irclog2html for #edev on 20060803

00:05.34prpplaguesorphin: holy cow
00:05.38prpplaguesorphin: lots of chips
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00:45.20prpplagueT0mW: hey
00:45.46prpplagueT0mW: explain to me the difference between a via diameter and the drill size
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01:20.17T0mWprpplague: diameter is the pad, drill is the hole
01:20.43prpplagueT0mW: ok thats what i thought
01:21.03prpplagueT0mW: but i'm confused as to min values for standard boards
01:21.20T0mWprpplague: usually, you need 5mil between the edge of the hole and the outside edge of the pad.
01:21.30prpplagueT0mW: says " Minimum finished hole size .010"
01:22.05T0mWprpplague: the drill accuracy is usually +/- 2mil, so, with 5mil, you are sure that they will drill somewhere inside the pad area
01:22.22T0mWprpplague: finish hole is something else
01:22.55prpplagueT0mW: ok so if i used the .01" hole, i'd need a diameter of atleast 15mil
01:23.09prpplagueT0mW: ok
01:23.14prpplagueT0mW: whats the difference?
01:23.28T0mWprpplague: if you have a 1/2 ounce (0.5mil) copper on the PCB, your hole will shrink by 1mil (two 0.5mil copper surfaces inside the hole).
01:24.03T0mWif you have 1oz copper (1mil), then your hole will shrink (finish) 2mil smaller than what is was drilled.
01:24.29prpplagueso much to learn
01:24.36T0mWso, you specify hole sizes either as "finsihed" or "unfinished".
01:25.11prpplagueok so finish is plated from one side to the other?
01:25.36T0mWIf you say a "10mil finished hole" at 1/2oz copper, then they will drill an 11mil hole, then plate it with 1/2oz copper (0.5mil)
01:26.25T0mWI don't go below 16mil unfinished
01:26.35T0mW$$$ < 16mil
01:27.12T0mWyou can go down to a 2mil trace and a 5mil spacing with an 8mil hole...  But, you will pay dearly for it.
01:27.45prpplagueok so if i go with a 16mil drill i need to have around 21 mill pad size, right?
01:28.52T0mWusually I use "auto" for the pad diameter.
01:28.57prpplagueso why does eagle have such screwy number for drill size?
01:29.17prpplagueand what just set the drill size?
01:30.01T0mWprpplague: metric
01:30.20T0mWit is a German package
01:30.24prpplagueT0mW: so just set the drill size to 16 mills?
01:30.36T0mWprpplague: on the vias?
01:31.11prpplagueT0mW: well, for both vias and thru hole pads
01:31.22T0mWbtw, that 16mil @ 21Pad, NO, it would be 16mil hole @ 26pad
01:31.40prpplagueauto is actuall setting it to 32
01:32.08T0mWprpplague: through hole pads are relative to the part that will fit into that hole, you will not get a resistor lead into a 16mil hole
01:32.38prpplagueT0mW: yea, not really interested in actually getting something thru it
01:33.25prpplagueT0mW: what i'm tinkering with is a small pcb that i can place in a tsop package and solder into place
01:33.30prpplagueT0mW: just experimenting
01:34.04prpplagueT0mW: why is it a 26 pad instead of 21?
01:34.17T0mW5mil minimum annular ring
01:34.27T0mW16 + 5 + 5 == 26
01:34.57MonMothayeah, don't want to go below 5 mil annular ring without talking to the fab house
01:35.05MonMothathey have to get their drill tolerances pretty tight to go any lower
01:35.29MonMothaholes which are not electrically connected are an exception, of course
01:35.39T0mWif you want it tight, they can do it with thier laser...
01:35.48MonMothajust watch your space to the hole, then, since the same rules apply
01:36.09MonMothastay at least 5mil+min trace/trace from the hole
01:36.27prpplagueT0mW: if i use a thru hole pad, whats the possibility of layout that down on a tsop package pads and putting solder on each pad
01:36.31prpplagueT0mW: ??
01:36.38MonMothaheh, I'm always AMAZED at the capabilities some of these board fab houses have, but my god they're expensive
01:36.55MonMotha2 mil trace/space, 4-5 mil drills with 2 or 3 mil annular rings
01:37.06T0mWprpplague: say that again, it didn't make sense
01:37.09MonMothathat's for those of you who need to back/back a couple BGAs and still get the vias in :)
01:37.29prpplagueT0mW: ok, picture this
01:37.42prpplagueT0mW:  a small pcb, the same size as a tsop package
01:38.00prpplagueT0mW: the pcb has thru hole pads matching the pads for the tsop package
01:38.11T0mWgood luck
01:38.18prpplagueT0mW: why?
01:38.29MonMothayou mean something like a SO to DIP adapter?
