irclog2html for #edev on 20051219

00:47.20*** join/#edev m_szyslak (
02:03.51Genesisbonne nuit tlm
02:24.01*** join/#edev fishhead (i=gerber@unaffiliated/fishhead)
02:25.50fishhead <--- jumpers, switch settings, indentifying etc for older legacy motherboards, isa cards etc, just click on the hardware 99 link
03:39.35fishhead <--- does this look like a sex toy or what?
03:44.13fishheadstaples netgear 4 port 10/100/1000 switch $25 after rebate
06:38.21*** part/#edev joe_bleau (
14:01.27*** join/#edev Genesis (
14:04.08*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=Ken@
14:23.56*** join/#edev ShortWave (n=shortwav@
14:23.56*** mode/#edev [+o ShortWave] by ChanServ
14:40.59jbevrensparkfun has gone arm7-crazy
14:50.15jbevrencheck the ADuC category in development boards
14:50.36jbevrenits only the 7020, but its a nice looking set of options
14:51.29jbevrenI kinda like their miniterminal
14:51.51jbevren62k of flash.. must have a 2k serial loader
14:52.36jbevren(and the relay board)
14:54.16jbevrenthey sell the IC individually too, of course
14:57.55jbevrenthe relay board would make a fun light sequencing project ;-)
14:58.12jbevrenthe uC apparently runs 1-45mhz
14:59.51prpplaguejbevren: yea, as the vr-3 was just 4.77mhz
15:01.27*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
15:06.56jbevrenvref is grounded on the 40pin carrier?
15:07.32jbevrenoh.. misread the label positions
15:08.41jbevrennext thing you know, they'll be selling em with a basic interpreter in flash :)
15:12.41prpplaguejbevren: i can't give you any details, but lets just say you are far from the truth about some new items available in jan
15:19.16jbevrenfrom sparkfun, or for arm cpu's in general
15:19.49jbevren'soon' lol :)
15:20.11jbevrenthe Phantom gaming console was available 'soon' for a number of years :)
15:20.20prpplaguejbevren: scheduled to open up jan 16
15:20.33jbevrenahh.. remind me then
15:20.35jbevrenI'll dig about :)
15:20.36prpplaguejbevren: yea well i designed some of the devices
15:20.50jbevrenprpplague: unlike phantom, who stuck a PC in a fancy box :)
15:29.33jbevrenA friend and I were going to soft-emulate a 6502 cpu in a ubicom sx to replace the custom 6510 cpu in the c64 :)
15:29.59prpplaguejbevren: hehe
15:30.02jbevrenbut as it turns out, 75 mips is just shy of what we need for 1mhz
15:30.17jbevrenwe could do it, but our goal of cycle-exactness wouldnt work out
15:32.11jbevrenI'd also considered doing it via ISA with one of my SBCs
15:32.18jbevren(the dma framebuffer hack)
15:32.52jbevrensince there's just 64k of ram in the thing, I'd map it to the expansion rom space :)
15:36.03jbevrenmeso 999 is the sparctop I want :)
16:26.58prpplague~seen sorphin
16:27.01purlsorphin <n=dans@> was last seen on IRC in channel #edev, 27d 56m 13s ago, saying: 'prpplague: he wandered off to mess w/ the farm critters'.
16:27.30prpplagueGPSFan: hey hey, what are you up to on the zipit?
17:43.20*** join/#edev ShortWave (n=shortwav@
17:43.20*** mode/#edev [+o ShortWave] by ChanServ
18:20.34fishhead <--- jumpers, switch settings, indentifying etc for older legacy motherboards, isa cards etc, just click on the hardware 99 link
18:20.40fishheadprpplague, or someone else
18:20.54fishheadpaste this to the channel since a bunch of morons have me on ignore but I want them to see this anyways
18:21.49prpplaguethat would kinda defeat the purpose of having you on ignore
18:22.07fishheadthe link has NOTHING to do with why I am on ignore
18:22.19fishheadabsolutely 100% NOT fishhead related
18:22.23fishheadjust don't mention it's from me
18:22.27jbevrenif you werent constantly irritating, you wouldnt be occasionally useless.
