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01:44.29*** join/#edev CP|Home (
02:01.31*** join/#edev sjhill (
02:59.05T0mW`goneprpplague: Normally, I would have that enabled, "CONFIG_USE_NOR_CFI", but that time I sent the config file, I had disabled it to try to see if that was the problem.
02:59.41T0mWprpplague: I think I am only seeing 1/2 of the Flash that I should have, it might be a BSWCON problem.
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14:00.32sjhillthis makes no sense
14:00.45sjhilli'm out of ideas on why i can't get console output
14:03.38prpplaguesjhill: holy cow
14:03.46prpplaguesjhill: you still having console problems?
14:04.12prpplaguesjhill: you able to get a getty running on the serial port?
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14:05.18prpplagueoh #@$%@#$%@#$%
14:05.27prpplaguei forgot to bring my s3c2410 board to the office
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14:16.05sjhillprpplague: no
14:17.07prpplaguesjhill: hmm
14:17.29sjhilli'm working backwards now
14:17.34sjhilli'm doing a 2.4 to 2.6 port
14:17.38sjhillworks great under 2.4
14:17.41prpplaguesjhill: ahh
14:17.54prpplaguesjhill: i need to get a good mips board to learn with
14:18.04sjhilli've got six of them
14:18.10prpplaguesjhill: seems their is a number of differences in technique of board bringup
14:18.12sjhilli should send you one of my alchemy boards
14:18.27sjhillprpplague: but i'm doing ppc right now for my 2.4 to 2.6
14:18.30prpplaguesjhill: hehe, i was thinking of something that wasn't a dead product
14:18.35prpplaguesjhill: ahh
14:19.06prpplaguesjhill: yea i should have gotten one of those walnut boards when they were available
14:19.28prpplaguesjhill: i assume you are getting good serial output from the bootloader
14:19.50prpplaguesjhill: wonder what broken between 2.4 and 2.6
14:23.30jbevrensjhill: I'd take one
14:30.42chouimathi guys
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14:32.03prpplaguemorning folks
14:33.09T0mWprpplague: it's ok dave, I'm focusing on building a romfs today.  I don't want to focus on the NOR problem and get bogged down.  I need to make some mileage on right now.
14:33.50prpplagueT0mW: np, i'm taking the afternoon off, but i'll be tinkering with the littlechips board this weekend to work on the kinks with apex
14:34.10T0mWprpplague: BTW, it is not an AM29LV320D on that board, it is a Spansion S29AL016M
14:34.34T0mWIt does claim to be CFI compliant
14:34.46prpplagueT0mW: AHHH
14:35.14prpplagueT0mW: iirc the S29AL016M is the same as the AM29LV160
14:35.33prpplagueT0mW: spansion was spun off from amd
14:35.43T0mWTheir schematic shows the 4Meg device, while the board is the 2Meg device.
14:35.45prpplagueT0mW: or something like that
14:35.52T0mW~lart AMD
14:36.20T0mWprolly what happened too when they dropped their Flash division, heh
14:36.52prpplaguehehe, well whats left seems to be hemoraging other products as well
14:37.08CosmicPenguinOh, yeah?
14:37.08T0mWprpplague: today, the goal is to get rid of the "TARGETS" variable
14:37.34T0mWin the Makefile
14:37.59T0mWsplit it into TARGETS_NOR and TARGETS_NAND
14:38.09prpplagueT0mW: yea, those appear to be the same chip
14:38.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: alchemy, geode, pic
14:38.20T0mWprpplague: yeah, they do
14:38.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, maybe its like cutting off your arm to get from dying, hehe
14:38.54T0mWCosmicPenguin: sounds like somebody is specializing their product lineup
14:39.30prpplaguestill doesn't explain why your erase isn't working
14:39.49prpplaguei'll tinker with it tomorrow afternoon
14:40.01prpplagueT0mW: you using the latest version of apex?
14:40.29T0mWwhat did you develop M7200 under?
14:40.43prpplagueT0mW: sorry i'm not sure i understand your question
14:41.03T0mWwhat version of apex did you develop the M7200 under?
14:41.10prpplagueoh, 1.3.23
14:41.34T0mWit might be that the CFI is broken somehow in the latest version, it may not work for the M7200 board as well.
14:41.34prpplaguebut we'll be moving to 1.4 series soon
14:41.42prpplaguei've got a ton of patches to submit
14:41.56prpplagueT0mW: no it works
14:42.54CosmicPenguinstupid dell
14:43.00prpplagueT0mW: i'll have it ironed out by monday
14:43.09prpplagueT0mW: and get some patches sent into marc
14:43.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
14:43.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i thought they were gonna use amd now?
14:43.33T0mWprpplague: now, to get a rootfs + kernel < 1.8Meg
14:43.47prpplagueT0mW: plenty easy
14:44.02sjhillCosmicPenguin: what, buying a bunch of AMD chips?
14:44.18CosmicPenguinannounced poor earnings
14:44.33CosmicPenguin"The good news is we're buying AMD chips.  The bad news, is we're not selling any computers"
14:44.35prpplagueT0mW: my pixter-mm test with kernel and initrd is just 1200k
14:44.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
14:45.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they blaming amd for the slow sells?
