irclog2html for #edev on 20060821

01:49.15*** join/#edev redblue (
03:01.48*** join/#edev sjhill (
03:45.09*** join/#edev Karo-sam (
05:04.30*** join/#edev T0mW (
05:18.50*** join/#edev FireEgl (i=FireEgl@2001:5c0:84dc:1:4:0:0:0)
08:15.31*** join/#edev purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
08:15.31*** topic/#edev is #edev discussion for small embedded device development and hacking || || || || buildroot now has a mailing list, please subscribe at
08:15.44T0mWpurl: wb
12:35.35*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
12:45.23*** join/#edev chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
12:46.22T0mWit is
12:54.28T0mWprpplague: you were working at feeling this good last night.
12:55.41prpplagueT0mW: hehe yea, but i don't have a hangover
12:55.51prpplagueT0mW: i thinks its some chicken i had yesterday
12:55.56T0mWprpplague: this is a good thing then
12:56.53prpplagueT0mW: i feel as though i need to burp.....
12:57.57*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=kenm@
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13:32.29T0mWprpplague: does the 2.6 kernel need to be compiled with eabi or is oabi still ok?
13:35.56prpplagueoabi is ok
13:40.00chouimat <-- Nothing up her sleeve (not workplace safe) but the video is definitly funny :)
13:42.04T0mWprpplague: fwiw, I'm not too happy at this point with littlechips
13:43.37prpplagueT0mW: oh?
13:43.40prpplagueT0mW: why?
13:44.01T0mWprpplague: a number of things, nothing all at once.
13:44.23prpplagueT0mW: like what? i'm curious
13:44.29T0mWprpplague: they aren't very well organized, by that I mean, the CD they send is almost useless.
13:45.10prpplagueT0mW: ahh, yea, i don't every both with that stuff
13:45.12T0mWfor example, they give you a tarball of the linux-2.6.13-lc5 which is what they are sending out on the CD.
13:45.13prpplagueT0mW: anything else?
13:45.46T0mWprpplague: the tarball is 70Meg and when I look inside it, there is a arch/arm/boot/zImage
13:46.00jbevren70M zimage?
13:46.18prpplagueT0mW: yea, that was done by mbuf
13:46.20T0mWprpplague: so, I take that image and try to boot it, it panics the kernel 'cause it canno find the ramdisk
13:46.22prpplagueT0mW: iirc
13:47.05T0mWprpplague: in another place on the CD is a dir: Linux/Images/zImage  that one boots fine.
13:47.29T0mWprpplague: so, I've got one with source that don't do sh~t, anohter without source that works.
13:47.40T0mWjbevren: here is the kick in the ass.
13:47.50prpplagueT0mW: but hardware wise there isn't a problem?
13:48.18T0mWthe only kernel that will ping anything without dropping 24..46% of its packets is the one without source.
13:49.16prpplagueT0mW: just docs the issue?
13:49.23T0mWI've tried building the source for the 2.6.13 that they distro'd using gcc versions 4.0.2 and 3.4.5, niether one will build that source to give a system that will ping without dropping packets.
13:49.49T0mWprpplague: that is why I was asking about the eabi
13:50.09T0mWprpplague: AFAIK, eabi is only available on gcc 4.x compilers
13:50.15prpplagueT0mW: yea
13:50.22T0mWok, get this
13:50.33prpplagueT0mW: i generally use a 3.x compilier for our stuff
13:51.13jbevren (likewise NSFW but funny)
13:51.14T0mWinside the Makefile of the source is this for the CROSS_COMPILE: arm-none-linux-gnueabi
13:51.50T0mWbut, they don't give you that compiler, they send you gcc-2.95.3 with instructions to use that to compile the 2.6 kernel!
13:52.07chouimatjbevren: I think I'm starting to love magic tricks ;)
13:52.35prpplagueT0mW: but you have to remember, the cd is provided as an extra, its not something they did or support
13:52.47prpplagueT0mW: all you are getting with the board is the schematic
13:53.12prpplagueT0mW: why are you bothering with their cd anyway?
13:53.34T0mWfrom their site: "Lniux 2.6.13 kernel support was added (10/10/05)"
13:53.52prpplaguethe 2.6.17 kernel has 99% of the code needed for the ln2410sbc board
13:54.21T0mWprpplague: I'm just a bit down right now.
13:54.37prpplagueT0mW: i can see that , hehe
13:54.45prpplagueT0mW: i guess its different for me
13:54.57prpplagueT0mW: i never expect any support for the board vendor
13:54.57T0mWprpplague: I did modify the cs89x0 source to add the board to it, but, that drops packets.
13:56.00T0mWreceive is worse than transmit, IOW, if I ping from a computer, I get a huge packet loss.  Ping from the board and it is a low packet loss.
