hp for the printer I have to do my test
15:08.35g1powermacis going to attempt to install netbsd on an old mac classic II I got for $45 which included the shipping. . .
15:08.40prpplaguepoll_wait() never returns
15:09.05g1powermacI'd install linux, but I think its a bit too resource limited
15:09.19chouimat|workprpplague: it's what I call "waiting"
15:09.51prpplaguechouimat|work: yea, but it's suppose to return when i call wake_up_interruptible()
15:11.18g1powermacI think it'll make a really neat serial control box
15:24.56prpplague@#$@#$ not the data isn't even present
15:34.11chouimat|workg1powermac I went to see the windows drone here and even the CD download crap from the internet ... winbloat
15:36.08chouimat|workg1powermac at least the linux "driver" for the hp deskjets is not that big :)
15:37.03g1powermac_PBheh, yup
15:42.03Mr_Bongahow could I know if I have link??
15:42.29Mr_Bongahow can I query link status on arma with kernel 2.6 ??
16:19.21prpplagueMr_Bonga: link status of what?
16:20.09Mr_Bongaeth0 prpplague
16:20.58Mr_Bonganow I am pooling the arm processor doing a dump byte of the register
16:21.10prpplagueMr_Bonga: not all network devices support proper reporting of link status, but in most cases you can just use ifconfig
16:21.20prpplaguekergoth`work: greetings
16:21.43kergoth`workMr_Bonga:  if you have it, mii-tool is good for things like that
16:21.50kergoth`workclarson@foul ~% sudo mii-tool
16:21.50kergoth`worketh0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
16:22.13kergoth`workand if, of course, your nic's driver supports it :)
16:23.50Mr_Bongabut I am working on embedded system
16:23.55Mr_Bongawith montavista
16:24.14Mr_Bongaand it don't have miitool
16:24.32kergoth`workwhat version, of which product?
16:24.38kergoth`workpro, cge, mobilinux?
16:25.56kergoth`workthe problem with ifconfig is it shows how the interface is configured, not whether or not the hardware has a link.  the interface can be up when the cable is disconnected
16:30.55*** join/#edev lyakh_ (
16:31.07prpplaguehmm, i don't understand why glade doesn't support font controls
16:32.23kergoth`worki want to know why amazon recommends a kids game for the wii, because i bought a 3 handset cordless phone
16:44.39Mr_Bongamontavista linux
16:44.58Mr_Bongamontavista pro 4.0 :)
16:46.04Mr_Bongabut kergoth what you suggest ??
16:54.29prpplaguefltk's fluid is a far better package than glade, its so much easier to develop with fluid
16:56.28CosmicPenguinFLTK, seriously clark?
16:56.59kergoth`workMr_Bonga: if you truly need to know the link status, mii is the way to go.  you could probably do it programmatically rather than using mii-tool, but mii-tool -is- available for pro 4.0, at least its in my 4.0 directory here.. maybe its just not in your root filesystem?
16:57.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i didn't say fltk was better than gtk, just that fluid was a more robust platform for gui dev
16:57.50prpplaguei still haven't figured out how to set the font size
16:57.53prpplaguewith gtk
17:03.18Mr_Bongakergoth I will see
17:05.12chouimat|workkergoth`work: hi
17:05.44Mr_Bongakergoth miit
17:06.15kergoth`workMr_Bonga:  of course, its hard to say what you should do without knowing what you're trying to accomplish, but thats the only way i know of to really get link status
17:06.21Mr_Bongakergoth mii-tool its on my filesystem, but isn't on the embedded filesystem
17:06.57Mr_BongaI want to know link status only to control a led :D
17:09.38kergoth`workMr_Bonga: may be useful
17:10.04kergoth`work(from a quick googling)
17:11.00g1powermacdoes anyone remember an fpga module made like the hammer? one thats shaped like a DIP chip?
17:14.36prpplagueg1powermac: not like a dip package
17:14.50prpplagueg1powermac: sparkfun has a nice fpga that is in a quad package
17:15.01g1powermacyea, I seen that one, its a bit too much for my needs
17:15.17prpplaguewht is it soooooo hard to set the font size with gtk?
17:15.41g1powermacI could've sworn I remember a smaller module that had everything on it shaped like a DIP chip. . .