14:45.29T0mWfor some reason, I cannot get the 2.6.17 kernel below 894K
14:46.07CosmicPenguinyou know how stupid wall street is
14:46.10T0mWI took everything out that I could
14:46.16prpplagueT0mW: you enabled compilier optimization?
14:46.24T0mWprpplague: ah, no
14:46.31CosmicPenguinanyway, w're down a buck and two bits
14:46.40T0mWprpplague: I'm usaully afraid to do that
14:46.46prpplagueT0mW: i assume you aren't using any swap space?
14:46.57prpplagueT0mW: pretty safe with the uclibc cross tools
14:47.08prpplagueT0mW: then there are some options for the swap that can help as well
14:47.15prpplagueT0mW: check out the embedded kernel options
14:49.08prpplagueT0mW: depending on how far you are along in your kernel dev, you can turn off some of the debugging stuff in the embedded kernel options
14:49.21T0mWthat's all off
14:49.46prpplagueT0mW: bugon() is turned off?
14:49.56prpplaguesorry bug()
14:50.33T0mWwell, CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE is 'y'
14:50.41prpplaguehehe, not the only one
14:52.09prpplagueT0mW: do a make menuconfig, and go to general options
14:52.23prpplagueT0mW: general setup
14:52.52prpplagueT0mW: then at the bottom you should see "configure standard kernel features"
14:53.09prpplagueT0mW: enable that, and then select it
14:53.14T0mWit is
14:53.16prpplagueT0mW: should get a list of a bunch of stuff
14:53.33prpplagueT0mW: in that list some options you can turn off for embedded systems
14:53.36T0mWLoad all symbols for debugging!
14:53.42prpplagueT0mW: exactly
14:54.01prpplagueT0mW: other ones that are ok to turn off for the s3c2410 is the full slab and shmem
14:54.42prpplagueT0mW: the bug() can  be disabled as well as the elf dumps
14:55.10prpplagueT0mW: event polling can be disabled if you aren't using any hotplug style devices
14:55.15T0mWwhat is CONFIG_EPOLL?
14:55.25prpplagueT0mW: hehe the event polling
14:55.46T0mWfor like input devices on the motherboard or something?
14:56.08prpplagueT0mW: or insertion removable of stuff, i.e. pcmcia or cf hotplugging
14:56.28T0mWwell, we certainly won't need that
14:56.41prpplagueT0mW: yea i think you'd get by without that
14:57.03T0mWcompiling kernel now, thanks
14:57.28prpplagueT0mW: glad to share some embedded black magic
14:57.58prpplagueT0mW: tomorrow we learn how to properly kill chickens for use in crosscompiling applications
14:58.48prpplagueT0mW: there are some additional patches out there on the net, "tiny-kernel" stuff, but most of those have kinda got folded into the main tree
14:58.58prpplagueT0mW: not sure if those are even being maintained any mroe
15:00.06T0mWprpplague: since I'm going to have a NAND device anyway, I just need to build a minimal system so that it can pivot_root (or switch_root if I can ever get that working).
15:00.26T0mWbusybox switch_root seems to be broken right now.
15:00.33prpplagueT0mW: yea, you can use either initramfs or initrd
15:00.48prpplagueT0mW: initramfs might be a better choice for your design
15:01.23T0mWconsidering that there will be 32/64Meg of SDRAM on the board anyway, what is 4/8Meg wasted by a ramfs
15:01.56T0mWsaved 20K
15:02.00prpplagueT0mW: well once the ramfs is no longer needed you can free that
15:02.18prpplagueT0mW: still sounds kind of large
15:02.25T0mWit does
15:02.32prpplagueT0mW: you get a chance, email me your .config
15:04.23prpplaguejbevren: check out this puppy -
15:05.52jbevrenI saw that
15:06.01T0mWturned off "aniticpatory scheduler" and used the "deadline scheduler" and saved another 18K
15:06.11jbevrenprpplague: the antenna likes to break off (as reviews were saying)
15:06.23prpplaguejbevren: oh didn't see that
15:06.44jbevrenprpplague: if youre careful with it, it shouldnt be a problem
15:06.58prpplaguejbevren: hmm, i was thinking pixter stuff
15:07.06jbevren <- I have three
15:07.09prpplaguejbevren: those blueradios are pretty expensive
15:07.12jbevrenworks ok in linux too
15:07.34prpplaguejbevren: yea i've heard the range isn't that good
15:07.46prpplaguejbevren: didn't you get some of those blueradios from sfe?
15:07.49jbevrenits much better if you pull the shell off ;-)
15:07.54jbevrenI plan to, but havent yet
15:08.08prpplaguethey seem expensive at $60
15:09.04jbevrenprpplague: I can get from my system upstairs (win2k) to my laptop (winxp) using bluetooth networking if I sit on my porch
15:09.14jbevrenthe laptop has an internal broadcom BT
15:09.23jbevrenthe win2k testbox was using one of those
15:09.41T0mWprpplague: do I need SCSI support for anything?
15:10.05T0mWprpplague: I don't think I do...
15:10.26T0mWmtd or sd or anything use it?
15:17.40jbevrenmtd has its own blockdev
15:17.50jbevren(doesnt sd work through mtd?)
