irclog2html for #edev on 20060823

01:46.03*** join/#edev catastrop (
03:45.36*** join/#edev Karo-sam (
04:06.22*** join/#edev redblue (
07:33.37*** join/#edev beldank (
07:43.14*** join/#edev leoncamel (n=leoncame@
08:00.26*** join/#edev EvilDevil_ (
09:43.54*** join/#edev [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
09:48.56*** join/#edev davidc__ (
10:55.06*** join/#edev redblue (
11:53.37*** part/#edev beldank (
11:59.15*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
12:04.13*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
12:31.41prpplaguechouimat: yea it is
13:11.44prpplaguethe new sparkfun breakout board is now available
13:12.13chouimatwow ... just asked my cat to go fetch me a coffee and he just left the room going toward the kitchen ... man I'm good :)
13:31.00*** join/#edev davidc__ (
13:33.44prpplaguedavidc__: hey hey
13:33.51prpplaguedavidc__: i thought you left on a trip?
13:57.13*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
13:57.13*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
13:57.56prpplagueGPSFan: hey hey
13:58.41GPSFanprpplague: g'day, how's trix?
13:59.38prpplagueGPSFan: she's ok, but i think i'm gonna trade her in for a better looking one, hehe
14:05.27davidc__prpplague: leaving in 2 hours :D
14:06.08prpplaguedavidc__: ahh
14:45.36*** join/#edev sjhill (
14:45.53sorphinsjhill: oh no, the MIPS lackey
14:46.38prpplaguesjhill: greetings
14:49.35sjhillit's me
14:50.01sorphin~fishslap sjhill
14:50.03purlACTION slaps sjhill up side the head with a wet fish.
14:50.20sorphinnow you've been properly greeted
15:21.08*** join/#edev samrobb_ (
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17:11.48*** join/#edev T0mW (
17:14.20prpplagueT0mW: hey hey hey
17:14.28prpplagueT0mW: how goes it mr.littlechips
17:14.55T0mWprpplague: I'm taking the day off, too much code makes a dull boy
17:15.31prpplagueT0mW: hmm, that'd be a step up for you
17:15.59T0mWprpplague: yeah, too many hours on this this week.  Time to do something else for a while.
17:16.10prpplagueT0mW: download pr0n?
17:16.26T0mWprpplague: maybe go see Diane
17:16.36*** join/#edev chouimat (
17:17.34prpplagueT0mW: hehe, is diane the local asian massage therapist?
17:17.57T0mWprpplague: maybe
17:18.18prpplagueT0mW: you make any progress on the apex cfi code?
17:18.37prpplagueT0mW: sorry if i sounded grump the other night, i've had the worst migrain for almost 3 days
17:19.13T0mWprpplague: naw, yesterday I took most of the day off: mowed the lawn, watched TV.
17:19.39T0mWprpplague: time to put this board into the back of my mind and let it run as a background process for a while. heh
17:20.32T0mWprpplague: I have been fortunate not to suffer from that.  My friend, Patty, suffers from them ever since she was rear-ended in an auto accident.
17:21.27T0mWprpplague: I have a stack of mail I have yet to open.  This is what collected during the past week of working on that board.
17:21.47T0mWprpplague: anyway
17:21.52prpplagueT0mW: no
17:21.54prpplagueT0mW: problem
17:21.59T0mWprpplague: why would the army want you back again?
17:21.59prpplagueT0mW: i do the same thing
17:22.25prpplagueT0mW: hehe, they are running short of recruits
17:22.37jbevrenprpplague: trying to draft you? :)
17:22.58T0mWprpplague: you got some kind of a skill they need, like lobbing 100lb shells 15miles and dropping them withing 20 feet of the target?
17:23.02prpplaguejbevren: once you've served they can call you back for up to 8 years after your last activity
17:23.24prpplagueT0mW: communications
17:23.59prpplaguejbevren: i'm still listed in the IRR
17:23.59T0mWprpplague: that is a hot item for them right now.  ever since they started out with j-stars ssytem.
17:24.24prpplagueT0mW: yea, i'm still old school singars, but none the less
17:24.35T0mWprpplague: heh, if they find out you are into opensource, you'd better think "green".
