IRC log for #edev on 20080509

00:32.18*** join/#edev g1powermac_PB (n=g1powerm@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
00:34.06Lars_GI love the new era. I'm watching MIT engineering lectures online
00:36.32g1powermac_PBoh nice
00:42.38MirellI now have a copy of my check card on blank white cardstock.
00:45.24Lars_GI'm starting with 6-002
00:46.02Lars_Gthose are the videos of course, notes and material are available too
00:46.17g1powermac_PBwow, these are nice
00:46.18Lars_GBut I like to see humans speaking, and even with his thick accent I like how the guy explains stuff
00:47.38ds2so it has come down to enrolling is just a prereq to buying your degree?
00:48.03Lars_Gds2: I think this is nice not bad.
00:48.17Lars_Gds2: lots of people around the world get to study stuff they couldn'tve otherwise.
00:48.21ds2not saying it is bad
00:48.34ds2more of questioning the idea of degrees
00:48.46Lars_GAnd the university keeps an income being a "certifier" of sorts... for an employer it's not the same saying "I saw some MIT videos" to saying "I have a degree from MIT"
00:49.12ds2like what is the difference between a guy who buys a BSEE after sitting down and watching all the videos required for a MIT BSEE
00:49.13Lars_GWell the degree still holds water. you might learn a lot, or very little from these online courseware. you still need a competent body to certify your knowledge
00:49.54ds2so does that mean I can sell a BSEE for a fraction of the cost of tuition by just having people watch the video and take tests a I administer?
00:50.07ds2(and have it be equiv.)
00:51.20ds2UCSD is basically doing that - you attend the "lecture" at a trade show; write it up, pay UCSD and they give you credit for it
00:51.59MirellFrom what I've learned, from a bachelor's, just having to suffer through four years of a real school, show up for classes, et cetera, means a lot more than a specialized degree online.
00:52.29*** join/#edev roxfan2 (
00:52.34MirellBecause I majored in Linguistics, which has jack to do with my first job (which I'm still at), managing servers for electronic payment cards.
00:52.52ds2the underlying thing I am getting at is all this is really devaluing the idea of a degree
00:53.18GPSFang1powermac_PB: got into blob,
00:54.29Lars_Gds2: No it wont be equiv since your institution doesn't has the history and status of MIT
00:55.22ds2Lars_G: how is that "shown"? the signature of the president/chancellor/etc?
00:55.40ds2isn't the point of that peice of paper to say the person knows XYZ?
00:55.56Lars_Gds2: Think it this way... if you generate a Certificate Authority root certificate by hand, and then generate certificates with it using the same encription bitsize as Verisign does. do you think you can sell your certificates as being equivalent to Verisign's?
00:56.16ds2yep. sure can
00:56.21Lars_Gds2: Yes, it is. and the validity of that piece of paper comes from the entity that backs it up.
00:56.50ds2a CA root cert is nothing more then someone saying I agree with your beliefs. and I certainly don't trust someone who will sign stuff solely on the ability to put up green stuff
00:57.01g1powermac_PBGPSFan: awesome
00:57.44Lars_Gds2: The piece of paper doesn't just say "This person knows XYZ", the piece of paper says "We X, backed by our history doing Y and Z, certify that this person knows K"
00:58.28Lars_Ga Certification of knowing XYZ from a small or online institution doesn't carries the same weight as the same certification from MIT
00:59.10ds2with MIT that argument might hold water... donno about it if you replace MIT with a state univ
00:59.11Lars_GBecause thorough work, and proven standards, MIT has proven their certifications are given to people who know XYZ in a more effective manner.
00:59.22g1powermac_PBagrees with Lars_G on that
00:59.31Lars_GAh yeah lower the level to smaller univerisites and the thing foggies.
00:59.56g1powermac_PBthat analogy still works with the smaller schools
01:00.07ds2not just smaller; too many shannaigans from the state univ. esp. the ones around here (CA)
01:00.47g1powermac_PBwell, shenanigans aside, it should still work
01:01.12Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: The shennanigans undermine the universitie's value as a certifier of knowledge
01:01.24ds2when UCSD is basically selling credits and accediations
01:01.36g1powermac_PBLars_G: of course, but unfortunately it happens
01:03.03Lars_Gthen the university in question and it's degree become superfluous like ds2 said
01:03.38Lars_GBut it'd be superfluous wether you study the course in there, and buy the credits. or study online from the MIT and buy the credits there...
01:03.44Lars_Gor don't study at all and buy the fucking credits
01:05.27g1powermac_PBok, these videos are just freikin awesome
01:05.40MonMothathis is why there accreditation organizations for schools of higher learning
01:06.04g1powermac_PBMonMotha: that unfortunately doesn't help sometimes
01:06.06MonMothaMIT is one of the few engineering schools in the USA that isn't accredited by ABET, for example
01:06.14MonMothabut they are well enough known that people don't care
01:06.15*** join/#edev prpplague (
01:06.18prpplagueho ho hum
01:06.19g1powermac_PBwb prpplague
01:06.40prpplaguejust got back from a musical tribute to mexico, man was it fun
01:06.41MonMothag1powermac_PB: depends on the organization doing the accrediting.  Like schools, some are far more "trusted" than others
01:06.46g1powermac_PBis watching the MIT open courseware videos
01:07.25g1powermac_PBMonMotha: true, but really it doesn't really help either way unless means something to your future employer who is hiring you
01:07.35g1powermac_PBunless *it
01:07.59prpplagueGPSFan you get any more cool info from your uart?
01:08.10g1powermac_PBya, he gained access to blog
01:08.13g1powermac_PBerr, *blob
01:08.23prpplagueg1powermac_PB trying to decide what kind of connector to use
01:08.29g1powermac_PBman, my fingers always, always, type blog instead of blob
01:08.48prpplagueblob needs to go in favor of apex, hehe
01:09.20prpplaguelooks like a good break thru then
01:09.28prpplaguemaybe it will spark some more dev
01:09.33g1powermac_PBprpplague: really unsure about the connector
01:11.15g1powermac_PByea, I hope so
01:11.31g1powermac_PBwith jtag now we can completely replace the zipit system
01:11.36ds2prpplague: where does redboot sit in your scheme of things? above uboot?
01:12.04g1powermac_PBwe should also be able to 'find' what on the expansion port without doing their restricted wiki
01:12.13Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: At least you don't have a second degree ingversioning like me.
01:12.31g1powermac_PBLars_G: how so?
01:12.40Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: part of thinking faster than I can type. I somehow end up switching ng on lot's of words when I'm hyper.
01:12.47Lars_Gfor example: doign.
01:12.59Lars_Git's a plague of mine.
01:13.06g1powermac_PBLars_G: heh, well, I tend to skip entire words
01:13.20g1powermac_PBI'll think of the word and then completely skip writing it
01:13.55g1powermac_PBthen I make some utterly weird typos, like i once typed 'awesome' instead of 'assume'
01:15.22g1powermac_PBI think sometimes my fingers have their own mind ;-)
01:18.26g1powermac_PBprpplague: I wonder, you think there might be a way to get this update posted at linuxdevices?
01:19.45g1powermac_PBI'd would love to drum up some new devs now that it has been opened
01:25.46g1powermac_PBGPSFan: where is that black wire going?
01:25.54GPSFang1powermac_PB: ground
01:26.19g1powermac_PByou just scratched some of the soldermask off some of the ground fill?
01:26.25GPSFanprpplague: I tried running the lcd test, got lots of info then it seemed to hang.
01:26.28GPSFang1powermac_PB: yep
01:27.24g1powermac_PBman, these videos are good
01:27.30g1powermac_PBwatching the one about op amps
01:27.37GPSFang1powermac_PB: I'll be interested in the reactions on #zipit when this gets out.
01:27.59g1powermac_PByea, I'm wondering how i should break the news over there
01:28.45GPSFang1powermac_PB: cul, it's been a long stressful day, time for some tv and zzzz's
01:28.59g1powermac_PBI just know I'll be getting something from drmikecrowe about it :-)
01:29.07g1powermac_PBk, cya
01:39.40*** join/#edev sunrunner20 (
01:48.51*** join/#edev RobotGuy (
01:49.30g1powermac_PBheya RobotGuy
01:49.49RobotGuyg1powermac_PB: Hi
01:52.48g1powermac_PBponders how he can drum more interest in the zipit now that the jtag port has been found
01:53.47RobotGuyHas it definitely been found?
01:54.17g1powermac_PBabout 90% sure, though it hasn't been tested yet
01:54.26RobotGuyI wouldn't want to go through all you've gone through to hack it.
01:54.26g1powermac_PBthe serial port has been found and tested though
01:55.13g1powermac_PBheh, well now with this knowledge in hand, its super simple to hack it
01:55.17RobotGuyI'm more interested in something based on the S3C2440A.
01:55.43RobotGuyHow fast is that PXA270?
01:56.17RobotGuyThat would probably be at least as good as a 400 MHz 2440A
01:56.42Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: Send me a free one.
01:56.42RobotGuyPrpbably better.  It has a complete camera interface?
01:56.54Lars_GThat'd interest me
01:57.01g1powermac_PBLars_G: hehe, I only got one :-)
01:57.08Lars_GI had to try
01:57.13RobotGuyI need something that has a camera interface.
01:57.27Lars_Gwith being limited legally to only $400 online this year I need to pilfer my toys somehow else
01:57.34RobotGuyAlthough it will be quite awhile before I can aquire something.
01:57.52g1powermac_PBLars_G: oh? why?
01:58.47Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: impossed measure to avoid resource leakage on my country.
01:59.00g1powermac_PBRobotGuy: I'm hoping usb host is brought out to one of the test points too
01:59.10g1powermac_PBLars_G: oh, interesting
01:59.39RobotGuyThis is it?
02:00.20g1powermac_PBits at a great price atm
02:00.23RobotGuyI thought it was more expensive than that.
02:00.37g1powermac_PBmine cost me $116 which includes the shipping
02:00.41RobotGuyIf I had the money I would try and get 2 or 3 of them!
02:01.01g1powermac_PBit depends on how much interest there is when it ends
02:01.23RobotGuyI don't care about that. I want units I can afford to destroy.
02:02.04Lars_GIt wouldn't be so bad if some commerciants werent so f.... gah language I can't use here.
02:02.38RobotGuyThere is 3 of them on ebay under $40.00 (not including shipping) now.
