irclog2html for #edev on 20060411

00:15.35sorphinagaffney: i had a rack not in a house :P
00:16.03agaffneymy office isn't very large
00:16.04*** join/#edev redblue (
00:16.04sorphinand bah, a rack takes 7'x19"x24" (at most 24" deep)
00:16.26agaffneyEPC has some mini racks (17x23x23)
00:16.29agaffneyfor $50
00:16.36agaffneyor a few used full size for $100
00:16.46agaffneythe mini racks are ugly as hell, though
00:16.53agaffneythey're fscking purple
00:17.03sorphinfinally got sick of it and got a nice chatsworth aluminum rack
00:17.07sorphin< $100
00:18.35agaffneyin a full size rack, how is everything powered? do the racks typically have outlets or something inside?
00:19.27agaffneyright now, the only things I've got that are rackable are 3 24-port baystack switches (I'd only be using 1) and my Netra t1125
00:19.32agaffneywhich would fit in the mini one
00:19.45agaffneybut if I'm gonna get a rack, I may as well get a big one and install some other shelves in it
00:19.52agaffneyto stick some of the other stuff in
00:29.11agaffneysorphin: where'd you get your rack?
00:31.38agaffneysomeplace local?
00:32.03agaffneyyou wouldn't happen to know of any local place that would give me a rack if I haul it away for them, would you? :P
00:32.13agaffneythat's the kind of thing a truck is handy for :)
00:43.10sorphinagaffney: ebay
00:43.27sorphinas for power
00:43.40sorphinyou can get things that go on racks for power
00:43.45sorphini'm not that organized :P
00:43.52sorphinas for giving away
00:43.57sorphinnot anymore anyways
00:44.08agaffneyI'd probably just pick up a used one at EPC
00:44.13agaffneyjust to avoid the hassle of shipping
00:44.20agaffneyEPC is ~5 minutes from my apartment
00:46.35sorphinmine came out cheaper than epc, hehe
00:46.57sorphinmake sure no holes are stripped
00:47.05sorphinand it's an aluminum ;)
00:47.05agaffneywhat do you mean?
00:47.18sorphinuh, if holes in the rack are stripped
00:47.24sorphinyou won't be mounting anything with them :)
00:47.24agaffneyah, the mounting holes
00:47.26agaffneyon the front
00:47.36sorphinfront is a relative term ;)
00:47.46sorphineither side could be the front
00:47.48sorphinon a relay rack
00:50.57sorphinorganized a bit different now though
00:50.59sorphinbut that's the rack
00:51.10sorphinbolted to the basement floor ;)
00:51.24sorphintook 3 diff types of drills to get the one that would do it
00:51.28sorphinbut it's stable
00:53.00agaffneyis that a U1 and a U10?
00:53.13sorphinthe mac mini is on a 2U shelf w/ the dsl modem now
00:53.28sorphinthere's no U1
00:53.37sorphinU5 and SS20
00:53.39agaffneyor SS20?
00:53.45sorphinbut the SS20's are not in the rack now
00:53.55sorphincurrent rack order
00:54.03sorphinCisco 2511
00:54.24sorphinCP604/Juniper Olive
00:54.31sorphinDSL modem - Mac Mini
00:54.40sorphinEmpty 6U
00:54.55agaffneyis that open on the sides?
00:55.06sorphin4xCrystal PC
00:55.10sorphinVA Linux Box
00:55.16sorphin4U p4
00:55.23sorphin3x 2U cases
00:55.27sorphinI2 and Ultra 30
00:55.33sorphinit's a relay rack
00:55.35sorphinnot a 4 post rack
00:57.00sorphinthat's how a relay rack looks
00:57.08sorphintakes less space than a 4 post
00:59.03agaffneyI really have no idea what I'm looking for :P
01:00.07sorphinwe use this sort of rack at work in the CO
01:00.09sorphinand the lab
01:00.31sorphin4 post racks aren't really necessary unless you're racking up really huge crap
01:00.33sorphinand even then
01:00.45sorphinnone of our Sunfires or big suns are in 4 post
01:01.09agaffneyI guess that's what I'm looking for
01:01.39agaffneywell, I plan on racking the Netra (a good 50lbs. or so) and installing shelves on rails to put a few non-rackmounts boxes in there
01:02.45sorphinthat's overkill dude
01:02.51sorphinmy 4U case
01:02.55sorphinis over 50lbs
01:03.04sorphinhell, all 4 crystals are about 50lbs
01:03.10sorphinthe Ultra30 ?