17:24.43prpplagueT0mW: my main training was being able to take enemy radios and get info from them
17:24.52prpplagueT0mW: ?
17:25.19T0mWprpplague: they are doing a lot of battlefield 'just in time', heh, programming now.
17:25.21prpplagueT0mW: ""
17:25.29prpplagueT0mW: oops wrong paster
17:25.35prpplagueT0mW: ahh
17:25.44prpplagueT0mW: naw, i'd be with a forward unit
17:26.20T0mWprpplague: sux, an old man like you humping your butt into a shell hole for cover. heh
17:26.32*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
17:26.34prpplaguehehe, i'm only 36
17:26.46prpplagueT0mW: you can still join the army up till 42
17:27.44prpplagueT0mW: i was all cleared to go to OCS and backed out at the last minute
17:27.45T0mWprpplague: they would really want to need what that 42 year old knows.
17:28.07T0mWprpplague: how much time did you have in?
17:28.25prpplagueT0mW: just 2 years when i was ok'd for OCS
17:28.36T0mWprpplague: total
17:28.51prpplagueT0mW: oh, 4 years regular army, and 4 year nation guard
17:29.37prpplagueT0mW: funny thing, i still have dreams about being back in the military
17:29.58T0mWprpplague: my brother was in the navy for 4.5years, he was stationed on the New Jersey as a gunner: 16inch gun.
17:30.10prpplagueT0mW: its not always the army, and i always am getting in trouble in the dream because i'm missing some part of my uniform
17:30.28T0mWprpplague: I got to sail on her from Perl Harbor to Los Angeles
17:30.42T0mWprpplague: heh, your pants?
17:31.04T0mWprpplague: or, your flak-jacket?
17:31.14prpplagueT0mW: naw, more like patches, or my hat, or boots not tied properly
17:31.18prpplagueT0mW: that kind of stuff
17:31.42prpplagueT0mW: i.e. stuff you'd forget after being away from it for awhile
17:32.01T0mWprpplague: it was cool, I slept in a rack of the forward gun berthing, they fired off all the weapons except the tomahawk missles for us.
17:32.12prpplagueT0mW: how did you manage that?
17:32.57T0mWprpplague: public relations cruises the navy had in the late 80's, they called them Tiger Cruise for the male members of the families of the crew.
17:33.08prpplagueahh interesting
17:33.24prpplagueT0mW: i haven't told donna or my boss yet
17:33.33T0mWprpplague: ohohoo
17:33.44prpplagueT0mW: not gonna say anything for now
17:34.03prpplagueno sense in getting them worked up over it
17:34.16T0mWprpplague: I just going to suggest that, experience tells me that you don't give the woman ammo for worry needlessly.
17:34.31prpplagueT0mW: hehe yea
17:35.20T0mWprpplague: heh, your job, should you accept it Mr Phelps, is to reinforce the world view that the woman you are with has.
17:36.14T0mWprpplague: um
17:37.44T0mWprpplague: I knew a guy, older man, who got called back into the kuwaiit thing.  He was an electronics disinformation / intellegence guy for the air force.  As he puts it, his job was to make it look like the force was somewhere else and collect data on the enemy
17:38.17prpplagueyea heard about such things
17:39.06T0mWI also know a Navy Seal, gynecologist in real life, who got called into that thing.
17:39.36T0mWprpplague: so, I guess it is possible.
17:42.00T0mWprpplague: I did look around at other s3c24x0 systems offerings.  And, I have concluded that this is probably the nicest of them: smallest anyway .
17:46.50prpplaguewhat rumor?
17:54.53T0mWI'm not sure how that would work out.  IIRC, both IBM & InTel had made private investment into Red Hat before there was a public offering.
18:20.47prpplagueholy cow -
18:21.27jbevrenwe need a tinyurl bot :)
18:21.44jbevrenYou Save:$273.95 (91%)
18:21.49jbevrenapparently they cant give them away
18:22.23jbevrenthey rejected my brother due to his migrains(sp?)