02:02.39Lars_GCharging sometimes up to %300 markup over imported goods
02:03.05g1powermac_PBRobotGuy: yea, but I doubt they'll stay that low
02:03.16RobotGuyProbably not.
02:04.49Lars_GSpecially not when g1 makes them famous in hacker circles
02:05.06Lars_GOnce he makes more progress, and it's posted to the make blog, or hackaday, forget about them.
02:05.24g1powermac_PBoh, make blog, forgot about them
02:05.29g1powermac_PBor even hackaday
02:05.38g1powermac_PBLars_G: thanks for the ideas :-)
02:06.51g1powermac_PBdefinitely will submit this to hackaday once the jtag port has been confirmed
02:07.04RobotGuyg1powermac_PB: Is that all legal to do?
02:07.40g1powermac_PBit should be
02:07.52RobotGuyYou have to be SURE though.
02:08.15g1powermac_PBits not like I'm posting 'so-called' confidential info found on their restricted part of their wiki
02:08.32g1powermac_PBthey never said anything about jtag and serial port on it :-)
02:08.43RobotGuyCouldn't it be seen as reverse engineering?
02:09.14g1powermac_PBtechnically every hack where you find jtag and serial ports would be considered reverse engineering
02:09.28MonMothareverse engineering is generally regarded as something that's legit as long as it's not done through the use of protected materials
02:10.15Lars_Gafaik reverse engineering in the usa is legal as long as you don't need to break encryption to do it
02:10.17g1powermac_PByea, thats what makes the restricted wiki info weird
02:10.27g1powermac_PBLars_G: meh, yes and no
02:10.31Lars_Gthe (another word I can't say here) DMCA ruined it for innovation.
02:10.57g1powermac_PBLars_G: they can still DMCA you even if you haven't circumvented a protection system
02:11.18MonMothawell, hell, anybody can sue anybody for anything
02:11.23g1powermac_PBwhether thats in and of itself is legal or not is another question
02:11.26MonMothait's a matter of whether or not they have a leg to stand on in court...
02:11.54g1powermac_PBMonMotha: true, but they have that option to push people around without actually even filing a suit
02:12.08RobotGuyOr whether they can beat down the opposition.
02:12.38MonMothayes, and you have the option to ignore htem
02:12.48MonMothathey can subsequently sue, of course
02:12.53MonMothabut that's no different than otherwise
02:12.58MonMothayou can demand that people do anything
02:13.03MonMothathey don't have to do it unless you get an injunciton
02:13.05g1powermac_PBlook at what happened with the coreavc thing
02:13.14MonMothathat was a takedown notice
02:13.23Lars_GAh yes, court bullying, but that has always existed.
02:13.28MonMothathe host complied under the "safe harbor" provisions to keep themselves from being liable
02:13.35g1powermac_PByea, thats what I'm referring to
02:13.48Lars_Git's the way corporations have always used to profit from stolen stale ideas instead of developing new stuff
02:13.54g1powermac_PBin essence, especially since my zipit site is on
02:14.00Lars_Gthey taken down core?
02:14.01MonMothahowever, you can always come right back with the standard "I don't believe this is infringement and here's why" notice,and then the host is obligated to put the content back up under those same provisions (or drop you as a customre)
02:14.03Lars_Gwtf... when
02:14.12MonMothathe key is to find a host that doesn't suck
02:14.23MonMothai.e. one that follows the procedures rather than blindly overreacting
02:14.39MadsyOh.. the old DMCA discussion again
02:14.52Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: Wanna see what my boss gave me to keep and play with?
02:14.58g1powermac_PBwell, if it were to happen to my sf project, I got a host lined up in a small country in eastern europe that is hosting my blog :-)
02:15.09g1powermac_PBLars_G: heh, sure
02:15.36Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: Let me blog it from my phone (I love my current phone)
02:15.38MadsyWe better hope Obama will get rid of that law ;-)
02:15.41Lars_GUploading to blog.....
02:16.02Lars_Gtaps his fingers
02:16.08Lars_GI love my phone, but edge is slow sometimes
02:16.13g1powermac_PBwhich president signed that stupid bill into law?
02:16.19g1powermac_PBwas it clinton or bush?
02:16.28g1powermac_PBdoesn't remember
02:16.28MadsyBush IIRC
02:16.37Lars_GHmmm Bush afaik
02:16.46g1powermac_PBthought it was, but wasn't sure
02:16.53MadsyClinton has done some stupid things as well, but not that stupid.
02:17.07g1powermac_PBwants gore for president :-)
02:17.19g1powermac_PBLars_G: hahahahaah, nice
02:17.54g1powermac_PBLars_G: I got a powerbook 520c here, the first laptop with color screen and a trackpad :-)
02:18.21MonMothaI do believe the DMCA was signed into law by Clinton...
02:18.43MadsyOh. It *was* Clinton :-(
02:18.43g1powermac_PBLars_G: when the heck did ya get a blog, btw? :-)
02:18.55RobotGuyThat thing needs to be repealed.
02:18.59MadsyWoah.. this was unexpected.
02:19.41Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: aaaages ago.
02:19.45g1powermac_PBhrmm, and I was kinda rooting for hillary for president if I actually had to choose someone on the ballot
02:19.54Lars_GMonMotha: you seem to be right
02:20.02Lars_GBush's stupidity was the patriot act
02:20.16g1powermac_PBI knew that one
02:20.22g1powermac_PBugh, stupid patriot act
02:20.25RobotGuyThey should both be repealed
02:21.36RobotGuyAnyway, bye for now - got to go do other stuff.
02:21.36g1powermac_PBcya RobotGuy
02:21.46g1powermac_PBreally wants to see an independent run halfway decently one day
02:22.47g1powermac_PBthough I wonder if the democrats are going to split this round
02:23.11g1powermac_PBit has happened in the past with two popular candidates of the same party
02:24.00g1powermac_PBwhich usually means the other party gets in, ugh, don't want to see mccain either
02:27.38Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: I need to find a copy of HyperCard compatible with system 7.1
02:28.35Lars_GI think I'll put this powerbook to use on my electronics bench
02:30.46Lars_GMeh see you all gotta go home
02:30.56Lars_GSigh this powerbook is going to be so much fun.
02:39.50Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: I need a hand before I go... are you on your mac?
02:40.12Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: If you have mac tracker there, can you run it quick and tell me the max OS installable for the Powerbook 1800?
02:40.48Lars_GSigh I had to run. rhanks anyhow
02:45.16g1powermac_PBsorry, was afk
02:45.27g1powermac_PBand I don't have mac tracker on this machine
02:45.36g1powermac_PBtime for sleep, gnight all
02:54.10*** join/#edev prpplague (
03:00.13sunrunner20gruble gruble :)
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11:13.18*** join/#edev g1powermac_PB (n=g1powerm@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
11:29.06*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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11:31.49g1powermac_PBmorning GPSFan
11:32.08GPSFang1powermac_PB: g'day
11:34.25g1powermac_PBI'm thinking of posting my zipit site to hackaday once we get confirmation of the jtag port
11:34.48g1powermac_PBshould be able to get more interest in the zipit
11:35.59GPSFang1powermac_PB: and to the yahoo group, which is where interest in the z1 started.
11:36.12g1powermac_PBoh yea, forgot about the yahoo group
11:37.04GPSFanthere hasn't been any activity there in months, chilled by the draconian dev agreement for the z2, no doubt.
11:38.59g1powermac_PBnow with jtag, we don't need their agreement :-)
11:39.31GPSFan2 important "next steps". 1) gpl version of the wifi driver. 2) replace blob with either a blob re-write, or apex. 3) get a machine ID for the z2 and re-do the kernel patches appropriately.
11:40.25g1powermac_PBI'll update the todo list about that later today
11:40.27GPSFanwith jtag you can fix anything, with bob access, you can do almost as much.
11:40.50GPSFanwithout the hardware that most folks want to aviod.
11:41.38GPSFanit's like the old tuxscreen days all over again.
11:42.24g1powermac_PBwell, with jtag now we can run our own linux system directly and not worry ourselves with changing their system
11:42.42g1powermac_PBagain completely removing ourselves from their restricted wiki
11:42.53g1powermac_PBonly thing that would be left would be that expansion port pinout
11:43.06g1powermac_PBnot sure how exactly to bypass that
11:43.07SpeedEvilWhich the xray images should help some with.
11:43.52g1powermac_PBSpeedEvil: well, the issue is whether finding the pinout via other means would still make it legal to post it outside of their wiki
11:44.03SpeedEvilOf course it is.
11:44.09GPSFang1powermac_PB: roxfan was supposed to strip the board of parts, that will lead to the pinnout of the rear connector.
11:44.25g1powermac_PBGPSFan: ahh
11:44.34SpeedEvilIf you don't use any details from the wiki. I mean simply generate it from the xray images that prppla got
11:45.29GPSFanit's important that who ever does it has not signed their dev agreement, and does a "cleanroom" method of re-generating it.
11:45.59SpeedEvilhow wide is the connector?
11:46.54GPSFanif roxfan hasn't stripped the parts yet it will be useful to connect up the serial port and see what happend with tomw's kernel flash. and try to re-flash with the original kernel.
11:47.02GPSFanSpeedEvil: 36
11:47.35g1powermac_PByea, there are known ports that are brought out to the connector
11:47.47g1powermac_PBthat was mentioned outside of the agreement
11:47.56GPSFanwe know the signals ( in general terms) Audio, USB client, Camera, grounds.
11:48.08SpeedEvilSome of those are easy
11:48.19SpeedEvilcamera must be about 12 pins IIRC
11:48.20g1powermac_PBincluding i2c, audio, camera, usb client, and a few power lines and such
11:48.27GPSFanmore like 20
11:48.35GPSFanyeah i2c
11:49.04GPSFang1powermac_PB: but you need to be careful because you signed the dev agreement.
11:49.10g1powermac_PBI know
11:49.27GPSFanbad geek, no donought.
11:49.35g1powermac_PBhasn't mentioned any actual pin numberings
11:50.14g1powermac_PBnow if i get that info from a clean source, should I, or shouldn't I post that to the zipit site?
11:50.45g1powermac_PBie like someone here who hasn't accepted the agreement finds the pinout
11:53.47SpeedEvilIt doesn't matter.
11:54.05SpeedEvilThe issue is that you are contaminated by looking at the agreed data.
11:54.18SpeedEvilSo any data you generate is then poisoned.
11:54.22g1powermac_PBso what exactly should I do?
11:54.29SpeedEvilOr that's the theory at least.
11:57.33SpeedEvilExactly how it would work in practice, ...