01:03.29sorphini'm just using rack shelves for the non rackable stuff
01:03.51sorphinmost of the shelves can be reinforced if you need a heavy load to use the back screws on the rack too
01:03.57sorphinwhat you're looking at
01:03.59sorphinis a 4 post
01:04.02sorphinway too big
01:04.10sorphinhell, we're a backbone ISP
01:04.15sorphinand we dont' even use those anymore
01:04.30sorphinour big boxes sit on shelves on relay racks
01:04.42sorphinhell, cisco 12000 series fit on them nicely
01:04.46sorphinthose are WELL over 50lbs
01:04.57sorphinthe rack i showed you
01:05.15sorphinand it's probably hold more
01:05.18sorphinbut that's what it's rated at
01:05.58agaffneyso something like that is all I'd really need?
01:06.36sorphinthat's the rack i have
01:06.48sorphinCPI (chatsword Products Inc)
01:06.51sorphinmakes the best racks
01:07.03sorphinthat's the rack to get dude
01:07.14sorphinit's called a relay rack or a telecom rack
01:07.32agaffneyit just doesn't make sense to me how that could support something like the Netra or a shelf
01:07.38agaffneyhow is the back supported?
01:07.40sorphinlook at my rack
01:07.51sorphineverything in there weighs more than a netra
01:07.55sorphinTHAT rack
01:07.58sorphinis the rack i have
01:08.16agaffneywell then :P
01:08.16sorphinyou either bolt to the floor, or use what's called a ladder
01:08.28agaffneywell, I can't bolt it to the floor
01:08.30sorphinand let me finish
01:08.35sorphinthe weight
01:08.41sorphinwill hold the rack down :P
01:08.43sorphini had my rakc
01:08.46sorphinsitting on CARPET
01:08.49sorphinat the condo
01:08.52sorphinin the basement
01:08.58sorphinthe sheer weight
01:09.00sorphinholds it down
01:09.08sorphinas long as you don't go too deep
01:09.15sorphinthe rack will hold itself down
01:09.36sorphinmine never tipped
01:09.41sorphinand wasn't bolted
01:09.50sorphinhow deep is the netra?
01:10.15sorphinhell, i'd help you set the rack up :P
01:12.12agaffney19.5" deep
01:12.53agaffneyweight looks like right around 50lbs.
01:12.56sorphinyou'd be fine
01:13.08sorphinyou just won't put it at the top of the rack ;)
01:13.24sorphinheavy deep stuff goes lower
01:13.28sorphinbalance the rack
01:13.40sorphinlook at the shelf at the bottom
01:13.45sorphinwhere my I2 and U30 are
01:13.53sorphinthose right there would hold the rack
01:14.04agaffneymy Octane looks to be ~75lbs.
01:14.07sorphini'm just trying to help you out
01:14.13sorphinbut ultimately
01:14.13agaffneyand I appreciate it
01:14.14sorphinit's your call
01:17.04agaffneyI'm already asking about shipping cost for a few auctions
01:17.10agaffneythanks for the help
01:17.29agaffneya rack like this wouldn't be anywhere near as much of an eyesore as a cabinet :P
01:17.57agaffneyand I could shove it back in the corner between my 2 "desks"
01:18.47sorphinmine's to the left of my desk
01:18.58sorphinand unlike that 4 poster
01:19.06sorphinyou only need as deep as your deepest machine
01:19.21agaffneyI've got a 2'x3' "hole" in the corner of this room
01:19.25agaffneynext to the window
01:19.31agaffneyit would work well there
01:24.24*** join/#edev silverpo1er (
01:35.41sorphini forget how much my shipping was... they ship it broken down, just a couple wrenches to pop it back together
01:36.30agaffneyyeah, I doubt it'll be that much
01:38.20sorphintaht chatsworth rack is a good rack though
01:38.31sorphinwish i'd gotten it the 1st time instead of hte 2nd
01:38.45sorphinthat 1st rack was a $75 piece of steel crap that the holes stripped
01:38.51sorphinWITH the screw it CAME with!