13:56.17prpplaguesounds like a fifo issue
13:56.31T0mWping it with 800 byte packets and the board won't answer, won't answer with 100 byte packets either.
13:57.44prpplaguewell you are gonna find basically two types of board vendors
13:58.06prpplague1) is where you basically just get the hardware, maybe some examples stuff, but not much else
13:58.53prpplaguewith these you have to do most of the work on the software side, but generally the hardware is solid and doesn't contain any speciality stuff like custom cpld or fpga
13:59.29prpplague2) the other is where the board is highly customized and the vendor provides alot of documentation.
13:59.53prpplagueproblem with those are that the changes in the software are extensive, and usually they use an out of date kernel
14:00.01prpplaguei.e. logic pd
14:00.36prpplaguethese boards are good for getting up and running and doing some tests, but they make terrible platforms for using as a base for a new project
14:01.23T0mWwon't compile under 2.95.3, not a surprise.  I'm going to call them later and see what is up.
14:01.51prpplagueT0mW: hehe, good luck, i doubt you'll get far
14:02.10prpplagueT0mW: they just want to sell the board, not really concerned about what you are using it for
14:02.14T0mWprpplague: btw, cs8900 runs full-duplex, right?
14:02.36prpplagueT0mW: it can
14:02.54jbevrenmany switches wont run 10bT fdx
14:02.57prpplagueT0mW: but you have to tell it to run full-duplex
14:03.32T0mWjbevren: I just thought taht might be contributing to the packet loss is all
14:04.56jbevrenT0mW: Nod
14:05.12jbevrenI dont know if the cs8900 properly negotiates 10FDX
14:06.57T0mWwell, I have it set for half-duplex right now.
14:07.41jbevrenthat said, I havent had any issues with my linksys 5port switch with going from 100T to 10T on pings or data transfers
14:08.06jbevrenthis is in general, not specifically with a CS8900.  I havent (to my knowledge) used a CS8900 before
14:09.45prpplaguejbevren: only see them on some older 16bit isa cards
14:12.19T0mWprpplague: one thing that I found that I thought was odd, I had to slow the CS1 chip select waaaaaay down before the driver would consistently find the cs8900
14:12.52prpplaguethats interesting indeed
14:16.07chouimatprpplague: poor you ;)
14:16.34T0mWah, uboot has it at 0x1f7c, pretty slow too.
14:17.29prpplagueT0mW: we are using the enc28j60 for our stuff
14:17.49prpplagueT0mW: but we had looked at using the cs8900
14:18.01prpplagueT0mW: i have a couple 8 and 16 bit boards
14:18.17T0mWprpplague: it is an "oldie but goodie"
14:18.38prpplagueman i think i'm getting sick, i'm getting cold/hot flashes
14:18.57T0mWprpplague: I used that on a Motorola MC68EZ328 design running uClinux.
14:19.27prpplagueT0mW: the enc28j60?
14:19.32T0mWprpplague: when you burp from the other end, you will know that a problem exits!
14:20.25T0mWprpplague: sorry dave, food poisoning is only funny when it is not happening to yourself.
14:20.56prpplaguenot sure if its food poisoning, might just be some flu or something
14:21.08prpplaguewe get so many tourists through here that get sick
14:21.12*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (
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14:21.19T0mWIf I had a fifo problem, then I should get a OVERRUN
14:21.45chouimatprpplague: :)
14:21.48prpplagueT0mW: yea you _should_
14:22.42prpplaguechouimat: hehe, did i tell you what my son said about shakespear?
14:22.58chouimatprpplague: you told me ...
14:23.17jbevrenI want my new toy today
14:23.18prpplaguechouimat: ahh ok, hehe
14:23.43prpplaguechouimat: i guess for a canadian, it might not be that funny
14:23.54chouimatprpplague: it's funny ...
14:24.03jbevrenprpplague: so, dont leave the rest of us in suspense
14:24.05jbevrenwhat'd he say?
14:24.22T0mWprpplague: hmm, edge triggered interrupts into the processor ok?
14:24.33prpplaguejbevren: he was looking up shakespear on google, it had a few drawings of what he looked like
14:24.42T0mWprpplague: or, should I use level triggered?
14:24.46prpplaguejbevren: so he asks me where shakespear is from
14:24.57prpplagueT0mW: you can do either
14:25.11prpplaguejbevren: i tell him england to which he responds
14:25.43prpplaguejbevren: "that doesn't seem right, he's too freaky looking to be from england, he must be from some place weird like canada!"
14:25.51chouimat <--- this is so cool ...  it even works across #include boundaries
14:26.04jbevrenprpplague: now that you mention that, I remember you saying so
14:26.20jbevrenwasnt he born in stratford-on-avon or something?