01:38.36MonMothabut for TSOP and without the DIP spacing on the through-hole part
01:38.47T0mWwell, the tsop stuff I work with is a 25mil lead center
01:38.47MonMothagood luck...
01:39.00MonMothathat's awfully small to get drills big enough for pins
01:39.05MonMothaand what are you going to plug it in to?
01:39.23MonMothaor are you wanting to take it out to .1" spacing (DIP size)?
01:39.52prpplagueMonMotha: no, basically what i want to do is change the pad configuration
01:40.04prpplagueMonMotha: most of the small sdrams have different pinouts
01:40.09prpplagueMonMotha: than the larger ones
01:40.38prpplagueMonMotha: same lines just different pinouts
01:41.00T0mWprpplague: so, what do you want to do?  Build an adapter board?
01:41.19prpplagueT0mW: yea basically
01:41.53T0mWprpplague: and, then,...  how are you planning to use it?
01:42.18T0mWwire it to the main board via 30ga wire?
01:42.44prpplagueT0mW: remove the old chip from the board, place this new pcb instead, , do a little solder on each thru hole pad , and your done
01:43.11T0mWprpplague: oh, so you want to surface mount the board onto the other one?
01:43.18MonMothathat'll be a challenge, but it's doable
01:43.31MonMothaas long as the part you're adapting from is physically smaller than what you're going to
01:43.44MonMothaif it's the same size, you won't be able to do it on a 2 layer board
01:44.03MonMothaexcept in certain cases where you don't have to cross anything
01:44.11prpplagueMonMotha: yea, what i had planned is a T shaped pcb
01:44.29T0mWI don't think it'd work
01:44.44prpplagueT0mW: whys that?
01:44.56T0mWyou'd have to get the solder to wick down the holes, #1
01:44.59MonMothabut you can probably get by without the drills.  Just heavily tin the adapter board, put it on the destination which should have over-length pads (so you can heat them) with a little flux and heat until it reflows
01:45.12MonMothalining it up will be a pain
01:45.26T0mWMonMotha: and if it shorts?
01:45.32MonMothaT0mW: then you throw it out and try again :)
01:45.36prpplagueyea, the only reason i was thinking thru hole is to get the connections on both sides
01:45.44MonMothahotplate and forceps?
01:46.00MonMothawon't be able to do many cycles of that, but you can remove it and try again a few times, at least
01:46.08MonMothayou could also use that for the initial reflow
01:46.16MonMothabasically, you're building a DFN package
01:46.22T0mWyou would have to preheat the board
01:46.23MonMothathose are noutoriously hard to hand-solder
01:46.26MonMothayes, you would
01:47.12MonMothaif you can get the board makers to selectively plate the side of the board (to line up with the pads), things get a little easier since you can use that to heat
01:47.23MonMothait would be like soldering a surface mount crystal onto the exact size pad
01:47.27prpplagueprobably what i would do is solder a 30 gauge wire to each pad on the corners, then slip the board over those for alignment
01:47.47MonMothathat would be really hard to do on 25mil (or less) pitch..
01:48.10prpplagueyou think?
01:48.18T0mWI still think that you would end up with shorts
01:48.20prpplaguei've done that before with noproblems
01:48.40prpplagueT0mW: you think just doing 30 gauge wire to the pcb would be better?
01:50.01T0mW25mil is pretty rough stuff to try to solder wire to.  the big problem is that of getting solder in small enough blobs onto the pad
01:50.13T0mWeven if you "wet" the wires.
01:50.43prpplaguehmm, odd, i need to double check the spacing, because i've not had any trouble with these sdram chip
01:50.48prpplagueflash yea, but not sdram
01:50.59MonMothaoh, are these "J-lead" packages?
01:51.05MonMothathey're bigger than what I'm thinking of...
01:51.07T0mWyou could do this with 50 mil...
01:51.15MonMothathey're like 35mil or something weird I believe
01:51.29MonMothabigger than TSSOP
01:52.30T0mWI've got a binocular microscope, myself, I wouldn't attempt to solder wires to those pads.
01:53.08MonMothayeah, I'm not sure that I could solder wires to a TSSOP footprint, a least not all of the pads, or even more than just 2 that are next to each other
01:53.23prpplague"400-mill 50 pin tsop II"
01:54.29T0mWprpplague: got a url to the package drawing?
01:54.35prpplaguelooking now
01:59.34prpplaguethats like 31 mills from center pin to center pin
01:59.53MonMothayeah, 0.8mm
01:59.57MonMothathose are a bit easier than TSSOP
02:00.47MonMothaawesome, my USB to SPI adapter works beautifully
02:00.54prpplagueMonMotha: cool
02:01.22MonMothait's mostly the software.  There's a really fancy (Windows only, unfortunately) GUI that goes with it.