11:57.46SpeedEvilIn practice.
11:57.54SpeedEvilAre zipit going to bother suing you?
11:58.13SpeedEvilWhen you have a credible alternate method through which you could get the data.
11:58.49SpeedEvilFor example, board scans from clean boards, with notes on each track and where it goes.
12:00.01SpeedEvil'pin 20 goes through 4 vias, is connected to the non-ground side of R44, and then to ball J5 of IC4 ball J5 is TXD - see http://'
12:00.59g1powermac_PBcouldn't it be also documented via jtag?
12:01.04SpeedEvilI.E. more No.
12:01.12SpeedEvilJTAG is not magic
12:01.32SpeedEvilit's very handy - but you probably won't be able to generate all signals from JTAG capable pins.
12:01.38SpeedEvilall signals easily.
12:21.31g1powermac_PBwhat if i linked to a site where someone else found the pinout?
12:21.47SpeedEvilThen the information does not come from you.
12:22.17SpeedEvilDoes the agreement say:
12:22.17g1powermac_PBok, then thats an option
12:22.29SpeedEvil'I agree not to reveal any facts I learn from this wiki'
12:22.47SpeedEvilOr 'I agree not to reveal any facts about the zipit contained in this wiki'
12:22.50g1powermac_PBnot exactly, iirc
12:23.09g1powermac_PBits more like: I agree not to post this information elsewhere
12:23.20SpeedEvilThe key is did you agree to keep facts secret, even though tehy are available elsewhere.
12:23.41g1powermac_PBthe agreement is on their site if you want to go through it
12:24.50SpeedEvilNot really.
12:25.02SpeedEvilI have no zipit, and no cacne for onw.
12:25.28g1powermac_PBthis is what it says directly on the wiki in the restricted section: "Permission is granted to use this information for open source projects hosted on this site. This information may not be duplicated or posted on other sites, and may be referenced via links to"
12:25.59g1powermac_PBobviously how in the world do you allow open source projects yet somehow try to keep this stuff restricted
12:28.11SpeedEvilThat's not actually a problem - with appropriate licenses.
12:30.22g1powermac_PBok, here's the official stuff from the agreement: "b.  Confidentiality.  Developer agrees that all information disclosed by Zipit through the Developer?s  Exchange   that   relates   to   Zipit?s   products,   designs,   business   plans,   business   opportunities,   finances,  research, development, know?how, personnel, or third party confidential information, will be considered  and referred to collectively as ?Confidential Infor
12:30.22g1powermac_PBmation.?  Confidential Information, however, does not  include: (i) information that Zipit makes generally available to the public; (ii) information that Developer  can demonstrate to have had rightfully in its possession prior to disclosure to Developer by Zipti; (iii)  information   that   is   independently   developed   by   Developer   without   the   use   of   any   Confidential  Information; (iv) information that Developer rightf
12:30.23g1powermac_PBully obtains from a third party who has been given the  right to transfer or disclose it by Zipit; or (v) any third party software or documentation provided by Zipit  and accompanied by licensing terms that do not impose confidentiality obligation on the use or disclosure  of such software and documentation, for example, software governed by the GPL.  Developer agrees not  to disclose,  publish,   or disseminate Confidential  Information
12:30.28g1powermac_PBto any third party  and  to take  reasonable  precautions  to  prevent   any  unauthorized  use,   disclosure,   publication  or   dissemination  of   Confidential  Information.     Developer   agrees   not   to   use   Confidential   Information   other   than   as   provided   in   this  Agreement."
12:30.32g1powermac_PBoh crap
12:30.34g1powermac_PBshould've pastebinned it
12:30.49SpeedEvilThe key phrase is right at the start.
12:31.10SpeedEvil'information discloses by zipit through the developers exchange'
12:31.44SpeedEvilThis means that you can distribute information gotten from other sources.
12:32.15g1powermac_PByea, it kinda stated that in the enumerated list in that paragraph
12:32.56g1powermac_PBespecially (iii)
12:33.11g1powermac_PBand (iv)
12:33.41g1powermac_PBerr, not really (iv)
12:33.53SpeedEvilA simple solution would be to ask them.
12:34.08SpeedEvilIs there a forum?
12:34.39g1powermac_PBit requires you to be a member to post a question
12:34.56SpeedEvilI mean - you ask them.
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12:35.19g1powermac_PBI think really the spirit of the agreement is to stop people from reselling the zipit with modifications
12:35.35SpeedEvilWell - tough.
12:35.55g1powermac_PByea, I'm going to prod the main zipit guy here on irc when he comes back online
12:35.55SpeedEvilIf the agreement does not in fact implement that.
12:36.09g1powermac_PBoh, its specifically written in the agreement
12:36.16g1powermac_PBthey don't want you to resell with mods
12:36.47SpeedEvilI can see why - supporting them would be horrid.
12:36.51g1powermac_PBand alot of it is based around that, like the trademark protection and stuff
12:37.04SpeedEvilyou have to protect your trademark.
12:37.09SpeedEvilIf you do not, then you lose it.
12:38.08g1powermac_PBbut alot of it is based on modifying and resellling and/or stating your mod is compatible with the zipit, and/or other goodies
12:40.28g1powermac_PBits a pretty short agreement when you really take a look at it
12:40.30SpeedEvilnotes GPSFans stack underflowing.
12:40.36g1powermac_PBits main guts are only 4 pages long
12:40.37GPSFang1powermac_PB: there are 2 missing pics on second & third from the top
12:40.58GPSFanpops his stack
12:41.10g1powermac_PBhit refresh, sf tends to do that
12:41.54g1powermac_PBsf is a bit flaky at times
12:43.57g1powermac_PB"c.  Documentation License.  The information provided by Zipit through the Developer?s Exchange is  the  proprietary  material   of   Zipit   (the  ?Documentation?)   and  is   protected  by  copyright.     Zipit   grants  Developer  a  limited,   non?transferable,   non?exclusive  license  to  use  the  Documentation  solely  for  non? commercial, internal purposes."
12:44.03g1powermac_PBthat pretty much sums it all up
12:44.22g1powermac_PBthey just don't want you to resell or sell your mods to make money
12:45.01GPSFang1powermac_PB: but if you don't sign the agreement you are not bound by it.
12:45.25GPSFanas long as you don't violate normal copyright provisions.
12:45.36g1powermac_PBGPSFan: true, but I already agreed to it
12:45.46GPSFanbad geek, no donought.
12:46.30g1powermac_PBof course then we got roxfan2 who was able to gain access to the restricted part of the wiki without agreeing to the terms
12:46.49g1powermac_PBwhatever that means exactly
12:47.26GPSFanhe could be guilty of "hacking"
12:47.56GPSFanor some sort of DMCA violation, good thing he's not in the US
12:48.19g1powermac_PBmaybe, but if they didn't write their code right to prevent access to the site without agreeing, then who's to blame. . .
12:48.56g1powermac_PBobviously if you select that you don't agree to the agreement yet after you hit the button it throws you to the restricted part of the site, what does that mean?
12:49.54GPSFanthen it becomes an ethical question, if you discover that you are "tresspassing" do you leave, or snoop around?
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13:30.48Lars_GGood day all.
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13:31.47g1powermac_PBheya Lars_G and prpplague
13:33.22prpplagueg1powermac_PB: ok, so i wish you'd sent the rest of the zipit so i could mod it for the jtag and uart
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13:34.03g1powermac_PBheh, its alright, I'll mod it here, just leave some wires on it :-)
13:34.26prpplagueg1powermac_PB: yea, i'm probably going to order a couple v2's
13:35.28prpplagueprobably won;t do much with them, but i'd like to see what i can test with it
13:35.54GPSFanprpplague: did you get to test the jtag?
13:36.20prpplagueGPSFan: yea, i was able to get a good scan chain response
13:36.26prpplagueGPSFan: so it looks to be working
13:36.37GPSFanprpplague: ah, that's great
13:36.57chouimat|workhmmmm 16GB of memory for 688
13:40.42g1powermac_PBGPSFan: btw, what serial port settings did you use to talk with blob?
13:44.09GPSFan115200 N81 no flow
13:44.34GPSFanI used the adapter I built for the z1
13:45.15g1powermac_PBwhat kind of adapter did you make?
13:45.36g1powermac_PBI need to make one myself that'll work at 3.3v
13:46.45GPSFanyou can see it here:  it's a maxim MAX233A
13:47.45GPSFanpowered from 2 AA cells
13:47.56g1powermac_PBheh, was just going to ask that
13:49.16g1powermac_PBvery nice
13:51.03GPSFanit actually came from my webpal serial port work. years before the z1 stuff.
13:51.59g1powermac_PBdoes the flyswatter have 3.3v serial port on it?
13:52.13g1powermac_PBjust wonder if you could use it instead of making a whole knew adapter
13:53.07g1powermac_PBeh, s/knew/new
13:54.42prpplagueyea you could bypass the ttl shifter
13:55.14Lars_GTell me something you lot of madmen
13:55.31g1powermac_PBthis should work too:
13:55.35prpplagueg1powermac_PB: so the zipit folks don't want third party products for the v2?
13:55.36Lars_GDoes any of you know how different the charging circuitry for li-ions is from ni-cd?
13:55.47g1powermac_PBfor an actual 3.3v level shifter
13:55.57Lars_Gyou think I could bang a ni-cd charger IC to be able to charge a li-ion healthily?
13:56.02g1powermac_PBprpplague: well, they don't want 3rd party products without approval
13:56.07GPSFanprpplague: they don't want 3rd party products that they don't have control of.
13:56.17prpplagueLars_G: a li-ion charger ic is cheap, might as well use the right item
13:56.56Lars_Gprpplague: Yes but I'm thinking on adapting a Li-Ion to the ni-cd based PowerBook 180 I was given.
13:57.00GPSFanLars_G: it is very different, but as prpplague said there are cheap liion charger chips/modules available.
13:57.18Lars_Gprpplague: I am sure i can make the powerbook run off the slightly lower li-ion voltage... but charging is another thing altogether.
13:57.27Lars_Gprpplague: And I don't want to alter the logic board if I don't have to
13:58.05g1powermac_PBgoes ahead and samples that chip
13:58.16Lars_GPlus I need to check if the charger IC in the powerbook is self controlled or machine controlled. if it's machine controlled I'd need to find one that is not only form and pinout compatible, but control message compatible too...