01:39.18sorphinprolly not, but screws are cheap
01:39.46sorphini think these racks use 12-24
01:39.52sorphini'll double check though
01:39.59sorphini got a bag of screws from work
01:41.10agaffneydoesn't hurt to ask :)
01:43.19sorphineither 10-24 or 12-24
01:43.33agaffneythat means nothing to me :P
01:43.47sorphinthat means a #10 screw or a #12 screw
01:43.51agaffneyI assume that's a width/length
01:43.57sorphinthe 24 is the spacing of the threads
01:44.02sorphinfine thread
01:44.55sorphinthey're 12-24
01:45.42sorphinprolly could find some at braneke(sp)
01:45.55sorphini still got a bunch left though
01:46.02sorphinmight share some if you're not greedy
01:46.06agaffneyyeah, that's cheap
01:46.10agaffney100 for $2.89 :)
01:46.35sorphinthose are a bit long though
01:46.44sorphinand not rack screws :P
01:46.58agaffneyyou're such a downer :P
01:47.21agaffneyin the good way :)
01:47.23sorphinthough i offered to share
01:48.24sorphinmy shelves came from ebay too
01:48.57sorphinthat's a rack screw
01:49.16sorphinthough those have plastic 'washers' to protect from overtightening on the rack
01:50.34sorphinebay item: 9707694363
01:51.19agaffneyah, perfect
01:51.45agaffneyI'll grab it once I get a rack :)
01:52.09sorphinif you want i'll help you get set up
01:52.17agaffneyI may take you up on that
02:37.15*** join/#edev purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:37.15*** topic/#edev is discussion for small embedded device development and hacking || || || || LNode80 arm7 developments kit available at the end of Jan
02:54.17agaffneyhmm, $95 w/ shipping
02:54.20agaffneyfor the rack
02:54.24agaffneyseems like a bit much
03:52.25sorphinhow's that much?
03:52.36sorphintry pricing a NEW rack :P
03:52.52sorphinok so you were gonna pay EPC for a junker
03:53.00sorphinbut you bitch about $95 shipped for a good rack
03:55.02silverpoweragaffney: Better to cough up the money now for a good rack than buying a junker or just piling up equipment at random.
04:03.15agaffneybought :P
04:03.22agaffneyrack and screws
04:03.32silverpoweragaffney: enjoy it.
04:03.38silverpowerg'night. :)
04:03.49agaffneysorphin: thanks for helping to pick it out ;)
04:26.04sorphinagaffney: right
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12:59.26sorphinGPSFan: mornin sir
12:59.31sorphin~fishslap prpplague
12:59.33purlACTION slaps prpplague up side the head with a wet fish.
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13:09.13GPSFansorphin: g'day, keep those fish under control, please. ;>)
13:09.30sorphinGPSFan: you're safe
13:09.38sorphinGPSFan: they only seem to like dave
13:10.22sorphinGPSFan: how's things?
13:11.32GPSFansorphin: looks like rain today, need a few more days of dry weather. computer stuff is mostly on hold for a while.
13:13.32sorphinyeah, gotta get the farm going for the spring/summer
13:15.14GPSFanyeah, this is our busiest time of year, lambs due in another week or 2, irrigation work, brush from pruneing needs to be cleared, etc.
13:20.07prpplaguegot a winmodem working
13:23.09prpplagueconfiguring a dial in ppp connection
13:46.00GPSFanprpplague: I thought you & anything "Win" were divorced.
13:47.53prpplagueGPSFan: normally yes, i had a stack of winmodems, and i need one to use as a dial up ppp
13:49.35GPSFanso now that you have them integrated with linux, we should call them "linmodems" or maybe "plaguemodems" ;>)
13:52.19prpplagueGPSFan: yea, i think they already call them linmodems
14:10.23*** join/#edev T0mW (
14:10.48prpplagueT0mW: hey
14:11.13prpplagueT0mW: what the heck was that all about on the zipit yahoo mailing list with the post on hackaday?
14:11.35T0mWI dunno?
14:12.01T0mWprpplague: what are you referring to?
14:12.29T0mWprpplague: you mean "Hi Dave!" ?
14:12.31prpplagueT0mW: two or three guys started arguing over something about the hackaday post
14:12.53prpplagueT0mW: the moderator had to step and in asked them to stop posting
14:13.28T0mWoh, that must have been on the other zipit list, I subscribe to the zipit-wireless
14:14.12T0mWis there more activity on the zipit list?