02:01.29MonMothaIt's made for test-driving parts
02:01.44T0mWyou will have a better chance @ 31.5 mil than at 25
02:01.59prpplaguei use the ft2232 for testing my spi stuff from usb
02:02.10prpplagueT0mW: yea
02:02.10MonMothayeah, if you don't need the fancy GUI, there's plenty of other options
02:02.48prpplaguethus looks doable, just need to learn some more
02:03.36MonMothathis is hardware SPI, at least.  You can clock it up to 4MHz (actual attainable throughput is about 2-3Mbit)
02:09.59T0mWprpplague: I got the job
02:10.05prpplagueT0mW: cool deal
02:10.23T0mW$1.5K payout / week
02:10.39T0mWrest on billing
02:10.51prpplagueT0mW: make sure you set something back for taxes
02:11.10T0mWalready spoke with my accountant about this
02:12.55T0mWprpplague: now, to get my lawyer to draw up the contract
02:13.52prpplaguejeeze i forgot self employment taxes are soooo high
02:16.06T0mWprpplague: I just bought one of these:
02:40.51flybackholy mother of canuck
02:41.11flybackmust be nice
02:43.09flyback<flyback> anyone know of a easy way to identify cracked solder joints
02:43.09flyback[22:42] <flyback> if it's not visually obvious
02:43.09flyback[22:43] <flyback> or do I need a microscope ?
02:43.42MonMotha$1500/wk - 40% in taxes makes me sad
02:46.03MonMothaself employment tax can easily creep that high
02:46.10MonMothait's all of FICA + normal income tax
03:07.13jbevrenbuy lots of toys for work
03:07.19jbevrendeduct them in the spring
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03:08.49MonMothayou can do that, but you have to be somewhat careful
03:09.03MonMothaif you do too much of that, you'll likely get audited and have to show that you really did use said toys for work
03:09.47MonMothaI've known people to get themselves a new projector that way though, for their home office conference room...that they use for 6 months during contract negotiations then turn into a home theater :)
03:10.17*** join/#edev DoDoDoDo (
03:11.08DoDoDoDoHi: I have a problem using squashfs file system as I can't get access to /dev - can someone give me a hint
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03:37.31jbevrenuse udev or devfs? hehe
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03:50.44jbevrenprpplague: ping
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04:21.39flybackdidn't I tell you guys that after all the things that went right this week including reparing my duron 1300 computer that sat for over a year, that something would happen soon cause this is too good to be true? Well I was out driving and the main serpentine belt on my car went "YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!" *SNAP* and I had to limp it home with no headlights (no alternator = too much battery drain) and no power steering. At least this ti
04:22.41flybackand I just had the damn belt replaced like 1-2 yrs ago, I hope this doesn't mean something lurched such as the ac compressopr
04:24.54flybackthen again I guess if the belt snapped let the engine "fart" and prevented something else from breaking, it was a good thing
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10:46.28prpplaguejbevren: pong
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12:34.17prpplaguei have so much i work i could be doing
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13:52.26sorphinah goodie, the attack is back again
14:31.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: greetings
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14:43.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i'm actually helping someone else today use eagle, hehe
14:45.58jbevrenprpplague: have you checked compiz and xgl out?
14:46.45prpplaguejbevren: no why?
14:46.56jbevrenits pretty impressive (in the demo video)
14:47.11jbevrenthe XGL server uses hardware 3d compositing for all of its windowing work
14:47.28jbevrencompiz works with it (of course) to manage the added features of using xgl as the windowing hardware
14:47.45jbevrenit's desktop stuff, but still pretty cool
14:47.58jbevrenits got me pondering switching this workstation to debian/testing
14:48.42jbevrendunno how well xgl will perform managing the three displays though
14:51.53gandhijeejbrevren: use gentoo for it
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14:59.35CosmicPenguinits not morning - thats a lile and you know it!
15:01.16sorphinjbevren: this time it's coming in from Time Warner mostly
15:01.30jbevrenroute add twtelecom reject
15:29.49sorphinthey closed their ticket
15:29.54sorphinand told me to email abuse@
15:29.58sorphinfor a DoS attack
15:30.00sorphingotta love it
15:30.31sorphinCosmicPenguin: Running on both cores today? ;)
15:30.48prpplagueseventh sense the movie, "i see stupid people......"
15:30.49CosmicPenguinI keep getting interrupts on one of the cores, though
15:31.06chouimatman I hate summer ...
15:34.37chouimatprpplague: with cold you can alway add a layer ... but with heat once you're naked what can you remove?
15:35.10sorphinso.... anyone need any 4k refresh 256M EDO ECC Dimms? :)
15:35.39sorphinprpplague: or the Dave Anders version
15:35.43sorphinprpplague: I see ARM
15:44.25prpplaguei have so many patches to clean up and submit
15:44.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: how do you ever find time to submit patches for your amd platforms?
