IRC log for #edev on 20070524

00:04.09*** join/#edev redblue (
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04:48.08*** join/#edev agaffney (n=agaffney@gentoo/developer/
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06:59.51*** join/#edev nope (
07:01.17nopewhat happened to the wiki page about dht-walnut ??
07:01.26nopethe page has been removed
07:01.54nopesee yourself
07:05.07stelioski think the entire wiki has problems
07:05.57nopehow to fix ?
07:09.49nopeinformations lost
07:21.35stelioskcross fingers maintainer had a back-up
13:18.35*** join/#edev redblue (
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13:28.08*** join/#edev LyosNorezel2 (n=lyosnore@unaffiliated/lyosnorezel)
13:30.32wmatsteliosk: the wiki isn't broken, but it has been merged with the old CELF public wiki with the result being the new
13:30.39wmatwhich is still a work in progress
13:31.02wmatall of the old content is in the Hardware Hacking portion of the enw wiki
13:49.46*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-1a514d289724524e)
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14:06.30*** join/#edev prpplague (
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14:53.59prpplaguelordy lordy
14:54.10prpplaguenearly had a heart attack this morning
14:54.43prpplagueboss signed me up for access to a m$ mobile and embedded support site
14:55.15prpplaguehad to make an immediate request to remove my access
14:56.51*** join/#edev sunrunner20 (
14:56.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: didn't you have to fight to keep AMD from getting you signed up for access to m$ code/support sites?
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15:01.41chouimatprpplague: ouch
15:03.11prpplaguechouimat: fortunately i caught it before the account was activated
15:05.38*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-92a32cfdadc1666b)
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15:05.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: re
15:06.12CosmicPenguinI swear, I'll replace everythin in this box until  I figure out what breaks
15:06.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: didn't you have to fight to keep AMD from getting you signed up for access to m$ code/support sites?
15:06.51*** part/#edev LyosNorezel2 (n=lyosnore@unaffiliated/lyosnorezel)
15:13.47chouimatprpplague: must be a bad experience :)
15:15.29CosmicPenguinNot AMD - just a clueless manager
15:15.56prpplaguechouimat: yea its my understanding from reading the initial text, that it would limit the amount of open source/GPL work i could do, plus put in jeopardy anything i had worked on
15:16.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
15:16.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: similiar reasons i assume, that you didn't need the possibility of conflict
15:16.52CosmicPenguinAccess to MSDN is a) not necessary for me, and b) potentially bad
15:18.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, thats basically the same reasons i gave the boss
15:23.45chouimatprpplague: yesterday I saw one of the guy I worked with at xandros and he looked like he was a few inches of jumping from a cliff ... it seems now that the boss is now so paranoid that last week he made all employee sign new NDA and another one that ban them from doing any opensource/gpl coding at home
15:24.09wmatchouimat: that's grounds to quit
15:24.59prpplaguechouimat: SAY WHAT?
15:25.19prpplaguechouimat: you have got to be joking
15:25.22chouimatwmat: if you ever worked there you will know that you don't even need that to quit ... look even working for the government is not this hard on your morale :)
15:25.30chouimatprpplague: no ...
15:26.36chouimatprpplague: and it's not a problem for the current employees because no one do GPL stuff at home because they a) have no time for it (management sucks) b) they can't even see their home computer without being sick
15:27.02CosmicPenguinyeah - I would walk out on the spot
15:28.18chouimatCosmicPenguin: same here ... but like he told me "I want to quit but I have a wife and 2 kids ..."
15:28.53CosmicPenguinmyu wife would be like - don't sign the friggin fimr
15:28.55CosmicPenguinform even
15:29.41prpplaguechouimat: i would have started looking for a new job that happened
15:34.47wmatchouimat: that's too bad, given that it's a Linux co.
15:35.36chouimatwmat: I'm not sure they really believe in it :)
15:37.32wmatto be honest, i'm surprised Xandros still exists
15:38.02chouimatme too
16:06.13*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-e9d5ecb747be426c)
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17:06.56*** join/#edev prpplague (
17:07.57prpplagueho ho hum has been going down hill for ages
17:08.15prpplaguenow they are just getting stupid
17:10.56prpplague"The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) records trademark filings on Opie, GPE, and iPKG, all under the name of administrator George France,"
17:10.57CosmicPenguinMonMotha: you owe freenode an apology
17:11.24prpplaguemakes me never want to do anything with hh.o
17:11.31sunrunner20whats iPKG?