15:18.10jbevrenusb blockdev will need it if youre using that
15:18.27T0mWjbevren: ok
15:22.23jbevrenT0mW: I'm unsure about sd media needing scsi, I dont -think- it does ;_)
15:28.46prpplagueT0mW: scsi only if you are using some of the usb thumb drives as mass storage
15:29.00prpplagueT0mW: mtd needs to be in there to access the nand flash
15:29.54prpplaguejbevren: ahh cool, that would be good enough for the pixter
15:30.13prpplaguejbevren: just cant decide on whether i should do usb or one of those blueradios
15:31.46jbevrenprpplague: the range isnt extraordinary, but it's decent
15:32.06jbevrenI plan to put one on a usb extension cable and hang it in a fairly central location in the house ;-)
15:32.15jbevrenI can get 10' extensions at 3/$.50
15:34.55prpplaguejbevren: yea, from what i can tell the blueradio units have much better range
15:35.04jbevrenPing: 00:12:5A:10:AA:D7 from 11:11:11:11:11:11 (data size 20) ...
15:35.04jbevren0 bytes from 00:12:5A:10:AA:D7 id 0 time 35.64ms
15:35.31jbevrenthe only thing that bugs me is that all of these have the same mac addr
15:35.32prpplaguejbevren: with the blueradio i could connect the pcm to the TI dac and stream some audio
15:36.24jbevrenprpplague: indeed
15:37.08prpplaguejbevren: thoughts on the usb vs. blueradio?
15:38.25jbevrenprpplague: usb would be far more universal
15:38.34prpplaguejbevren: yea
15:38.43prpplaguejbevren: thats what i'm thinking
15:38.45jbevrenimho it'd be better to do usb+bt dongle
15:38.55jbevrenI just wanted to use a blueradio to attach to the console
15:38.59prpplaguethats where i keep going
15:39.01jbevrennot for any 'real' bt networking
15:39.57jbevrenroot@wrok:~# hcitool name 00:12:5A:10:AA:D7
15:39.57jbevrenMicrosoft Mouse
15:39.58prpplaguehmm, anyone else wondering why there is no news of the deal with the liquids that tested for explosives yesterday?
15:41.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: ummm...
15:41.39CosmicPenguinprpplague: they turned out to be nothing
15:41.50CosmicPenguinprpplague: I heard it on the Today show
15:42.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
15:42.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so why the false alarm?
15:42.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they say?
15:42.23jbevrenconnected. yay
15:42.25CosmicPenguinbecause the sniffer caught explosive residue on the outside
15:42.31CosmicPenguinthat happens
15:42.39jbevrenprpplague: btw, as much as we like to whine about MS,
15:42.41CosmicPenguinfarmers, for example
15:42.50jbevrenIve had this mouse since may and am still using the original batteries
15:42.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea amonium nitrate
15:43.08jbevrennow if only I could get the scroll wheel to work
15:43.24CosmicPenguinIf they got effective walk through sniffers, I bet it would be hard to travel if you were a crops farmer
15:44.08prpplaguepersonally i think these security methods are worthless
15:44.32CosmicPenguinbetter explosives sniffing would be effective, I think
15:45.10prpplagueand more screening of passengers, and less intrusive searches/restrictions
15:45.29CosmicPenguinHell, the real fear remains the cargo
15:45.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
15:47.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: personally, radical muslims are the cause of this, why not those are muslim be more effectively screened at the ticket counter
15:47.53CosmicPenguinWell, I'll bet the next massive attack will come from a non-Muslim
15:48.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i seriously doubt that
15:49.49prpplaguei'm not pro-israel or pro-lebabnesse, but i find serious problems on both sides, more so on the lebanesse side
15:50.52prpplaguehere it is that hezballoh has been killing civillians left and right, and when israel reponds, and occasional a few civillians get killed the lebanese get all pissy like israel is a mass murderer
15:51.45prpplagueand the lebanesse gov complains, "oh our country is in ruins" , my reponse is, "Don't whine about it, get hezballoh out of your country and you don't have to worry about such things"
15:54.04prpplaguepersonally, i have nothing against any religion, thats their choice, but when the muslims start doing "jihads" on everyone, i think their religion becomes fair game
15:54.35prpplaguei'd issue to the military, large water guns filled with distilled pork fat
15:55.07prpplaguejust squirt a couple of times and you've given them a fate worse than death, condemnation to hell
15:56.02jbevrenunfortunately, thats illegal
15:56.05jbevrendont ask me how or why
15:56.13jbevrenwell why is becuase you cant attack the religion
15:56.22jbevrenbut somehow killing people isnt
15:56.44jbevrenbut I say we just bury terrorists and dead in pig carcasses
15:57.06prpplaguejbevren: yea, thats why i said, if they are bringing their religion into the battle by calling it a jihad, i consider that far game
15:57.19prpplaguejbevren: hehe yea
15:57.29jbevrenyou can wash pork fat off and beg forgiveness
15:57.37jbevrenbut if youre buried inside a carcass youre screwed
15:58.05prpplaguejbevren: hehe, the british used that technique in india during their colonial occupation
15:58.11jbevrenmaybe I'm a bit shortsighted, but if the arabs have proclaimed war on the rest of the world, maybe we should just perform genocide
15:58.13prpplaguejbevren: they used fat on their bullets
15:58.28prpplaguejbevren: and also poured fat on the train tracks to keep people off them
15:58.48prpplaguejbevren: well i think thats going over board
15:58.56prpplaguejbevren: you can't group people like that
15:59.06prpplaguejbevren: "arabs"
15:59.21prpplaguejbevren: i know many hard working people from the middle east
16:00.07jbevrenprpplague: Why not? our president does
16:00.08prpplaguejbevren: just saying that they people who are doing these types of things should be shown no earthly or heavenly mercy
16:00.20jbevrenprpplague: (I agree tho)
16:00.30prpplaguejbevren: with me or bush?
