IRC log for #edev on 20080415

00:12.22*** join/#edev agaffney (n=agaffney@gentoo/developer/
00:20.07*** join/#edev Appleman1234 (n=Appleman@
00:44.54ce_geekI'm having problems making sense of the kernel compilation.  I copied the hammer-config to .config, then I ran "make menuconfig" so I could select the kaweth driver.  Before menuconfig, I copied .config to "dot_config_old" so I could do a diff with .config afterwards.  The two files are so different.  I only expected one thing to change.  What am I doing wrong?
00:56.27*** join/#edev ico2 (
00:56.49*** join/#edev RobotGuy (
00:57.47Dr{Who}what kernel did you use? also probably use make oldconfig is best
01:27.58*** join/#edev drath (
01:52.37ce_geekDr{Who}:  Well, don't I have to use make menuconfig if I need to select a driver for something like my USB device?
02:10.54ce_geekWhat makes dropbear start?
02:34.33*** join/#edev cajaka (
03:14.22*** join/#edev RobotGuy (
03:20.47cajakaHow goes robtoguy?
03:24.22RobotGuycajaka: OK, I guess
03:30.26RobotGuyIs there a good communications app for KDE?
03:30.47RobotGuyMinicom keeps dumping on me.
03:35.58cajakaNot that I know of. Hows w.a.l.t.e.r. coming along?
03:39.41RobotGuyPretty well.  I am at the point where I can actually start interfacing sensors and stuff and writing software for him now.
03:39.55RobotGuyI got all the servos to run the new arm and gripper.
03:50.47*** join/#edev RobotGuy (
03:58.12cajakaSo all the hardwares in place and your just left with the fun stuff then
04:02.51*** join/#edev DrZimmerman (
04:02.56cajakaErr, umm yeah, that was towards RobotGuy
04:04.09RobotGuyWell, I still to find the shaft encoders and mount them to the motors, mount and connect the motor controller, connect the Hammer to everything, etc.
04:04.32RobotGuyI seem to have misplaced the quadrature shaft encoders for the motors. :(
04:05.40cajakaNot good, sorry for the delay finnishing up my taxes
04:06.23RobotGuyI still have to center all the servos and install them into the gripper and arm also.
04:07.10RobotGuyI'm running into some 3.3V <-> 5V interfacing issues.
04:08.22cajakaSo far I have managed to avoid that but I don't think I will be able to do it much longer
04:11.35RobotGuycajaka: It's still largely a 5V world.
04:11.55RobotGuyNew chips are 3.3V and lower now.
04:16.15cajaka`yeah that's the problem though, not that there isn
04:16.25cajaka't alot of tricks with the older pafrts
04:18.34MonMothait's actually largely a 3.3V world at this point
04:18.44cajakaOk to many typo's I think its time to call it a night
04:19.56MonMothalast board I did had almost exclusively 3.3V IO.  One device with 5V, and I thought about doing some 1.8V IO but decided to just keep it all 3.3V since I could with proper part selection
04:20.18MonMothathere's upsides and downsides to the lower voltage IOs
04:36.49RobotGuyMonMotha: Were you here when Sienna and I were debating power for Hammer-RDP?
04:36.54MonMothaI think so
04:37.37RobotGuyI think so too.  I've been doing some additional thinking on this and don't think we can get away from dual voltage 3.3V/5V for I/Os.
04:38.45RobotGuyI just sent an e-mail to Dave, Rusty, and Caitlyn about this. Anyone can join in on the design of Hammer-RDP. :)
04:39.07MonMothathe easiest thing to do then is probably buck to 5V and tag a LDO for 3.3V
04:39.24MonMothaunless you really need lots of 3.3V and not much 5V, in which case you buck for 3.3V and just burn the power for the 5V rail
04:39.30RobotGuyMonMotha: Keep power coming in as 5V then?
04:39.38MonMothaor you can do a dual output buck, but they tend to exhibit some iffy cross regulation issues
04:39.46MonMothaor you can of course do two buck regulator
04:39.55RobotGuyI think it's going to be the other way around for quite some time - more 5V and less 3.3V
04:40.23RobotGuyMost of the common sensors we use are 5V.
04:40.31MonMothain that case, take your input "high" voltage (9+) and buck to 5, then use a linear (will probably have to be low dropout, but check specs on your favorite regulator) for the 3.3V rail
04:41.40RobotGuyYes, up to 9V or a little higher would be acceptable for input voltage. I understand a 7.2V NiMH battery can go up to a bit over 9V at full charge.
04:41.59MonMothawell, you need at least 2.5V of overhead for most buck regulators
04:42.32MonMothaif you're going to only have 7.2-9, then use a linear for 5V and a buck for 3.3V
04:42.47MonMothaI was expecting 9-12V
04:43.17RobotGuyIt will be more like 4.8V - 9.6V possible for input from batteries.
04:43.31MonMothain reality, it's all a matter of what kind of efficiency you require and how much power you're willing to burn
04:43.39MonMothaof, it's going from below 5 to above it?
04:43.51MonMothain that case, you need either a buck-boost (which inverts) or a flyback
04:44.02RobotGuyWell, we commonly use 6V and 7.2V NiMH batteries.
04:44.40MonMothaif you use a LDO for the 5V rail, you can get by with letting Vin go to 5+Vdo
04:44.48MonMothaVdo is typically ~200mV for an LDO
04:44.53RobotGuyIf we jump the input range to 7.2V - 12V would that work better?
04:45.03MonMothathat works nicely with buck regulators, yes
04:45.11MonMothanot so nicely with linears.  That's a lot of power to burn
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04:45.26MonMothaat 12V, you're burning more power than you're delivering for a 5V rail
04:45.31MonMotha(with a linear)
04:45.34RobotGuyWould the buck regulators burn a lot of power?
04:45.50MonMothayou can make a 95% efficient buck regulator if you try
04:46.00RobotGuyI just said that to cover the 9.6V upper range we'd be dealing with.
04:46.07MonMothaI've heard of people hitting 99 with effort
04:46.26MonMothaissue is that if you go much below 7, it won't work any more
04:46.50RobotGuyThat would make our actual input range be a bit less than 7V to around 9.6V or so.
04:47.12MonMothamost buck controllers can tolerate up to 30 or 40V in
04:47.29MonMothaso upper end is not likely to be a problem with a switch mode solution, and they actually get more efficient at higher Vin
04:48.43RobotGuyThat might actually be better for Hammer-RDP because it would allow different batteries to be used, including up to 12V units. Some folks might want to go even higher depending on how their robot is configured.  I could see it getting as high as 24V even.
