irclog2html for #edev on 20060727

00:00.19CosmicPenguinI have nothing
00:00.33CosmicPenguinAMD isn't relaly telling me very much right now, as you can guess
00:15.26prpplaguewell @#$%@$#
00:15.31prpplagueelinux had a meltdown
00:18.16chouimatprpplague: the Release 1.0 of a software crash here but the beta works great ...
00:22.30chouimatprpplague: I bet the only reason they released it was the 8 months between the 2 ...
00:31.37*** join/#edev agaffney_ (n=agaffney@gentoo/developer/
01:02.07*** join/#edev redblue (
01:10.40*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
01:11.01prpplaguedavidc__: you check out the wiki page?
01:25.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you still around?
01:25.41prpplagueanyone got the tinyurl that CosmicPenguin posted earlier?
01:29.39prpplagueho ho hum
01:35.28flybackhey thought you guys would like to see this
01:35.37flybackmodding a ntsc lcd
01:35.54flybacklike one of those $50 psone ones
01:37.36prpplagueflyback: you got CosmicPenguin's tiny url he posted to me earlier?
01:41.29flybackthe flash one ?
01:42.57flybackthat's a intel firmware hub bro
01:43.07flybackit's propritary garbage I have a few of the older 512's sitting here
01:43.20flyback8M INTEL CHIP SET FWH PLCC 3V
01:43.27flybackFWH = firmware hub
01:43.53flybackit's supposted to have a normal mode too but I didn't figure out how complete it is yet
01:44.12flybackif it is complete I am going to have my friend start saving them when he tosses boards at his recycling place
01:44.55flybackI have no idea WTF intel was thinking with the whole firmwarehub garbage anyways
01:49.18flybackbe nice if we could use it though, I always liked sst flash it always seems to work on any device I have had it on
01:49.22prpplagueyea just did a test, i can use a jtag dongle with a 74ls245 to access it
01:49.33flybackthose fwh chips?
01:50.39flybackyeah looks like it has 2 modes
01:50.47flybackfwh mode and standard flash mode
01:50.54flybacki'lkl tell my friend to save some :P
01:51.03flybackmight order some of those too :)
01:51.35flybackmake sure you confirm it's read/write compatible prpplague
01:51.41flybacknot just programmer compatible
01:51.54flybackyou know what I mean :)
01:52.45flybackgood old LS series
01:53.01flybackpower hungry but fast and able to survive nuke holicosts
01:53.50flybacknow all we need is a cheap tsop to plcc adaptor for the jb :P
01:54.42flybackthat would only work for the 8 meg units though :/
01:58.11flybackanother one of these DAMN sdram modules with no spd info turned up
02:12.42flybackwow scales up to 33 mhz, nice
02:32.15MonMothagah, my ISP's fucked up again
02:38.33flybackhey MonMotha
02:56.31prpplagueflyback: cool it on the url pastes
02:56.59flybackyes mommie :/
02:57.10CP|HomeEspecially that one - i t was random
02:57.22flybackno it wasn't
02:57.28flybackit was a show about how stuff works
02:57.38flybackya know some stuff we deal with here?
02:57.46flybackor shows like that that got us interested in stuff here
02:57.58CP|HomeWe know how stuff works
03:06.09MonMothachouimat|Zzzz: try boot with nosmp?
03:06.59chouimat|ZzzzMonMotha: the problem is more like preempt ...
03:07.33MonMothawell, sometimes preempt will cause problems that are SMP related
03:07.35chouimat|ZzzzI'm tired of getting segfault or panic when compiling glibc
03:07.57*** part/#edev flyback (
03:08.50MonMothaanyone in here done work with GPS?
03:09.12jbevrendavidc__: You're on's front page :)
03:09.25jbevren(I heard you broke the camera's secret, so I assume thats you)
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06:11.06*** part/#edev hufnus (
06:12.35davidc__jbevren: yep, I know
06:12.38davidc__jbevren: how embarrassing :P
06:13.10davidc__jbevren: I asked sparky if I'm there to scare away all the customers.. he wouldn't give me a straight answer
06:13.18davidc__prpplague: yea, looked at it for a second
06:53.00*** join/#edev chouimat|Zzzz (
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12:04.30prpplaguemallum: morning
12:04.34prpplagueredblue: greetings
12:04.57mallumhey prpplague
12:57.50*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
13:02.32*** join/#edev gandhijee (
13:07.03*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
13:14.20jbevrenGood Morning, Dave. (/hal)
13:15.11prpplaguegood morning hal
13:15.30prpplaguegot the results of the tests on the AE-1 unit hal?