17:12.39CosmicPenguinipkg is like crack though
17:14.17sunrunner20'sfotware patents ftl
17:17.01prpplaguei can't believe the attitude and behavior of hh.o
17:17.55chouimatprpplague: i think what is happening with hh.o is way better than general hospital ;)
17:18.09prpplaguechouimat: yea, just disappointing
17:19.25chouimathmmm 13:18 time to go get something to eat
17:19.55prpplaguechouimat: i just can't figure out if its just immaturity, egotism, or greed (maybe all three)
17:19.59wmatthis is a useful powerconsumption tool:
17:20.09wmatfor those interested in that sort of thing ;)
17:20.14CosmicPenguinassuming you have ACPI
17:20.27prpplaguethats what i was typing
17:20.37wmatwell, useful for laptops anyway
17:21.32prpplague~seen mallum
17:22.07purlmallum <> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 22d 2h 4m 23s ago, saying: 'hey koen'.
17:22.07CosmicPenguinis pb_ still around?  I haven't seen him in ages
17:22.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: he basically got moved in to a PHB job , iirc
17:22.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: he shows up once in awhile
17:22.31chouimatprpplague: probably pissed off :)
17:22.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i find alot of professionals are moving away from using irc
17:23.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: or atleast open irc networks
17:23.07CosmicPenguinRP and mallum lurk in #olpc, but I haven't talked to either of them in while
17:23.10CosmicPenguinthats unfortuante
17:23.40CosmicPenguinThat shows a corporate attitude that is not compatible with the community
17:24.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you saying that corporate is not matching the community, or the community not matching the corporate?
17:25.00CosmicPenguincorporate is not matching the community
17:25.40chouimatCosmicPenguin: some corporation are better than others on this
17:26.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i just find that alot of the channels now have a ton of noise these days
17:26.16CosmicPenguinyou don't need to interact with the noise
17:27.15prpplaguetrue, but it doesn't seem like that those that could provide interaction are will to participate any longer
17:27.23prpplaguebecause of the noise
17:27.56CosmicPenguinthats a handy excuse
17:28.10prpplaguei've not seen rmk or gkh on irc in ages
17:28.23CosmicPenguinThats different
17:28.28prpplague(not that hey aren't just i've not seen them)
17:28.28CosmicPenguinthey irc, but they irc where they won't be bothered
17:28.32CosmicPenguinthats not the same as noise
17:28.40CosmicPenguinI irc so I can be bothered
17:29.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i guess my wording isn't proper, since that was my point
17:29.34CosmicPenguinIf you are popular enough that you'll get bothered all the time - then yeah, I can see you going elsewhere
17:29.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: people rmk and gkh are moving to close(secret?) irc servers
17:29.56CosmicPenguinBut that doesn't mean that IRCing itself is unprofessional
17:29.59CosmicPenguinor useful
17:30.41CosmicPenguinor that the secret servers are any less noisy - I've been to the kernel server - its not pretty in there... :)
17:30.46prpplagueagreed,  on both, just saying that the current influx of people onto freenode has increase the pressures of professionals trying to use the channels for project work
17:31.02CosmicPenguin#olpc seems to do okay
17:31.11CosmicPenguinsome of the other rooms do suffer #xorg-devel, for example
17:32.14wmatprpplague: wouldn't professionals using IRC for project work probably use private channels
17:33.11chouimatwmat: not sure it will depend on the company internet usage policy :)
17:33.12prpplaguewmat: they can and do, however when a project is associated with something like mtd, you really can't just use one channel, you have to be where the "mtd guys" are
17:33.49prpplaguei respect dwmw2 for keeping a presence on #mtd
17:34.01wmatyes, true
17:34.02prpplaguehe might not always be there for a question, but he's there
17:34.16CosmicPenguinheh - are you kidding?
17:34.16wmati've found there's usually 1 or 2 people in a channel who can keep it civil
17:34.29CosmicPenguindwmw2 has hit the limit of freenode rooms he can be in
17:34.31CosmicPenguinhe's everywhere
17:35.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yes, i know he's in alot of channels, but he does have a "day job"
17:35.10chouimatwmat: true we are all "flyback/fishhead in training" ;)
17:35.20prpplaguechouimat: speak for yourself
17:35.28chouimatprpplague: it's a joke :)
17:35.35prpplaguechouimat: i know
17:37.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: like mallum and pb, they used to be on everyday now you rarely seem them
17:37.48CosmicPenguinmallum is a very busy php too
17:37.56CosmicPenguinphb even
17:38.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and to be honest, i've half way been expect you to stop showing up
17:38.33CosmicPenguinthis is my job
17:39.00*** join/#edev lyakh (
17:39.59wmatwho's mallum and where is he a PHB?