18:22.26jbevrenthen they started trying to recruit him again
18:22.33jbevrenmy dad ended up threatening a harassment lawsuit
18:22.40jbevrencause my brother really wanted to go :)
18:22.43sorphina juicebox eh? i'd maybe take a juicebox if someone PAID me $25.. lol
18:38.26prpplaguesorphin: thats ok, you're welcome for my voluntary service
18:38.26jbevrenprpplague: my luck, I'd get four 2M boxes
18:38.27sorphinprpplague: no thanks
18:38.27jbevrenprpplague: I respect the people over there in iraq
18:38.35jbevrenbut that doesnt mean I believe they belong there
18:38.45sorphinjbevren: exactly
18:38.49prpplaguesorphin: are you serious?
18:39.00sorphinprpplague: about which?
18:39.12sorphintoo many convos going at once here
18:39.12sorphinjuiceboxes in the army
18:39.41prpplaguesorphin: "<sorphin> prpplague: no thanks"
18:39.52sorphinright, which do you think i was saying no thanks to then? I was saying it to your voluntary military service
18:39.59prpplagueto which i responded "are you serious?"
18:40.06sorphinyeah, i'm serious
18:40.17sorphinand will not
18:40.42prpplaguesorphin: so you don't believe that people who do server at playing a vital role in protecting the united states?
18:40.46jbevrenprpplague: (with all respect) if theyre fighting a valid war, yes.
18:40.50jbevrenif not (iraq), no.
18:40.50sorphinprpplague: no, what i'm saying is i don't have any desire to be a part of that
18:40.50sorphinprpplague: get us a GOOD president, cabinet, etc, etc, and stop stomping all over the bill of rights and the constitution, and our rights in general, then maybe i'd *consider* it
18:40.51sorphinbut as the country stands right now, hell no
18:40.51sorphinyou say something they don't like, you're automatically a terrorist
18:40.54prpplaguesorphin: thats just my point, you don't think that people who server in the military deserve a thanks?
18:41.02sorphinprpplague: excuse me, a good friend is in the airforce, and has been for a few years
18:41.09prpplaguesorphin: so why respond to me that way?
18:41.21sorphini responded to your saying i could do your service FOR you
18:41.23sorphinnothing more
18:41.54prpplaguesorphin: oh, sorry mis understanding then, what i meant is, i volunteered, and those who don't want to, should be thankful that we do
18:42.01prpplaguesorphin: poor choice of words
18:42.21sorphinprpplague: well, i agree w/ jbevren, if it's for a valid reason that we're fighting
18:42.27sorphinis not a valid reason
18:58.36sorphinbut this isn't a political channel, so..
18:58.45prpplaguesorphin: well, i do believe it doesn't matter, it the fact that a person has made a concience decision to place their lives in harms way for their country
18:58.52prpplaguesorphin: agreed
18:59.12sorphinprpplague: Would you fight for your ARM? hehe
18:59.32prpplaguesorphin: hehe, yea
18:59.35sorphinyour right to bear ARMs
18:59.47prpplaguesorphin: i fight for OSS
18:59.47sorphinprpplague: guy here had a thing he found somewhere
19:00.22sorphin"The Right to Bear Arms" and it had a picture of a guy with a bear's arms
19:00.38prpplagueha cute
19:01.02prpplaguesorphin: i'm just surprised at how divide the US is these days
19:01.32sorphinthere's the brainwashed, and the unbrainwashed
19:01.41sorphinthe latter gets called 'conspiracy theorists' :P
19:01.55sorphinthe former
19:01.58sorphinbelieves everythign their told
19:02.01sorphinwithout question
19:02.31prpplagueyea like i said, i'm surprised at how divided everything these days
19:02.31prpplagueand it seems the rift is getting bigger
19:02.40prpplaguei was raised to believe that the united states was a very unified place and that even though there were lots of difference cultures and beliefs, that the vast majority clung to US unity
19:02.59prpplagueactually it reminds me of the stuff portrayed on that HBO series ROME
19:17.49jbevrenA month after Paris Hilton says she will abstain from sex for a year, this headline comes out: "Percentage of people with herpes drops." Coincidence?