13:16.34gandhijeehey you guys happen to know how to install a package to another file system, but still have it keep everything sane?
13:16.51gandhijeelike a ./configure --prefix= --install-path=/<path to install>?
13:17.42prpplaguegandhijee: if i understand what you are asking, people use something like fakeroot or chroot to do the install
13:18.19gandhijeei don;t think i can use a chroot, the target is arm, while my host is x86
13:18.34gandhijeebut then again, i am 1/2 retarded when it comes to this stuff
13:18.48prpplaguegandhijee: then probably what you are looking for is fakeroot
13:18.58prpplaguegandhijee: its was buildroot uses to do its installs
13:18.59gandhijeethanks for the info
13:20.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: everyone of the mb's that i've gotten so far have the bios chip soldered on
13:30.29CP|Homeheh - doh
13:30.51*** join/#edev davidc__ (
13:30.59prpplagueCP|Home: no worry, i;ll figure something out
13:31.08prpplagueCP|Home: i see indian rejected the OLPC
13:31.18prpplagueCP|Home: the bios on the OLPC is socketed?
13:32.23CP|Homeprpplague: heh - don't believe everything you read.. :)
13:32.35prpplaguejbevren> Good Morning, Dave. (/hal)
13:32.49prpplagueCP|Home: yea
13:32.56prpplaguedavidc__: moring
13:32.58CP|Homeprpplague:  on the rev_a boards we have a PLCC ROM and the serial flash
13:33.06CP|Homes/ROM/ROM socket/
13:33.12CP|Homethe production boards will only have the serial flash
13:33.24davidc__morning prpplague
13:33.59prpplagueCP|Home: the serial flash will be used to do the bios?
13:34.25CP|HomeBringin' up the LCD
13:34.40CP|Homeprpplague: yeah - the ROM will be in the serial flash on the final product
13:34.52jbevrendavidc__: is that you on sparkfun's front page?
13:34.58prpplaguejbevren: yea
13:35.03jbevrenthoguht so :)
13:35.03davidc__jbevren: yup
13:35.04jbevrencongrats :)
13:35.12davidc__thanks :P
13:35.13CP|Homebut for now, we haven't found a reliable way to flash the serial flash without running a huge risk of corrupting the ec code
13:35.23CP|Homeso thats why I'm using the PLCC
13:37.26gandhijeei don't think fakeroot is the right tool, is there something like chroot for crossarch? or is that supposta be fakeroot?
13:38.02prpplaguegandhijee: if i understand what you are asking for, yes fakeroot is what you want
13:38.37prpplagueCP|Home: there a index page for dwmw2's pic page?
13:39.49gandhijeei guess i don;t understand how to use it then
13:40.14gandhijeefakeroot fakes my root prives from what i see
13:40.55prpplaguemaybe i'm not understanding what you are asking
13:41.17gandhijeei have lighthttpd in a build directory in my home directory,
13:41.34CP|Homeprpplague: heh - no, I don't think he does that
13:41.46gandhijeethen also in my home directory i have a ramdisk that is created and mounted in say xscale
13:42.44gandhijeei want to be able to go to lighthttpd directory and do a make install and have it install to the mounted ramdisk, but if i use --prefix=~/xscale it hardcodes the rest of the paths in
13:43.11gandhijeei want to prevent that, i know some packages have a ./configure --install-dir= or make INSTALL_PATH=
13:43.49gandhijeeso i can install it to my xscale place, but when i run the configure or make i can point it at /
13:43.58prpplaguegandhijee: normally you can override the "DESTDIR" on the make command line
13:44.35gandhijeejust use a make DESTDIR= ??
13:44.43prpplaguegandhijee: take a quick look at your makefile and see if it has support for DESTDIR in the install
13:44.48prpplaguegandhijee: yea
14:08.13chouimatprpplague: ok after watching the press conference for the monteal's outgames ... i think I will found the SWMAM (Straight White Men Affirmation Movement) ... I know I'm not politically correct
14:08.31prpplaguechouimat: hehe
14:08.36prpplaguechouimat: you check out that url?