04:49.02MonMothaok, just remember that it imposes a restriction on low Vin
04:49.12MonMotha7.2V in might be pushing it for 5V out
04:50.05RobotGuyWe may have to raise the bar to 9.6V minimum input for Hammer-RDP then.
04:50.18RobotGuyI belive the R/C folks use 9.6V batteries regularly.
04:50.54RobotGuyThey can go as high as 14.4V that I know of.
04:51.25MonMotha7.2 would probably work
04:51.37MonMothayou'd have to check your controller
04:51.46MonMothathe duty cycle would be high, and some controllers may have stability issues
04:51.50RobotGuyWe'd have to do some testing depending on the regulartor uses.
04:53.03MonMothawell, you'll have to come up with some solution
04:53.09MonMothait's difficult to do without seeing the entire picture
04:53.32MonMothamake up a power budget, put some numbers in for "typical" efficiency or power burn, and see what works for you
04:53.48RobotGuyI've already run up against the 3.3V/5V interfacing issue because I need 5V TTL serial for my servo controller and 3.3V for some sensors and 5V for other sensors.
04:53.52MonMothalinear solutions tend to be smaller and cheaper (unless you need a huge heatsink), but they burn lots of power unnecessarily
04:54.09MonMothayou do know that there exist 3.3V uCs with 5V tolerant IOs?
04:54.14RobotGuyMonMotha: Would you be able to advise on power issues?
04:54.16MonMothathey'll only output a 3.3V "high", but that's TTL compliant
04:54.31RobotGuyMonMotha: Yes, I know, but Hammer is 3.3V
04:54.40RobotGuyIt is not 5V tolerant.
04:54.46MonMothaI see
04:55.01MonMothaunidirectional interfacing is easy, but bi-directional can be touch
04:55.15MonMothaespecially bidirectional with no direction line, like I2C
04:55.25RobotGuySo we have to protect it somehow also, from people who might put 5V on a 3.3V jumpered input.
04:55.54RobotGuyMonMotha: I've already located some bi-dir chips to handle stuff like I2C and SPI.
04:56.04MonMothawell, SPI isn't actually bi-directional
04:56.06MonMothaso it's easy
04:56.11*** join/#edev Appleman1234 (n=Appleman@
04:56.18RobotGuyI3C is the bugger
04:56.31MonMothaI2C is always complicated to translate voltage levels on
04:56.40MonMothafor other stuff, look into the 9500XL series of CPLDs from Xilinx
04:56.44MonMothavery flexible, 5V tolerant IO
04:56.50MonMothaand you can put some glue logic in, too
04:56.51RobotGuyI found an 8 pin DIP I can use for testing 3.3V/5V I2C.
04:57.49RobotGuyI don't think we are going to have room on Hammer-RDP for a CPLD.  We are going for a 2.3" x 3.0" or so board size like the Lynxmotion SSC-32 and Bot Board II.
04:58.37RobotGuyThe level shifting for I2C is going to be left to the end user if they need it.
04:58.48MonMothathese thing are available in TINY packages
04:58.57MonMothaas in "no chance in hell you're hand soldering this" tiny
04:59.15RobotGuyMonMotha: I know.  I just need the DIP form so I can test with them and use them for breadboarding.
05:01.57RobotGuyI already have 3.3V and 5V stuff I need to use I2C with though.
05:03.24RobotGuyI suppose we could supply two headers for I2C and make them also jumperable between 3.3V and 5V.  Makes sense if we are doing the I/O pins that way.
05:04.21RobotGuyI just thought of something..  The Hammer-RDP is going to compete directly with Virtual COGs.
05:22.10RobotGuyHmmmmm, CPLD.. Facinating.
05:22.37*** join/#edev harpal (n=harpal@
05:23.01RobotGuyOh, wow, the design kit is only $49.00!
05:33.19RobotGuyI need to get that CPLD design kit. :)
05:33.33RobotGuyMonMotha: Thanks for suggesting CPLDs.
05:44.18MonMothathey are frequently used for IO standard translation
05:55.11RobotGuyI've never worked with a CPLD or FPGA before, but I want to learn.
06:03.37*** join/#edev drath_ (
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12:24.49*** join/#edev sjhill (
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12:25.22*** join/#edev ferrix (
12:26.47ferrixhello all! does does anyone have any hints for running android on n810? I got as far as compiling a kernel that boots but the actual starting process of the android seems to give me a lot of trouble
12:29.27ferrixI followed the OMAP instructions on and the N8xx wiki on google code
12:43.17*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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13:01.52*** join/#edev chouimat|work (n=dieu@
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13:27.10*** join/#edev LyosNorezel (n=Ralph@unaffiliated/lyosnorezel)
13:47.17*** join/#edev Chocobo (
13:50.40*** join/#edev prpplague (
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14:09.11*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
14:09.28prpplaguesjhill: greetings
14:11.04chouimat|workprpplague: morning and
14:13.27prpplaguechouimat|work: just one more item that makes my case for the current problem plagueing OSS
14:14.54chouimat|workprpplague: KDE used to be fun to program ... now all the stuff I do is for myself because I don't feel like going to all the "marketing and Political craps" that seems to surround the project or any successful OSS project for this matter
14:18.41prpplaguei hate /. search , it doesn't ever seem to work for me
14:20.43ce_geekprpplague:  Good morning.
14:21.09prpplaguece_geek: greetings, how did you make out last night?
14:24.55ce_geekprpplague:  Eh.  Somewhat okay.
14:25.09prpplaguece_geek: that doesn't sound too good
14:25.13prpplaguece_geek: what kind of problems?
14:25.19ce_geekprpplague:  I compiled a new kernel several times, including one using a .config that GPSFan provided me.
14:25.28prpplaguece_geek: and?
14:25.51ce_geekprpplague:  the Kernel compilation went well, it just didn't give me the behavior I wanted.  My 3Com USB Network Interface just seems to want to be powered up before the hammer board gets powered.
14:26.11prpplaguece_geek: that is indeed odd
14:26.22ce_geekprpplague:  If I plug it into a powered USB hub, it will come up without fail every time the hammer boots.  I can disconnect power and reconnect it, and it will come up no problem.
14:26.41SpeedEvilIf you unload and load modules it doesn't work?
