IRC log for #edev on 20070424

00:03.11T0mWMonday?  Today is "monday"?
00:15.55g1powermac_PBbut not for fun reason, it was due to sickness
00:17.16g1powermac_PBprpplague: btw, I think this juicebox thing is gonna be pretty sweet
00:18.16g1powermac_PBreally might be able to do quite a bit more with the juicebox when you got a cpld and its I/O brought out
00:33.48*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-e4d1cca07a47b033)
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01:00.49prpplagueGPSFan: its going
01:01.17prpplagueg1powermac_PB: yea JB is a nice gadget,but too many people get delusions of grandure when they start hacking it
01:04.56g1powermac_PBprpplague: you know me, I get delusions of grandure with everything I hack :-)
01:47.39chouimatprpplague: the problem with delusion of grandeur is when $DEITY start to talk to you ... before that it's kind of ok
01:53.21*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
01:54.01cbairdMegomaniac Atheists have a better time of it, then. :)
01:56.19LyosNorezelheh... and here I though the whole religion debate was off limits... how many atheists are there in this channel (besides me of course)?
01:57.36cbaird++ (used to hang around Aussie Skeptics)
01:58.24*** mode/#edev [+o CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
01:58.36cbaird(about half my friends turned out to be card-carrying members too.. which was a maybe-not-so-strange coinscience.. :)
02:00.29CosmicPenguinWe generally try to stay away from religious and political debates - unless you want to complain about the INS, which is the official pet peeve of #edev
02:04.29prpplagueyea, politics and religion
02:05.45LyosNorezelthere's a new series on TV...
02:06.05LyosNorezelcalled "The Real Wedding Crashers" and it's pure gold
02:06.22prpplaguei wish i had $0.25 for every email i got where someone says "hi! i love you JB hack, i want to use the JB to control a small orbital probe to mars, can you help me?"
02:06.29cbairdMy last girlfriend was an AS member-- I joked that her flight to the UK (from AU) had better not pass through the USA, as we're probably both on the TSA no-fly list. :)
02:07.41prpplaguecbaird: yea, well, the US's attitudes on people these days has left nearly all the major technical and scientific conferences void of any foreign guests or speakers
02:09.47prpplagueso my new house has a gfi outlet in bath room next to the mirror
02:09.52prpplagueit has a red led
02:10.40prpplagueso, in the middle of the night i got the bathroom, with my glasses off, and it looks like freakin red eyes, i've almost punched the mirror three or four times already
02:10.49prpplagueground fault interrupt
02:10.49CosmicPenguinground fault indicator - its there to keep prpplague from sitting in the tub and dropping in a toaster.. :)
02:10.53chouimatprpplague: hehe
02:13.00prpplagueand so saturday was a beoych too, i was cooking some cresants and grabbed the cooked sheet with a kitchen towel that fell away just as i grab the cookie sheet, burnt my hand
02:13.11prpplaguethen i ended up burning my lasgna
02:13.41prpplagueand to top it of, my sponge bob kit broken its string and drifted off into the woods
02:16.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: whats the word from AMD? more layoffs on the way?
02:16.34CosmicPenguindon't believe everything you hear
02:18.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, yea, i just read stuff on the net, which is just about as good as chicken entrails most of the time
02:18.22g1powermac_PBprpplague: dang
02:18.30g1powermac_PBthat was a bad night
02:19.28g1powermac_PBwell, at least you could smell your lasagna burn though. . .
02:19.28chouimatprpplague: what?? you're saying that chicken entrails are not good ... ok I will not wait for the 5'10" 140lbs redhead then :'(
02:19.43prpplaguechouimat: ha
02:19.48g1powermac_PBprpplague: it was the weirdest thing, I completely lost my sense of smell yesterday
02:19.59prpplagueg1powermac_PB: and i could smell my finger burn as well
02:20.29prpplagueg1powermac_PB: i'm sure some of the people in the offices around mine wish they had that affliction
02:20.29g1powermac_PBprpplague: my mom burnt the crap out of something on the stove yesterday, and if I didn't see the smoke, I would have never thought anything was wrong
02:20.57g1powermac_PBreally weird, especially since you can't taste anything you eat either
02:21.18g1powermac_PBso for dinner, I really couldn't tell the difference between a carrot or a roll
02:23.17g1powermac_PBI think it was from the almost constant use of albuterol that kept me breathing when the bronchitis was really bad
02:24.49prpplagueit truely amazes me how many tech vendors have no clue what they are selling
02:26.06prpplaguewe had a VIA rep today try to sell us on using a VIA for a handheld devices swearing that it was our answer to power savings against ARM devices
02:26.23chouimatprpplague: just remove tech and the sentence will be true ;)
02:27.33prpplaguechouimat: yea our own marketing has some issues as well
02:28.30chouimatprpplague: if you were serious last week about the device we are interested, I still have some details to iron out with my partners but so far so good
02:30.06prpplaguechouimat: yea, what kind of numbers are we talking about for purchase?