15:45.35CosmicPenguinthats my job
15:45.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, well, my problem is, technically its not part of mine
15:46.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: boss doesn't normally allocate time for patch submissions
15:46.39jbevrenwonder what chips that thing uses for ram/rom/cpu
15:46.56prpplaguehehe, i was just looking at that
15:47.28prpplagueUGH, what a nasty solder job
15:47.38jbevrennobody said he was any good ;)
15:48.59prpplaguei'm so homesick for texas this week
15:54.36*** join/#edev mbuf (n=mbuf@
15:56.22mbufprpplague, we might be acquired by Flextronics
15:57.09prpplaguembuf: is that good news or bad news?
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15:57.56mbufprpplague, good news; i can try to move to something other than USB; and they are a major electronic manufacturing services company in south-east asia; so its ok
15:58.07mbufprpplague, unless the work environment is pathetic, i might want to change
15:58.56mbufprpplague, the gadget driver on s3c2410 works as reported by ragrot,
15:59.25mbufprpplague, i am yet to try it, if you have time, try it, i shall also look into it
16:00.04prpplagueyea there are some tweaks that still need to be done
16:00.27prpplaguembuf: first of our s3c24xx based devices:
16:00.34prpplaguembuf: it uses the gadget driver
16:00.46mbufprpplague, cool
16:04.04mbufprpplague, just curious, are you hiring by any chance?
16:04.37prpplaguehehe, sorry no, we have a full staff at the momment
16:05.07mbufprpplague, ok
16:06.29prpplaguembuf: besides, i have enough trouble getting my wife a visa to the states, much less an employee
16:08.17mbufprpplague, ohh
16:11.52prpplaguembuf: the visa stuff for the states is a nightmare these days
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16:12.15mbufprpplague, i see, good that I came back, home sweet home
16:12.30mbufprpplague, which is your native place?
16:13.07jbevren<- Iowa
16:13.10jbevrennot that you care
16:18.33prpplaguembuf: native to texas, but my wife is from barbados
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16:18.56mbufprpplague, ok
16:20.17prpplaguembuf: been working on a visa/greencard for my wife almost 2 years now
16:20.31mbufprpplague, ohh
16:22.08prpplagueits sooooo much fun
16:22.18chouimatprpplague: from a reader of an isreali newspaper after an artice about the fighting: Forgive Hizbollah? Forgiving hizbollah is God's job. The Isreali's job is to arrange the meeting ...
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16:24.48jbevrenwb gandhijee
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16:25.38gandhijeethe network at this hotel i am at sucks ass
16:26.05gandhijeethe guy that set it up must have read the book, networks for fucking morons
16:26.24agaffneywhat hotel network doesn't suck?
16:26.39gandhijeethis one stucks more than the norm
16:26.53gandhijeethese idiots have ALL the AP's on chan 11
16:27.15jbevrenah, so you end up AP hopping all night?
16:27.23agaffneythey may not be wired
16:27.25agaffneyexcept for one
16:27.32gandhijeeand they've ran everything back to either a) a shitty switch thats ARP tables are now full and is in hub mode, or b) they ran it to some 10 base hub
16:27.33jbevrenrepeaters you think?
16:27.34agaffneyso wouldn't they all need to be on the same channel?
16:27.51jbevrenrepeaters can translate channels
16:28.01gandhijeedef not repeaters or extenders
16:28.10agaffneythey could just be cheap APs
16:28.15agaffneywith no wired connection
16:28.17gandhijeenah, they are shitco
16:28.47gandhijeeultra spacT-2 sounds nice
16:29.46jbevrengandhijee: I want a meso 999
16:29.49jbevrenbuy me one? :D
16:30.16gandhijeei wish, i want a sparc laptop too
16:30.35agaffneyyou mean the servers in a laptop form factor? :P
16:30.37jbevrenany laptop that can get 4G of ram and cant run windows is a plus in my book
16:30.44jbevrenagaffney: Yep. thats the one
16:31.04gandhijeelol, my company makes the motherboard for that machine
16:31.11agaffneyathlon-xp mobile 1.6GHz, 512MB memory, 40GB HD
16:31.22jbevrenthat's a luggable heh
16:31.24agaffneyand it runs linux great :P
16:31.32gandhijeeactually, they can go with 2 dual core processors on it
16:31.45gandhijeeso you can do quad core
16:31.45mbufi want my next laptop to be 10", which one would you guys recommend? I don't want Sony. How is Fujitsu ?