16:01.01jbevrenwith you
16:01.12jbevrenI know a handful of 'arabs'
16:01.17jbevrenone of which is openly muslim
16:01.25jbevrenone of my best friends in fact :)
16:02.09prpplaguefor me, growing up, the respect and protection of religious freedom was of utmost importance
16:03.52prpplaguebut i find it hard to understand how someone can get from the Koran that its ok to kill those who don't believe as you do
16:05.28*** join/#edev samrobb_ (
16:07.52prpplaguefor everyone here, i normally keeps politics and such off this channel, i owe you guys an apology for rambling on about such things
16:13.38agaffneydoesn't bother me
16:14.06agaffneyanyway, it's the same way that someone can get from the Bible that it's okay to kill those who don't believe as you do
16:15.06agaffneyisn't the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim "God" all the same entity?
16:15.24prpplagueyea, i.e. david coresh(sp?_
16:15.55agaffneythe waco guy?
16:17.40samrobb_agaffney: Not according to the Jews, Christians, and Muslims :-)
16:17.47prpplaguei guess its soooooo far out of my nature to hate someone because of their religion that it just very very hard to understand
16:18.14agaffneysamrobb_: well, the Christian and Jewish "God" *is* the same one
16:18.41agaffneyJudiasm is just Christianity without Jesus
16:18.53agaffneywell, really, Christianty is Judiasm with Jesus :P
16:19.03samrobb_agaffney: Christians see it that way, I'm not sure Jews would
16:19.25samrobb_"Christianty is Judiasm with Jesus".  Heh.  More accurate than I think most people realize.
16:19.37agaffneythat's exactly what it is
16:20.04agaffneyand I'm pretty sure Allah is the same as Judiasm's Yahweh(sp?) and Christianity's God
16:20.11prpplaguewell, hasn't christianty lost most of the unique culture associated with judiasm?
16:20.25samrobb_It's the "with Jesus" part that's the point of contention
16:20.25agaffneyprpplague: yes, but the "God" is still the same
16:20.36prpplaguesamrobb_: ahh
16:21.08prpplagueinteresting, geeks discussing politics much like a design project, hehe
16:22.00samrobb_"No, no - the interface is all wrong!  Allah 1.0 won't interoperate with Christianity 1.0!"
16:22.17samrobb_Backwards compatiability is everything...
16:22.29T0mWJudiasm is Christianity with Jews
16:22.52agaffneyneither Islam or Christianity is backwards compatible with Judaism
16:23.41agaffneyit's like running OSX, Windows, and Linux all on the same processor :P
16:24.07T0mWat the same time
16:24.07agaffneythink about it :P
16:24.26samrobb_agaffney: heh... oh, wait, you can do that now.
16:24.44samrobb_Religious virtualization?
16:24.55agaffneysamrobb_: see T0mW's addition: "at the same time"...that wouldn't work so well :)
16:25.08samrobb_VMWare :-)
16:25.15agaffneyheh, religious Xen :P
16:25.18T0mWnaw, middle east
16:26.41T0mWamazing how many people have died in the name of a loving God
16:26.53prpplagueT0mW: agreed
16:27.20T0mWAFAIAC, the "word of God" is "love"
16:27.32agaffneyunless you don't believe in Him
16:27.40T0mWyeah, :(
16:27.51agaffneyeven though it's the *same* Him with a different name
16:28.23agaffneyI work for a religious company
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16:28.34agaffneyand it's amazing how many people around here are completely cynical about religion
16:28.38prpplaguehehe, think i got an email once that said something like, "the bible says to love your neighbor, and the kama sutra tells you how"
16:28.47T0mWI took a taxi ride last night from dropping my car off for some work today, the driver and I found that we both had a faith in God and talked about what we felt.
16:28.59T0mWprpplague: ROTFL
16:29.13agaffneyI have some very interesting religious discussions here at work
16:29.16agaffneyusually at lunch
16:29.44T0mWagaffney: and that is fine, as long as nobody's belief is "wrong"
16:30.11agaffneyT0mW: everyone is open minded here. I don't get looked down on for my beliefs
16:30.18prpplagueT0mW: or you feel compelled to kill the person for not being the same
16:30.35agaffneymy belief is that there is no heaven or hell, no satan, and no *single* "god"
16:30.42T0mWwhat is a rather staggering concept for me, I still don't accept it, is that there is no "evil" or "devil", that it is all "God"
16:30.46agaffneyI believe that there is a "soul"
16:30.54agaffneyand that there are more powerful entities
16:31.00prpplagueagaffney: sounds more like a panthian
16:31.09agaffneya what?