14:08.49chouimatprpplague: nice pictures err ladies ;)
14:09.03prpplaguechouimat: thats my brothers site
14:09.23chouimatprpplague: wow
14:09.25prpplaguechouimat: hehe, of course he usually bags them afterwords, hehe
14:10.19chouimatprpplague: ok a true photographer then !!!! ;)
14:11.56prpplaguehehe, he has a couple pics of himself at the bottom of the main page
14:12.16prpplaguei think my mother had an afair because, he doesn't look a thing like me and my sister
14:13.14chouimatprpplague: hmmm
14:14.57agaffneyprpplague: that doesn't mean much. my brother looks nothing like my sister and I
14:15.10agaffneyhe looks a lot like my dad, and my sister and I look a lot like my mom
14:15.11prpplagueagaffney: hehe it was a joke
14:15.24agaffneyheh, ok
14:21.00prpplaguechouimat: hehe, he uses more hair products than my wife
14:21.47chouimatprpplague: hehe
14:30.41prpplaguemallum: ordered you a pixtermultimedia yet? hehe
14:36.26prpplaguehmm kinda wet today
14:38.04prpplaguedavidc__: i'm totally offended that sparky didn't list my wiki page , hehe
14:38.34davidc__prpplague: hehe, he rarely checks that thread unless I tell him theres something new
14:39.37davidc__heh, he'll probably check it sometime today
14:39.41davidc__you only posted it last night :P
14:40.03davidc__prpplague: and if you say I told you to bug him, I'll cause you paimn
14:42.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: isn't that what you normally do?
14:42.43CosmicPenguinYeah, but this is going to be one of my better rants
14:44.10CosmicPenguinnectar of the gods
14:44.39davidc__CosmicPenguin: hmm?
14:49.37*** join/#edev sjhill (
14:50.15prpplaguesjhill: greetings
14:50.41jbevrenre shjill
14:51.00sjhillpurl: botsnack
14:51.00purlaw, gee, sjhill
14:51.21sjhillhey jbevren
14:56.09*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
15:05.41*** join/#edev flyback (
15:05.55flybackguys this looks like it's going to be fun to port linux to
15:06.57prpplagueflyback: well congrads you actually posted something ontop
15:07.25agaffneyI hate sites that have the sessionid in the URL
15:08.02flybackseriously though that looks sweet
15:08.27flybackI always liked the TI omap over the intel xscale for the same reason and I was sorry when palm switched to Xscale
15:08.45flybackhaving dsp's to handle the nansty stuff makes more sense than keep tryin to crank up the clock
15:09.44flybackbtw folks Xlinx just announced a recall on some of their fpgas in case anyone here is affected, back later
15:13.47CosmicPenguinWow - thats one of those "all in one" fly tying kits
15:14.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they have caps, resistor and linear kits as well
15:14.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: for about $500 you could have a full work bench, hehe
15:15.14CosmicPenguinNow, if I could only solder a junction smaller then a manhole cover
15:15.26davidc__CosmicPenguin: you don't like 0201s?
15:15.45chouimatprpplague: nice pricing
15:16.41gandhijeeflyback: you have a link for that?
15:17.03prpplaguechouimat: yea, that averages out to about 0.28 each
15:18.16chouimatprpplague: I should train myself with a soldering iron ... I suck with one ... I have no manual dexterity ... but I'm a fairly good drummer ... can't have it all
15:18.56prpplaguechouimat: takes lots of practice
15:19.06flybackgandhijee try and
15:19.08flybackit was one of those
15:19.12prpplaguechouimat: i normally use just a cheap 12watt weller that i file the tip
15:19.40flybackprpplague I saw a 4 or 8 watt battery weller 900F for $13 at home depo
15:19.45flybackI was damn tempted
15:19.52prpplaguechouimat: hehe, so when i've used the iron at the office, its like the difference between a carpenter pencil and a needle
15:19.53chouimatprpplague: last time I used one I nearly burned the house ... so :)
15:20.32chouimatok my coworker is here ...
15:21.13flybackchouimat you know why cats like laptops don't you?