14:26.47ce_geekIf it is powered from the hammer board, using the 1A supply provided in the hammer kit, it will not come up.  I have to reset the hammer board or otherwise boot it without cycling power.
14:27.06prpplaguece_geek: that is very very odd
14:27.07ce_geekI compiled the Kaweth driver into the kernel so there is no module.
14:27.21prpplaguece_geek: and you email me the make and model of that device so i can order one for testing?
14:27.27ce_geekprpplague:  Sure thing
14:29.24*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (n=nobody@
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14:32.03SpeedEvilwiav - I assume you've seen prpplague? (nothing very new - just someone else they sent a letter to)
14:33.13prpplagueSpeedEvil: that for socket communications?
14:33.33prpplagueyea seen that
14:33.41prpplagueits kind of a non issue now anyway
14:34.13prpplagueatleast for AML
14:34.51ce_geekprpplague:  Sent
14:40.14ce_geekDoes anyone have one of the 3Com USB ethernet widgets that they use with the hammer?
14:40.53ce_geekprpplague:  Hmmn.... is there any way to make the hammer stop booting so fast?  What if I wanted it to delay for a few seconds before it booted somehow to give other devices time to wake up and initialize?
14:41.48prpplaguece_geek: just out of curiousity, you might try making the driver as a module, which you can load after the system is booted
14:42.03prpplaguece_geek: i'll pick one up in the next day or so for testing
14:42.10CosmicPenguinthis software is too good
14:42.12CosmicPenguinbreak it
14:42.51ce_geekprpplague:  Okay.  The module thing seems reasonable.  I had it in my head that not having things modular would be simplest at least at first, but I can see where this add some things to try.
14:43.43prpplaguece_geek: usb is a weird one
14:44.20ce_geekprpplague:  I haven't done much low level USB stuff, but I've got a friend that dove into it head first with some of the early USB-enabled PIC chips.  He had all kinds of thigns to share.
14:45.17ce_geekprpplague:  It seems reasonable to me that a device just might require a nonzero amount of time to initialize itself, and if the time it takes the hammer to boot is shorter than the time for the device to initialize and be prepared to talk to a USB host, I can see how that would break.
14:45.47ce_geekprpplague:  But if someone has this thing working with their hammer at boot time after a powercycle without a powered USB hub, I want to know how!
14:45.59ce_geekprpplague:  Module thing is next.
14:46.26*** join/#edev ico2 (
14:47.06ferrixanyone familiar with android on N810?
14:47.11prpplaguece_geek: yea, i tend to like to start from a known working point, so if you can get it working with modules, thats a good place for us to start testing
14:47.28prpplagueferrix: there have been alot of questions about that recently
14:48.06prpplagueferrix: however most of android dev for the nokia stuff seems to be centered around omap channels and omap based development board channels
14:48.37ferrixwhich channels would those be?
14:51.08prpplagueferrix: #omap
14:51.15ferrixoh... silly me :)
14:51.17prpplagueferrix: and #beagle
14:51.32ferrix#omap on freenode was a dead end
14:59.38prpplaguesjhill: ping
15:07.03GPSFance_geek: here is my bootup using the kaweth built into my kernel it is a 3Com 3C19250.  The label says it wants 5V @ 300ma.
15:07.50ce_geekprpplague:  Grr.  Looks like my situation is unique.
15:08.02ce_geekGPSFan:  Thanks!
15:08.26prpplaguece_geek: ??
15:08.30GPSFance_geek: np. this is wiht the device plugged directly into the hammer
15:10.18ce_geekOkay, I'm really glad you posted that.  I think I just found a place where I need to be more specific.
15:10.41ce_geekI can do exactly what you just did.  No problem.  I just did it.
15:11.08ce_geekWhen I was saying that it doesn't "work", what would have been more appropriate would be to say that the device gets initialized, but it's not configured by inittab.
15:11.22ce_geekI have a line in /etc/inittab to configure the ethernet device with an IP address.
15:11.46ce_geekI want to be able to plug in the power and SSH right to it, without having to use minicom to configure the IP address.
15:12.02ce_geekprpplague, GPSFan:  Does that change things a little?
15:12.23prpplaguece_geek: probably need to set the ip at the end of the rcS file and not in inittab
15:12.38ce_geekprpplague:  rcS file?
15:12.46prpplaguece_geek: /etc/init.d/rcS
15:12.58sjhillprpplague: yeah
15:12.58ce_geekYa ok just found it.  Looking now.
15:13.14ce_geekOkay, what is rcS used for?
15:13.21prpplaguesjhill: hey, you seen any alignment problems with 4.1.2 or 4.2.1 ?
15:13.33sjhillnot that i can remember, no
15:13.40prpplaguece_geek: basically you can start up scripts in that dir such as network startups
15:13.55sjhillprpplague: what are you seeing?
15:14.05ce_geekWhat is the syntax?  Seems like it'd be different from that of inittab.  Just put the line with the ifconfig command in there at the end?
15:14.30prpplaguesjhill: i'm getting a weird problem where when i link a bootloader app, everything is shifted 8 bytes
15:14.54prpplaguesjhill: definetly a toolchain problem, 3.3.5 compiles the same code with no problems
15:14.59GPSFance_geek: that's a userland operation, once you have the kernel working do as prpplague says with a /etc/init.d entry using a static ip at first.
15:15.11prpplaguece_geek: yea
15:15.37prpplaguece_geek: you can either add a network script or jsut add that line to the end of rcS
15:16.01ce_geekLike that?
15:16.38prpplaguece_geek: yea, you might want to specific the netmask as well just to make sure
15:18.51GPSFanprpplague: interesting, I get "udhcpc: socket: Address family not supported by protocol" when I run udhcpc, any thoughts?
15:18.52ce_geekjtaging now.
15:21.29ce_geekNo dice :(:(:(:(
15:23.03sjhillprpplague: is the version of binutils the same?
15:23.18ce_geekHmmn.  Taking the line out of inittab now, going to make sure that configuring the IP with rcS works the way inittab has worked so far.
15:23.31GPSFanprpplague: looks like packet support isn't turned on in my kernel. that might explain it.
15:23.43sjhillsmacks GPSFan
15:24.12GPSFanwhaleslaps self...
15:24.36ce_geekGPSFan:  Have you ever tried to automatically configure the ethernet device at boot time?
15:25.48GPSFance_geek: that's what I just posted about, udhcpc quieries the dhcp server and automatically sets things up. but not unless packet support is turned on in the kernel.
