irclog2html for #edev on 20060117

00:19.46*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
02:51.26*** join/#edev GPSFan_ (n=Ken@
02:58.40*** join/#edev GPSFan_ (n=Ken@
05:02.45*** join/#edev FireEgl (n=FireEgl@Atlantica.US)
05:34.01*** part/#edev joe_bleau (
05:40.46fishheadman the sd and mmc associations suck ass
05:46.00jbevren_almost as bad as the bluetooth org
11:53.29*** join/#edev Genesis (
13:00.53*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
13:03.31*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
13:17.14prpplaguemorning all
13:18.32*** join/#edev Genesis (
13:19.28sunrunner20aparently i've got two people at nuheriozons
13:19.37sunrunner20gf's mom and one of my dad's freinds
13:21.21prpplaguesunrunner20: ahh
13:21.56sunrunner20connections= the ownage :p
13:23.56sunrunner201 connection at ammonrizos(rep) 1 directly at xilinx 1 at nu...
13:26.12sunrunner20i'm learning atm
13:26.22sunrunner20and dad's damn good
13:28.10prpplaguetoo many irons in the fire
13:55.10*** join/#edev ShortWave (n=shortwav@
13:55.10*** mode/#edev [+o ShortWave] by ChanServ
14:13.50prpplagueShortWave: hey shorty
14:54.17prpplaguejbevren_: morning
19:09.21fishheadprpplague,  quick question
19:09.28fishheadsd cards can be used in MMC mode correct ?
19:12.11fishheadif so, what do we lose besides some lame DRM crap
19:12.45prpplaguefishhead: there are actually several different modes
19:12.49prpplaguefishhead: 4 bit sd
19:13.01fishheadI mean what we can do with open source driver without getting threatened
19:13.09prpplaguefishhead: which is of course 4 bit protocol that also supports the security commands
19:13.18prpplaguefishhead: the 1 bit sd
19:13.33prpplaguefishhead: wish is 1 bit protocol and also supports the security protocol
19:13.42prpplaguefishhead: 1bit mmc
19:13.55prpplaguefishhead: which is identical to the 1 bit sd just no secuirity
19:14.00prpplaguefishhead: and SPI
19:14.22prpplaguefishhead: which is basically identical to the 1bit mmc , as it is a 1 bit interface, just using the SPI protocol
19:14.38prpplaguefishhead: so, a good sd card can be used with any of those protocols
19:15.46fishheadevery time I get into a good conversation my body decides it's time to go the bathroom
19:23.11*** join/#edev ZeZu (i=ZeZu@
19:58.44jbevren_Heaven has a stripper factory and a beer volcano.
20:01.34prpplaguejbevren_: hehe
20:01.58jbevren_(C) pastafarianism
20:02.48prpplaguealthough drinking beer spit out of a volcano doesn't sound appetizing
20:03.13prpplaguejbevren_: i would think something more like a natural spring well pouring bubbling beer
20:05.37jbevren_ale-tesian well?
20:08.23prpplaguejbevren_: hehe yea
20:33.41*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=Ken@
20:39.15FireEglI finished my ZipIt mods.. =)  (added a serial port and a SD/MMC slot)  Took me 3 days.. I think I did good though for my first soldering project ever. =)
20:42.02prpplagueFireEgl: wow first soldering project and you were able to do the zipit hack
20:42.05prpplagueFireEgl: congrads
20:42.33FireEgland I did it with a cheap $9 soldering iron from Radio Shack too. =)
20:42.43prpplagueFireEgl: those are my favorite
20:42.50prpplagueFireEgl: i get those and then file the tips
20:43.00prpplagueFireEgl: so that they are extremely pointed
20:43.11FireEglyah..  I had to file the tip on mine..cuz the tip was melting off!
20:43.47prpplagueFireEgl: what wattage?
20:48.48prpplagueHOLY COW
20:48.54prpplagueFireEgl: d00d way too hot
20:49.09prpplagueFireEgl: i'm surprised you didn't burn your zipit up
20:50.35FireEglShould my next iron be a 15 watt?
20:50.37prpplagueFireEgl: this is the one you need to be using for work like on the zipit -
20:50.42prpplagueFireEgl: yea
20:51.57FireEglOkee.. =)  I actually thought about getting that one.. But the 30 watt was the only one that came as a 5-piece I got it instead. =)
20:52.54prpplagueyea the 15 is much better for the small stuff
20:53.06prpplaguei only use a 30 on stuff like stero equipment
20:54.20prpplagueFireEgl: if you can find it, there is a weller 12 watt soldering iron thats even better
20:54.33prpplagueFireEgl: some hardware stores like doitbest and ace carry them
20:54.50FireEglOkee =)
20:55.36beeblehmm, 99$ for a zipit?
20:56.24FireEglbeeble: Yah.. =D  And they're going for like $60 (which includes shipping) on eBay.
20:57.22beeblehmm, so ebay could be a chance to get one here in europe
20:58.21FireEglmaybe so.. =)  hrm..  There's none listed on eBay right now don't bother looking right now.. Try some other time..
20:59.00beeblehehe "found" one
20:59.01beebleX- ZIBIT - RESTLESS
21:00.11FireEglOh there is one..   Ships to US only though.
21:00.54beeble2 days left and already 34$
21:01.15beeblei will keep an eye open
21:12.41*** part/#edev ShortWave (n=shortwav@
21:49.20jbevren_heh. lilo's english is suffering
23:25.24Genesisbonne nuit
23:28.38catastr0pAre ZipIts on sale somewhere or on clearance?
23:28.53catastr0p(brick and mortar)

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