02:30.34chouimatprpplague: don't know them yet
02:31.09prpplaguechouimat: ok, i can get you like one dev board and one handheld
02:31.19prpplaguechouimat: you need wifi or just batch?
02:31.55chouimatwifi will be nice ... but I guess I can live with the other
02:33.01prpplaguewhat kind of time frame do you need it in?
02:34.18prpplaguechouimat: oh, my brother has new photo shoots up
02:34.49chouimatprpplague: probably 2 to 4 months ...
02:35.00prpplagueokie dokie
02:35.06prpplaguechouimat: i'll see what i can do
02:36.19chouimatprpplague: we have some ERP stuff and we thing it might be a good thing to get this device work with the system ... GPL :)
02:37.04prpplaguechouimat: gotcha, yea, i'll swing it in the next week or so
02:37.30prpplaguechouimat: the M5900 look like what you need?
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02:39.04prpplagueoh nice -
02:45.55prpplaguechouimat|Zzzz: later
02:50.22*** join/#edev pierrelux (
03:02.19g1powermac_PBprpplague: btw, could use the standard juiceware cartridge for the xD hack?
03:04.17pierreluxprpplague: nice beer but I prefer that one ... these guys are micro-brewers and you could only drink it there, in my town
03:04.31g1powermac_PBseems the sd/mmc cartridge is hard to find on ebay
03:06.13g1powermac_PByea, the mp3 one
03:06.33g1powermac_PBthe one with the sd/mmc slot in it
03:07.51prpplagueyea, you can make one easy
03:08.36g1powermac_PByea, just saw this:
03:09.32g1powermac_PBso using that hack I can put uclinux on it, correct?
03:10.48prpplagueyea, you can make one easy
03:11.00g1powermac_PBfrieking cool
03:11.23g1powermac_PBmight try that xD hack first
03:11.46ds3isn't the stuff that guy was doing with the PIC + JTAG easier?
03:12.27prpplagueds3: there are alot of hacks , it all depends on your skills
03:12.58ds3still waiting for a "fool proof" hack on the JB's
03:13.48g1powermac_PBprpplague: couldn't you also just like remove the internal flash and just replace it with reprogrammable flash?
03:14.11g1powermac_PBinstall custom uclinux stuff directly on the internal flash. . .
03:14.16ds3on some models, the JB has no "removeable" flash
03:14.22prpplagueg1powermac_PB: yep
03:14.31g1powermac_PBds3: I mean, desolder the flash :-)
03:14.45prpplagueg1powermac_PB: some models have CoB
03:15.00g1powermac_PBprpplague: ugh, ok, hopefully mine doesn't
03:15.03prpplaguebut its still possible to disable the CoB and wire in a replacement flash
03:16.00g1powermac_PBreally wonder why they do the CoB stuff, I mean they're soldering all the other components. . .
03:16.16ds3cheap, no need to package the chip
03:16.26g1powermac_PByea, guess so
03:17.01g1powermac_PBstill annoying either way
03:18.47ds3wish the guys doing the SDIO project would 'hurry up'... that would provide a way to get a WiFi card on the JB
03:21.00g1powermac_PBthat'd be pretty cool
03:21.39g1powermac_PBanyway, time for sleep for me
03:21.41g1powermac_PBgnight all
03:21.57prpplagueds3: sdio for the JB will never happen
03:22.00prpplagueg1powermac_PB: later
03:24.15ds3prpplague: why?
03:24.32prpplagueds3: s3c44b0x has no sdio controller
03:24.47ds3it also doesn't have a SD controller, AFAIK
03:25.14ds3why can't it bit bang, slow, but should be functional
03:25.15prpplagueds3: that is correct, but all sd/mmc cards are required to support a SPI interface, which is what the JB uses
03:25.34ds3and the JB has SPI master hardware?