16:31.24agaffneyI prefer to call myself agnostic with atheistic tendencies
16:31.49T0mWagaffney: that may be true, God may have a God, but the God that touches my life is what that which I know
16:32.21T0mWsort of like the Boss's Boss, heh
16:33.35agaffneythe religious discussions here at work usually steer into theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, and M theory
16:33.38agaffneyquite fun
16:34.21prpplagueagaffney: m theory and religion, that would be interesting
16:34.57prpplagueagaffney: i think i would be hard pressed to find another person on the island who even knows what m theory is much less discuss it
16:35.07agaffneythat's what the internet is for :P
16:35.35prpplagueagaffney: yea well, live interaction is sometimes a good thing
16:35.36agaffneywas that a M theory joke? ;)
16:35.48prpplaguesamrobb_: HA
16:36.07samrobb_Um... sure.  Yeah.
16:36.14prpplaguesamrobb_: hehe
16:36.26prpplagueme too
16:36.32agaffneysamrobb_: the latest incarnation of string theory
16:36.37prpplaguewas funny
16:36.47samrobb_Heh.  Serendipity strikes.
16:38.13prpplaguesamrobb_: hehe, we normally don't discuss politics and religion here, but i started rambling earlier
16:41.28samrobb_prpplague: I'm generally pleasantly surprised at the number of "religious" folks in IT
16:41.59samrobb_I've got co-workers who do music for prison ministries, stuff like that.
16:42.43prpplaguesamrobb_: yea, i find alot of computer people are looking for "answers"
16:42.55agaffneythe only answer you ever need
16:42.59prpplaguenow the question
16:43.16samrobb_I'm studying for the ministry myself, and in general, I've gotten encouragement from most of my work friends
16:43.31prpplaguesamrobb_: ahh cool
16:43.42samrobb_Questions, too, as the "really religious guy" in the office :-)
16:43.51prpplaguesamrobb_: so i guess you get alot of theology classes
16:44.33samrobb_Fundamentalist Christian whacko, that's me.
16:53.20CosmicPenguinI love it when I have co-workers that I can have knock down drag out yelling matches with and still respect each other
16:53.47CosmicPenguinEspecially when they are as stubbor and I am
16:53.56CosmicPenguinstubborn as I am
16:54.22CosmicPenguinBoeing Scraps In-flight Internet Access
16:54.26CosmicPenguinI loved that
16:54.44CosmicPenguinLast time I went to Germany, I was drunk posting at 30,000
16:54.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: who needs it when all you will have on the plane is your paper smock
16:54.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: HA
16:55.30CosmicPenguinI logged on here, but you guys were gone
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16:58.21sjhillthat would have been a lot of fun
17:03.11prpplagueho ho hum
17:13.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe we were talking about using one of those usb docking stations
17:13.33jbevrenCosmicPenguin: my biggest usb dev
17:13.35jbevrenthe computer
17:13.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that provide ps/2, parport, rs-232 and a couple additional usbs
17:14.04jbevrenput the whirring noises in the closet f/e
17:14.13prpplaguejbevren: hehe only thing you'd need is a usb display
17:14.28CosmicPenguinusb display?
17:14.31jbevrenprpplague: not really
17:14.38jbevrenprpplague: my dvi/openLDI cables are 6 feet long
17:14.43prpplaguejbevren: why not just use a thin client with a remote x session?
17:14.46jbevrenthe 1600SW builtin openLDI cable is 10' long
17:14.58jbevrenprpplague: opengl acceleration, video, need I name more?
17:15.07jbevrenoh, and I have three heads
17:15.21jbevrenanyway, I have 16' of cable on my displays already
17:15.29CosmicPenguinI doubt you could get more then 320x200 out of a USB cable
17:15.33jbevrenthat active extension just puts a port as far away as my displays can get
17:15.38jbevrenCosmicPenguin: there's a vga adapter
17:15.48jbevrendont bet on doing video on it, but it'd be ok otherwise
17:15.57jbevren2D acceleration requires much less bandwidth than you think
17:19.31jbevrena good example is my 10bT xterminal ;-)
17:19.31jbevrenit only gets 10Mbit, but is still very usable
17:19.41jbevrena 280Mbit usb vga adapter should be able to do fairly well
17:20.13prpplaguei wonder what chip that thing uses
17:20.25jbevrenprpplague: did you see ?
17:20.29jbevrenwhat chip .. uses?
17:20.39prpplaguethe usb->vga
17:21.03prpplaguejbevren: hehe yea
17:21.11jbevrenSiS iirc
17:21.15jbevrenlinux kernel supports it
17:21.34jbevrenno acceleration though :X
17:21.43prpplaguehard to believe, something the size of a postage stamp, has the capacity of my first hard drive and costs $1
17:21.59jbevrenmy first hdd was 20M
17:22.07jbevrenI remember getting a 107M drive
17:22.11jbevrenI thought I was a king
17:22.18prpplaguejbevren: yea i had a segate rll drive
17:22.28CosmicPenguinbut still, you need video data for each pixel
17:22.33jbevrenI started with IDE, but I knew enough people with RLL's
17:22.42CosmicPenguinbut I suppose you might be able to do handle it
17:22.43jbevrenCosmicPenguin: compressed block transfers
17:22.52jbevrenyou need the same on X, which isnt compressed
17:23.00jbevren<- uses 10bT xterms, remember?