15:26.02ce_geekGPSFan:  Oh you're trying to do it via DHCP?
15:26.48ce_geekI am tempted to put a sleep statement in /etc/init.d/rcS
15:27.40ce_geekI'll bbiab, I need to get some food in my stomache before class.
15:27.40prpplaguece_geek: give me a shout when you get back
15:27.49ce_geekprpplague:  Will do
15:28.43*** join/#edev RobotGuy (
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15:34.09sjhillprpplague: is your version of binutils the same between your two toolchains?
15:34.42prpplagueiirc there are, but let me double check
15:36.14prpplaguesjhill: nope i have 2.16 on one and 2.17 on the other
15:36.30prpplaguesjhill: to be exact
15:36.52prpplaguearg, sorry typo
15:37.11prpplaguerebuilds with 2.16 as a test
15:43.43sjhillprpplague: yeah, let's see if that changes things
15:49.12prpplagueOT anyone been watching "John Adams" on HBO?
15:49.28prpplaguewaits for compile to finish
15:50.10CosmicPenguinprpplague: yes - it rocks hard
15:50.24CosmicPenguinI'm only up to #4, so no spoilers
15:50.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
15:50.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just a note, they are playing all 7 episodes on sunday
15:51.06CosmicPenguinDVR my good man
15:51.38CosmicPenguin#5 and #6 are awaiting me at home
15:52.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: shows like "John Adams" are exactly why ABC/NBC/CBS have no clue about why they are loosing the general male audiences these days
15:54.08CosmicPenguinI agree
15:55.28ce_geekprpplague:  Back for a few min before class
15:56.14prpplaguece_geek: if you have the device plugged in on boot, can you manually configure the device from the prompt?
15:56.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: HBO always scores hard - I wish they would do more
15:56.28ce_geekprpplague:  Absolutely.
15:56.30prpplaguei love rome
15:56.37prpplaguece_geek: ok so its probably a timing issue
15:56.43prpplaguece_geek: let me see if i can replicate it
15:56.55CosmicPenguinDavid McCullough also wrote 1776, which would be a fun mini-series as well
15:56.56ce_geekprpplague:  With a similar device?
15:57.06prpplaguece_geek: yea, i have kaweath device here
15:57.11CosmicPenguinAnd its a great read, if you are interested in revolutionary war
16:01.13CroftonCosmicPenguin, the colonists win!
16:01.51CosmicPenguinDid they beat the spread?
16:03.17chouimat|work"John Adams"??
16:03.41ce_geekprpplague: FWIW, I just put "sleep 5" right before my ifconfig statement in /etc/init.d/rcS, and it works
16:04.48ce_geekprpplague:  Seems like a bit of a hack, but it works!
16:05.16ce_geekprpplague:  And i got the dropbear keys copied into the target skeleton so I don't have to wait for those to get generated every time it boots.  In a matter of seconds now, it will boot and I can SSH right to it.  Finally.
16:05.29ce_geekprpplague:  I've got to run to class, but I'm interested in your feedback about this.
16:11.51prpplaguechouimat|work: John Adams was one of the "founding fathers" of the US and 2nd president of the US
16:12.02chouimat|workprpplague: I see ...
16:12.09prpplaguechouimat: there has been a new miniseries on HBO convering his life
16:12.29chouimat|workprpplague: was interesting?
16:13.02prpplaguechouimat|work: very, the end of the series is this coming sunday
16:13.22ce_geekprpplague:  SWEET I got out of class.
16:13.28chouimat|workprpplague: I'm currently enjoying the current season of doctor who
16:14.38prpplaguece_geek: hehe
16:14.48prpplaguece_geek: yea, i figured it was a timing issue
16:15.10ce_geekprpplague:  So does this mean that the USB device just isn't ready to be configured when the hammer tries to do so?
16:15.36prpplaguece_geek: seems so
16:16.28prpplaguece_geek: what you can do is create a small script that waits for eth0 to come up and then configure it, add the call for that script to inittab
16:17.23ce_geekprpplague:  Hmmn.  Not sure how I'd go about that, haven't done a lot of clever little scripts in a while.  Basically check the output of ifconfig -a and look for eth0?
16:17.33prpplaguece_geek:  one sec
16:18.23adyerprpplague: can't upi do that stuff with the hotplug system?
16:20.20GPSFance_geek: turning on packet support fixed the udhcpc problem, now it gets an IP address etc from my server.
16:21.10prpplagueadyer: yes you can, but its fairly bulky imho
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16:24.21prpplaguece_geek: quick and dirty -
16:25.21prpplaguesjhill: not the binutils
16:28.07ce_geekprpplague:  Shell scripts always look funny when compared to C
16:30.36ce_geekprpplague:  What does &1 end up being?  Is that all the stuff sent to STDERR?
16:33.10prpplaguece_geek: yea that redirects the stderr to stdout which is redirected to /dev/null
16:33.20prpplaguece_geek: just a way to keep the output quiet
16:34.21ce_geekprpplague:  What is '$?'
16:35.18prpplaguece_geek: that gives you the result code from the last command you executed
16:35.45prpplaguece_geek: in this case ifconfig eth0 results in an error of "1" when called with out eth0 being present
16:35.45ce_geekprpplague:  Okay.  I use !$ a lot for last argument passed
16:36.03ce_geekprpplague:  Cool.
16:36.16ce_geekprpplague:  I never learned the little shell scripting tricks.
16:36.37CosmicPenguinman bash is always instructive
16:37.40adyerCosmicPenguin: way too long and hard to find anything IMHO
16:39.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe landley is going to give andrew morton a nail board
16:39.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: wonder if it will end up in a pile
16:39.53CosmicPenguinnah - he's cool about that
16:40.08CosmicPenguinyou have to get over your attitude that all kernel developers are out to get you
16:41.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: naw, i just figured he got lots of gadgets, and ours would just be another one
16:41.28RobotGuykernel 2.6.25-rc9-hammer seems to be working very well for me. :)
16:41.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: omg, we have 144 geode boards in stock
16:41.46prpplagueRobotGuy: good deal
16:42.00CosmicPenguinprpplague: not selling, huh?
16:42.12CosmicPenguinI blame me - our drivers have been sucking it up lately
16:43.13prpplaguenot too bad we sold 20 last week
16:43.18adyerCosmicPenguin: Geode was a disaster from day 1 when it was a cyrix product
16:43.20RobotGuySucky drivers and software can really kill excellent hardware.