17:18.55*** part/#edev Mr_Bonga (n=Rui_Silv@
17:25.04prpplaguewow, font operations under gtk+ are terribly complicated
17:25.19MothaWorkprpplague: s/font/\*/
17:25.38MothaWorkor simply s/font\ //
17:26.41prpplagueMothaWork: i can't believe you have to specificy the font in the gtkrc file
17:26.54prpplagueMothaWork: is there no other way to specify the font actually in the app?
17:27.17MothaWorkprpplague: I have no idea.  I just know that basically every single GTK/GLIB api is, well, bad
17:27.21MothaWorkso that wouldn't surprise me
17:27.34MothaWorkI try to avoid GUI programming in general, but especially the GTK "psuedo OO" stuff
17:31.50prpplagueto me having to specify the font for each program is insane
17:32.48MothaWorkI think you can use shell-style wildcard globs
17:32.51prpplaguethere has got to be a way to specify the font
17:33.02MothaWorkin your gtkrc, that is
17:33.24prpplagueMothaWork: yea, but how do you handle something 5 different labels in an app that need to be 5 different sizes?
17:33.29MothaWorkg1powermac: I've seen some hefty CPLDs on DIP compatible carrriers, but I don't think ever an FPGA
17:33.41MothaWorkprpplague: I have no idea, but I'm sure it's doable since wxGTK does it
17:34.01prpplagueMothaWork: yea well, there are no examples anywhere i can find
17:35.03MothaWorkGTK seems remarkably poorly documented
17:35.12MothaWorkwe ended up using wxwidgets
17:35.35MothaWorkwe still run it on GTK, but the API is nicer, and it means that we can build demo prototypes that are interactive and run on Windows using the actual app code
17:36.08MothaWorkeverybody here seems to be of the opinion that, if licensing is not a concern, Qt is the way to go
17:37.37prpplagueMothaWork: yea, can't really go that way
17:37.45prpplagueMothaWork: wasn't my descision
17:38.15MothaWorksame here.  I think it may have ended up being cheaper (!!) to buy the darned Qt commercial developer seat than to futz around with the free toolkits, but whatever
17:38.53MothaWorkbut, the GUI app is "not my problem"
17:39.26MothaWorkas for GTK, the only thing I can think of is to maybe see if you can get something like GLADE to generate code for you that does what you need
17:39.47MothaWorkGTK seems to be very much a "use the source, luke" toolkit
17:40.56chouimat|workMothaWork: I did the test and it's actually cheaper to buy qt ...
17:40.58prpplagueMothaWork: glade doesn't do anything with the fonts
17:41.20MothaWorkprpplague: really?  hum...ok
17:41.34prpplagueMothaWork: atleast no options i can find anywhere
17:41.35MothaWorkchouimat|work: that's the conclusion we seem to have also arrived at
17:41.55MothaWorkchouimat|work: however, we have something functional in WxWidgets at this point, so we're continuing to use that
17:43.11chouimat|workMothaWork: I wrote something using gtkmm and libxml++ and it took me 5 weeks to get working, took me 2 days with Qt4 to get the same level of functionality and 2 other days to get all the application spec implemented
17:43.58chouimat|workMothaWork: and then the project got undefinitly postponed :(
17:44.22prpplagueyea i could have already been done with this if i was using fltk
17:45.06MothaWorkI wouldn't be surprised if we "seriously consider" just licensing Qt on future projects of this nature
17:45.17MothaWorkthe seats are NOT cheap, but if it saves you months of dev time, then it's worth it
17:45.21MothaWorkkinda like my ECAD software
17:45.29MothaWorkyes, I *could* do this in Eagle...
17:46.02chouimat|workMothaWork: but iirc you don't have any royalties to pay for each software/device you sell
17:46.42prpplagueno example though
17:46.54MothaWorkchouimat|work: correct
17:47.01MothaWorkit's just a per-developer license
17:47.21MothaWorkthough I think it does have mandatory "maintenance"
17:48.29chouimat|workMothaWork: went I got one a few years ago I didn't pay for the maintenance after the year was over ... no money for it
17:49.11MothaWorkchouimat|work: I seem to recall reading that while you could decline maintenance, your license to distribute stuff under non-GPL terms terminated if you did so
17:49.30g1powermacnow thats what I was looking for :-)
17:49.45prpplaguething is there are all these gtk apps, but i can't find anyone that is writting them
17:50.21chouimat|workprpplague: :)
17:50.22CosmicPenguinbecause nobody will admit to it
17:50.47chouimat|workprpplague: they use a) c++ gtkmm or b) mono :)
17:50.50prpplaguehence the question, why is it being used so much on handhelds?