14:26.42jbevrenchouimat: what editor is that
14:27.05chouimatjbevren: kate in kde4
14:27.12chouimatjbevren: sorry kdevelop4
14:29.46chouimatjbevren: look at the line 25 and see the 'j' in red because it's out of scope
14:30.55jbevrenI just like how it puts bars on the clauses
14:31.03jbevrenhelps you track {} uage
14:31.16*** join/#edev redblue (
14:31.24jbevrenprpplague: MC is handy as he//
14:31.32chouimatjbevren: and it also work very well with LISP ;)
14:31.44jbevrenshame you need kde to run it ;-)
14:32.03chouimatjbevren: I don't mind ...
14:32.05prpplaguejbevren: yep
14:32.18*** join/#edev davidc__ (
14:32.55chouimatjbevren: the bar thing is a feautre of kate even in kde3 ... we simply use kate as default editor part ... and add features over it
14:33.17prpplaguedavidc__: greetings
14:33.25jbevrenvim6 can help with that too, but I never remember the keypress for it
14:36.53prpplagueits hard to believe that scox in 2000 was at $120 a share
14:38.55CosmicPenguinThey have to be below $1 for a year
14:39.20T0mWCosmicPenguin: I think it is less time than that
14:39.34CosmicPenguinit might be 6 months
14:39.53CosmicPenguinBut its a goodly amount of time
14:40.35T0mWCosmicPenguin: they can also be de-listed if they are > $1 shareprice but their assets are weak
14:41.04CosmicPenguinNod - but that involves a hearing and the whole bit
14:41.24prpplagueT0mW: yea, well they have assets, i.e. assholes, ass-wipes, ass munchers
14:41.25T0mW~quote scox
14:41.30CosmicPenguinwell, both do, but the < $1 thing is contractual
14:41.43T0mWooooooh lowest I've seen in YEARS!
14:42.11prpplagueT0mW: yea it started droping after the judge threw out almost 300 of their claims
14:42.28T0mWgoodie goodie goodie goodie goodie goodie
14:43.05prpplagueT0mW: they only have about 100 claims left, and the judge warned them that if they don't provide good evidence, he was gonna leave the door open for companies to sue sco for libel(sp?)
14:43.26T0mWprpplague: yeah, I follow what PJ is reporting
14:44.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we are already getting some giant waves from the storm of the coast of africa
14:46.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so since there aren't many people in your office now, think anyone would notice if you showed up for work in your boxers?
14:46.26CosmicPenguinwow - thats a goodly chain of storms
14:46.38CosmicPenguinI *am* in my boxers
14:47.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe noaa - "A VIGOROUS TROPICAL WAVE"
14:47.28prpplaguegenerally their wording is very reserved
14:47.39prpplaguefirst time i've seen them describe a storm that way
14:48.01T0mWTX packets:53 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:2
14:48.12prpplagueT0mW: nice
14:48.17prpplagueT0mW: what did you have to do?
14:48.31T0mWdunno, that is the way it 'tis
14:48.33CosmicPenguinThe storm in the pacific is named Hector
14:48.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i bet that one in the atlantic becomes ahurricane
14:48.57CosmicPenguinwe'll see
14:48.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its been too quiet
14:49.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lots of heat energy out there for it to suck up
14:49.25CosmicPenguinyep - this is the danger time
14:49.52T0mWRX packets:97 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
14:49.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: fortunately its too far north for it to really be a danger for us
14:50.06CosmicPenguinhurricanes are bad
14:50.47prpplague1) women 2) hangovers 3) taxes 4) hurricanes
14:51.30prpplaguehehe, stomach feeling alot better, now it just feels like heartburn
14:52.09CosmicPenguinunfortunately, that only works with doze
14:52.16CosmicPenguinor O wiould totally buy one
14:52.55jbevrenCosmicPenguin: nod
14:53.02CosmicPenguinthey're trying to get the oLPC guys to look at that technology
14:53.09CosmicPenguinjust a taddd expensive
14:54.41prpplaguei have that, but donna won;t let me wear it in public, hehe
14:54.43T0mWprpplague: I'm not seeing errors of any real kind for ifconfig, you have any ideas why I'm dropping packets but get no errors?
14:55.12prpplagueT0mW: i'd guess that it would be either one of two things
14:55.32prpplagueT0mW: 1) the interrupt isn't getting serviced fast enough
14:55.45T0mWpinging 127.0.01 doesn't cause problems...
14:56.00prpplagueT0mW: yea well loopback is a special case
14:56.13prpplagueT0mW: it techinically doesn't even reach the nic driver
14:56.30T0mWwell, maybe I'll try their source file for the cs8900, maybe they wrote it because of a problem with the current driver.