18:22.33fishheadI don't care this link is too valiable not to be seen
18:22.48prpplaguewhats valuable?
18:22.54fishheadwell look at it :P
18:22.58prpplaguei did
18:23.27fishheadi gotta run grandma to store bbl
18:24.14jbevrenits a freaking PC
18:24.16jbevrenthrow it out
18:24.19jbevrentheyre commodities
18:25.11fishheadI know plenty of hardware hackers that perfer the older stuff for ruggedness and easy to interfacing
18:25.25fishheadI am not talking about fixing up a old pc just to run windows
18:25.45fishheadglad to know people think I am this stupid
18:26.24fishheadit has switch and jumper and identificaltion for legacy pc hardware
18:26.24jbevrenwe dont think youre stupid
18:26.28jbevrenmost of us -believe- you are.
18:26.31jbevrenthinking is passive
18:26.34jbevrenbelieving is active
18:26.41jbevrenI suspect you have a clue or two
18:26.44ShortWaveI have to say that I don't believe fishhead is stupid.
18:27.04ShortWaveI think he just overreacts too much, and seeks validation for the same.
18:27.17fishheadwell I defintely overeact
18:27.20fishheadno argument
18:27.29prpplaguefishhead: and so how is that different than getting it from the manufacturer?
18:27.40fishheadprpp most of this stuff you can't find anymore
18:27.50fishheadespically if you can't identify it
18:27.52jbevrennod.  docs on old isa/pci cards etc
18:28.09fishheadnewer stuff like pci etc yeah I would go right to the source
18:30.11fishheadbut some of the reall old stuff is still very valiable in terms of function espically since bipolar logic could just about survive a nuke holicost :P
18:30.25ShortWaveMaybe this makes more sense:
18:30.30fishheadyou can't
18:30.33fishheadanti linking web site
18:30.35fishheadalready tried
18:30.44ShortWaveI just did.
18:30.52fishheadWHAT THE F***
18:30.55fishheaddude every time I tried that
18:31.02fishheadit would go "you can't use the toolbar"
18:31.10fishheadglad I am wrong actually
18:32.12ShortWaveBehold as I suck it dry
18:32.31fishheadcan I mirror off you ?
18:32.32ShortWaveThat "all" link is harsh
18:32.36ShortWaveGod no
18:32.47fishheadi'll plucker it off them :)
18:33.05ShortWaveI've only got 768K upstream ATM, waiting on cox to upgrade my stuff so I can get 2 MBps
18:34.28fishheadman I love flash and usb so much
18:34.40fishheadI just shared a flash drive over the net and shoot files <---> like nothing
18:35.01fishheadbuying usb flash drives for most of my family and weening them off floppies :P
18:51.09jbevrengood caus efloppies suck
19:00.33fishheadI know
19:00.37fishheadremeber I been a tech 12+ yrs
19:00.45fishheadI know the ass end of the bad hardware world
19:01.18fishheadprpplague, and I were playing around with the idea of a flash floppy emulator
19:01.26fishhead100% compatible with a floppy controller interface
19:01.45fishheadnot for normal pc's or servers but for industral equipement that can't be easily replaced or upgraded software wise
19:02.00fishheadlike those cnc machines you see on tv shows that still have a floppy drive
19:08.09jbevrenwhy not use a flash device with an INT13 wedge
19:08.20jbevrenone that intercepts calls to drive 0 (a:) and uses the flash
19:08.26jbevrenmost industrial software uses bios routines
19:08.39jbevrenthose that dont use an OS that would support the flash anyway
19:09.00fishheadyou mean there is already a way to intercept the floppy calls ?
19:09.04fishheaddoes that work with any os ?
