irclog2html for #edev on 20060626

00:33.22*** join/#edev redb1ue (
03:57.21*** join/#edev EvilDevil_ (
09:00.46*** join/#edev trjones (
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12:49.10*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
12:49.43prpplaguejbevren: morning
12:49.47prpplaguewhats the latest on the freenode server being compromnised?
12:49.56prpplaguejbevren: hows was the camping?
12:50.42jbevrenpretty decent
12:51.01jbevrensome rain on saturday, but my sister had her camper there so we played cards indoors
12:52.01prpplaguein doors?
12:52.13jbevrenin her camper
12:52.13prpplagueshould be out playing in the rain
12:52.18jbevrenwhich I dont count as camping
12:52.23jbevrennaw, rain was too heavy
12:52.29jbevrenin light rain I'd be outside
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13:15.15*** mode/#edev [+o jbevren] by prpplague
13:17.57agaffneyprpplague: they did a town hall sort of thing last night, but there wasn't much useful information
13:18.10agaffneythere's still a lot they won't say due to an "ongoing investigation"
13:18.38prpplagueagaffney: i see
13:18.53prpplagueagaffney: i changed my passwords of course
13:19.07agaffneythere are only <25 thought to possible be compromised
13:19.09prpplagueagaffney: just wonder what the fall out will be
13:19.31agaffneyand that's just a guess based on the amount of time between when the attacker took down services and when the servers were shut down
13:19.48agaffneyassuming the attackers even killed the jupe and assumed nickserv's role temporarily
13:20.30prpplagueyea there is suppose to be a q&a page but i haven't seen the url yet
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13:44.59*** join/#edev T0mW (
13:45.18prpplagueT0mW: greetings
13:45.36T0mWprpplague: greetings from the rain-forest
13:45.49prpplagueT0mW: getting a little water there?
13:46.10T0mWprpplague: the weather here is rain, more rain, then misty rain
13:46.32prpplaguewe have a few storms in the atlantic brewing
13:46.48T0mWwe have hammer-down rain, rain, showers, mist: the whole gamut
13:47.10T0mWoh! no hail, yet
13:47.14prpplagueT0mW: hehe
13:47.36T0mWjust practicin'
13:47.50prpplagueT0mW: its my understanding that the chinesse have a single word for rain, but depending on how you pronounce it tells you what kind of rain it is
13:48.01prpplagueT0mW: something 40 ways to pronounce it
13:48.22T0mWprpplague: we have a word like that: sh!t
13:49.03T0mWprpplague: depending on how you pronounce it tells you how bad life is, heh
13:50.41T0mWprpplague: worked this weekend to finish the new board.  it's going to be interesting to see how this works out: two products in one source tree with a lot of #ifdef overlaps
13:51.20prpplagueT0mW: yea, doing that with 3 products and the linux kernel
13:51.47T0mWyeah, i've a bit of perl in that make system
13:52.39T0mWprpplague: anyway, it sits here on the bench running tests on the LEDs, heh heh
13:53.05T0mWprpplague: now to see if the potential customer wants to buy it.
13:53.45T0mWone thing I really really suck at is writing user documentation.
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13:57.04T0mWprpplague: you know, I suspect that the 'SRAM' that the chip docs refer to in the LPC2000 family is not "static" RAM.  The RAM behaves as if it is PSUEDO-STATIC.
13:57.21prpplagueT0mW: yea?
13:58.12T0mWthe reset chip I have gives a one second pulse, the RAM won't hold values thru a reset: most columns will but some won't
13:59.08T0mWit is sensitive to the bit values of the ram field (page), different fill values will work, others get bobbled bits
14:08.42T0mWprpplague: I've seen dynamic RAM behave this way.  You can keep values in DRAM across RESET, provided the RESET pulse is short and you get the DRAM controller running ASAP
14:09.22T0mWprpplague: intereseting thing is that you could keep values in DRAM for something on the order of 200..600ms before it would start dropping bits, but it was also pattern sensitive.
14:10.12T0mWDRAM != SDRAM, not sure how SDRAM behaves.
14:11.34prpplaguebrb going for a reboot
14:13.42jbevrenmost sdram controllers put the memory into self-refresh mode during idle
14:13.56jbevrenso assuming you reset and the sdram doesnt lose power, the data would (educated guess) hold
14:14.19T0mWjbevren: does self-refresh use an internal clock, internal to the SDRAM device?