17:23.01CosmicPenguinBut your statement that 2D acceleration helps is not true
17:23.08jbevrenhow does it not help?
17:23.19jbevrenyou blit a 640x480 window instead of having to retransfer it
17:23.32CosmicPenguinThats true when you're talking about your system bus
17:23.42jbevrenhello? X11 over 10baseT?
17:23.44CosmicPenguinbut the video data remains the same size regardless
17:23.51jbevrennot when you dont retransfer it
17:24.06CosmicPenguinBut that has nothing to do with 2D acceleration
17:24.07jbevrenmost graphics operations are moves
17:24.10jbevrenyes, yes it does
17:24.17CosmicPenguinthat has everything to do with compressing the video information that you send to the controller
17:24.23jbevrenblitting an area of the screen from one location to another IS 2D acceleration
17:24.53jbevrenso instead of having to redraw my entire firefox rendering pane, it blits 90% of it upward and redraws the lower 10%
17:25.02jbevrenthat'd be accelerated :)
17:25.04CosmicPenguinbut you still have to send each frame to the display
17:25.17jbevrenits stored in the framebuffer on the device
17:25.17CosmicPenguinyour monitor requires data every sync
17:25.27CosmicPenguinBut we're not talking about the framebuffer
17:25.29jbevrenI think youre misunderstanding the device :)
17:25.30CosmicPenguinwe're talking about the monitor
17:25.39jbevrenthis device has a vga card in it
17:25.47jbevrenits connected via usb rather than pci/isa/etc
17:25.47CosmicPenguinWell, then its nothing like what I said, is it?
17:26.28jbevrenI have no idea why you'd stream vga signals over usb :P
17:26.29CosmicPenguinmy point remains absolutely valid then - a USB cable doesn't have enough bandwidth to carry video data to a monitor
17:26.58jbevrenso these usb vga adapters either dont exist or don't work
17:27.05jbevrenbecause they obviously do it
17:27.16CosmicPenguinok - so they either do one of two things
17:27.21CosmicPenguinthey either carry the raw video data
17:27.31CosmicPenguinor they carry the framebuffer data which gets processed on the client side before going to VGA
17:27.43CosmicPenguinin the first case, I don't believe the cable has enough bandwidth
17:27.59CosmicPenguinin the second case, it probably does, but then you're really not talking about a USB attached monitor
17:28.06CosmicPenguinyou're talking about a USB attached video card
17:28.08CosmicPenguinnot the same thing
17:28.15jbevrenthat's what I'd been saying during this whole discussion
17:28.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, that was my wording
17:28.18jbevrenusb vga adapter
17:28.31jbevrenthat said, you -can- get optical extensions
17:28.34jbevrenbut those are $$$$
17:28.41CosmicPenguin<prpplague> jbevren: hehe only thing you'd need is a usb display
17:28.59jbevrenCosmicPenguin: Does that specifically exclude usb vga adapters? :)
17:29.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, that was my improper wording
17:29.02jbevrenlets not argue semantics
17:29.07CosmicPenguinIts not an adapter
17:29.15CosmicPenguinlets argue semantics, because otherwise you look foolish
17:29.23CosmicPenguinits a USB attached video card
17:29.47jbevrenso if I put the usb attached video card inside my display, it becomes a usb-attached display
17:29.56CosmicPenguinheh - ok
17:30.01CosmicPenguinstill a vga cable to your monitor
17:30.08jbevrenprpplague's wording was vague but does not exclude the use of intelligent adapters
17:30.09CosmicPenguins/vga cable/!usb cable/
17:30.23CosmicPenguinIn fact, prpplague's working mandates intellgent adapaters
17:30.40jbevrenright, enough time and bits wasted
17:30.55jbevrensjhill agrees :)
17:30.58prpplaguestill it would be interesting as a thin client
17:31.08jbevrenthe pixter or ?