14:56.44prpplagueT0mW: 2) or there is some aspect of the fifo that is incorrectly set on size/limits
14:56.51T0mWprpplague: yeah, at least it checks the network layer a bit.
14:57.19T0mWprpplague: I don't find any fifo the cs8900, pretty simple chip really.
14:57.30prpplagueT0mW: hehe, sorta, loopback doesn't really fit into a mold
14:57.53T0mWcul, I need some ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
14:57.58*** part/#edev T0mW (
14:58.00prpplagueT0mW: okie grokie
14:58.51chouimatprpplague: maybe she will let you wear this one:
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15:00.30prpplaguei know he usually just does a quick stop in, but dang
15:01.02CosmicPenguinMaybe he was looking for Tom
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15:01.23CosmicPenguinahh, now we're screwed
15:01.24CosmicPenguinI mean...
15:01.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, my mom just bought a laptop with one of those crappy AMD Turion's so.....
15:01.51CosmicPenguinsucks to be her
15:02.22chouimatprpplague: or this one:
15:02.26sorphinkinda a waste realy, becuase it's a 64bit cpu running a 32bit os
15:02.33prpplaguesorphin: could be worse, she could have something with a geode, hehe
15:02.46CosmicPenguinhey now
15:03.03sorphinprpplague: geode schmeode
15:03.03CosmicPenguinjudging by the OLPC wiki - the Geode is set to be the best selling processor evah!
15:03.04prpplaguechouimat: good one
15:03.19CosmicPenguinsorphin: well, any AMD64 is a waste running Windows
15:03.29CosmicPenguinthats a price that we have to pay for AMD refusing to kiss Bill's ass
15:03.46sorphinprpplague: Geodes are nice rocks with shineys in them, but as CPUS... eh..
15:04.22CosmicPenguinthe Geode will rule you all - just wait until our next processor is released...
15:04.24CosmicPenguinoh, wait
15:04.35sorphinwhat next processor? :P
15:04.44chouimathi sorphin
15:04.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
15:04.52CosmicPenguinComing soon to a store near you - ATI Geode
15:04.53sorphinchouimat: bonjour mat
15:05.04CosmicPenguinAMD likes to combine their failed purchases together
15:05.09CosmicPenguinSpansion Alchemy
15:05.12CosmicPenguinyou know - stuff like that
15:05.15sorphinnow now
15:05.21sorphinthe Alchemy is neat though
15:05.25CosmicPenguinOh yeah
15:05.57CosmicPenguinIt was just brought low by the curse of AMD - every company we have ever purchases has gone to the toilet
15:06.06sorphinanyone seen sjMIPS around? i've emailed him several times since he got back from OLS and then went on vacation, last i talked to him was when he went on vacation...
15:06.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah
15:06.22CosmicPenguinhe just poped in for like 5 seconds
15:06.37CosmicPenguinHe has been about
15:07.43prpplaguei know he's working on some ppc board at the momment
15:07.52CosmicPenguinstruggling with it
15:08.18prpplaguehe every get the serial console working?
15:08.21sorphinwell, either he's blocking gmail now, ignoring me, too busy, or realitydiluted is broke or some combination
15:09.48*** join/#edev sjhill (
15:09.54sorphinsjhill: heh
15:09.58CosmicPenguinspeakth of the devil
15:10.34sorphinprpplague: you'd have to irradicate yourself too, dave
15:10.41sorphinyou are a plague after all
15:11.36prpplaguehehe, i wonder if i would enjoy playing d-n-d now as much as i did when i was a teenager
15:12.34sorphinprpplague: not unless you were playing against an ARM :P
15:13.09prpplaguesorphin: hehe
15:15.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i made a wiki page for the M5900
15:15.52CosmicPenguinheh good
15:16.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm worried about one of handhelds that will be coming out soon though
15:16.11chouimatis this a good hard drive?
15:16.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: all the hardware and OS are good, but management is unclear as to the UI and goals they want to accomplish :(
15:16.59prpplaguechouimat: yea, i love those, they make great drink coasters
15:17.19prpplaguechouimat: oh and they also work well for throwing at monkeys in the back yard
15:17.59chouimatprpplague: I see ... I can get it for 154CAD (about 135 usd) and I need a new hard drive for my laptop
15:19.04sorphinprpplague: so do bottles of guinness,since they sure as hell aren't drinkable.. lol
15:21.34sorphinwell, i should have my car back before week's end
15:21.50sorphinthen i get to be paranoid for atleast a month till i can get the stoneguard put back on
15:22.05prpplaguesorphin: stone guard?
15:22.26sorphinclear film put over parts of the front of the car, that protect from rock chips
15:22.41sorphinalso known as a 'clear bra'
15:23.06CosmicPenguindo they have rocks in Barbados?