14:14.54prpplagueT0mW: there is a some
14:15.06prpplagueT0mW: didn't know aobut the wireless group
14:16.23prpplagueT0mW: zipitwirless or zipit-wireless?
14:16.32T0mWwell, I'm commited to useing SD cards.  I just got in another 14 mini-SD sockets.
14:17.15prpplagueT0mW: yea thats the one i'm talking about
14:18.10T0mWI don't think that I'm getting all the messages from Yahoo.  Sometimes when I post, I don't get a copy, then later I'll go up to their HTML site and there my post is.
14:18.56T0mWmaybe they only retry the SMTP transfer once or twice, and then drop the message?
14:19.42T0mWit is weird sometimes to find someone answering a thread that I've never seen the first couple of messages.
14:19.57prpplagueT0mW: anyway, i still haven't figured what the argument was about
14:20.16jbevrenexistx: remind me what your sharp latptop' smodel is
14:20.19jbevrengrr wrong window
14:22.13T0mWyeah, that is another message I missed.  Someone was emailing me directly about zipit stuff.  Since his message content was so germane to discussions held on the list, I asked him to post there.
14:22.56T0mWhe said he was getting the message feed (posting sent to him as a subscriber) but Yahoo refused to allow him to post.
14:23.53T0mWprpplague: well, anyway, those LPC2138 processors must be making Philips very happy.  They are backordered until sometime in June.  No stock anywheres
14:24.08prpplagueT0mW: yea
14:24.53T0mWprpplague: seems demand has been higher than anticipated.  Heh, I just finished another board layout using that processor and have been begging the Sales Reps for two of them.
14:25.01T0mWjust to prototype with
14:27.28prpplagueT0mW: sparkfun is out?
14:27.51T0mWthey don't sell chips
14:28.12prpplagueyou sure?
14:28.16T0mWDigikey is out, arrow has no stock, mouser has no stock.  Worldwide there is no stock.
14:28.17prpplaguei could sworn they sold them
14:29.08T0mWpeople in Asia and Europe have asked on the LPC2000 mailing list for inventory elsewhere.
14:31.20T0mWprpplague: I have one extra processor here, plus one I could maybe take off the version A prototype.
14:31.49T0mWhow do you remove a QFP and not destroy it? heh
14:32.19prpplagueT0mW: thats kinda like saying you'll get married to woman and things _won't_ change
14:33.02T0mWI've done it before, it takes rosin + solderwick to suck the pins "dry", then under a microscope, use an Xacto knife to break the pins free of the pads.  Hard not to bend them though.
14:33.13T0mWprpplague: hee hee
14:33.20prpplagueT0mW: hmm sparkfun does sell the lpc2138 but its out of stock -
14:33.32T0mWprpplague: life does get different when there is a woman around 24/7
14:44.29prpplaguefun fun fun
14:44.49prpplagueT0mW: boss is pushing really hard on this particular project
14:45.06prpplagueT0mW: kinda worried we are going way too fast
14:45.22prpplagueT0mW: mistakes are made when going this fast
14:49.59T0mWI need a tiny connector for the JTAG stuff.  This 0.1" (2.54mm) header is too huge!
14:50.48prpplagueT0mW: got just the thing
14:51.52T0mWI added a 32KHz crystal to the board as an afterthought and the JTAG is crowding that crystal.
14:52.29prpplagueT0mW: crap can't find the url
14:52.31prpplaguegive me a sec
14:53.02T0mW<sigh> either way, I have to move a section of traces + parts, pull them out of the way to get more room over in that area of the pcb.
14:53.33T0mWI do love to do board layout, it means that I'm creating something new
14:55.59T0mWprpplague: hey, don't sweat the url, IIRC, you gave it to me a while ago, I may have it here.
14:56.06T0mWprpplague: work on your stuff
14:57.33T0mWprpplague: hey, what's funny about this new board is that this is the board I originally proposed to them.  that was before they got peripherial happy and wanted to add tons of I/O to the design. ;)
14:58.02T0mWnow they want a "bargain special", cheap version, that they can OEM.
14:58.50T0mWyeah, that is what I'm thinking, 0.5mm FPC.
14:59.55prpplagueT0mW: there is another with a small connector similiar to whats on the gumtix boards
15:00.27T0mWtrouble is that sometimes you need a search engine just to search your bookmarks.