19:09.08jbevrenthats how scsi cards work
19:09.14jbevrento boot anyway
19:09.19jbevrenMost industrial control systems run in DOS
19:09.27jbevrenthose that dont run a version of windows or a *nix
19:09.36jbevrenDOS uses the bios for disk access ;-)
19:09.40fishheadyeah and those can support flash anyways
19:09.50fishheadmost that could run windows or unix can be upgraded
19:09.54fishheadgood point
19:09.54jbevrenand if your bios is recent enough, it too will support usb
19:09.58jbevren(for block devs)
19:10.10fishheadyes I know that
19:10.10fishheadthis was for cases where that's not an option
19:10.11jbevrenI have usb block device support on my dos-based game box btw
19:10.15fishheadanywhere you can it's way easier
19:10.26jbevrenit acts like a network drive iirc
19:10.37fishheadyeah I am building one of those too soon
19:10.38fishheaddos box
19:10.43jbevrenso you can even change drives (volumes) on the fly
19:10.45fishheadtseng et6000 pci 1 meg vid
19:10.54jbevrenbut only X at a time (where X is specified on the driver during boot)
19:11.05fishheadawe32 + 8mb ram
19:11.05fishheadgus pnp clone +8mb ram
19:11.05fishheadgus maxx
19:11.11jbevrenMine is a k6/475 with 64M and an SiS all in one board
19:11.14fishheadyeah but that's still better than flash
19:11.20fishheadI mean floppy
19:11.29jbevren100Mbit eth using the microsoft DOS redirector, so I can access my fileserver
19:11.40jbevrenand the packet driver lets me use dos-native web browsers
19:11.41fishheadwe should bs together more often
19:11.57fishheadI gotta go run my grandma to drug store, be back another time, nice talking to you
19:12.03jbevrenI started out on th e'net using a SLIP packet driver and ncsa telnet under dos heh
19:12.06fishheadbtw if you need any legacy hw for dos stuff let me know
19:12.11fishheadi got a canuckload of it
19:12.12jbevrenI'll remember that
19:12.17fishheadtoo much to ever use
19:12.20jbevrenI dont tend to work with legacy stuff other than my dosbox
19:12.29fishheadrather see someone use it than landfill it
19:12.32fishheadthat's what I mean't it for :P
19:12.44jbevrenthe dosbox has what I need :)
19:13.03jbevrenpci ultrawide scsi on c:, atapi cdrom, 100T ethernet, sb16 audio
19:13.08jbevrenvesa 2.0 bios :)
19:13.26jbevrenI can even load a: from the network to ram (syslinux/pxeboot)
19:13.44fishheadshow off
19:14.05jbevrenthats how I got dos on it hehe
19:14.26jbevrendos/packetdrvr/fdisk/format/ncsa ftp
19:14.27jbevrenthe rest was tcp/ip :)
19:14.49jbevrenshame is, I cant use packet drivers, and the SMB redirector at the same time :(
19:14.53fishheadyeah me too I used to have 624kb mem loaded on a 286-12 with mouse driver and no upper memory capability btw
19:14.58jbevrenI wish there were a packet driver for the MS tcp stack
19:15.13fishheadm$ mouse 9.00 only had a  /u switch it could use hma of dos 5+ if you kept buffers at 20 or lower
19:15.20jbevren286's only have HMA, not UMA (iirc)
19:15.24fishheadI know
19:15.26fishheadI just said that
19:15.43fishheadactually some 286's with the right chipset with shadown ram controller can do UMA
19:15.43jbevrendos just isnt made for modern systems
19:15.49jbevrenits made for 8086's
19:16.00fishheaddamn i gotta remove myself here or grandma will yell
19:16.13jbevrenI'd enjoy a nice single-task OS for modern systems
19:16.17jbevrenor something as responsive as Amiga
19:16.24jbevrengo go
19:16.32jbevrenI'm at work so its not like I'm going anywhere
19:28.08ShortWaveUniform Memory Architecture, ala SGI?
