irclog2html for #edev on 20070125

01:30.08MonMothaT0mW: you know that digikey search function you were raving about?  It's not particularyl useful when it just returns "generic search exception" half the time
01:31.02T0mWI don't recall ever seeing that
01:32.06T0mWI spent last night researching some parts and looking up pricing + availablity, then posted an order.  I must have made 50..100 queries over the course of 1..2 hours
01:33.59MonMothaI'd say about 1/4 the time I submit a query I get an error
01:34.58MonMotha*** Exception: Generic Exception in CKeywordSearch::Search ***
01:35.03MonMothahappens all the damned time
01:38.30T0mWI dunno, when I make a query, I usually do something like "1mm fpc connector", then winnow it down via the results listboxes.
01:39.06MonMothathat's what I'm doing
01:39.23MonMothaI wonder if it needs javascript
01:39.34MonMothathe bug seems random though
01:39.38T0mWah!  I have javascript enabled
01:40.02T0mWMonMotha: and cookies too
01:40.48MonMothaI have cookies enabled
01:40.54MonMothabut javascript is currently disabled
01:41.11MonMothaI'd think that if that was going to cause problems, it would just plain not work
01:41.34MonMothaand nope, it's still doing it
01:41.42T0mWgive me the query
01:42.01ccjoeI had that problem today also, I emailed them and they said they were trying to track it down
01:42.17MonMothaT0mW: it's really random.  You can re-run the same query and it'll work
01:42.28MonMothain this case though, "smt inductor"
01:42.34T0mWmust have happened with something this morning then, last night (3AM) it was rock solid.
01:42.57ccjoeI didn't have any trouble yesterday
01:43.00T0mWyes, that is not what I've ever seen.
01:44.01MonMothaI've been putting off making this order for a while
01:44.05MonMothait can wait another day
01:44.18MonMothastill waiting on some stuff from my senior project group anyway
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01:46.05MonMothathey've also had this inductor backordered for over a week (it's supposed to be stock), so I'm looking to replace it on my BOM
01:49.17T0mWMonMotha: did you try looking on mouser for it?
01:52.18MonMothaT0mW: I could do that, but this is so small that I'd like to keep it to one supplier
01:52.28MonMothaI'm only building 3 or 4 of these things
01:53.42T0mWyeah, I know, with the Zipit boards I get the bulk of the parts from Digikey and I have to order the microSD + HV830 EL driver from Mouser.
01:53.54MonMothagets annoying, I bet
01:54.06T0mWshrug, "cost of doing business"
01:54.25MonMothayes, but this isn't strictly business
01:54.32MonMothaI'm building these at cost for a couple friends
01:54.51T0mWmy time is worth $50/hr right now, how much would I save on the extra shipping from one supplier?
01:54.54MonMothathere's perhaps a worldwide market for about 10 of these
01:55.20MonMothasee, my time on this project is worth a big fat nothing
01:55.32T0mWheh, yeah
01:56.44T0mWah, it is so nice to have a regular check coming in now with this project.  I have cash-flow, it simply flows through my hands to someone else.  But, I am doing a lot of the work that I love: design.
01:56.53MonMothaI do however have a date I want it done by
01:59.43T0mWMonMotha: oh, you recall we were talking about sawing the $33 specials apart?
02:00.35T0mWMonMotha: I ordered a Proxxon KS 115 miniature table saw
02:01.33MonMothaah, ok
02:01.35MonMothalet me know how it works
02:01.48MonMothaI currently just use a hacksaw and put a little extra space between the boards
02:02.08MonMothaworks ok, but you have to be aware of the limitations
02:03.48T0mWI also ordered the carbide + diamond cutting discs with it.  From what I've seen with the dremel tools, the diamond wheel is probably is what is going to have to be used to get a clean cut.
02:04.17T0mWcarbide seems to dull quite quickly when cutting fiberglass PCB stuff.
02:04.59T0mWThe diamond wheel just goes through the PCB like a hot knife through butter
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04:25.26jbevrenthe oxuf922 apps board looks nice, but I didnt get a schematic :(
04:25.37jbevrenguess I'll have to trace some lines later :)
04:29.05T0mWjbevren: that sounds like "fun"
04:29.35jbevrenthe address bus is simple enough
04:29.40jbevrena few chipselects, 16 data bits
04:29.46jbevrenand 20 (I think) addr
04:29.53jbevrenits a tqfp, which of course makes things quite easy
04:30.12T0mWoh yeah, much easier than BGA
04:30.35T0mWcouple of X-acto blades and an ohmmeter...
04:37.50jbevrenif I had the dosh, I'd order a modded zipit from ya :)
04:38.36T0mWwell, if you can solder the board in, wait.  I'm about to run off 30 more boards and offer just the board for sale.
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07:38.46jbevrenT0mW: I'm between jobs, so I cant realistically afford anything but food etc :(
07:38.57jbevrenbut if youre still making em later, I'll have to get one
07:39.10jbevrenI attempted to mmc one of my zipits and wound up losing one of the config resistors inside a solder blob
07:39.33jbevrenhwo that happens mystifies me still today, considering I repaired a gouge in a socket370 board that destroyed about 20 traces
07:39.40jbevrenright next to the cpu
07:39.45jbevren(and it works still today)
07:40.23jbevrengrr where's focus-follows-mouse in Beryl?
07:45.50jbevrenlol wtf is my unused gpu running -hotter- for :)
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11:59.24chouimatyay a nice and warm -30C
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19:02.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ping
19:03.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you know your buddies there in longmont that do embedded winblows dev
19:03.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: whats their name?
19:04.50CosmicPenguinTHe company?
19:06.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: something like birdeye or bluesky or somesuch
19:07.48CosmicPenguinb-square.. :)
19:08.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh, any of them hang on irc?
19:08.40CosmicPenguinnah - they're all microsofties
19:08.46CosmicPenguinyou can probably find them on MSN or something
19:09.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i sure need to talk to someone there to see what kind $$ would be involved in some embedded winblows dev
19:10.24CosmicPenguinNone of them really know - they're the engineers
19:10.35CosmicPenguinI'm sure if you call up b-square, they'll give you a quote
19:10.45CosmicPenguinor at least open up negotiations
19:11.33prpplagueyea, what we are trying to find out is if its worth doing some additional hardware dev to work around some issues or if its cost effective to just get a winblows driver
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