15:00.52prpplaguehehe yea
15:02.51T0mWI knew I bookmark the prior one
15:05.10prpplagueT0mW: ahh yea thats the one i was looking for
15:05.49T0mW.325" X .210" footprint, only 500 insertion cycles, but good enough for protos
15:11.33T0mWprpplague: another bookmark folder for jtag?  ;)
15:28.06prpplaguecrap, go some unmacthed brackets somewhere
15:28.12prpplaguei hate it when that happens
15:37.51prpplagueho ho freakin ho
15:57.38sorphinholy zipitspam batman
16:20.08*** join/#edev FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.Tcldrop.Com)
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16:53.55T0mWfreenode is screwed up
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16:54.49prpplagueT0mW: re
16:55.08prpplagueT0mW: you got yourself one of those enc28j60 chips yet?
16:55.14T0mWprpplague: that second jtag thing we looked at? $115
16:55.24T0mWprpplague: no need, as yet.
16:56.56prpplagueT0mW: no, its a spi based 10baseT chip
16:58.41prpplaguei was thinking of connecting one to parport
16:58.52prpplaguehehe you know for old laptops without nics
16:59.05prpplaguei've already got the driver working for my arm devices
16:59.09T0mWthat softbaugh JTAG thingy is only $9, guess which one I'm getting?
17:04.43prpplagueduh i dun know
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17:14.42T0mWforget that softbaugh thingy no space savings over 2.54mm header.  :(
17:15.55prpplagueT0mW: i figured as much
17:16.31prpplagueT0mW: you could do some sort of pin cushion
17:17.27T0mWpretty bad when the JTAG connector is larger than the processor
17:23.28jbevrendo it pixter-style
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17:38.58T0mWfinally, freed the crystal area up, now to do it "right"
17:57.51prpplagueT0mW: hehe
18:00.09T0mWok, finished.  Now to "live" with the board for a day or so, just to see that I've not forgotten any electronics.  Or missed wiring a supply line to some chip. :/
18:00.44jbevrenallo existx
18:00.53T0mWyou never find all the electrical problems with the first proto design.
18:01.11jbevrenunless youre T0mW.. er.. god.
18:01.36T0mWnever, never happened to me.  And I know I am not GOD!
18:03.35existxgod 2.0?
18:03.54T0mWyeah, like GF-2.0
18:04.08T0mW& WIFE-0.1
18:14.08prpplagueisn't wife-0.1 some sort of phising app?
18:14.44jbevrenyou sign up for it and your money goes out the window
18:27.58prpplaguewow, i've almost got this gadget driver completely working
19:20.04jbevrenlots of fm tuner ICs with I2C control, but none with actual documentation
19:22.22*** join/#edev evildevil (
19:28.27prpplaguehad this monitor for less that two weeks and i'm already getting wavy lines
19:30.32jbevrenprpplague: move it to a different wall
19:30.35jbevren(just try it)
19:31.13jbevrenmy friend discovered a rather loaded electrical line in one of his walls because his display had the same issue
19:58.31prpplaguejbevren: yea i think the video cable was too close to power cord
20:03.44agaffneyI just had to migrate 5 computers off of a domain *after* it had been disconnected from the network the domain controller was on
20:03.59agaffney*and* preserve the contents of the domain accounts for the new local users
20:04.41agaffneyand *now* they tell me that there was more data on the domain controller that they needed
20:04.49agaffneywhen 5 weeks ago they said I already had all of it
20:05.06agaffneythis isn't the company I work for
20:05.14agaffneybut my boss is a 1/3 owner of it
20:05.19agaffneyand they're downstairs in the same building
20:05.24agaffneyso I get whored out :P
22:26.04*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
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22:27.50prpplagueho ho ho
22:34.07*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
22:35.49prpplaguehey joe_bleau whatcha know?
22:36.10joe_bleauWorking late?
22:36.45prpplaguehehe gerry rigged a dialup ppp connection to the office
22:36.57prpplaguejoe_bleau: still waiting on my adsl at home to be installed
22:37.36joe_bleauThat explains why you were so quick on the trigger.  Just waiting for someone to ask about your connection, huh?  ;-)
22:38.09prpplaguejoe_bleau: using some old winmodems too
22:38.17prpplaguejoe_bleau: fun getting them to work under linux
22:38.30prpplaguejoe_bleau: pretty peppy performance
22:39.55joe_bleauOh, I get it.  I was kinda slow on the 'ppp' reference there...