17:40.18CosmicPenguinmallum is the father of matchbox
17:41.03CosmicPenguinhe is a PHB at his own company OpenedHand
17:41.20CosmicPenguinThey are the guys who did the GUI for the Nokia 770
17:41.41CosmicPenguinMatthew Allum is his meatspace name - also, RP (RIchard Purdie) works there
17:42.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: today was the first time i'd heard from TimRiker in ages
17:42.43agaffneymeatspace? I've never heard that before :P
17:43.07wmati've been in contact with Tim of late
17:43.28wmatregarding the wiki switchover
17:43.43CosmicPenguinmallum, prpplague, kergoth, and I and a few others go way bakc
17:43.48CosmicPenguinto the ipaq / tuxscreen days
17:44.29wmatah, openedhand hires telecommuters
17:45.15wmatand did he?
17:45.27prpplaguewmat: hehe yea, matchbox
17:45.48CosmicPenguinI remember the very beginnings of buildroot, when andersee wrote the monolithic makefile for tuxscreen
17:45.56CosmicPenguinthat thing was a beast
17:45.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe yea
17:45.59wmatwell, he may turn up in ubuntu-mobile then
17:46.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that it was
17:46.12wmatas they're using matchbox, i think
17:46.22CosmicPenguinwmat: it better, matchbox is the _only_ embedded window manager worth using
17:46.25CosmicPenguinOLPC uses it
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17:46.53wmatwhat's Hildon then?
17:47.17wmatis it a desktop on top on matchbox?
17:49.24prpplaguenot familiar with Hildon myself, iirc its jsut nokia's desktop environment
17:49.33wmatyes, basically
17:49.35MonMothaCosmicPenguin: I owe nobody an apology, simply because I think this network sucks
17:49.54CosmicPenguinMonMotha: but the handhelds name change wasn't freenode's doing - it was handhelds itself
17:50.10MonMothaCosmicPenguin: I see that, though the freenode admin who handled it could have made that much more clear
17:50.20MonMothait was handled VERY badly, in my opinion
17:50.26MonMothabasically, admin enters, kicks everybody and redirects
17:50.44MonMothaI no long sit in that channel anyway
17:51.21wmatmallum has posted to the ubuntu-mobile mailing list lately as well
17:51.26prpplagueMonMotha: yea, i left too
17:51.57prpplaguewmat: yea he generally is pretty active on mailing lists, just don't seem him on any of the old irc channels much anymore
17:52.37MonMothaalso, Matchbox isn't the only WM appropriate for embedded type stuff, but is by far one of the best
17:52.49MonMothaI had an FVWM build that worked fairly well, and wasn't overly large
17:53.09MonMothaone of the nice thigns about FVWM is that you can make it do just about anything.  Just gotta keep size under control
17:53.21ds2why X?
17:53.33MonMothabecause X is useful
17:53.55ds2but on most smaller devices, X makes it very tight
17:54.00MonMothathere's a lot of stuff out there fore it
17:54.11MonMothathe X server itself isn't that bad.  The issue is the darned toolkits
17:54.14ds2the FB stuff seems much more suited size wise
17:54.29ds2oh yes.... the 2343294823904902384092384903890238 shlibs that needs to be around (thank you redhat, etc.)
17:54.48prpplagueds2: if you are doing a single purpose device, designing a fb app is defiently better
17:54.52MonMothathere's a lot of software out there that uses X, but it all wants soooo many libraries
17:55.01ds2i am trying to take a hard look at the whole DFB scheme
17:55.23CosmicPenguinthats silly - the modular X server is way more useful then the monolithic code ever was
17:55.23prpplagueds2: problem is, lots of time you need to have additional apps that are already available for x
17:55.23MonMothaand yes, I'll agree with prpplague there.  If you have a single custom app that runs on the device, running right on the FB is probably better
17:55.23MonMothaQT/E can handle that on its own,too
17:55.23ds2prpplague: there is always VNC tunneling in from the outside
17:55.33ds2QT has IP issues, AFAIK
17:55.44MonMothaCosmicPenguin: I'm not referring to the libraries that come with the X server, but rather all the other libraries that lots of X apps assume you have/want
17:55.47prpplagueds2: not practical in most situations
17:55.54CosmicPenguinThats not X's fault
17:56.15MonMothano it isn't, but given that one of the big reasons to adopt X on an embedded device is reuse of existing stuff, it's still an issue
17:56.28MonMothayou can usually control it at least
17:56.35MonMothamany apps let you build them without support for much of that stuff
17:56.36ds2prpplague: I hope to put that to a test as I am putting together a mini arm box for use as a daily laptop replacement
17:57.01prpplagueds2: i'm sure it will "work" fine, but its just not practical to sell
17:57.33ds2prpplague: other then a PDA, how often do you need to make a device that runs a general set of apps?