15:23.08sorphinprpplague: i wouldn't spend it either on a tiburon
15:23.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: nah, all htey have is monkeys
15:23.30sorphinand barrels of rum
15:23.30CosmicPenguinand trees
15:23.34CosmicPenguinlots and lots of trees
15:23.53sorphinand some plague dude, who's obsessed with his ARMs
15:24.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, yea lots of them
15:24.12CosmicPenguinhe's doing better then the rest of us
15:24.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm just not a car person
15:25.20sorphinbe nice to get it back
15:25.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that tiburon is the only car i every purchased new, and the only reason i did was because my ex-wife
15:25.38sorphini'd never buy a used car again
15:25.46prpplaguehehe funny
15:28.12prpplagueits amazing how you can get such a wide range of opinions on topics like cars
15:28.43sjhillprpplague: yup, i did that too...purchased new car before the divorce
15:29.08prpplaguesjhill: hehe, and i got stuck with the car i didn't want, and paying for it
15:29.49prpplagueyou guys celebrate your birthdays and those of your family members?
15:30.41CosmicPenguinif it invoves booze, I celebrate the birthdays of complete strangers tooo
15:31.25prpplaguehehe, neither my mothers side of the family , nor my fathers celebrate birthdays
15:32.36sorphini try and forget my birthday
15:32.43sorphinneither my mother nor missy will let me
15:33.28prpplaguesorphin: yea, donna's family is almost OCD about their birthdays
15:44.31prpplagueho ho hum
15:44.57sorphinlook ,we know you're a ho, but you don't have to hum
15:45.43prpplagueho ho whistle
15:45.52prpplaguewhistle while you work
15:46.27sorphinwait.. you work?
15:47.13prpplagueor atleast i get paid to
15:48.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: how is your OLPC going?
15:48.39agaffneysorphin: bah, I got screwed this morning by a fun car fire on 270 south just after Dorsett
15:49.49prpplagueagaffney: hehe ever been to "ted drewes" ?
15:50.14agaffneyno, but I really should
15:50.20agaffneythere aren't any locations in my county
15:50.24prpplagueagaffney: you are in the st.louis area?
15:50.49agaffneynear sorphin
15:50.50prpplagueagaffney: ah ok i thought so
15:50.50CosmicPenguinOLPC is going OK - we're switching to LinuxBIOS this weel
15:50.52CosmicPenguinweek even
15:51.06prpplagueagaffney: i wouldn't advertise that fact, "near sorphin"
15:51.22sorphinprpplague: listen here TX lackey
15:51.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i noticed that there are some folks on the site doing some PIC hacking
15:51.45sorphinwhich is something i wouldn't advertise either ;)
15:51.52CosmicPenguinprpplague: oh? heh
15:52.01CosmicPenguinhave they figured out the secret to the BIOS yet?
15:52.04sorphinprpplague: been to ted drewes once.. Fritz's is better
15:52.12CosmicPenguinThere are literally piles and piles of PICs laying about the office
15:52.23prpplaguesorphin: yea, i'm aware of peoples attitude towards tx these days, but i'm still proud of the fact i'm from texas
15:52.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, send em out.. lol
15:52.25agaffneyI haven't been to Fritz's in a *long* time
15:52.32sorphinagaffney: we go weekly
15:52.36agaffneythe one on Mid Rivers Mall Dr. closed a while ago
15:52.39agaffneyI think
15:52.48agaffneyerr, no, it was Hwy. K in O'fallon
15:52.51prpplaguei saw that about ted's on alton browns "feasting on asphalt" the other day
15:53.11sorphinagaffney: we do to the one off jungerman?
15:53.12agaffneyyeah, I heard that some show was showcasing St. Louis food
15:53.26CosmicPenguinit was a short episode
15:53.28agaffneythere's one on Jungermann?
15:53.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: did you watch it this past weekend?
15:53.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
15:54.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i laugh till i cried it was so funny
15:54.07CosmicPenguinno - I'm not a huge Alton Brown fan
15:54.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: interesting
15:54.22CosmicPenguinI watch Bobby Flay's throwdown
15:54.32CosmicPenguinand Unwrapped - even though they need new episodes at this point
15:54.45sorphinseen flay's thing once
15:54.49sorphindon't realy like him though
15:54.55CosmicPenguinOn weekends I like to watch Every Day Italian and Barfoot Contessa
15:54.58sorphini like unwrapped and rachel ray's stuff
15:55.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ugh, barefoot contessa? i find that really hard to watch
15:55.21sorphincourse, that could be because i like rachel ray thouh :P
15:55.38CosmicPenguinShe usually does frenchy stuff, but every once in a while she does something tasty
15:55.46CosmicPenguinwe use her pizza recipe
15:56.11CosmicPenguinRachael Ray is good though - nice to look at
15:56.29CosmicPenguinWe have one of her cookbooks - hardly ever disappoints
15:56.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: indeed
15:56.59CosmicPenguinGiada on Everyday Italian isn't bad on the eyes either
15:57.25prpplaguehehe yea, i like rachel ray and kylie wong
15:57.33sorphinagaffney: barely heard about the car fire
15:57.41CosmicPenguinKylie Wong?  What show does she do?