14:14.39jbevrennot 100% sure.  Isnt the clock on the sdram only active during transfers?
14:15.16*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
14:15.34jbevrenprpplague: (quoting tom) does self-refresh on sdram use an internal clock?
14:15.39T0mWIMHO, it wouldn't be possible to access the SDRAM if it is in self-refresh as the synchronis nature of the clock vs control bus is broken, but it would keep the SDRAM alive if you put the CPU into deep-sleep.
14:18.17*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
14:19.33prpplagueT0mW: hmm, to be honesty i've been so deep in other stuff, the ram issues are not fresh on my brain
14:19.36prpplagueT0mW: but.....
14:19.52prpplagueT0mW: i have run sdram in auto-refesh mode while accessing it
14:21.26T0mWmy concern is this: I'd planned to dump registers + stack data into a RAM location when an Exception was thrown by my software, then the exception handler would reset the LPC2138 CPU.  When the system came back up, it would look to see the state of the ExceptionDumpArea and write it to the SD card when valid.  Thus giving trace data.
14:22.36T0mWThe thinking was that I could not rely upon using the SD card while an exception had been thrown as the health of the system was in doubt.  So... reboot the system, then dump the info to the SD card.
14:23.02T0mWI've about 200K of program, there WILL be problems somewhere.
14:23.19T0mW... all new code
14:23.20jbevrencan you partition the SD to include a raw partition to hold the dump
14:23.26jbevrenand bit-bang your dump to the sectors?
14:23.36jbevrenhm ok
14:23.39jbevrenjust an idea :)
14:23.56T0mWI want ability for the user in the field to send me the 'errorlog.txt' file.
14:24.34T0mW... and ... I don't want to write an extra-special program on Windows to examine the contents of the SD card sectors.
14:24.51T0mWWindows (l)users are so non-technical
14:25.02jbevrenhehe youre telling me?
14:25.15jbevrenthe ms programmers are nearly as bad
14:25.16T0mWI'll have to experiment with reset pulse values
14:26.25T0mWWell, under Windows (or linux for that matter) systems, you can "be there" to do post crash analysis, but this is an embedded system designed to run for years without intervention.
14:26.59T0mW"you want to keep WinNT healthy?  Reboot it once a month..."
14:36.04*** join/#edev tuxmaniac (n=aanjhan@
14:43.00*** join/#edev CosmicPenguin (
14:43.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: greeeeeetings
14:44.30CosmicPenguinwhat service
14:44.41jbevrenme too? :)
14:49.21jbevrenI need focus follows eyes
14:49.31prpplaguejbevren: hehe
14:50.38prpplaguejbevren: a few years ago, about 10 years after my parents got divorced, my mother ( who is a few cards short of a full deck) let it slip that she used to put some dish soap in my fathers coffee in the mornings, hehe
14:54.28CosmicPenguingood golly]
14:54.29jbevrenprpplague: Know of any breakout boards for the mini2410 card?
14:55.22prpplaguejbevren: ?? mini2410?
14:55.30jbevrenebay 7610223074
14:55.42jbevrenrandom curiosity heh
14:55.51prpplaguehmm, i'm getting a weird error with busybox rmmod, "Function not implemented"
14:56.03jbevrenits one of those boards taht uses a SODIMM edge
14:56.07prpplaguejbevren: oh, yea seen that, no don't know any off the top of my head
14:56.16jbevrenprpplague: is the bbox rmmod built for kernel 2.4 and youre using 2.6?
14:56.28prpplaguejbevren: i've talked to T0mW before about doing some generic board for things like that
14:56.56prpplaguejbevren: hmm, 2.6 support in busybox, wonder if you can't use 2.4 and 2.6 at the same time
14:57.02jbevrenprpplague: or perhaps 2.6 isnt configured for modules
14:57.44jbevrenin debian, module-init-tools calls the old modutils binary when it detects 2.4
14:57.45prpplaguejbevren: naw, i did insmod with no problem
15:00.01prpplaguethis is strange
15:01.01prpplagueDOH DOH DOH
15:01.10prpplaguehelps if you have module unloaded selected in the kernel
15:01.21prpplaguedon't know how i missed it
15:05.21CosmicPenguinbecause its not selected by default?
