IRC log for #edev on 20070527

00:49.06*** join/#edev chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
04:01.44*** part/#edev pierrelux (
05:06.54*** join/#edev redblue (
05:29.10*** join/#edev DrZimmerman (
07:16.03*** join/#edev chouimat|Zzzz (
08:52.02*** join/#edev lyakh (
12:46.01*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
12:46.01*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
12:49.23*** join/#edev deresh (
12:56.35*** part/#edev deresh (
13:33.56*** join/#edev jbevre1 (
13:34.03jbevre1/who jbevren
13:34.08jbevre1I hate gaim :)
14:14.05jbevre1Mornin chewy
14:17.55chouimatjbevre1: <----- lol
14:46.16jbevre1nodnod hehe
14:46.34jbevre1best news this week- blizzard is suing gold spammers for spamming inside wow hehe
14:51.21chouimatlike they really need a new world for this :)
15:52.02*** part/#edev jbevre1 (
15:53.56*** join/#edev Crofton (
16:11.26*** join/#edev Crofton (
16:57.17*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
17:03.42*** join/#edev redb1ue (
17:32.52*** join/#edev silverpower_ (
18:06.45*** join/#edev chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
19:29.48*** join/#edev lyakh (
20:27.06*** join/#edev Crofton (
21:18.35*** join/#edev nighty (n=nighty@
23:09.14*** join/#edev pierrelux (
23:16.44*** join/#edev redblue (

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