IRC log for #edev on 20070621

00:37.53*** join/#edev Dert1cK (n=fan@
00:37.57Dert1cKвсё ухожу, пока!
00:37.59*** part/#edev Dert1cK (n=fan@
00:53.09*** join/#edev ccjoe (
03:44.25*** join/#edev DrZimmerman (
04:59.21*** join/#edev steliosk (n=Stelios@
05:43.14*** join/#edev redblue (
07:16.04*** join/#edev SpaceMonkey (
08:18.17*** join/#edev purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
08:18.17*** topic/#edev is a channel for the discussion of hacking small consumer electronic devices, mostly ARM based
08:28.01*** join/#edev ico2 (
11:33.01*** join/#edev Aredien (
12:04.34*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
12:04.34*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
12:10.02*** join/#edev Aredien (
12:41.37sunrunner20i wonder how hackable that is
12:41.45sunrunner20check the link :)
13:15.53SpaceMonkeyare there any linux thread junkies in the house?
13:16.25SpaceMonkeyif so, do you know if gcc extensions have to be compiled into the libc? more specifically nptl, over linuxthreads
13:21.52*** join/#edev sjhill (
13:38.59*** join/#edev Svenska (
13:42.19*** join/#edev g1powermac (
13:47.25*** join/#edev Crofton (
14:12.28*** join/#edev SpaceMonkey (
14:27.56agaffneysunrunner20: heh, I was looking at that this morning
14:28.15agaffneyif it was "easily" hackable, I'd pick one up
14:39.45*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (
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14:41.46*** join/#edev g1powermac_ (
14:59.09*** join/#edev T0mW (
15:24.32*** join/#edev redblue (
15:24.41*** join/#edev ico2 (
15:57.22*** join/#edev ico2_ (
16:01.24*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
16:37.41*** join/#edev sorphin (n=dans@
16:37.41*** mode/#edev [+o sorphin] by ChanServ
16:38.07sorphin~fishslap sjhill
16:38.08purlACTION slaps sjhill up side the head with a wet fish.
16:38.29CosmicPenguinhello, and welcome to your quarterly sorphin appearance
16:38.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: hello to you too, jordan ;)
16:38.49CosmicPenguinhow ya doing?
16:39.23sorphinok, hanging in there, hoping i shift to this other dept at work, and picking up a new toy tonight, other than that, stuff is pretty much standard
16:40.01CosmicPenguinstandard is good
16:40.40sorphinCosmicPenguin: new toy = Dual dual-core G5 w/ 8G mem, 750G space and an Nvidia quadro FX4500 w/ 512M
16:41.46CosmicPenguinohh - sexy
16:42.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: may not be AMD dual dual core 64bit, but it's still a dual dual ;)
16:42.37sorphinhow's life on the penguin side of things?
16:42.42CosmicPenguinsame ol
17:05.12*** join/#edev SpaceMonkey (
17:14.59sjhillwow, a sorphin
17:16.00CosmicPenguinwow, a sjhill too
17:27.00sorphinthe lackeys are all out today eh?
17:57.40*** join/#edev ico2__ (
18:10.49GPSFansorphin: hey dude how's it goin?.. long time no se...
18:13.41chouimathi sorphin
18:25.32sorphinGPSFan: indeed.. how're you ken?
18:25.41sorphinchouimat: le Mr. KDE ;)
18:26.19sorphinnow that's what i call a hdd crash
18:29.05wmatsorphin: are all of those pics of vehicles you own?
18:29.32agaffneysorphin: woah, where did you come from? :)
18:30.16GPSFansorphin: not bad, summer's here. nice box, what O/S you running on it?
18:30.31agaffneysorphin: I don't suppose you have an alpha box you're looking to get rid of :P
18:31.09agaffneyor a 4-post rack :P
19:18.57sorphinwmat: not my site
19:19.04sorphinwmat: I just drive a 350z convertible
19:19.14sorphinagaffney: well, not unless you want a Multia :P
19:19.50wmatsorphin: i drive over those ;)
19:20.57agaffneysorphin: Multia?
19:22.55Crofton__I sort of rememeber that
19:22.59Crofton__a dec machine?
19:23.11chouimat|napsorphin: ?
19:24.26sorphinwmat: whatever
19:24.36sorphinagaffney: yeah, that thing
19:24.47sorphinGPSFan: OS X
19:25.09agaffneysorphin: bleh, slightly too old for my needs
19:25.17agaffneyI've got a pws600, but the proc or cache is bad
19:25.19sorphinagaffney: well, you said an alpha ;)
19:25.33agaffneyit keeps throwing machine checks indicating bad cache and dropping back to SRM
19:26.01agaffneyI only paid $30 for it, though
19:26.01sorphinagaffney: the dude i'm getting the quad from is out in st chuck
19:26.11agaffneysorphin: I moved out to O'fallon
19:26.13agaffneyI've got a house now
19:26.28sorphintoo damn far
19:26.34*** join/#edev sunrunner20|prom (
19:27.12agaffneybefore the 2 years in st. chuck, I lived in Lake St. Louis/O'fallon since for 12 years
19:27.31agaffneyquad G5....uber-drool
19:27.43agaffneyI just got my pitiful little dual G4 450 :P
19:27.50sorphinthat vid card
19:27.55sorphinwill sell for atleast $750
19:28.05sorphinand i don't need it
19:28.23sorphinbut the guy wouldn't sell it w/o it
19:28.25wmatsorphin: heh, nice car actually.  You have the new model?
