irclog2html for #edev on 20060417

00:31.14*** join/#edev JoseJX (
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02:00.40*** join/#edev redblue (
02:15.07*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
04:33.25*** join/#edev silverpower (
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04:49.11*** part/#edev evildevil (
08:19.14*** join/#edev redblue (
12:18.19*** join/#edev evildevil (
12:41.56*** join/#edev leoncamel (n=leoncame@
13:00.46*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
13:00.52*** join/#edev evildevil (
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14:10.56*** join/#edev redblue (
14:52.12*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=Ken@
14:52.12*** mode/#edev [+o GPSFan] by ChanServ
15:04.05sorphinGPSFan: mornin sir
15:04.44prpplaguemorning crack babies
15:07.30sorphinprpplague: ah
15:07.38sorphinit happens
15:08.15prpplaguesorphin: yea, atleast it will give me a week or so to get caught up
15:11.43sunrunner20bug in my TI-89 Titainum's firmware
15:41.23sunrunner20ps, the only diff between those two
15:41.38sunrunner20is the fact on the second one i specifily told the calculator to give me an approximate answer
15:42.01sunrunner20(i have the calculator set to automaticly decide between exact/aprox.)
15:45.38*** join/#edev evildevil (
18:13.10agaffneysorphin: where is the local fedex office? I can't seem to find an address on or via
18:16.19agaffneyactually, I think I found it
18:16.45agaffney13342 Lakefront Dr, Earth City, MO 63045
18:22.09agaffneybah, fedex--
18:22.17agaffneythey won't even let me pick up the packages today
18:22.30agaffneythe best they can do is make sure it's held in earth city after the 3rd delivery attempt
18:22.40agaffneyso I guess I just wait until it's delivered to my work tomorrow
18:51.15*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
19:04.45sorphinagaffney: uhh
19:04.54sorphinsince when?
19:05.01sorphinonce the attempts been made, i just drive up there and pick it up
19:05.04sorphini don't ASK if i can
19:05.04agaffneyI just called and asked
19:05.13sorphindon't ash
19:05.26agaffneyI guess I'll drive up there in a few hours and try
19:05.29sorphingot the tracking #'s?
19:05.30agaffneyit's only a few miles away
19:05.33sorphinjust go up there with them
19:05.45sorphini've never had issue
19:05.48agaffneyyou said before I should wait until after 5?
19:05.52sorphinthey unload the trucks nightly
19:06.03sorphindrivers are usually in by 5
19:06.36sorphincalling 1800gofedex is pointless
19:06.41sorphinthose are just CS reps
19:06.49sorphinthey don't know shite about how the local hubs work
19:06.51agaffneyhmm, I need a serial switch
19:06.58sorphinhence why i can call local UPS dispatch :P
19:07.02agaffneylike one of those parallel port switch boxes
19:07.08agaffneydo those exist?
19:07.57sorphinno idea
19:07.58agaffneyI've got the Netra, the Octane, the C3600, the HP 715/75, and the baystack switches that all have serial console
19:08.10agaffneyand it's different types in most cases
19:08.11sorphinjust get a parallel switch and use 25->9 adapters on it :P
19:08.28sorphinit' dwork
19:08.28agaffneythe netra needs DB25 null modem
19:08.40agaffneythe octane and C3600 are DB9 null modem
19:09.14agaffneythe baystack switches are DB9 male null modem
19:09.20sorphinrj45->db9/25 connectors
19:09.25sorphinwire them up how you need
19:09.28sorphinuse cat5
19:09.33agaffneyI've got enough connectors/cables to hook up one at a time
19:09.39agaffneygood idea
19:09.43agaffneyI've got plenty of cat5
19:09.49sorphinOcti cables
19:10.06sorphinw/ rj45s at the end going into my rj45->db9/25 adapters
19:10.43agaffneyI was thinking about doing something with one of the walnuts using some USB serial dongles
19:10.52agaffneybut that's probably overkill
19:12.36sorphinso both things have had attempts, right?
19:13.04agaffneythey will after this afternoon
19:13.11agaffneythe mounting screws have had 2 attempts
19:13.16agaffneythe first attempt for the rack is today
19:13.52sorphinwell you'll be fine then tonight
19:13.55agaffneysince it didn't arrive in earth city until saturday
19:14.04agaffneystupid fedex
19:14.10agaffneyit sat in FL for an entire day
19:14.13prpplaguejeeze fishhead is pestering me to unban him
19:14.14agaffneyat a fedex location
19:14.35agaffneyprpplague: *cough* /ignore *cough* :P
19:14.42sorphinprpplague: don't do it
19:14.45sorphinyou'll regret it
19:15.01sorphinagaffney: it happens.. it was ground after all
19:15.23sorphinback in the day, (when i got my fedex account), i just had everything 3 day'd
19:15.26agaffneyis ground home delivery cheaper than normal ground?