17:31.25prpplaguei know maxspeed and a couple other companies made some pc multipliers , but those were pci based
17:31.57prpplaguebasically a pci card that has keyboard, mouse and video on it
17:32.09prpplagueturned 1 pc into 2 pc, hehe
17:32.21prpplagueyou could put up to 3 in one pc
17:32.33prpplagueit worked pretty well for basic stuff
17:32.43jbevrenthey did that with a patched kernel and X tree too
17:32.46jbevrenusing usb devices
17:32.51prpplaguebut if you had this all done with usb, it would be pretty easy to do
17:33.03jbevrenthe trick there, of course, is mapping dynamically assigned keyboards to the heads they should control
17:33.20prpplaguejbevren: yea
17:33.38prpplaguejbevren: but imagin one of those docking stations with vga as well
17:33.44jbevrenprpplague: nod
17:33.57jbevrenif the 2D acceleration were supported in linux, it'd be pretty keen
17:34.01jbevrensadly, it's not
17:34.12prpplagueactually what would be interesting to me is tft lcd support with a usb connection
17:35.33prpplaguejbevren: hehe, you could use a lnode40 with one of those docking stations and almost have an entire desktop
17:35.46prpplaguejbevren: add the usb->vga adapter and you would
17:36.08prpplaguehmm, i wonder if that tritton vga adapter is supported in linux
17:37.08prpplaguehmm looks like they only work with usb2
17:39.09prpplaguethat would rock if it support usb1.1
17:39.24jbevrentheyre not exactly usb2 compliant
17:40.42prpplaguei'd like to talk my boss into doing a 48pin instead of 40 and bring out the other control lines for the tft display
17:40.48prpplagueas it is now, we can only support stn
17:46.20prpplaguejbevren: i'd really prefer 64 pins
17:46.35prpplaguejbevren: that would give us just about everything a person could dream of
17:46.54prpplaguejbevren: which would include the tft control lines as well as the i2s stuff
17:47.12prpplaguejbevren: massive arm9 dev board with just 64 .1" pins
17:47.25jbevrenah, its an arm9?
17:53.28jbevrenis transflash SPI-capable like SD?
17:59.08*** join/#edev prpplague^2 (n=billybob@
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18:00.10prpplaguejbevren: did i miss anything
18:00.13prpplaguejbevren: ??
18:00.43jbevrenI only asked if the lnode is arm9, and then if transflash operates just like sd cards
18:01.07prpplagueyea the lnode40 is s3c2410 based, arm920t
18:01.25prpplagueyea tflash is basically just a sd card in a small package
18:02.13prpplaguejbevren: our board will be pretty close to this one -
18:02.23prpplaguejbevren: just with our cpu board, and not the lpc
18:02.33prpplaguesorry not the SAM
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18:05.05jbevrenthat was BS.
18:05.11jbevren-every- freenode server but this one is closing my connection
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18:05.41prpplaguejbevren: same here
18:05.53jbevrenprpplague: so as I was saying
18:05.54jbevrenI only asked if the lnode is arm9, and then if transflash operates just like sd cards
18:06.00prpplagueyea the lnode40 is s3c2410 based, arm920t
18:06.06prpplagueyea tflash is basically just a sd card in a small package
18:06.13prpplaguejbevren: our board will be pretty close to this one -
18:06.21prpplaguejbevren: the carrier board that is
18:06.21jbevrenprpplague: Nod, got the link
18:06.35jbevrenI wasnt sure if transflash was more like XD due to its size
18:06.37jbevrenthats pretty cool then
18:06.41*** join/#edev T0mW ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:06.51prpplagueT0mW: hey hey
18:07.01prpplague[g2]: re
18:07.01jbevrenprpplague: btw, you'll want to give me the link for the frame, not for the browser :)
18:07.19prpplagueone sec
18:07.27jbevrenright click -> this frame -> show only this frame
18:07.42prpplaguejbevren: yea i know, just forgot
18:07.49prpplaguei hate frames
18:08.09jbevrenjust need a copy frame location option in the context menu
18:08.40prpplaguejbevren: we use a enc28j60 for the nic
18:08.51prpplaguejbevren: and we have a bigger 160x160 greyscale lcd
18:09.05prpplaguejbevren: and usb host and slave
18:11.29prpplaguejbevren:  shameless plug -
18:11.33*** join/#edev Redhatter (n=beast@gentoo/developer/redhatter) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:11.46prpplagueRedhatter: greetings
18:12.46prpplaguejbevren: what i'd like to see is a sodim connector to .1" headers for our sodim cpu board
18:13.00jbevrenyeah, sodimm breakout
18:13.26jbevrenone without any notches for the name of being universal
18:13.32jbevrener, for the sake of
18:13.46prpplagueyea, well i doubt aml would ever sell their sodim board
18:14.00jbevrenI realise this
18:14.03jbevrenbut other companies do ;-)
18:14.25prpplaguehehe, for $700 you can get one, hehe
18:15.10jbevrenI see them on ebya for sub-$200 from time to time
18:15.13jbevrenor do you mean the berakout
18:15.22prpplaguehehe, no i mean the M5900
18:15.32jbevrendoes that come with a support contract? :D
18:15.39prpplaguejbevren: uh no
18:15.45jbevrenI tried
18:15.49prpplaguejbevren: there is a pricing list for that
18:16.32prpplaguedoh thats $795 for the base model
18:18.03prpplagueof course you'll have to wait for 45 days as the first 5k units are already sold
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18:18.28prpplagueyouam: re
18:20.14jbevrenprpplague: sok
18:20.21jbevrenI'd like somethign mroe akin to the littlechips board
18:20.29prpplaguejbevren: hehe
18:20.31prpplaguejbevren: yea
18:20.51prpplaguejbevren: the lnode40 with the devboard, usb jtag and everything will be less than $200
18:21.33prpplaguei need to talk my boss in to doing something with our unused dev boards
18:22.15prpplaguemore like donate it to devrs
18:22.33prpplaguewe will have a ton of sa-1110 boards soon
18:22.44jbevrenI'll take one hehe
18:22.46prpplagueas well as some lh79520 and a few s3c2410 boards
18:22.52T0mWprpplague: I have two that I won't need: LPD-LH79520 + LPD-LH7A400
18:23.24prpplagueyea, well, i wouldn't take those if you paid me
18:23.37T0mW:( snif
18:23.44prpplagueT0mW: well i could salvage the ram and flash off them
18:24.13T0mWI was thinking of putting them on ebay with a $150 minimum
18:25.25prpplaguereminds me of selling a used car with a cracked head, one person buys it and discovers its broken, turns around and sells it to some unsuspecting person who then does the same thing
18:25.58prpplagueit totally amazes me that companies like sharp deal with LogicPD
18:26.04jbevrenI dunno
18:26.07jbevrenI can replace a cracked head
18:26.22T0mWprpplague: ah, but then you sell it to a mechanic that knows where he can get a head for it cheap
18:26.24prpplaguejbevren: yea well, not your average joe
18:26.31T0mWjbevren: exactly
18:26.31jbevrenprpplague: nod
18:26.40jbevrenwe did that to a $25 car when I was in PA
18:26.48prpplagueT0mW: yea well, a yugo with a cracked head is still a yugo when fixed
18:26.49jbevrenbought it knowing the head was cracked heh
18:26.54jbevrenreplaced it for $50 in parts
18:26.58T0mWthose boards may not suit us, but there are people looking for ARM dev boards to play with
18:27.02jbevrengave it to some girl that needed a new car to get to work
18:27.20T0mWprpplague: I didn't get the car I wanted when I first started to drive...