16:31.54gandhijeemy HP is pretty nice
16:32.01agaffneymy laptop is 12"
16:32.01jbevrenI have an (old!) fujitsu b142
16:32.02jbevrenI love it
16:32.02agaffneynice and light
16:32.04gandhijeeminus the broadcom WiNIC
16:32.08jbevren9" screen, touch overlay
16:32.12jbevren300mhz fanless celeron
16:32.18jbevren20gig hdd :D
16:32.26agaffneygandhijee: my integrated 802.11 is broadcom
16:32.31agaffneyI've got it working with ndiswrapper
16:32.33gandhijeei wanted to get one of the transmeta based laptop
16:32.36jbevrenmine's intel, it sucks
16:32.50gandhijeei haven;t had time to reload my laptop =(
16:32.54agaffneythere's a new bcm43xx module in the 2.6.17 kernels
16:32.56jbevrenthat one's a gamebox though, so I dont mind windows on it
16:33.02agaffneyyou just need to extract firmware from a windows driver
16:33.11agaffneyand then hotplug/udev takes care of the rest
16:33.25gandhijeewhen i get back to school i'll have some time to setup my laptop i dunno if i should go to BSD or not
16:33.32agaffneyNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)
16:33.44agaffneygood luck getting the broadcom chip to work in BSD :P
16:33.59gandhijeegentoo it is then
16:34.38chouimatagaffney: how much for this nice computer?
16:35.00agaffneygandhijee: good choice :P
16:35.05agaffneychouimat: $'s 2 years old
16:35.11agaffneyAveratec 3200 series
16:35.20agaffneythey're all over the place on ebay
16:35.28agaffneybut I actually bought this from my dad
16:35.32gandhijeei migth have to pick one of those up then
16:35.37agaffneybecause he was going to sell it on ebay
16:35.45gandhijeeand leave this one with winblows so i can play Counter-Strike
16:35.51agaffneythey got for ~$330 to ~$440 depending on accessories
16:36.10agaffneypurl: die
16:36.12purlACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
16:36.39prpplaguegandhijee: just a side note, try to keep the language polite, alot of the folks here are at work and the business net filters don't take kindly to lots of swear words
16:36.50sorphinanyone that cares
16:36.56sorphin2G usb drive
16:37.02sorphin$29.99 after rebate, free ship
16:37.03gandhijeethe win* comment?
16:37.18sorphinprpplague: business net filters?
16:37.31gandhijeewe are in IRC...
16:37.52gandhijeethe business net filters hit that up too?
16:38.00sorphingandhijee: some people (like prpplague probably) go through proxies
16:38.07sorphinprobably what he means
16:38.17sorphinnothing i do proxies :)
16:38.34agaffneyI guess I shouldn't type the lyrics of the songs I'm listening to, then :P
16:39.45prpplagueusing irc for most business environments is a privilage, we try not to abuse it
16:40.22gandhijeei c, i've always worked for small companies, so they tend to be decent about it
16:40.29agaffneyI run the network where I work :P
16:45.51sorphinprpplague: no privilege here
16:46.09sorphincourse, i'm not in your normal 'business environment' :)
16:46.25sorphinagaffney: i guard the backbone where i work ;)
16:46.58gandhijeewhats your backbone? 128K isdn?
16:47.22gandhijeemmm OC-192
16:47.24sorphinXO Communications
16:47.26prpplaguesorphin: you gonna be able to get your car fixed?
16:47.42sorphinprpplague: it's in process, and the bozo's insurance company is accepting fault
16:47.58prpplaguesorphin: well thats good
16:48.01sorphinprpplague: got a copy of the final "estimate" yesterday from state farm
16:48.07prpplaguesorphin: atleast you don't have to worry about that
16:48.16gandhijee10K to fix your car?
16:48.27gandhijeewhat kinda car is it?
16:48.33sorphingandhijee: the car is still worth $34,000 though ;)
16:48.35prpplaguean expensive one
16:48.45gandhijeemust be a BMW or Lex
16:48.48sorphingandhijee: 2006 Nissan 350Z convertible
16:48.53gandhijeeor that
16:48.55gandhijeestill new
16:49.02sorphinBought it in January
16:49.09gandhijeethat sucks, what part did he manage to damage?
16:49.15sorphinshe, and the front
16:49.16prpplaguemost expensive car i've ever owned cost me $11k
16:49.24sorphinprpplague: the list of parts being replaced
16:49.27sorphinwas 2 pages about
16:49.29gandhijeemines been 9k
16:49.37sorphinRadiator costs over $400
16:49.58sorphinheck, the headlights are $779
16:50.01gandhijeethat really sucks
16:50.13gandhijeehow'd it happen
16:50.18sorphini feel sorry for that stupid chick, her insurance is gonna go way up
16:50.31sorphinprpplague: what about your.. um.. taht POS you were driving
16:50.40gandhijeeshe run a light or something/
16:50.52prpplaguesorphin: i didn't buy that, my ex-wife did
16:51.01sorphingandhijee: failed to yield on green when she turned left in front of me
16:51.27sorphinprpplague: well, atleast she's not an issue anymore, heh
16:51.30prpplaguesorphin: it was awarded to me in the divorce since she couldn't pay for it, so she got my car
16:51.46prpplaguesorphin: yea
16:51.58gandhijeeyour car was an escort, and in place you at a???