19:28.34jbevrenDOS has several memory types
19:28.41jbevren"memory", being that less than 640k
19:28.58jbevrenHMA, which is the memory area for rom expansion, parts of which are ram on some systems
19:29.07jbevrenUMA, which is between the BIOS and 1M (I think?)
19:29.30jbevrenEMS, which is a block of memory, paged in 64k at a time into the HMA
19:29.44jbevrenXMS, which is linear mapped memory (as seen on 286/386+) for 1M+ ram
19:30.03jbevrenand DPMI ram, which is like XMS but accessed differently
19:30.09jbevrenor rather, permission is acquired differently
19:30.25jbevrenin DPMI, you can go to a 32bit flat memory model and still use DOS, which only runs in real mode
19:30.43jbevrenthe video subsystem in O2s can see all system ram
19:30.48jbevrenwhich is handy,
19:30.55jbevrenset the video system to texture a cylinder
19:30.58ShortWaveIt's kinda sexy that you can have 900+ MB of texture ram.
19:31.01jbevrenpoint the texture to a block of ram :)
19:31.06jbevrenpoint the video capture device at that ram
19:31.19jbevrenvoila, 0-cpu texturing of live video onto a cylinder
19:31.38jbevrenI have an 02 r5k/200 and an o2 r10k/175 with video optoin
19:31.47jbevrenthe 10k/175 is much faster heh
19:31.57jbevrenthey both have 512M ram
19:33.40jbevrenI have yet to utilize the MACE in mine tho
19:33.51jbevrenapparently it makes video conversion very fast, but the GUI utilities dont use it
19:33.54jbevrengrr. :)
19:38.07fishheaduma is area right at 641kb to 1 meg
19:38.18fishheadfirst segment a000-affff is 64kb for dos video buffer
19:38.43fishheadb000-bfff is 64kb 2nd dos video buffer and if you mono text you only use the 2nd 32kb half
19:38.59fishheadwhich means you can backfill 640kb with 96kb more ram to have a base of 7xxkb
19:39.16fishheadc000-cffff dooo-dfff are used for misc roms like video, hd
19:39.26fishheadf000-f000 is bios and so is e000-efff on modern systems
19:39.51fishheadthe cpu actually goes to the end of fffff and jumps backwards so that the bios could expand more than 64kb
19:40.15fishheadback when I had my 286 I learned every last detail I could to optimize the system
19:40.21fishheadone yea I asked for dos 5.0 for xmas
19:40.40fishheadI just finished washing the 286 motherboard yesterday for later restore project
19:40.52fishheadgotta head out, I just checked in to finish loading my palm
19:46.12fishheadthat's also why when you did dual monitor setups only one card can boot dos/bios or have "dos compatibility mode" enabled
19:46.20fishhead2 devices can't use the same ram segment
19:46.26fishheadthat a000-bffff
19:50.45jbevrenyeah they can, its called 'bank switching' :)
19:51.00jbevrenthats how the c64 gets 72k of namespace into 64k of address space
21:11.07ShortWavewerd, I haven't thought about bank switching in forever
21:11.13ShortWaveThat's old sk00l style
21:11.20ShortWaveDelta Data terminals did that shit.
21:43.48jbevrenthe neatest expansion I'd seen is on the c64
21:43.53jbevrenI have such a unit..
21:43.59jbevrenit puts 512k of ram in 16 registers
21:44.10jbevrendata is block-transferred using hardware and DMA
21:44.19jbevrenone byte per bus cycle
21:44.57jbevrenprograms aware of the device reserve 8k of space on it to accelerate graphics scrolling, cause its faster to transfer the screen to the expansion ram and transfer back at a different location (one line up for example) than it is to do it in software
21:45.14jbevrenits also a real good way to swap overlays in and out
21:45.36jbevrenmost other expansions use a window like EMS, and PIO data transfers
23:41.16Genesisbonne nuit

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