03:25.37prpplagueds3: because the protocol for the SDIO controler is not 100% available
03:25.41prpplagueds3: yes
03:25.55ds3there is suppose to be a project to port an available stack to Linux
03:26.05prpplagueds3: but low speed SPI can be bitbanged since the protocol is open
03:26.11*** join/#edev DrZimmerman (
03:26.16prpplagueds3: stack is one thing, controler is another
03:26.57ds3having seen an AVR do USB in software, I'd disagree
03:27.42prpplagueds3: well trust me, i;ve been working with sdio and wifi the last 4 months
03:27.48ds3the harder part, IMO, is figuring out the commands the WiFi card needs
03:28.01prpplagueds3: no way you are going to bit bang sdio with the amount of specs that are freely available
03:28.12prpplagueds3: yea, that too is an issue
03:28.38ds3have you see this stuff yet:
03:29.15prpplaguei have it built and running on a s3c2410 and s3c2440 platform
03:29.32prpplagueds3: again that stack doesn't do you any good without some type of controler
03:29.53ds3so you are ahead of me... I was thinking of getting it to work on a PXA255 first then back out how to bitbang it from the PXA255 docs
03:29.58prpplagueds3: that is again, the stack, not the actual controller interface, you have to include your specific controller with it
03:30.10prpplagueds3: good luck
03:30.22ds3so it won't even work on a PXA255/270 w/o another NDA?
03:30.40prpplagueds3: without joining the SD association
03:30.53prpplagueds3: and that would preclude you from posting your code under GPL
03:30.57ds3ah I see. that's the part I missed
03:31.24LyosNorezelprpplague: what about hacking the interface?
03:31.32ds3wonder if anyone has gone the logic analyzer approach?
03:31.35prpplaguehacking what interface?
03:31.47LyosNorezelthe controller
03:31.55ds3maybe someone in the EU, the posting that info
03:32.06prpplagueds3: SDIO is protected by a number of patents, if you posted reverse engineering info, you are sure to get sued
03:32.42LyosNorezelah... the glory of internet anonimity ;-)
03:32.58ds3eh? why is that? the patent says I can't use it, but it shouldn't prevent me from documentating it, right?
03:33.07prpplaguewell, i can do it and most people who have the skills aren't going to do it, because they have to work for a living
03:33.40prpplagueds3: yea, as long as you don't implement it
03:34.15ds3so if someone in the wild jungle were to find that info and illegally make something work with it....
03:34.57LyosNorezelheh... prpplague... I tell you what... you break it... I'll host it
03:35.15LyosNorezelI'd like to see them try to find me ;-)
03:35.18prpplagueno way
03:35.29ds3but then if it is patented, part of it the info is available in the patents themselves
03:35.29prpplaguei'm under so many nda's i'd never work again
03:35.29LyosNorezelI'll be laughing my ass off from the comfort of my own home
03:35.56ds3just a matter of waiting 15-20 years and we can use it freely
03:35.59prpplagueds3: i'd suspect that is true
03:36.22ds3nice thing about NDAs is if some one else posted it, the NDA's are void ;)
03:36.29LyosNorezelprpplague: I'm no snitch... no one but me would ever know who cracked it
03:36.37prpplagueyea right
03:37.39LyosNorezeland as I said... I'd love to see them try to find me...
03:37.46ds3wonder if anyone is thinking of doing a bunch of SPI - WiFi "kits" for "personal use"
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03:38.09LyosNorezel*maniacal laughter*
03:38.38ds3the biggest problem with doing a WiFi implementation is getting it FCC cert'ed
03:39.07ds3but AFAIK, you can self cert if it is self built and for personal use (i.e. not sold as an assembled unit)
03:39.22LyosNorezelmeh... that's only a problem if you need to sell it
03:40.23ds3right, so you make it on a tiny board that fits an MMC slot and uses SPI to talk
03:40.51ds3only issue is convincing the chip guys to sell you the chips and if they are BGA only parts
03:42.07ds3anyone more qualify around to tell me I am nuts and to what extent?
03:43.17LyosNorezel"the people who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who usually do"
03:46.50*** part/#edev LyosNorezel (n=LyosNore@unaffiliated/lyosnorezel)
03:48.02ds3back into the void I go
03:48.53*** join/#edev LyosNorezel (n=lyosnore@unaffiliated/lyosnorezel)
03:50.11LyosNorezelfucking computer
03:50.41ds3on a different area... anyone done a reflash of a WAP54G v1?