15:05.36jbevrenprpplague: 7613192400 <- replacement lcd for my pixter eh? :)
15:05.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, and since its not an option in 2.4
15:05.45jbevrenthe resolution is different but that wont matter if I change the firmware
15:06.39prpplagueeh gads
15:07.20prpplaguejbevren: why not get one of those lcds for the palm?
15:07.26prpplaguejbevren: those should work ok
15:08.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: still getting used to some of the 2.6 features
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15:09.22jbevrenprpplague: oh
15:09.25jbevrenthanks :D
15:09.30jbevrenI'm just randomly browsing atm hehe
15:10.04prpplaguejbevren: hehe yea, i do that too
15:10.56prpplaguethat should work on the pixtermm without a bunch of changes
15:10.57jbevrenyep.  I was just heading there :D
15:11.09prpplaguesame resolution too
15:11.29jbevrenand it has an offscreen area to add fixed buttons
15:11.46prpplaguei've been planning to order some myself
15:11.52jbevrenhm 160x160 lcd
15:11.55jbevrenquite cool
15:15.26jbevreninfo about the IIIc lcd
15:19.51prpplaguemodule unloads now, but it segfaults
15:20.46jbevrendoes it segfault in-kernel?
15:21.43prpplagueshort paste
15:21.45prpplague0.07 USB: usb_gadget_register_driver() 'g_serial'
15:21.45prpplaguegs_disconnect: Gadget Serial disconnected
15:21.45prpplaguegs_unbind: Gadget Serial v2.0 unbound
15:21.45prpplagueUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000008
15:21.45prpplaguepgd = c02f0000
15:27.46prpplaguei think its busybox
15:28.04prpplagueretesting with a fresh build now
15:28.38prpplaguethe same
15:48.21chouimathi prpplague
15:48.29prpplaguechouimat: greetings
15:48.38prpplaguechouimat: have some good brew over the weekend?
15:49.13chouimatprpplague: more or less ... spent saturday and sunday recovering from thursday/friday and saturday parties ;)
15:49.28prpplaguechouimat: fun fun
15:49.41chouimatprpplague: the joy of being single ;)
15:49.51prpplaguechouimat: hehe yep
15:51.13CosmicPenguinI was drinking rotten grape juice this weekend
15:51.27CosmicPenguinWe had a quarter tin of flying dog on Thursday though
15:51.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
15:52.20prpplagueflying dog is some good stuff
15:52.28chouimatflying dog?
15:52.29CosmicPenguinyou've tried it before?
15:52.33prpplaguei've had few of theirs
15:52.33CosmicPenguinwhich one did you have?
15:52.40CosmicPenguinMy favorite is in-heat wheat
15:53.38chouimatCosmicPenguin: nice name ... sound like a new zeland's wine I had sometimes ago: Cat pee on a grosebery bush
15:53.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats what we drank on Thursday
15:54.16prpplaguethis is what i wrote - definetly a buy again brew. nice aroma with a copper red color, mild flavor with ciric overtones, and a mild finish. this is a little light on the hops, but this is a brew i'd by a six pack of just to drink at leisure.
15:54.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: a little trivia for you - the flying dog brewery was approved for the first whiskey distillery ever in Utah
15:54.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
15:54.41CosmicPenguinIn fact - the first one west of the Mississippi
15:54.48CosmicPenguinThey just started selling this year
15:55.18CosmicPenguinThe first run was sold in little kegs, but that was completely sold out years ago
15:55.24CosmicPenguinI'm waiting for the next run
15:55.33prpplaguethats cool
15:56.12prpplaguechouimat: interesting
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15:57.16chouimatprpplague: my brother and I bought the wine because we liked the name ;) and it's a good white wine to drink in the afternoon around the pool ... with some apertizers
15:57.59prpplaguechouimat: or get some french canadian women drunk?
15:58.11chouimatprpplague: s/french//
15:58.21CosmicPenguinlike shooting fish in a barrel
15:59.00chouimatprpplague: I'm not picky ... just need to fit in the following category: tall, slim, intelligent and hot
15:59.32CosmicPenguinAnd failing that, short, fat, stupid and ugly probably works in a pinch
15:59.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: "i've got chocolate......" hehe
16:00.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that works well too
16:00.17chouimatCosmicPenguin: nah I that point I'm so drunk that even a bottle of viagra can't get it working ;)
16:05.58prpplagueyea, there is a ep93xx channel for people working on those
16:06.13prpplaguechouimat: you need to get a pixter instead, hehe
16:06.24prpplaguechouimat: we need someone to do some good gui work
16:06.31chouimatprpplague: url?