16:44.04prpplagueadyer: disaster only in the aspect they didn't market it to the right people
16:44.28RobotGuyLink to the geode board?
16:45.06adyerprpplague: no, lots of part revisions, secret incompatible bios changes, mystery boards revs., the usual x86 crapola
16:45.58adyerprpplague: if it runs windows, ship it!
16:46.01CosmicPenguinSince I happen to write most of those drivers - thank you much for the self-esteem boost
16:46.19RobotGuyI wish somebody would support development of a *NIX version of RoboRealm
16:46.24adyerCosmicPenguin: nah, this was before even Nat. semi. had bought it
16:47.26adyerCosmicPenguin: of course, it so soured me on ever using that stuff that I am highly prejudiced about looking at it again
16:47.42prpplagueRobotGuy: what link are you wanting?
16:47.54RobotGuyprpplague: To the geode board that is referenced.
16:48.11prpplagueRobotGuy: not available to the general public
16:48.17prpplagueRobotGuy: b2b
16:48.19RobotGuyIt figures. :(
16:48.44prpplagueadyer: indeed, which is what i meant about wrong target, it was the OSS groups that really wanted the geode
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16:50.14RobotGuyI have 2.6 MB available on the flash now.
16:50.40prpplagueRobotGuy: maybe 1% of the work we do is ever seen on our website for general public
16:51.25RobotGuyprpplague: It still pretty much sucks though, because a lot of that stuff could probably be used in other areas also if it was marketed right.
16:52.25RobotGuy(and priced appropriately for the markets)
16:52.32prpplagueRobotGuy: yea well $$ is a factor
16:52.43prpplagueRobotGuy: price of these are pretty darn high
16:53.22RobotGuyprpplague: Yeah, I know the prices are probably high. It's always about the all mighty dollar. :(
16:53.26prpplagueRobotGuy: i doubt you want to pay > $2k for a geode board
16:53.44RobotGuyprpplague: Of course not, but I bet the geode doesn't have to cost that much.
16:54.15RobotGuyIt would be nice to have a small form factor x86 compatible board to tinker with.
16:54.34CosmicPenguinI pointed you to a number of them a few days ago
16:54.48RobotGuyI lost the links. :(:(
16:55.05RobotGuyI didn't get them bookmarked. :(
16:55.21adyerCosmicPenguin: wasn't AMD clearing out some Geode based dev. kits a few months ago - looked sort of like a green plastic lunchbox
16:55.34CosmicPenguinThat is our entire embedded catalog
16:56.07prpplagueadyer: yea there was someone that had 4 for $99
16:56.17prpplagueadyer: amd PIC's
17:05.37RobotGuyI love it when the product page links are broken.
17:21.34RobotGuyinstalled the Xilinx ISE 10.1 package
17:22.13RobotGuyDo geode boards have to be so expensive, or is it a marketing thing?
17:27.02SpeedEvilLow volume boards are expensive.
17:29.30RobotGuyMarketing to different areas could potentially increase volume and allow prices to be lowered.
17:30.50adyerRobotGuy: if your expectations are set by the PC motherboard market, you're going to be disappointed
17:31.19RobotGuyadyer: I have no expectations of anything.
17:31.59CosmicPenguinThat not true - you expect the boards to be less expensive
17:32.51RobotGuyCosmicPenguin: No, I am disappointed that the prices are so high.  What is the REAL difference between a PC/104 SBC and a regular PC motherboard using the same CPU?
17:33.48RobotGuyPersonally, if I were to go to an x86 board for a robot, I'd rather have a PC/104 board than a regular PC style motherboard.
17:34.25RobotGuyBut then, I'd love to have a Technologic TS-7800 too - fantastic feature set.
17:35.17CosmicPenguinSo your expectations are set by the motherboard market
17:35.57RobotGuyI asked a question.
17:36.03CosmicPenguinThe prices they charge are set by the expectations in a different space
17:36.12CosmicPenguinand that space bears out charging much higher prices
17:36.39RobotGuyIt just means buyers expect to pay more, right?
17:36.48RobotGuyOr that they are willing to pay more.
17:37.22CosmicPenguinProbably both - you have to give the business guys some credit - if the market expected them to charge less, presumably they would charge less
17:38.01RobotGuySo it's just really a marketing thing then, afterall.  Has little to do with actual manufacturing costs.
17:38.11CosmicPenguinI didn't say that
17:38.28CosmicPenguinMuch of the price is cost
17:38.57CosmicPenguinThe BOM isn't the only thing in the project that takes money
17:39.12RobotGuyIf they could sell more, they could make more, but I doubt that would affect the price they sell for.
17:39.14cbrakeCosmicPenguin: what is the high level diff between the Geode GX, NX, and LX -- are they all based on the same basic architecture?
17:39.14CosmicPenguinAnd when you only build a few thousand boards, the price of the engineering has to be passed on somewhere
17:39.42CosmicPenguincbrake: no - the NX is a rebranded Athlon
17:42.25RobotGuyIf the manufacturing quantities were the same, would the price of a PC/104 board and a comparable PC style board be the same or very close?
17:42.48CosmicPenguinPC/104 might even be a little bit cheaper
17:42.57CosmicPenguinBut the manufacturing quantities will *NEVER* be the same
17:43.09RobotGuyI'd love to have a PC/104 x86 type board.
17:43.17CosmicPenguina standard PC motherboard has runs in the hundreds of thousands
17:43.26RobotGuyI know.
17:44.17RobotGuyI have Python and SQLite on my Hammer's flash now. :)
17:45.03RobotGuyPlus the XML2 library
17:48.06RobotGuy. /dev/mtdblock1           14.8M     12.2M      2.6M  83% /
17:48.16cbrakeCosmicPenguin: so in OE, is TARGET_ARCH =  "i486" about all that is need to build for the Geode LX?
17:48.33CosmicPenguinsort of
17:48.37CosmicPenguinyou could use a decent kernel
17:48.49CosmicPenguinbut i486 would build you something that booted
17:48.58CosmicPenguinI have a host of patches that I need to send upstream
17:50.46cbrakeCosmicPenguin: ok, I'll start with the generic x86 machine then -- thanks
17:51.16CosmicPenguinlet me know if you need a kernel config - I'll send you what i have
17:51.42cbrakeCosmicPenguin: sure, would be great to have a starting point:
17:52.02RobotGuyprpplague: Is there any code availalbe for accessing the SD/MMC?