22:40.04prpplaguehehe, np
22:40.39prpplagueseem to be getting about 33.6 out of them
22:41.38joe_bleauWe've actually had requests from customers to place embedded modems in our hardware,
22:41.52joe_bleauto allow us to do remote/dial-up diagnostics.
22:42.37prpplaguejoe_bleau: would be easy to do
22:42.37prpplaguejoe_bleau: what kind of hardware?
22:42.49joe_bleauFull up custom industrial control stuff.
22:43.10joe_bleauI've pretty much nixed it, though.
22:43.26joe_bleauTough enough getting paid when we deliver a firmware upgrade through the 'net
22:43.37joe_bleauI can't imagine getting paid for fixing a machine if we never showed up.
22:43.47prpplaguehehe yea
22:44.00joe_bleauBesides, 90% of the problems are pneumatic or wiring related, and remote diags don't really help in those cases.
22:44.02prpplaguejoe_bleau: had a similir problem at the company i worked for last
22:44.12joe_bleauGot to have someone on site to get the signature!
22:45.12joe_bleauEver mess around with using sdram as nonvolatile memory (battery backed, self refresh)?
22:47.06jbevrenisnt sram smarter?
22:47.32prpplagueuh yea, sram would be better
22:47.37joe_bleauI've always used sram in the past
22:47.59prpplaguejoe_bleau: sdram just requires way too much to work with, imho
22:48.00joe_bleauBut it's a hassle on modern CPUs
22:48.18prpplaguejoe_bleau: flash is cheap
22:48.20joe_bleauI've seen it done on RAID controllers, but I wonder what the current drain is like.
22:48.25joe_bleauFlash is slow.
22:48.32prpplaguejoe_bleau: nand isn't
22:48.40joe_bleau200 updates/minute?
22:49.13joe_bleauSure, I could NMI off the power fail and maybe backup to flash.
22:49.22prpplaguejoe_bleau: hehe well not that fast
22:49.25joe_bleauThat's my current best idea
22:49.35joe_bleauI2C eeprom likely to be too slow
22:49.51joe_bleaubattery backed sram is really nice, but I don't like the price or density
22:50.00prpplaguejoe_bleau:  yea
22:50.07prpplaguejoe_bleau: you'd need a good host controler
22:50.27prpplaguejoe_bleau: the s3c2410 has really good sleep modes
22:50.47joe_bleauDon't quite see the relevance...
22:50.59joe_bleauRun the CPU off coin cells, too?
22:51.16joe_bleauBut what would that get me?
22:51.20prpplaguewell, maybe, not sure what you are driving todays
22:51.40prpplaguedamm spell completion
22:51.41joe_bleaubig fast nonvolatile memory.
22:52.01joe_bleauIf I could battery back sdram and put it into (auto? self?) refresh mode
22:52.17joe_bleauthen power down, it'd be a nice replacement for static ram
22:52.49joe_bleauThe design I have in mind can support a pretty chunky memory backup battery
22:53.38joe_bleauI'd rather not end up with: flash, sdram, sram, UARTs, and who knows what else all hanging off the data/address bus
22:53.47joe_bleauToo much to go wrong.  Simple is better.
22:55.46joe_bleauMaybe I should find a spare JB or two, strip off all the junk, and measure sdram current drain.
22:56.09joe_bleauI'll bet it sucks compared to what I'm used to with sram.
23:00.39prpplaguejoe_bleau: sorry back
23:00.51prpplaguejoe_bleau: had to deal with my ankle bitter
23:02.01prpplaguejoe_bleau: yea, not real sure, i'm more of a software guy than hardware
23:02.08prpplaguejoe_bleau: and that ain't saying much, hehe
23:02.23joe_bleauOne datasheet mentions 2ma in self refresh mode.  Ouch.
23:06.59prpplaguejoe_bleau: sdram is pretty power hungry compared to sram
23:14.04prpplagueho ho hum
23:21.06joe_bleauI've been keeping an eye open for a free (after rebate) sat radio.
23:21.16joe_bleauSeems like some have decent LCDs, and may be hackable.
23:21.40joe_bleauNot sure what I'd do with one, though...
23:31.49*** join/#edev prpplague (n=dave@
23:34.52*** join/#edev sunrunner (
23:35.08prpplaguesunrunner: hey drugrunner
23:35.14prpplaguesunrunner: whats cookin?

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