17:51.35MothaWorkprpplague: licensing of Qt perhaps?
17:51.41MothaWorkit's "free"
17:51.49prpplagueso is fltk
17:52.06MothaWorkbut there's a perception that fltk is "ugly"
17:52.22chouimat|workprpplague: it seems that openmoko is switching to qtopia
17:53.31CosmicPenguinThe FLTK internals are terrible
17:53.35CosmicPenguinterrible, terrible terrible
17:55.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that may be the case, but atleast fltk is documented and robust enough to get the apps done
18:03.16fileneeds to try the Qtopia image on his Freerunner
18:03.37chouimat|workstill wonders if he get one ... the greenphone is dying i think
18:03.38*** join/#edev Redhatter (n=vk4fsjl@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:279)
18:03.42CosmicPenguinIts popular to bash on GTK, and I do it often
18:03.43chouimat|workhey file
18:04.03chouimat|workCosmicPenguin: i know it's fun ... like bashing on MFC :)
18:04.06CosmicPenguinbut there are so many GTK applications, that it must have some developer friendly features
18:04.16CosmicPenguinnot everybody is putting themselves through pain for no reason
18:23.23MothaWorkI think it may just be popularity and dogma
18:23.30MothaWorki.e. it's the most popular toolkit that is "free"
18:28.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that was my thought
18:29.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin:  but i can seem to find anyway who is willing to admit having done any kind of gtk programming
18:29.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: still haven't figured out whats wrong with networkmanager
18:31.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: btw, the problem with the gtk polling was actually in my driver
18:31.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: it wasn't doing the wait queue properly
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18:49.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: strange how no one knows the answers to the questions i ask
18:51.00ds2ignorance is bliss and people do not like being non blissful ;)
18:57.36*** join/#edev chouimat|work (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
19:00.48prpplagueso much to do so little time
19:02.14kergoth`work"The difference between a good student and a bad student is that a bad student forgets the material five minutes before the test, while a good student five minutes afterwards."
19:11.00prpplaguekergoth`work: cute
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21:14.11prpplagueho ho hum
21:15.14ds2anyone know off hand what's the max speed the UART + xtal combo on the hammer can do?
21:15.25ds2115200 or better?
21:15.57prpplagueds2: uart+xtal ??
21:16.09prpplagueds2:  max speed is 230kbaud
21:16.27ds2yeah... most of the time the xtal determines the allowable dividers that will match up to standard rates
21:16.54ds2prpplague: is that on all the UARTs?
21:16.57prpplagueds2: the s3c24xx uses a PLL to generate the clocks
21:17.12prpplagueds2: sorry didn't understand your question
21:17.31ds2yes but PLL's still move in steps of the reference/xtal
21:17.40ds2prpplague: can I do 230K on all the UARTs
21:18.24prpplagueds2: there are 3 seperate PLL's , the uart's use a Peripheral PLL or PCLK, which is specifically designed to always have correct dividers
21:18.32prpplagueds2: iirc yes
21:19.00prpplagueds2: i've only used it at 230k once, 115k is usally more than most devices can handle
21:19.05ds2ah okay, slightly different from traditional baud rate generators
21:19.11prpplagueds2: yea
21:19.23ds2prpplague: I am building up a demo from the hammer out
21:19.34prpplagueds2: ahh
21:20.04ds2prpplague: a bit short on time so I might be asking somewhat stupid q's, so applogies in advance
21:20.34ds2prpplague: did you ever create a userspace GPIO interface? i.e. something I can flip GPIO pins from userland with a shell script
21:21.58prpplagueds2: no i never generated an interface for libgpio, however you can use devmem very effectively from a shell
21:22.27ds2I guess that'll do
21:23.44prpplagueds2: what kind of bitbanging do you need?
21:24.05ds2prpplague: I just need to be able to turn on an LED to show things are happening
21:24.22ds2any chance the hammer's GPIO's can sink 100mA? :)
21:24.39prpplagueds2: the led is fully supported by the LED class driver
21:25.05ds2I see Hmmmm that might be a easier way to go
21:26.25ds2Brightness?! heh overkill
21:26.39ds2what about current sinking? can it do anywhere near 100mA?