04:30.37prpplagueds3:  most of the major chip manufacturers do have spi support for their chips
04:31.00prpplagueds3: problem is they don't get much attention as that usually the max rate for spi is around 20mhz
04:31.18prpplagueds3: which is ok for 802.11b but doesn't give you full support for g
04:35.03prpplagueds3: notice they all support G-spi , which is generic spi
04:55.12ds3for a smaller device, even 1.5Mbit is fine
04:56.26ds3but these are marvell... and well, we all know how friendly they are
04:56.56prpplaguethe spi information is posted
04:57.51ds3for the marvell chips?
04:59.38ds3hmmm. got to look for that... Marvell is famous for requiring NDAs for everything, even datasheets that were once public
05:00.02prpplaguetry checking out the OLPC project
05:00.15prpplaguethey have a libertas mailing list
05:00.22prpplagueall i can say
05:04.10ds3so it is possible to put a WiFi interface on a JB using the SD slot; just can't use SDIO
05:05.41prpplaguehehe, just a reminder, its not sd, its not mmc, its spi
05:06.25ds3it is about as much of SD as the Atmel Dataflash ;)
05:07.36ds3but then we could take this further and call it "3 wire synchronous serial interface" to avoid issues with FreeScale/Motorola
05:08.42prpplagueds3: there is a distintinc difference in the protocols between sd, mmc and spi
05:08.47prpplagueall three very different
05:09.03ds3yes, I know.
05:09.45ds3just off the top of my head, SD is 4 bit; MMC is like SPI but has special addressing... is that about right?
05:10.06prpplaguesd can be 1 bit as well
05:10.28ds3always thought that was MMC fall back mode
05:13.32prpplagueno sd can be 1-bit as well
05:14.14prpplague1 bit sd, 1bit mmc, and spi basically use the same exact lines, but the differences is in the protocol that drives them
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13:36.20g1powermac_PBhey prpplague
13:36.56g1powermac_PBprpplague, do all of the JBs have the processor as a CoB and have what would be the pads for the qfp chip surrounding it?
13:47.04prpplagueg1powermac_PB: to my uncertain knowledge, yes
13:50.03g1powermac_PBk, so thats quite interesting
13:50.27g1powermac_PBI wonder if the design is using all the different I/O stuff of that chip
13:50.59g1powermac_PBlike the I2C
13:52.12g1powermac_PBalso wonder how hard it would be to build an expansion type board that will solder right onto those pads
13:52.35g1powermac_PBa board that will add more ram, bring out some more of the unused I/O and stuff
13:53.24g1powermac_PBthough I'd have to figure out how to solder a pcb onto pads meant for qfp packaging. . .
13:58.20prpplagueg1powermac_PB: rule of thumb, when hacking a device always purchase 3, one as a reference (leave untouched), one to hack, and one for testing
13:58.24*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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13:58.39prpplagueGPSFan: greetings
13:58.46g1powermac_PBprpplague, yea
13:59.03GPSFanprpplague: g'day
13:59.24g1powermac_PBprpplague, though really, any suggestions on how to solder a board onto qfp pads?
14:18.23prpplagueg1powermac_PB: lots of pins
14:18.42g1powermac_PByea, but how do get headers spaced that close?
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14:28.00MonMothag1powermac_PB: the technique I've heard of is to basically create yourself a QFN
14:28.30MonMothamake a board with pads on the bottom layer that line up, no soldermask on the bottom layer (so you can't have traces on it, just vias up) and solder that down
14:28.53MonMothayou can also cut the board through some plated drill hits so that you'll get something along the edge to solder down to
14:30.15g1powermac_PBMonMotha: only issue with that method is that I can't lay the new board flat, as the ARM CoB will be in the middle
14:30.24g1powermac_PBthough if that wasn't there, that would definitely work
14:32.34MonMothag1powermac_PB: in that case, 30ga wire
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16:06.13prpplagueCrofton: close call yesterday
16:06.13Crofton~quote scox
16:06.15prpplagueCrofton: rumor has it someone is trying to pump up the price
16:06.18Croftonprpplague, you need to careful about phrases like "close call" with me
16:06.20prpplagueCrofton: hehe
16:06.20CroftonI figured out what you meant, but it took a moment :)
16:06.20Croftonlonger than I would like ...
16:06.20prpplagueCrofton: ?
16:06.20Croftonafter last week, "close call" has a different meaning
16:06.21Croftonwhy isn't the bot working?
16:06.21prpplaguepurl:  hello
16:06.45purlHowdy Bub
16:06.45prpplagueCrofton: probably got a disconnect
16:06.46prpplagueCrofton: scox closed at $0.99 yesterday
16:06.46CroftonI see
16:06.46Croftonwhat is volume doing?