16:06.45CosmicPenguinI love how much publicity Damn Small Linux gets  - its all BS
16:07.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, it does seem strange
16:07.11CosmicPenguinWe've been doing that for years
16:07.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea thats what i was about to say
16:07.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hell abcsinc had almost all of the dsl stuff in 16mb
16:07.45CosmicPenguinIts funny how far ahead of the curve we are sometimes
16:07.59chouimatprpplague: how much for that nice little baby?
16:08.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, well, being that far ahead usually puts you too far out from people who will pay you
16:08.14jbevrenchouimat: depends on where you get it
16:08.18jbevrenprices range from 30 to 80 bucks
16:08.21prpplaguechouimat: ebay around $25USD
16:08.33jbevrenI figured out jtag on it
16:09.24chouimat/me goes read the specs
16:10.30jbevrenarr matie!
16:11.07prpplagueyo ho ho and a bottle of rum
16:11.56chouimatprpplague: how much ram?
16:12.11prpplaguea little small
16:12.14prpplaguebut usuable
16:17.31chouimatprpplague: it's a little more than the lpc2138 I had to work with last years ... was fun to write a gui for it :(
16:17.50prpplaguechouimat: oh you did a gui for the lpc2138?
16:17.52prpplaguechouimat: cool
16:18.25CosmicPenguinwow - linus has a boat loat of new crap in his kernel
16:18.35CosmicPenguinthis is going to be a very long cycle
16:19.00chouimatprpplague: PITA ... because I also had to drive a sj1000 (?) so I had to simulate to lock the "BUS" for each read/write of each device ...
16:19.09chouimatCosmicPenguin: ?
16:19.25CosmicPenguinchouimat: Linus is a guy - he has this new operating system he just invented
16:19.28CosmicPenguinyou may have read about it
16:20.33chouimatCosmicPenguin: :)
16:20.44CosmicPenguinWow - this Buffett thing is huge
16:21.08CosmicPenguinAaron Spelling died
16:21.17CosmicPenguinWow - end of an era of cheesy dramas
16:34.15prpplagueyo ho ho and a bottle of rum
16:34.47chouimatprpplague: powersupply just died
16:35.34chouimatprpplague: thanks
16:39.16prpplaguechouimat: my home pc hd died over the weekend
16:39.43prpplaguechouimat: put it in the frig overnight, was about to boot it next morning, hehe
16:41.19chouimatprpplague: I have a spare 200W :(
16:43.47prpplagueT0mW`gone: ping
16:44.20chouimatprpplague: I think I know the problem ... just need to vaccum the powersupply
16:44.26prpplagueT0mW: hey, what flash chips are on the webal dimm module?
16:44.34prpplagueT0mW: i don't have one handy
16:45.31T0mWprpplague: Fairchild(?) 29F800B-90FTN
16:46.03T0mWprolly Fujitsu, IIRC Fairchild semi is defunct
16:46.13CosmicPenguinbut they wern't when the webpals were made
16:46.34prpplagueT0mW: ahh thanks
16:46.37T0mWCosmicPenguin: yeah, heh, ancient technology
16:47.27prpplagueT0mW: there a datasheet online somewhere?
16:47.38T0mWeh, maaaaybe
16:47.48CosmicPenguinanything is possible
16:48.18prpplaguewas just curious
16:48.24T0mWprpplague: try AMD: AM29F800B
16:48.31CosmicPenguinthose guys suck!
16:48.36prpplagueT0mW: i really need something with some NOR flash thats easy to prototype with
16:48.44T0mWyeah, AMD has lousy chips
16:48.53CosmicPenguinIts because of their crappy engineers
16:49.31T0mWprpplague: all you can get is fine pitch devices, the 0.100" pin devices are obsolete
16:49.49prpplagueT0mW: yea, i know
16:50.11prpplagueT0mW: thats why i was saying i need to find some off the shelf device that i can use to hack/proto NOR flash
16:50.28prpplagueT0mW: for NAND i can use xD and SmartMedia
16:50.30T0mWgood luck
16:50.56T0mWprpplague: hey!  time for you to build that first PCB!