21:28.27ds2prpplague: does it really do brightness? as in PWM output on a GPIO?
21:30.50prpplagueds2: the LED class driver supports the usage of brightness, however with a standard GPIO connection its strictly ON/OFF
21:33.04ds2ah okay... so much for a soft-fade on ;)
21:37.35prpplagueds2: you can always add a cat32 to do that
21:39.35ds2nah, no time
21:42.18prpplagueds2: ahh ok, well the led class is full supported, takes only a minute to setuo
21:42.23*** join/#edev CosmicPe1guin (n=nobody@
21:43.09ds2prpplague: I still got: 1.8V to 3.3V level convert, the mounting board, plastic bezels, the software, the slides, and some means of getting a shell on 2 boards to build in the next 2.5 months
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21:44.00prpplagueds2: fun fun
21:44.38ds2prplague: instead of doing a laptop + power point, do you think I would look insane if I setup a webpal to output slides on the VGA port?
21:44.57CosmicPenguinbut its a good kind of insane
21:45.15ds2I'd use a more modern board but I don't have anything else handy that would run on low power and have VGA out
21:45.36ds2(donations of full fledge atom/geodes are graciously accepted ;))
21:45.45CosmicPenguinpcengines for the win
21:45.56CosmicPenguinhave you seen our stock price?  I can't aford to give away a cold
21:46.04ds2heheh *nod*
21:46.17ds2I noticed those free talks at your HQ's seems to have stopped
21:46.29ds2or at least I am no longer on the list for them
21:47.03CosmicPenguinheh - I had no idae
21:47.12CosmicPenguinlife is sure different in the real AMD sites
21:48.13ds2never seen AMD other then their HQ
21:48.35ds2the folks in blue are indeed different at different sites though
21:49.24CosmicPenguinat least this site is more AMD - green stuff on the walls and such
21:49.40CosmicPenguinat the Longmont site we might as well have been on pluto
21:49.47ds2the HQ looks like chicago during st patricks day!
21:50.09CosmicPenguinI have never been to HQ - neither Santa Clara or the main site in Austin
21:50.13CosmicPenguinoddly enough
21:50.21CosmicPenguinI've been to the fab in Dresden though, and that place kicks major ass
21:50.33ds2isn't that the ONLY fab?
21:51.02CosmicPenguinYeah, I guess these days it is
21:51.19CosmicPenguinTechnically austin is two fabs
21:52.59ds2anyone know how common are DVD-D inputs to projectors at hotels?
21:58.23prpplagueno clue here
22:01.37*** join/#edev bbradley_ (
22:04.58prpplagueho ho hum
22:05.28*** join/#edev sunrunner20 (
22:08.44sunrunner20whats ya'lls favored distro?
22:09.38sunrunner20right now its between SUSE linux enterprise desktop and kbuntu
22:09.46luke-jrwhat is?
22:10.03sunrunner20what i'm going to install on my laptop lol
22:11.07sunrunner20well, its an 80gig drive, and I don't need 80gb on a laptop, so i figured I'd put linux+ windows on it when I reformated it today :0
22:11.30luke-jrwhy Windows?
22:11.35luke-jrit's useless
22:12.40kergoth`workif linux was actually well integrated, i'd use it at home, but as is, it takes far too much work to get it functional.  look at sound, even today apps are still confused about esd vs alsa vs oss, its a mess.  nowadays i want things to Just Work(tm)
22:12.43kergoth`work""Naples police report this morning that a Bonita Springs man faces petty theft charges for allegedly stealing 42 cents from a fountain Monday at the Coastland Center mall on U.S. 41. "" <-yow
22:13.14luke-jrkergoth`work: that's FUD
22:13.17sunrunner20luke-jr: because linux has zero tablet support
22:13.21luke-jror GNOME-specific
22:13.38luke-jrthere is no "ALSA vs OSS"; ALSA is OSS-compatible
22:13.40prpplaguekergoth`work: 98% of what i use works out of the box for F9
22:13.41kergoth`worki don't use gnome, never have
22:13.49luke-jrkergoth`work: only GNOME uses esd
22:14.01kergoth`workwhat kind of crack are you smoking?