16:52.15prpplaguegandhijee: hyundai tiburon GT
16:52.29sorphinsame crap
16:52.38prpplaguesorphin: not really
16:52.40gandhijeew/ a bigger engine
16:52.44sorphinstill crap
16:52.47gandhijeev6 ?
16:52.58prpplaguegandhijee: yea, with 6 speed manual
16:53.00sorphinprpplague: you wanted to offload it at one point ;)
16:53.05prpplaguesorphin: still do
16:53.22sorphinwell, people don't offload good cars that they like :)
16:53.46gandhijeemaybe he just doesnt like the car
16:53.53prpplaguesorphin: it'll be paid for in about 6 months, and i'll take it to a field and fill it full of diesal and shoot it with a roman candle
16:53.55sorphinhis car and my car cost the same
16:53.59sorphinmy car is nicer
16:54.10sorphinprpplague: take plenty of pictures
16:54.16gandhijeethe crossfires seem kinda nice
16:54.16prpplaguesorphin: will do
16:54.26jbevren<- 95 olds cutlass ciera s
16:54.27sorphingandhijee: if you like Mopar
16:54.28gandhijeewhy you gonna do that? why not just trade it in?
16:54.37gandhijee<-96 nissan ratfinder
16:54.46prpplaguegandhijee: personal issues
16:54.46sorphingandhijee: oh yeah, with the plethora of car dealerships in barbados huh? ;)
16:54.56gandhijeegotch ya
16:54.57prpplaguesorphin: its not in barbados
16:55.03gandhijeegood point
16:55.04sorphinprpplague: ah, didn't drag it along huh?
16:55.16prpplaguesorphin: naw, its in a parking garage in dallas
16:55.37prpplaguesorphin: naw, $240 for a year
16:56.05sorphinnot bad
16:56.07prpplaguesorphin: its not about the quality of the car, just don't like the fact i got stuck with it
16:56.18prpplaguesorphin: i don't like making car payments
16:56.23sorphinprpplague: ah, for me, it's totally about quality
16:56.24prpplaguesorphin: i've always paid cash for my car
16:56.40sorphinonly car i paid cash for was a 1979 cutlass
16:56.42gandhijeewhy not fill with a 1/4 tank of gas and put some dynamite in it and let it go over a cliff?
16:56.43sorphinmy first car
16:56.55sorphingandhijee: there are more fun ways
16:57.00prpplaguegandhijee: hard to explain to the insurance company
16:57.07sorphinbleach, pingpongball, gas tank
16:58.02prpplagueno it will be much more satisfing knowing that having to pay for it didn't break me, and that it will be the last symbol of my divorce removed
16:58.15gandhijeeand the diesal and roman candle won't be
16:58.27prpplaguegandhijee: difference is it will be paid for
16:58.38prpplaguegandhijee: not doing it till its paid for
16:58.44sorphinwell, my car is solely in my name
16:58.48sorphinmissy's not even on the insurance
16:58.48gandhijeeyeah, i'm saying to the dynamite thing after you've paid it off
16:59.09prpplaguesorphin: she wasn't on my car and i on her's
16:59.16gandhijeeshooting it with a shotgun could be gun too
16:59.17prpplaguesorphin: lovely things the court can do
16:59.24sorphinprpplague: then you had a crappy lawyer
16:59.41prpplaguegandhijee: oh, well thats not exactly leagal
16:59.48prpplaguesorphin: naw, just the way the laws are
16:59.49sorphinbut anyways, i'm going to lunch.. in my "rental car"
16:59.58sorphinstupid Ford Escape
17:00.12gandhijeethey gave you an escape?
17:00.21sorphinEnterprise did
17:00.28sorphinonly car they had left in the whole area
17:00.30gandhijeethe usually give you something in the lines of your car
17:00.33sorphinthe last storm here wiped them out
17:00.45gandhijeewhere you at
17:02.54gandhijeeimma go get some food. sun guy is done iwth his speech
17:06.55*** join/#edev gandhijee (n=gandhije@
17:13.12*** join/#edev T0mW (
17:14.20prpplagueT0mW: hey hey
17:14.34prpplagueT0mW: congrads man
17:14.50T0mWprpplague: thanks, I think...
17:15.23prpplagueT0mW: for teaching me about eagle well enough that i was able to actually help someone in another channel today!
17:15.40gandhijeethe sun guy is has a thinkpad w/ windows
17:16.12prpplagueT0mW: yea yea i know teaching me is like putting a 1/2 gallon of water into a pint glass
17:16.25T0mWjbevren: I got a long term contract building a new system, and I plan to use linux as the core
17:16.36jbevrenvery cool
17:16.43jbevrenthe big one youve been shooting for?