13:58.20g1powermac_PBI wonder if I could directly power it off the zipits board
13:58.23Lars_Gg1powermac_PB: you've not changed much
13:58.28prpplagueg1powermac_PB / GPSFan hmm, well that kind of turns me off on the v2
13:58.28g1powermac_PBLars_G: heheh
13:58.43GPSFanLars_G: here is a similar project.
13:58.49g1powermac_PBprpplague: the idea is they don't want commercial products without approval
13:58.52Lars_GGPSFan: thanks I'll check it out
13:58.59g1powermac_PBprpplague: you can do oss stuff all you want
13:59.24GPSFanprpplague: yeah, well tehy really only have control if you sign the dev agreement.
13:59.42g1powermac_PBand really only have control if you use the info found in the restricted part of the site
14:00.38Lars_Gwhat's the zipit originally bassed on?
14:00.43Lars_GWM? Vx?
14:00.51g1powermac_PBwhich we're very close to completely bypassing
14:00.54GPSFanz1 was linux
14:01.00g1powermac_PBboth are linux
14:01.04Lars_GAh good.
14:01.14g1powermac_PBz1 is the old version, z2 is the one we're working on now
14:01.20Lars_Gthat means we should have most of the drivers for the hardware unless they're pulling an nvidia move
14:01.36g1powermac_PBwell, yea, there is one driver like that
14:01.41prpplagueLars_G: all but the wifi driver
14:01.45Lars_GIf you get qtopia to run on those I'll really think I'll start considering on saving for one.
14:01.45GPSFanmarvell wifi driver is an issue
14:01.50g1powermac_PBits the wifi driver, however, consider work is being done on replacing it
14:01.54Lars_Gmeh marvell
14:02.15Lars_Gall wifi vendors are motherfuckers.
14:02.18Lars_Goh gods
14:02.22Lars_Gprpplague: sorry sir. i forgot
14:02.28Lars_GI'm too used to saying my mind.
14:02.38chouimat|workremove the blood from his eyes
14:02.54GPSFanmarvell probably gave them a "deal" if they used both the pxa270 and 8686
14:03.02Lars_GAnyhow trying to do like I never said anything wrong...
14:03.24Lars_GI wonder how the openmoko guys did/will manage to get a chip they can work with openly for the neo 1973
14:03.42prpplagueGPSFan: they are two seperate divisions, they probably never even knew that two marvell products were being used in the same device
14:03.44RobotGuyGood Morning
14:03.59prpplagueLars_G: iirc they are planning to use an ar6k module
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14:04.19Lars_Gprpplague: Don't know it. I'll research it some more.
14:04.34prpplagueLars_G: hehe yea, i do
14:04.35GPSFanprpplague: really...
14:04.40Lars_GIt'd be cool if somebody managed to get a reliable wi-fi working on a fpga and posted it to opencores.
14:04.54prpplagueLars_G: not going to happen in the US
14:04.59Lars_GThough I wonder if any of the fpgas in the market can handle the frequencies needed for the wave synthesis.
14:05.18g1powermac_PBprpplague: I think the big thing with the zipit people is to not use their trademarks and not resell a zipit that's modified
14:05.42Lars_Gprpplague: neither from china. that means if it doesn't comes from nokia or similar we're fried
14:06.18prpplaguethere is a wide range of wifi modules these days and linux support is moving ahead pretty quick
14:06.35Lars_GYes but it always ends up being an uphill battle
14:07.29prpplaguethat is always going to be true
14:08.31GPSFandigs out his old tuxscreen blob docs.
14:09.12prpplagueg1powermac_PB / GPSFan  my main concern is that zipit guys will use our mods without providing credit
14:09.19prpplague(or compensation)
14:09.35g1powermac_PBrealistically they can't without our permission
14:09.49g1powermac_PBthat is stipulated in their agreement
14:10.07g1powermac_PBit indemnifies our rights as devs
14:10.35prpplaguethats only if you sign their document
14:10.53g1powermac_PBeither way, they still can't use our mods without permission
14:11.07prpplaguethats not entirely correct
14:11.17prpplaguewe are posting the information for everyone to see
14:11.22g1powermac_PBthey did release all the gpl stuff they used and modified
14:11.31GPSFanthey never even acknowledged the existance of the community for the z1 efforts
14:11.40prpplagueit can be argued that the information is in the public domain
14:12.04g1powermac_PBhmm, true, we could stipulate it under a license then
14:12.06GPSFang1powermac_PB: only after timR sent them a nastygram in the early z1 days.
14:12.27Lars_Gprpplague: Not really. under many countrie's laws any kind of published material is automatically copyrighted
14:12.48Lars_GAltough... that applies to the copying of the material. not to the use of the information in it. hmmm
14:12.57g1powermac_PBGPSFan: hmm
14:14.32prpplaguewould be nice if someone at zipit would make their position known
14:15.11g1powermac_PBnot sure if we can reliably use their attitude from the z1 days to judge whats going on now
14:15.21g1powermac_PBsince its now its own company
14:15.58GPSFang1powermac_PB: correct. they hired drmikecrowe expressly for the purpose of interfacing with the wider linux community.
14:16.19g1powermac_PBoh, didn't know that
14:17.10GPSFang1powermac_PB: you are fairly new to the z2 scene. things have been going on since the z2 was announced. read some of the old yahoo posts.
14:17.33g1powermac_PByea, will do now that I'm a member of the yahoo group
14:18.35g1powermac_PBok, got some stuff to do, bbl
14:21.14prpplaguei wonder zipit folks spoke to T0mW
14:24.29prpplagueis having second thoughts about ordering a z2
14:24.48GPSFanprpplague: I think so, they expressed an interest in tom's add-in board. they talked to me toovia e-mail. basically wanting comments on the dev agreement.
14:26.16prpplagueGPSFan: ahh, surprised would have thought T0mW would have mentioned it to me
14:26.40prpplagueGPSFan: i assume you told them the dev agreement was likely to kill any dev
14:27.25GPSFanprpplague: I told them that I could not sign it for several reasons, and that I believed no serious developer would either.
14:27.56prpplagueGPSFan: did they respond with anything?
14:28.04GPSFanthey did make some changes to a few of the paragraphs, but not enough.
14:28.59prpplaguethats interesting
14:29.06prpplagueGPSFan: spoken to them since then?
14:29.18ce_geekprpplague:  I have decided that the document for TCT and the document for Rick will be quite a bit different.  Trying to make one that serves both purposes is not working too well.  Focusing on Rick's right now, next week I can focus on the one for TCT.
14:29.18GPSFanI figured the community would speak for itself in its participation.
14:29.30RobotGuyprpplague: If you had to choose, would you choose a Zipit2 or an iPAQ rx3715?
14:29.52chouimat|workRobotGuy: n800 :)
14:29.54GPSFanwhich has come true, if the traffic on #zipit is any indication.
14:29.55chouimat|workor n810
14:30.02RobotGuyprpplague: What kind of document is this?
14:30.07prpplagueRobotGuy: i'd need more info
14:30.16RobotGuychouimat|work: There is an n810 now.
14:30.25prpplaguece_geek: what kind of differences are you running into?
14:30.37prpplaguece_geek: i would have expected it to be in the same direction
14:31.02prpplaguece_geek: well make sure rick is happy first
14:31.22prpplaguece_geek: tct is just a scavenger for info right now, hehe
14:32.00ce_geekprpplague:  Mostly just the fluffy stuff I guess.  I just think that whatever I give to rick today is not what I'd want to call final for you guys.  I'll certainly give it to you, and you can do as you like with it, but I want to spend more time on it next week.
14:33.09prpplague"ahh look there, its the red breasted tct vulcher, primarily feeds off of dead documents and rotting google cache files"
14:33.26prpplaguece_geek: np, we'll take what we can get
14:33.27ce_geekprpplague:  This week time got away from me real bad.  I sold my vehicle 1.5 hours away from here and bought another in the same area, and I've had to make a round trip down there 3 times this week, with shenannigans in between.  It's family-friend stuff, so I was doing lots of favors.  Sunk way too much time into that, and now I'm just scrambling to throw something together for Rick.  I'll be all set with the class and stuff, just go
14:33.28ce_geeking to be tight.
14:34.03prpplaguece_geek: np, get what you gotta get done
14:34.10prpplaguece_geek: tct isn't on a schedule
14:34.12ce_geekprpplague:  And I can't even drive my new truck until next week because I have to figure out how to register it in NH.... but I don't have an address there yet.  That's proving to be a cute trick.
14:34.44ce_geekprpplague:  The good news is that there's all sorts of incentive even after Rick's class to keep up with this, that helps both of us I think :)
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14:35.02prpplaguece_geek: tct wants its products to be fun
14:35.05prpplagueT0mW: hey bud
14:35.06ce_geekprpplague:  Usually once a class stops, so does the interest in the project.  Fortunately I have a few weeks of goof-off time here in the lab before I start my job.
14:35.23prpplaguece_geek: ahh cool
14:35.41RobotGuyI always enjoyed quiet time in labs
14:35.46prpplagueT0mW: give us the poop on aeronix/zipitwireless contacting you
14:36.00prpplagueT0mW: GPSFan said he thought they had contacted you about your mods
14:36.50GPSFanah, T0mW is her he should bea ble to provide some ground truth.
14:37.14prpplaguesoon has to go to a meeting
14:37.31T0mWprpplague: bbiab
14:37.31RobotGuyprpplague: Did you get a chance to check with shipping?
14:38.43RobotGuyI seem to have generated quite a bit of interest on the PARTS list.
14:41.49ce_geekprpplague:  Just committed the changes I have so far.  It's growing.  Needs some pictures and such.  Finishing up 7.4 (how to add packages and deal with some buildroot stuff) and then need to finish up 7.5 (the 3com USB dongle), then move to the other stuff.  Dropbear, boa, and the temperature sensors.  I think that's where I'll stop for today.
14:42.17RobotGuyce_geek: Are you including all the howtos?
14:42.35ce_geekRobotGuy:  For many reasons, I often refer to the stuff in the Wiki.
14:43.05ce_geekRobotGuy:  The combination of my document and the wiki should be enough for a somewhat green horn to create my temperature web server thing.
14:43.40RobotGuyce_geek: The Wiki can change easily though.
14:44.05RobotGuyce_geek: Hopefully to be improved with each change.
14:44.46ce_geekRobotGuy:  I agree.  The wiki is a good place for stuff.  I'm just doing things this way right now because of my writing style and the way I like to reference things, and because I'm familiar with the typesetting environment.  When I'm a little less stressed out about grades and school (after today) I'll be more likely to try wiki stuff.