18:27.26T0mWjbevren: :P
18:27.37jbevrenI was happy to have -something- to drive
18:27.43jbevreneven though it was a 16 year old chevy van
18:27.52prpplagueT0mW: hehe true, but atleast it had the normal parts on it
18:28.06T0mWyeah, or a 15year old Nova w/195K on it
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18:28.36prpplagueT0mW: the logicpd is like getting a used car with a breath analyzer still attached to the ignition
18:29.32prpplaguehehe, or getting a book that is done in rot13
18:29.33T0mWprpplague: heh, then you have to pay them to disable it for a year
18:30.20prpplaguedo you know the only reference design for a lh79524 is done for logicpd
18:30.33prpplagueand sharp wonders why their sales of the chip are non existant?
18:32.00jbevrenso who/what are logicpd?
18:32.16prpplaguei just don't understand why companies like sharp,samsung, TI have such a problem with understanding their market
18:33.23prpplagueha their product line up reads like a list of "do not use" list
18:35.52prpplaguesharp LH series, Renesas SH series  , freescale MCF, and amd geode(sorry CosmicPenguin)
18:36.54prpplaguewith the exception of the geode, all of those have horrible vendor support
18:37.15prpplagueand thanks to CosmicPenguin amd past tense HAD a good direction for the geode
18:38.42jbevrenI never expect support anyway
18:38.47jbevrenor do you mean that its impossible to purchase them
18:39.28prpplaguejbevren: well when i say support its a wide range of things, reference designs, documentation, ability to purchase small qty for dev, OSS friendlness
18:40.23prpplagueits like breaking into a red lobster restaurant and setting the lobsters free and saying "run freee!!!"
18:40.59prpplaguethese companies make a chip and just kinda throw it in the air and say "fly away to your customer"
18:41.53prpplaguethen when it hits the ground the blame the customer, "well we didn't get much interest in the product"
18:49.46T0mWlike littlechips support, non-existant, they don't even monitor their company forum
18:51.14prpplagueT0mW: thats different though
18:51.51prpplagueT0mW: you don't like the s3c2410 board from littlechips or its support, you have a dozen other places you can buy a design from
18:52.15prpplagueT0mW: not only that, but samsung provides code examples and their own reference design for the s3c2410
18:52.50prpplagueT0mW: when you have companies like sharp where there isn't a single free reference design for the LH79524
18:53.01prpplagueT0mW: what incentive does someone have to use it?
18:53.48T0mWprpplague: I like the board, I just wish that I'd checked out their support / lack of, esp a more current BSP
18:54.32prpplagueT0mW: most of the time, i'm only concerned with documentation on the chip, as long as i have a schematic for the board, i'm good
18:55.24T0mWprpplague: yeah, one thing good about this is that I'm gaining more experience on bringing a board up under linux
18:55.27prpplagueT0mW: yp
18:55.44prpplagueT0mW: imho which is a very good skill to have
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18:57.27prpplaguehehe -
18:59.08prpplagueoh what a stinking flop this is gonna be -
19:02.08prpplaguesh@# cr@# and Company?
19:08.08jbevrenhm $50 imacs
19:08.14jbevrenwhy are they so strangely attractive
19:08.24jbevrenmaybe cause theyre compact, quiet, and would make a nice xterm
19:10.44jbevrenprpplague: hah
19:10.51jbevrenbarbados doesnt allow liquor to be imported
19:11.09jbevrenI think the US shouldnt allow it until barbados allows liquor to be exported there
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19:18.45prpplaguejbevren: funny, i always think of them as
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20:07.39CosmicPenguin~quote amd
20:07.49CosmicPenguinwell, at least we recovered mostly
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23:39.41sunrunner20my school
23:39.57sunrunner20has over 300 svideo cords o.0

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