irclog2html for #edev on 20061123

00:36.51*** join/#edev LyosNorezel (
01:00.29LyosNorezelhey prpplague
01:00.40prpplagueLyosNorezel: greetings
01:01.32LyosNorezelhow goes it?
01:01.53prpplaguejust trying to relax a little
03:39.59wmatchouimat: how did it go today?
03:41.52chouimatwmat: great ... will have the answer in a week or 2 ... but need the top secret security clearance (defence contractor ...) (and they told me they will offer me more than 55k)
03:42.04chouimatif I get it ;)
03:42.50wmatchouimat: awesome, congrats
03:43.25chouimatwmat: will know in 1 or 2 weekls
03:53.27chouimat|Zzzzwmat: I have no water between 9am and 4pm tomorrow ...
03:55.19wmatchouimat|Zzzz: better shower now ;)
04:05.54LyosNorezelis it possible to recombine a rar set?
04:05.54chouimat|Zzzzwmat: yup
04:05.54chouimat|Zzzzwmat: and make some iced tea for tomorrow ... and some water for the coffee :)
04:09.23chouimat|Zzzzwmat: btw the BQ (Bloc Quebecois) asked for the Canada to say the Quebec was a nation ... so Harper said today the Quebec was a nation inside a united Canada ... so the BQ and the PQ don't know what to do now :)
04:57.27*** join/#edev LyosNorezel (
06:38.36*** join/#edev redb1ue (
10:58.15*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
11:04.18*** join/#edev lkm` (
11:05.19lkm`T0mW: hi, is there any free account for ftp access to ?
11:06.04T0mWnot that I know of, their stuff is so outdated though that I've pretty much ignored what they have there.
11:06.52T0mWI mean, they have the 2.6.13 source and a lot of the board functions don't work, for example: USB.  the source they have doesn't have the USB host / gadget working.
11:07.24lkm`T0mW: i believed that you work there :)
11:07.48T0mWI need the SPI API of the 2.6.17 kernel, so, I had to port some of their code and some code from the h1940 machine.
11:08.11T0mWlkm`: naw, I'm a consultant
11:09.34lkm`T0mW: this is my mistake. Anyway thank you :)
11:09.51lkm`T0mW: consultant of what, if it is not some secret ?
11:10.39T0mWlkm`: I do embedded systems, design boards and write software, heh, and anything else that will pay for food and such.
11:11.10T0mWlkm`: most of the stuff I do is either linux related or proprietary
12:31.50*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
13:06.47*** join/#edev Crofton (
13:08.08*** join/#edev prpplague^2 (n=billybob@
13:09.23*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
13:10.08*** join/#edev prpplague^2 (n=dave@
13:14.22prpplagueho ho hum
13:28.18*** join/#edev bigbootay (n=bigboota@
13:56.04*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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15:19.43*** join/#edev Crofton (
15:35.32*** join/#edev mallum (
15:52.35wmatchouimat: I saw that 'Quebec is a Nation' news bit
15:54.07wmatHarper is an idiot though
15:54.41wmatlast time I looked, Quebec was a province. calling it a nation internal to canada is silly.
15:54.52wmatnow, NFLD, that's another story ;)
15:55.31chouimatwmat: hehe ... this is a good move ... because the pq and bq are now destabilised (which is a good thing) ...
16:11.12*** join/#edev mbuf (n=mbuf@
16:36.08wmatchouimat: I take it your not a separatist then ;)
16:40.07chouimatwmat: I'm not ... and if I was do you think I would have move to Ottawa :)
16:42.59wmatsure, that's a typical separatist move ;)
17:01.17*** join/#edev FireEgl (i=FireEgl@Sebastian.Atlantica.US)
17:14.30prpplagueho ho hum
17:54.38*** join/#edev redb1ue (
18:38.36wmatstupid buildroot
18:42.31prpplagueLyosNorezel: thanksgiving
18:44.35prpplagueLyosNorezel: thats one worst things about living here, don't get to celebrate the different holidays thru out the year
18:47.21prpplaguewmat: hehe
18:48.05prpplaguewmat: my favorite one here is emancipation day, its a 4 day weekend where everyone gets drunk and white people are attacked
18:54.34prpplaguewmat: this year i was driving into the office to work, because its not a holiday in the states, had beer bottle throw at my car
18:54.42prpplaguewmat: busted two of windows our
18:59.40wmatwow, sounds nuts
18:59.55wmatI bet rooms at resorts are cheap during that holiday ;)
19:00.35prpplaguewmat: yea the police generally tell caucasians to stay indoors and they generally don't book any holiday stuff for a couple weeks before and after
19:01.33wmatcrazy stuff
19:10.46wmatprpplague: ever see buildroot get the arch wrong after make menuconfig?
19:18.23prpplaguewmat: no, but i can see how it would be possible, there are lot of places where the arch is parsed out
19:20.05wmati'm trying to compile for sh4 and the ${ARCH} of sh4 is getting added to the path.  But in the kernel source, the arch directory is simply sh, not sh4
19:41.08*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
21:02.37*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
21:02.40prpplagueho ho ho
21:02.52*** mode/#edev [+v chouimat] by prpplague
21:03.01*** mode/#edev [+v mallum] by prpplague
21:05.14prpplagueanyone wonder why no one refers to a kernel as chocolate, only as vanilla?