17:53.02CosmicPenguincbrake: done
17:53.11cbrakeCosmicPenguin: many thanks!
18:06.56cbrakeCosmicPenguin: when was the Geode LX introduced?
18:08.04CosmicPenguinI think
18:08.34CosmicPenguinIts hard to remember, we were validating it long before that
18:15.08stelioskcbrake : there is a geode lx target
18:15.53stelioskcbrake : see alix
18:16.32cbrakesteliosk: ahh, much better -- I missed that one
18:16.39cbrakeshould learn to grep ...
18:25.36prpplaguereturns from lunch
18:26.17prpplagueRobotGuy: 2.6.25-rc9 should support accessing sd/mmc via spi on the s3c2410, but it would need to be configured
18:26.31RobotGuyprpplague: OK
18:26.50RobotGuyprpplague: Configured as in the driver?
18:27.34prpplagueRobotGuy: yea, as well as define which spi port and pins your are using
18:27.50prpplagueRobotGuy: when 2.6.25 is released i'll post a patch
18:28.40RobotGuyprpplague: OK.  I don't have an MMC/SD card now anyways, so it can wait.  I'm just thinking an SD/MMC card would be better to use than a thumb drive for aux mass storage.
18:29.35RobotGuyprpplague: I'm also thinking an SD/MMC slot could easily be added to the Hammer-RDP, even if it has to be on the back of the board like some companies do it.
18:30.08prpplagueRobotGuy: micro SD probably
18:30.51RobotGuyprpplague: Size doesn't matter in this case as long as the storage capacity is available.
18:31.01prpplaguesize always matters
18:31.44RobotGuyI mean that the size of the card doesn't matter as long as the capacity is available.
18:32.36prpplagueRobotGuy: the boss is getting ready to start talking about going to production on the sledge hammer
18:32.45RobotGuyprpplague: COOL
18:33.28prpplaguetrying to decide if we want to do the sledge as is or change the formfactor
18:33.31RobotGuyprpplague: Has the RAM/Flash capacity been settled on then?
18:33.40prpplagueRobotGuy: no not as of yet
18:34.00RobotGuyprpplague: What are the form factor options?
18:34.45prpplagueRobotGuy: we could keep it as is, which is 1.75 x 4
18:34.58prpplagueRobotGuy: with 2x40 .1" pins
18:35.38prpplaguei really like that form factor
18:35.48prpplaguei almost like it better than the hammer
18:36.23RobotGuyprpplague: Same I/O setup as Hammer?
18:36.53prpplagueRobotGuy: 40 of the pins would be the same
18:37.17prpplagueRobotGuy: the other 40 would add the remaining lcd lines, rtc power, vdd_alive, and nbatt_fault
18:37.32RobotGuyprpplague: Ah, you mean 2x 40 pins each side?
18:37.51prpplagueRobotGuy: yea total of 80 pins
18:38.18RobotGuyprpplague: Ah, that is good! All serial ports and such accessible? I2S?
18:38.35prpplagueRobotGuy: haven't decided on the i2s
18:38.48RobotGuyprpplague: Sledge is the s3c2440, right?
18:38.50prpplagueRobotGuy: not really sure how many people want a full audio codec on it
18:38.54prpplagueRobotGuy: no 2410
18:39.12prpplagueRobotGuy: currently 2410
18:39.45RobotGuyprpplague: I am confused a bit then.  I thought Sledge was going to be the 2440.   I must have misunderstood.
18:39.53prpplagueor i did
18:40.28RobotGuyA Sledge with an s3c2440 would be the cat
18:40.32RobotGuy's meow
18:40.48prpplagueRobotGuy: why's ? just because of the mhz?
18:41.50RobotGuyprpplague: MHz is a factor, yes.  It just doesn't make sense to me to have sledge be a 2410 with more I/O available.  It would be seen as nothing more than a super hammer.
18:42.12RobotGuyI can't get a 2440 datasheet to compare with the 2410.
18:44.01RobotGuyprpplague: I love the hammer for it's breadboard friendliness even though I have not used it on a breadboard yet.
18:44.15RobotGuy0.1" spacing for the win every time!
18:44.42RobotGuyNot having to deal with funky small spaced connectors is a great feature!
18:45.26prpplagueRobotGuy: hence the name sledge
18:45.35RobotGuyprpplague: Do you have a 2440 datasheet?
18:46.06RobotGuyprpplague: Sledge must get more RAM and Flash than Hammer. :)
18:46.30prpplagueRobotGuy: the 2440 has a 2410 core, but can run at up to 405mhz and has a few additional options
18:46.53RobotGuyA Sledge with 128/128 would fit all my uses perfectly.
18:47.24RobotGuyprpplague: I gather the 2440 is not a drop in replacement for the 2410 then.
18:48.29RobotGuyprpplague: A Sledge with the 2440 on a stack board could compete head to head with the Virtual Cogs
18:48.48prpplagueone sec phone
18:49.59RobotGuyIt's those dang small spaced headers that put me off wanting a virtual cog.
18:50.47prpplaguei should post a pick of our 2440 board
18:51.11RobotGuyYou should, even though I know it's not something I could afford.
18:51.47prpplagueRobotGuy: actually the 2440 board is pretty reasonable
18:51.56prpplaguegoes to get a camera
18:53.09chouimat|workwaits :)
18:54.49RobotGuyRight now, it's flash I am running short of.
18:57.52prpplaguehmm , ok give me a sec to take a couple pics and post them
19:14.04RobotGuyBootup time sure does suck with that rt2x00lib/rt2x00usb requesting firmware I am sure I do not need for the rt73usb driver.
19:21.20RobotGuyprpplague: Oh, my! Board size?  RAM/Flash?
19:21.41RobotGuyOh yeah, price? ;)
19:22.01prpplaguenot for sale at the momment
19:22.07RobotGuyJack is Stackable!
19:22.56RobotGuyI'm bid $1.380! :) :)
19:23.08RobotGuyjokes around
19:23.35prpplague128mb sdram and 256mb flash
19:23.35RobotGuyprpplague: Speed?
19:23.39prpplagueRobotGuy: 405mhz
19:23.54RobotGuywipes the drool from his face
19:24.03chouimat|workprpplague: definitly interesting
19:24.18RobotGuyprpplague: How big is that JackHammer?
19:24.18prpplaguechouimat|work: what aspect of it?