15:21.32flybacksame reason as crts
15:22.11chouimatflyback: want to piss off a cat ... replace while it sleeps all crts by lcds ;)
15:22.34prpplaguebeats the heck out of radio shack pricing, hehe
15:22.48flybackmy backside beats anything radio shack
15:22.54prpplaguehell i could order about 10 of those and open a store, hehe
15:23.51chouimatprpplague: Papa Dave's Electronic Wh[a,o]rehouse ?
15:24.37agaffneyW{a,ho}rehouse, biatch :P
15:35.18prpplaguechouimat: about a year ago when things were looking dark about getting donna's visa/greencard, i actually considered opening up a shop
15:35.36prpplaguechouimat: "The Geek Zone"
15:36.20prpplaguechouimat: kind of a think geek + jameco
15:36.24chouimatprpplague: let me guess ... Electronic stuff and quality beer :)
15:36.30prpplaguechouimat: hehe
15:36.53prpplaguechouimat: well the beer wasn't an option, its practically impossible to bring in beer
15:37.37chouimatprpplague: here every chapters/indigo got a starbucks in them so ... with not a computer store with a bar in it ... drink a beer while we build your computer ...
15:37.45prpplaguechouimat: the same government officials that control both the import laws and the people issue the permits, are major stock holders in the only brewery on the island
15:38.07chouimatnice ...
15:38.46prpplaguechouimat: graft at its best
15:39.23prpplaguechouimat: whats funny, they've been doing it for so long, most of the native islanders don't even know that their are other types of beers
15:43.23*** join/#edev EvilDevil_ (
15:47.10jbevrenI could tell so many linux horror stories :)
15:47.17jbevrenbut there are billions more windows ones
15:47.33jbevrenbut linux beats windows in so many ways
15:47.39jbevrentry booting XP on the DHT walnut board
15:47.43jbevrenover the network
15:47.48jbevrenwithout a local disK :)
15:50.43prpplaguejbevren: really?
15:50.58prpplaguei guess i'm weird, i don't find i have many problems at all
15:51.24jbevrenbooting xp on the dht?
15:51.29jbevrenwith linux
15:51.39jbevrenmost of my headache involves setting X up
15:51.53jbevrenlike the crap nvidia driver
15:52.03jbevrenin order to use both heads, I -have- to use twinview
15:52.13jbevrenthe othe rmethod for multiheading (as described by nvidia) simply doesnt work
15:52.17prpplaguei don't use any heavy graphics stuff, so probably be why
15:52.19jbevrenI -despise- twinview
15:55.25jbevrenit turns two panels into one X head, which pretty much breaks standard multihead behavior
15:56.42CosmicPenguinFunny - I love twinview
15:56.53jbevrenI want maximized windows to not span displays
15:57.05CosmicPenguinMy maximized windows don't span displays
15:57.07jbevreneven xinerama-aware WM's do it on twinview
15:57.23CosmicPenguinI have firefox maximized on the left
15:57.24jbevrenare you sure youre using twinview?
15:57.38CosmicPenguinpositive - I'm old school - I edit my own xorg.conf file
15:58.03jbevrenI'm somehow unconvinced.  Enabling twinview makes the two displays one head, making it impossible to know where the border between monitors is
15:58.15CosmicPenguinI think you're confused about twinview
15:58.22jbevrenI think I'm not
15:58.27CosmicPenguinanyway, it works great for me
15:58.31jbevrenif I maximize the window in kde or gnome, it spans displays
15:58.42jbevrenI understand why it does so in fvwm1.4 :)
15:58.55jbevren(considering fvwm1.4 was dropped before xinerama was thought up)
15:58.55CosmicPenguinwell, since neither kde nor gnome are window managers, your bug report is flawed from the beginning
15:59.08jbevrensawmill and kwm both have the issue
15:59.25CosmicPenguinI don't know what to tell you - if you want to believe it doesn't work then go ahead
15:59.33jbevrenI dont believe
15:59.33CosmicPenguinI recommend you find yourself a better window manager
15:59.34jbevrenI know
15:59.37jbevrenI'm looking at it right now
15:59.43CosmicPenguinAs am I
15:59.49jbevrenshrug and sigh
15:59.59jbevrendisdain for nvidia's stupid hackery continues :)
16:00.14jbevrenyoure supposed to be able to use two stanzas for one card to get true multihead
16:00.18jbevrenbut it doesnt work :P
16:00.43jbevrenbesides, twinview disables a few things I'd like to be able to use
16:00.44CosmicPenguinI'll bash Nividia when I have to - but in this case, you're barking up the wrong tree
16:00.52jbevrenI'm venting :)
16:10.15*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac)
16:12.29samrobb_prpplague: Hola
16:14.58samrobb_prpplague: Saw your question from yesterday - yes, that was me at OLS 2004.
