irclog2html for #edev on 20061005

00:46.30*** join/#edev bioeng (
00:46.35bioengHello, is anyone alive in here?
00:50.30*** part/#edev bioeng (
03:21.45*** join/#edev ohsix (
03:25.34*** join/#edev EvilDevil_ (
04:07.26*** join/#edev ringlej (
04:07.55ringlejHi. I've built a toolchain using buildroot with BR2_STAGING_DIR pointing to an external directory so I could use the toolchain for building software external to buildroot. How can I get a freshly un-tarred buildroot to use the pre-built toolchain without rebuilding the toolchain all over again?
04:49.07*** join/#edev isenbeck (
04:53.23*** join/#edev redb1ue (
05:09.12*** join/#edev redblue (
05:49.48*** join/#edev linac (n=lin@
07:50.36T0mWringlej: that was one of the most annoying things about buildroot that I ran into: if you accidentally do a 'make clean' you have to go through the pain of rebuilding the cross compiler / utils.
09:10.58*** join/#edev leoncamel (n=leoncame@
10:53.58*** join/#edev FireEgl (n=FireEgl@Sebastian.Atlantica.US)
12:25.26*** join/#edev redblue (
12:39.43*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
13:05.01*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
13:05.01*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
13:05.42*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
13:42.05*** join/#edev ringlej (
13:56.16*** join/#edev prpplague (
14:02.56GPSFanprpplague: been awefully quiet here without you.. morning..
14:08.52prpplagueGPSFan: hehe morning
14:09.02prpplagueyea, been traveling and all
14:09.04prpplagueworn out
14:12.22ringlejHow can I get a freshly un-tarred buildroot to use the pre-built toolchain without rebuilding the toolchain all over again? I've already built the toolchain previously with BR2_STAGING_DIR pointing to an external directory to buildroot.
14:26.37*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
14:30.57*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-cfbcaec8ac714907)
14:30.57*** mode/#edev [+o CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
14:38.13CosmicPenguinIs it bad if I don't trust anybody who quotes RMS in their signature?
14:48.15CosmicPenguinheh - the google code search is kind of cool
14:55.13CosmicPenguinyou can ego search yourself
14:59.29philvCosmicPenguin: I'd say that's a good mode of operation
15:04.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
15:05.16CosmicPenguinMicrowindows will haunt me forever
15:06.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: still want to get it running on the pixter
15:19.45prpplagueT0mW: ping
16:14.03*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
16:29.54*** join/#edev Karo-sam (
16:37.20ynezzhm, looks nice
16:38.51*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
18:03.02*** join/#edev T0mW (
18:03.16T0mWprpplague: pong
18:06.33prpplagueT0mW: hey crack baby
18:06.54T0mWprpplague: heh, not I
18:07.15prpplagueT0mW: you do any ESD/EMF testing of the littlechips/s3c2410 boards yet?
18:12.45prpplagueT0mW: btw, you running apex on your littlechips board correct?
18:37.29T0mWprpplague: correct
18:37.43T0mWprpplague: no flash programming, just the boot
18:40.32prpplagueT0mW: so you have done some esd/emf testing?
18:44.38T0mWprpplague: you mean the FCC testing? no.
18:44.47prpplagueT0mW: no different test
18:45.06T0mWesd == Electro Static Discharge?
18:45.13prpplagueT0mW:  yea
18:45.26T0mWemf == Electro Magnetic Field
18:45.47T0mWIOW, "can we hammer this poor thing and make it fail"
18:46.05T0mWwe let U/L do that stuff
18:46.13prpplaguewe are testing with 10kv and the s3c2410 is failing alot
18:46.49T0mWwe don't have to follow the same criteria that you would for U/L: different Listings I would guess.
18:47.33prpplagueok, well, just thought i'd let you know for your actual design you are probably gonna need alot more caps than what littlechips is using
18:47.46prpplagueT0mW: else you are gonna be pretty sensitive to esd and emf
18:48.05T0mWprpplague: U/L does cool stuff like hook the RS485 circuitry up to 600v @ 10Amps for a hour to see if the board bursts into flames
18:48.33T0mWprpplague: whacks the Zone inputs with 10..20KV
18:48.48prpplagueT0mW: yea, we get UL listed as well
18:49.02T0mWIIRC, they whack the power supply line with that as well.
18:49.07T0mWA/C power that is
18:49.30prpplagueT0mW: we found that just a 2kv discharge and reset the s3c2410 without proper bypass/decoupling caps
18:49.46T0mWprpplague: depends on where you hit it though
18:53.11prpplagueT0mW: from 10 inches away from the board
18:53.21prpplagueT0mW: the emf causes a reset
18:54.09prpplagueT0mW: only the board we have with caps on all of the vcore and 3.3 lines doesn't have a problem
18:54.42T0mWprpplague: btdt
18:55.23T0mWprpplague: sometimes the caps have to go between 3v3 / GND, other times 3v3 / VDD of power supply
18:55.58prpplagueT0mW: yea, funny thing is we followed samsungs recommendations
18:56.30prpplagueT0mW: the littlechips board and a couple others we have are all susceptable
18:57.22*** join/#edev ringlej (
18:59.20T0mWprpplague: apologies Dave, another programmer (linux guy) has stopped by and I'm dividing my attention, not well, between you two.  Let me get back to you later?
18:59.29prpplagueT0mW: np
19:05.16chouimathi T0mW prpplague
19:50.02isenbeckprpplague, psssssssssst : )
19:53.47CosmicPenguinseesh, I think dia has been getting worse with every new release
19:56.48prpplagueisenbeck: hey
19:56.52prpplagueisenbeck: whats cookin?
19:56.59prpplagueisenbeck: donna said she thought you called
19:57.04prpplagueisenbeck: cell bat is dead
19:58.50MonMothagah, I really wish the microsoft shops quick-turn .NET platform shops would stop pestering me
19:58.56MonMotha"Computer Engineering" doesn't mean "code monkey"
19:58.59isenbeckyeah I told her i was a bill collector from "" and that I wanted my 1 grand for the year long full access subscription you orderd
19:59.00MonMothaI build hardware, thank you
20:00.58prpplagueisenbeck: hehe
20:05.28prpplagueisenbeck: i'll try to give you a call from the hotel tonight
20:06.10ringlejThe buildroot build system creates files like $(STAGING_DIR)/.fakeroot.00000 and $(STAGING_DIR)/.fakeroot.sudo I can't quite follow why these files are created and what they are subsequently used for. Does anyone here know?
20:08.01isenbeckprpplague, sweet..............
20:08.15prpplagueisenbeck: real tired and worn out
20:08.27prpplagueisenbeck: the stress of getting organized for the move is kill me
20:21.02*** join/#edev redblue (
23:01.19*** join/#edev isenbeck (

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