19:15.27sorphinon my account
19:15.41sorphini dunno about cheaper
19:15.45agaffneybecause a lot of ebay sellers tend to ship using home delivery
19:15.45sorphinit's more of a pain in the ass
19:16.00sorphinyou're "supposed" to if it's a residence
19:16.10sorphinand it falls under the restrictions for home delivery
19:16.12sorphinweight, etc
19:16.46agaffneywe have a residential restriction waiver or something like that for our ups and fedex accounts at work
19:16.52sorphinprpplague: pir8
19:17.03sorphinagaffney: ah
19:17.10agaffneyso that we don't have to ship home delivery or residential
19:17.19agaffneyand they won't charge us extra for not doing so
19:17.40prpplaguesorphin: if it were available here i would watch it on tv
19:17.43prpplaguesorphin: but it aint
19:18.01agaffneyI downloaded and watched the entire first season already
19:18.04sorphinagaffney: right
19:18.05agaffneyand the christmas episode
19:18.17agaffneyI don't like the new Doctor :(
19:18.19sorphinprpplague: tell it to the MPAA
19:20.50prpplaguesorphin: MPAA can't do a thing against me
19:21.14prpplaguesorphin: its owned by the BBC and it's not a member of MPAA
19:31.13prpplague37minutes left on my download
19:41.48agaffneysorphin: it does exist :)
19:45.12agaffneyI think we may have thrown that out :/
19:46.53agaffneyto kill some time
20:12.28jbevrenI just use an old annex server
20:21.36agaffneydid I ever say I hate fedex?
20:21.42jbevrenonce maybe
20:21.57agaffneythe fscking fedex ground offices aren't open on monday
20:22.11agaffneyexpress is, though
20:22.17agaffneybut that doesn't help me get my ground packages
20:26.03jbevrenlazy bums
20:26.34prpplagueyea well try shipping something here
20:26.43jbevrenNo thanks.
20:26.51prpplaguewhen you have reallly lazy custom agents looking through your box
20:27.05prpplagueits all buddy buddy stuff here
20:27.22sorphinagaffe: dude
20:27.28jbevrensorphin: duuuuuuude.
20:27.29sorphinagaffney: dude, you don't get it do you?
20:27.30prpplagueif the customs people don't know you or have relatives that are influential, you box might not even get to you
20:27.52sorphinagaffney: you go to the world HQ office
20:27.58sorphinthe package is THERE right now
20:28.10sorphini've never gone to the ground office
20:37.18agaffneysorphin: where is the world hq office?
20:37.24agaffneyI went to the express office
20:37.29agaffneythat's the first one I saw
20:37.51agaffneythey told me I needed to go to the ground office but that it was closed on mondays's location finder only shows the express office in earth city
20:43.56agaffneyand no, I don't get it :)
20:44.14agaffneyI've never gone to pick up anything at a fedex office and I don't know how the system works :P
20:55.41agaffneyfedex seems to be very secretive about their locations
21:41.09T0mWprpplague: sounds like your customs people are more about seeing what others are up to rather than looking for contraband or something like that.
21:41.59prpplagueT0mW: well everything that comes in has to be visually inspect so as to classify it so that they will know how much VAT and duty to charge
21:48.39jbevrenprpplague: want me to buy a pixter, smakc it with a hammer (not breaking any electronics), and send it? :)
21:49.03prpplaguehehe, hehe no thanks
21:49.15prpplaguei've taken steps this time to make sure they get here
21:49.50jbevren"I've taken steps..."
21:49.54jbevrenare you in the mafia?
21:50.09prpplaguejbevren: hehe
21:50.24prpplaguejbevren: no, but you have to apply a little grease to keep things moving
21:50.53jbevrenping !$
22:29.40*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
22:31.07agaffneyok, wtf
22:31.12agaffneymy rack was delivered to my work today
22:31.19agaffneybut there's nobody there...
22:46.17*** part/#edev evildevil (
23:13.00*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
23:34.22*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
23:48.26joe_bleauHowdy, island man.
23:54.20joe_bleauWell, then, we're glad you're here.
23:58.19*** join/#edev dfarnsworth (n=dfarnswo@

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