16:15.17samrobb_I'm surprised anyone remembered it.
16:22.46prpplaguesamrobb_: hehe
16:23.00prpplaguesamrobb_: i have the pdf printed and in a binder
16:23.18prpplaguesamrobb_: give it to our junior programmers
16:33.28samrobb_prpplague: Wow.  That's... wow.
16:34.04CosmicPenguinuntil you realize that its just prpplague
16:34.07samrobb_(Granted, they probably use it as a sleep aid, but it's still neat :-)
16:34.08CosmicPenguinI mean... yeah!
16:34.23samrobb_Well, I didn't say it was a *big* difference :-)
16:34.31samrobb_Or a positive one, either...
16:36.15prpplaguewell its make a big difference for use when adding our applications to buildroot
16:36.52prpplaguesamrobb_: funny, i didn't put your nick and the paper together until the other day
16:37.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: have you read it?
16:38.41samrobb_prpplague: You might be interested in something we did at TimeSys that was based in part on that paper
16:38.47CosmicPenguinHmm - good stuff to know
16:39.03samrobb_It's a wrapper around RPM that makes it easy (well, easier) to cross-compile source RPMs
16:39.17prpplaguesamrobb_: ahh, cool
16:39.37samrobb_Recently made available under the GPL:
16:40.29samrobb_(Actually, it's Chris Faylor's work...  I just use it and file bug reports occaisionally.)
16:43.55*** join/#edev redb1ue (
16:44.24CosmicPenguinchouimat: its called google - look into it
16:45.01chouimatprpplague: thnaks
16:45.02prpplaguechouimat: its part of the procedings document
16:45.35chouimatprpplague: I just saw ...
16:45.46prpplaguetim bird also did a nice paper on boot time thats very interesting
16:50.17samrobb_prpplague: Yep - it was Tim's paper on boot time that got me interested in linux-tiny
16:51.01samrobb_IIRC, Matt Mackall is working with/for Tim now as part of celinux
16:52.05prpplaguesamrobb_: yea seems like i saw something about that as well
17:13.23chouimatprpplague: btw tuesday a nice girl was here and when she saw the sign on my cat litterbox she wasn't able to stop laughing ... the sign say: "human resources department" ;)
17:16.17prpplaguechouimat: my boss at abcs made me take a sign down i had: Dave's Janitorial Service - Specializing in sewage cleanups and smoke damage from small fires
17:22.22chouimatprpplague: when I was working for my father company I had this sign: Mathieu's Office: specialisation: Impossible ... yes we are currently working on immortality but don't hold your breath for now "
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17:31.36jbevrenCosmicPenguin: Driver's still buggy, but I worked out triplehead (vs single panel+twinview) heh
17:32.05jbevrenHD44780 controllers are common as dirt
17:32.08CosmicPenguintriplehead?  leet?
17:32.21CosmicPenguinthats not really a question actually - it is leet
17:32.22jbevrenCosmicPenguin: I have three displays
17:32.32jbevrenwith twin+1, if I maximize something on the twinview fb, it spans displays
17:32.56jbevrensomething in the xinerama data gets mashed when adding the third display device
17:33.07jbevrenwith triplehead, maximise works right on all three idsplays
17:33.18flybackjbe mp dide
17:33.24flybackthat's a serial converter
17:33.29jbevrenflyback: I know
17:33.42jbevrenflyback: I was commenting that because they are, and that's therefore very usefula :)
17:33.43flybackoh thought you thiought that was a lcd or something :P
17:33.54flybackI have like 32
17:34.09flybackhave to figure out the pinout and get rid of the lame connectors on them though
17:34.11jbevrenI have a 128x64 somewhere, but it doesnt use the HD chip heh
17:35.47jbevrensparkfun has lots of lcd's powered by that controller tho
17:36.46jbevrenCosmicPenguin: Now that xinerama's worth it (and working right), I'll have to migrate my fvwm1.4 config to fvwm2 :)
17:36.48flybackman that sucks ass :(
17:36.54jbevren1.4's not xinerama aware
17:36.59flybackrocket blew up and took 14 cubesats with it
17:37.01jbevren2.5 apaprently is :)
17:37.05flybackpoor kids in college :(
17:38.25gandhijeewhats wrong with being a poor kid in collegE?