17:16.49prpplaguehehe that wasnt what the congrads for , hehe
17:16.56T0mWjbevren: yeah, 7 months to build this thing..
17:17.17T0mWjbevren: that's why I need the linux, I don't want to write another proprietary o/s
17:17.34T0mWprpplague: for what then?
17:18.01prpplagueT0mW: for teaching me about eagle well enough that i was able to actually help someone in another channel today!
17:18.16T0mWsometimes rocks can learn too
17:19.09prpplaguei'm getting better at it
17:19.19prpplaguemaybe one day i'll actually get a board made
17:20.17T0mWI ordered that Little Chips LN2410SBC_TFT
17:20.20prpplagueT0mW: still alot of things i find lacking in the utilities
17:20.23prpplagueT0mW: yea i saw
17:20.31prpplagueT0mW: its a nice little board
17:20.39T0mWthey said they won't have stock until Aug 8
17:20.48prpplagueT0mW: gonna use s3c2410 for your design?
17:20.59T0mWseriously thinking about it
17:21.32prpplagueT0mW: it would be nice if you did, we could share resources
17:22.06prpplagueT0mW: if you use sharp's stuff, you'll be all alone(in the dark)
17:22.29T0mWyeah, well, he has been there before, we don't need to go there again
17:23.15T0mWprpplague: I figure it this way, dev on the 2410, then if they want to go with some other platform, the basic code is there.
17:24.13jbevrenreasonable enough
17:24.16prpplagueT0mW: thats basically what we did with the lh79520, we did some dev and decided to move on
17:24.24jbevrenprpplague: on another topic, did you see the Oki mcu at sparkfun?
17:25.01prpplaguejbevren: yea, semtec has been selling a similiar board for awhile
17:25.12jbevrenprpplague: What do ya think about it?
17:25.20prpplaguejbevren: its an ok design
17:25.22jbevrenother than I have two pixters hehe
17:25.45jbevrenso what makes it ok instead of good? :)
17:26.06prpplaguejust prefer something with an mmu
17:26.12jbevrenthat was a question too
17:26.21jbevrenthe only docs I could find looked like marketing crap
17:26.37jbevrensince it doesnt have an mmu, I lose interest hehe
17:28.08jbevrenanyone near wichita that's headed to Iowa?
17:34.29chouimatok time to get crazy for 10 minutes ...
17:35.43prpplaguejust for 10 minutes?
17:38.49chouimatprpplague: it's enough ... you know the "let lock him away" crazy kind ...
17:40.04chouimatprpplague: more than 10 minutes I get bored :)
17:41.11T0mWchouimat: short attention span, eh?
17:42.51chouimatT0mW: yup ...
17:59.05prpplaguejbevren: what i'd really like to see is nice little board that the pixter mm main board plugs into
17:59.23prpplaguejbevren: i jsut can't see to get organized with making it
18:01.38jbevrenprpplague: nod
18:01.50jbevrenmake a playground using the sparkfun boards as examples
18:10.49jbevrenwhich unknown? hehe
18:11.39prpplaguejbevren: of what the board will actually turn out like
18:12.05prpplaguejbevren: spending $100 not knowing if i'll get some nice beer coasters
18:12.25jbevrentoo true, that
18:13.58prpplaguewriting software is pretty cost free
18:14.04prpplaguei can make lots of mistakes
18:15.20prpplaguejbevren: i totally can't focus today , and i have a ton of work to do
18:15.28jbevrenprpplague: get to work!
18:16.37prpplaguejbevren: this weekend is gonna be a mad house on the island
18:17.00prpplaguejbevren: big festival, ala mardi gra style
18:17.06prpplaguejbevren: its "crop-over"
18:17.26prpplaguejbevren: they call the parties here a "fete"
18:18.30prpplagueinteresting, its french
18:19.46prpplague"crop-over" started when the british slave owners gave their slave a week off when the sugar cane harvest was complete
18:20.21prpplaguei.e. "crop harvest is over" became "crop-over"
18:34.53*** join/#edev gandhijee (n=gandhije@
18:44.03prpplagueT0mW: ping
18:45.15T0mWbbiam, doing UPS shipment
18:54.44T0mWprpplague: ok, that is done.
18:56.44T0mWprpplague: heh, sounds like "crop over" is all the workers could gasp as they collapsed on the final day of harvest!
18:58.12*** join/#edev redb1ue (
18:58.34prpplagueT0mW: the board layout is whats killing me, i can do the schematic pretty darn good now
18:58.45prpplagueT0mW: just can seem to get the knack of doing the layout
18:59.09T0mWprpplague: takes experience
18:59.17gandhijeejust make it look nice
19:00.20T0mWmost of my early stuff was doing the iron-on laserjet stenciling so I could fabricate my own boards.  That stuff was all through hole and pretty easy to do.