15:57.48prpplagueis it just me, or does kylie seem a little dykish?
15:58.30agaffneysorphin: I was about a quarter mile from it at a dead stop on the highway for 45 minutes
15:58.49agaffneythey eventually had people going backwards down the onramp from Dorsett
15:59.12sorphinprpplague: i think you're the only one who knows who that is dude
15:59.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think her show is called "simply magic"
15:59.29sorphini like sara's secrets
15:59.32sorphinshe's cute too
15:59.39prpplaguesorphin: she's on foodtv all the time
15:59.47sorphinjust my opinion though
16:00.05sorphinprpplague: well, i only turn on food network if there's somethign on i know i want to watch ;)
16:01.14prpplagueahh yep
16:02.10jbevrenmm deep fried prawns
16:02.17sorphinjbevren: yawn
16:02.27jbevrensorphin: shaddup, I'm working hard on slacking
16:02.34sorphinjbeven: then get on it
16:02.40prpplaguei'm surprised, i figured more geeks/nerds would like "good eats"
16:02.47jbevrenI cant with you talking to me
16:02.53jbevrenprpplague: I enjoy his show
16:02.57jbevrenmy sister doesnt lik ehim
16:03.04sorphinprpplague: we're too busy checking out rachael ray and sara moulton ;)
16:03.05jbevrenhis road show can be cancelled as far as I care
16:03.17jbevrensorphin: rachel needs to close her mouth for 5 seconds
16:03.26prpplaguejbevren: well it was only 6 episodes
16:03.31jbevrenprpplague: nod
16:03.33sorphinjbevren: hehe, i'm sure she does at some point ;)
16:03.34prpplaguejbevren: you didn't like it?
16:03.38jbevrenthank god.  That was his most useless show
16:04.04sorphini used to watch the original iron chef
16:04.10sorphini wont' watch that american version
16:06.40prpplaguejbevren: you see the "good eats" special edition where he was supposed to be on a deserted island?
16:06.54jbevrenI did
16:07.07jbevrenI enjoyed his Steven King ripoffs
16:09.29prpplaguejbevren: why don't you have a wiki home page for your nick?
16:10.08prpplaguewheeee, rain
16:21.50jbevrenprpplague: Um, cause I'm privacy paranoid (and I dislike dealing with people in general) :)
16:24.07jbevrenSmart(TM) people++
16:24.30agaffneyit's the stupid people I hate
16:24.34agaffneyand there are *so* many of them
16:24.52jbevrenTrust me
16:24.55jbevrenI work in tech support
16:24.56jbevrenI know
16:25.28agaffneyTrust me. I live near a Walmart. I know
16:25.42jbevrenHelp! I dont know why I cant send mail to my (mispelled) email address!
16:25.48jbevrenhokt on fonix!
16:26.16agaffneyI've got woman here at work who mash the mouse buttons when they move the mouse
16:26.23agaffneyand then call when all sorts of weird stuff pops up
16:26.44jbevrenput lifter springs under their mouse buttons
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17:33.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok so, top 3 reasons a lcd panel would randomly get a 4-5 pixel shift to the right when changing vt's ?
17:34.29CosmicPenguinI thought it was the timing?
17:35.07prpplaguedoesn't appear so
17:43.03jbevrenconsole driver bug?
17:44.42prpplaguejbevren: i don't think so
17:44.50prpplaguechouimat: wow she's tall
17:45.07prpplaguejbevren: more likely something in the fb driver
17:45.23prpplaguejbevren: but what i can't figure is why its showing up on vt changes
17:45.41chouimatprpplague: I would like to see the picture the guy took :)
17:45.43prpplaguea chvt command shouldn't really touch the fb driver
17:46.04CosmicPenguinit will try to reset the mode every chvt
17:46.12jbevrenprpplague: actually, thats what I meant
17:46.29jbevrendoesnt fb track screen dimensions per vt?
17:46.41CosmicPenguinset_var gets called for each vt
17:46.47jbevrenI know you can (with my matrox) set a consoel to 640x480 and another to 1024x768
17:47.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, i'm not seeing it try to reset the mode
17:47.07jbevrenso I'm guessing it does a resolution change (if even to the same resolution) for each switch
17:47.28jbevrenprpplague: Check the lcdc registers before/after glitch
17:48.07prpplaguejbevren: thats just it, i can't replicate the problem, its very very very random
17:48.17CosmicPenguinyou should see check_var being called every time
17:48.32CosmicPenguinDo you have a race condition?