16:52.14prpplagueT0mW: the tsop2 is what i need
16:52.26T0mWROTFLMFAO : "Using Patented layout techniques ..."
16:52.38prpplagueT0mW: plus i'm not sure how well i could solder that fine pitch
16:53.26prpplaguei think they already are, hehe
16:53.52T0mW"an adaptive system of affixing footwear to an individual level of comfort"
16:54.03T0mW"an adaptive system of affixing footwear with an individual level of comfort"
16:54.28prpplaguestill, i wish i could find some off the shelf cartridge or device that has some 3.3v NOR flash
16:54.40T0mWthen I'm gonna sue Nike
16:55.08prpplaguethose are perfect, just very expensive
16:55.13prpplaguearound $17 each
16:56.24prpplagueT0mW: i need a better soldering station and a microscope
16:56.38T0mWtoaster oven
16:56.53prpplagueT0mW: you use a microscope?
16:57.03prpplagueT0mW: you think you could do the tsop2 in the oven?
16:57.04T0mWwhen I look for shorts, or if I'm doing cuts+jumpers, yes
16:57.21T0mWprpplague: I do the LPC2000 chips in the oven
16:57.34prpplagueT0mW: those are qfp?
16:59.57prpplagueT0mW: hehe here is one for ya -
17:00.39T0mW0.5mm pin center
17:01.02T0mW0.22mm lead
17:01.17T0mWprpplague: fine enough for ya?
17:02.04T0mWI get some shorts, I suspect that the laser they use to make the stencils doesn't have fine enough resolution (IIRC it is 2mil res)
17:02.41T0mWa little chem-wick and they clear
17:03.04prpplagueT0mW: cool
17:03.14prpplaguewonder what kind of flash is in that
17:04.34T0mWI just know that I need a jumper, somewhere
17:06.07T0mWI'm good, but not *that* good
17:11.56prpplaguewonder what kind of flash is on that
17:13.55T0mWHoly Toledo, Batman!  I can see sunshine!
17:17.20prpplaguewow looks like we have a winner, the visor 8mb expansion cartridge
17:19.36prpplaguejbevren: looks to be 3.3v NOR flash
17:19.49prpplaguejbevren: with the pins for 23 address lines and 16 data
17:20.06jbevrenurl too long! hehe :)
17:21.33prpplaguelooks like there are som 16mb modules as well
17:24.38prpplaguejbevren: plus the price looks good
17:24.43prpplaguejbevren: think i'll order some
17:36.26jbevrensome of the backup modules?
17:36.35jbevrenI ordered like 5 harddisks lol
17:36.42jbevrenI'd prolly get 12 if there wasnt a limit
17:40.15T0mWheh, nothing like making all your profit in the shipping
17:42.04prpplaguejbevren: yea buslink 16mb flash modules for the handspring visor seem to be what i'm looking for
17:42.10prpplaguejbevren: plus the price is right
17:42.35T0mWplus, they don't have to pay ebay for the > $9.99 fee
17:42.36prpplagueargh my nose is killing me
17:42.48jbevrencool beans
17:43.52prpplaguei can't seem to find any detailed info of the internals
17:44.04prpplaguebut the interface specs indicate a NOR flash
17:44.40chouimatprpplague: changed the powersupply but lost the HDD with my music collection ... 160GB of mp3 :(
17:46.38prpplaguejbevren: for the pixtermm ? 230001978297
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17:47.34jbevrenthats pretty cool
17:50.35chouimatprpplague: it's fun when the hdd is plug the bios can't get the 2 hdd on the bus but when it's not plugged it work
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17:52.24prpplaguejbevren: 9744249437
17:52.30prpplaguejbevren: thats really what i'd like to get
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19:35.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: what is the license on buildroot?
19:37.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its suppose to be GPL, but i don't see anything specifically says that
19:37.47CosmicPenguinheh - its just sort of out there, then? :)
19:39.05CosmicPenguinwell, I've lovingly borrowed the idea for a buildrom script for OLPC
19:40.14CosmicPenguinI do feel some kinship with buildroot from the early days of tuxscreen
19:41.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: andersee just pointed this out -
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19:45.18CosmicPenguinwow - angry sjhill
19:45.33CosmicPenguinI recommend mit or bsd personally
19:45.45CosmicPenguinOE is MIT
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21:37.56CosmicPenguinahh - using rz - just like olden days
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21:59.22jbevrenrz is the bomb
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