19:00.39T0mWprpplague: you are jumping into it somewhere in the middle by learning with SMD
19:02.48prpplagueT0mW: thats my moto, jump directly in it, make sure you have something to scrap the mess of your shoes
19:03.29T0mWprpplague: you develop technique after a while, your own set of rules.  In general, I build the schematic, incrementally do the layout, as I design the board itself.  I use the CAD as my sketchpad.  For example, the first proto of the MicroMux was 4 major revisions of the electronics.  I would put circuitry on the pcb, then decide I could cram more onto it, shove stuff around and look at it again...
19:04.31T0mWprpplague: I won't send any PCB out for fabrication until I've "lived" with the final layout for a few days.  There is always something that I forgot, or need to do.
19:04.42prpplaguehehe eya
19:04.50T0mWIOW, I do a final walk through
19:05.03T0mWeven then, I screw up
19:06.04T0mWprpplague: double check your packages, don't assume anything, what someone calls an SOP is someone elses SSOP
19:06.15jbevrenI hate that
19:06.37T0mWlike there is a TSOP and a TSSOP, both are unique
19:07.16T0mWjbevren: the thing about standards is that there is no standards
19:08.03T0mW~kick purl
19:08.04purlbugger off, t0mw!
19:08.37jbevrentheyre conventions
19:08.38T0mWTemperature: 95.0 F
19:09.02T0mWjbevren: where are you?
19:09.07jbevrennorth central Iowa
19:09.12jbevrennoaa zc 50625
19:09.15jbevrener noaa -> zc
19:09.18T0mWnortheast PA here
19:09.35T0mWsupposed to break this afternoon
19:09.51CosmicPenguinI hate it when afternoons break
19:10.05T0mWCosmicPenguin: you should be used to that with a corporate job
19:10.31CosmicPenguinI'm sorry - I didn't hear you, I was busy counting my options
19:11.16T0mWA) I can stay here and put up with the BS, B) I can go somewhere else and it will take a while for their BS to hit,...
19:11.46CosmicPenguinWe've already been through this - I'm just too plain stupid to run my own business
19:11.59T0mWCosmicPenguin: this year anyway
19:12.05CosmicPenguinI like to screw around too much
19:12.12jbevrenditto :(
19:12.19T0mWCosmicPenguin: exactly why I work for myself
19:12.20CosmicPenguinI would much rather have somebody else worry about all that crap
19:12.31CosmicPenguinI'm going to go off and hack on the kernel for a while - YOU figure out how to pay for it
19:12.40T0mWmy boss is very easy going,heh
19:12.49CosmicPenguinI was a dick to myself
19:13.18T0mWnot all roses though, I've got some 8051 work to do today. :(
19:13.36T0mWhopefully, I can kill that off this year
19:18.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: you know what buildroot is missing?
19:18.35CosmicPenguinA way to list all the original sources for the various packages
19:18.39CosmicPenguinlike 'make bom'
19:18.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
19:24.38CosmicPenguin~quote amd
19:27.32prpplagueT0mW: you got an eagle lib for that mini-sd card socket you used on the zipit?
19:28.03T0mWno, I designed that
19:28.11T0mWprpplague: you want it?
19:28.28T0mWI can cut & paste it into a small lib
19:29.12prpplagueT0mW: hmm, naw i guess not right now
19:30.18T0mWprpplague: I'll send it over anyway
19:30.52prpplagueT0mW: okie grokie
19:31.27prpplagueT0mW: what are the two pins marked "RS" ?
19:32.26prpplaguei still can't decide if i want to try putting the USB host on this board
19:40.39T0mWprpplague: you have mail
19:42.11T0mWprpplague: hmm, just realized that the lib I sent doesn't have names only numbers on the pins
19:49.21prpplagueT0mW: obvious i have alot more work to do on this
19:49.31prpplagueT0mW: my design that it
20:40.30flybackyou see prpplague
20:40.31flybackyou see
20:40.37flybackI told you it's a canuck conspiracy
20:40.47flybackmy car belt snappd last night and it's only 1-2 yrs old
20:40.49prpplagueflyback: don't make me kick you
20:40.50flybackguess where it's made
20:40.58flybackdude calm down I am making a joke
20:41.14flybackI think this was a canadian mafia hit
20:41.25prpplagueflyback: i've asked you repeatedly, i do not want to hear "canuck" in this channel
20:42.17flybackI gotta go figure out wtf happen to my car anyways
21:37.02*** join/#edev gandhiji (n=gandhije@
22:26.12CP|GoneI should become a shepard
22:26.22CP|Gonemaybe keep some sheep
22:27.48CosmicPenguinMove to Meeteetse, Wyoming
22:42.27*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
23:54.07*** join/#edev J4k3 (

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