14:45.22RobotGuyce_geek: Ah, OK. Keep your stress level down or you could end up having what I have to deal with.
14:47.46ce_geekOh snap I forgot about devmem stuff.  *adds it to the do-now list*
14:48.45Lars_GStress will kill you
14:51.37T0mWprpplague: ok, I am back. Slight "emergency" from a friend regarding sending email.
14:51.57T0mWprpplague: What was that about aeronix?
14:52.02RobotGuyce_geek: I am getting
14:52.31ce_geekRobotGuy:  Whazzit?  (Sorry.... don't have time to dig)
14:53.06RobotGuyce_geek:  8-Digit, Triplexed LCD Decoder Driver
14:54.00ce_geekRobotGuy:  Cool.
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15:05.16RobotGuyDurn, I can't change my e-mail address for Maxim.
15:05.20g1powermac_PBT0mW: btw, jtag and the serial port has been found on the zipit
15:05.28g1powermac_PBcourtesy of prpplague
15:07.16g1powermac_PBT0mW: we're all concerned about their agreement on their wiki
15:07.48g1powermac_PBand whether it means anything if you don't agree to it, especially in concern to making expansion boards and mods
15:07.49GPSFanT0mW: I had thought that zipit had contacted you about you add-in board.
15:08.55g1powermac_PBimho, I think if you find all the info outside of the agreement and if you don't use their trademarks in regards to your mod, I don't think they can do anything
15:10.05g1powermac_PBreally, the only thing that is still in their agreement that is of any worth is the pinout of the expansion port
15:11.09g1powermac_PBnow with jtag, the software part that was under the restricted part is now not needed
15:11.39T0mWGPSFan: no.  What they did was that Mike contacted me and wanted to make sure that I got onboard for the Z2 linux stuff.
15:11.50T0mWg1powermac_PB: great!
15:12.01T0mWg1powermac_PB: have you actually used the jtag?
15:12.11g1powermac_PBprpplague has
15:12.22g1powermac_PBGPSFan has tested the serial port
15:12.42T0mWthat is cool
15:13.12T0mWthat would make the boot faster as you can bypass the current "backflip" process
15:13.14GPSFanT0mW: ah I thought it was about your mod board.
15:13.28T0mWGPSFan: no, not a peep out of them about that
15:13.51T0mWI'm just starting work on the HammerLCD today.
15:14.22GPSFanI have serial access to blob, I've been trying to reblob, and so far have not got anything to happen. I can download code with xdownload.
15:14.37T0mWGPSFan: a rainy spring day in Pennsylvania.  Everything outside has this pale green cast to it.
15:14.41g1powermac_PBT0mW: btw, the zipit don't know about the jtag/serial port yet :-)
15:14.49g1powermac_PBzipit *people
15:15.08T0mWg1powermac_PB: I figured that it had to be there, I just couln
15:15.30T0mWn't see them shipping the unit without someway to avoid a brick situation.
15:15.44GPSFanT0mW: we had a late spring storm yesterday. >.5" rain & hail... lost 30-60% buds on the orchard. ;>(
15:15.51T0mWbad software, failure to write the flash, etc.
15:16.06T0mWGPSFan: ooo, not good
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15:22.12RobotGuyOh my, check this out:
15:22.28g1powermac_PBGPSFan: ouch
15:22.33g1powermac_PBT0mW: yea
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15:34.28RobotGuyThis is sooooo cool:
15:38.16SpeedEvilIs there actual datasheets?
15:38.20SpeedEvilOr just wibble.
15:40.48SpeedEvilI mean - are tehre datasheets that you can actually use to code for the device.
15:41.02prpplaguereturns from meeting
15:44.08prpplagueT0mW: so the zipit people wanted you onboard for the z2, so did you make your concerns about dev agreement known to them?
15:44.23prpplaguece_geek: grabing a copy of the doc now
15:46.16g1powermac_PBbbiab, heading to work
15:47.05prpplaguece_geek: hmm, seems to be down
15:47.38RobotGuyce_geek: It's working for me
15:49.12ce_geekme2 :-/
15:52.32ce_geekprpplague, RobotGuy:  It is hung up right now actually
15:52.36ce_geekDreamhost is not awesome.
15:52.58RobotGuyce_geek: ??
15:53.05T0mWprpplague: I never agreed to it, I sent them (Mike) an email outlining my objections to the agreement terms.  I felt that they were to restrictive, that they wanted me to agree that if they didn't like what I was doing that they could quash the work and have me desist.
15:53.35prpplagueT0mW: did they respond back?
15:55.09T0mWprpplague: they (he) said that they would work up another version of that agreement in which they would address some of those concerns, however, they have yet to do it.
15:56.17prpplaguehave any of you heard the zipit people comment on their sales? i.e. slow/fast ?
15:56.26*** join/#edev g1powermac (n=g1powerm@unaffiliated/g1powermac)
15:58.43T0mWdratted buildroot is not relocatable.  Once you build in one subdir, then rename or move that dir, it still thinks it is at the old location.
16:00.10T0mWok, 'make distclean' does not enter the package/config subdir during the 'distclean' process
16:00.20GPSFanprpplague: well blob peek & poke commands work to memory, and xdownload correctly downloads code to ram. Haven't been able to get anything to run yet, like download a new kernel or reblob.
16:00.24prpplagueT0mW: all of the toolchain builds up until recently are that way
16:00.40prpplagueGPSFan: ahh
16:00.44prpplagueGPSFan: interesting
16:07.13GPSFanprpplague: and I can restart blob by "go 0xa0300400" which is where (in ram) the second stage blob (blob-rest) is loaded.
16:08.24GPSFanso excuting stuff from the blob command line works and downloading works.
16:11.18prpplaguegood deal
16:11.53prpplaguei think i've changed my mind about getting a z2
16:12.05prpplaguei've got other project i need to work on
16:12.20prpplagueheads to lunch
16:12.50g1powermacreturns from eating lunch
16:13.15g1powermacGPSFan, so no custom kernel yet?
16:13.37GPSFang1powermac: not yet
16:13.47*** join/#edev flavioribeiro (n=flavio@
16:14.05Lars_Gomg that craiglist posting made me cry with laughter
16:14.21g1powermacGPSFan, k
16:14.31g1powermacnibbles on some yellow watermelon. . .
16:15.12GPSFanI've tried downloading the mtd1 image as the kernel and "boot" hangs.
16:16.08g1powermacI wonder if something is tied between blob and the current kernel
16:17.51T0mWprpplague: just started working with 2.6.26-rc1
16:19.33T0mWg1powermac: I think that the kernel in the Zipit2 is stored as an uncompressed image.
16:22.01GPSFanT0mW: correct
16:22.33T0mWGPSFan: that is how I bricked the other unit, I used the MTD stuff to store a compressed zImage
16:22.45GPSFanwhat is the kernel start address offset into the image?
16:23.38T0mWunknown.  I think that I will have to crack this one I have apart, attach the bdi2000 to the jtag and suck the Flash out.
16:24.14GPSFanyou don't need tehbdi to do that, just boot up from sd and dump the mtd partitions.
16:24.24T0mWah, right
16:24.36T0mWworking with the hammer right now
16:25.30GPSFanI've compared a blob I compiled to the mtd0 and it matches almost exactly. what's different is after the code segment, not really sure why yet.
16:58.27sunrunner20T0mW: doesn't it have a JTAG port?
16:58.37T0mWsunrunner20: what?
16:58.50sunrunner20[11:22:34] <T0mW> GPSFan: that is how I bricked the other unit, I used the MTD stuff to store a compressed zImage
16:59.47T0mWsunrunner20: there is no "marked" jtag port, just appears that the signals are there for a factory bed of nails to hit some pads and jtag it from there.  but no header
17:00.00sunrunner20make one :)
17:00.19T0mWjust need to get the microscope out
17:00.23sunrunner20jtag is just .1" centers
17:00.38sunrunner20the normal connectors are
17:01.17T0mWsunrunner20: yes, but, there is no place on the PCB for a header, per se.  You have to create your own 30ga jumpers to a dangling header
17:01.37sunrunner20i would hot glue it near the origional
17:02.14sunrunner20solder to a right angle peice of .1" centers
17:02.28sunrunner20you know what I'm talking about when I say .1" centers right?
17:02.31T0mWsunrunner20: in the scheme of things, it is not important.  We have it booting our own filesystem now, just that some people want to go deeper and have the ability to replace the resident kernel (I don't care at this point).
17:03.18sunrunner20continues on his resume
17:03.27T0mWsunrunner20: give this a quick look,
17:03.36T0mWsunrunner20: you'll see what we mean
17:04.31sunrunner20pluty of space for a header :)
17:04.45sunrunner20do i see wifi?
17:04.52sunrunner20or is it BT
17:04.54T0mWit is a handheld device without much room inside the case, clearance is very tight
17:05.18T0mWyou could dangle the wires out the back
17:05.39g1powermacsunrunner20, yes, it has wifi
17:07.04sunrunner20that this has more RAM than my nintendo DS
17:07.07sunrunner20its kinda pathetic
17:07.24T0mWg1powermac: I suspect that you may find some masked pads on the bottom of the PCB, under the keyboard membrane, that would expose those jtag pads?
17:07.47g1powermacT0mW, hmm, good question
17:08.17g1powermacI did take a shot of the bottom of the board before shipping it out to prpplague
17:08.24sunrunner20some of those voltages i would be weary to touch
17:08.31T0mWg1powermac: I think that it would be a bed-of-nails that they use in production testing / initial programming.
17:08.58T0mWg1powermac: you know what a bed-of-nails fixture is, right?
17:09.17sunrunner20looks like some of them could be voltage deviders
17:09.34g1powermacT0mW, what I wonder is, what are those unpopulated things at the top of the underside of the board
17:09.39g1powermacT0mW, kind of
17:09.49sunrunner20T0mW: you said you have a briked zipit?
17:12.15T0mWg1powermac: two approaches are common: a clamshell style and a rubber membrane style.  In both cases, alignment pins are present in the fixture so that the board can be precisely placed into it.  Then a series of spring loaded "nails" are mounted in the fixture such that when it is either closed (clamshell) or a vacuum applied under the membrane the board is brought into contact with the nails.  The nails hit pads / traces on the PCB.
17:12.28T0mWg1powermac: the nails are wired to a connector on the fixture.