16:07.42prpplaguelow in the 20k
16:07.42prpplaguebut they dumped it close to CoB
16:07.42prpplagueClose of Business
16:07.43CosmicPenguinThe intertubes in Utah are slow today
16:07.43prpplagueCrofton: but someone dumped almost 450k shares on the 19th
16:07.43prpplagueCrofton: at one time
16:08.30prpplaguebut it looks like at this point, even if they tried to do a 2:1 split, they'd not be able to keep their market cap
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18:27.46*** join/#edev [0xAF] (n=af@
18:28.14[0xAF]hello, just one question (i guess google can help me but its quicker to ask)
18:28.45[0xAF]is there a way to mount ext2 fs in embedded device without buffering ... so if the power goes off no transaction will be left undone
18:28.56[0xAF]i hope i made it clear
18:33.09cbairdAs in mount -o sync ... & hdparm -W 0 /dev/sda .. Although I couldn't say that it'll guarantee consistency.
18:34.34[0xAF]hm i have hda=nodma in the boot line but i guess it has nothing to do with it
18:34.59[0xAF]so the sync option in mount should do it ? (i have no hdparm in embedded)
18:35.55[0xAF]i guess there are some changes between 2.6.16 and 2.6.20 ... becouse in the 20 i have problems with this... i never had such problems before
18:36.46[0xAF]and i still have to find a cheap way to put e2fsck... it takes a lot of MB with all libs
18:37.16T0mWI think there is a #define in the kernel someplace to not buffer disk writes. but...
18:37.34T0mWIt might be in /proc someplace
18:37.58[0xAF]hmm i guess there should be an easy way ... or option in "make config" (i dont know for such)
18:38.13[0xAF]i should google about that i guess
18:38.31T0mW`goneno, I don't think that it is that widely used.  Look in /proc/sys or something like that.
18:38.42[0xAF]i see
18:38.46[0xAF]tnx for the help
18:39.38[0xAF]anyone else have experience with that ?
18:40.51[0xAF]or atleast a word to search in google ? ("mount ext2 no sync" or something)
18:45.15[0xAF]i hope the sync option should do it
18:47.01prpplaguechouimat|away: ping
18:47.57prpplague[0xAF]: ext2 is not designed that way, and ext3 is not really intended for heavy flash usage
18:48.19[0xAF]i guess you are right
18:48.31prpplague[0xAF]: if you need to be power loss concerned, you need to use a journaling file system with flash based options
18:50.10[0xAF]but i have ext 2 partition for images (which i mount with -o loop) and ext3 for storage of sqlite database .... so when i put usb flash with update ... hotplug should remount ext2 part with RW and copy the image ... then mount it RO again ... but when i reboot the device after that ... the new (copyed file) is 0 bytes ... and fs is broken ... shows its filled ... but should have 5-6 mb free
18:50.31[0xAF]prpplague: any suggestion for FS ?
18:50.52prpplaguejffs2 or yaffs
18:51.13[0xAF]hmm i should study more about jffs2
18:51.55[0xAF]anyway i had no problems untill i upgraded from 2.6.16 to 2.6.20 (i dont know if there is a point in that, becouse the problem is only on the testing device for now)
18:53.12[0xAF]are you suggesting to use jffs2 for both partitions ?
18:56.32[0xAF]prpplague: just one quick Q... does those FS need checking at anytime ?
18:56.52[0xAF]jffs2 and yaffs ?
18:56.58prpplague[0xAF]: generally speaking the jffs2 doesn't need to be checked
18:57.18[0xAF]seems good choice
18:57.43[0xAF]im not familiar with FSes and i had no time to check them ... thats why i choosed ext2
18:58.59[0xAF]but IIRC a lot of embedded devices are using jffs2 (like mine linksys wifi router)... so i guess its my mistake
18:59.16chouimat|awayprpplague pong
19:03.24prpplaguechouimat|away: i need contact info, shipping, and a description of your intended application
19:03.33purlsomebody said prpplague was or Dave Anders
19:04.29[0xAF]is purl infobot ?
19:04.36[0xAF]purl who are you ?