22:14.04sunrunner20and my laptop is a tablet :)
22:14.07kergoth`workmaybe in your cookie cutter distros
22:14.33luke-jrno less cookie cutter than Windows
22:14.40luke-jrno more*
22:14.57sunrunner20can't get any more cookie cutter than windows
22:15.09kergoth`workalsa isn't oss compatible when it comes to software mixing.  if your hardware doesnt support mixing, and you have a mix of alsa and oss apps, good luck getting one app to not monopolize the rest
22:15.11luke-jrsunrunner20: OSX?
22:15.16adyeryawns and gets out the marshmellows for toasting
22:15.16kergoth`workyou're jsut plain fucked in that case
22:15.22kergoth`workand its even worse if you have both 32 bit and 64 bit apps
22:15.24luke-jrkergoth`work: not true
22:15.25sunrunner20lol adyer
22:15.38luke-jrand it's stupid to have mixed arch, at least on x86
22:15.54sunrunner20yea, the flames are getting high... and all I wanted was a suggestion for another distro to test in VMware
22:16.17kergoth`workstupid or not, i live in the real world, where things arent always the way they're supposed to be.  maybe in your fantasy world, it's different
22:16.57CosmicPenguinI'm surprised that we didn't have any puppy-linux fanboys speak up
22:17.33sunrunner20the reason I have the 10 gig is I like linux... It just won't work as a full time os on my laptop. Period.
22:18.39sunrunner20gets out an exteniguisher and waits for an answer for his origional question
22:19.08CosmicPenguinsunrunner20: what does it matter?  close your eyes and pick one
22:19.17luke-jrsunrunner20: Lfs!
22:19.33sunrunner20CosmicPenguin: I cant' stant GNOME
22:19.50CosmicPenguinI thought you were just testing vmware?
22:19.57sunrunner20testing _in_
22:20.04sunrunner20its faster :)
22:20.34sunrunner20I have kbuntu and SUSE linux enterprise desktop in Vmware atm
22:20.38CosmicPenguinprint out the list of distributions from distrowatch
22:20.40sunrunner20so far Kbuntu is winning
22:20.44CosmicPenguintape it to the wall, get out a dart
22:20.47CosmicPenguinthe rest rights itself
22:20.47luke-jrsunrunner20: try Gentoo
22:20.55luke-jrit sucks
22:21.02luke-jrbut less so than *buntu and SuSE
22:21.28kergoth`workpersonally, i stick to debian or ubuntu.  gentoo is silly, no point rebuilding shit unnecessarily.  i'm not a fan of redhat distributionisms, and the apt/dpkg build tools are better than portage's binary support
22:21.50kergoth`workhopes someday there'll be a distro with the best of both worlds
22:21.55luke-jrkergoth`work: that's why Gentoo (usually) doesn't unnecessarily rebuild anything
22:22.55kergoth`workhaving forked portage, and read most of its code, i wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole until it gets a rewrite, personally, but thats not due to any user experience factor directly, just personal bias due to experience
22:24.33sunrunner20tried gentoo once
22:24.43sunrunner20never got past half way emerging the install
22:25.00luke-jrkergoth`work: lots of people use Paludis
22:25.02sunrunner20sheer lazyness
22:25.19ds2BAH no need for distros
22:25.35kergoth`workhaven't heard about paludis, looks interesting
22:25.52ds2just a root disk and a compiler
22:25.52luke-jrthinks Paludis has been around for a year+ now
22:26.04sunrunner20suse just pissed me off
22:26.19sunrunner20it just asked me 3 times if it was sure i wanted to make the password for root "root"
22:26.35luke-jrok, SuSE is right in this
22:26.44sunrunner20I knwo its a horrible idea
22:26.52sunrunner20but its a Virtual machine
22:26.53luke-jrit should flash the firmware on your computer to make it never boot again
22:27.11sunrunner20I'm gonna trash the whole thing latter
22:27.23sunrunner20not gonna keep the install
22:35.13kergoth`workdefinately promising.  not the direction i hoped they'd go with it, but considering they don't want to alienate the existing package or user base, i can see why they went this route
22:35.21kergoth`work'll have to play with it
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23:46.00*** join/#edev prpplague (
23:46.32prpplagueomg, i laughed my ass of with this -
23:50.07ce_geekwatching now
23:56.04ce_geekThis is priceless.
23:58.37ce_geekThe icons on the desktop -- LOL!

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