19:28.30sorphinso i'll make some $ back
19:28.36agaffneyhow much did you pay for the whole shebang?
19:28.37sorphinwmat: 2006, yes
19:28.43wmatvery nice
19:28.44sorphinagaffney: $2350
19:29.22agaffneysorphin: mmm...not bad
19:29.29sorphinagaffney: not even a year old
19:29.40sorphinwill be a year old in Aug
19:29.47agaffneysorphin: is the mac mini ppc or mactel?
19:29.48sorphinso i'll be getting applecare on it
19:29.56sorphinagaffney: 1.5ghz G4
19:29.59wmatsorphin: your link didn't work
19:30.05sorphinwmat: hang on
19:30.24agaffneysorphin: what are the other specs and what would you want for it?
19:30.39sorphinagaffney: 40g, 1G mem (that i put in)..
19:30.46sorphinagaffney: I oc'd it to 1.5ghz
19:30.52sorphinit's a 1.24ghz mini
19:30.56sorphinit's very stable
19:31.00agaffneyare those things passively cooled?
19:31.08sorphinit's not a cube
19:31.13sorphinit's got a fan
19:31.19agaffneyit's a half cube :P
19:31.25sorphinagaffney: on rc5-72
19:31.37sorphinit does 15,450,000 keys/sec
19:31.50agaffneyI have no idea what that means :P
19:31.55sorphingotta love a good floating point engine
19:32.06sorphinPPC has good FP
19:32.15sorphini'd never buy one of the Mactels
19:32.19agaffneyah, it's a benchmark
19:32.21agaffneyneither would I
19:32.24agaffneywhich is why I asked :)
19:32.31agaffneywhat would you want for it?
19:32.40sorphinagaffney: the thing the rc5 key cracking
19:32.45sorphinagaffney: dunno
19:33.06agaffneyit'd probably have to be relatively low for me to take it
19:33.09agaffneysince I don't *need* it
19:33.19agaffneyand I don't have an abundance of extra cash
19:33.48sorphinwmat: link works fine for me
19:33.50agaffneywhat kind of video outputs does it have?
19:33.56sorphinshoudl take you to a bunch of links
19:34.05sorphinagaffney: dvi, but has a dvi/vga adapter
19:34.15wmatThe host could not be contacted. If this persists, you should contact the administrator of the remote site.
19:34.24sorphinwmat: uhh
19:34.27wmatprobably the corporate firewall on this side
19:34.32sorphin.81 ?
19:34.41sorphinwibble is .82
19:35.11wmatoh, sorry, i was messing with the url
19:35.31sorphinyou won't find anything elsewhere ;)
19:35.52wmatthe Z directory just gives me a blank white page
19:36.06sorphingive me a page w/ a bunch of links
19:36.15sorphinyou using IE? :P
19:36.19wmatanyway, no worries, i'm sure it's a nice car
19:36.24wmatno, firefox
19:36.28sorphinwmat: yes, it is nice
19:36.30agaffneysorphin: it would make a nice workstation, but I don't *need* another box :P
19:36.42sorphinagaffney: i've barely even used it, honestly
19:37.09sorphini had intent to use it a lot
19:37.21sorphinbut it ended up not having enough horse for what i needed a mac for
19:38.47agaffneysorphin: I don't suppose the video card is capable of driving 2 VGA displays
19:39.02agaffneycan't DVI ebe split into 2 VGA?
19:39.03sorphinagaffney: the rc5 challenge is a handy benchmark in a pinch (unlike things like bogomips), because it relies on the FP of the cpu, and works it hard
19:39.05agaffneyI've never used it
19:39.15sorphinagaffney: only if it's dual channel
19:39.21sorphinlike on the quad
19:39.25sorphinthe card in the quad
19:39.31sorphinhas 2 dual channel dvi ports
19:39.38sorphinand a stereo 3d port
19:39.49sorphinit does full motion video
19:40.09agaffneyI'm really trying to convince myself to get that mini
19:40.11sorphintoo bad my monitor couldn't handle it
19:40.24agaffneybut unless you'd be willing to part with it for <$100, probably not ;)
19:40.29agaffneyI just can't justify it to myself
19:40.32sorphinagaffney: negatory
19:40.53agaffneyright, I certainly wasn't expecting you to go for that
19:41.02sorphinebay would yield more
19:41.04agaffneythose things are $500 for the base model, right?
19:41.13sorphinmine was 5 something, yeah
19:41.32agaffneyI don't even use my dual G4 :P
19:41.45agaffneythe only machines I actively use are my amd64 and sparc
19:42.01agaffneyworkstation and mail/web/nfs server, respectively
19:42.06sorphinto nothing
19:42.27sorphin(the P4 is the XP box)
19:58.07*** join/#edev ico2_ (
19:58.19jbevrenmine's a firewall
20:16.39*** join/#edev dijenerate (n=dijenera@
20:44.20*** join/#edev silverpo1er (
21:40.19*** join/#edev Crofton (
21:58.40*** join/#edev ico2__ (
22:55.56*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
23:05.11*** join/#edev redblue (

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