17:12.51sunrunner20g1powermac: link
17:13.19T0mWg1powermac: this way, you can power up the board and seize control of the circuity / or / run the board and look at signals on it.
17:13.21sunrunner20the 8 pin pads?
17:13.44T0mWdid a few year of ATE (AutoTest Engineering)
17:14.03RobotGuyis away: Off to the store
17:15.00g1powermacT0mW, interesting
17:16.42g1powermacwas with a sales rep there for a bit
17:17.12g1powermacsunrunner20, yes
17:17.12T0mWg1powermac: this is a lousy picture of a bed-of-nails fixture, but you get the idea,
17:17.26g1powermacsunrunner20, the top of the board has two of them as well
17:17.31T0mWthat is a vacuum head
17:17.46g1powermacvery interesting
17:18.22T0mWsuckers cost a lot to have them built
17:18.41T0mWusually around $10K..$20K
17:19.16g1powermacguess you need it when making large batches of boards
17:19.17T0mWbut, when you do volume, it is cheaper than having to pay an electronics tech to test boards
17:19.54T0mWwhen you get into hundreds of boards per month, it is cost effective
17:20.12sunrunner20or thousands
17:20.51g1powermacwell, I hope prpplague still gets a zipit or two, would love to see what he finds when depopulating a board
17:21.13T0mWsomething different happens when you go into thousands, you stop testing each board at that point and use an AQL method (Acceptable Quality Level). Meaning, your customers find the bad ones....
17:22.12T0mWif you keep your AQL reject rate under a certain level, nobody gives a damn, except the poor customer that gets a bad one.
17:33.35g1powermacwishes he had his zipit. . .
17:33.52g1powermacI'm dying to play with it
17:35.28GPSFang1powermac: by hand editing the original blob binary to remove the first stage bootloader, I can download it to the z2 and "reblob" and it starts up, sends out several messages and then hangs. So that implies that the reblob code is functional but the blob I compiled from their source doesn't work.
17:36.09g1powermacso they haven't released everything they should have. . .
17:36.45T0mWGPSFan: are you surprised by this?
17:36.59GPSFannot at all.
17:37.38GPSFanI'm just trying to figure out which of the blob commands are actually functional.
17:37.38chouimat|workreturns from lunch
17:41.36GPSFang1powermac: I don't really know. their first set of patches wouldn't apply properly, their second set was somewhat better. Compiling it found a bund of other stuff, now it's testing time. I'll probably have to turn on some debugging inside blob. it's probably a simple fix.
17:43.11GPSFanthe supposed advantage of blob is that you can test a new blob/kernel/rootfs before reflashing it.
17:43.27g1powermachmm, that is interesting
17:43.38Lars_Gdances for he has an usb hub
17:44.03g1powermachas a few floating around :-)
17:44.35Lars_Gme too but i wanted work to provide this one
17:44.47g1powermacT0mW, you think maybe usb host might be brought out to one of the test pads?
17:45.24T0mWprobably not, isn't that on that 36 pin connector of the rear panel?
17:45.30Lars_GMaybe the blobs are signed....
17:45.32g1powermacno, only usb device
17:45.36Lars_Gcommon practice...
17:46.10GPSFanLars_G: binary blob's yes, but not blob the bootloader
17:46.32Lars_Gnod ok
17:47.33GPSFanmost blob development stopped in 2002
17:47.44g1powermacwonder why
17:48.20GPSFannew "full featured" bloatloaders appeared
17:49.11*** join/#edev flavioribeiro (n=flavio@
17:53.42g1powermacwoot, analog samples came in today
17:53.54g1powermacplus a couple of books I ordered
17:54.45Lars_Gg1powermac: you should be called sampleman
17:54.47Lars_G:P lol
17:55.06Lars_Gg1powermac: btw whathever came of your fpga based LAs? sold all of those? got them to work?
17:55.35g1powermacyup, and yup
17:55.47g1powermacI do have one left, but not sure yet what to do with it
17:55.47chouimat|workcool 16GB fro 700$ ... /me orders
17:56.32g1powermacmmm, nice book
17:56.38Lars_Gg1powermac: use it? :P
17:56.54Lars_Gg1powermac: if I had dollars I'd offer something for it.
17:58.08g1powermacI've used it once, but then i stopped my electronics stuff
18:01.42g1powermachopefully will get to use it now
18:15.44chouimat|workhides the dead bodies under the rug
18:18.21RobotGuyhides under a rug
18:18.39prpplagueGPSFan: you registered a machine id for th z2 yet?
18:18.41GPSFanprpplague: yeah a bit of progress ;>)
18:20.11prpplagueg1powermac: blob dev really stopped mainly because blob was design around working primarily with strongarm devices
18:20.34prpplagueg1powermac: althought it can be modified to work with other arm arch's, the amount of work was significant
18:21.12prpplagueg1powermac: most people started either doing one of two things
18:21.14roxfan2kindle is using u-boot, it's also a pxa270
18:21.16RobotGuystill has no TCT package. :(
18:21.18GPSFang1powermac: that pastebin is my kernel booting.
18:21.30g1powermacGPSFan, nice
18:21.34prpplagueg1powermac: custom bootloader that was very small and very hardcoded for the specific platform
18:21.51prpplagueg1powermac: or they would use something like u-boot which was very generic and had lots of features
18:22.01prpplagueg1powermac: there wasn't much middle ground
18:22.11prpplagueg1powermac: hence the appearance of apex
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18:22.35prpplagueg1powermac: apex has alot of the smallness of blob, but with the organization of uboot
18:23.15prpplagueg1powermac: average build of apex is just 16k
18:23.15prpplagueg1powermac: where as an average build of uboot will usually be about 120k
18:23.15RobotGuyCan APEX boot a regular Linux type system, like from a thumb drive?
18:23.17GPSFanprpplague: would really be nice to have apex on the z2
18:23.32prpplagueRobotGuy: not sure i understand your question
18:23.36prpplagueGPSFan: indeed
18:23.42GPSFanand boot from mmc or flash
18:23.49g1powermacreads about apex now
18:24.02GPSFangoes in search of lunch
18:24.08RobotGuyI give up. Can't communicate. :(
18:24.23prpplagueg1powermac: oh, and to answer your question about the unpopulated pads, those are for resistor packs
18:24.30prpplagueg1powermac: probably to control ringing
18:24.54prpplagueRobotGuy: try again, just provide more details
18:25.13g1powermacprpplague, interesting
18:28.35g1powermacyea, apex is quite nice now that I have read its page over
18:30.01g1powermacpersonally, I'd like to build an entire system that is completely separate from the zipit stuff
18:30.17g1powermacnow that we have jtag and the serial port
18:31.37prpplagueapex doesn't have full support for pxa27x right now, but it does have the ixp support which is very similiar
18:32.43*** join/#edev Crofton (
18:33.55like2wise_u-boot does too
18:35.13prpplaguelike2wise_: ?? does too what?
18:35.42like2wise_prpplague: u-boot does have the ixp4xx support
18:36.06prpplaguelike2wise_: ok, but does it have pxa27xx support?
18:36.43like2wise_prpplague: probably not, haven't checked if that is upstream or in the works
18:37.56prpplaguei suspect there has to be pxa27x support for uboot somewhere
18:40.56roxfan2<roxfan2> kindle is using u-boot, it's also a pxa270
18:41.06roxfan2(amazon kindle, that is)
18:41.48roxfan2sources are available from amazon
18:44.32*** part/#edev samuelr (
18:45.12prpplagueroxfan2: AHH
18:45.37prpplagueroxfan2: you could grab most of the u-boot pxa27x support and add it into apex fairly easy
18:48.57Lars_Gprpplague: tell me something, what is the hammer's bootloadder based on?
18:49.23prpplagueLars_G: apex
18:49.45prpplaguei ported apex to the s3c24xx myself
18:51.39Lars_GWhy apex over others?
18:52.34Lars_GI'm just curious
18:52.36prpplague<prpplague> g1powermac: apex has alot of the smallness of blob, but with the organization of uboot
18:52.37prpplague<prpplague> g1powermac: average build of apex is just 16k
18:52.37prpplague<prpplague> g1powermac: where as an average build of uboot will usually be about 120k
18:52.55Lars_GAh good reason
19:05.08*** join/#edev RobotGUI (
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19:13.18g1powermacRobotGuy, SpeedEvil, prpplague: interesting article on clustering/distributed/parallel computing using embedded devices:,researcher-discusses-ipod-supercomputer.aspx
19:13.37Lars_Gg1powermac: btw the AVC misshap you mentioned has been "mended"
19:13.46g1powermacfigures its from the guys at UC Berkeley
19:13.52g1powermacLars_G, I know
19:14.15Lars_GI didn't take it too well when i read it since I'm a dissatisfied coreplayer client
19:14.28g1powermacthe Berkeley guys made an awesome board called the RAMP, which was an array of fpga to test different parallel systems
19:16.09g1powermacheres some more stuff:,us-boffins-design-ipod-supercomputer.aspx
19:17.27prpplaguece_geek: hows your doc going?
19:19.01g1powermachere's the RAMP stuff, its pretty impressive:
19:20.15g1powermacI read about that stuff back when I did alot of that stuff
19:21.51RobotGuyI wonder how many S3C2440A or similar processors it would take to equal the fastest AMD or Intel Pentium chips.
19:22.08like2wise_g1powermac, Lars_G: could you expand on the "AVC misshap"? Something related to corecodec's avc en/decoder?
19:22.13RobotGuyOr how many Hammers it would take.
19:22.42Lars_Glike2wise_: Yep. there's a gpl wrapper to be able to use corecodec's avc decoder windows version with ffmpeg in linux.
19:22.53Lars_Glike2wise_: corecodec legal sent them a takedown under the dmca
19:23.13like2wise_Lars_G: ah.
19:23.15Lars_Glike2wise_: latter betaboy from corecoded reviewed the thing, and retracted the takedown saying "sorry sorry sorry sorry"
19:23.15g1powermacRobotGuy, idk, really, it would be pretty hard to quantify it
19:23.24*** join/#edev sunrunner20 (
19:23.36like2wise_Lars_G: LOL
19:23.48g1powermacRobotGuy, its like comparing ppc chips to x86, and variants of each arch within them
19:24.06Lars_GWhich is amazing. Since corecodec people never paid any attention to me on forums or IRC... they only paid attention from time to time to delete the posts from clients angry at them constantly missing their release deadlines
19:24.22RobotGuyg1powermac: I'm just thinking in terms of raw processing power.