19:24.36chouimat|work128mb sdram and 256mb flash
19:24.44RobotGuyI mean physical board size
19:24.49prpplague2 x 2.5
19:25.16RobotGuyOMG, that is about the size the Hammer-RDP will be.
19:26.01RobotGuyJackHammer has reasonable stacking connectors also. :D:D
19:26.39prpplaguei doubt the jackhammer will ever be made available from tct
19:26.58RobotGuyprpplague: Why not?  That would be a real shame.
19:27.35prpplagueRobotGuy: have to show that we are making money off things at tct
19:28.22RobotGuyprpplague: That's sad, but understandable.  I great looking and featured board may not even see light of day. :(
19:28.23prpplaguechouimat|work: why would you want one?
19:28.37prpplagueRobotGuy: you don't know .0005 of the story
19:28.44chouimat|workprpplague: need more toys :)
19:28.47prpplaguei have 40+ boards in my office
19:29.14RobotGuyprpplague: I could see a JackHammer with Hammer and/or SledgeHammer slaves in a distributed computing environment for robotics.
19:29.31prpplagueseems exccessive
19:29.32CosmicPenguinRobotGuy: you would think differently if it was your money behind the project - I appreciate your anger, but this is not personal, it is business
19:29.49chouimat|workhi CosmicPenguin
19:30.00RobotGuyprpplague: I am not angry at all.  Just disappointed that these very cool boards may never see production.
19:30.18prpplagueRobotGuy: they see production, just not by tct
19:30.24prpplagueand made public
19:30.38RobotGuyprpplague: Yeah, OK. It's still saddening.
19:31.24RobotGuyThe coolest and most useful products are never accessible.
19:31.29RobotGuy(to me and those like me)
19:32.31prpplaguethe problem i have with the jackhammer design for hobbists is the molex connectors, they aren't hacker friendly
19:32.55RobotGuyIf I want to interface a 3.3V TTL serial port to a 5V TTL serial device, what do I need?
19:33.54RobotGuyprpplague: True, but the connectors are not unreasonable like what Gumstix and Virtual COGs uses.
19:34.33RobotGuyI am to the point where I can start writing control software for W.A.L.T.E.R.
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19:35.24prpplagueRobotGuy: depends on how many ttl lines you need to translate and at what speed
19:36.01RobotGuyprpplague: For my SSC-32 servo controller, two lines, 115200 Bps
19:36.13RobotGuyRX and TX
19:37.56RobotGuyprpplague: Are those Molex connectors on the JackHammer 0.1" spaced?
19:38.43RobotGuyIt looks like it would not take much of a change to have dual row 0.1" pins on each side.
19:39.04prpplaguewrong url
19:39.34prpplagueRobotGuy: for just two lines, thats a good example of basic 3.3v to 5v translation for uart
19:39.52RobotGuyprpplague: Ah, OK.  Thanks.
19:41.32RobotGuyI need an appropriate transistor.  I have everything else.
19:42.01prpplagueiirc the one i used was a mmbt2222
19:42.07RobotGuyI am always missing some critical component. :(
19:42.52RobotGuyWell, I do have my 3.3V I2C compass and RTC and my 3.3V BT module.
19:43.04prpplagueahh no its a 2n7002
19:43.41adyerprpplague: 2222 is bipolar :-) wouldn't work so good...
19:44.35prpplagueadyer: yea
19:49.10RobotGuyIt looks like it would not take much of a change on JackHammer to have dual row 0.1" pins on each side.
19:51.39chouimat|workprpplague: 6,918,096  Method and apparatus for displaying a network of thoughts from a thought's perspective
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20:01.29RobotGuyHmmmm, no comment on the dual row pins for a JackHammer. Oh well.
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20:11.12prpplagueho ho hum
20:11.20bsdfox_RobotGuy: you know where to buy headers and jumper wires that fit on them?
20:11.39RobotGuybsdfox_: On what?
20:11.42bsdfox_I found the wires in a shop and they wanted $38 for 100 2" wires
20:12.04bsdfox_robot: just standard .1" spacing header pins
20:12.35RobotGuybsdfox_: I pay 1.50 per 40 pin strip of those.
20:12.42RobotGuy(the pins)
20:12.53prpplague$1.50? you getting gold plated?
20:13.03prpplaguethat seems a little pricy
20:13.04bsdfox_female side?
20:13.10prpplaguemale side
20:13.15RobotGuyI'm talking single row male pins
20:13.23bsdfox_I got some males for $.75
20:13.24RobotGuyprpplague: Local seller
20:13.59RobotGuybsdfox_: female are same price for me, as are the double row male and the right angle double row.
20:14.28bsdfox_well.. anyone know about the jumper wires?
20:14.45RobotGuybsdfox_: Are we talking about the same thing?
20:15.01RobotGuySpark Fun has jumper wire sets that are great.
20:15.27RobotGuyConvenient, even if a it pricy
20:16.12RobotGuyDurn, I need a native toolchain to install some stuff.
20:16.23prpplagueRobotGuy: like what?
20:16.40RobotGuyprpplague: One of the Python modules - pysco
20:16.53gandhijeeyoo, anyone know any manufactures of HSS cards?
20:16.57prpplaguethats seems totally odd to me
20:17.10RobotGuyprpplague: Apparently it has a C/C++ add-on
20:17.52prpplagueRobotGuy: how are you trying to install ti
20:18.10RobotGuyprpplague: Just using the included script
20:18.14RobotGuyNo options
20:24.34bsdfox_RobotGuy: yeah spark fun does have them
20:24.48bsdfox_I guess they're just more expensive than I'd expected
20:28.35bsdfox_now I've found some 40-pin female headers but I they're all one piece (no easy to clip to size) so every time I cut it I lose one pin and have to file down the edges.. big pita. I've purchased parts before that came with the snap apart female headers but I can't find them online
20:32.59*** part/#edev LyosNoreze1 (
20:37.23RobotGuydoes the happy dance
20:38.39ce_geekbsdfox_:  Might have to dig through digikey catalog.
20:38.53RobotGuyce_geek: Greetings
20:39.03ce_geekbsdfox_:  And be prepared to spend like $20 to avoid a $5 handling fee.
20:39.07ce_geekRobotGuy:  Howdy
20:42.05RobotGuyce_geek: I figured out the problem with my WiFi and thumb drive
20:42.08*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
20:42.33ce_geekWhat was it?
20:43.03ce_geekSpeedEvil:  Not a fan?