17:58.13prpplagueds2: _every day_
17:58.26ds2prpplague: what kind of device?
17:58.49prpplagueindustrial handhelds, stationary terminals, forklift terminals
17:58.57MonMothads2: there are lots of companies that sell hardware with a base system to others who then put their own software on it
17:58.57prpplaguekiosks, price checkers
17:59.05ds2but that is not general set of apps, it is a close set of apps
17:59.12ds2still, that is a confined set of apps
17:59.30prpplagueds2: how do you figure its confined?
17:59.31MonMothayes, but many companies don't want to take the time to develop a completely custom FB app whent hey can just cobble together a bunch of X apps
17:59.37MonMothatime to market is a BIG deal
17:59.44MonMothalike it or not...
18:00.33ds2prplague: I don't expect the buyers to say... want to run Xpilot on itone day and and open office another and gimp another for example... the app is probaly not going to change often during the life of it
18:00.59ds2but there are libraries (or so they claim) that will let you mostly compile an X app for FB
18:01.09MonMotha*SOME* X apps
18:01.21MonMothaand they then own the display - no window managing
18:01.25CosmicPenguinhaving been part of one such effort - they suck
18:01.48MonMothawhich means you have to come up with your own method of switching between apps (from a display point of view)
18:02.18ds2that's raw FB
18:02.22prpplagueds2: problem is we have no clue which app they might want to run, one person might want to have a TN5270, another might have a vt100, another might want to have a time tracker application
18:02.29ds2there is a window manager with the DFB libraries
18:02.43prpplagueds2: we simply don't have resources to write all those apps, instead we just use existing x apps
18:02.55ds2prplague: gotcha. I was under the impression that they order it w/the app and you just install it prior to shipping
18:03.45prpplagueds2: no, we have no clue what they use it for
18:04.24ds2so in some sense, that is really a ruggedize PDA
18:04.39prpplagueds2: in many ways, yes
18:05.31ds2prpplague, so that would fall into the PDA exception... but then my comments come from working mostly w/appliance type setups
18:05.53MonMothaso the conclusion would then be that there are a large number of devices which fall into the PDA exception?
18:06.15ds2from what I see, no
18:06.49ds2I am thinking of the closed (deeply embedded linux) phones, etc.
18:07.24MonMothaactually, given what people do with their phones tehse days, I'm surprised they aren't looking into X more
18:08.17ds2with the released phones, has anyone offered X on a phone?
18:08.30chouimatwince :)
18:08.36ds2(that should prevent anyone from breaking an NDA by answering)
18:59.07*** join/#edev Chocobo (
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20:50.23prpplaguebad storm moving through
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20:51.04Croftonany word on the visa?
20:55.34prpplagueCrofton: everything is complete, just waiting for the paperwork to arrive in barbados
20:55.39chouimat|awaybbl pub time
20:55.55Croftonkeep your finder crossed ....
20:56.06prpplagueCrofton: yea
20:56.21prpplagueCrofton: her medical expires at the end of june, so we gotta get it done before then
20:56.25chouimat|awayprpplague: hope not postal services employees strike ;)
20:56.32prpplaguechouimat|away: worse
20:56.40prpplaguechouimat|away: it was sent via diplomatic pouch
20:56.54prpplaguechouimat|away: its already been 3 weeks since then sent it
21:15.24prpplaguecbrake: you get my /msg ?
21:15.56cbrakeprpplague: no, I did not -- hmm, wonder if it went to another window ...
21:16.28cbrakeprpplague: can you resend?
21:17.09prpplaguecbrake: hehe yea, np, i have a meeting between 9 and 10 am tomorrow, after that i'm available
21:17.53cbrakeprpplague: what Tzone you in?
21:18.09prpplaguecbrake: central
21:18.42prpplaguecbrake: or more accurately, Texas Zone
21:18.46cbrakeprpplague: heh
21:19.14cbrakeprpplague: OK, I'll call at 11:00 central time.  Can you send my your phone #?
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