19:24.38g1powermacRobotGuy, well, thats the thing, its really hard to compare
19:24.43like2wise_Lars_G: they still not supporting Linux properly, even commercially?
19:24.47Lars_GI wonder... how many bogomips does the hammer clock at?
19:25.11g1powermacit depends not only on actual clock speed, but also in terms of their ISAs, their pipeline structure, what you're computing, and so on
19:25.12Lars_Glike2wise_: afaik not yet but I've not checked. the player was comming soon but they don't know how to comercialize the avc library..
19:25.25ali_asNot sure thats a great measure, I think it said 100 bogomips.
19:25.34ali_asBut something is broken there.
19:25.40Lars_Glike2wise_: I was going to recommend them to copy fluendo's schema. but I forgot my forum login and I dont want to look after it.
19:25.45g1powermacheh, bogomips
19:26.01prpplagueLars_G: the hammer is 100 bogomips, but as the name implies "bogus", it is not a vey good measure of computing power
19:26.41ali_as1 clock on an ARM can do up to the equivalent of 1 to 3 x86 instructions typically.
19:26.52RobotGuyI get my TCT package on May 15th. :(
19:27.03prpplagueali_as: that is not entirely accurate
19:27.03Lars_Gprpplague: Well IS there any reliable, really representative meassure of computing power out there?
19:27.23Lars_Gall the pc-magazine era benchmarks where comparative and not too representative.
19:27.24prpplagueLars_G: not that i am aware of
19:27.26ali_asInteger instructions, and ignoring a bunch of rarer highly CISC stuff.
19:27.26Lars_Gbogomips either.
19:27.27RobotGuyIt was apparently just shipped today.
19:27.35Lars_Gintel-pushed MHZ numbers ain't either.
19:27.49prpplagueali_as: different arm cores have different pipe sizes
19:27.52Lars_Gprpplague: What i wonder is, don't the hard realtime guys NEED this?
19:28.28g1powermacali_as, that might work for general stuff
19:28.37prpplagueRobotGuy: uh are you sure?
19:28.42prpplagueRobotGuy: who said so?
19:28.50RobotGuyThat's what the e-mail I just got from UPS says.
19:28.52ali_asPipe length mainly determines latency, not throughput though?
19:29.13prpplagueRobotGuy: from tct?
19:29.43prpplagueRobotGuy: because it should have showed from AML
19:30.29g1powermacthat table on wikipedia showing bogomips is quite interesting
19:30.35prpplaguegoes to meeting
19:31.08g1powermacespecially showing the 68060 being more 'powerful' than the current c2ds
19:31.46RobotGuyprpplague: See PM
19:32.09Lars_GI was going to make a joke about prpplague and his meetings but I have one in a few
19:32.38RobotGuyOh wait, diffrerent package
19:35.14ali_asI was under the impression bogomips was just a nop loop.
19:35.26g1powermacali_as, pretty much
19:35.28ali_asThat table is nuts though.
19:36.46ali_asAthlon running at half the bogomips per clock of a Pentium MMX where the former is 3 way superscaler and the latter 2.
19:44.21Lars_GTell me something, isn't arm the best thing to happen to embedded in a while?
19:44.39Lars_Gthe arm core is sure 21'th centurie's 8051
19:45.01ali_asARM has been happening to embedded for a good 10 years at least.
19:45.04chouimat|workmore like the 6502 :)
19:45.54g1powermacmmm, 8051
19:46.21Lars_Gali_as: yes but the explosion is more recent
19:46.36Lars_Gali_as: it started a little before Intel aquired it from dec
19:46.56Lars_GAnyhow I admire the acorn guys just for introducing arm
19:47.07g1powermacwhat? no comment from Lars_G? ;-)
19:47.14Lars_Gsigh I mentioned 8051 in front of g1powermac....
19:47.22Lars_GI forgot the fetichist was here
19:47.23prpplagueRobotGuy: oh, i wish i'd know rusty was shipping you some stuff i'd have just included the hammer replacement with that
19:47.36prpplagueLars_G: friday is usually the only meeting day
19:47.55Lars_Gprpplague: Lucky you, being CIO at work #1 the whole week is meeting day
19:48.00RobotGuyprpplague: Sorry. I didn't know you didn't know.
19:48.29ali_asWHen you think the original ARM was only designed about 10 years after the 4004....
19:48.41Lars_Gali_as: And how nicely it has scaled
19:48.43g1powermacLars_G, sigh, try being the only guy who knows anything about technology for your whole company
19:48.54prpplagueali_as: correct pipe length does affect latency but depending on how it is tested it also has a major effect on overall performance
19:48.55chouimat|workRobotGuy: and me I didn't know that you didn't know that he didn't know :)
19:49.01RobotGuyprpplague: I'm really confused now.
19:49.04Lars_Gali_as: again it has the same power as the 8051 but in a 32bit world. a stable core with enough options in chips and peripherals to fill any niche
19:49.31Lars_GI don't know what you guys didn't know about.
19:49.32prpplagueali_as: a good example is that a ARM9 such as the s3c2410 running at 200mhz can perform as well as a xscale at 400mhz
19:49.33g1powermacLars_G, and just about as open as the 8051, with lots of different companies making different arms
19:49.55Lars_Gg1powermac: exactly
19:50.19ali_asprpplague, under what circumstances, tight loops?  Or just with both chips unpowered......
19:50.25Lars_GStill clear me up something, the intellectual property of the arm's arch is Intel's now... or did they get only one implementation more with dec?
19:50.46g1powermacis it still owned by intel?
19:50.53g1powermacI know intel sold off the xscale stuff
19:50.55ali_asWell, they sold that to Marvell.
19:50.58g1powermacto marvell
19:50.59prpplagueali_as: mostly with non-optomized coding
19:51.04Lars_Goh my ....
19:51.17Lars_GI hope they don't drop the ball
19:51.28prpplagueali_as: if you take off the shelf software such as a stock windows ce build
19:51.30g1powermacwell, its a marvell xscale in the zipit. . .
19:51.43prpplagueali_as: load it up on a s3c2410 and also on a pxa25x
19:51.49ali_asprpplague, not a fan of unoptimised code as a concept or an answer, do you have some specific examples?
19:52.15prpplagueali_as: nothing that you can replicate or use
19:52.23prpplagueali_as: only our in house testing can i quote
19:52.42prpplagueali_as: iirc there were some reviews of some of the ipaq's
19:52.48prpplagueali_as: with performance comparisons
19:52.50ali_asAnd you didn't profile the code to find out why?
19:53.33prpplagueali_as: no, it wasn't a high priority item
19:54.10ali_asAn ARM getting half the performance it the sort of thing that would make me rip everything to bits to find out why.
19:54.40prpplagueali_as: sorry i don't see it as getting half
19:55.58ali_asI see a field of two hundred million tiny coffins, one for each clock cycle that died in vain....
19:56.01prpplagueali_as: there are some comparison someone ran on the s3c2410 based item
19:56.16RobotGuyI was looking at the iPAQ 310 and RX5900 today. I like that 310!
19:56.52g1powermacali_as, haha, thats great
19:57.53prpplagueali_as: for me higher clock cycles just means more power usage
19:58.10prpplagueali_as: so if i can get reasonable performance at lower clock cycles, i'm happy
19:58.16RobotGuyIt would be easy to fit several Hammers on a single board.
19:59.33prpplagueRobotGuy: hehe, you have a total fetish for hooking multiple hammer boards!
19:59.45prpplaguegoes to get kids
19:59.55g1powermacnot as bad as my fetish for 8051s ;-)
20:00.07g1powermacLars_G can attest for that ;-)
20:00.18chouimat|workg1powermac: TMI
20:00.24RobotGuyprpplague: Not at all.  I just want something I can tinker with distributed computing on, like beowulf clusters, etc.  I want to learn about that.
20:01.46ali_astries to imagine what the children would be like if one of the IC pins went through the condom.
20:01.57g1powermacRobotGuy, I still think using the hammers for that kind of thing to be really interesting
20:02.24g1powermacfalls off his chair laughing
20:02.36RobotGuyg1powermac: I do too! I wish I could do it but I can't afford as many Hammers as I would want (at least 4).
20:03.12g1powermacRobotGuy, ya, wish I had that idea back when prpplague was giving away free hammers to do cool stuff with
20:03.48RobotGuyg1powermac: I would love to see something like a distributed computing board with up to 8 Hammers.
20:04.01g1powermacinstead I recommended giving my sample off to someone else as I had no time to do anything with it at that time
20:04.11g1powermacand sadly that person took the hammer and did nothing with it
20:04.23RobotGuyg1powermac: I was fortunate to get a free hammer kit. :D
20:04.40g1powermacand then fell off irc
20:04.59RobotGuyg1powermac: That is so sad! A Hammer going unused?
20:05.22RobotGuyg1powermac: That's awful.
20:05.33g1powermacunfortunately that guy wasn't the only one either
20:06.14RobotGuyHammers would be an idea low cost (relatively) way to experiment with clustering, distributed computing, etc.
20:06.45g1powermacRobotGuy, you know, you could stick the hammer on a so-dimm like board, I think. . .
20:07.05g1powermacor another type thing
20:07.17RobotGuyg1powermac: It would be too high to stack boards close enough to make a nice short stack. It has that JTAG connector on it.
20:07.25g1powermacto make a low footprint on the main pcb
20:07.56g1powermaccan't you link all the jtag ports together?
20:08.12g1powermacand have it all come off one connector?
20:08.24RobotGuyg1powermac: It might be possible to put two hammers on a single SODIMM form factor board. Maybe even 3 or 4. I don't know the SODIMM dimensions. There is an SODIMM 200 and an SODIMM 525 configuration.
20:09.48RobotGuyg1powermac: I'm not sure linking JTAG would be good and/or workable. The same exact software config would have to be on each hammer.  It might limit configuring hammers for different setups.
20:10.29g1powermacmaybe, I'd have to research it some more
20:11.04RobotGuyg1powermac: I'd want the flexibility to assign different hammers to different tasks, or group hammers in various ways.
20:12.45g1powermacwhat about this. . .having one large fpga combine all the hammers together and optimize on the fly how they're all configured to do certain tasks on a need basis
20:13.09g1powermachad ideas like this right before he stopped his electronics stuff
20:13.29RobotGuyg1powermac: Now THAT would be *very* interesting..
20:14.02g1powermacwas going to do something like this with m68k procs I have
20:14.25g1powermacgot a batch of old 64 pin DIP m68ks sitting around doing nothing
20:14.51RobotGuyg1powermac: Is there a part link I can look at?