17:48.39jbevrenprpplague: I assume you have it on jtag..
17:48.47prpplaguejbevren: yea
17:48.47jbevrenjust capture the register settings and wait for it to repeat
17:48.49CosmicPenguinsome sort of global state?
17:49.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm odd, i don't see it calling check_var when doing a chvt
17:49.05jbevrenafter it repeats (god knows when), you'll know what register gets changed, and will have something more specific to look for
17:49.49prpplaguejbevren: hehe, let me emphasis again, i've not been able to replicate the problem, i'm only going on 2nd hand reports
17:49.53CosmicPenguinprpplague: hmmm... that mioght be part of your problem
17:50.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so everytime a vt change request is made check_var should be called?
17:51.05CosmicPenguinit changes the mode every time
17:51.18CosmicPenguinit should be calling check_var, I think to ensure that the var is correct
17:51.35CosmicPenguinbut maybe it just sets the mode directly
17:51.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: isn't that counter productive when using a lcd when those settings would not change?
17:51.56CosmicPenguinprobably - but the kernel doesn't know its running on a LCD
17:52.02CosmicPenguinhow does the kernel know the settings would not change?
17:55.46prpplagueyea i'm not seeing check_var being called when doing vt changes
17:59.20prpplaguehmm, the only time i see check var being called is during init of the lcd
17:59.32prpplagueand there its called in the actual startup code
18:00.00CosmicPenguinyep - definatley calls fb_set_var
18:00.55prpplagueso why isn't mine getting called
18:00.59CosmicPenguinset_par and set cmap is called
18:04.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its probably whats causing the problem, just we never saw it because the lcd params never change
18:04.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: or shouldn't
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18:07.43prpplagueman my head hurts, i can't troubleshoot with a headache
18:08.16prpplaguejust wish i could replicate the issue
18:08.18prpplaguethat would help
18:08.41prpplaguebut we've only seen it happen about 10 times in the last 30 days
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18:10.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, i'm definetly not seeing the chvt command hit anything in the lcd driver
18:15.40prpplaguemmm, cough syrup and coffeee
18:15.43prpplaguenice mix
18:17.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, the fbcon_switch is definetly call the fb_set_var, but it doesn't to be doing anything
18:23.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the s3c2410 fb driver doesn't have a fb_set_var
18:25.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: neither does the pxa driver
18:26.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: from what i'm seeing, looks like thats only called with vga consoles
18:34.01*** join/#edev sjhill (
18:44.46sorphinwent to the body shop over lunch
18:44.53sorphinlooks like wednesday is the day
18:45.33jbevrenfinally getting the wheels back
18:45.41sorphinand the rest of the car too ;)
18:45.50sorphinpaint all matches too
18:56.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: fb_set_var lives in fbmem.c
18:57.12prpplaguesorphin: yea looks like they did a good job on your vehicle -
18:57.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
18:58.35jbevrensorphin: is that you in the chair getting wheeled to the car?
18:59.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: all the standard vga devices have their own fb_set_var
19:02.06sorphini'm not gonna even look at the url
19:03.44sorphinprpplague: ok, so i looked anyways.. that car looks more like it's driven BY one :P
19:04.06prpplaguelike i said, you vehicle :P
19:04.45sorphinand you drive what again there dave?
19:05.17sorphinoh yeah, ox drawn cart
19:05.23prpplaguesorphin: land rover suv
19:05.36sorphinFord POS ;)
19:06.02prpplaguegets me from point A to point B with no problems
19:06.14prpplagueand i don't have to make any month payments on it
19:06.22sorphinwell, i can't imagine that it takes long to get from point A to B in barbados anyways
19:06.54prpplaguesorphin: yea, well , about the longest drive is about 2 hours from the airport to st.lucy
19:07.14prpplaguesorphin: 60kph is the max speed
19:07.36prpplaguesorphin: with most roads only about 30kph
19:08.20prpplaguehopefully, we'll be back in the states by the end of the year anyway
19:08.41sorphingod help us
19:08.51sorphinprpplague: you just gave me more incentive to leave the country ;)
19:09.43prpplaguesorphin: you are particularly harsh on me as of late, did i do something to offend you and you're holding a grudge?
