irclog2html for #edev on 20070308

00:44.28*** join/#edev chouimat (
01:29.30*** join/#edev redb1ue (
02:05.11*** join/#edev Crofton (n=balister@
04:29.31*** join/#edev sjhill (
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04:50.35*** join/#edev DrZimmerman (
05:30.26*** join/#edev FireEgl (i=Proteus@2001:5c0:84dc:1:211:9ff:feca:b042)
06:24.12*** join/#edev catastr0p (
06:30.07*** join/#edev redblue (
09:01.28*** join/#edev redblue (
09:04.42*** join/#edev linac (
11:23.36*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
12:59.16*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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13:01.11*** join/#edev sjhill (
13:35.25*** join/#edev Crofton (n=balister@
13:42.24*** join/#edev linac_ (n=lin@
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13:56.46*** join/#edev isenbeck (
14:04.03*** join/#edev Crofton (n=balister@
14:18.00*** join/#edev prpplague (
14:25.41prpplagueatleast someone is reporting the issues
14:25.59prpplaguedisappointed that they only report it as just the military being affected
15:35.56*** join/#edev mattastrophe (
16:01.17*** join/#edev redblue (
16:12.19*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-64e8478825c52f37)
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17:52.10*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
17:52.14prpplagueho ho ho
17:56.37CosmicPenguinits christmas already?
17:56.56*** join/#edev Crofton (n=balister@
17:57.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not exactly
17:58.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: still trying to piece together the last bits of info i need for the libertas sdio interface
18:06.01*** join/#edev martynas (n=martynas@
19:16.37*** join/#edev lyakh (
19:37.54*** join/#edev chouimat (
19:52.39*** join/#edev LetoAtreidesII (
19:52.49LetoAtreidesIIhi all! anyone here experienced with arm 920t targets?
19:54.29prpplagueLetoAtreidesII: there are a number of people here that have worked with arm9 series
19:54.58prpplagueLetoAtreidesII: if you have a question, just ask, and if someone knows an answer or can help they will when they can
19:55.04LetoAtreidesIIi keep on running into a more or less stupid issue
19:55.17LetoAtreidesIIafaik the 920t has no fpu
19:55.48LetoAtreidesIIthe kernel was compiled with NWFPE enabled
19:56.54LetoAtreidesIIthe buildroot tool spits out an rootfs, but if i try to build fastcgi, it errors: frexp() not found
20:10.04LetoAtreidesIIatm i'm even having trouble getting buildroot through.. it fails with the binutils
20:21.39prpplagueLetoAtreidesII: why not start by telling us what arm920 cpu you are using and if you are using custom hardware or a dev board
20:22.41LetoAtreidesIInp... its an at91rm9200 cpu, 64m ram
20:23.16LetoAtreidesIIit's kindof a dev board, but runs a nearly vanilla arm-kernel 2.6.12
20:24.07LetoAtreidesIImh... i think i found a hint to the binutils prob in the buildroot archives
20:25.29LetoAtreidesIIquite odd ... it requires texinfo to be installed on the dev machine
20:27.46LetoAtreidesIIbut still the fpu prob remains
20:30.58LetoAtreidesIIthe main thing is, i need to have fastcgi on the target
20:32.00LetoAtreidesIIbut somehow neither toolchain nor gcc in-target seems to be able to find the frexp() needed for building it
20:32.16prpplaguesounds like you might have a problem with an include or something, i just ran a quick test and built a hello world with frexp() with no problems
20:32.36LetoAtreidesIIhm... it schould be in math.h right?
20:33.47LetoAtreidesIIkay... atm i'm at home, and after having the binutils issue solved, i just need to wait until the new toolchain is ready
20:34.17LetoAtreidesIIyou BR'ed with option "always use software FPE"?
20:38.43LetoAtreidesIIhm... now BR fails to build the uclibc
20:41.29LetoAtreidesIIjust to get it right: i have FP-emu in the kernel, so the uclibc conf for FPU available should be waht?
20:41.55prpplagueLetoAtreidesII: if you have FPE in the kernel, then you use hardware fpu in the buildroot
20:42.15LetoAtreidesIIok... did so now... giving it a new try :-/
20:42.18prpplagueLetoAtreidesII: you are "emulating" hardware
20:42.44LetoAtreidesIIthought so....
20:43.07LetoAtreidesIIbut how is this related to the "software-fpu" in buildroot?
20:43.20LetoAtreidesIIi mean, there are 3 settings
20:44.39LetoAtreidesII1. the NWFPU enabled in the kernel
20:44.40LetoAtreidesII2. the FPU setting in the uclibc
20:44.40LetoAtreidesII3. the software FPU setting in BR
20:44.41prpplagueLetoAtreidesII: software-fpu is where the build process uses code in the actual software to replace fpu operations
20:45.15prpplagueif you have 1 and 2 , you don't need 3
20:45.46LetoAtreidesIIok, so was my initial setup... no frexp() found
20:51.48*** join/#edev mattastrophe (
21:43.27*** join/#edev chouimat (
21:52.50*** part/#edev LetoAtreidesII (
23:17.01*** join/#edev redblue (
23:57.19*** join/#edev d-d-c (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.