20:15.06g1powermacpart link?
20:15.23RobotGuyg1powermac: part number. specs
20:15.43g1powermacmotorola 68000 procs are completely outdated and not made anymore, especially in 64 pin DIPs
20:15.49ali_asINMOS had a decent idea, each transputer cpu has 4 OSLinks and can boot from them.
20:16.06ali_asSo CPUs boot, and then boot the chips next to them.
20:16.08g1powermacthe current m68k stuff on the market now are the coldfire cpus from freescale
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20:16.18g1powermacali_as, yea, I love the transputer :-)
20:16.27RobotGuyg1powermac: Outdated is better than nothing.  I know there must be C toolchains for them.
20:16.41ali_asTransputer is now the core of most set top boxes in Europe.
20:16.43RobotGuyYeah, I have looked at the Coldfire stuff.
20:16.46g1powermacsomewhat, you won't get standard linux on a 6800
20:16.56g1powermacerr, 68000
20:16.57RobotGuyIt's all BGA. :( ;(
20:17.06g1powermac6800 is a different chip altogether :-)
20:17.19RobotGuyOh, I thought you were talkng about 68K
20:17.35g1powermacI am
20:17.43g1powermacI just missed a 0 :-)
20:17.49RobotGuyOh. :P
20:17.50chouimat|workg1powermac: I have a working 68B09E based computer at home :)
20:18.01g1powermacchouimat|work, kewl
20:18.11chouimat|workg1powermac: Color Computer 3
20:18.24g1powermacRobotGuy, not everything is bga
20:18.42RobotGuyg1powermac: In Coldfire?
20:18.42g1powermachold on, lemme find some stuff. . .
20:19.10RobotGuyIt has to be able to run Linux, but I bet they won't be sampling it.
20:19.26g1powermacwow, freescale still makes pure 68000s:
20:19.29g1powermacI'm surprised
20:19.35chouimat|workg1powermac: btw running qemuarm on a mac pro enable you to natively compile stuff for arm :)
20:20.32g1powermachere's some of the new 68k variants but not coldfire:
20:20.35g1powermacall qfps
20:21.15g1powermacwhether they'll run full linux, I'm not sure
20:21.25g1powermacyou'd have to check to see if they have mmus in them
20:21.48g1powermacyou can run uclinux on them though
20:22.24*** join/#edev roxfan2 (
20:23.29g1powermaceven some of the really new coldfires have qfp packages
20:24.59g1powermacno clue about linux support though
20:25.15g1powermacback when I was researching this stuff I wasn't interested in getting linux to run on them
20:25.26g1powermacI was planning on running my custom code directly on the chips
20:29.18like2wise_g1powermac: coldfire has uclinux and full linux support. The toolchain took ages to get upstream though...
20:29.35prpplaguechild processes successfully retrieved
20:29.50g1powermaclike2wise_, ahh, k
20:30.02g1powermaclike2wise_, I knew about uclinux, especially for the old 68000
20:30.23like2wise_worked with the 5349, then 5474, then dropped high-end Coldfire for a low-end PowerPC 8313
20:30.38g1powermacppc is cool
20:30.54g1powermacwhat are these M-CORE chips from freescale though. . .
20:30.59like2wise_Especially the P.A. Semi runs cool :-)
20:31.04like2wise_M-Core = ARM AFAIK
20:31.12g1powermacis it?
20:31.24like2wise_imx21, imx27 and imx31 are ARM, yes
20:31.41like2wise_for sure. I suppose that's called the m-core range
20:31.55g1powermachmm, interesting, wonder why they didn't put them in the arm section
20:32.04like2wise_dropped imx27 and went for the Atmel AVR32 :-)
20:32.16g1powermacnice looking chip
20:32.43roxfan2 lists mcore separately
20:32.49like2wise_g1powermac: I'm NOT sure if m-core = imx21, looks like not.
20:33.05prpplaguece_geek: i can't figure out why your pdf is  sooooo big
20:33.28roxfan2looks like some proprietary architecture
20:34.01roxfan2maybe you confused it with Cortex-M3 which is armv7
20:34.02g1powermacseems that way
20:35.47RobotGuylike2wise_: I've been looking at the AVR32 chips, like the AP7001.
20:35.58g1powermacthey're pretty nice in terms of that data bus for only a 144 pin package
20:37.13RobotGuyg1powermac: Wow. A 208 QFP in Coldfire.
20:37.27g1powermacI told you I have some :-)
20:40.50g1powermacooo, freescale makes some pretty nice DSPs too
20:43.03prpplaguece_geek: not sure what you are doing to generate your pdf file, but it's like 10x the size it should be
20:44.01roxfan2prerendered text? o.o
20:44.24prpplagueahh probably
20:48.50RobotGuyFreescale is messed up = their password reset does not work. :(
20:49.17prpplaguelovely - pdf2ps - ps2pdf12
20:49.33prpplague-rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave  1384935 2008-05-09 15:48 hammer_doc2.pdf
20:49.33prpplague-rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave 18427301 2008-05-09 14:18 hammer_doc.pdf
20:49.33prpplague-rw-rw-r-- 1 dave dave 33061622 2008-05-09 15:47
20:53.29like2wise_RobotGuy: that password reset stuff has indeed bothered me half a year ago already
20:53.45g1powermacI think I had trouble with it in the past as well
20:56.19RobotGuyI had to create a new account.
20:57.48RobotGuyFreescale is not making any sense to me.
21:10.47*** part/#edev LyosNorezel (n=Ralph@unaffiliated/lyosnorezel)
21:12.40g1powermacmmm, this analog circuit design book is pretty good
21:17.59ds2does it ship with a quart of chicken blood =)
21:30.44RobotGuyI can't find out if this Freescale MCF5407UM can run Linux or not.
21:32.09roxfanwell there is a linux for coldfire afaik
21:33.34like2wise_RobotGuy: uclinux
21:33.58RobotGuyI want full Linux.
21:34.19SpeedEvilDoes it have an MMU
21:34.27SpeedEvildoes it have 32 bit addressing.
21:34.32like2wise_no, yes
21:34.49like2wise_RobotGuy: go for the 5474 or ..75 part
21:34.53like2wise_they are yes, yes
21:35.02roxfanno mmu = uclinux only, pretty much
21:35.06SpeedEvilCan it run several meg of RAM, nd have some access to mass storage
21:35.24Lars_Gg1powermac: Are you in your mac?
21:35.28SpeedEvilYou could I suppose run qemu to emulte a MMU.
21:35.34SpeedEvil(though that would be silly)
21:35.37RobotGuyThose are BGA
21:36.01g1powermacLars_G, yupper
21:38.31Lars_Gg1powermac: can I msg you? the favor I wanna ask is OT
21:39.04g1powermacgo for it, or, as always, ##microcontrollers is never OT :-)
21:48.57RobotGuyI think I will convert my PC to Gentoo tomorrow.
22:03.17prpplagueheads home
22:04.27Lars_GRobotGuy: carefull.
22:04.56Lars_Gsecond. phone...
22:05.24Lars_Ggentoo nice, but you have update often. else updates pile up quick, take long time
22:07.55RobotGuyI've run Gentoo before. :)
22:12.43g1powermacdownloads an entire MIT open course. . .
22:14.50*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (n=nobody@
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22:15.30Lars_Gg1powermac: don't they rock?
22:16.01g1powermacheck yea
22:16.07g1powermacdownloading it directly from itunes
22:37.21g1powermacsigh, stupid data entry stuff. . .
22:37.46g1powermacthank goodness I'm going back to college in the fall
22:46.24*** join/#edev RobotGUI (
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23:28.54MirellHuh. I never knew of the immutable bit in Linux.
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23:37.37Lars_Gimmutable bit?
23:38.49ds2Hmmm what is the smallest practical voltage for a Vref input?
23:39.22ds2or asking in another way, if I want to look at 0.00V - 0.100V signals, can I give a ADC a 0.100V Vref and expect it to work?
23:41.03SpeedEvilwhat tends to happen.
23:41.18SpeedEvilIs that as you decrease the reference voltage below the normal range, noise rises.
23:41.28SpeedEvilAssuming it doesn't do anuything wierd.
23:41.36ds2I see. how does one find the "normal range"?
23:41.44SpeedEvilRead the datasheet.
23:41.55ds2trying to
23:42.24SpeedEvilIf the noise at 0-5V input range is 0.2 bits, then it might be 20 bits at 0-0.05
23:42.26ds2I just see specs for input and those are relative to Vref
23:42.36SpeedEvillook at noise specs
23:42.45SpeedEvilnot all will be relative to vref
23:43.40ds2the only noise specs I see are in dBs relative to full scale
23:44.33SpeedEvilThere will be two noise figures.
23:44.42SpeedEvilFirst you have the ideal noise - this is quantisation noise.
23:44.50SpeedEvilThen there is noise in excess of this.
23:45.07SpeedEvilin some datasheets they may be presented as one.
23:45.20ds2this is for an onboard ADC :/
23:46.57ds2is this the same as taking the full scale error in # of LSBs and multiplying it by the Vref it is specified at and dividing it out by 2^#ofBits?
23:47.14SpeedEvilyes - I think so.
23:48.04ds2okay, that gives me a ball park figure to work from
23:48.19ds2trying to measure a small signal w/o a analog gain block
23:48.21SpeedEvilAs a simply bypass to stop thinking too hard - add an opamp to buffer the input voltage.
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23:48.34ds2I know about that...trying to avoid that
23:48.47SpeedEvilDo you need the full number of bits?
23:49.04SpeedEvilHow many do you need, and what's the ADC rated at?
23:49.16ds2a quick estime shows I get about 7 usable bits (11mV noise); this is a 10bit ADC
23:49.41ds2I could tolerate it I suppose
23:50.16SpeedEvilAs an absolute hard worst case, you can simply assume that teh noise remains at one bit equivalent of the ADC at its normal reference voltage.
23:50.45SpeedEvilWhat's the ADC?
23:51.02SpeedEvilor rather - link to datasheet if you'bve got it, and what page?
23:51.10ds2it is the on board one on a C8051F368... one sec for the link
23:55.14SpeedEvilOk - page 62 looks interesting.
23:55.38ds2yes, that's what I was pouring over
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23:57.42ds2I suppose it is easy enough to just try it
23:59.00SpeedEvilthat specifies a tthe top vref=2.4v

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