21:06.17wmator neopolitan
21:06.43wmatthat would be a heavily patched kernel
21:08.41prpplague"hi i have a problem with my arm kernel, i took a standard rocky-road kernel and .........."
21:10.12prpplaguelordy lordy lordy
21:10.18wmatso I found a power supply i want and the bastards are out of stock
21:10.20prpplaguei can't wait to be back in good ol' texas
21:10.26prpplaguewmat: doh
21:10.32wmatstupid sparkfun
21:10.51sunrunner20prpplague: where in texas?
21:10.55prpplaguebig D
21:11.02sunrunner20right next to me :-0
21:11.20prpplaguesunrunner20: oh? i didn't realize you were in texas
21:11.24prpplaguesunrunner20: where bouts?
21:11.30sunrunner20Carrollton :)
21:11.44sunrunner20about half an hour from downtown
21:11.52prpplaguesunrunner20: ahh, well i tell people big D, but i'll actually be in Euless
21:12.06prpplaguetarrant county
21:12.10wmatsunrunner20: you still a YDL user?
21:12.47sunrunner20nothing current
21:12.58prpplaguesunrunner20: we'll have to get together at the flying saucer for a couple of beers when i get back
21:13.11sunrunner20can't drink :)
21:13.12sunrunner20only 18
21:13.15prpplaguesunrunner20: doh
21:13.29prpplaguesunrunner20: whatburger and a milk shake then
21:13.34wmati thought i remembered your nic from the ydl channel
21:13.35sunrunner20but yea, meet up somewhere
21:13.39sunrunner20i'm in there
21:13.48sunrunner20not current version
21:13.53sunrunner20i've YDL on my 6400
21:14.01sunrunner20so i think YDL 3.1
21:22.10sunrunner20if you need any pcs built...
21:22.12prpplaguewmat: you talk to TimB much?
21:22.24sunrunner20(esp. since your local now ;)
21:22.38prpplaguesunrunner20: hehe, well local after the 1st of jan
21:22.58prpplaguesunrunner20: i'll keep you in mind, but if i needed anything, i'd usually build myself
21:23.16sunrunner20i'm just shamelessly plugging myself
21:23.28sunrunner20free advertising :)
21:23.30prpplaguesunrunner20: but if i run into some annoying relatives that want pc's , i'll send them your way
21:23.31wmatprpplague: a little,
21:23.39prpplaguewmat: he hang on irc?
21:23.52wmatprpplague: not that i'm aware of
21:23.59prpplaguewmat: ahh
21:24.02wmatprpplague: but i'll have to rectify that ;)
21:24.34prpplaguewmat: i was concidering submitting a paper for the celf conference about the juicebox and zipit hacking
21:25.02wmatprpplague: you should!
21:25.28wmatyeah, saw that last week
21:25.44sunrunner20the golden price min for me is $1500
21:26.17prpplaguesunrunner20: yea, thats about what the same amounts girls at the nudie bar tell me
21:26.21wmatprpplague: I'm supposed to present there about the wiki
21:26.28prpplaguewmat: ahh
21:26.50wmatwhich i'm hoping will be going strong by then
21:27.24sunrunner20not married
21:27.36sunrunner20no sex involved
21:27.44sunrunner20but i'm satisified
21:28.06prpplaguewmat: something like "Juicebox and Zipit: linux based products that missed their target"
21:28.29sunrunner20I'm happily waiting untill after college
21:29.09sunrunner20not to mention the finiancial limitations
21:29.30wmatprpplague: that would be interesting
21:29.32sunrunner20"dad, I need $2k for a custom ring." not going to happen...
21:30.05wmatprpplague: were those products Linux based to begin with?
21:30.16prpplaguewmat: yea
21:30.26wmatprpplague: ah
21:30.32prpplaguewmat: juicebox shipped with uclinux, and zipit with linux
21:30.51prpplaguewmat: but both had series marketing flaws
21:31.11wmatprpplague: i want to see some talks about Linux bring up on hardware not shipped with linux
21:31.17prpplaguewmat: although the zipit is sill available, virtually no one purchases it for what it was marketed as
21:31.24prpplaguewmat: oh yea?
21:31.32wmatprpplague: where can one buy a zipit?
21:31.46prpplaguewmat: i'd love to do one on that, but never seen any conferences post they were interested in that
21:31.54prpplaguewmat: and
21:32.51prpplaguewmat: took me literally years to figure out how to get linux on devices without schematics or tech support
21:33.42wmatprpplague: yeah, that's the common story
21:33.54wmatwhich is why we need a howto of sorts
21:34.02wmatimpossible to cover all the bases
21:34.08wmatbut a starting point would be nice
21:34.17prpplaguei find lectures are good for that type of learning
21:34.36wmattoo bad people don't document their experiences more
21:34.59sunrunner20THOSE things
21:35.03sunrunner20they have a mmu?
21:35.10wmatprpplague: like this guy did:
21:35.12prpplaguewmat: well if you speak to timb ask if he thinks either some stuff on the zipit and juicebox, or possible the pixter might be interesting
21:35.25prpplaguesunrunner20: zipit does
21:35.55wmati have to go home myself
21:37.42sunrunner20damn thats nice
21:48.47sunrunner20i'm also starting a project
21:48.59sunrunner20start a site hosted on an old server
21:49.02sunrunner20get people to visit
21:49.22sunrunner20upgrade and get more people to come and try to crash

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