19:39.52prpplagueho ho hum
19:40.05prpplaguewonder where cosmic is today
19:40.32prpplaguejbevren: done any more pixter dev? i've been totally swampped at work
19:40.53jbevrenprpplague: I've been too burned/tired to work with things heh
19:40.56jbevrennot to mention my shop isnt airconditioned
19:40.56prpplaguejbevren: same here
19:41.06jbevrenI'll probably spend more time there when it gets cool in the evenings
19:41.19jbevrenthis week I have to write a new module for our D&D campaign
19:41.35jbevrenthe campaign's at a pivot heh
19:41.52jbevrenand this seession (or next), objects will start hitting fans
19:42.00prpplaguejbevren: hehe
19:42.03prpplaguejbevren: i got a ton of doc work i need to be doing
19:42.18jbevrenif you can imagine becoming the target of the worlds largest non-national power group
19:42.23jbevrenthey done did it
19:42.29prpplaguejbevren: nothing very challenging, just stuff thats got to get done :(
19:43.22prpplaguejbevren: really disappointed i can't be at the office to help with the first shipment
19:43.25prpplaguejbevren: our first production run is completely sold out
19:43.33jbevrenIve heard :)
19:43.41prpplaguejbevren: although the aml folks didn't get much attention at linux world
19:59.47prpplaguejbevren: yea thats easy to do
20:01.29jbevrenI didnt know you could hook two sdsl modems direct to each other
21:08.56prpplaguejbevren: yep
21:09.32jbevrenprpplague: Interesting
21:09.37prpplaguejbevren: when i worked for abcsinc, we used to do that as a retro fit of old digital modem connections
21:10.05prpplaguejbevren: basically just clean wire connections between buildings and such
21:10.36prpplaguejbevren: alot of companies might have the warehouse on one side of the road, and their offices on another
21:11.00prpplaguejbevren: they'd have a shared phone system pbx, so we'd just grab a pair and throw on dsl boxes
21:11.10prpplaguejbevren: instant tcp/ip
21:11.28T0mWprpplague: did you ever bring that littlechips board to the shop?
21:11.42prpplaguehell no, my migrain has had me in a fog
21:11.43jbevrenI get fogs without migrains :(
21:27.53T0mWprpplague: when you get a change, bring it in, I would like you to load my binaries into it, just to verify what I am seeing, that should verify the hardware is ok if you get the same results.
21:27.53prpplaguejbevren: those are called farts
21:27.54prpplagueT0mW: i'll can load it up at home this evening
21:27.54T0mWbrain-farts? I get them all the time now that I'm older
21:27.54jbevrenprpplague: heh
21:28.29T0mWprpplague: what's the 1st? payday?
21:28.55prpplagueT0mW: suppose to go to the consulate and get donna's passport stamped
21:29.12jbevrenprpplague: approved?
21:29.26prpplaguejbevren: supposedly the paperwork is on its way from the states
21:29.29prpplaguejbevren: scheduled to go in on the 1st
21:29.41jbevrencool beans
21:30.13prpplaguejbevren: now i have to start planning on a move back
21:30.33prpplaguejbevren: stress stress stress for like 3 or 4 months
21:31.02jbevrenand the moment you get back, you get to go right back abroad
21:31.19prpplaguejbevren: hehe
21:31.36prpplaguejbevren: i doubt it, they generally get people who have been out of service for shorter periods of time
21:52.39prpplaguejbevren: i only have about 8 months till my commitement time expires
21:52.56jbevrenwhich is probably why they contacted you
21:53.19prpplagueit'd probably kill me to go back in now, i'm totally out of shape
22:25.12jbevrenyou and I both
22:40.46prpplaguejbevren: the last 2 years have killed me
22:40.46prpplagueT0mW: hey, i said i was out of shape, not fat
22:41.43jbevren<- both
22:41.43jbevrenout of shape -and- fat
22:56.27prpplaguebet ya'll didn't know i was a lawyer too
22:57.16prpplaguea doctor too
23:13.54*** join/#edev mallum (
23:31.25prpplaguemallum: greetings
23:39.46mallumhey prpplague
23:54.45prpplaguemallum: she pop yet?
23:54.51mallumnope, not yet
23:54.53prpplaguemallum: well!!! stick a fork in her, she's done!
23:55.58prpplaguemallum: tell her "ok dear, i have to go play golf on friday afternoon, so lets schedule this for friday morning, can i pencil you in for 8am to arrive at hospital and be done by 9?"

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