19:04.39purl[0xAF]: I think you lost me on that one
19:04.47[0xAF]i guess so ;]
19:04.58[0xAF]purl: version
19:05.00purl[version] Kernel: uname -r.  Debian: cat /etc/debian_version. and: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1.  Package: dpkg -l _pkgname_.  Miscellaneous: try --version on the command. check /etc/apt/sources.list; run apt-cache policy <packagename>
19:05.10[0xAF]not what i expected
19:05.20g1powermac[0xAF], purl is a really realistic acting bot :-)
19:05.37g1powermac[0xAF], I thought it was a person at first myself :-)
19:05.43[0xAF]i had infobot once ... which was reacting like purl ;]
19:05.52chouimat|awayprpplague ok ... once I get back to ottawa I will send it to you ... I'm currently remotely connected and this connection sucks ... ok I have to go if I want to have a good place in the bus :)
19:06.01prpplaguechouimat|away: np
19:06.24[0xAF]haha i had a friend that was chatting with mine infobot for about 30 minutes after that kick and ban the infobot becouse he wasnt able to recognize the bot ;]
19:07.32*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
19:08.12[0xAF]prpplague: thanks for the hint on jffs2 i guess ill switch
19:09.46g1powermacprpplague, btw, what kind of fs did you use on the xD card in the JB?
19:09.49[0xAF]im going to learn a bit now ;]... but on the front page they said its mine solution ;] just like prpplague
19:10.09prpplagueg1powermac: none
19:10.16prpplagueg1powermac: just direct data
19:10.28g1powermack, thats what I figured
19:10.35[0xAF]prpplague: so where is the OS ? booting from where ?
19:11.11prpplague[0xAF]: for the JB?
19:11.40[0xAF]yes, but i dont know what is JB ... so my Q may be stupid i guess
19:11.58g1powermacthats the JB:
19:13.29[0xAF]looks nice ;]
19:14.06[0xAF]btw what should mean "uClinux" in general ... is that just an linux with uclibc+busybox or there are some patches to the kernel
19:14.43g1powermac[0xAF], generally, the big difference between uClinux and regular linux is that uClinux is meant for procs that don't have a MMU
19:14.55prpplagueuClinux is the non threaded version of linux intended to run on devices with no memory management unit(MMU)
19:15.07[0xAF]ahhh i see...
19:15.36[0xAF]i should visit you more than once in a year ... ;]
19:17.45[0xAF]anyway i need pthreads for mine soft ;[ and im using SBC so its not for me ;]
19:23.34g1powermacprpplague, hmm, making a flash image for the JB is a fairly complicated process
19:25.16*** join/#edev ico2__ (
19:38.25[0xAF]take care guys
19:59.06*** join/#edev prpplague (
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23:31.35g1powermacprpplague^2, what ya think about getting this on the uclinux on the JB: ?
23:34.09*** join/#edev chouimat|away (
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23:35.25wmatprpplague^2: ping
23:39.11CosmicPenguin <-- look familiar?
23:46.58prpplague^2wmat: pong
23:47.11wmatprpplague^2: who controls dns for
23:47.32wmatok, i'll email him
23:48.59prpplague^2chouimat|away: what? so old lady attack you for looking at her ass on the bus?
23:49.02wmatprpplague^2: it's time to go live with the new wiki and let the hordes at it
23:49.10prpplague^2wmat: lovely
23:49.46prpplague^2CosmicPenguin: 12th time is a charm?
23:50.18prpplague^2g1powermac: picotk isn't as robust as microwindows
23:50.33chouimat|awayprpplague^2: no I'm in Quebec City and I just had a meeting with the "friend who hired the Virgin Mary as a senior manager last fall" and I just lost my time ... and I will probably loose a lot of money (again and my domain name because of him)
23:50.34prpplague^2g1powermac: i'd just as soon use that if i needed a super small gui
23:50.58prpplague^2chouimat|away: ????????
23:51.04CosmicPenguinprpplague^2: you said that just to get a rise out of me, didn't you?
23:51.05g1powermacprpplague^2, k
23:51.12wmatprpplague^2: i'll probably have to help get it over if it's new
23:51.19prpplague^2CosmicPenguin: hehe
23:51.23chouimat|awayprpplague^2: long story ...
23:51.33prpplague^2chouimat|away: jeeze
23:52.07chouimat|awayCosmicPenguin: and add a few pints too
23:52.45chouimat|awayprpplague^2: what is fun is this bar as free wifi :)
23:53.19prpplague^2chouimat|away: so do most of the nudie bars in dfw
23:53.44chouimat|awayprpplague^2: here part of the long story ... I need to find the time to write part 2
23:56.06prpplaguechouimat|away: ahh that one
23:57.26prpplaguecheck out this photo my brother took
23:57.39prpplaguelook in the upper right hand side
23:58.35wmatis that the GohostRider?
23:59.58prpplagueanother cool one

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