19:10.27sorphinprpplague: you picked on me earlier, just returning the favor :P
19:10.54sorphinoh wait, sorry, that was that Geode Flunky
19:11.55sorphinprpplague: the leave country bit was a joke anyways, i have plenty of other motivations to not stay in the US, you're not one of them
19:13.08prpplaguesorphin: i suggest you try living overseas first for 90 days before making anything permanent
19:13.52prpplaguesorphin: btw, even if you give up US citizenship, the IRS now requires all ex-citizens to report their income
19:14.04prpplaguesorphin: don't have to pay taxes, but you have to report the income
19:16.56sorphinor what?
19:17.05sorphinif i leave the US and give up citizen ship, the IRS can kiss my ass
19:17.18jbevrenif I'm not a US citizen, I wont pay taxes to the US
19:17.31sorphinit's no longer their business what my income is if i don't live in the US anymore
19:18.10prpplaguehehe, yea i don't see how they can enforce it but thats the law
19:18.40jbevrenWe wont help you, and we cant enforce our laws upon you, but pay us taxes or else.
19:18.44sorphinand just how would i even be subject to US law?
19:19.03prpplaguejbevren: you don't have to pay any taxes, but you have to report your income
19:19.10sorphinwhat's the point of that?
19:19.17jbevrenprpplague: Ah.
19:19.20jbevrenI made $0 this year
19:19.22jbevrencan I get EIC?
19:19.38sorphinprpplague: i dont' see the point really
19:19.46prpplaguesorphin: me either
19:20.42prpplaguehehe, and since bill clinton signed a tax law where people who live overseas for more than 330 days continuously, you get taxed at a higher rate because you are taking money out of the US economy and not returning any
19:21.57jbevrenso visit texas twice yearly?
19:22.10prpplaguejbevren: doesn't work that way
19:22.19prpplaguejbevren: you have a have a residence
19:22.31jbevrenoh.. rent a room from Mom for $5/month?
19:22.40jbevrendead: I believe so yes
19:22.51sorphinwrong channel?
19:23.05jbevrenwe're discussing AMIX and how it would have changed the PC and workstation market if it were properly marketed
19:23.07sorphinalive: I don't believe so no
19:23.07prpplaguejbevren: be a real pain in the ass to change your address every 6 months
19:25.16sorphinprpplague: PO Box 666, Plagueville, TX.....
19:26.26prpplaguei added up the other day, so far, i've spent almost $10,000USD in fee and expenses for my wife's visa
19:26.52sorphinprpplague: almost as much as a russian bride
19:26.54prpplaguenot to mention missed days of work, travel expenses, or things like copies of documents
19:27.18prpplaguesorphin: even if you got a russian bride, you'd still have to go through the same process
19:27.29sorphinthat's why they cost that much
19:28.00prpplaguesorphin: $1 for the bride, and $9,999 for the fee's ?
19:30.23prpplagueshould read some of the horror stories there
19:31.42sorphini've seen some before
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20:07.53Genesisbonap chouimat|nap
20:08.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey
20:08.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: think i found it
20:08.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its a hardware issue
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20:41.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: burried in an app note - " Known Problem of STN LCD : If Enable and Disable Video output, [ENVID] of LCDCON1 Register, it is repeated over 100times,there could be 1Word data loss in case of STN. But the probability of this symptom is very low."
21:30.56jbevrenapparently prpplague lost a data word
21:42.27jbevrenhmm so a workaround would be to reset the lcd controller on vt switch?
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22:02.30Genesisbonne nuit
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22:19.50CosmicPenguinprpplague: heh - yeah, that would do it
22:20.21CosmicPenguinbecause wasn't blanking one of the symptoms?
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22:27.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: naw, no blanking just shifting of the data
22:28.07CosmicPenguinright - but didn't you say blanking preceeded the issue?
22:28.18CosmicPenguinblanking would frob enable and disable video alot
22:28.21CosmicPenguinso would vt switching
22:28.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh yea, we suspend the system after 1 minute
22:28.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so yea
22:29.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: sorry my brain is toast
22:29.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i have a horrible sinus headache
22:32.50T0mWprpplague: sounds like you are improving!  This morning it was your stomach
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22:56.38T0mWprpplague: question
22:58.15T0mWprpplague: when you do a "request_irq", that call is supposed to do the entire setup for use of an interrupt, ok (afaik).  The third parm is the trigger state, if I want to specify a specfic trigger, would it be something like "SA_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER | <my state>" ?
23:04.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: so, how are you going to fix the thing?
23:20.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i checked some code posted for an lcd example from samsung
23:20.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: looks like if you enable/disable rapidly 5 times is a row it clears the issue
23:21.13CosmicPenguinany way to avoid it in the first place?
23:21.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: looks like it is a silicon problem
23:21.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: got a email off to samsung earlier
23:22.05prpplagueT0mW: thats sounds about right, but my headache is turning into a migrain and i can't think straight, sorry
23:22.23T0mWprpplague: later

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