20:43.20SpeedEvil100 pounds to get free shipping
20:43.27ce_geekSpeedEvil:  Eek
20:43.56SpeedEvilA small order - under 50 quid IIRC - attracts about 17 quid shipping, and 15 small order fee IIRC
20:44.04ce_geekSpeedEvil:  I always have to pay shipping, but I try to avoid handling too.
20:44.24SpeedEvilYeah :/
20:44.38ce_geekSometimes they're useful to find manufacturer part numbers so you can go order them somewhere else.
20:44.40ce_geekLike Mouser
20:44.43SpeedEvilYou'd think they could throw them all in a container, and handle them at the end.
20:44.47ce_geekDunno if they're any better for you.
20:44.54SpeedEvilmouser isn't _quite_ as bad - but not great.
20:45.26RobotGuySpeedEvil: I have ordered from Mouser.
20:45.47SpeedEvilI mean for the UK.
20:47.16RobotGuyprpplague: Do I need any specific kind of transistor for the TX level shift?
20:51.17prpplagueRobotGuy: pull up the datasheet for a 2n7002 or 2n7000
20:51.25prpplagueRobotGuy: then you can cross reference it
20:51.34RobotGuyprpplague: OK, great, will do that.
20:51.47prpplagueiirc the7002 is sot23 and the 7000 is thru hole
20:52.27RobotGuyI need the 7000 then.
20:54.31RobotGuyDang, two things that need a native toolchain now.
21:00.51prpplagueRobotGuy: hehe, you know i've been doing this kind of work for about 15 years, and i don't recal ever needing a native toolchain
21:01.12RobotGuyprpplague: I go where no others have needed to go. :D
21:04.12RobotGuyprpplague: You've probably not run into anyone wanting to control a robot using Python. :)
21:04.54prpplagueno, i've know plenty of people using python and perl on embedded systems
21:05.25RobotGuyprpplague: They were not me though.. Hee hee D:D
21:06.33RobotGuyprpplague: I am going to have one of the most unique robots you'll ever see if I pull off everything I have planned for W.A.L.T.E.R. :D
21:17.52RobotGuyDang, I still don't know how I am going to resolve software being in two different places on Hammer. It's a real pita.
21:19.46RobotGuyI need 128 MB Flash to load everything I need, or mount a Thumb Drive as root, which I am not sure would be advisable.
21:30.13SpeedEvilmount the flash drive under /media/usb or wherever.
21:30.30SpeedEvilLink /usr/local/bin/ to a /bin on the flash drive
21:34.51RobotGuySpeedEvil: It would not be that easy, I'm affraid.
21:35.38RobotGuyIt would be too much of a pain to have things separated.
21:36.17SpeedEvilfinds it really really easy on his phone.
21:37.07RobotGuyI just don't see how to make it work.
21:37.41SpeedEvilThe shell simply tries every subdirectory mentioned in the PATH in turn
21:37.51RobotGuyI know how path works. :)
21:37.52SpeedEvilWhen it's asked to execute a file
21:38.39SpeedEvilSorry - I'm not seeing your problem.
21:38.49RobotGuyBuildroot dependencies complicate things.  I just can't build two different software images and keep them separated.
21:39.36SpeedEvilbuild to a tarfile, and do the final package yourself?
21:40.00RobotGuySpeedEvil: I'd have to do that every single time I rebuild software.
21:40.10SpeedEvilI don't mean by hand.
21:41.03SpeedEvilI was assuming there was some way to say 'install this software in /flash - even if there isn't a nice way to make two seperate images.
21:41.34RobotGuySpeedEvil: Two different fs formats.
21:42.09SpeedEvilI know.
21:42.21RobotGuySpeedEvil: No way to tell Buildroot to ingnore dependencies and just build stuff.
21:42.33SpeedEvilI'm assuming there is a way to get buildroot to spit out a tarfile instead of a cooked filesystem
21:43.12RobotGuySpeedEvil: Not sure what you mean
21:43.27SpeedEvilyhou then just extract that, and build your usb filesystem from /flash, nuke that, then build the main filesystem from the remenants.
21:44.37RobotGuySpeedEvil: It might be workable IF I could build one master image, and one image just for flash, then remove everything from the master that is already in the flash image.
21:45.21ce_geekRobotGuy:  What was the problem with your wifi and thumb drive?
21:45.46RobotGuyce_geek: My USB Hub.  It is not quite right apparently,
21:45.56ce_geekRobotGuy:   Gah.
21:46.09RobotGuyce_geek: Yeah, I think I said much worse when I figured it out.
21:47.25RobotGuySpeedEvil:  I think I have an idea!
21:49.20RobotGuySpeedEvil: When tarring up the flash image (in my custom build script), send the output to a file.  This gives me a list of all the files in the tar.  I then build my big master image and use the output from the tar of the flash image to delete dupes.
21:50.25SpeedEvilyou're thinking too hard.
21:50.31SpeedEvilSimply extract the tar
21:50.43SpeedEvilnow change into the tar root directory
21:51.04SpeedEvilpackage up the /flash directory onto your USB stick - and then delete it
21:51.14SpeedEvilnow package up the rest as a jffs
21:52.10prpplagueRobotGuy: has sienna been around?
21:52.44RobotGuyprpplague: I have exchanged e-mail with her and she has been on other forums.
21:52.55prpplagueRobotGuy: ahh ok
21:56.38RobotGuyprpplague: I just got an e-mail from her, so she's around.
21:58.23RobotGuySpeedEvil: There is no /flash directory though. Each software image I build has the same structure.
22:00.10prpplagueRobotGuy: its just that the picture she posted on the wiki for the jtag on the hammer had the cable on backwards
22:00.48RobotGuyprpplague: Ah, OK. Send her an e-mail about it. :)
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22:25.49prpplagueheads home
22:30.21ce_geekprepares his thesis defense
22:38.23ali_asYou could sprinkle anthrax on the last page and blow it in their face if they don't like it.
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23:33.45ali_asHi Sienna, prp was after you about a backwards jtag.
23:34.21RobotGuyali_as: I just told her. :)
23:34.49Siennathats how landley told me :tug
23:34.58Siennabut ok, i can correct it :P
23:35.09Siennaits not like I had a reference to begin with :D
23:35.56RobotGuyI knew you could fix it.
23:49.36Sienna*tug*  Hmph...  what wrong picture!
23:49.53Sienna(sidenotetoself...  next time get out the tripod so you can increase the aperature...)

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