17:38.39flybackno I feel bad for them
17:38.42flybackthat was their babies
17:38.45flybacki'd be heartbroken
17:40.51flybackstupid russia
17:40.55flybackand the UN, you suck
17:41.15flybackbecause of them, the titan rockets had to be destroyed due to the non nuke poliferation treaty
17:41.27flybackand it turns out titans are rock solid satalite vechiles
17:41.33flybackbut they had to be destroyed anyways
17:41.38flybackjust to make people feel good
17:41.46gandhijeewouldn;t it make more sense for them to destroy just the war heads?
17:41.58flybackyeah but the lame treaty wanted them wiped out
17:42.40flybackwe have reactors now that can "burn" warheads and dangerous nuke waste
17:42.56flybackdown to mildly or just less dangerous radioactive materials
17:43.23prpplagueflyback: calm down, let keep it on topic
17:44.26flybackok, I just get pissed when good technology or resources are wasted cause of stupid decisions
17:44.39flybackand I feel bad for this kids who watched their college thesis burn up
17:52.17sjhillflyback ~= fishhead
17:52.31flybackuhh yeah everyone knows that
17:52.41flybackwhat's your point other than trying to stir up trouble
17:52.42chouimathi sjhill
17:52.43sjhilli was asking
17:52.47flybackoh ok
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17:52.54sjhillhey chouimat
17:54.45sjhillchouimat: so you can see the paper in the proceedings
17:57.24chouimatcool now I have some reading to do :)
17:58.26sjhilla couple months worth you mean
17:58.41chouimatsjhill: yup ... will start with 2002 and go to 2006 ;)
18:27.17sjhilland good riddance
18:33.24jbevren (firefox extension malware)
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19:01.22prpplaguesjhill: hows biz? you get you project out the door?
19:02.24sjhilli don't remember. but i'm not stressed at all, so i must have.
19:02.48prpplaguesjhill: the one will the different filesystem builds in buildroot
19:04.42CosmicPenguinthats not right
19:09.20sjhillprpplague: oh that, yeah that's finished
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20:46.41*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
21:56.19*** join/#edev T0mW (
22:02.08prpplagueT0mW: hey old fart
22:02.22T0mWnot true!
22:03.17*** join/#edev trjonescp (
22:07.13T0mWprpplague: I spoke with that customer this morning (SPI cards), I think he is accepting of my using linux as the o/s
22:07.45T0mW... and, the Samsung part
22:08.24T0mWprpplague: he still wants to put WinCE in the front panel though, LOL
22:09.16jbevrenI swear
22:09.19jbevrenwince is such a great name
22:09.59T0mWit is entirely appropriate, but, I guess they figure a mult-billion dollar company can't be wrong
22:45.46MonMothaT0mW: you done much with AVRs?
22:47.03T0mWMonMotha: absolutely nothing
22:47.44MonMothaI'm trying to figure out why this is doing this
22:48.35MonMothaif I turn on the SPI unit, the upper nibble of the io port SPI is on has severe drive issues (huge fall times, can't even drive a 1k load)
22:48.47MonMothaif I leave SPI off, the port works as expected
22:48.52MonMotha(but not SPI)
22:49.20T0mWMonMotha: there might be a Yahoo mailing list for the AVRs?
22:50.32prpplagueMonMotha: a number of folks who do avr hang in #microcontrollers
22:50.37MonMothaprpplague: ok
22:53.14MonMothaprpplague: it's a fairly weird problem.  The datasheet doesn't mention anything I can see...
23:15.01prpplagueT0mW: oh hey i remembered what i needed to ask you
23:15.47prpplagueT0mW: here is the situation, a device with 4 bi directional i/o pins
23:16.06prpplagueT0mW: need to connect to a device with 4 in, and 4 out pins
23:16.28prpplagueT0mW: looking at using a 74ls241
23:47.11prpplagueok so here is a design question
23:47.57prpplaguei can do this with one 74ls241 and one 72ls125, or i can just use two 74ls241 's with 1/2 of the second 241 not being used
23:48.12prpplaguenot much difference in cost, about 5 cents

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